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With Pranams – Veda Dharma Sasthra Paripalana Sabha (9884655618, vdspsabha@gmail.com)

Diamond Jubilee Year – 2017-18


In Tiruvidaimarudur (Madhyarjuna kshetram), belonging to Kanchi Srimatham, there is a beautiful structure in stone, in

the north Sannidhi. Sri Paramacharya used to come here from nearby Kumbakonam and camp and perform Pujas

during Pushya Snana Mahotsavam, which is a celebrated event in this kshetra.

As per Shankara Vijayam and Guruvamsa Kavyam, we find that, in accordance with the wishes of the public here, Sri

Adi Sankara Bhagavatpada prayed to Sri Mahalinga Swami ; Sri Parameswara then appeared from the Mulasthana

Siva Linga and showed Abhaya Hastam (hand gesture of fearlessness); a thundering sound was heard saying three

times ‘Satyam Advaitam’ (Advaita is Real).

Following this authority, a sculpture has been installed in the Srimatham building in Tiruvidaimarudur, depicting this

event relating to Sri Adi Sankaracharya and Sri Mahalinga Swami. This sculpture can be seen in the upper part of the

structure below the stone Vimanam. The representation in stone of Sri Adi Sankaracharya standing in prayerful pose

with his Dandam is indeed worth seeing. This sculpture was conceived and ordered by Sri Paramacharya and installed

on 4.12.1963 by him.

Sri Adi Sankaracharya’s Padukas in marble were also set up in the building at that time. Archana was performed using

108 shawls and chanting 108 selected Advaita declarations from Mahabhashyam (Patanjali’s commentary on Panini’s

Ashtadhyayi- Grammar) and Sri Adi Sankaracharya’s Bhasyas (commentaries). These 108 shawls were then

disbursed in honour of scholars studying Sri Adi Sankaracharya’s Bhashyas. Pujas and religious discourses are being

held in this Matham.

With Pranams – Veda Dharma Sasthra Paripalana Sabha (9884655618, vdspsabha@gmail.com)

Diamond Jubilee Year – 2017-18
