Tips for planning a classic road trip



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Tips For Planning A Classic Road Trip

A Classic Road Trip: A Fun Family Adventure

No doubt, there are many Americans who remember the good old days of hopping in the family station wagon and pulling out of the driveway for a road trip that resembles that of the Griswold family in the classic movie National Lampoon's Vacation. Hopefully, most of these memories do not involve dead aunts tied to the top of a car or dad punching a talking moose at an amusement park.

Siblings taking up too much of the space in the back seat or incessant cries of "are we there yet?" are probably much more common. Regardless of the particulars, these trips can be a great method of family bonding. How should families prepare for a classic vacation? Here are a few tips that can make the trip more enjoyable.

Decide Where to Go

This point should go without saying, but failing to plan means planning to fail. It is always good to have an idea of where one intends to go. Will the family appreciate a trip through the mountains? Maybe a trip to a lake for some fishing would be better? Some families would rather spend a week driving through big cities. The options are endless, but necessary to go through before planning anything else. Some road trips will have several attractions along the route. Others, especially through desert or rural areas, will have little of interest.

With smart phones and internet access, finding a good place to stay is just a few clicks away. Many websites will also have user ratings for various hotels and motels that can help would-be travelers from making a mistake and booking lodgings that resemble the Bates Motel from the classic movie Psycho. Booking ahead of time after checking out reviews can help vacationers avoid a bad situation.

Plan Stays Ahead of Time

This can be very important, especially during busy times of the year. One of the worst things that travelers can experience is driving across the prairies or a desert with exits every 50 miles only to find that all of the hotel rooms taken. This can easily be avoided with some planning

Think about What to Drive

Most people plan on taking the family car on a road trip. This is often the best option. There are times that it might be a bad move. Those with really old cars that tend to overheat or break down may want to consider a rental vehicle for safety reasons. Those who drive a Hummer may want to downsize for a lengthy trip to save on fuel costs.

Families with a compact vehicle may want to rent a minivan for more room on a long trip. These are things to think about. Of course, a rental may cost more, but it may be worth it for greater comfort or peace of mind. A GPS system can help save money by helping drivers avoid poor directions and higher gas costs.

Take Extra Money or a Credit Card

Just about everything on a vacation can cost more than expected. Therefore, it is imperative to have some extra cash or a credit card. No one wants to be stuck 200 miles from home with no gas and no cash.

Family vacations can be a great deal of fun. They can lead to some great memories. They can also lead to as much stress as daily life. Taking the previous tips into consideration can help alleviate some of that stress.