Tin Pupil's Cndit Ci., -...


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W h a t U Going cm In t b e Various Partabe*.


following noembetJi J'L The fnUowing w«mb€i^ 'sf t l * ebpir, nader the «lir*6t.ioix of Mr Herman Pohl sang High Mas* at Rs~« Father Popper* Miaeion at Penfleld last Sunday, Miaaga Matte Wittmen, Sophia goa*, Frank Ka-gle,aiid A a g n a t J ^ a n d ^ ~ --- "T"

GonHrmation will be administered * t tai$ ehBrcb- Sonday afternoon. >

The following ofJBiai* w*r# eieeted by the Y , UraO. last Wednesday evening; <• .

PreeidenWIienry-K^pray**. c Vice Pjawdeat—43b«rie« Wattle, Secr»w*ry«-.fiei»rj J. Renand.

c Board of Bi rector* for tw** yearn--* Frank flora, Charlea HPti ler , Joa. barker. Win. Wagner. -•

For one year— Frank Hargatber, John B*nbery Frank Merklinger* Thom*n,Mjc0ermott. ^

= * — •

i i . p e a Kellie Slattery, of J?! Smith

street* tawiaWng fmadafJyj| Montreal and Sberbrook.

B t Rw;B.^«d|1*i«f*i^1»ia Be*, ion on Snnday, &ir. gift, to preach attne dedication of the new Cbarce of S t Anthony, Aieton40f whtefchia friend, the Jfc?. A J, Boast i« rector.

SurrogateAdlinglau- admitted to prohjaj£Wedfle#day the will of Sara Doraey* dec^wd, which diapoeee of hereetatft aa follow** f r a n c * * / Doreey, p m$ and certain boildiog iotaj Ann $ Doreey, fiOOj Boae A Parke* aleler, fl,QW; 1200c Is trust for JamM purser, brother, and Brid­get MeGann, eiater of th* deceased; "The Hotaefe*™0Mld*$50, "Colored H*nr«tati# $5$ j maseea for the re-pose^f *OQ1» in pargatory as»4 for tb« convergioQ of «inBfer« $S&,

R « p * b ! k a a CanduUUi for M f ^ e r ,

^ie acbool «o1teetJ*Jtt forScpfoia-.Iwriifw-lUNr.40. „

Bew, Brk Br««»t of S$. Bernard^ Sptoiuary, celebrated tb* 9lghlt*8f «*«t8ui«iayA fifefcaa a »ag»ifi««nt ?o!ce, Ifort.'.'ito, lfoi!ban» atao of S t Bernard'**, preached ao etq^Bent ««r-meu» oa tlie l»aj example c»Tele«8 Oatholica tet tft their fallow*, aadi how they 4facre4t* 0aihoUeiam fa ftie ey«iof Hon CatliottcKiF

TJMi men and koyt v of |b©Djatitk will go to thair monthly CommoD>on tomorrow.

H » ^oiarj? dewtiawi are -well at-

Arthur Marplea and Mit» Mary Wilnon were married Toeaday o»or«* i » £ a t tl«np^ftedt»l by fiev. J, ?. Ki«rnao» Hi^bt»a«»waa celebrated before the marrifti?o oerewiooy. M-tmt ajreatem Iripf itie newly parried coop!* will reiile on R«*Tj»» *tfe»tt*,

fwtMrtekiafo tte ©ongrejritiatt of Holy Rojiary oaet with Father Tan N««a to dwouae the beat method of paying e f the expense f u r r e d iti the teceu* iropra*erae»l to the in<' ferior and exterior of the church. TarJoat pktt« were adf anc«d. ^ome wanted to hpldl a fair. Other* pro* poaed * aerie* «f lectnree or enter* tatamentjs. Still others adriaed a call of the pariah for money iahicrfptfoiJi.

•• If lafflcient waa not raiaed by that method then It wottld he time enough to talk of a fair. The latter plan met With tu©moBtadyooate« and it waa finally ado^Ud. So fir Father Van* Heeahaa met with good auoceaa. He haa received "promieea ofiub* aoriptiona (torn ae»rty^«rery family ittthe$.»ri«b, ranginf from |S5, to $1 and * nnmher of Cfatholica ont» aide the pariah have aignffied their intent! ,n of contribnting. It m hoped enongh;willh« re*liztd to obviate <«)»y neceesi^r <jf a fair*


J, ID. U>*hf, Oentral train die* patois* xtf BtiffAb, mi forrnerlj of thle otty, wa» mutM to itige E!IA )§eQmw of Trr^p street- Wedn«8d»y afternoon at 0 o'clock qit the Jm* wacnlftt^ Gon«e|tfc» Ohorch. E<?r-William GleMen officiated, Mi»i l»ydia ^alllsi, a e«n*iu c f the bride, acted a* bride#maid*»Bti W. 0, Ford, local Central night operator, waa beat man. After the ceremony * reception waa held at the honje of the bride^ t h * Google received many beantifnl preaeata. After » ibott weatern trip, Ifr. »ad Mra. Leahy will be at home at No. 4ft Helen •treet, Bnffalo.

" • ° ° • •». Biwatr'a. The aoi-Tioea orar th« remaioa of

UMJ late Mn. Oatberint KelligM took place from St. Bridget^ Ohorch Fri­day, Oct 18lb» at * a. m., and « w terf largely attended. The eere-mony wai very impreaaive, MMB be-fng iaid by her naphaw, B«v, Father Nelligan. af Oajqga, aniated by fiev, Thomaa A. Hendrick, of S t Bridget'a and Bav, Joa«ph Heodrick, of UTO-nia. Kev. Father O%ottaor. of Sen. eca FalU, Fathera Hafhes and Hitkey.ofRocneite^werealaopree-ent In tbeaanotoary. The deeaaeod wee m devout member of S t Bridgat'a pariah for maey yean, and learea to

* noara b^r lo«« two ohudren, Michaal aad Julia NalMgan end two aiatera, Ura. P. Raddy,of thU city, end Sia-tor Mary Freeoaa. of Laore! Hill Convent, in irelaad.

-c"~'. For Moiher Hiaronrmo. 0 o; At Ute atNstlnj ȣ- tiejadies and uentle-

»tttteter tje!iinmaWng' r»*tog*iaents for the benefit of HoOkr Hkronymo W«»n««0

,*i»y trmng, it waad«;a«i tc* l«oe *«^ sdiptioft lxM?k»» AJt.tSofcs will bedulj? «Jgh«4»ttd sealed. ' ""•"

Art loan ilxblbit. ° -; ( .^ "' 0n»of |be orgimiaations inEoch*

enter .thai "doea a great Amonnt of good.in an «noat«8tatiott* nwnnaria tbe charity orgeuitltwo aociety* l a order to raiae fn«da for the winter* work the eaciety ia holding e n art loan exhibli in f f»<i feamher of Com merce roomi; the articiet afcown ioolnde old paintiuga, rare hooka/ imfcfqne emh^idtty and tapeetry» prieeteai chiae and atatnar^, ite> The uitiswa of Bwchea ter ere petron-iafhg the exWhit^weil and °the price ;oie.dffli««ion fi amply repaid b$ ihe etittcteediaplayed. Every afternoon the ladiee terra deinty loncheone which « e elto well petronmBdh*, The exhibit will contlane next .week and the week after, The edtmaeion la S5 eente* "' . " -

Deathi and^tffWi; '

Fbrsoce Power*, daughter Ifary J, and the lata William V, Fowera, died Sunday owning » i the family reaidaace, 58 Wstt'5¥a,veriyj Place, a$ed 18 year a« Mine' Powers wae m member «£&. of at Anxtllary 1, A. O. H., and of Immaculate Con eeption Ghfcrch, She ia anrvived by a mother,, two aiatera, Minnie and Agnee Powew, and= iwo> broth«rt, f ran% and I*eo Powera. ^

"^^ftoeeOarranEeilly died Saturday a t the family reeidjmee, 13? Flint elreet, aged 38 years. She wee the wife of John B, fteillv, of the Wella FargoExpreaa'Go.ofllce^n thia city. Beside her hughandahe leaves three children. The funeral took place from the home *t8;S0e*elook Toei* day morning, and from Immaculate doneeptitfh Church a t ft^olock, =

Where do yott Take four £tmch?,

At Hart'e, of courw*,, Nfw, 1W, 19ft East B&n street, whtfre. we fcaft* prompt e^rviee, f>v<erytbif3g new,

fneat%hAT«lean, and *he eateblea noshed to * nicety, Bfgnlar dinner S5e; 5 meal ticke W for | I . Also fur­nished rooma with or withont board

.' Sentlemen irhen yon are oat look­ing for Enamel Cork Sole Sboee call a t "KolttmbiaM | 5 0 0 hoy» the best, £ I. Eieor, %i State at.


Rob«rt Reafrtw Ctoaiaa Mambetaalp la TbaiOrxanijEaUon. ,_

Robert Rentaw, Jr., Good GoTrrn-roent candidate for alderman 1mthe Eleventh ward, haa made the follow­ing e«itf*explaiatnry eJBdivit j Mcoroe Ooonty, City of Soobeiter .n:

I, Robert Beniew, Jr., being a worn, aay: Sinoe I have been nominated for alderman by the Good Govern­ment Olob of the Klerenth ward oer-Uinp«raone hawnbaef aircolating a repert that I am a member of an or-ganiaetion known aa the - A. P . A." Now, for th* porpoae of aattUag thia matter, I aay I e a not now, end nev** arhaTa b«ett a atmher of Uuator any eimPar organhjation. I bare never been invited to joio i t Idoa't know where It U, ead a»ly k s e w what i t ia bv pablio mmor.

K. Benfrew, Jr,

TK* tiiitens who »re anf aged •* aCtao*-** tiag th« C*I*N« of jood, »o««njmcot, •«.« ioiio^Jug u HUJOW aod »i Wcri«»K t^a « b -•(nice o t t iwk pnacipk*. * Gme4 g o w a » went eTtrybody waot»aadrr50boa«f»*0ri; lHitJh<i-4tp«yer«of Rocb«w«r»fc<»W?o»b« deluded bjr aav eatee pbrasa or Mneg of »««!», *hkh townti w«« to taa e>r 1MM aft taeaaiugUaitJuad empty mk*» Mttatttfed to dehbenw* J«dga*e« *ed fcaqnir-*. By the •ay of «-«a6«tjo« of whai k *<»Ofld <J«r-tra»tBt,"oauid*;o/iiii>n>ad application. Tt ia aaid taat it aoea«« cooductiatf taa *'?«b-tic basir.cn.oiu bttataes* princtpi«« " Wall, •o far as cuadacitag tike citj't b«»in«« fw l»via**» principles, the Rep«blica» candt-d«« iot w»yw. Hfmaa H. Edfertoo. j?w meet tn« nqaireiaente btuer Uian aay o&e? c»odidate a o » in »h# field. c

If puiuic «3tifte« is to be oaadnctcd on busisesa piiadpSes. it necttsarily fo4to»r» toat a bu»ine»» jnan ia the oo« to 6ii ika poti'.ivn juidsatisixtorify perform iUdutJea. It is exceptional to find * profesatoaal man who is a good bu»ine*a own; and. it aeeta* to any thi^igfetful person ihat whtk tha end; yjt: doing bu*iDCi* on bttsiaCos prtnciple* it jtiatifiable, the m « a » taken by the Good tioventOM-Ht people and adopted by toe Dcm* ocr*tic party h a contradktkm of tarn* and exceedingly absurd. foe three important po»tt»oes'"on the Cooit Go*erota«Bt « d ft-atoctatjc tick«« » « represented by pw-fe^ipii»l flien, fof M?< Wamsr i*"a lawyer, "M*v "Oct*-ri|fht an frigfrteer. and "Mr, KnetweTan arehfqkt. Tfte HBpublican pbity offer* fau&|r|es=. wen t& t«rry on thedty go»-nomvm.. ;. M*%««» Edgerfort »wl Stott, contractors*ni buildew.aadUr McMillan, amercium-

Our purpoae atv$tf« time U to call the feader* attention more pOtkjalarily^o Mr. Edgertow, candidate for mayor, tnm aariy luanbood be haa Ixea engagW to btt»io«a» la oar c«ty, and br iod"n«lty and pancrvcraaca coupled witli » i s* discretion, clear jodg-rtiijnt. guided by ripe axpenaaca aad iateUw | t n « in tbe performance of aiidaty, be has ighie*ed a po-hioo ia the front" rank of b«Uder*inthi*co»*iantty and tbe «e«t«n« part of th* St alt. Soaotof tfc« anat mag-rtiScerti*trucioreala ihif city aad tbe tab-utbt ataad as aaoaaatawta to bio abiUtv aad capacity a* a cootractor.

During t feete auny jrtara be baa bad faaa-dfrd* of tnnct in hb employ, ranging froea the coentnon laborer to Uw akiikd nkac^ank and who ever-heard of aay of tbara apeei*«#p ill of Hiram H. Edgertuo. Workingfaas him»«lf, a toiler aaaong tba toilart, haapora elated thair aeeda aad.raodered to all of tbaaa their {tut doei; and to-day they arc banded together a* hit friend* ia support of aiaa for the honorable and important office of mayor, for whiJh he haa been put io nutBlnation.

The-chief duty of a mayor of Racbaater i< to «xerct*t go</d-.mdgnient and uae dlacro-tionin_tbe admlniatratioti ol tbe aSalrsof

^ j 4 hit oKet", Htr hat to BMect and pa«a upon 1 the dairna and rexjua»t» and deaaotdt of ail

rla«<>e*. from th« hamble i t citttea t o tba moat prOffitAteit ia tbe c4a>manity. H a baa to-steth»-?fe»--iaw* a o i prunaKma^af the charter are obwrved . And perbapa tba ntott importani function, aod t b e oaa waicli affecr<> the pocket i of tb« taxpayer moat di-r t c t l y i t the careful acmtiay aod,exaaarna-liort ot the biila and aoconatt which !MI h i t toapprowt before they can b* paid. Tba great bulk at tba property owner* tax ia made o f the monty paid for labor and ma. tfrial. and which nrun mset tba aaacitoa of the major before payment. Now w h o to beat qualified to perform aach daty ? Tba lawyer, who** life and training bat bean tba Uw, Qbote mind baa bean dJvorted Io tba reading of (he i tamtea and tba a u n d a a i i o n of the decision< of tbe court oar legal eon* inr- . or the s la in butineta m a n . * a o a l i hit life haa h.*d hi» mind trained to tbeeloaa «*• iraination o f accounta, looking after the diibursenirrita of money for labor and poe-*e»>ftr|f IrcO* ledge of the ralue of aach labor and miter-;*! i c the market. Remem btt, thoufandf upon thousand* of dotlara are paid annually from the city treasury for ntrtcrtarrdije aed for labor *ndrrn»i<nal re­quired-in the tonatruct ion of budding-, I«pa&> atui ittprOvctaenUof iU:tet». Who would v « u employ to » c t M referee or arbi-trticrtfp8n tfie.value of *uc{i laork or prop­erty, the l«wry«r or the practical man? The quettfcn amiwer* iiaelf

Mr. Edgerton in hi* a vocation, ha* of nee* esjjty* c i m e in <octact 'with a l l tiaaaet ».f men, has had clone acquaintance » h h tbe affair*oi thK community, aad matt have an intimate I tem ledge of what ruoat concern* Its cit«en«, and what anall proaper and adiraace, their material protptrity. H e ia well equipped to be the « a t c b dog of th* treas­ury, able to detect fraud, atop •xita*agaaee or negligent waa-a o f the people's money. and promote tbe bntlneae at wen" a* tba aocial proaperity of oar people. Hit a m H f

Edgenoo is a a w n wboea mtagrity baa a e r w been aaaaUad, w t o e e c a p a d t r terwotlt aaa been proven, whose exoetleat M f a t i n t g e e diacrotlon i s oonceeded by every c&hax, a a d • h o ia iaaofots*and fina e a o a f h to d e waat it right, frntapextive o f eHniaa, Haga ar twister fnflneaces, for and ta behalf o f tbe whole people aod for tba general good and advancement of ottr beautiful d r y ; a n d a o nan. i n Rochester who catts h i s vote forbiaa will nave to tegrtt tbat ba belped plac« Hiram H . Edgerton at t j e bead o f t b t municipal govtaajaaat. '"'

1 . c'' 4


STRKE W;b«a the iron it bet aad a»* »*•» yea eted in Scady-to-Waar CloAiag fat tba astir* laatfo.


A « l

, sjara* a*4 CMtevema gfvpajaaata. b U a ' a , 9ortT a a d caudrwo'a e » M ^ «««•*•««« ev-jrt'sfest Ira***.

Wianaa's K«o4y-**~ Wear Peaaiaa-atlk Wotssa, (Md aktota. Sl*«at«ba>*ae.

A t l » t ^ c i i i v M ^ M M e n t . > t o t k i a a a v a ^ t h j m a t e N.wV«rfc S»»ta. tmm, taaarotat. <fiea*nttf»aW saaa 4mjt

Tin Pupil's" Cndit Ci., »a-«* STATU s r . ^


bJ^^A i k u a gtJb eKwatviefow^ didfwUteileJlrrlida.

^ c i a * (eMbitiAgV e^bk Aab^Vh^ads M&&P wsae^B^^^e' v*^ft "^^g^sw tamnyft ^%^F

mfoA w&Bh tae toattrfet fiirsaii ^BW«aan»f> ^vs^g^sa^e ^ e * l w ^W^sntewijmiajp^ ^MpWrn^B^aqa^e/

tatifto rr^r £*&** &****** . OII>

ITieiTirli fjitfaw iridT

Thrrr ire frnittatu miifiti -"5Riw*

BsetoieJl^i^prl^Woia^W^ besatituei!

;" IW^^i; "-M" fr^J


•£v « v % txsi

z Ribbon Remrvurtta Women's inatiiwt wi l leuggaet .

tnonaand purpoeee .Ibj^ a bright, ailkea bureaun*. Thara ere colore, * tdJ width* end le*™^^fc4JpP^ • w ' a wa**wa^wer ^^^•'w

Vlrw^^W' •^w^s^a>^ w j^wasw^^^i^^p^e^

like Usfnt far h^dt^f AatkaiMte voast- ageagMsd 4b«y #1

bi i t i i t t , fihnifint

- & *

^ M »

Rold by AU Grocers.

'Phone 346.

^afas 'aa 'aaa ^ a * sBja^Baa^aaaaa^Msgftga. ' '

tiikm hamaamsimmn- J . ..^M5m vSSSfSHlsSfsS^Mf



SaTe Yoar ClotliiDg \

Iftaa^-^. 4 g L ^ laVFaaaaa* ^a^aA*4r^aiaaia»^ ja#" V-jiaa^a^BhaBai

V l w l W l f t H F l « g | w « VF'lMHHNVjr' MftcWMi? bf lw»inf f e w l**m6rf WofkAxK BY HAHD^tt i - ,

Victoria Laundry, 21 ilfit STREET.'

BleettooDaw ' ^ Toeaday, Norember 5 th, ia aelkr at band end tbe politioiam are now exerting theoaeltres to aeenre votee • o t * not to be left eat In the cold when tine ballot* ate wonted. Cold aged front/ weather ia alao near at hand aod it bflhaorea the aead af tbe hotaehold to look after fala coal for the winter tf yoa want a high grade hard coal place your order with L. 0. Langie, oomej Baat Main andfiaat ave., or at either of hia yttfda South Clinton *ir. Alexander •treeta and North aveaee.

l%t »S »S $4, and fl^ shoe are


O u r •# $5.50 J

Jacket* #

i 2 | i y ; ; :

^»#laf .- . • o . - •

It'a taada ia rbo • K j k t a h ^ Aaaaaai^a aataA kgwjMaa*aa ae ^mlaaatda '

muiwu sewes, mta •SMUNJ wNva> bonaea will ask yea # • and • • f r i t , other booae does, at eaaM aal law at most reliable Credit Hoaeeia



Iredarlck C. Saitala die" Poealai Aa ran* aid tba Xapebiiaaa

^•It la of U» firat i apewtaasa ttat v m

large aBionat efnaepdeat baaeieas (mdwlsdgi.* aad U-iaosTtainr> can ba said af ftattamh C. Sates, ta* ncminai o l tba w»j>aMienm|fcv membarof tbatfaoaorabieeedy. ,, - Mr. 8dtt aea^ed Jte a*|«*ieJe*^ ^sy^ tot We John O. Wagaar. wittj ifygfc-* tesaataed lar a* yaaw after IsX "" botidsae. la*aav aaaaatfeeet <a ItocneattT a m i a* aaoaasi geaitta end akfll aaa tsaBdat aest' aatceg wbidtamybaaeesifoaerit-..

ft Barry BtnWbig. Rocb«fteri9lBtoi<0**

ffl n^TtltI7l»rta/ff| Trying to copy oar original 'trsai aad ideas hut they canaot foot tbe people. Come to tbe old retisblc.


Hogatr . Orer SS5 Kajt Main 6e . f


w ydb ^-^tftiM " H i . M k ifftb':-

nftfkirar axotllaggt'- <MatttfiMa':

Ulalltit W1WI iHJlnf HOW be bat Mi mfa

•adaefik -• dacaak^a.

mBmtmAMdf'i". *•



't"j" /.**%i

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^v*^*-«^- . "•NCwV

^a» 5wyi

THE. "•S®

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C R E D S 1 LU11* '?eo '.



V . " ' • -'T « . •-

- J d * wet/ rg«

r\E..-|5l ^ ; » l

tta»m*M' ? | e \ j ' : '^ .

S l

Sworn to before m e thie 10th day f pttal, Third Pretbytevfaa OttreftTaer^a new Chamber &f Commerce BotldiBg. Mr. Sehs ia s very popu'ar Gevawa Amtvfeta, having resided in Rocba*t«t ataca 1653.

of Ootober, 1894, John B. hjDo, =>

, KotarycFa^lfo.

Yen Want &oft sutd Bmltbiog Coal. ; , For tee beat Scranton and Pittaton brande go to Xonia Rde3aiattr' 40 North: avenne, near railroad. Ton will like hina to deal frith, aad will

• g O l H a ^ b . ' ; : ' ' • v . . 1 ' 7 : . - : - ^ - ••;

• " ' ' . " , . • ' " " T " •. '?• AaattattssfthMe Capes fas.00.

SO-inehdeep 100-inch aweep with •artin Hnfng, biggest



&JattOltfa-a£ Ht Ait*Alr .If.jMal. "wa awwa' ^wja' ps "W it esv a E se bwatiiSg a Wf"

'Tbe lUpttWkaa aoerbtae.forJaWw the ts*k w^rd WIM m a l s e each "

J CdrerttBAet Clab iEa tbe i.Dw«KifWWa«akerpa

who teas bore la bnihiawfia r <atk»forHmaaatteay«ata, that tbe cHy, l tia a w ether ahonidbe ran on t w p s i * the t**e# cf this <%» ate «B ti that thet Bcird of AJdertoa* posed of toccweftil butteeet.. *see, toe«r-*;riod etpertew '"" *" de affairs ol tba dry. tioa^atderwaamftw •tarMrfd tar

* 4


.';• V.' ' ' ^A'"'' ','":^

ft^l:^ ^ -rs i-

*»A^ wj*


^ ^ ^ PF-TffT"%.j ^W*«WISaSS*^5J-i»'*l **-J^*TA-