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AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 1 of 72

TITLE: Yuma County Library- Biography Collection.

DATE RANGE: 1850s-current


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 37 linear feet (75 boxes)

PROVENANCE: Over 3,200 biographical files compiled from various sources by staff and

volunteers between 1965 and 2012 comprise this collection



CREDIT LINE: (Name of File), Biography Collection, Y-MS 14, Yuma County Library

District, Yuma, Arizona

PROCESSED BY: John Irwin, 2013

SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE: Biography folders are filed alphabetical by the last name of

the individual or family group. Original photographs found in these files are organized within

the AHS-Rio Colorado Subject Photograph Collection. A significant number of individuals also

have oral histories filed alphabetically within the YCLD Oral History Collection.

Maiden family surnames of women are noted in parenthesis when known and are useful in

connecting family groups. Also listed in parenthesis are nicknames, tribal affiliation, and towns

and geographical locations other than the City of Yuma, if the person or family was particularly

identified with a particular location. Artistic and creative occupations are also noted, such as

writer, musician, dancer, photographer and artist.

The scope of the collection is regional. In addition to Yuma County, the biographical files cover

what is now La Paz County; western Maricopa County; eastern Imperial County, California,

especially the Fort Yuma Quechan Reservation and Winterhaven located across the Colorado

River from Yuma; Bard and the Picacho Mining District in California northwest of Yuma.

The Biography Collection consists of a wide range of materials. Individual files may contain

genealogy and family history information, reminiscences, interviews, resumes, obituaries,

eulogies, funeral cards, newspaper and magazine articles, research notes, and occasionally

original or photocopied correspondence, legal documents such as birth and death certificates, real

estate deeds, wills, and family memorabilia. Many files contain only a single item, while some

files are voluminous, especially those of pioneers and Yuma families of the nineteenth and early

twentieth centuries.

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Between 1993 and 2012 volunteers assembled and organized newspaper articles in the Yuma

Daily Sun that featured individuals from all backgrounds. These contemporary biographical

materials are included in this collection.

Although the Biography Collection contains many obituaries, the files are not comprehensive nor

do they contain all obituaries that may have been published in Yuma County newspapers.

This is an active collection intended for adding new materials.


Box Title

Surname Index, Arizona Sentinel newspaper, 1872-1899

1 Yuma Area Pioneers – Lists and Brief Biographies

Abarca, John Romero

Abbott, J. S.

Abril, Louis M. (“Gordo”)

Acheson, Rev Raymond C. and Mildred (Howell)

Acker, Zaida (Tacna, Ariz.)

Adams, Clifton

Adams, Henry P.

Adams, Tom

Adams, Vonnie

Adair, Norman and Ruby (Livingston)

Adams, Samuel (“Steamboat”)

Aepli, David C.

Aguirre, Amanda

Aguirre, Mary

Aigla, Pluma

Ajsenberg, Abraham

Akers, Walter

Alarcon, Hernando

Aldrich, Harold

Alexander, Bill

Alexander Family

Alexander, Henry Nash

Alexander, Louis W.

Alexander, Marion T.

Alford, Burt

Allec, Marie

Allec, Mary C.

Allen, Dan

Allen, Esther

Allen, Carol Hales

Allen, Dora

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Allen, H. B. (“Pie”)

Allen, Mary E.

Allen, Ray (woodcraftsman artist)

Allen, Sallie Fox (includes photocopy 1859 Gila Trail reminiscence)

Allman, Perry

Allt, Mary E.

Allt, R. John Francis

Allt, Tom

Almas, Bob

Alspach, Tom and Nita

Alvarado, Carmen

Alvarado Family

Alvarez, Abraham

Alvarez, Gill

Alvarez, Paul and Matt

Alvarez, Ramon G.

2 Amabisca Family

Amado, Manuel H.

Amavisca Family

Ammons, Carl R.

Ammons, Lena (Holling)

Ammons, Mary (Alexander)

Ammons, Millard and Olive (Alexander)

Amon, Drs Brock and Jean

Amparo, Naomi

Anderson, Bill

Anderson, Brad (cartoon artist)

Anderson, Charles V.

Anderson, Cindy

Anderson, Elizabeth

Anderson, Jane (Foster) (WWII Nazi Berlin broadcaster)

Anderson, Robert A. (“Bob”) (“Red”)

Anderson, Ed

Anderson, Eunice L.

Anderson, Gay

Anderson, W. J. Sr.

Andress, Walter and Jacqueline (Ridenour)

Andrews, Neil B.

Angel, Jose

Angelico, Salvatore (“Sam”) J.

Angelo Family

Ankrim (Auksienne), William J.

Anisello Family

Antone, Barbara

ApJohn, Dr. Henri

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Appleby, Roger (“Buck”)

Araza, Bob

Arce, David (dancer)

Arce, Jennifer

Archibald, Conception (Wong Bueno) (San Luis, Ariz.)

Armbruster, Jim

Armenta, Elizabeth

Armenta, Iona Catherina

Armenta, Jesus

Armenta, Mariana Norton

Armento, Pio

Armistead, Lewis

Armstrong, George

Armstrong, William W. (“Bill”)

Arnabar, Dr. Candido P. A.

Arnold, Dr. John

Arnold, George N.

Arnold, Virginia

Arretche, Joanie

Arriola, David

Arrow-weed, Preston (Quechan)

Arroyo, Calixio

Artist, Raymond E.

Arviso, Francisco Sanchez and Antonia (Chavez ) Family (Picachao,


Atmar, Joseph W. Jr.

Aubrey, Francois Xavier

Autrey, Ann

Aversch, John (“Go John”)

Avila Family

Avila, Ray

Avila, Tim

Axford, Joseph (“Mack”)

Ayala, Adeline Mercedes (Redondo)

Ayala, Alex

Ayala, Edward

3 Babb, William Dillard Jr. Family

Babcock, Eugene (“Gene”) and Velma (Jacobs) (Somerton, Ariz.)

Babcock, Grant and Sue Ann (Simons) Family

Babiars, Brian

Bachman, Sallyanne

Badilla, Tony

Badillo, Pedro (“Six-Toed Pete”)

Badgley, Betty J.

Badgley, Sara Pat

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Badone, Richard

Baggett, Don

Baggiore, John D.

Bailey, Don

Bailey, Elfie

Bailey, John B. Sr.

Baker, C. H.

Baker, Charles E.

Baker, Claude and Ida Belle (McCain)

Baker, Edward B. and Delores (Ortiz) Family

Baker, Edward L.

Baker, Henry E.

Baker, Hosea and Ruby G. (Sexton)

Baker, Ida Belle (McCain)

Baker, Joseph W.

Baker, Marian Evelyn

Baker, Wimberly

Baldwin, Thane

Baltenbach, Judith

Balsz, Alexander Family

Balsz, David and Luz (Redondo) Family

Balsz, Frederick

Balsz, John Family

Balsz, Joseph M.

Balsz, Josephene

Baltz, William (“Bill”)

Bandy, Tipton and Nancy Elizabeth (German)

Bann, Anita Francis (Wadin)

Bann, Thomas (“Tuck”) and Marilyn

Banta, Albert Franklin (also known as Charles Franklin)

Banueles, Cyrilo

4 Barajas, Javier

Barclay, C. L.

Barker, Loay (McVay)

Barkley Family

Barkley, Les and Floy (Taylor)

Barnes, Will C.

Barnes, Mary (Swadley)

Barney, Mrs. Everista

Barney, James Mitchell

Bartlett, John Russell

Bassett, Elizabeth Ann

Bates, Christine

Batey, Becky

Baxter, Frank

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Beach, Cora B.

Beach, Theo O.

Beach, Thomas

Beale, Edward Fitzgerald

Beard, Jack

Beard, Rebecca Catherine (Reilly)

Beas, Anthony Orejel

Beatty, John C.

Beauvais, Crittenden John Family

Beaver, Marion

Beckett, R. E.

Bedoya, Arthur M..

Beechler (Boechler, Buchler), Ernest

Beecroft, Elizabeth Graves

Beecroft, Joseph

Beeler Family

Beeler, Lois

Beeman, Robbie

Behan, John H.

Bell, Arthur and Dorothy

Bell, Marilyn

Belows, Yara

Benedict, George Jr. and Helen (Arnold)

Benigno, Petra (Somerton, Ariz.)

Bennen, Newt

Bennett, Donald

Bennett, Helene (Thomas)

Bennett, Dr. John E. (“Jack”)

Benson, Ophie

Bentley, Jan

Berger, Bill

Bernal, Ray

Bernardo, Sam

Berry, Myrtle (Lynch)

Berry, William J.

Berryman Family

Bettis, Elijah (Lige)

Betts, Cara Nell

Bickers, Merle

5 Bidwell, Thomas J.

Bienkowski, A. (“Charlie”)

Biggers, Helen

Birmingham, James R. (includes photos)

Birmingham, Marcia (Sullivan)

Bishop, Louis (Cibola, Ariz.)

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Bishop, Marian (Hansbeger)

Bjorum, Ben

Bjornstad, Jim

Black, Donna

Blair, Mrs. W. S.

Blake, Steve R.

Blake, William Phipps

Blaker, Lyle

Blakemore, Bob

Blakely, Roger

Blalack, Viola V.

Blaisdell Family (2 folders)

Blethen, J. O.

Blitz, George

Bocio, Linda

6 Boehringer, C. Louise

Bogart, Betty and Norman

Bojorques, Ambrocio and Juana (Bastita)

Bolt, Peggy

Bond, Clara-Beth

Bond, Marshall (photocopy of diary 1915-1925)

Borchers, Gilbert

Borchers, Irene

Borland, Ken

Borquez, Pedro (Picacho, Calif.)

Bort, Bill

Bosanko, Ivan

7 Bossing, Adam

Boswell, Robert

Bottone, Tony

Botzum, Clara Osborne (Parker, Ariz.)

Bova, Sam

Bower, Earl K.

Bower, Ray

Bowers, Harriet

Bowman, Neva

Bowman, Sara A. (“The Great Western”) (folder 1 of 2)

Bowman, Sara A. (“The Great Western”) (folder 2 of 2)

Boyd, Ed E.

8 Braden, Forrest Clifford (“Frosty”) and Margie

Bradford, Elwood W.

Bradford, Walter and Lizzie

Bradley, Omar

Bradshaw, Fred

Bradshaw, Harry

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Bradshaw, Isaac

Bradshaw, William

Brandenburg, John

Brandt, Ralph and Zona (Cooper)

Branton, Deborah

Bradley, Tom (Los Angeles, Calif. Mayor)

Bratcher, Eben

Braun, Connie

Breech, Harold B.

Beecroft, Doug

Breedlove, Ransom D. and Jack

Brent, William Thomas (Bill) and Milarde (writer)

Brewer, Jim

Brewer, Paul

Bridge, George

Bridges, John L. (“Jack”)

Brinley, Charles

Bristow, Ernest

Bristow, James G.

Bristow, James William and Josephine Louis (Baize)

Bristow, Lewis James

Bristow, Will Anna

Britian, Andy

Britt, George A.

Brochert, Jackie and Mike

Brockway, Harvey W.

Brooks, Bobbie LeRoy

Brooks, Brendon

Brooks, Dennis

Brooks, Dora A.

Brooks, Frank H.

Brooks, Fred

Brooks, Jay and Leah (Bendle)

Brooks, Wahner Emalus

Brophy, Irene (Nunez) (McMorris)

Broussard, Agnon O.

Broussard, Bob

Brown, Bernita Jackson

Brown, Birdie

Brown, Carmen

Brown, Charles O.

Brown, Donald Lloyd

Brown, Eddie

Brown, Edna (Zavala)

Brown, Flora (Antelope Peak grave)

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Brown, Leon

Brullo, Joan

Bryant, Tori

9 Bucholz, Dr. Herman Carl

Buckelew, Emmett

Burch, Henry

Burch, Paul

Burdick, Dr. Philip and Henrietta

Burke, Dennis A.

Burke, Frank Joseph

Burke, Peter Frederick

Burke, Ruth

Burke, William Henry Harrison (“Paddy”)

Burkitt, Burges (“Buck”) (film trick and stunt horse rider)

Burnite, Jim

Burns, Mike (Ho-Mo-Thy-Ah, Mohave)

Burton, Matilda

Buse, Isabel (Corey)

Bush, Nellie T. (Parker, Ariz.)

Bush, Joseph (Parker, Ariz.)

Bustamente, Euesbia

Buster, Jim

Butieres Family

Butler, Bill

Butler, John Adams and Helen

Butler, Mary (Adams)

Byrd, Ersel

Byrne, James F.

Byrne, Peter Francis and Alice (Greenleaf) Family

Byrne, W. E. R. Jr. (“Peck”)

10 Caballlero, Alexander

Cabrillo, Juan Rodriguez

Cachora, Eleanore

Cain, Gladys

Cain, Dr. William C.

Callahan, Helen (McIntire)

Callahan, Patricia Anne (Robinson)

Callahan, Robert Darrell

Callaway, Alla (Selson)

Callaway, Sister Rose Gertrude

Calvert, Doug

Camarena, Moses

Cameron, James

Campbell, Jim

Campbell, Joe

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Campbell, Peter R. (Somerton, Ariz.)

Canales, Luz

Canavy, J. W.

Cancio, Maria F.

Candler, Jonathan (musician)

Cannell Jan (artist)

Cannell, Dr. Robert

Cano, David

Cano, Delia (Marquez)

Cano Family

Cano, Phillip

Canode, William (Ray)

Cansler, Mary Helen (Haynes) (Gadsen)

Cantrell, W. D. (Bill)

Cantrell, Mack

Cantu, Esteban

Caporelli, Dr. Jill

Capron, John

Carabajal, Cruz and Alice

Carbajal, Ignacio

Card, Olive

Cargill, Andrew Hays

Carlon Family

Carlisle, Otto L.

Carlisle, Rhey

Carlson, Brian

11 Carpenter,Brian

Carpenter, John Harry

Carr, George-

Carr, John Sterling

Carr, Rosita (Brady) (Quechan)

Carrera, Ramon (Raymond)

Carroll, Jack and Sibyl

Carruthers, Jim

Carstens, Pete J.

Carter, George (“Dutch”)

Carter, Fanny (Taylor)

Carter, Joshua D.

Carvajal, Sara

Cashman, Nellie

Caruthers, Edward Gurley

Caruthers, Sam

Casares Family

Case, Kitsey

Casias, Silvester

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Cassel, Charles A. (“Dick”)

Cassou, Angie B.

Castello, Nick

Castenada, Jose Miguel

Castillo, Cesar (San Luis)

Castillo, Rosendo

Castro, Jack and Maria

Catching, J. P. (“Bill”) (film stunt man)

Cates, Marge (artist)

Caves, Jimmy (musician)

Cawley, James

Cawley, Mary

Caylors, George F.

Cedillo, Frank and Robert

Cedillo, Amanda (Silva)

Celaya, Hilbert (“Hilbie”)

Cely, William F.

Cernik, Adele

Cervantez, Ramona

12 Chambers, Clara

Chambers, Mary Jane

Chandler, William

Chapman, Jerry

Chapman, Paul Harding and Elva C. (Westfall)

Chappell, James and Anne (Curry)

Chappell, Robert Edward

Chavez, Cesar

Chavez, Cleovaro

Chavez, Edward V. (artist)

Chavez, Joaquin (“Jack”)

Chavez, Joseph L.

Chavez, Juan

Chavez, Maria E.

Chavez, Mary R. (North Gila Valley, Ariz.)

Chavez, Nick

Chavez, Rosa V.

Chavez, Richard

Cheatham, Bill

Cheney, Bernice L.

Cheney, Lillie

Cherry, Edwin

Chessum, Sharon

Childes, Dr. George H.

Childs, Tom (b. 1832)

Childs, Thomas (b 1870)

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Chilleen, Merilyn

Chism, Verne

Choules, Tom

Chouvan, Tom

Chretin Family

Chretin, Joe

Chretin, Juan and Elena Cerrana (Redondo)

13 Clapp, Claude Morris

Clark, E. P.

Clark, Kenneth M.

Clark, Loma I.

Clark, Mae L.

Clark, Mary F.

Clark, S. W.

Clark, Tina

Clark, William

Clarke, Lauren

Claus, Santa (Terry Randolph)

Clayton, Bonnie

Clemens, Maris Stella (musician)

Clevenger, Annali

Click, David E.

Cliff, Daisy

Cline, Clara Bell

Cloud, John Ben

Cloud Family

Cocopah, Joe (Cocopah)

Coffeen, Kelley

Close, Deane (Creamer)

Cloyd, Mabel Lee

Clymer, Francis P. (“Frank”)

Clymer, Dr. H. Vance and Ida

Cobb, Charles

Cody, William (“Buffalo Bill”)

Coffeen, Elaine

Coffeen, LaVena

Coffeen, Phil

Coffeen, William Albert

Coffey, Bertha

Colby, J. Val (Bard, Calif.)

Colman, Henry F. (“Harry”)

Cole, Frank

Cole, Tom

Coleman, Rev. James

Collins, Bryan

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Collum, Arthur B.

Colville, Chris

Colvin, Carlos F. and Nina

14 Conde, Dolores (“Late”) (Agua Caliente, Ariz.)

Connor, Daniel

Connor, Herbert H. Sr.

Connor Family

Connors, George “Buck” (film trick and stunt horse rider Quartzsite,


Conrey, Edward F. and Mary (Burton)

Contreras, Edward

Contreras Family

Contreras, Francisco and Dolores (Lorona)

Contreras, Jesus

Contreras, Pete (musician)

Converse, C. A.

Cook, Linda

Cook, Mary Love

Cook, Lori

Cooper, Charles G.

Cooper, David F.

Cooper, Duahne W.

Cooper, Eunice I.

Cooper, Frank Norman and Pat

Cooper, Harry

Cooper, William D. (“Dan”)

Cooper Family see McDaniel-Cooper Families

Copp, Larry

Copple, Glenn (1 of 2)

Copple, Glenn (2 of 2)

Copple, William P.

Corcoran, Bob (writer)

Cordery, Don

Corea, Simon

Corey, Harold M.

Corey, Josiah Potter and Grace Cooper (Smith)

Corliss, Dr. Philip G.

Cornelius, Erin

Cornelius, Greg

Corona, Lala (Granio)

15 Corpe, Linda

Corrall, Eleanor

Corrigan, Anna (Hodges)

Corrigan, Edward G.

Corson, Dr. Joseph Kirby

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Cortazar, Elitania Monjaraz (Somertonm, Ariz.)

Cortez, Alfredo and Maria (de la Cruz)

Cortez-Castaneda Family

Cortez, Clyde A.

Costello Family

Cotter, Dr.

Courtright, Morris (“Court”)

Coutchie, Martha Alice (Thomas)

Coutchie, Robert Leroy

Couts, Cave Johnson (includes photocopy of his 1849 journal from San

Diego to the Colorado River)

Cowper, Victoria

Cox, Emma Gene

Cox, Joe

Cox, Norwood

Cox, Walter N.

Coz, Elfren G. (“Sonny”)

Coz Family

Crabb, Henry Alexander

Crane, Edward L. Family

Crane, George

Cravens, Leslie Cyrus

Cravens, Lillian

Crouch, Rev. James

16 Crawford, Bob

Crawford, George

Crawford, Mary

Crawford, Rachael

Creasy, Delina

Creswell, Frank W.

Croft, Cecil Jr.

Cromwell, Audrey (Somerton, Ariz.)

Cronin, Cornelius P. (“Con”) and Lillian (Rood)

Crosslin, Marvin T.

Crouse, Opal

Crow, Dwight

Crow, Hiram A.

Crow, Mack B.

Crowder, Kenneth Z.

Crowe, Jes T.

Crupper, Claire

Cruz Family

Cruz, Gregoria (Solarez)

Culling Charles C.

Culp, Curley

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Cuming, Albert

Cuming Family (includes “My Yuma Valley Childhood 1914-1932” by

Ruth Cuming Smith)

Cuming, Richard III

Cunningham, Alice

Cunningham, Charles O.

Cunningham, R. H.

Curl, William W.

“Curley The Crow” (fraudulent Custer Battle survivor)

Currie, Maria (Flohr)

Curry Family

Curtis, Anna L.

Curtis, Glen

Cushing, Clifford Ralph

Cutler, Charles R.

Cypert, John William and Mary Phoebe Adeline (James)

Czajkowski, Henry (“Hank”) and Berniece

17 Dabbs, Willard E.

Dahlena (dancer)

Daily, Jennifer

Dallabetta Family

Dallbetta, Tony

Dallman, Vienna (“Vee”)

Dana, James T.

Danforth, Evan

Daniel, Ernest and Claudia (Sambrano)

Daniel, Martina

Daniel, Tom, b. 1916

Daniel, Tom

Daniels, Catherine Elizabeth

Dannenberg, Natacha

Davenport, Abby (Vinson)

Davenport, Susie (Mayfield)

Davies, Gwen

Davis, Andrew

Davis, Bob

Davis, Charlie

Davis, Elizabeth (Pengilly)

Davis, Georgia Magnolia

Davis, Jody (musician)

Davis, John (Cocopah)

Davis, Martha

Davis, Mary Lou

Davis, Tillman O.

Davis, Tom and Ellen (Lawshe)

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Day, Ted

Dayton, Mrs. Marshall

Dean, Elmer H. Family

Dearing, Arthur H.

Deason, Frank

DeBerry, Ferris

DeBerry, Gaynor

DeBerry, Margaret

DeCorse, Dr. Albert E.

DeCorse, Clarence

DeCorse, Henry

DeCorse, Katherine

DeCorse, Joe

DeCorse, Samuel Family

DeHate, William and Sharon

Dees, Alex

Dees, Leroy

Dees Family

Del Toro, Arturo

Delcid, Richard M.

Delgado, Joaquin Family

Delico, Thomas F.

DeLintt, Alfredo

DeLintt, Lucinda A.

DeLoach, Margaret

DeLuce, Eliza (“Queen of Castle Dome”)

18 Demara, Gregoria (“Gay”)

DeMeyer, Mary

Denison, Beatrice (“Bea”)

Denman, Robert

Dent, George

Denton, Clifford

Denton, Walter J.

DePaquette, Helena (Kelly)

DePuy, William

Derby, George Horatio

Derrrick, Anderson Bradford

Despain, William C.

Dessert, Raymond B. Jr. and Libby Marie (Peach)

DeVane Family

Devine, Jim

Dewhurst, James Vernon and Nancy Charlotte (Hall)

Dewhurst, Geoffrey

Dewey, Gerald V. (Quechan)

Deyo, Jim

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Dial, Louise Clare

Diaz, Melchior

Diaz, Michelle

Dick, Sam and Lela Family

Dick, Sam II

Dick, Sam III and Maxine (McCain)

Dick, Sam IV

Dick, T. A.

Dickes, Rosetta

Dickinson, William H. and Jennie (Ottie)

Dill, Brice T.

Dillman, Darren (writer)

Dillman, Roy Stanley (musician)

Dine, Charlie

Dingess, L. C. (“Ding”) and Estelle (Pancrazi, Redondo)

Dixon, Sam

Doan, John and Anna (Murray) Family

Doan, May (Cargill)

19 Dobbins, Marcus D.

Dobbs, Lou

Dobson, Asil (“Ace”) and Wendy (Tacna, Ariz.)

Dodd, Cathy

Doebbler, William Edward Sr. (“Bill”)

Doherty, Patricia

Doering, Laurie

Doll, Peter

Dominguez, Dionicio

Dominguez, Anita

Dominguez, Francisco

Dorminguez, Norma Nell (Newman)

Donkersey Family

Donkersley, Harold

Donkersley, Raymond B. (“Bud”)

Donohoe, William Lawrence (“Larry”)

Doolittle, Jimmy

Doolittle, Purvis B (“Jack”)

Dorrington, John Webster (and Ishram Reavis Family)

Dorez, Homer

Dorries, Henry Philip

Dorsey, Stephen

Doten, James

Doten, John C.

Doten, John O.

Doten Family

Doten, Hubert Alfred (“Chili”)

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Douglas, George H.

Douglas, Irvin and Maude

20 Dow, John

Dow, W. Sumner

Dowding, Gretchen M.

Downs, Kevin (writer)

Downey Family

Downey, George and Eliza A. (Romo) Family

Downey, Mercedes (Wilson) (“Dona Mercedes”)

Downing, James Arthur

Downing, Myrtle

Drachman, Sam

Drapala, Pam (Carvajal)

Dressing, E. H.

Drugge, Louise

Drysdale, Kent Edward

Drysdale, Ray

Drysdale, Val (McCullough)

Duarte, Josefina

Dudley, Mr.

Duff, John

Duffield, Milton

Duke, George (d. 1909)

Duke, George J. (d. 1968)

Duke, Lucian H.

Dunbar, Clarence C.

Dunbar, Joseph Bowen and Helen (Nallan) Family

Duncan, James

Duncan, Ransom J.

Dunn, Melody (singer)

Dunne, Jack and Jean (Vivian)

Dunne, William J.

Duran, Tony P.

Durham Family

Durham, Motty

Dusenbery, Jess

Dusenbery, Ralph

Dutton, Judith and Dale

Dutton, William T.

Duwe, Trevah

21 Earp, Bailey

Earp, Wyatt

Easterday, Ken

Eastwood, Dolores (Vance)

Esterbrook, David

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Eastlick, John

Eaton, Bob

Eberhardt, Lauren (musician)

Eby, Robert Thomas (“E.T”.)

Echavarri, Antonia

Echols, Lee

Eddings, Patsie

Eddings, Vurg

Eddy, Arthur J.

Edwards, Charles

Edwards, Desda W.

Edwards, George C.

Eger, Bob

Eger, Emil

Eger, Emil C.

Ehrenberg, Herman

Ehrlich, Mary

Eichelberger, Charles

Eichelberger, Edward

Eiden, Albert Henry

Eisenmann, Sally

22 Elg, Mike

Elkins, Daniel Powell

Elkins, Powell

Elias, A. C.

Elias Family

Elias, Joe

Ellington, Perry

Elliott, F. E.

Elliot, Harold Leaumont

Elliott, Marion and Harold (artist)

Elliott, W. H.

Elrod, Kim

Elvoid, Thelma

Emmanuel, Evelyn (artist)

Embry, Steven (musician, artist)

Embry, T.

Emerson, Lee (Quechan)

Emmons, Charles

Emory, William Hemsley

Enderton, William Herbert and Olive May (Wise)

English, Harry

Epley, Erin

Erickson, Harry

Erwin, Susan Lyle

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Escalanti, Doyle

Escalanti, Patricia

Esmeier, Bill

Espinoza, Carlos Neto

Espinosa, Henry

Espinoza, Josefita

Espinoza, Rudy (musician)

Erspamer, Kathryn

Esquivel, Rosalinda

Essig, Bill and Margaret

Estel, Joe

Estevan (1530’s explorer)

Estrella, Herminia

Evans, Don

Evans, J. W.

Evans, Louisa

Evans, Margurite Marie

Evans, Susan

Evaro, Alfonso (“Gene”) (musician)

Evaro Family

Evaro, Henry B. (“Lopez The Bandit”)

( boxer)

Everett, Arthur

Ewing, Anne Margaret

Ewing, Frank L. Family

Ewing, James and Dalpha Family

(Buckelew, Contreras, Costellos, Carrillio, Goodwin Families)

Ewing, John T. and Mattotie (Smith)

Eytinge, Louis (con man)

23 Fain, William B.

Faison, John E.

Farmer, Hugo

Farnam, Martha Osborne

Farrar, Linda (Cannon) (dancer)

Fass, Gloria

Faulk, Odie

Faulkner, C. A.

Faulkner, Dorothy

Faulkner, Grace

Fausett, John

Fawley, Maly

Fay, Ellis M. and Jane Page (Stevens)

Fay, John

Faz, Leopold

Faz, Rose (Dopten)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 21 of 72

Feeney, Sister Yvonne O. P.

Feitz, Leland

Fenzel, George and Dorothy

Ferguson, Clayton James and Hattie Peirce (Arnold0

Ferguson, Frank

Ferguson, Frank Sr. and Emiline F. (Merrifield) Family

Ferguson, George F. (“Tex)

Feriend, Carmen (Setzler)

Ferra, Juan

Ferrara, Jimmy (film actor)

24 Figari, Carlos

Figueroa, Amalia

Figueroa, Delores (Redondo)

Figueroa Family

Figueroa, Paul (Rev. Father) (includes photocopy of his 1917 history

of Yuma manuscript)

Fillman, Robert Thomas

Finfrock, Dennis

Finlay, Andrew Julius

Finn, Julius

Fishbaugh, Alice

Fisher, Don

Fisher, Jesse

Fisher, Mabel Ann

Fischer, Matt

Fisher, Jon

Fisher, Sandy

Fisher, Suella

Fisk, Floyd LeRoy

Fitzgerald, Ely

Fitzgerald, Henry S.

Fitzgerald, Minnie

Fleming, John C. and Winnie Lee

Fletcher, George

Fletcher, Iva

Fletcher, Marie Jewell

Flint, Mark (musician)

Fleming, Nils

Flood, Myrtle

Flood, Stephen H. and Ruth (Cramer) (Bard, Calif.)

Flores, Gina (musician)

Flower, W. T.

25 Foerstner, Harold C.

Foerstner, May Clarke

Fojtik, Paul

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 22 of 72

Folly, Norma

Forrest, Dorothy

Forrest, Nina

Forman, Marcell F.

Forman, Mary

Fornoni, Aldo (“Aldo da Milano,” WW II Italian POW and artist)

Foster, Earl W. (WW I correspondence)

Foster Family

Foster, Ruth

Foster, Theodore (ferryman)

26 Fourr, William

Fowler, Calvin Warren

Fowler, Ina Power

Fowler, Rod (artist)

Fowler, Robert (pioneer aviator)

Fox Family

Francis, Billie

Frank, Abram (“Abe”)

Frank, Lizzie

Franck, Michael L.

Franklin, Bess

Franklin, Dennis

Franklin, John (“Catfish”)

Frassinelli, Saturnina

Frauenfelder, Dr. Dick

Frauenfelder, Henry and Elizabeth (Lott)

Frauenfelder Family see Lott-Frauenfelder Family

Fredley, Fred

Freeman, Earl A. (“The Marrying Justice”)

Freeman, Muriel

Fregia, James Bailey

Fremont, John Charles

French, Margaret

Friends, Nancy

Frith, Jean Ellen (Smith)

Frith, Robert Louis

Fritz, Jewell Adell

Frye, Flora

Fugate, Lacey

Fuqua, James G. (Parker, Ariz.)

Fuquay, Eliza (Molina)

Fuquay, Jim

27 Gaboury, John

Gage, Ron

Gaines, David

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 23 of 72

Gallardo, Magdalina

Gamble, Len

Gamble, Ollie

Gandolfo, Esther

Gandolfo, Frank

Gandolfo, John and Beatrice (Imperial) Family

Garcia, Cesar Anibal

Garcia, Erik R.

Garcia, Lewis

Garcia, Maria

Garcia, Nikolosa

Garcia, Raymond V.

Gardner, Gregory L.

Garfias, Henry

Garner, Robert

Garrett, Maureen

Garrison, George

Garlit, Myra

Gary, Henry

Garvin, Torrey

Garza, Alicia

Gaskin, George G.

Gates, Thomas

Gatley, George

Geis, Margaret

Geis Family

Genung, Charlie and Ida (Smith)

George, Frank

George, Morgene

George, Reuben and Dorothy (Waddell)

George, Robert Houston and Margaret Jane (Miller) Family

Gerard, Laura

28 Gering, Dick

Geyer, Richard S.

Ghiotto, Emilia

Ghiotto, John

Gibson, Griffin V. (“Dan”)

Gibson, Dr. J. F. (Somerton, Ariz.)

Gietzen, Barbara Joyce

Gifford, James A.

Gift, Lucille May

Gill, Joaquin Sr.

Gillaspie, Jim

Gillespie, Samuel S.

Gillett, William F.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 24 of 72

Gilley, Nancy

Gilliland, Beatrice S.

Gilliland, Richard P.

Gillespie, Samuel S.

Gilmer, Billy

Gilpin, Charles S.

Gilpin, Clayton

Giron, Lenore

Giss, Gerry

Giss, Harold C.

Giss, Maurice M.

Gist, Leola and Roger (Winterhaven, Calif.)

Gittins, Rick

Giusti, Thomas P. and Laura (Breech)

Glanton, John (includes 1850 Lincoln-Glanton Massacre)

Glass, Virgil

Gloria, Evelyn (Somerton, Ariz.)

Glover, Olyer B. Jr.

Godfrey, Agnes (Polhamus)

Godfrey, Arthur and Matilda (Daniel)

Godfrey, Isaac P.

Godfrey, Joseph H.

Godfrey, Mary Ramona (Martinez)

29 Goekler, Rob

Gogte, Dr. Sudheer

Goldwater, Barry M.

Goldwater Family

Godley, Gloria

Goldberg, Mel (writer)

Goldsmith, Harry

Gomez, George and Angelina

Gong, Henry

Gonzales, Arthur and Mary (Avila)

Gonzales, Felipe

Gonzales, Julian

Gonzales, Juan

Gonzales, Lionicia

Gonzales, Ramon M.

Gonzales, Teodora

Goodwin Family

Goodwin, Louis V.

Gordon, Dr. Harold

Gordon, Laura Smith

Gordon, James Hazen

Gordon, Ruth

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 25 of 72

Gordon- Roach, Janet

Gonzales, Luz

Gorman, Joseph

Gosper, John J.

Gottsponer, Betsy (Frith)

Gottsponer, Jeane

Gradias, Louie (Gadsden, Ariz.)

Gradillas, Arthur T.

Gragnon, P. C.

Gragnon, Horton and Thomas

Graham, A. E. (“Bud”) (Parker, Ariz.)

Graham, Elmo

Grant, Emeline

Graubart, Catherine Earnest

Gray, Andrew Belcher

Gray, Mrs Byron

Gray, Clarence

Gray, John W. and Flora

Gray, Virgel H.

30 Green, Howard C.

Green, William and Jesusa Family

Greenleaf, Mel and Clara Belle Family

Greenway, Isabella

Greer, Andrew Y. and Family

Greer, Gary and Janice (Farley)

Gregory, Ida (Meadows)

Gregston, Glen

Griffin, Jimmy (musician)

Griffin, Sandy

Griffith, Jayme Autrey (dancer)

Griffith, William A.

Griffith, William M.

Grigg, Ken

Grijalva Family

Grijalva, Juan

Grinnell, Henry M.

Gross, Alex

Grove, Russ

Guenther, Herb

Gutierrez, Bessie

Gutherie, Laura V. (Hughes)

Gutierrez, Antonio C.

Gutierrez, Bessie

Guyman, Earl Samuel and Ethel

Guzman, Paco and Martin

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 26 of 72

Gwynn, Rosemarie (Sanguinetti)

Gwynn, Howard Ross Jr.

Gwynn, Howard III

31 Hackett, Archie Wheeler

Hackett, Maurice J.

Hadnot, Lewis Ellis and Sarah (Wilson)

(Wellton, Ariz.)

Haffey Family

Hageley, George (Quartzite, Ariz.)

Hahnefeld, Pauline

Haile, Homer

Haile-Fritz, Mary Barber (York)

Haile-Venable, Ann

Haines, Jack

Haley, Earnest

Hall, Audry

Hall, Drewie A.

Hall, Earl C.

Hall, Evelyn (musician)

Halloran, John

Halstead, Richard

Ham, Benjamin Cox

Ham, Charlie (Somerton, Ariz.)

Ham Family

Ham, George

Ham, Gwyneth

Ham, John F.

Hamm, Earl C.

Hamblen, Sealy

Hamilton, Rod

Hamilton, Sarah

Hamley, Linda

Hammer, Angela (Hutchinson)

Hammond, Martha

Hamner, B. A. (“Tony”)

Hampton, Peggy

Hancock, J. Leo (Ehrenberg, Ariz.)

Hanlon, Hall

Hanrath, Alton

Hansberger, Delia

Hansberger, Edwin Jr. (organist musician)

Hansberger, Edwin Sr.

Hansberger, Joseph

Hansberger Family

Hansen, Bill

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 27 of 72

Haaraszathy, Bela

Harbon, William (“Bronco Bill”)

Harden, Vincent Don

Harding, Blanche S.

Hardwick, Mr.

Hardisty, Mary Lou (Bower)

Hardt Family

Hardy, Bob (“Captain Almost” TV children’s entertainer)

Hardy, Betty Jean

Hardy, C. B. Sr. Family

Hardy, Frances

Hardy, George A.

Hardy, Maudie

Hardy, Tim

Hardy, William Harrison

Hargis, B. Newton

Hargreaves, Pat

Harp, Earl

Harper, Ivan

Harr, Robert

Harrell, Charles

Harris, Alion

Harris, Billy

Harris, Emma J.

Harris, Lucille Arnold

Harris, Tom

Harris, Virginia

Harrison, Maude M.

32 Hart, Dora

Hart, Emma

Hart, Leslie

Hart, Pearl

Hart, Thomas

Hartley, Ben

Hartley, Family

Hartley, James W. (“Jim”)

Hartman, Frank

Hartshorne, Benjamin Minturn

Hart, Harry James

Hastings, Lanceford W. (Donner Party)

Hatch, Robert S. (“Bob”)

Hatfield, Myrtle

Haugen, Doris and Bud

Haught, William H.

Haughtelin, Dean

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 28 of 72

Haughtelin, Kathryn (Gosh)

Haughtelin, Lucile

Haugo, Dr. Cherly and Mark John

Haviland, John J.

Havins, Mildred

Havlick,, Joseph

Hawkey, Chrisina

Haws, David

Hawthorne, Julian

Hayden, Carl T.

Hayes, A. W.

Hayes, Ed.

Hayes, Ira (Pima WWII Marine hero at Iwo Jima)

Haynes, John (“Jack”) Hunter and Helen (Wheeler) Family

Haynes, Hanna

Headington, Agnes Celia

Headington, Machele

Heber, Larry

Hedlin, June (child film actor)

Heebink, Paul Robert

Hefner Family

Heileman, Bert

33 Heintzelman, Samuel Peter

Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, January-

March, 1851)

Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, April-June,


Heintzelman, Samuel Peter (Transcribed Diary, Fort Yuma, September-


Hellings, W. B.

Helm, Bill L.

Henderson, Randall

Henderson, Siebert H. (“Bud”)

Henderson, Vera

Hendrickson, Jim

Hengl, Virgil

Hensyel, Grace and LeRoy

Hepburn, Harry H. and Anita Lenore (Giron)

Hernandez, Alejandra

Hernandex, Frances (Uribe)

Hernandez, Geraldine

Hernandez, Gilbert (“Choreezo”)

Hernandez, Maria

Hernandez, Petra

Herrera, John Putarko and Mary Thomasa (McMorris) Family

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 29 of 72

Herrera, John Vidal and Dolores (Stanley)

Herrera, Juan

Herrera, Mary Jesse

Herrera, Mary T.

Herrera, Paulo and Macaria (Palomares)

Hess, Harriet

Hess, John

Hewitt, Dr. Henry Stuart

Hey, Connie

Heyl, Ben G.

Hi Jolly (Hadji Ali)

Hibbard, Lester (“Zeak”) and Viola (Wellton, Ariz.)

Hibbard, Mose

Hice, Blake

Hickey, Joseph L.

Hicks, Lewis A.

Hicks, Lois

Hicks, Susan (Keller)

Hicks, William

Hickson, Cary L. and J. C. (photographers)

Hieb, Lee Deakins

Higgins, Bill

Higgins, Joe

Higgins, Katherine

Hightower, Joseph

Hightower, Horace A.

Hightower, Leroy

34 Higuera, Clara (McClish)

Higuera, Delores

Higuera Family

Higuera, James and Rose (Preciado)

Higuera, Joe

Hill, Iris (Robertson)

Hill, Jacquith

Hill, Julia Laverne

Hill, Kathryn

Hill, Marion and Melcena Family

Hill – Olsen, Kim

Hill, Ruth (Quechan)

Hill, Violet (Nichols) (Colorado River ferry reminiscence)

Hill, Wesley

Hillbink, Jim

Hills, Maulk (Quechan)

Hilton, Jennie

Hilton, John W. (artist)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 30 of 72

Hindle, Mary C.

Hinners, Gwendolyn (Luster)

Hinricks, Warren

Hinshaw, D. Z.

Hinton, Francis (Jack)

Hinton, Virginia Lee (Austin)

Hirales, Frank P.

Hirth, Louie

Hitchcock, Gillat and Pearl (Hoffman) Family

Hobart, Frank

Hobart, Lucy

Hobart, Miriam

Hobbs, Edna

Hobbs, Nannie May

Hocker, Rhonda

Hodges, Edna

Hodges, Edward Darling Sr.

Hodges, Francis Marion and Francisca (Ferra) Family

Hodges, Frank M. (d.1926)

Hodges, Frank M. (d.1970)

Hodges Family

Hodges, Frederick B.

Hodges, Isaac Polhamus (“Buster”)

Hodges, James Thompson and Mary (Killeen)

Hodges, Patrick (“P.K”)

Hodges, Robert V.

Hodges, Teresa Ochoa (Ruby)

Hodges, William S. (d.1910)

Hodges, William S. (“Bill”) (d.1991)

Hofer, George

Hoffman, Jean

Hoffmeyer, Fred and Carolyn

Hogan, Alec (“Uncle”)

Holbrook, Gardiner L.

35 Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1900-1939)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1940-1943)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1943-1945)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1946-1949)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1950-1977)

35A Holliday, Betty (Correspondence, 1977-1986)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence from sister Madeline, 1914-1926)

Holliday, Betty (Correspondence from sister Madeline, 1927-1962)

Holliday, Betty (draft of autobiography, c. 1967)

Holliday, Betty (photos, 1928-1975)

Holling, Anna (Durr, Hansberger)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 31 of 72

Holling, Eggert and Ethel Mary (Johnson)

Holmes, Mrs. Frank

Holmes, George

Holmes, Katherine

Holmes, Kenneth

Holmes, Patricia

Holt, Violet

35B Homer, Nellie Scott (Quechan)

Honaker, Nettie

Hong, Kenyon S.

Hood, Butch

Hooker, Henry Clay

Hooker, Jack D.

Hooker, Matthew S.

Hookstra, Glenn

Hooper, George F.

Holmes, George I. and Alta Sue

Hooper, William Burchell

Hoover, Cora (Maupin)

Hopkins, Hallie (Bost)

Hopkins, Mariel

Hoppstetter, John Sr.

Horan, Billie and Gertrude (Picacho, Calif.)

Horn, Bessie

Horn, William

Horner, Christopher

Hossler, David

Hotchkiss, Ada C.

Houg Family

Houlgate, Olga

Hounshell, Jeanne (writer)

Houston, Jennifer

Houts, Sarah E.

Hovatter, Edith

Hovren, Louis and Mabel

Howard, Gila (first white child born in Arizona)

Howard, Jim

Howe, Marc C.

Howell, John R.

Hower, Bertha H.

Howerton, Patsy

Hoyt, Bertha

36 Huber, John

Hubbard, Edward L

Hubby, Homer

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 32 of 72

Huck, Mary (Cocopah)

Huckaby, C. W.

Hudgens, Bill and Ella

Hudson, Helen (“Jiggers”)

Huerta, Estevan C.

Huff, Capri

Huffman, Emma

Huffman, Family

Hughes, Fred (Wellton, Ariz.)

Hughes, Herbert

Hughes, Laura and Bertha Faye

Hughes, Myrna (artist)

Hughes, Olin E.

Hughes, Robert (“Whitey”) (film stuntman)

Hughes, Thomas

Huling, Cecil

Humphers, Henry (murder of Matias Moes)

Humphrey, Fay

Humphries, Juliet L.

Hunt, George W. P.

Hunter, J. C.

Hurling, Mike and Edna (Pollard) Family

Hurtado, Severo

Huson, Willis Oren (“William”)

Hutcheson, Bambi

Hutchins, Paul

Hyde, Novelene (Elliott)

37 Iaeger, (Jaeger, Iager, Yaeger) Lewis John Frederick (“Don Diego”)

Iaeger, Lewis John Frederick Jr.

Imperial, Alberto Family

Imperial, Ramon and Antonia (Zapedo) Family

Inda, Jamie (singer)

Ingalls, Charles B.

Ingalls, Frank S.

Ingalls, Harry

Ingalls, Madora

Ingalls, Rufus

Ingalls, Walter S. (”Cap”)

Ingham, C. W.

Ingham, Donald

Ingraham, Fred L. and Inez

Ingram, John

Irick, Linda

Irr, David Joseph

Irwin, Michael

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 33 of 72

Irwin, Dr. Ralph

Iverson, Jule (tuberculosis patient 1904)

Ives, Eugene

Ivey, Tony and Bertha

38 Jackson, Edmond Jr. (Quechan)

Jackson, Ethlin (Hufford)

Jackson, Henry Tyler

Jacobs, May & Leon

Jaeger, Lewis John Frederick see Iaeger, Lewis John Frederick

Jaeger, Leland (Quechan film actor)

Jahnke, Shirley

Janney, Gerald (“Jerry”)

Jaramillo, Christine V.

Jaramillo, Gene (musician)

Jefferson, James Earl and Pearl

Jefferson, Lewis (Quechan singer

Jefferson, Ray (Quechan)

Jeffreys, Floyd

Jeffreys, Sidney

Jennings, Johnie Henry (woodcarver artist)

Jennings, Sarah

Jennings, Thad

Jennison, Pearl

Jesse, Ron

Jessen, Jon and Caroline

Jessup, Sharon

Jett, Bill (woodcarver artist)

Jezewski, George (Holocaust survivor)

Jim, Jessie (Cocopah)

Jim, Sarah (Quechan)

Jim, Slim (Cocopah)

Joaquin, Jim

Johansen, Johan

Johannsen, Ernest M. and Amelia

Johannsen, Pauline

Johnson, A. W. (“Bill”)

Johnson, Alfred Ernest and Margaret (Ridenour) Family

Johnson, Boma and Mary Alberta (Carpenter)

Johnson, Dave and Arla (Phillips)_

Johnson, C. A. (“Charlie”)

Johnson, Charles Granville (photographer)

Johnson, Ed. A.

Johnson, Eleanor (Dickson)

Johnson, Frank

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 34 of 72

Johnson, Frank Robert and Ruth Alice (Ferguson) Family (Somerton,


Johnson, George Alanzo (2 folders)

Johnson, Harry

Johnson, Harry C. and Jennie (Ketcherside) Family

Johnson, Harvey

Johnson, Howard

Johnson, Ida B. (Brown)

Johnson, Jacquelyn (Olympian athlete)

Johnson, John W.

Johnson, Lincoln (Quechan)

Johnson, Liz (writer)

Johnson, Matilda

Johnson, Neil

Johnson, Nels H.

Johnson, Omar

Johnson, Orrin Clyde

Johnson, Richard

Johnson, Robert Wayne

Johnson, Sophie

Johnson, Sudie

Johnson, Ted, Jeff and Buster

Johnson, William Judson

Johnston, Elizabeth Zilpah

40 Jondahl, Gerald (“Jerry”)

Jones, Arnold (“A. J.”)

Jones, Esther

Jones, Fred

Jones, James

Jones, James Dell

Jones, Janet (musician)

Jones, Jim (musician)

Jones, John Watson and Ylaria (Armenta) Family

Jones, Jonathan Christopher

Jones, Leonard Family

Jones, Reg

Jones, Richard R.

Jones, Robert (jockey)

Jones, Roosevelt

Jones, Russell

Jones, Dr. Wilson and Arcadia (Montano)

Jones, Tyrone

Jongeward, John (“Howard’)

Jongeward, Woody

Jouvenceau, Rev. Father (Antonio or Francisco)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 35 of 72

Jordan, Thomas F. and Ellen C. (Wilder) Family

Jordan Family

Joyner, James Earl

Judd, Winnie Ruth

Jung, Frances

Junken, Ernie

Jutkins, Ray (“Rocket”) (Roll, Ariz.)

41 Kaffer, Mary

Kammann, Leslie (“Todd”)

Kammann, Walt

Kane, Dr. Carl

Keane, Arnold L.

Keck, Augustus F. T. IV

Keddie, Doug

Keegan, Francis

Keeling, Matthew

Keen, Andrew Jackson

Keene, Curtis and Vera Clymer

Kehl, Ernest G and Katherine (Snyder)

Kehl, Susan

Kelley, Arthur Noel

Kelley, Robert

Kelly, Daniel James (“Apache Jack”)

Kelly, Eugene A.

Kelly, Henry C.

Kelly, Nanette (Smith)

Kelly, Patty (Dateland, Ariz.)

Kelly, Samuel L.

Kempton, Ruby

Kennedy, Cora (Taylor) and Rufus

Kenny, Elain

Kent, A. H.

Kent, Jennie

Kenworthy, Larry

Kenyon, Charles H.

Kerekes, William Elmer

Keriozolas, Nick

Kern, Erica (fashion model)

Ketcherside, Dr. Enoch B.

Ketcherside, Dr. Hilary D.

Ketcherside, Dr. Paul

Kieser, Robert

Kilkenny, Thomas Raymond and Elizabeth (Dunn)

Killabrew, Earl

Killbride, John and Guadalupe Family

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 36 of 72

Killman, Laura (Worthinton)

Kimball, Dr. A. P.

Kimmell, Robert H.

Kindle, Ellis

King, Al

King, Cortni (artist)

King, David

King, Fern John

King, Frank and Sam

King, Martha

King, R. C. (“Dick”)

King, William (Chinese)

Kino, Father Eusebio Francisco

Kinser, Dan

Kirk, Bruce

Kirkland, William H.

42 Klein, Millie

Kline, Addie (Ingalls)

Kline, Dr. Nathan Daniel (Wellton, Ariz.)

Knapp, J. Fletcher

Knepper, Herbert G.

Knight, Elizabeth

Knight, Harry S. (cowboy and Buffalo Bill Wild West Show


Knoll, Jack (photographer)

Knott, Joseph L.

Knotts, Dr. Roy R.

Knowlton, Danelle

Knowlton, Robert Valentine “Smokey”

Knox, Gary

Kobusch, Geraldeen Marie (Swanson)

Koen, Lila (Godfrey)

Koon, Jesse S. and Bonnie Thelma (Harris)

Krackenberger, John

(Quartzsite, Ariz.)

Krahl, Mira

Kraufe, Jerry (artist)

Kreager, Henry Antone and Mary (Wolter) Family (Oatman Flats,


Kreger, Roy

Kretzer, Jack

Krishna, Dr. Ram

Krueger, Cora Louise

Krull, Elmer Clarence (“Slim”)

Kryger, Clarence and Janie (George)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 37 of 72

Kryger, Homer L. and Syble

Kryger, William A.

Kubiak, Walter John (Wally)

Kuehn, Fred V. (Quartzsite, Ariz.)

Kurzynski, Stanley

Kunes, Michael (musician)

Kyle, Jimmie M.

Kypros, George

Kyriakides, Annette

43 LaBatt, William Henry and Emma (Jenkins) Family

Lacy, William C.

LaChapelle, Ken (artist)

Ladd, Doug (woodcarver artist)

Lagos, Laura

Lagunas, Annette

Lambert, Henry

Lanahan, Anna Nora (Kinney)

Landrews, David Lee

Lane, Linda

Laney, Richard Pell Hunt and Nina (Daggett) Family

Laney, Victor, Enos

Lange, August B. and Alice (Curren)

Langtry, Lillie

LaPlante, Esperanza (Agua Caliente and Hyder, Ariz.)

Larkin, Judge

Larkins Family

Larrick, Bea and Don

Lash, Richard and Carol

Laurel, Stan (Hollywood actor)

Laurutus, Charles

Law, Stephen (writer)

Lawler, E. G.. (“Eb”)

Lazarras, Frances

Leavitt, Jennie (Hyder, Ariz.)

Lee, Bill (Yuma pseudonym of bigamist Hutton Bellah)

Lee, Jewell Eugene

Lee, Marshall (“Elwood”)

Lee, Robert Ervin (b.1870) and Fannie Cora (Owen)

Lee, Robert Ervin Jr. (b 1905) and Rose (Murphy)

Lee Family

Leib, Dr. Charles

Leidenderker, Anne

Leidenderker, Frank E.

Lemaire, Kerstin

Lemke, L. A. (“Bud”) and Justine

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 38 of 72

Lemme, Angelo

Lenon, Harry W.

Lenon, Robert (includes reminiscence “It Seems Like Only Yesterday:

Mining and Mapping in Arizona’s First Century”)

Leon, Jesus Maria

Leroy, Louis (artist)

Leuci, Josie

Levias – Lopez Family

Levy, Henry

Levy, Isaac Family (includes “Isaac Levy: His Family and Friends by

Ben Levy”)

Levy, Marie (Quechan)

Lew, Man

Lewis, Hobe

Lewis, Jerry R.

Lewis, John Stanley

Lewis, Judy

Lewis, Mamie

Lewis, Mary Ann (Buchanan, Meeden, Pickenbach) (Quechan)

44 Licon, Catlina

Lightfoot, Theresa (Johnson)

Lillard, Paul Thomas (writer-poet) (Tacna, Ariz.)

Lilly, Bill

Limon, Jose

Lincoln, Abel (includes information on Glanton Masscre)

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln Family (“Our Kin Descendants of Joshua Lincoln and

Elizabeth Seekins Lincoln of Taunton, Massachusetts” compiled by

William Simpson Lincoln

Lindeman, C. A.

Linder, Carrie

Linder, William B.

Lindsey, George

Lindsey, Horace

Lines Family

Lipscomb, Paul Julian

Listiak, Loren

Livingston, Alice (Quartzsite, Ariz.)

Livingston, C. A.

Livingston, Gus and Rose (Graham) (Alderson)

Livingston, Richard (“Curley”)

Lizarraga, Alfredo

Lobeck, Phil

Lobeck, Wendy (singer)

Lochaby, Charrison (Somerton, Ariz.)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 39 of 72

Lockwood, Fred C.

Loh, Irene (Choy Leng)

Lohrenz, Jana

Lomeli, Calextro

Long, Cecil

Long, Hayward

Long, Ida

Long, Katherine (Willweber)

Long, Joe

Long, Ruth M.

Loo, Edward (Loo Wey Ham)

Loo, Richard

Loosier, Myda M.

Lopez, Angelita (Hernandez)

Lopez, Jennifer

Lopez, Juan L.

Lopez, Santiago and Melquiadas (Martinez)

Lorance, Arthur

Lorang, James H. (Wenden, Ariz.)

Lorang, Louis

Lord, Billie Jean (musician)

Lord, Cushing

Lorette, Antonio

Loroña, Charles

Loroña, Guadelupe (Armenta)

Loroña, Finoclade Armenta (“Vince”)

Loroña, Henry

Lorona, Herminia (Solomon)

Loroña, Isador (Isidro) Family

Loroña, Ysidro Family

Loroña, Mary Redondo

Loroña, (Loronio)Rafael

Lott-Frauenfelder Families

Lott, McKinley

Love, Daren (musician)

Love, Francis E. (“Frank”)

Love, Randy

Lucas, Frances

Ludy, Jacob E.

Lugo, Edward H. (“Eddie”)

Lugo, Jose

Lumley, Edward (Kenyon Station murder)

Lund, Nick

Lutes, Mary (“Georgia”) E. (Rogers)

Lutes, R. H.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 40 of 72

Luthra, Drs. Chaman and Adarsh

Lyall Family

Lynch, Jess James

Lynch, William E.

Lyons, Isaac and Marcella (Zyera)

45 Maas, Jason

Mabbett, Ira

Mabery, Howard J.

Mabery, Lloyd

Mabery, Millard Franklin

Mabrey, Opal Smith

Macazan, Eugene

Macliz (Maclis) Family

(includes MacLish, Nunez, Quintero, Rico and Romo Families)

Madril, Concepcion (Bedova) (b.1880)

Madrill, Conception (Chonita) (b.1908)

Maehling, Doyne M.

Magana, Emilia

Magdaleno, Doria

Magdaleno, Mario and Lorrie

Magee, Elizabeth & Donald

Mainville, James Paul (artist)

Malone, Cherie

Manchado, Joe

Manes, Bill M.

Manes, Margaret

Manes, Patricia (Hopkins)

Manifold, Frank S. and Pearl (Sharpensteen)

Mann, Bennie H.

Mann, Helen Jones (WWII Japanese Prisoner of War)

Mannassee, Hyman (La Paz, Ariz.)

Mansfield, Joe

Marable, Elmer M.

Marable, Ethel L.

Marable, George S. and Anabelle (Sexsmith)

Marable, Hunter

Marable, Dr. John Richard W.

Marable, Leslie E.

Marable, Richard Hamilton

Marable, Richard Pointer and Ellen Francis (Bateman) Family

Marable Family

46 Marcos de Niza, Fray

Marcus, Abe

Marquardt, Florentina

Marquette, Jesse

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 41 of 72

Marquez, Alyssa (dancer)

Marquez, Jesus

Marsh, Dick (artist)

Marsh, Guy Alton (Parker, Ariz.)

Martin, Dr. A. C. and Louise (Evans)

Martin, Aneil

Martin, Charles Herbert and Emma Agnes (Reed) Family

Martin, George and Delphina (Redondo) Family

Martin, Bill

Martin, Ed

Martin, John and Sadie

Martin, Peggy

Martin, Rodney

Martin, Ron

Martin, Ronald A.

Martin, Sadie E.

Martinez, Amparo (Bedoya)

Martinez, Armand G.

Martinez, Bruno B. and Maria (Cunegunda de Garcia) Family

Martinez, Cassilda (Iaeger)

Martinez, Conception Jaeger (Iaeger)

Martinez, Erasma (Munoz)

Martinez, Erlinda

Martinez , Guadalupe

Martinez, Julian

Martinez, Maria

Martinez, Mercedes

Martinez, Ramon

Martinez, Refugia

Martinez, Sebastian Gabriel

Martinez, Tomas

Martinez, Virginia

Martinez Family

Martens, Klaus W.

Marvin, William E.

Masich, Andrew E.

Mason-Phillips, Lillia S.

Massey, Robert

Masterson, Josephene B.

Masterson, Murat

Matheny, Myrtle

Matheson, Leona

Matheus, Dr. Charles Gustave

Mathews, Lemuel P.

Matteson, George

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 42 of 72

Matt, August

Matts, Emily (Webb)

Matus, Leatrice W. (Quechan)

Mawk, Edith (“Goat Lady of Fortuna Wash”)

Maxey, James W.

Maxhimer, Ray

47 Mayberry, James T.

Mayberry, John A.

Mabery, Lloyd Franklin

Maybery, Robert L.

Maye, Daniel

Mayer, Marian Sambrano

Mayes, Ed (Castle Dome)

Mayfield, Lawrence

Mayfield, Tiberda

Mayhew, Carmelita

Mayhew, Jesse Felix and Carmelita F.

Mazon, Ramon and Josefa (Cordova)

McBride, John

McBride, Taylor

McCabe, John

McCaghren, Earl

McCain, Don Cecil and Verda (Donkersley)

McCain, Ed

McCain, John Robert (b.1852) and Alice Jane Family

McCain, John Robert Sanford (b.1920)

McCain, Murley M. Sr. (b.1893), and Lillie J. (Pool)

McCain, Murley Jr. (b 1921) and Mary (Griffin)

McCain, William B. and Mary Mayfield (Martin)

McIntosh, Ben

McClendon, Bob

McClure, Arnoldias H.

McClure, Mrs. W. E. Jr.

McCollum, Paul

McCormick, Ketti (blind attorney)

McCord, Roy C.

McCoy, Eleanor

McCrory, O. J.

McCugh, Joe (Martinez Lake, Ariz.)

McCune, Patrick (photographer, writer)

McCurley, Doyle (film actor)

48 McDaniel – Cooper Families

McDermott, Roberta J. (“Bobbie”)

McDonald, Lawrence L. Jr.

McDonald, Milton

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 43 of 72

McEachran, Mary (Agua Caliente, Ariz.)

McElhaney, Frank

McElhaney, R. H.

McElhaney, Sam

McEntree, Larry

McGalliard, James

McGarr, Charles E.

McGarry, Dwight

McGee, Bob

McGill, Joseph Foster

McGinty, John

McGowen, Charles

McGowan, Ned (Edward)

McGragor, Geor-Gia (hermaphrodite)

McGraw, Charles W.

McInnis, Jessie

McIntire, Donald

McIntyre, Beatrice K.

McIntyre, Donald F.

McIntyre, Donald I.

McIntyre, Peter

McKale, J. F.

McKay, Clarence (Bud)

McKean, Harry

McKeand, Tina

McKelvey, Ron

McKey, Alexander

McKinstry, George

McLane, Mr. (“Mr. Yuma”)

McLay, James

McClean, Thomas (“Yuma” or “Old Yuma”)

McLendon, Robert

McLerran, Alice (writer)

McMahon, Ruth (Burolla)

McMorris, George Washington and Josepha (Martinez)

McNeel, Mildred and Russell

McNiel, Karen

McPhaul, Henry (“Harry”) Family

McPhaul, William

McPherson, Aimee Semple

McPherson, Orville Scharff

McVay, Adah Sophia

McVeigh, John (“Mike”)

McVey, Jeff (musician)

49 Mead, Arthur A.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 44 of 72

Meadows, Charles

Meadows, George

Meadows, Gertrude B.

Meadows, J. D. (Jake)

Meadows, James Harvey

Meadows, Mobley A.

Meeden, Claus von der

Meija, Alfred A. (“Chapo”)

Mellon, Archie

Mellon, Doug Lee

Mellon, John Alexander (“Captain” “Jack”)

Mellon Family

Mendez, Dolores

Mendez, Gregorio

Mendez, Joe

Mendez, Lisa

Mendez, Maria Ynez

Mendez, Refugia

Mendez, Saturnino Leon

Mendivil, Edward

Mendivil, Jose Maria (Picacho, Calif.)

Mendivil, Henry

Mendivil, Ysidro and Alice

Mendivil Family

Mendoza Family

Menoz, Jim

Menta Family

Merredith, Rev. Jesse L.

Merrifield, Doris (artist)

Merrifield, Gertrude

Mesa, Clemente

Metz, Ada Royal (nurse)

Meyer, Dr. Henry and Lynn Family

Meyer, Theodore (“Ted”)

Meyers, George

Mezei, Thomas

Michael, Ralph L.

Michelsen, George and Leah Amelia (Schmidt)

Middleton, Clifton (“Ed”)

Miguel (Quechan Tribal Chief)

Miguel, Addison (Quechan Tribal Chief)

Miguel, Fidelia

Miguel, Joseph Jr. (Quechan)

Miguel, Joseph Sr. (Quechan)

50 Millar, Walter

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 45 of 72

Millard, Benjamin (Quechan)

Miller, Cecil D.

Miller, Charles Hall Jr.

Miller, Diane

Miller, Fred (Cocopah Tribal Chairman)

Miller, Hazel (Cocopah)

Miller, Horace

Miller, Jennie (Hodges)

Miller, Murray

Miller, P. J.

Miller, Sam (Cocopah)

Miller, Wayman Walter

Miller, William R. and Alice (Moffett)

Millmaker, Melvin Otto

Mills, Marie

Mills, Mattie (musician)

Miner, Charles

Miner, Goldie C.

Ming, Allen B.

Ming, F. S.

Miniken, M. G. (“Pop”) and Minnie

Minium, Judith (Yeadon)

Minor, C. L.

Minor, Will Hart and Lotta A.

Minter, Clarence

Minton, Victor

Minturn, Benjamin

Miranda, Tricia (dancer)

Mitchell, Grace (Yavapai Tribal Chief)

Mitchell, Ralph and Oacie (Tomson)

Mitchell, Rebecca (artist)

Mix, Dr. Alfred A.

Modesti, Althee Family

Modesti, Phinoclade

Moeller, Theodore L. (“Ted”)

Moffett, Edward Burton

Molina, Bengie

Molina, Conrad B.

Molina, Diego

Molina, E. A.

Molina, Ed G.

Molina, Ernest

Molina, Francisco

Molina, Jesus Family

Molina, John A.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 46 of 72

Molina, Jose M.

Molina, Louis

Molina, Leonard

Molina, Mary

Molina, Miguel Family

Molina, Rosalina

Molloy, Thomas D. and Anna C. (Wadin)

Montague, Alice (Quechan)

Montague, Felix (Quechan)

Montague, Henry (Quechan Tribal Council President)

Montague, Dr. Richard (Quechan)

Montana, Edward (“Vito”)

Montana, John Garcia

Montezuma, Dr. Carlos (Apache)

Montalvo, Rasiro

Montgomery, Lorena

Montgomery, Ray

Montgomery, Sandra Ford

Montgomery, William Ford

Montijo, Ramon and Eslinda (Bustamente)

Moody, Robert C. and Gertrude

Moody, Robert J.

Moore, Charles H.

Moore, Howard Virgil (“Dick”) (Dome Valley, Ariz.)

Moore, Lois

Moore, Robert H.

Moore, Ronnie

51 Morales, Brijidi

Morales, John O.

Morales, Rosendo Jr. (San Luis, Ariz.)

Morales, Samuel

Moran, Margaret

Moran, Rachael

Morang, Myrtle

Morell, Mike (writer)

Moreno, Angelito

Moreno, Eduardo

Moreno, Edward Sr.

Moreno, Eloise

Moreno, Joseph Family

Moreno, Rumaldo

Morang, Myrtle

Moretti, Paul

Morgan, Caroline

Morgan, Oris Freeman

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 47 of 72

Morgan, Thomas H.

Morlos, Nechie (Sambrano) (Picacho, Calif.)

Morris, Kenny

Morrish, John L.

Morrison, W. L.

Morrow, Nora E.

Morton Family

Moser, Carl

Moser, Ethel L.

Moser, Sister Jean Anne

Moser, T. H.

Moss, Ethel Thurman

Motta, Ken

Mowry, Sylvester

Mullan, Louis A.

Munn, May Ricks

Munoz, Antonia

Munoz, Clotilde

Munoz, Eddie

Munoz, Eleanor H. (Quechan)

Munoz, Elijia

Munoz, Emilio

Munoz, Evelyn (Quechan)

Munoz, Joe. A.

Munoz, Tircio G.

Murdock, Shirley Woodhouse and George (Roll, Ariz.) (writer)

Murillo, Cirilo

Murphy, Ernestine

Murphy, Kevin

Murray, Amanda

Murrieta Family

Murray, Amanda (Miss Arizona 1993)

Murray, Joan

Musgrove, Guy and Ivah (McWhorter)

Musgrove, Naomi

Musgrove, Sebe

Myers, Margaret

Myrick, Jessie

Myrland, Eli

Myron, Leon (artist)

52 Nabours, William W.

Naquin, A. J. (“Jack”)

Naquin, Betty

Nation, Carrie

Navarro Family

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 48 of 72

Navigator (homeless man)

Nelson, Vincent A. Jr. (“Vince”)

Newhard, Robert

Ng, Hardy Paul

Nicely, Michael

Nicklaus, E. Vonne

Norfleet, Betty Rae (musician)

Norred, Clint

Norton, Dunbar

Nutt, Dr. Roger W.

Nunez, Jose Cruz

Nabours, William W. and Mariana

Napoleon, Antonio

Neahr, David and Maria (Hupchauss or Epsas) and Family (Quechan)

Neahr. Edward

Neahr, Hank

Neahr, James Freeson Family

Neahr, Refugio Family

Neahr, Samuel

Neahr, William Family

53 Nebeker, Edith

Nelson, Dwight

Nelson, Lafe

Nerva, Alfonso (Quechan)

Nerva, Lillian (Quechan)

Neville, George A (“Al”)

Nevin, Anna

Newcomer, Floyd Eldin

Newhard, Martha

Newhard, Robert (“Toad”)

Newhard, W. C. (“Bill”)

Newman, Chessie

Newman, C. C. (“Pat”)

Newman, Thomas Henry (“Pete”)

Newton, Minnie

Nichols, Raymond

Nichols, Richard (“Nick”)

Nichols, William R. (“Ray”)

Nickerson, Jan L. (Dome Valley, Ariz.)

Nock, George W. (includes photocopy of published Colorado River

Indian Reservation 1887-1889 diary)

Noland, Grady

Noland, Thomas W.

Nord, August (“Gus”) and Katherine (Knight) Family

Noriega, Arnulfo Jr.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 49 of 72

Noriega, Carmen M.

Noriega, Francisco Family

Norton, Amelia (Baker)

Norton, Charles G. and Amelia (Baker)

Norton, George

Norton, George William and Carmen (Martinez)

Nugent, Joe

Nugent, Michael J.

Nummel, John

Nunes Family

Nunez, Jose Cruz

Nusbaum, Jim and Bernice

54 O’Brien, Manus

O’Bryant, Shirley

Ochoa, Carlos

Ochoa, Epifanio

Ochoa, Henry

Ochoa, Ralph V.

Ochsner, Dr. Albert John (2 folders)

Ochsner, Josephene E.

O’Connor, Sandra Day

Oden, Gary

Odens, Peter

Odle, Susan (Noble)

Odom, Robert L.

Ogden, Dorothy (Reed)

Ogden, Ralph

Ogram, George Ellery

Olague, Felix

Olague, Longina H.

Olberg, Judson W.

Olea, Edward

Olea, Ralph D.

Olea, Rose Marie

Olea, Ysidoro and June (Halleck)

Olea Family

54A Olivas, Edujives

Olivas, Manuel Gard

Oliver, J. F.

Olivo, Manuel G. (Parker, Ariz.)

Olson, Bob

Olson, Jim

Olson, Lourence (Taylor)

O’Neill, Bobbie (writer)

O’Neill, Dave (mining prospector, d. 1916)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 50 of 72

O’Niel, Hapilia (“Hap”)

Opfenring, Dr. Kathy

Orendorff, Charles Boyd

Orendorff, Charles Greenwood

Orendorff, James Lawrence

Orendorr, John Keplinger

Orendorff, Ralph Horace

Ornelas, Avelina

Orines, Juan (Filipino community leader)

Orozco, Grace P.

Orozco, Patricia

Orta, Mike Ruiz and Ruth (Mendez)

Orteg, Geneva

Ortega, Francisco

Ortega, Ignacio T.

Ortega, Rafael

Ortega, Stefua

Ortega, Susana

Ortez, Francisca

Ortiz, Anna

Ortiz, Carmen

Ortiz, Francisca

Ortiz, Geronomo

Ortiz, Kay

Ortiz, Pablo Armenta and Clara (Bateman)

Ortiz, Pablo Ramirez

Osborn, Jones

Osborn, Mabel

Osborne, Edna May

Osborne, Ellis D.

Osborne, H. M. (Parker, Ariz.)

Osborne, Lafayette and Leona

Oton, Julia

Outlaw, Jim

Outlaw, Michelle

Owen, Melinda

Owens, Mary Lou

Owl, Pauline (Quechan)

Ozmun, Lincoln (Picacho, Calif.)

Ozuna, Mariano

55 Pace, Udall Wilson

Pacheco, Selestino and Esperanza (Mendez)

Padilla, Carmen

Padilla, Veronica

Paiz, Maria Justa ((Perez)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 51 of 72

Pagan, Pete and Virginia

Page, Amelia (Cocopah)

Page, Lucy (Cocopah)

Pakinkis, W. F. (“Bronco Bill”)

Palacio, Frank A.

Palma (Quechan chief)

Palmer, Joe (Navajo Code Talker)

Palmer, Ola (Williams)

Palomares Family

Palone, Ervin (Quechan)

Palone, Paul (Quechan)

Pancrazi, Robert

Pancrazi Family

Pantagas, Julio

Papar (Papn, PapHahn), Leonard

Paquin, Dr. James

Paranya, Pinkie (writer)

Parenti, Phillip

Parker, Alfred Howard

Parker, Debbie

Parker, Earl H.

Parker, Fred H. (prospector)

Parker, Hippah (Quechan)

Parker, Prosper P.

Parks, George D. and Libby Ann (Simunek)

Parks, Newt

Parks, Patti Family

Parras Family

Pascual (Quechan chief)

Pask, Scott (Tony Award for Set Design)

Pasquinelli, Gary and Pete

Patrice, Sister

Patrick, Kent

Patterson, Barbara B.

Patterson, Effie (Lyall)

Patterson, Hattie L.

Patterson, James and Blanche

Patterson, John

Patterson, L. F.

Patterson, Loyal Wesley

Patterson, Ruben L.

Patterson, R. S.

Paulsen, Cynthia

Payan, Irma

Payne, Mary Refugio (Rizo)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 52 of 72

56 Peabody, George (Tompkins)

Peach, John and Yvonne

Peach Family

Pelayo, Martin

Pena, Marcia

Pena, Ramon

Pender, William A.

Penilla, David

Penn, Juanna (Quechan)

Penn, William (Quechan)

Pennoyer, Jamie

Penny, Bill

Penny, Clara

Pennyson, Tom

Perez, Beatrice

Perez, Feliz

Perez, John

Perez, Josie V.

Perez, Justa Rosa

Perez, Louis E. (includes photos)

Perez, Louis Gonzales and Sarah (Domingues Castaneda)

Perez, Paul M. (photographer)

Perez, Rupento

Perez Family

Perkins, Linwood

Perkins, Maxine

Perry, Louanna

Perry, Margaret (Byrne)

Peterkin, G. S.

Peters, Lawrence (cactus sitter)

Peterson, Don

Peterson, Manda

Peterson, Robbie

Peterson – Hosto, Audrey Lynne

Pettigrew, Michael

Pfeiffer, Velma

Phillips, Guty and Minnie (Jidwell) Family

Phillips, H. P.

Phillips, Judy (artist)

Phillips, Bob (“Red”)

Phillips, Leigh

Phillips, Dr. William A.

Phillips Family

Phipps, Donna

Phipps, John (artist)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 53 of 72

Picker, George

Pickering, George

Pidgeon, Edward R.

Pierce, Jim

Pierson, Sister Lillian

Pina, Evelyn

Pinsker, Harriet

Pipes, Lily

Pirkle, Arthur J. (writer)

Plew, Lucille

Plosser, Laura (deVane)

57 Pointdexter, William Gentry

Polhamus, Charles

Polhamus, Francis O.

Polhamus, Isaac (“Captain” b. 1829) and Sacramento (Sambrano)

Polhamus, Isaac III (“Ike” b. 1889) (Yuma Police Chief)

Polhamus, James M.

Polhamus, Jennie

Polhamus, John

Polhamus, Leland Vincent

Polhamus, Melvin H.

Polhamus, Sara Lopez

Polhamus Family

Pool, Harold

Pool, Marjorie V.

Pool, Sanford P. and Lara (Barry) Family

Porter, Bill A.

Porter, DeForest

Post, Albert Ernest

Post, Albert William

Post, Asa F.

Post, Mary Elizabeth

Post Family

Poston, Charles Debrille

Potter, Margaret A.

Powell, Charles

Powell, Dixie L.

Powell, Edith

Powell, John Wesley

Power, Albert

Power, Curt Jr.

Power, Ernest

Power, J. C.

Power, L. O. (Pete)

Power, Martha F. and Albert

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 54 of 72

Power, Noah E.

Power, Saxton (“Sax”)

Power, Stephen

Power, William Edward and Sarah Elizabeth (Lee) Family

Power, William S.

58 Pradt, Dericka (actress, model)

Preciado, Julian

Preciado, Leda

Price, Gladys S.

Price, W. W.

Pridgen, Audrey

Priest, Raymond Marshall and Frankie Bellamy (Gillam) Family

(includes “Raymond Marshall Priest – The Yuma Project”)

Priest, Ward and Adele

Prince, Frank

Pritchard, Margaret

Pridgen, William H.

Proebstel, Mary

Purdy, Samuel J.

Putnam, Barry Folsom Family

Pyle, Roy O and Fay C.

Quinn, Pat

Quirk, Warren

Qualupe, Helen M. (Quechan)

Quintero, Emma

Quiroz, Dave

Quiroz, Jennie

Quiroz, Pete

Quiroz Family

Quinlin, James

Quintero, Genoveva (Garcia)

Quintero, Kristine (Williams) Family (includes. Williams, Hiles,

Whitcomb, and Baylor Families)

59 Ragel, Mary Ann (Pickenbach) (Buchanan)

Rainbow, Doris (Quechan)

Rainbow, Lee (Quechan)

Rains, John

Rainwater, Versie

Ralston, Dale and Ludmelia (Holstein) Family

Ramirez, Cora

Ramirez, Joe and Mago

Ramirez, Manuel

Ramirez, Rayo

Ramos, Rev. Father Francisco (Ramiro Fancosso)

Ramos, Frank

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 55 of 72

Ramsey, Bob (Pima Indian)

Ramsey, John (“Dean of Desert Prospectors”)

Ramsey, Mannie LaVerna

Ramsey, Richard H.

Ramsey, Wade

Randolph, Fred

Ratliff, H. W. and Ruth (Leach)

Rautenberg, Dick

Ray, Alonzo M. (“Lon”) (Somerton, Ariz.)

Ray, William L.

Raya, Juanita

Reavis, David D.

Reavis, Isham

Reavis, James Addison

Redondo, Alfonso

Redondo, Angelica

Redondo, Emanuel

Redondo, Estevan Family

Redondo, Hector

Redondo, Horace

Redondo, Jesus (1826-1897)

Redondo, John

Redondo, John Lewis Jr.

Redondo, Jose Maria and Piedad

Redondo, Joseph L. and Family

Redondo, Joseph F.

Redondo, Luis M. Militar

Reeder, Paul R.

Reese, Joseph D.

Reeves, Cathy

Reid, Ruth

Reyes, Virginia

Reilly, James

Reilly, Joseph Michael and Mary Emma (Hittle) Family

Rendon, Joey

Renteria, Geronima

Renteria, Maria C.

Reyes, Jose

Reynolds, Mark

Reynolds, Sally

Rezin, Eva Whitsel

60 Rhodes, John

Rhorer, Terri

Rice, Lovebel

Richards, Jeff

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 56 of 72

Richards, Lavina Ruth

Richardson, Booker T. (Tacna, Ariz.)

Ricks, George and Emma Family

Rico, Felipe C.

Rico, Vic

Rico, Ysmael

Rider, Doris

Ridley, Walter

Riebe, Norman J.

Riedel, Nieves (Garcia)

Riggs, Barney

Riley, Clara

Riley, Don and Jeffie

Riley, Laura (Sabin) (writer)

Riley, Thomas T. (Picacho, Calif.)

Riley, Walter D.

Riley, William

Rinehart, Ricky

Ringwald, Gustave A.

Rios, Marci

Ritchie, Lester

Rivera, Vincent

Rivers, Jean

Roach, Janet Gordon (writer)

Robbins, Masuko Summers (artist)

Roberts, Bonnie

Roberts, Calvin

Roberts, Cathy

Roberts, Dale

Roberts, Ira

Robertson, C. W.

Robertson, George R. and Mary (Pine)

Robertson, Peter T.

Robinson, George R. (Fire Chief)

Robison, Sam

Robinson, C. B. and Jodie

Robinson, Harland

Robinson, James Calvin (“Robby”)

Robinson, Mary C.

Robinson, Palantine and Sarah

Robinson, Raymond

Robles, Bob (writer–poet)

Robles, Conception (“Connie”)

Rochester, Barbara

Rodenbaugh, G. A.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 57 of 72

Rodriquez, Alexander and Julia (Rames)

Rodriguez, Alta G.

Rodriguez, Joann

Rodriguez, Joseph (“Sonny”)

Rodriguez, Marie

Rodriquez Family

Rogacki, Vit and Angela (Somerton, Ariz.) (artist)

Rogers, Tom

Rohrbough, Jay and Mary Laura (Welch) Family

Rohrer, Caroline Newell (“Carrie”)

Rolfe, Barbara and Buddy

Rolle, James B.

Rolle, Sarah

61 Romanyik, Pavel (“Peter”) (dancer)

Romero, Carmelita de Mara (world’s oldest living person)

Romero, Josefa

Romero, Ysmail

Romo, J.

Romos, Anita

Ronstadt, Henry and Guadalupe (Lupe)

Rood, William B.

Rooney, Dr. C. E.

Roosevelt, Theodore

Root, Sophia (Johannsen)

Rosales, Belen

Rose, D. C.

Rose, Hugh W.

Rose, Pete (Quechan)

Rosson, Dr. Roland

Rouff Family

Rounds, Opal

Rouse, Laurance T. (“Curly”)

Rowell, Converse Willard Chamberlain

Rowell, Elmer

Rowland, Noel

Rube, Joe

Ruby, Dario and Agusta

Ruch, Bill

Ruch, Eugene D.

Ruiz, Joe (“Chepe”) (musician) (Somerton, Ariz.)

Ruiz, Charlene

Ruiz, Gloria

Rummel, Erma H.

Rupp, Paul Kenneth

Rushin, Tom

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 58 of 72

Rusing, Gayle Holmgren

Russell, Prudence

Russell, Sennan (Quechan)

Rust, Theodore Green

Ruth, Walter P. (“Cowboy”)

Rutledge, James William

Ryan, Mark (Somerton, Ariz.)

Rynning, Thomas H.

62 Sabala, John R.

Sage, Cornelius

Sage, Mina

Salcido, Maria

Salas, Christina Fuentes

Salas Family

Salomon, Maria Ines

Salpointe, Rev. Father John B. (Bishop of Arizona, Archbishop of

Santa Fe)

Sam, Charlie (Chinese restaurateur and grocer)

Sam Charlie II (b.1899, Chinese grocer)

Sambrano Family

Samra, Gurshran (“Sonny”)

Sams, Virgil

San Diego, Mrytle Miguel (Quechan)

Sanchez, Josh

Sanchez, Josephine

Sanchez, Ricardo (San Luis, Ariz.)

Sandate, Refugia Y.

Sandate, Rosa

Sanderson, Nancy (writer)

Sands, Helen B.

Sandstrom, Kirsten Leigh

Sanguinetti, Eugene Frank

Sanguinetti, Eugene Frank Jr. (“Francis”)

Sant, Ferdy and Margaret

Santa Criz, Antonio Sala

Santana, Juan

Satarain, Maria (blind girl in the 1870’s)

Saunders, Spurling (“Pop”)

Savage, Aura Mae (Graves) (Robbins) (artist)

Savage, Eugene T.

Savilla, Agnes (Mohave, Colorado River Indian Tribe)

Savilla, Elmer (Quechan President)

Savilla, William (Quechan President)

Sawers, Mabel

Saxon, Kurt

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 59 of 72

Scarbrough, John R.

Schaefer, Robert

Schechert, Henry H. (“Hank”) (Founder of Foothills)

Schofield, John (“Little John”)

Schaal, William F.

Schafer, Ernest

Scholl, David

Schott, Alma Cooper

Schuett, Trudy W. (writer)

Schuman, Perry

Schutz, Glennie (Card) (Somerton, Ariz.)

Scott, Anna S.

Schmidt, Vaughn

Schott, Alma

Schumecker, Raphael and Nadine (Tiedemann)

Schupbach, Carl William and Vera (Coate) Family

Schutz, Clyde S.

Schwark, Zola

Schwarting, Cotna

Scott, Clifford A.

Scott, James N.

Scott, Williard J. and Anna Marie (Green)

Scott, William Elsworth and Angela (Gonzales) (Quartzsite, Ariz.)

Scott, Robert L. (Parker, Ariz.)

63 Seals, Kirch

Sealy, S. B. (Cibola Valley, Ariz.)

Seamans, George H. and Arah (Patterson)

Seay, Estella L.

Seeley, Alfred L.

Seibel, Josh (dancer)

Self, Everette

Sellers, Henry J.

Serrano, Miguel

Setchfield, Stewart (musician)

Sexsmith, Pearl B.

Sexsmith Family

Sexton, Ed

Shackelford, Esther A.

Shanssey, John (“Honest John”)

Sharp, Irene (Parker, Ariz.)

Sharpensteen Family

Shaw, Bill and Gerry

Shaw, LaVerne (Stanton)

Shaw, Sarah (musician)

Shelley, Jordan (film actor)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 60 of 72

Sheridan, David V.

Sheridan, James M.

Sheridan, Mike

Sheridan Family

Sherman, Uriah S.

Shill, Quinton Scott

Shipp, Keifer and Grace (Somerton, Ariz.)

Shipp, Lucy

Shipp, Mary A. and William Ollie

Shipp Family

Shorey, W. Harold

Short, E. L. (Bouse, Ariz.)

Shove, Tim

Short, E. L.

Showalter, Daniel

Shown, Stella

Shropshire, William

Sibley, Harry D.

Siebeck, Julius

Silverman, Joel (film screenwriter)

Simes, Jack

Simmons, Henry W. (“Churckawalla Kid”)

Simons, Fred E.

Simpson, Mike

Sims, Mike

Skinner, Paul and Emma (Crow)

Slaughter, William

Slicker, Bill (actor)

Slocen, Robert E and Jill (Dateland, Ariz.)

Smalley, Charles (musician)

Smith, Aleine

Smith, Alva (Parker, Ariz.)

Smith, Anne

Smith, Beula

Smith, Charles M. and Daisy B.

Smith, Chris

Smith, Cicero Stewart

Smith, Delfina Sanchez

Smith, Denny and Lille ( Pool)

Smith, Henry Britton

Smith, Hettie (Somerton, Ariz.)

Smith, Hewlitt

Smith, Homer

64 Smith, Ira P. Family

Smith, Jame A.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 61 of 72

Smith, Jim D.

Smith, Joseph W.

Smith, John H.

Smith, Juan

Smith, John C. and Eula (Whitman)

Smith, Laura Gordon

Smith, Louis

Smith, Lulu Mae

Smith, M. L. (Joe) and Bertha M. (Wyly) Family

Smith, Margaret (Saxton)

Smith, Maud M.

Smith, Melvin (museum collector) (Somerton, Ariz.)

Smith, Miles P. (“Shade Tree”)

Smith, Orville L.

Smith, Pam

Smith, Thomas L. (“Pegleg”)

Smith, Travis

Smith, Voyle L.

Smith, William Michael

Smith, William P.

Smith, Willie Family

Smucker, Ray Family

Snell, Jay H.

Snider, E. Q.

Snively, Jacob

Snyder, Mary

Sogard, Lovella J. (“Val”)

Soarez, Jose M.

Sobotka, John Robert

Soldwedel, Donald N.

Soldwedel, Joe

Soliz, Jeronimo (“Jerry”) (artist)

Solomon, Charles M.

Solovay, Dr. Mark

Sonnenmoser, Pamela (Gwinn)

Sorpillon, Liboro D.

Sorensen, Stella D.

Sossaman, Iris Victoria (Ryan)

Sosa, Feliz

Sortillion, Andrew

Sortillon Family

Sotelo, Mary Josephene

Soto, Canuto

Soto, Paul (“Cocopah”)

Sower, Edson

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 62 of 72

Spain, Madeline (“Wellton, Ariz.)

Sparks, Annie

Sparks, R. C. (Gadsden, Ariz.)

Sparks, Wendell

Speer, Jack

Speese, John

Spencer, Clarence Veldon

Spencer, Ruth

Spitler, Ruth (writer)

Splawn, Kenneth Thomas

Splawn, Olon

Stafford, C. William (“Bill”)

Stahl, James Firmin and Scottie (Lee)

Stahl, Loyal Carns and Emma Alice Townsend Family

Stahl, Melvin Roosevelt Sr. and Hazel (Webb) Family

Stahl, Melvin Roosevelt Jr. and Ann (Thacker) Family

Stallworth, Richard

Stalnaker, Lillian

Stanley, John Frank Family

Stanley, Dr. John Frank Jr.

Stanley, S. Frank and Laura (Trammell)

Stanton, Francis

Stanton, Richard (“Whitey”)

Stanton, Richard Henry and Agnes (Godfrey)

65 Steenberger, William A.

Steiert, Gene and Opal (Hamblen)

Steiert-Hillebert Families

Stenson, Richard

Stephan, William

Stevens, John C.

Stinnett, George A.

Stafford, C. William

Stafford, Mike

Stanhope, Lea

Stark, Earl F.

Stebner, Carol

Steele, Mike

Steen, William R.

Steenhard, Susan

Stein, Joseph J.

Steinfeld, Albert

Steinfelt, Vickie

Stevens, Earl and Pearl (Weston)

Stevens, Warren Edward and Margaret Leolia (Westover) Family

Stevenson, Mae (Ferson)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 63 of 72

Stewart, Carma

Stewart, Jimmie W. (“Straw”)

Stratton, Anthony Vern

Stirratt, Helen

Stocker, Don

Stoffela, John

Stringham, Ardis (Laudenslager) (musician)

Stout, Dean Sanford

Stowe, Jan

Straley, Chip

Sturdivant, Bertram Victor (“Sturdy”)

Sturges, Charles

Sturges, Derelle Ellsworth

Sturges, Glen

Sturges, Stephen H. and Rose (Poos)

Sturges, W.

Sturm, Marie

Stewart, Jack (John?)

Stuart, Lenore

Sullivan, Dolly L.

Sullivan, Marcia E.

Sullivan, Patrick J. and Family

Sullivan, Thomas P.

Sumner, Stephan

Summerhayes, Martha

Suverkrup, Hank

Swain, Steve

Sweeny, Thomas W.

Swilling, Jack

Swift, Alex

Swift Arrow, Lindsey (Quechan)

Swing, Philip David

Sykes, Godfrey

Syron, Charles W.

66 Tabor, Clifford C.

Taggart, Dr. Jim H.

Tank, Betty (aviator)

Tannehill, Ruth E.

Tanner, Rollin C.

Tarwater, Joe (artist)

Taylor, Charles W.

Taylor, Ebbie

Taylor, Emzy (Enzy?)

Taylor, Gary

Taylor, Janelle (writer)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 64 of 72

Taylor, Jim S. (Quechan)

Taylor, John

Taylor, Nathaniel

Taylor, Ruthie

Taylor, Theodosia (Quechan)

Taylor, William

Tays, Henry C.

Teague, John

Telford, Harvie Obie

Templeman, Kaye (artist)

Terry Curtis

Tester, Louise

Tevis, James Henry

Thacker, Florence

Thacker Family

Thayer, Carl

Thibalult, Dr. Marie-Josee

Thiesen, Charles

Thode, Thomas A.

Thomas, Bob

Thomas, Charles W. Jr. and Ruth Family

Thomas, Frank

Thomas, Grant (dancer)

Thomas, K. Helen

Thomas, Melissa (Cocopah)

Thomas, Sam

Thomas, Walter N.

Thompson, Betty

Thomas, William (Cocopah)

Thompson, Beulah V.

Thompson, Charlie Henry

Thompson, Jeff

Thompson, Mike

Thompson, Shirley (belly dancer)

Thorn, Woodrow

Thornton Family

Thrower, Artie L.

Thurlow, George

Thurman (Thorroughman), George and Mary Addie (Huckaby) Family

Thurman, Maggie (Lynch) (Huckaby)

Thyregod, Carl A.

Tiffany, Joesph

Tillman, Charles W. (Stanwix Station, Ariz.)

Tillman, Fagan

Timmons, William F.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 65 of 72

Tindall, Dr. Charles H.

67 Tobias, E. H.

Tollestrup, David

Tongeland, Dr. Arthur and Marian

Torres, Casmiria

Torres, Emma

Torres, Eugene (“Gene”)

Torres, Geronimo

Torres, Jesse

Townley, James (Somerton, Ariz.)

Townsend, Albert W.

Townsend, Clara (Ferguson)

Townsend, Harry Edger and Mary Elizabeth (Westfall) Family

Townsend, Ida May

Townsend, Oscar F. Family

Townsend, Phil

Trafzer, Clifford (historian)

Trigg, Don (museum collector)

Trigg, Trudy

Trimble, Marshall (historian)

Trippel, A. A. and Dorothy (Titcomb)

Tucker, Ida Mae

Tucker, Roberta (Berry)

Tudor, Neil

Turnell, Kevin

Turner, Emmett Leon

Turner, Frances (Doan)

Turner, Frank W.

Turnell, Gertrude

Turpin, Kate

Turrentine, Cinday (dancer)

Tuthill, Dr. Alexander Mackenzie

Tuttle, Allyn

Tuttle, Edward D.

Tyner, Andrew

Tyng, George

Tyson, Charlie

Ubert, Genebobo

Udall, Morrris

Ulloa, Genevieve

Underhill, Emily

Underhill, John

Underhill, Thomas W.

Underwood, Agatha

Underwood, Hollis M.

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 66 of 72

Underwood, Maurice

Uribe, Joe

Urrea, Arthur

Urrutia, Gilbert V.

Urtuzaustequi Family

(Basque) (Somerton, San Luis, Ariz.)

Uruchurtu, Dr. Richard A. Jr.

Ursuery, Ivy May

Utting, Charles H.

68 Valencia, Gustavo (“Bob”)

Valencia, Joe

Valenzuela, Francisco

Valenzuela, Yolanda

Van Dewalle, George

Van Hooser, William T. and Eunice

Van Horn, C. W.

Van Siclin, Frank

Vance, Sharon

Vance, Vivian Marie (Gordon) (Somerton)

Vanegas Family

Varela, Henry

Vargas, Juanita (Salomen)

Varner, Walter Jr. and Mary Louise (Balsz)

Vasquez, Esperanza

Vasquez, Juan

Vasquez, Refugio

Vasquez, Rosa

Vasquez, Viscenta

Vaughn, Homer Lee

Vaughn, Jesse Aiken and Nellie (Grose)

Vaught, Tarrie

Vega, Artemisa (Martinez)

Velarde, Luciano

Velasquez Family

Veneges, Guadalupe

Vera, Rosaria

Verdugo, Ramona

Vierra, Agnes (Balsz) (Redondo)

Vierra, Frank M.

Villa, Henry Coz

Villa, Pancho

69 Villa, Refugio N.

Villa, Rosalia (Coz)

Villa, Sylvester C. and Artemisa Family

Villaneda, Nina Josephine

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 67 of 72

Villenueva, Crescencio

Villanueva, Manuel

Villanueva, Paul

Villareal, Ana Hart (Quechan)

Vincent, Albert Russell

Vincent, Leon

Vitalins, Anna

Volpin, Abe

Von Schoeler, Waldemar A.

Voorhis, George

Vomicil, Frank and Marie Family

Vomicil, Stella

Votaw, Carroll

Votaw, J. D.

70 Waddell, Riance (Roll, Ariz.)

Waddell, T. J. (“Ted”)

Waddell, Williard

Wade, Terre

Wade, W. J. Sr.

Wadin, John and Anna (Olsson) Family (includes Tom and Anna


Wagner, Leah

Wagner, Melba Barbara (Sheridan)

Walker, Dr. Bruce

Waggoner, Fred

Waits, Elliot

Waldridge, Jeremy

Walker, James M.

Walker, Jay

Walker, John D

Walker, Mary Jane

Walker, Polly

Walker, Ray

Walker, Sanford L. (“Sparky”)

Walker, William

Wall, Ebert (“Bert”)

Wall, Victor L.

Wallace, Charles

Wallace, Frank (“Slim”)

Wallace, Jack

Wallace, May C.

Walling, Preston

Walsh, Robert Owen

Walter, Mary

Walters, Pete

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 68 of 72

Ward, John R.

Ward, Walter and Teresa

Warner, Myra M.

Washum, Barbara Wilbanks (includes reminiscence “Taming The Kofa


Washum, Wyona (Hoy) (“Nona”)

Washum, Jim

Wasson, Daisy

Watkins, Kelly

Watkins, William Dow

Watson, Kathy

Watson, Ron

Watson, T. B and Anna Laura

Wayt, William

Weatherford, Cassie

Weatherly, Bob

Weaver, Paulino9

Webb, E. Family

Webb, Vernon

Weber, Dennis

Weber, Helen (Cypert)

Weber, John

Weber, Matt Lutes

Weeks, Charles Preston and Jessarene (Beatty) Family

Weeks, Dorothea

Weeks, O. K. and Cora (McBryde) (Somerton, Ariz.)

71 Weichmann, Erika

Welch, Robert and Eliza (“Dan”) (Hadnot) (Wellton, Ariz).

Wells, Samuel

Werley, Robert H.

Weidner, Jack

Welch, Claude

Welch, Kazuko (“Kay”)

Welch, Michael

Welter, Joy Mayhew

Werley, Robert H. (photographer)

Werninger, William Augustus (“Uncle Billy”)

West, Don

West, George

West, Loy G.

West, Sarah Alice (Parker, Ariz.)

Westerbeek, Bill

Westover, Adele B.

Westover, John Homer and Anna (Musselman) Family

Westover, William H. and Dora (Wharton)

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 69 of 72

Wets, Maren Widdill (artist)

Wham, Joseph

Wheeler, Ada

Wheeler, Carlene E.

Wheeler, Ellen

Wheeler, Frank

Wheeler, Glenn

Wheeler, Howard

Wheeler, Leavenworth (“Bun”)

Whipple, Amiel

Whisiker, Stephen S.

White, Antone (Cocopah?)

White, Bessie (Cocopah)

White, Charley

White, Claudette (Quechan)

White, Elmer

White, James (Colorado River explorer)

White, Josie Leona

White, Lorraine (Quechan)

White, Paloma

White, Robert Lee

White, Serena Dula

White, Stella

White, Wally

Whitman, Bill

Whitney, Al

72 Wick, Frank

Wiedeman, Adolf

Wiland, John

Wilbanks, Jack and Martha

Wilbur, Bessie

Wilburn, Byard C.

Wicott, William

Wilcox, Alfred Henry and Maria (Arguello)

Wilcox, Mark

Wilder, U. George

Wilhelmy, Dr. John

Wilkey, Mary Lou

Wilkinson, Robert L.

Willen, James Merrill

Williams, Bill (mountain man, d. 1849)

Williams, Bill

Williams, Deena

Williams, Ed. F.

Williams, John Bell and Della Roxy (Crossline) Family

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 70 of 72

Williams, Mary Cloud

Williams, Mattie

Williams, Ray

Williams, William H. and Thelma

Williamson, Robert Stockton

Williamson, Theodore Roosevelt Sr.

Willis, O. H.

Wills, Dr. E. C.

Willson, Roscoe G.

Willweber, Charles Andrew and Mary (Hodges) Family

Willweber, Louis Family

Wilson, Esther

Wilson, George

Wilson, Jeff

Wilson, John Charles (“Jay”)

Wilson, John and Mercedes (Mendoza) (Downey)

Wilson, Kathy

Wilson, Mary Marquez

Wilson, Robert Flores

Wilson, Scott

73 Winchester, Josiah (Quartzsite, Bouse, Ariz.)

Winder, Richard

Winn, M. L. (”Jack”)

Winsor, Clarissa (Brown)

Winsor, Mulford Jr.

Winsor, Mulford III (“Mud”)

Winsor Family

Wisener, Joanne

Wisner, William and Emma (Branch) Family

Witter, Jeffry (“Jack”)

Wolff, Henry (“Butch”)

Wolff, Oliver

74 Womack, Teri

Wombacher, Jim

Wong, Daniel Family

Wong, Gim Hong

Wong, Tin Family

Wood, Ralph

Woodard, R. Pete and Frances

Woodhouse, Robert (“Robbie”)

Woodhouse, Robert F. (Bob) and Elberta (“Berta”) (McLain)

Woodmansee, William J.

Woods, Grace Fisher

Woods, Karen (“Kay”)

Woods, Duncan

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 71 of 72

Woods, Sidney Sterling and Jane Family

Woolever, Julia

Woodward Family

Woolsey, King Sam

Worthen, Charles and Lois (musician)

Worthington, James and Carrie

Worthington, Minnie

Worthington, T. J.

Wozencraft,. Oliver

Wright, Albert P.

Wright, Harold Bell (writer)

Wright, Herschel H.

Wright, Lewis (Quechan)

Wright, Oreal L. and Elva (Hinshaw)

Wright, Rebecca

Wright, Vernon C.

Wright, Wayne and Adele

Wullenjohn, Amanda

Wupperman, Henry

Wupperman, Mary

75 Yancy, William and Mattie

Yancy, Travis (“Bud”)

Yanez Family

Yanez, Larry (“artist”)

Yang, Thomas W.

Yarwood, Caroline (Hobbs)

Yates, Elaine

Yates, Imogene

Yeamans, Paula (“Lollipop” clown)

Yeazell, Clayton

Yoder, Mahlon E.

York, J. Archie and Clara (Killian) (Bard, Calif.)

Young, Daisy

Young, Dorothy Ann

Young, Edwin F. (Win)

Young, Ernest

Young, Pete and Marilyn

Young, Roy R.

Younker, Harold

Zamprelli, Gloria and Vincent

Zapata, Vincente

Zavala, Juan (John) Laubio Jr.

Zavala, John R.

Zavala, Marcelin

Zavala Family

AHS – Rio Colorado Biography Collection – 72 of 72

Zender, Marguerite

Zepeda, Lily

Zerega, Joel (Somerton, Ariz.) (artist)

Zimmerman, Donald L.

Zinn, Ruth

Zonver, John

Zug, Robert

Acosta, Ruben

Alexander, Olive Elizabeth

Ammons, Mark

Avila, Mary

76 - OV Birmingham, James

Brockway, Harvey William & Doris Kathleen Michell

Buckholz, Herman

Byrne, Peter

Card, Aregl Bernard

Chappell, James A.

Clymer, H. Vance

Contreras, Concepcion

Copple, Glenn

Dean, Elmer

Gheldof, J.

Hodges, Belle

Kelly, Harry & Carrie (McLain)

Levy, Isaac

Livingston, C.A.

Patotzka, Gus & Eileen (Taylor)

Perkins, Linwood

Pryor, Allan

Sharp, Tellis

Smith, John

Smith, Virginia

Wanamaker, John

Zug, Elmer & Isabel (Hodges)
