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Title: The Robots' Picnic

Year: 5

Level: Advanced

School Type: Urban


1) Thomas2) Bimo3) Phoebe4) Mother5) Jennifer6) Leo

It’s the first day of the year 2515. The adults are taking a day off in their homes as it is a public holiday and children are busy playing with their personal playmates, robots. It’s the 25th century, of course every children in the world has their very own robot. Including Thomas.

SCENE 1 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

Thomas: Bimo, show me what you’ve got!

Bimo: Yes, sir! (chops the boards into half)

Thomas: Yeah that’s what I’m talking about! Give me a fist pump!

Bimo: (gives Thomas a fist pump)

Thomas: Bimo, you are the strongest robot in the entire robot population! You’re a special robot. I love you so much! (hugs Bimo)

Bimo: (hugs Thomas back) I. Love. You. Too. Thomas.

Thomas: (stops hugging Bimo) Here, let me write my name at the back of your body so that the whole world will know that you’re mine. (writes his name behind Bimo’s back)

Bimo: (after Thomas has finished writing, turn his back to the audience)

One sunny, day, Thomas’ mother enters his room with a VERY big surprise.

SCENE 2 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

(Thomas and Bimo are playing pretend)

Thomas: (runs around the room) Hahaha! You will never be able to catch me evil creature!

Bimo: Oh. Yes. I. Can. (chases Thomas)

Thomas: Ahhhh! Help! Evil robot’s coming to get me!

Bimo: HAHAHA! (fakes evil laugh)

Mother: (lurks behind the door) Thomas? May I come in? I’ve got a surprise for you!

Thomas: (stops playing with Bimo) Surprise?! What surprise?!

Mother: (steps inside the room) Well, since you’ve been doing very good at school, I felt that you should be rewarded. (looks outside the door) Come on in big guy!

Phoebe: (walks into the room) Hello, Thomas! I’m Phoebe! And I am your personal playmate!

Thomas: Woah! It’s the latest ZX FLUX series 3015 robot! Awesome! Thank you so much, Mother! (hugs Mother)

Mother: (hugs Thomas back) I’m glad you like it. Now let’s go downstairs for dinner. I’ve cooked your favourite Mac n Cheese.

(Thomas and Mother head downstairs)

Bimo: (circles around Phoebe) Well well well… what do we have here…?

Phoebe: Hi! You must be Bimo. Mother told me everything about you. I hope we can be friends forever!

Bimo: Oh really? Did Mother told you that I am the only robot here and will remain the only robot here forever?

Phoebe: No but…

Bimo: (cuts Phoebe off) Let me make this clear to you. No robot can ever replace me as Thomas’ favourite robot so back off.

Phoebe: But…

Bimo: (cuts Phoebe off again) BACK. OFF. (walks away from Phoebe)

SCENE 3 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

(Bimo and Phoebe are minding their own business)

Thomas: (burst to the door) Bimo! Phoebe! I just got a letter from my friend who lives in America! She is coming here for the summer and she asked if I want to go for a picnic with her at Sunny Side Hill. She is going to bring her robot too! It’s going to be a robots’ picnic! I can’t wait to show-off both of you! I am going to go and tell Mother all about it! (runs downstairs)

Phoebe: Oooh! A picnic! I’ve never been to a picnic before!

Bimo: And you shall never get to go to one.

Phoebe: What? But why…?

Bimo: Because I am the only robot here remember? You do not exist on my watch.

Phoebe: But Thomas mentioned both of us just now…

Bimo: Oh please do you really believe that Thomas loves you as much as he loves me? You’re just his toy to play around. I’m his real playmate! Look, he even wrote his name at the back of my body so that the whole world knows! (shows his back to Phoebe)

Phoebe: Oh that! I have it too! See? (shows his back to Bimo)

Bimo: (shocked) WHAT?! How is that even possible? Thomas will never ever do that to other robots! You’re lying! I bet you wrote it yourself!

Phoebe: Oh Bimo! Don’t be silly! Robots’ hands are not long enough to write on the back of our body! Besides, the handwriting is the same can’t you tell?

Bimo: (walks to the corner of the bedroom) Hmm I thought I was special...

SCENE 4 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

A week before the picnic, Bimo got over his frustration about Thomas’ actions. He was polishing his metal body when he suddenly overheard Thomas and Mother talking.

Thomas: Well he is getting old…

Mother: So we should send him away then.

Thomas: Hmm yeah you’re right. It’s about time we should send Bimo away. I’m going to miss him.

Mother: It’s okay. You still have Phoebe to keep you company.

Bimo: (shocked to hear the conversation) What? Thomas wants to send me away? It’s true! It’s true! (starts crying) Thomas does not love me anymore and he is replacing me with Phoebe. That is why he wrote his name on Phoebe’s back. (continues crying and suddenly stops and becomes angry instead) No! I shall not let that loser Phoebe take away Thomas from me. I have to plan something. Something bad. Very bad to get rid of Phoebe. (evil laugh)

SCENE 5 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

The night before the picnic, Bimo begins his evil plan.

(Bimo and Phoebe get ready for bedtime at the corner of the room)

Thomas: Goodnight Bimo, Goodnight Phoebe!

Bimo and Phoebe: Goodnight Thomas!

After Thomas and Phoebe are fast asleep, Bimo, who was just pretending to sleep, creeps next to Phoebe and remove one of Phoebe’s screw.

Bimo: (whispers) Hah! That’ll teach you a lesson. With your leg missing a screw, you surely can’t walk tomorrow and you’ll miss the picnic because Thomas will only bring me! Nobody wants to show off a broken robot. You’re then who is going to be send away, not me! Hahaha. Sleep while you can, Phoebe. Tomorrow is the end of you. (goes back to his sleeping area and sleep)

SCENE 6 (Thomas’ Bedroom)

The day of the picnic.

Phoebe: Ahh! My leg! It’s missing a screw!

Thomas: What? How did that happened?

Phoebe: I don’t know! It was there last night when I went to sleep.

Thomas: Bimo, do you know anything about this?

Bimo: I have no idea!

Phoebe: Oh no. I can’t go to the picnic like this.

Bimo: Too bad! There’s gonna be so many fun activities! Right Thomas? Well, maybe next time then! (pats Phoebe’s back) I’ll wait for you downstairs, okay Thomas? (goes downstairs)

SCENE 7 (Downstairs)

Bimo waits for Thomas to come down. He was so happy that his plan really worked!

Bimo: Ahhh… what a lovely day to have a picnic!

Thomas: (arrived downstairs with Phoebe) Let’s go, Bimo!

Bimo: (shocked to see Phoebe’s leg working really well) Wait.. What? But how did… (points at Phoebe’s leg)

Thomas: Oh Father got a few extra screws in his toolbox so it wasn’t a problem after all. He took one and drilled it back to Phoebe’s leg. Thank god!

Phoebe: Yeah, I was lucky. Now we all can go to the picnic together! What a lovely day, isn’t it Bimo?

Bimo: Yeah right whatever.

Thomas: Come on, we don’t want to be late do we? (walks outside)

Bimo and Phoebe: (follow Thomas)

SCENE 8 (Sunny Side Hill)

In the car on the way to the picnic, Bimo was so frustrated that his plan didn’t worked out. He carefully planned another way to sabotage Phoebe during the picnic. And this time, it was ruthless.

Thomas: Jennifer! (runs towards Jennifer)

Jennifer: Thomas! Is that you? Wow you look so much taller in the picture you sent me.

Thomas: Hahaha and you look so much prettier in real life.

Jennifer: Aww thank you. Anyway, meet Leo, my robot. (shows Leo to Thomas)

Thomas: Woah! Leo is a Neo 101 robot? Cool! Hi Leo!

Leo: Hello, Thomas. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Thomas: You too!

Jennifer: And they are…? (points to Bimo and Phoebe)

Thomas: Ops my bad. This is Bimo (points to Bimo). And this is Phoebe. (points to Phoebe). Phoebe’s new. Bimo has been with me since I was 5.

Phoebe: Hello Jennifer, Hello Leo. Nice to meet you.

Jennifer: Cool! Now do you care for some snacks? We could talk while we eat.

Thomas: Sure! Bimo and Phoebe, go and get to know Leo okay. Jennifer and I will set up the picnic area.

Bimo and Phoebe: Okay Thomas.

Jennifer: You too, Leo. Make friends okay?

Leo: Sure, Jen.

Thomas and Jennifer: (head towards the picnic area)

Bimo, Leo and Phoebe: (talk with each other)

Leo: You know, when Jen’s father bought me, I came with accessories.

Phoebe: Really? Where are they?

Leo: Oh they’re in Jen’s backpack. Wait right here while I go get it. (walks away)

Phoebe: Okay!

Bimo: Hey Phoebe, do you see those beautiful flowers up the hill? I bet Jennifer likes those. We should go get it for her.

Phoebe: Yes but don’t you think the hill is a bit steep? It could be dangerous.

Bimo: Nahh we’ll just take a few and come back here. There’s nothing to be afraid of. (grabs Phoebe’s hand)

Phoebe: (hesitates but follows Bimo anyway) Okay…

Bimo and Phoebe goes all the way up the hill and that’s when Bimo tries to sabotage Phoebe. This time, it involves Phoebe’s life!

Bimo: Hey Phoebe, could you take that blooming flower over there?

Phoebe: Oh you mean this one? (bends over to reach for the flower)

Bimo: Yes, and goodbye Phoebe! (pushes Phoebe but loses his own balance)

Phoebe: (falls but manages to hang on to the vines that creeps down the hill) Bimo! What are you doing?! Why did you pushed me?!

Bimo: (manages to hang on the tree trunk) I hate you, Phoebe! I just hate you! You stole Thomas from me and now Thomas wants to send me away! The only way to stop that from happening is to eliminate you!

Phoebe: What are you talking about?! Thomas loves you! You’ve been his best friend since he was 5!

Bimo: Not anymore. And it is all because if you!

Meanwhile, way down the hill, Leo comes back with his accessories that he wanted to show Bimo and Phoebe.

Leo: Bimo? Phoebe? Hm where have they gone? (saw Bimo and Phoebe hanging down from the cliff) OH MY GOD. That’s Bimo and Phoebe hanging down from the cliff! I better call Thomas and Jen. (runs towards Thomas and Jennifer) Thomas! Jen!

Jennifer: What is it, Leo?

Leo: It’s Bimo and Phoebe! They’re in danger!

Thomas: What happened?

Leo: I don’t know. I just went to grab my accessories from Jen’s bag and when I came back, I saw them hanging down the cliff!

Jennifer: We don’t have much time. Come one.

Thomas, Jennifer, and Leo: (runs up the hill)

Phoebe: (manages to climb back up the way to the top with the help of the vines and tries to help Bimo) Take my hand, Bimo! Come on!

Bimo: No! Why do you want to help me when I tried to push you down the hill? Do you want to show Thomas what a hero you are?!

Phoebe: No Bimo! Because I love you as a friend!

Bimo: You’re lying!

Thomas: (reaches the top of the hill with the others) Bimo! What are you doing?! Grab Phoebe’s hand right now!

Bimo: No! You don’t love me anymore. Phoebe is your favourite robot now! (starts crying) You don’t need me anymore!

Thomas: Bimo, I love you and that will never change even when I turned 80 years old. You were always there for me whenever I needed you. And right now, I need you more you than you could ever imagine. Please grab Phoebe’s hand.

Bimo: (stops crying. starts thinking clearly and grabs Phoebe’s hand)

Phoebe: (pulls Thomas up to the top) Ugh!

Thomas: (hugs Bimo) Bimo! What have you done?!

Bimo: I don’t know. I was jealous of Phoebe since he came here. He was new. I was old. And I overheard you and Mother talking. Is it true? Are you sending me away?

Thomas: Yes. It’s true. I am sending you away.

Bimo: Hmm…

Thomas: To the robot lab for an upgrade, silly!

Bimo: What…? So you’re not sending me away because Phoebe is my replacement?

Thomas: Of course not! You are my best friend, Bimo! Why would I do that?

Bimo: (turns to Phoebe) I think I owe you an apology, Phoebe. I’m sorry I didn’t trust you and got over-jealous.

Phoebe: Nahh, it’s okay. I probably felt the same if I was in your place. Maybe next time you should ask first before you pushed me off the hill?

Bimo: Hahaha okay. Friends?

Phoebe: Best friends! (hugs Bimo and Thomas)

Jennifer: Ehem, guys? Drama’s over. Sandwiches are waiting.

Thomas: Hahaha okay let’s go continue our nice picnic while the sun is still shining.

Thomas, Jennifer, Bimo, Phoebe, Leo: (walk towards the picnic area)

And with that, Bimo learned his lesson to ask before assuming badly about someone or something, to put the trust in friendship and to make new friends along the way.

