Time Frame: Present Just Do It! Action oriented Works with hands or body Remember : They are...


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Time Frame:


Just Do It!


Action oriented Works with hands or body Remember: They are devoted to

getting things done and believe that others are a little too casual about work and deadlines


Is hard working and committed to the job or task at hand

Likes to be in charge and takes initiative easily

Is quick to move in and seize an opportunity (or create one)

Enjoys a challenge


Time Frame:


More Love, Less Attitude!

Amiable Relationship oriented Works out of the heart Remember: They are devoted to

people and to creating harmony. They see that as their life’s calling. They get frustrated (and saddened) by the impersonal behavior of others


Uses personal charm to win people over Is genuinely interested in the welfare of

others Is quick to adapt to new ideas and ways Is empathetic and a good listener Is able to interact easily and fit in with

all kinds of people Is sensitive and aware of other’s

feelings and needs


Time Frame:


Question Authority!


Intuition oriented Works from solar plexus Remember: They are devoted to the “big

picture,” to creating a better world for everyone. They believe they have the moral imperative to heal the world’s ills. They are disturbed when other people don’t understand their dreams


Has a warm personality and loves to talk

Makes an effort to get other people to express their opinions and feelings

Keeps people thinking about goals, purposes-the “big picture”

Works until mutually satisfying solutions are found

Is straightforward about his/her ideas and feelings; expresses them openly


Time Frame:



Thinking/fact oriented Works out of the brain Remember: They are devoted

to doing the right thing and believe that others pay too little attention to details and accuracy


Thoroughly examines and studies situations Is methodical and consistently follows

procedures and policies Likes to work with the “tried and true” and

enjoys getting the most out of what already exists

Outlines alternatives and examines the pros/cons of each

Is good with detail and is persistent with follow through

Driver (communicating with)

Be straightforward Get their attention by being direct;

express purpose of your conversation at the beginning

Ask them very specifically for help, data needed, or behavior they need to change


Driver (communicating with)

Back your request or criticisms with tangible evidence or proof

Involve them in your planning or strategy when their personal ability to control outcomes is affected

Validate their ability to strategize or solve problems

Amiable (communicating with)

You must be sensitive to their internal need of long range planning and cooperation

Plan the setting of your conversations as well as the content

Remain calm Before making a change, express your

intent—let them get used to the idea


Amiable (communicating with) Be specific about priorities, deadlines,

expectations, and what is to be done Monitor progress by “dropping by” to

chat, and then ease into the business Validate them for their stability in

maintaining and developing relationships

Expressive (communicating with)

You must be sensitive to people issues

Begin conversations with personal interest topics

Ease into the “meat” of your discussion


Expressive (communicating with)

Express your feelings about the objective information, criticisms, and actions you must convey

Validate them for their people skills or ability to relate to others

Analytical (communicating with)

You must be sincere, specific, and fair

Begin conversations more formally, using an approach that is appropriate to the content, environment, and level of familiarity you have with the person


Analytical (communicating with)

Layout the details carefully, taking time to be sure they understand thoroughly what is to be accomplished or what the outcome is

Give plenty of feedback during the beginning stages of their learning curve when doing a new task

Liberally validate their contributions to the team and the quality of work produced

Know Yourself

How are your similarand

dissimilar to others

Control Yourself

Drivers: need to learn to listen Amiables: need to learn to initiate Expressives: need to check Analyticals: need to declare

Do for Others

Support them!!


Discover their objectives Ask questions about specifics

to get the job done Move directly and quickly Be business-like


Support their feelings and desire for personal friendships

Show a personal interest Be cooperative and patient


Support their dreams and ideas Plan to ask questions to help

them reach their goals Find some agreement with

their opinions Express mutually stimulating

ideas and possible solutions


Show understanding Take initiative and

demonstrate through actions Prepare written presentations

and recommendations

Our Working

