Times They are a Changing at WGHS


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New Start Time at WGHS

…student reactions with photos by Alice Crispell

Alex said, “Awesome,” when he heard that the Watkins schools were all starting at 8 o’clock. “This means the high school classes are starting 25 minutes later.” Even though Alex is a senior, and will be attending college by the time the change is put in place he said, “my brother will be very happy about this.”

Alex Croyle, Senior

Emily Doppel, SophmoreEmily is excited about the time change, but doesn’t think it is really

enough time to sleep. She also had questions.

“What will the sports teams do? They will have to tell other schools to hold games and meets and matches later in the day.”

Mara Brisbois, JuniorMara likes the idea of the time change and of a single bus run in the

morning and one in the afternoon.

“It will save the school a whole lot of money.”