Time Domain Reflectometer System



Time Domain Reflectometer System

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  • Low Cost Portable

    Time Domain Reflectometer


    Prepared by: Shannon Petty and Paul Bailey

    Technical Advice by: John Larkin, Highland Technology


    Fall 2010 to Spring 2011

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Table of Contents

    1. Abstract . . . . . . . . . . 2

    2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . 3

    3. Background . . . . . . . . . 4

    4. Design Requirements . . . . . . . . 5

    5. Preferred Implementation . . . . . . . 6

    5.1 Operation . . . . . . . . . 7

    5.2 The TDR Box . . . . . . . . . 8

    5.2.1 The Microcontroller

    5.2.2 The Delay Generator

    5.2.3 The Fast Sampler and Impulse Generator

    5.3 The TDR Application Software . . . . . . 16

    6. Schedule and Budget . . . . . . . . 18

    7. Results . . . . . . . . . . 19

    7.1 Project Implementation (Overview) . . . . . . 19

    7.2 TDR Board Schematic . . . . . . . . 21

    7.2.1 Power

    7.2.2 Communication

    7.2.3 LEDs

    7.2.4 Delay Generator

    7.2.5 Step Generator

    7.2.6 Impulse Generator

    7.2.7 Sampler

    7.2.8 Sample Conditioning

    7.2.9 ADC Buffers

    7.3 Circuit Board Layout . . . . . . . . 24

    7.4 Microcontroller Programming . . . . . . . 24

    7.5 Software Programming . . . . . . . . 24

    7.6 Test and Verification . . . . . . . . 24

    8. Discussion and Conclusion . . . . . . . 34

    Appendix A. Schematic . . . . . . . . 35

    Appendix B. Board Layout . . . . . . . . 43

    Appendix C. Application Source Code . . . . . . 44

    Appendix D. Microcontroller Source Code . . . . . 54

    Appendix E. References . . . . . . . . 70

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    1. Abstract

    For our project, our group designed a low cost portable Time Domain

    Reflectometer (TDR) system for use in measuring the impedances of printed

    circuit board traces in a test coupon format. This system consists of a Personal Computer (PC) running a host application and a remote box, connected via a USB

    cable or an RS-232 cable. The remote box contains the electronic circuits required

    for generating and measuring the TDR signals. The host application software

    receives data from the remote TDR box, and then processes and displays the TDR

    image with calculated impedance measurements.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    2. Introduction

    As technology has progressed, signal speeds have also increased. Printed Circuit

    Board (PCB) designs have had to change in order to deal with these increasing

    signal speeds. In many cases, PCB traces have effectively become transmission

    lines, requiring controlled impedances to prevent signal loss and distortion. The

    burden placed on both PCB manufactures and design engineers is to measure and

    verify the impedance of these traces.

    Time Domain Reflectometry, or TDR, is the method used to measure the

    impedance of a transmission line.TDR is the process of injecting a fast step pulse

    into a transmission line and then measuring the reflections that result from the

    signal as it travels through the transmission line. Because the PCB traces are

    much shorter in length compared to normal cables (millimeters compared to

    meters), TDR systems used to measure the impedance of long cables cannot be

    used effectively for these traces.

    A very fast TDR system, which is usually part of a Vector Network Analyzer or a

    Digital Sampling Oscilloscope, must be used in order to perform impedance

    measurements of short transmission lines like PCB traces. These types of TDR

    systems are very expensive, making them difficult to obtain for the average

    design engineer or engineering department, and large and fragile, making them

    difficult to transport. Our proposed project is to design a low cost, portable TDR

    system for measuring the trace impedance of Printed Circuit Boards. The

    proposed system should have specifications that are comparable to the more

    expensive systems and sufficient for making the required measurements.

    Printed circuit boards are typically manufactured on large panels (18 x 24 typical). Each panel can contain several boards (depending on the board size)

    made up of various layers of laminates including copper, epoxy, fiberglass, and

    other materials. These materials are heat-pressed together into a tight sandwich-

    like structure. After further processing, the individual boards are then cut out of

    the panel using a router and then inspected, tested, and finally sent to the client.

    Impedance controlled boards are boards that contain traces that must meet a

    certain impedance specification. Their specifications will be provided by the

    client. The board manufacturer will then adjust the process in order to meet these

    specifications. In order to verify that the specifications are met, the board

    manufacturer will add another small board to the panel of boards which will

    contain traces of the same line width and copper weight on the same layer as the

    controlled impedances on the customers board. These small boards are known as Test Coupons. We designed our TDR system to measure these coupons.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    3. Background

    The state of the art is shown in Table 1. The two high-end competitors are Tektronix and Agilent. Their systems are used for measuring the impedance of

    PCB traces, but they are primarily designed for measuring the impedance of small

    microwave components as part of their s-parameter specifications, etc. We

    intended to compete with them only on price, targeting firms with smaller

    engineering department budgets.

    Table 1: Possible competitors and their specifications

    Manufacturer Product Specifications Price

    Tektronix Sampling Oscilloscope

    CSA8200+80E10 TDR

    plug-in or P8018 probe

    and 80A02 plug-in.

    12ps risetime




    Agilent Sampling Oscilloscope

    86100+N1020A probe


    15ps risetime

    incident pulse


    Polar Instruments CITS900 system 200ps risetime

    incident pulse


    The system from Polar Instruments is designed specifically for measuring the

    impedance of PCB test coupons. We expected to meet and possibly exceed the

    electrical specifications of their system. With a proposed customer price of $2500

    (not including a required PC), our target is small engineering firms, engineering

    departments, students, hobbyists, and anyone designing high speed controlled

    impedance PCBs.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    4. Requirements and Specifications

    Table 2 shows the show the specifications of our proposed TDR systems hardware, and Table 3 shows the specifications of our proposed TDR systems software.

    Table 2: Electrical characteristics of the external TDR box (hardware)

    Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information

    Excitation Pulse,

    Reflected Pulse

    = 75ps (11.242 mm or 0.443


    Vp 10 to 90% into precision


    (i.e. Incident pulse risetime).

    Output Impedance 50(ohm) 1% After risetime stabilizes into

    50(ohm) termination.

    Pulse Amplitude 400mV nominal into 50(ohm)

    Pulse Width 40ns nominal

    Pulse Repetition Time 10us nominal

    Vertical Resolution 0.5m(rho) Based on 12-bit ADC (800mV


    Horizontal Resolution 1.0ps Based on 16-bit DAC (Vinear


    Time to Acquire TDR


    0.7s Based on 100,000 samples/s.

    Table 3: Characteristics of application software for the TDR system

    Characteristic Performance Requirement Supplemental Information

    Vertical Scales 60m(rho)/div =400 values Based on 400 vertical pixels

    in display window.

    Vertical Position Any waveform point is

    moveable to center of display


    Cursor Readout Range -150mm to 6000mm

    Distance Measurement


    11.2mm or 1% of distance

    measured, whichever is greater

    Based on Excitation pulse


    Cursor Ohms Readout 0(ohm) to 1k(ohm), 1% Typically 0 to 200(ohm) used.

    Time to Process & Display

    TDR waveform

    10 seconds (Depending on the

    speed of computer used).

    Data transfer alone will

    require seven seconds at

    153.6k baud.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    5. Preferred Implementation

    The proposed TDR system consists of a application software on a PC and an

    external TDR box containing the circuitry needed to produce the TDR incident

    pulse and measure the reflections returned. The TDR box is connected to the host

    computer via USB.

    Fig. 1 Proposed TDR System

    Figure 2 is a picture of the proposed electronics system inside the remote TDR

    box. Three major subsystems to the circuit are shown in colored boxes.

    Fig. 2 TDR Remote Box circuit diagram

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Each of the major parts of the circuit required additional research to determine

    how that part can be implemented (e.g. components, circuits and other various


    5.1 Operation

    We intended to design the system so that the PC will do the majority of the work,

    allowing a much simpler design for the microcontroller code, whose primary

    purpose will be to pass the raw sample or dot data to the PC where it will be processed.

    The system operates by the following steps:

    1. The PC sends a request for a TDR image (data). 2. The ramp generator starts producing the TDR step pulse and sample

    impulse delays.

    3. The TDR step is sent out of the coax connector to the device under test. The impulse delay is used to generate the required pulse to snap the SRD (step-recovery diode) and produce the complementary


    4. The impulses travel to the diode sampler where the pulses forward bias the two diodes. This momentarily allows the input signal to charge the

    two capacitors. This amounts to a very fast sample-and-hold circuit.

    5. The voltage from the sample capacitors is conditioned, amplified and then digitized by the ADC, producing a sample point or dot voltage value that is stored in the microcontroller memory array.

    6. The value is sent to the PC, which receives the data and stores it in an internal memory array or a file.

    7. Steps 2 through 6 are repeated until the array is full or the image is completed, whichever occurs first.

    8. The data is then processed and filtered to remove as much noise as needed or as possible. This is done with an FIR filter in software. The

    FIR filter coefficients are adjusted via inverse convolution algorithm

    using an ideal input step as a reference.

    9. The post-processed data is normalized and impedance measurements are made. These measurements are based on a precision impedance

    reference that was measured and previously stored in memory during

    the initial system calibration. Normally this reference is an air-core coaxial cable or a precision terminator.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    5.2 The TDR Box

    As shown in Figure 2, the TDR box consists of three main subsystems: the

    microcontroller, the delay generator, and the fast sampler and Impulse Generator.

    5.2.1 The Microcontroller

    For the microcontroller, the principal requirements are that the development tool

    set should be cheap (free/open source) and there must be enough internal SRAM

    for serial communication buffering and data arrays for sampling. The processor

    would need at least one internal UART for communications with the host

    computer. Communications to/from the host computer via USB would be

    performed using a serial to USB converter IC. Communications would be done by

    ASCII serial commands sent from the host computer and acknowledgements

    returned to the PC. The microcontroller would perform the functions and return

    data to the host computer in binary format. These functions include

    starting/stopping the delay generator section and communicating with external

    DACs and ADCs via SPI or I2C serial interface. We used the 32-bit LPC (Arm)

    microcontroller family from NXP.

    The microcontroller would receive serial commands from the Host PC via USB.

    The main command is a request form the PC for a TDR image. The

    microcontroller initiates this process by starting the ramp generator, sampling the

    dot voltage, and finally storing the result in its internal memory array. The microcontroller then advances the sample delay in time and repeats the process.

    Once the TDR image has been acquired (or the memory is full), the data is sent to

    the PC. This may take several packet transfers depending on the microcontroller

    memory size.

    To avoid having to write a USB driver for windows, a USB to Serial chip would

    be used. These chips have drivers provided by the manufacturers for windows and

    Linux, etc. The chip provides a simple USB to COM port interface on the PC side

    and a simple TTL serial I/O interface on the microcontroller side. The only

    downside to this is the baud rate is limited to the COM baud rate of the PC

    (153.6kbaud normally). This means if 16-bits are used for each dot value, it will take several seconds to transmit the image data (16 x 65536 = 1,048,576 / 153,600

    bits/sec =~6.8s).

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    5.2.2 The Delay Generator

    The delay generator is based on a linear ramp that has a rise time of a few

    nanoseconds. The ramp voltage is measured by a comparator which produces an

    output switch when the ramp voltage reaches the reference input voltage of the

    comparator. Different time delays are made by varying the reference voltage of

    the comparator via DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). This type of delay is also

    known as a Vinear delay.

    A constant current source is required to charge a capacitor in order to produce a

    linear voltage. The capacitor is discharged by a FET that resets the capacitor

    voltage to zero.

    This part of the design requires the following: A good current source, very fast

    comparators (possibly LVDS receivers), a FET driver circuit (a very fast FET is

    needed, such as GaAs FET, which will need a negative voltage to turn off).

    The DAC must be moderately fast with a settling time well under 1us (for delay

    repetition rates of 100KHz). The bit resolution is not that critical but we prefer

    sixteen bits.

    Fig 3. Constant Current Source

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    The circuit in Figure 3 is a possible constant current source. The Vref is the set voltage derived from a stable voltage reference (zener or band gap reference). The

    current is set via R1.

    R1 should dissipate a bit of power so a Watt resistor may be required

    depending on the voltage drop and current. L1 is in the circuit to provide constant

    current during the transient of switching the cap back into the circuit (i.e. when

    the FET is turned Off).

    Fig. 4 Delay Generator

    The circuit in Fig.4 is a possible circuit design for the ramp/delay generator. To

    start the delay generator, Vgo is driven from the microcontroller to a logic high state. This pulls the gate of Q1 more negative, turning it OFF and allowing C1 to

    start charging. R4 is populated due to the moment Q1 is switched off, C1 appears

    as a direct short circuit to ground which causes the ramp to be nonlinear at its

    start. (R4 is in the 1 to 15 ohm range). As the cap charges, it produces a linear

    voltage ramp. When the ramp voltage reaches the threshold voltage of either of

    the two voltage comparators (U2, U3), their outputs will switch, producing both

    the TDR step and the Sample pulses. The two delays are adjusted by their reference voltages Vtdr and Vdac. Vtdr should be a fixed voltage, always producing the TDR step at the same location in time. Vdac is variable and allows the Sample pulse to occur before and after the TDR pulse in time.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig. 5. Ramp (Voltage vs. Time) Fig. 6. Ramp (Voltage vs. Delay)

    The ramp voltage vs. time can be calculated using:


    For example:

    If a 16-bit DAC is used to set the Sample delay Vdac voltage, very small delay increments are possible. If the voltage reference input of the DAC is set to the

    (delta)V of the ramp (3V in this case), the DAC has 0 to 65535 voltage

    increments of

    per LSB (Least Significant Bit). Converting this to delay increments,

    per LSB. (Referencing the ramp in Figure 4, there would be 65536 possible t sample dots at a t of 366.2fs). Our required specification is 1ps DAC resolution so this is a good margin.

    The comparators must be very fast. A CML comparator from Analog Devices

    ADCMP57x looks to be an ideal part for the TDR pulse comparator/step

    generator. This comparator is designed to directly drive 400mV into a 50 ohm

    transmission line. Below is a simplified schematic Diagram of its output.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    This comparator has an output rise/fall time of 35ps. Our specification is 75ps.

    The TDR step pulse rise time directly affects the resolution of the TDR. If the

    TDR rise time is too slow, discontinuities can be missed if their reflection rise

    time is faster than the incident step pulse. Two neighboring discontinuities may be

    indistinguishable if the distance between them amounts to less half the TDR rise

    time. This equation summarizes this concept:


    In 35ps, light travels approximately 9.6mm. According to the above equation, our

    resolution would be approximately 4.8mm.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    5.2.3 The Fast Sampler and Impulse Generator:

    Due to the speed of our system, we must use equivalent time sampling to overcome the bandwidth limitations of real time sampling using ADCs, etc.

    Equivalent time sampling requires repetitive input signals. The sampling systems

    samples the instantaneous amplitude of the signal during a specific small time

    period, digitizes this amplitude, and places the value in a sequential array in

    memory. The sample is traditionally known as a dot because these samples were displayed as dots on old sampling oscilloscopes. The position of the dot

    value in the array represents its equivalent horizontal position in time. The sample

    time is then incremented slightly (via DAC in our design), and another

    instantaneous voltage is sampled (from a different cycle of the input), digitized,

    and stored in the array.

    Each successive sample is at a slightly later time in relation to a fixed point of

    each sampled signal cycle. After many cycles of the input signal, the sampling

    system has reconstructed in memory a single facsimile made up of all the samples

    in the array, each sample taken in sequence from a different cycle of the input

    signal (shown in the blow figures).

    Input pulse of a repetitive real-time signal is reconstructed in equivalent-time via

    sequential sampling.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Real-time and equivalent-time relationship.

    The number of samples and the repetition rate of the system determine the time

    required to reconstruct the waveform in memory. After the waveform has been

    acquired, the data array is sent to the host computer where it can be


    Fig. 7 Schematic diagram of two diode sampler

    The circuit in Figure 7 is a possible two diode sampling circuit. The TDR step

    pulse passes from the Delay Generator portion of the circuit through a 50 Ohm,

    200ps strip line trace to connector J1. The outgoing and reflected signals are

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    sampled by the two diode sampler. The diodes D1 and D2 are low capacitance

    Schottky diodes biased off by the two bias voltages Vbias+/-. When the diodes are momentarily driven into forward conduction by the symmetric strobes

    Impulse+/-, the input signal partially charges the hold capacitors C1 and C2. If the repetition frequency of the input signal is a multiple of the strobe frequency

    (and it will be in our design), at each successive strobe interval the sampling

    diode will further charge the holding capacitors and cause the output voltage

    sampled to asymptotically approach that of the input voltage. These two capacitor

    voltages are summed, conditioned and finally digitized by the ADC.

    Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of SRD (Step Recovery Diode) Impulse Generator

    The sampling delay output Sampdly from Figure 4 is used to produce a fast pulse that is used to drive the SRD. When the SRD snaps, it produces a very fast positive and negative impulse that propagates to the diode sampler circuit.

    The two shorted transmission lines can be adjusted to change the impulse width.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    5.3 The TDR Application Software:

    This software is used to communicate via USB to the TDR remote box. Raw data

    is returned to the software after a complete TDR cycle has finished. This can take

    several seconds to collect the data and process it for display and measurements.

    Since the system is not a real time system this should not be a problem.

    A certain amount of unwanted noise is expected as well as other signal

    abnormalities. To remove these unwanted signals, an FIR filter can be designed in

    software. An FIR filter with impulse response h and input x, where the output is

    given by:

    Fig. 9: Tapped delay line implementation of an FIR filter.

    By definition, the data returned from the TDR remote Box is data from a tapped

    delay line so it may be possible to simply multiply each of these discrete data

    points by a coefficient in order to adjust the filter (much like a graphic equalizer

    for audio).

    The filter coefficients are a bit tricky to determine, and using inverse convolution

    or deconvolution to find the coefficients can blow up if the noise is amplified

    instead of actual signal information. Figure 10 shows an example of

    deconvolution being used for our software.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig. 10: TDR Application Software Filter

    After the data has been processed, an image showing the TDR signal amplitude in

    volts or vs. time will be displayed in a window on the display. The window will have a grid similar to an oscilloscope making it easier to use. A user cursor or a

    pair of cursors will be movable along the displayed waveform indicating time,

    amplitude, the reflection coefficient () and the impedance () of the current cursor position.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    6. Schedule and Budget

    Highland Technology, Inc. has agreed to provide financing as well as the use of

    their production and testing facility. We wanted to design the product to be as

    cheap to produce as possible with a target materials cost of around $200. We will

    obviously need to spend much more than this for the prototype and rev A PCBs

    and for parts. The initial development cost was estimated at approximately $2000.

    Our schedule was as follows:

    3/22/2011 (week): Finalize Schematic.

    3/29/2011 (week): Complete PCB layout, send for production by 3/31 (3-day

    quick turnaround).

    4/8/2011: Assemble board.

    4/9-15/2011: Debug and test hardware.

    4/18/2011: Integrate hardware and software.

    4/25-29/2011: Debug software.

    5/2-6/2011: Finish up and write spec.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    7. Results

    We broadly followed the preferred implementation discussed in section 5, but

    with a few changes.

    After a brief overview of our project implementation, the results will be explained

    in this section in order of the TDR board schematic, its layout, the microcontroller

    programming, the software programming, and the TDRs final performance

    characteristics. Only channel one will be discussed here.

    7.1 Implementing Our Project: Overview

    From our original concept and TDR Circuit Diagram from Fig. 2 (which describes

    a single channel TDR system), our sponsor (Highland Technology) suggested that

    we produce a two-channel TDR system for performing differential TDR

    measurements. The understanding was that for this project we only focus on a

    single-channel TDR system, adding the other channel to the system later.

    We designed each of the three sections in the block diagram (Figure 2) and

    produced a schematic (Appendix A). After drawing up the schematic, there were

    several design-review sessions where changes were made until both we and our

    sponsor were satisfied with the circuit design. We wanted to design the circuit

    board entirely with components that Highland currently carried in stock. This

    reduced the cost and manufacture time of the prototype. We created a parts list

    from the schematic procured our parts from stock.

    After completing the schematic, we next had to design the printed circuit board.

    Since the design that we had settled on consisted on several unique geometries,

    we could not use an off-the-shelf development system for the high-speed analog

    portion of the design. This forced us to design a custom printed circuit board that

    incorporated all three sections of our block diagram. The dimensions of the PCB

    (6.180x 3.465) were determined by an enclosure chosen by Highland. Highland

    intends to make a product out of this design in the future, so they wanted it to fit

    in their T product line, which is defined by the dimensions of the product

    enclosure. Due to the component size and quantity that had to fit in this

    predefined area, the board stack-up consists of four electrical layers with

    components populated on both the top and bottom of the board. This increased the

    board and manufacturing cost slightly, but it was necessary for the prototype.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    The board design took a longer time to design than we expected, mainly because

    of the complex geometries that were used in the high-speed step and impulse

    generator circuits used to produce the TDR step and the impulse voltage for the

    diode sampler. The traces for these circuits are impedance-controlled and two

    different techniques were used to produce these traces (Microstrip and Coplanar

    Wave Guide with Ground (CPWGG)). Each technique presented its own set of

    challenges and every time a change was made to the design such as moving a

    component, trace calculations were necessary and the traces were carefully

    redrawn. The delays in board layout and design review meetings put the project

    behind schedule by a little over one month.

    Once the board design was complete, the design files were sent to a quick-turn

    board manufacturing house, and we had our boards in four days. Since the boards

    were designed with mostly surface-mount components, we were able to use solder

    paste to solder our components. A solder paste mask was manufactured at a

    different location while the boards were being manufactured and we received both

    on the same day. It then took one afternoon to populate the components, solder,

    clean, and inspect the boards. This was completed on Friday, April 15, 2011.

    Figure 11 is an image of our populated printed circuit board.

    Fig. 11 Custom Printed Circuit Board

    The next figure (Fig. 12) shows the different areas of the PCB as they correspond

    to our concept block diagram and schematic.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig. 12 Different Sections of the Board

    7.2 TDR Board Schematic

    Refer to the schematic in Appendix A for the discussion below, which is broken

    down into power, communications, LEDs, delay generator, step generator,

    impulse generator, sampler, sample conditioning, and ADC buffers.

    7.2.1 Power

    The TDR is supplied by power labeled in the schematic as +12V, +5A, +3.3V,

    +3.3A, -7.5V, and -5A (sheet 9). The voltages marked A are for analog


    7.2.2 Communications

    The microcontroller can be programmed as a target via JTAG pins (sheet 3, upper

    left corner).

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    The microcontrollers signals CPUTX and CPURX exit P0[0] and P0[1],

    respectively (sheet 2), and are sent to both the USB connector and RS-232

    connector (sheet 3) for serial communications with the personal computer.

    7.2.3 LEDs

    The microcontroller sends commands to two LEDs (sheet 2). LEDSAMP2,

    LEDCOMM, and LEDERR are currently not being used. LEDSAMP1 inverts and

    blinks D4 while sampling. The unnamed signal from port zero, pin 23 P0[23]

    briefly lights D11 (HEART BEAT) every second when the TDR is powered on.

    7.2.4 Delay Generator

    Time zero for a single sample begins when the microcontroller sends

    commands DDG_D and DDGCLK (sheet 2, left side) to set the vernier flip-flop

    U10 (sheet 5). Q bar goes from high to low, turning off Q2. With the current

    provided by the current source (U5, Q1, et al.), VERNIER becomes a ramp signal.

    CLAMP is 3V, and with 0.3V across D3, the ramp clamps at 3.3V. VERNIER is

    also buffered by U11 into the signal BVERNIER.

    7.2.5 Step Generator

    When the TDR powers on it sends commands STDAC_CS and STDAC_LO

    (sheet 2) to the Step DAC U20 (sheet 7). This outputs an analog voltage signal

    STEPDAC1 to fast comparator U12. The ramp signal BVERNIER on sheet five

    inputs to the fast comparator, and when its voltage matches STEPDAC1, a step

    pulse is sent down a 50 Ohm trace and out J3 through the device under test.

    7.2.6 Impulse Generator

    Before the microcontroller starts each vernier delay ramp, the singals

    SAMP_CS/LD and SAMP_CLR (sheet 2, left side) are sent to the impulse

    delay/sampling delay DAC (sheet 6, bottom left), controlling the time of the

    vernier delay ramp that a sample will be taken. The DAC outputs the analog

    signal SAMPDAC, which is sent to the comparator U13 and compared with

    VERNIER (from sheet 5). When VERNIER matches SAMPDAC, a step pulse is

    generated. The resultant induced (opposite) signals in the twisted pair of wires

    will reverse-bias D10, a step recovery diode that will momentarily conduct before

    snapping off, creating pulses of opposite polarities on either side. These pulses,

    with their extremely short durations, are conducted through the capacitors and

    sent down the 50-Ohm traces.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    7.2.7 Sampler

    When the impulses reach C59 and C60 (sheet 11) the capacitors act like shorts,

    and for a brief duration of time, Schottky diodes D8 and D9 conduct, charging

    C24 and C35 with the voltage from the 50-Ohm trace coming from the fast

    comparator. These are summed at a node into the signal VSAMP1, which is sent

    for conditioning.

    7.2.8 Sample Conditioning

    Rather than use an open loop sampler, we closed the loop. VSAMP1 is sent to the

    charge amplifier U8 (sheet 8), where it is inverted and conditioned before being

    sent to an integrator, U3 (MEMORY), but it does not happen just yet. The

    charge amps output will be a pulse, and the integrator needs to sum the energy of

    only that pulse, or it may add (or subtract) unwanted data.

    This is controlled by a switch, U4, which passes the sample voltage to the

    integrator only during that pulse. The step pulse generated by the sampling

    comparator (sheet 5) is sent to two one-shots that delay the signal GATE and

    control its duration. GATE is sent to U4 on sheet 8, to pass the signal to the

    integrator. The charge amps U6-A and U6-B receive this data and pass it back to

    the loop as VM1 and VP1, into C15 and C34 (sheet 7). Approximately five time

    constants of the tracking amps will have passed before the next sample.

    7.2.9 ADC Buffers

    The output of U3, VOUT1 (sheet 8) is conditioned by an ADC buffer, U1 (sheet

    4), where its amplitude and offset are at voltages that can be read by the

    microcontrollers ADC. The microcontroller sends the samples index and data to

    the personal computer, and then prepares for the next sample.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    7.3 Circuit Board Layout

    Appendix B shows the TDR Circuit Board Layout. The TDR was laid out for a

    four-layer PCB using PADS software. Implementing it required careful

    consideration of trace impedance and lengths (for timing), especially the 50-Ohm

    traces at the sampler and at the output jacks. Figure 12 above shows a comparison

    of the block diagram from our early concept with our actual layout.

    7.4 Microcontroller Programming

    We used NXPs LPC1768 microcontroller with an ARM Cortex-M3 processor

    core. The microcontroller was programmed in C language using LPCXpresso

    software, designed for programming LPC targets. Appendix D contains the source

    code. The software included header files with macros for register addresses

    specific to LPC1768. (For ease of reading these register macros were written in

    bold orange in the code in this report. We commented on these registers in the

    source code, but refer to the LPC1768 users manual UM10360 for a more

    complete explanation of what these registers do.)

    7.5 Software Programming

    The application software was programmed with PowerBASIC console compiler.

    Appendix C contains the source code. It receives data from the TDR, puts it in an

    array and processes it, graphs it, and writes it to a readable text file. Some

    deconvolution has been experimented with (using MATLAB for convenience),

    but further improvements to the board are necessary first (see section 7.6 for


    7.6 Test and Verification

    During the weekend after they were populated with parts, the boards were

    inspected and hardware debug started. This began with simply powering on the

    board and measuring the power supply voltages to make sure they are all within


    Power is supplied to the board via an external +15V AC to DC switching power

    supply. This is the kind typically used with most portable electronic equipment

    and commonly referred to as a wall wart. The external power supply is capable

    of supplying +15V at 1.5A.

    At the initial power on, the PCB was found to be drawing more current than

    anticipated. The power requirements of the board turn out to be 0.35A and our

    fuse was rated at 0.25A, so the fuse opened immediately upon applying power to

    the board. The fuse was removed and a piece of wire was used instead. This is a

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    temporary fix until a larger fuse can be added. The power LED did not light. It

    was discovered that this and all the other LEDs had an error in their PCB

    footprint, reversing their anode and cathode. To fix this problem, it was necessary

    to rotate the LEDs 90 degrees and tack a small piece of wire across the LEDs to

    complete the circuit.

    From the +15V external supply, six other internal voltage levels are produced:

    +12V, +5V, +3.3V, +3.3V (analog), -7.5V (switching power supply), -5V. The

    power supply voltages were measured and all were within specification except for

    the +12V supply, which had to be adjusted by changing a resistor value.

    The next test was to verify that various other voltages in different circuits were

    correct. While measuring voltages in the constant current source (used in the

    vernier delay circuit), it was discovered that the voltages were incorrect and that

    some of the components were getting very hot. An attempt was made to debug

    and fix this circuit but the problem is being caused by something not yet


    Due to the time constraints of our project, this circuit has temporarily been

    disconnected and replaced with a simple resistor to +12V. Clamping at +3.3V

    (less than half a time constant), it closely resembles a linear ramp, and it has

    allowed us to continue testing and debugging. The constant current source will

    still need to be corrected for better performance of our circuit (see section 8).

    After checking and verifying the various circuit voltages, the next test was to

    make the microcontroller blink an LED. We had chosen a microprocessor based

    on a 100MHz ARM Cortex M3 core (the LPC1768) for our project. Initially a

    demo program was used that blinks an LED on a LPC1768 development board.

    We had populated an LED on the same I/O port for the purpose of debug and to

    later act as a heart-beat indicator to let us know our program was alive. It was

    discovered that this LED also had a pin-out problem but a jumper formed by a

    small piece of wire solved it, and we had our blinking LED. This accomplishment

    proved that we had established communication with the microcontroller via JTAG

    port, that the microcontroller pin-out was correct, that the controller was

    functioning, and that we were able to program its flash-based ROM.

    The next series of test involved us writing our own custom embedded source

    code. We had to test and verify that the RS-232 and USB communications worked

    and that the onboard analog-to-digital converter of the microcontroller worked.

    We also checked it for accuracy. We completed these tasks over the next few

    days. The source code of the microcontroller continues to evolve, as does the host

    program that runs on a PC and communicates with the TDR board via RS-232.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Once the source code had evolved to the point where we could start/stop the

    vernier delay and digitize the sample voltage, we needed to move on with testing

    and measuring the initial performance of the system. In order to establish the

    efficiency of the sampler section of the TDR, we needed to observe and measure

    the impulses that turn on the sample diodes.

    The way this circuit works is that the diode are normally biased to their off state

    by applying a 1V back-bias voltage. When the fast impulses arrive at the diodes, it

    momentarily biases the diodes into their on state. At this point, the diodes act as

    a switch (or sampling gate), allowing some charge to be transferred from the

    voltage being measured to a storage capacitor. From there the charge is amplified,

    integrated and sampled by the microcontroller analog to digital converter (Fig.


    (a) Idealized sampling gate (b) General two-diode sampling circuit

    (c) Diode bias and sampling pulse

    Fig. 13: General Sampling circuitry

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    If we know the time that the diode is in its conducting region or on state (tg), we

    can calculate the overall bandwidth of our sampler:


    ( ) .g

    BW GHzt ps

    When we designed the board, it was inconvenient to add test points for measuring

    the impulses being generated. To measure the impulses using the highest

    bandwidth sampling oscilloscope that we have available, we soldered a piece of

    hard-line coaxial cable directly to the board (Fig. 14).

    Fig 14. Step Generator and Diode Sampler with 50-Ohm hard line

    After soldering the hard-line coax into the impulse circuit, a Tektronix 11801x

    50GHz sampling scope was used to measure the impulse amplitude and gate time

    (tg). Images of our impulses are displayed in Fig. 15 and 16. In Fig. 15, the

    negative impulse has a tg of 295.5 ps and in Fig 16, the tg is 181.0 ps This give a

    bandwidth of:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    350( ) 1.184

    295.5BW GHz GHz


    350( ) 1.933

    181.0BW GHz GHz


    The bandwidth that we would like to have in order to meet our initial

    specifications is somewhere on the order of 4 to 5GHz. This falls short of our

    desired specification, but we are able to adjust these pulse widths by adding solder

    to the gaps on both sides of each shorted transmission line used to set these pulse

    widths. These can be seen in Fig. 14 as the traces labeled 25 ohm The pulse

    widths, , are set by:



    LV of C


    These adjustments can be done at a later time to increase the performance of the


    Fig 15. Negative Impulse Fig 16. Positive Impulse

    The next measurement that we made was the rise time of our incident step pulse.

    This rise time is important because it determines the linear resolution of our TDR


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey






    An image or our incident step pulse can be seen below in Fig. 17. The rise time is

    a very disappointing 311.52 ps. The high-speed comparator being used to produce

    the step pulse can produce edges of 35 to 38 picoseconds. We are still

    investigating the reason for our circuits poor performance. According to the

    above formula, our resolution would be approximately 48mm, or about 2 inches.

    This falls very short of our desired specification of 11.2mm (.440 inches) or


    Notably, the jitter of our system was very high (+/-180ps) at the time these

    measurements were made, and averaging was used to capture waveforms. This

    implies that our edges are much faster than the displays indicate, but at the time of

    this report we were unable to verify the actual speeds. The source of the jitter is

    still being investigated. The method of operation of the Tektronix 11801x

    sampling scope requires 100ns pre-trigger in order to display a waveform. This

    meant we had to use our own board as a trigger source while making these

    measurements. We did this by using a large RC time constant as our vernier delay

    (220ns). We then used the Q output of the vernier flip flop (Appendix A, sheet 5)

    used to start the ramp as a trigger source for the sampling scope. We positioned

    the step pulse at 100ns by adjusting the comparator DAC voltage to about half of

    the vernier ramp amplitude. The problem with this method is that the vernier ramp

    is caused by an RC circuit instead of our preferred constant current source as

    mentioned above, so the ramp is not entirely linear. Also, any noise on the resistor

    power supply translates directly into the ramp voltage, which causes jitter. Until

    we correct our fault with the constant current source, we will not be able to

    exclude the vernier ramp from the/a source of our jitter, nor will we be able to

    make accurate measurements.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig 17. Positive Impulse

    Finally, using the host software we plot the digitized dot, or voltages, from our

    sampler vs. time. Fig. 18 shows a TDR pulse of an open 50-ohm coaxial cable.

    The first step of the waveform represents twice the length of the 50-ohm cable

    and has the same amplitude as the incident step pulse. The second pulse is double

    the amplitude of the incident step and represents infinite impedance. Impedance is

    calculated using the reflection coefficient (), obtained by measuring the voltage

    sent and the voltages returned:






    VZ Z


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig 18. TDR Pulse from a Tektronix 11801 sampling oscilloscope using and SD-26 head.

    Fig 19. TDR Pulse from our TDR system (open 50 ohm cable, 200ns window)

    Using our host software, the image shown in Fig. 19 was produced. This image

    shows the TDR of a 50 ohm coaxial cable 6 feet long open at the end. The

    incident step and the reflected steps show this to be the case. (Ignore the Z and

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    rho cursor calculations, as well as the OPEN and SHORT lines in these

    figures. They were based on samples that must remain arbitrary until we have

    decided on our exact window.) In Fig. 20 the TDR pulse shows the same 50-ohm

    coaxial cable with a 50-ohm termination resistor at the end. The amplitude stays

    constant, since Z0 is the same as ZL.

    Fig 20. TDR of 50 ohm cable terminated into 50 ohm load (200ns window)

    In Fig. 21, a TDR pulse is shown of the same 50-ohm coaxial cable shorted to

    ground at the end. The little bump is where a pulse should be. It should have the

    same amplitude as the incident pulse shown in Fig. 20. We are still investigating

    the reason that it does not. We believe it is related to timing and/or offset voltage


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Fig 21. TDR of 50 ohm cable shorted to ground. (200ns window).

    We are continuing to adjust the circuits in the TDR system in order to improve the


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    8. Discussion and Conclusion

    At the time of this report, we didnt meet the performance specifications of the

    system that we intended to design. The test and debug stage of the project is not

    yet concluded and increase in performance can come from small adjustments to

    the system such as changing a resistor or changing timings in the firmware. These

    adjustments take a long time to complete, since each change affects other parts of

    the system. All have to be analyzed and possibly modified in order to improve a

    particular performance aspect. For example, if we adjust the back bias voltage of

    the sampling diodes, we will change the integration voltage of the sampler,

    causing its output to change. This requires us to change the gain and offset of our

    buffer amplifiers and then we must change the host program to scale the voltages

    to the proper display levels.

    We have produced a TDR system with limited capabilities. Our incident step

    pulse rise time, while not suitable for coupon testing of printed circuit boards, is

    good enough to test cable impedance for cables over two inches long, if they are

    not terminated with a short. We have produced a potential multi-gigahertz diode

    sampler, although its current bandwidth is only around 1.5GHz. The fact that this

    works at all is amazing to us.

    If we could redesign this prototype, the following circuit modifications would

    make performance adjustments much easier: add variable resistors to the diode

    back bias voltage circuit, to the charge amplifier/integrator circuit, and to the

    ADC buffer amplifier circuit; make the ADC buffer circuit an inverting amplifier

    with a gain of 0.5 following, by an inverting amplifier with an adjustable gain and

    offset; perhaps use an off-the-shelf balun transformer for the step-recovery-diode

    (SRD) circuit instead of fabricating our own. This would take the same

    manufacturing time, and perhaps improve the performance of our SRD circuit.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    APPENDIX A Schematic

    Sheet 2 (Sheet 1 is the schematics title page):

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 3:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 4:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 5:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 6:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 7:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 8:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    Sheet 9:

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    APPENDIX B Board Layout

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    APPENDIX C Source code for application software (in BASIC)


    #DIM ALL

    #RESOURCE "ICONANDVERSION.PBR" ' A resource file to make our icon


    '* *


    '* *

    '* By: SP, PB *

    '* Version: Don't know *

    '* Date: 5/1/2011 *

    '* For: *

    '* *

    '* https://sites.google.com/site/lcptdrsystem/ *

    '* *


    %TRUE = -1

    %FALSE = 0

    %SAMPCNT = 1024

    'Constants to be found from testing

    %OPEN = 2376 ' corresponds to 3V, seen as "open" on TDR

    %SHORT = 382 ' corresponds to 0V, seen as "short" on TDR

    %START50 = 100 ' sample number at start of 50-ohm calibration

    %END50 = 200 ' sample number at end of 50-ohm calibration

    'Graph constants

    %XLEN = 512 ' length of display window

    %YLEN = 300 ' height of display window

    %XSTART = 50 ' x=0 on graph

    %YSTART = 350 ' y=0 on graph

    %XEND = 562 ' x=512 on graph

    %YEND = 50 ' y=3 div on graph

    %DIVISION = 100 ' 100 = number of pixels per division

    TYPE SampleData

    ypos AS LONG ' In an integer between %YSTART and %YEND

    n AS LONG ' Sample number (0 to %SAMPCNT-1)

    tdr AS LONG ' ADC voltage, in an integer between 0 and 4096

    rho AS DOUBLE ' Reflection coefficient

    z AS DOUBLE ' Impedance at corresponding n


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey




    ' Variable declarations


    LOCAL hComm AS LONG 'COMM setting identifier

    LOCAL comstring() AS STRING 'COMM port identifier, ports 1 through 9

    LOCAL rawData() AS STRING 'ASCII characters sent from the TDR

    LOCAL rDataPtr AS BYTE PTR 'Start of rawData string

    LOCAL numData() AS LONG 'undecoded sample number

    LOCAL tdrData() AS LONG 'undecoded TDR sample value

    LOCAL fiftymean AS DOUBLE 'voltage corresponding to fifty ohms

    LOCAL tdrfile AS LONG 'Text file for user to view data

    LOCAL vpdiv AS DOUBLE 'volts per division

    LOCAL voffset AS DOUBLE 'scrolling up or down on graph

    LOCAL tpdiv AS DOUBLE 'time per division

    LOCAL toffset AS DOUBLE 'scrolling left or right on graph

    LOCAL fiftyPos AS LONG 'finds graph y-position of 50-ohm cal.

    LOCAL xPos AS LONG 'graph x position

    LOCAL yPos AS LONG 'graph y position

    LOCAL hWin AS LONG 'graph identifier

    LOCAL ylabelPtr AS BYTE PTR 'for labeling the y axis

    LOCAL openline AS LONG 'line marking open value

    LOCAL shortline AS LONG 'line marking short value

    LOCAL myInput AS STRING 'for various keyboard inputs

    LOCAL y AS LONG 'General purpose variable

    LOCAL x AS LONG 'General purpose variable

    LOCAL a AS LONG 'General purpose variable

    LOCAL tryAgain AS LONG 'For starting over

    DIM comstring$( 8 )

    DIM rawData$ ( %SAMPCNT )

    DIM tdr ( 0 TO %SAMPCNT-1 ) AS SampleData

    DIM curs AS SampleData

    DIM numData ( 4 )

    DIM tdrData ( 4 )


    ' The "main program"


    WHILE 1

    IF tryAgain = 0 THEN GOSUB welcomeScreen

    tryAgain = 0

    GOSUB openComms

    GOSUB getRawData

    GOSUB processRawData

    GOSUB writeFile

    GOSUB graphData


    'Program continues in a continuous loop.

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    ' The "modules"


    ' Module that presents a screen to start the program.



    COLOR 10,0 ' Because it's trendy to go green nowadays


    PRINT " ************************************************************ "

    PRINT " * * "

    PRINT " * T D R * "

    PRINT " * * "

    PRINT " * * "

    PRINT " * Shannon Petty's and Paul Bailey's * "

    PRINT " * enigmatic Senior Design Project * "

    PRINT " * * "

    PRINT " * (sites.google.com/site/lcptdrsystem) * "

    PRINT " ************************************************************ "

    PRINT : SLEEP 500



    ' Module that opens COM3 for communications with the TDR



    FOR x = 1 TO 9

    comstring$(x) = "COM" + CHR$(x+48)

    NEXT x

    PRINT "Opening serial comms . . . " : SLEEP 300

    hComm = FREEFILE

    x = 1


    COMM OPEN comstring(x) AS #hComm


    x = x+1

    IF x = 10 THEN

    PRINT " ERROR! COM1 through COM9 are not available, and I can't"

    PRINT " open COM10 without doing some crazy stuff! Check your"

    PRINT " port settings, then press any key to continue."


    x = 1

    END IF




    END IF


    COMM SET #hComm, BAUD = 38400 ' 9'k6 baud

    COMM SET #hComm, BYTE = 8 ' 8 bits

    COMM SET #hComm, PARITY = %FALSE ' No Parity

    COMM SET #hComm, STOP = 0 ' 1 stop bit

    COMM SET #hComm, TXBUFFER = 1024 ' 1 Kb transmit buffer

    COMM SET #hComm, RXBUFFER = 4194304 ' 4 Mb receive buffer


    PRINT , comstring(x)

    PRINT , "opened successfully."


    PRINT " WARNING! Continuing will overwrite previous tdrdata.txt"

    PRINT " file. If you do not want to overwrite tdrdata.txt, move"

    PRINT " it to a different directory." : PRINT

    PRINT "Press any key to continue." : PRINT



  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    ' Module that gets "raw data," strings of twelve characters,

    ' form the TDR and puts them into an array




    PRINT " Collecting Data."


    PRINT " This takes a wicked long time."


    PRINT " Smoke if you got em."


    y = TIMER

    FOR x = 0 TO %SAMPCNT-1

    COMM SEND #hComm, "?"

    WHILE COMM(#hComm, RXQUE) < 12

    IF TIMER-y > 20 THEN 'Timeout error

    PRINT "ERROR!!! Not all values were read!"

    rawData$(x) = "0000000000"


    END IF


    COMM LINE #hComm, rawData$(x)

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*1/10) THEN PRINT " 10% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*2/10) THEN PRINT " 20% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*3/10) THEN PRINT " 30% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*4/10) THEN PRINT " 40% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*5/10) THEN PRINT " 50% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*6/10) THEN PRINT " 60% complete"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*7/10) THEN PRINT " 70% complete!"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*8/10) THEN PRINT " 80% complete!!"

    IF x = INT(%SAMPCNT*9/10) THEN PRINT " 90% complete!!!!!"

    NEXT x

    COMM CLOSE #hComm


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    ' Module to sort out the TDR's data (sample number and ADC value)

    ' and put them in their own arrays. Also calculates rho, time, and

    ' impedance for each sample.




    PRINT "Processing data."

    FOR x = 0 TO %SAMPCNT-1

    rDataPtr = STRPTR(rawdata$(x))

    ' decode the sample number (will be a value between 0 and %SAMPCNT):

    numData(0) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[1]))-48

    numData(1) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[2]))-48

    numData(2) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[3]))-48

    numData(3) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[4]))-48

    tdr(x).n = numData(0)*4096 _

    + numData(1)*256_

    + numData(2)*16_

    + numData(3)

    ' decode the tdrValue (Will be a value between 0 and 4096):

    tdrData(0) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[6]))-48

    tdrData(1) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[7]))-48

    tdrData(2) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[8]))-48

    tdrData(3) = ASC(CHR$(@rDataPtr[9]))-48

    tdr(x).tdr = 4096 - (tdrData(0)*4096 _

    + tdrData(1)*256 _

    + tdrData(2)*16 _

    + tdrData(3))

    IF tdr(x).n fiftymean THEN

    tdr(x).rho = (tdr(x).tdr - fiftymean) / (%OPEN - fiftymean)


    tdr(X).rho = (tdr(x).tdr - %SHORT) / (fiftymean - %SHORT) - 1

    END IF

    tdr(x).z = 50*(1+tdr(x).rho)/(1-tdr(x).rho)

    NEXT x


    PRINT "Done processing data. Hold on a sec."

    SLEEP 500


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    ' Module to put processed data into a readable text file



    tdrfile& = FREEFILE

    OPEN "tdrdata.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #tdrfile&

    PRINT #tdrfile&, ,,,"TDR DATA"

    PRINT #tdrfile&,

    PRINT #tdrfile&, "File Created on: "; DATE$; " at "; TIME$

    PRINT #tdrfile&,

    PRINT #tdrfile&, "Sample no.",,"ADC Value (V)",,"Rho",,"Z"

    PRINT #tdrfile&,

    FOR x = 0 TO %SAMPCNT-1

    PRINT #tdrfile&, tdr(x).n,, FORMAT$(tdr(x).tdr*3/4096, "0.000"),

    PRINT #tdrfile&, , FORMAT$(tdr(x).rho, "0.0000"), ,

    IF tdr(x).z > 1000 THEN

    PRINT #tdrfile&, FORMAT$(tdr(x).z, "0.3E+###")


    PRINT #tdrfile&, FORMAT$(tdr(x).z, "##.000")

    END IF

    NEXT x

    CLOSE #tdrfile&



    ' A big, long module that plots the data and calculates

    ' V, rho, and z, based on cursor position.



    GRAPHIC WINDOW "TDR!!!", 20, 20, %XLEN+100, %YLEN+100 TO hWin


    'the default values

    vpdiv = 1 ' volts per division

    tpdiv = 200 ' time (samples) per division

    voffset = 0 ' voltage offset due to scrolling

    toffset = 0 ' not yet used

    fiftyPos = %YSTART _ ' Graph position of fifty-ohm cali-

    - ( %YLEN*fiftymean/4096 _ ' bration

    + voffset*%DIVISION )/vpdiv

    curs.ypos = fiftyPos-(fiftyPos MOD 10) ' Cursor starts near 50-Ohms


    ' Updated position values based on scolling, cursor movement, etc.

    fiftyPos = %YSTART - (%YLEN*fiftymean/4096 + voffset*%DIVISION)/vpdiv

    openline = %YSTART - (%YLEN*%OPEN/4096 + voffset*%DIVISION)/vpdiv

    shortline = %YSTART - (%YLEN*%SHORT/4096 + voffset*%DIVISION)/vpdiv

    curs.tdr = ((%YSTART-curs.ypos)*vpdiv - voffset*%DIVISION)*4096/%YLEN

    ' Some linear interpolation to calibrate if 50-Ohms does not

    ' exactly corespond to the mean(open, short) :

    IF curs.tdr > fiftymean THEN

    curs.rho = (curs.tdr-fiftymean)/(%OPEN-fiftymean)


    curs.rho = (curs.tdr-%SHORT)/(fiftymean-%SHORT) - 1

    END IF

    curs.z = (1+curs.rho)/(1-curs.rho)*50

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey




    PRINT " ===================================================== "

    PRINT " | TDR data printed to: tdrdata.txt | "

    PRINT " | in this program's directory. | "

    PRINT " +---------------------------------------------------+ "

    PRINT " | Here are the options: | "

    PRINT " | (You need to be in this window to perform these.) | "

    PRINT " +----------------------------+----------------------+ "

    PRINT " | W: | | "

    PRINT " | Scroll up | | "

    PRINT " | A: S: | B: Begin again | "

    PRINT " | Increase Decrease | | "

    PRINT " | V/div Z: V/div | ESC: Exit program | "

    PRINT " | Scroll | | "

    PRINT " | down | | "

    PRINT " +----------------------------+----------------------+ "

    PRINT " | U: Cursor up | "

    PRINT " | | "

    PRINT " | N: Cursor down | "

    PRINT " | | "

    PRINT " | (Set your offset and V/div before moving cursor.) | "

    PRINT " ===================================================== "



    GRAPHIC BOX (0,0) - (%XLEN+100, %YLEN+100), 0, %BLACK, %BLUE

    GRAPHIC BOX (7,7) - (%XLEN+93, %YLEN+93 ), 0, %BLACK, RGB(255,255,224)

    GRAPHIC COLOR %BLACK, RGB(255,255,224)





    GRAPHIC SET POS (240, 10)


    'v/div and cursor values:

    GRAPHIC SET POS (75, 25)

    GRAPHIC PRINT "V/div = "

    GRAPHIC SET POS (125, 25)

    GRAPHIC PRINT STR$(vpdiv,5)

    GRAPHIC SET POS (175, 25)

    GRAPHIC PRINT "rho = "

    GRAPHIC SET POS (225, 25)

    GRAPHIC PRINT FORMAT$(curs.rho, "0.000")

    GRAPHIC SET POS (295, 25)


    GRAPHIC SET POS (325, 25)

    IF curs.ypos < openline THEN


    ELSEIF curs.ypos > shortline THEN

    GRAPHIC PRINT "0.000"


    GRAPHIC PRINT STR$( curs.z, 4 )

    END IF

    GRAPHIC SET POS (395, 25)


    GRAPHIC SET POS (425, 25)

    GRAPHIC PRINT STR$( curs.tdr*%YLEN/4096/%DIVISION, 4 )

    'x-axis title



    'x-axis ticks

    FOR x = 1 TO 5


    - ( %XSTART+x*%DIVISION, %YSTART-10 )

    NEXT x

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    'y-axis ticks

    GRAPHIC LINE ( %XSTART, %YSTART-100 ) - ( %XSTART+10, %YSTART-100 )

    GRAPHIC LINE ( %XSTART, %YSTART-200 ) - ( %XSTART+10, %YSTART-200 )


    'x grid

    y = %YSTART - 100

    WHILE y >= %YEND

    x = %XSTART

    WHILE x =< %XEND-10

    GRAPHIC LINE (x,y)-(x+10,y), %GRAY

    x = x + 20


    y = y - 100


    'y grid

    x = %XSTART + 100

    WHILE x =< %XEND

    y = %YSTART

    WHILE y >= %YEND+10

    GRAPHIC LINE (x,y)-(x,y-10), %GRAY

    y = y - 20


    x = x + 100


    'Cursor gridline

    x = %XSTART

    WHILE x =< %XEND-10

    GRAPHIC LINE (x,curs.ypos)-(x+5,curs.ypos), RGB(0,139,139)

    x = x + 10


    'OPEN and SHORT markers

    GRAPHIC COLOR RGB(255,160,122), RGB(255,255,224)

    GRAPHIC LINE (%XSTART, openline)-(%XEND, openline), RGB(255,160,122)

    GRAPHIC SET POS (%XEND-50,openline-15)


    GRAPHIC LINE (%XSTART, shortline)-(%XEND, shortline), RGB(255,160,122)

    GRAPHIC SET POS (%XEND-50,shortline+5)


    GRAPHIC COLOR %BLACK, RGB(255,255,224)

    'x-axis markers

    FOR x = 1 TO 5


    GRAPHIC PRINT STR$( tpdiv*(x + toffset) )

    NEXT x

    'y-axis markers

    FOR x = 0 TO 3


    GRAPHIC PRINT FORMAT$( vpdiv*x - voffset, "#.##" )

    NEXT x

    'y-axis label

    myInput = "ADC VOLTAGE V"

    ylabelPtr = STRPTR(myInput)

    FOR y = 0 TO LEN(myInput)-1

    GRAPHIC SET POS (15,110+15*y)

    GRAPHIC PRINT CHR$(@ylabelPtr[y])

    NEXT y

    ' The data points

    FOR x = 0 TO %SAMPCNT-1

    yPos = %YSTART - (%YLEN*tdr(x).tdr/4096 + voffset*%DIVISION)/vpdiv

    xPos = %XSTART + tdr(x).n/(tpdiv/%DIVISION)

    GRAPHIC SET PIXEL (xPos, yPos), %RED

    NEXT x


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    mainGraphWait: ' Portion that determines user's next step: end program,

    INPUT FLUSH ' resend data and plot again, move cursor, scroll, or

    WAITSTAT ' change V/div

    myInput = INKEY$

    SELECT CASE myInput

    CASE $ESC : GOTO terminate

    CASE "a"

    IF vpdiv = 1 THEN

    PRINT " Volts per division is at its max."

    GOTO mainGraphWait

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.5 THEN

    vpdiv = 1 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.2 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.5 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.1 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.2 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.05 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.1 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.02 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.05 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSE ' if vpdiv = 0.01

    vpdiv = 0.02 : GOTO theMainGraph

    END IF

    CASE "s"

    IF vpdiv = 1 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.5 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.5 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.2 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.2 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.1 :GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.1 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.05 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.05 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.02 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSEIF vpdiv = 0.02 THEN

    vpdiv = 0.01 : GOTO theMainGraph

    ELSE ' if vpdiv = 0.01

    PRINT " Volts per division is at its min."

    GOTO mainGraphWait

    END IF

    CASE "w"

    voffset = voffset - vpdiv

    GOTO theMainGraph

    CASE "z"

    voffset = voffset + vpdiv

    GOTO theMainGraph

    CASE "b"


    tryAgain = 1


    CASE "u"

    IF ABS(curs.ypos-%YEND) < 10 THEN

    PRINT " The cursor is at its max."

    GOTO mainGraphWait


    curs.ypos = curs.ypos - 10

    GOTO theMainGraph

    END IF

    CASE "n"

    IF ABS(curs.ypos-%YSTART) < 10 THEN

    PRINT " The cursor is at its min."

    GOTO mainGraphWait


    curs.ypos = curs.ypos + 10

    GOTO theMainGraph

    END IF

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey




    PRINT " Invalid key pressed "


    PRINT " Options are W, A, S, B, U, N, Z, and ESC "

    PRINT " (Hint: don't use caps.)"


    GOTO mainGraphWait





  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    APPENDIX D Source code for LPC1768 microcontroller on TDR board (in C)

    (See comments in code regarding register definitions not found in common libraries.)



    File Name : main.c

    Author : SP and PB

    Version : I'm not a version!

    Copyright : Copyright (C) 04/2011

    Description : main definition for the TDR program. See comments at front of

    "tdr.c" for explanation of orange- and red-highlighted registers

    defined in "LPC17xx.h" and UM10360.



    #include "LPC17xx_hti.h" // Thanks to Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology

    #include // Code read protection macros

    #include "tdr.h" // All our bells and whistles

    #define SAMPCNT 1024 // Number of samples sent from TDR

    #define STEPDAC_DATA 850 // Sets the threshold for delay gen's step

    // (1mv/lsb*850 = 0.850V)

    extern volatile uint32_t UART3Count, msTicks; // Variables that get modified by

    // IRQ handlers in tdr.c

    __INLINE static void systick_delay (uint32_t dlyTicks)

    { // An inline function to delay for dlyTicks * 1 ms

    uint32_t curTicks;

    curTicks = msTicks;

    while ((msTicks - curTicks) < dlyTicks);


    //==========================MAIN FUNCTION======================================

    int main(void) {

    volatile uint32_t adcVal, // Data from the ADC

    sampCount, // Number of samples

    stepDacData; // Data to send to the Step DAC

    volatile uint16_t dacdata; // Unsigned 16-bit int

    uint32_t pulse // Checks for one-second "heart beat".

    int i, x; // Some handy integrators.

    Initialize_Clocks(); // Disable PLL0, setup PLLO, then re-enable PLL0.

    led_init(); // Initialize the LEDs.

    ADCInit(); // Initialize the ADC.

    UARTInit(); // Initialize the UART.

    vernierInit(); // Initialize the vernier FF.

    spiInit(); // Initialize the SPI.

    // Setup SysTick Timer for 1 msec interrupts

    if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)) //

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    // Enter an eternal loop, waiting for the user. The computer appli-

    // cation will send a signal through the serial interface; UART3Count

    // will then have a nonzero value, triggering the TDR to take its

    // samples. Then it reset UART3Count to zero and wait for the next

    // signal.

    sampCount = 0; // Keep track of sample number

    i = 0; // For blinking LEDSAMP1 during TDR sampling.

    pulse = msTicks;



    x = msTicks;

    while(UART3Count == 0)

    { // Ensure that we don't do TDR until next command from PC

    pulse = check_heartbeat(pulse);



    ledSamp1_off();// If no longer sampling, turn off LEDSAMP1

    sampCount = 0; // and reset sampCount



    U3IER = IER_THRE | IER_RLS; // disable RBR

    pulse = check_heartbeat(pulse);



    dacdata = (uint16_t) (sampCount*64); // point in time to sample

    send16bits(dacdata); // Set SAMP_DAC (add 16 each loop for 5ns)

    startVernier(); // Trigger the vernier FF.

    mydelay(6); // Wait 6ms.

    stopVernier(); // Stop the vernier FF.

    adcVal = ADC0Read(); // Read sample.

    systick_delay(5); // Wait for 5ms. to limit loop frequency.

    processSend( sampCount, adcVal ); // Turn data into character string

    // and send it out the UART.

    if (i == 10) // Make LEDSAMP1 blink.


    i = 0;



    if (sampCount == 1024)


    sampCount = 0;


    UART3Count = 0;

    U3IER = IER_THRE | IER_RLS | IER_RBR; // Re-enable RBR


    return 0;


    /* End of main.c */

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    * tdr.h

    * These are the definitions for functions used in tdr.c and main.c for the

    * TDR project. Special thanks to the good people at NXP for giving new mean-

    * ing to the word "abstruse."


    * We used the same names for registers (U3IER, etc.) that can be found in

    * the user's manual for the LPC1768, UM10360; these registers are defined

    * in NXP's header file "LPC17xx.h"


    #ifndef TDR_H_

    #define TDR_H_



    // #defines here


    // Set ADC clock to 1MHz

    #define ADC_CLK 1000000

    // UART3 #defines

    // We don't want to brute force our comms or guess timing. UART3's IRQ handler

    // was provided by NXP's LPC software, and we gladly used it. Here are #defines

    // used in their IRQ handler function.

    // Bits to set or clear in UART3 interrupt enable register (U3IER). These en-

    // able or disable interrupts for specific registers

    #define IER_RBR 0x01 // for the receiver buffer register

    #define IER_THRE 0x02 // for the transmit holding register

    #define IER_RLS 0x04 // for the Rx line status

    // Bits to set or clear in UART3 interrupt identification register (U3IIR).

    // These are used for changing certain volatile variables in the IRQ handler,

    // and will be necessary for determining if the PC has sent a command to the

    // LPC for TDR sampling.

    #define IIR_RLS 0x03 // check for Rx line status

    #define IIR_RDA 0x02 // check if Rx data available

    #define IIR_CTI 0x06 // check chrctr. time-out ind. (not used by us)

    #define IIR_THRE 0x01 // check if transmit holding register empty

    // Bits to set or clear in UART3 Line Status Register. These contain flags for

    // transmit and receive status.

    #define LSR_RDR 0x01 // receiver data ready

    #define LSR_OE 0x02 // overrun error

    #define LSR_PE 0x04 // prity error (we aren't checking parity)

    #define LSR_FE 0x08 // framing error

    #define LSR_BI 0x10 // break interrupt

    #define LSR_THRE 0x20 // transmit holding register ready

    #define LSR_RXFE 0x80 // error in Rx FIFO

    // UART buffer can only hold so much:

    #define BUFSIZE 0x40

    // Useful for defining clock frequencies

    #define MHZ 1000000

    // An important register, not included in NXP's header

    #define SPTSR (*(volatile unsigned long *)(0x40020014UL))

    // Clock functions:

    void Initialize_Clocks(void);

    // SPI, DAC, and vernier functions:

    void spiInit(void);

    void send14bits(uint16_t data);

    void send16bits(uint32_t data);

    void vernierInit(void);

    void startVernier(void);

    void stopVernier(void);

    // ADC functions:

    uint32_t ADCInit( void );

    uint32_t ADC0Read( void );

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey


    // UART functions:

    void UART3_IRQHandler (void);

    uint32_t UARTInit( void );

    void processSend( uint32_t n, uint32_t adcVal );

    // LED functions:

    void led_init (void);

    void heartbeat_on (void);

    void ledSamp1_on (void);

    void ledErr_on (void);

    void heartbeat_off (void);

    void ledSamp1_off (void);

    void ledSamp1_invert (void);

    // Systick and delay functions:

    void SysTick_Handler(void);

    void mydelay(uint32_t waits);

    uint32_t check_heartbeat(uint32_t curTicks);


    /* End of tdr.h */

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    Name : tdr.c

    Author : SP and PB

    Version : lost count

    Description : Functions called by main.c for TDR's micro-controller. See com-

    ments at front of "tdr.h" for embellishment, wit, and erudition.

    FIOnDIR, FIOnSET, PINSELn, et al. registers are as named in the

    LPC1768's users manual, UM10360, and as defined in NXP's header

    file, "LPC17xx.h" In this report these registers are in bold

    orange for easy recognition. Macros that define certain bits in

    these registers are in red (not bold).


    #include "LPC17xx_hti.h" // Thanks to Rob Gaddi at Highland Technology.

    #include // Some changes made to LCP v. 3.6.

    #include // Code read protection macros.

    #include "type.h" // Type definition for NXP LPC17xx family uPCs.

    #include // Defines registers used in this function.

    #include "tdr.h" // Our header

    #define BAUDRATE 38400 // Baud rate for transmitting TDR data to PC


    // Function void Initialize_Clocks(void)


    // See LPC17xx User's Manual UM10360, section 4.5.13 on PLL0 setup (page

    // 46) and read it carefully because you could really hose this up.


    void Initialize_Clocks(void)


    const PLL_SETTINGS pll =

    { .src = PLL_SRC_INTERNAL, // 4 MHz

    .f_xtal = 0,

    .pll_m = 75, // * 2 * 75

    .pll_n = 2, // / 2

    .cclk_div = 3 // / 3

    }; // = 100 MHz


    // Configure the peripheral clocks. The master bootloader

    // doesn't actually use any peripherals. Per the errata

    // notes, this has to be done while PLL0 is disabled.

    PCLKSEL0 = 0;

    PCLKSEL1 = 0;

    // This only fails if our PLL settings are wrong.

    uint32_t clock_freq = configure_pll(&pll);

    assert(clock_freq == 100*MHZ);


  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey




    * SPI Functions here


    * void spiInit(void)


    * void send14bits(uint32_t data)


    * void send16bits(uint32_t data




    // Function void spiInit(void)


    // Sets up SPI with the peripherals on the TDR.


    void spiInit(void)


    // Peripheral power control

    PCONP &= ~(1

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon Petty, Paul Bailey



    // Function void send14bits(uint32_t data)


    // Sends data to the step DAC to set the fixed threshold for the fast com-

    // parators -- that is, to set the time at which the TDR's step pulse will

    // be generated.


    void send14bits(uint16_t data)


    FIO1SET = (1

  • Low Cost Portable TDR System Shannon
