Title: Proving my parents wrongenataiptsa.org/Doc/VScienceFair20/Yamazono_Shion_Enatai... · Title:...


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Title: Proving my parents wrong

Shion Yamazono (5th grade in Mrs. Roongsang’s class)

Why did I think about this:

Why did I think about this-2:

Hypothesis:• Egg shell cannot melt in Coca Cola.

• Egg shell cannot melt in lemon juice.

What I am trying to prove:

1.If egg shell does not melt in Coca Cola, it means tooth does not melt in Coca Cola. So my parents are wrong, and I can drink Coca Cola.

2.If egg shell does not melt in lemon juice, it means tooth does not melt in lemon juice. So my parents are wrong, and I can drink lemonade.

Materials:• 4 quale eggs

• 8 cans of Coca Cola

• 8 bottles of lemon juice

• 2 glasses

Procedure:1. I put two eggs in each glasses.

2. I poured Coca Cola in one glass and lemon juice in the other.

3. After 24 hours, I take out eggs. I touch them to see if shell became softer. I check the shells’ colors changed.

4. I then empty the old Coca Cola and lemonade.

5. I put the eggs back in each of their original glasses, and pour fresh Coca Cola and lemon juice.

6. I repeated above every 24 hours at 5pm every day.

Data/ Results:

Day 1 (5/8) Day 2 (5/9)

Data/ Results:

Day 3 (5/10) Day 4 (5/11)

Data/ Results:

Day 5 (5/12) Day 6 (5/13)

Data/ Results:

Day 7 (5/14) Day 8 (5/15)

Data Analysis:I analyzed by touching softness and seeing transparency of the egg shell. Softer and more transparent the egg shell becomes, more it has dissolved in the acid.

I used ordered pairs, and graph I learned from Math class.

Data Analysis: lemon juice

Data Analysis: coca cola

The Graph


• Egg shell cannot melt in Coca Cola.

True. Therefore my teeth can not melt by drinking Coca Cola. My parents were wrong. I can drink Coca Cola.

• Egg shell cannot melt in lemon juice.

False. Therefore my teeth can melt by drinking lemon juice. I should not drink lemonade.