TITLE: A Covenant Made to Last TEXT: Hebrews 9:23-28 THEME: Jesus’s sacrifice assures the believer...


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TITLE: A Covenant Made to Last

TEXT: Hebrews 9:23-28

THEME: Jesus’s sacrifice assures the believer of eternal deliverance.

We want happiness and spirituality that is convenient,

instant and without consequences.

How does the sacrifice of Jesus assure the believer protect the

believer from Gods eternal judgement?

How does the sacrifice of Jesus assure the believer protect the

believer from Gods eternal judgement?

I. It purifies him before God in the heavenly presence. (23-24)

Hebrews 9:23-24

23 It was necessary, then, for the copies of the heavenly things to be purified with these sacrifices, but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands that was only a copy of the true one; he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God’s presence.

I. It purifies him before God in the heavenly presence. (23-24)

A. The Old Covenant was inadequate to atone for sin in the heavenly realm.


I. It purifies him before God in the heavenly presence. (23-24)

A. The Old Covenant was inadequate to atone for sin in the heavenly realm.

B. The Old Covenant sanctuary was only a copy of heavenly one.

I. It purifies him before God in the heavenly presence. (23-24)

A. The Old Covenant was inadequate to atone for sin in the heavenly realm.

B. The Old Covenant sanctuary was only a copy of heavenly one/

C. It was necessary for a more permanent, superior sacrifice to satisfy the heavenly requirements.

How does the sacrifice of Jesus assure the believer protect the

believer from Gods eternal judgement?

II. It permanently deals with the condemnation due to us for sin. (24-26)

Hebrews 9:24-26

II. It permanently deals with the condemnation due to us for sin. (24-26)

A. The Old Covenant tabernacle was a tabernacle was made with human hands.

II. It permanently deals with the condemnation due to us for sin. (24-26)

A. The Old Covenant tabernacle was a tabernacle was made with human hands.

B. Christ entered the heavenly tabernacle that was inaccessible under the Old Covenant.

II. It permanently deals with the condemnation due to us for sin. (24-26)

A. The Old Covenant tabernacle was a tabernacle was made with human hands.

B. Christ entered the heavenly tabernacle that was inaccessible under the Old Covenant.

C. Christ appears for us in the very presence of God Himself.

1 John 2:2

“He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”

II. It permanently deals with the condemnation due to us for sin.

(24-26)A. The Old Covenant tabernacle was a tabernacle was made with human hands

B. Christ entered the heavenly tabernacle that was inaccessible under the Old Covenant.

C. Christ appears for us in the very presence of God Himself.

D. Unlike the old sacrifice His sacrifice was both permanent and comprehensive.

How does the sacrifice of Jesus assure the believer protect the

believer from Gods eternal judgement?

III. It protects us from future judgement after death. (27-28)

Hebrews 9:27-29

27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

III. It protects us from future judgement after death. (27-28)

A. Death is inevitable for everyone.

III. It protects us from future judgement after death. (27-28)

A. Death is inevitable for everyone.

B. Judgment is the guarantee for everyone.

III. It protects us from future judgement after death. (27-28)

A. Death is inevitable for everyone.

B. Judgment is the guarantee for everyone.

C. Jesus sacrifice removes the condemnation of those who trust him.

Notice the parallelism

Man: Death Judgement

Christ: Sacrifice Salvation

III. It protects us from future judgement after death. (27-28)

A. Death is inevitable for everyone.

B. Judgment is the guarantee for everyone.

C. Jesus sacrifice removes the condemnation of those who trust him.

D. He will come again to bring ultimate deliverance of those waiting for Him.

Lyrics to Song

It matters so little

How much you may own

The places you've been

Or the people that you've known

For it all comes to nothing

When placed at His feet

It is nothing to Jesus

Only memories to keep

Lyrics to Song

You may take all the treasures

From far away lands

Take all the riches

You can hold in your hands

And take all the pleasures

That your riches can buy

But what will you have

When it's your time to die

Lyrics to Song

The days pass so swiftly

The months come and go

The years melt away

Like new falling snow

Spring turns to summer

And summer to fall

Autumn brings winter

Then death comes to all

Lyrics to Song

Only one life, so soon it will pass

Only what's done for Christ will (ever) last

Only one chance to do His will

So give to Jesus all you days

It's the only life that pays

When you recall you have but one life


1. We need to view our lives from an eternal perspective. While God wants us to be happy and fulfilled He does not promise it will be immediate or easy. Jesus said in John 10:10, “I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly” but He does not suggest this abundant life is the absence of hardship.


2. When immediately happiness is our supreme goal we can be assured that we will never experience happiness.


3. All of us will ultimately face God’s judgement- are you prepared?

Mother to Son

“[In] the morning you would awake to find yourself in your own bed in your own room? Your father had come with his strong arms and carried you there. Death is like that. You will wake up to find yourself in your own room where you belong, because Jesus cared and carried you with his strong arms."