Time Blocking There are only 24 hours today. What will you do with yours?


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Time Blocking

There are only 24 hours today. What will you do with


The Truth!!!!!!!!!

• The most successful people are the best time blockers. • REACTING to your business will never allow to be PRO-ACTIVE

on your business. • If you don’t know your WHY? You will never achieve your goals.

Know Your Why?

• Why do you want to grow your business? More vacations Kids College Legacy for your Grand Children

• Your “Why” is your motivation

Simplifying Activities

• Make a list of everything you do in a day• Categorize each item on your list• Consolidate and delegate

Check emailsLunch

Return callsTalk to clients with files already in progress

Put out firesSocial MediaLock loansRun DU/LP

Calling leadsTake applications

Do monthly mailersGo to office depotVideo Marketing

Bookkeeping / payrollPlan Day

Teach Classes At Real Estate OfficesTalk to underwriter

Learn new loan programsGo to closings

Calling / meeting new referral partners

Simplifying Activities

1. Calls – Call Leads, Clients in Progress, Return calls, Call prospect referral partners

2. Marketing – Make video, Send greeting cards, Social media3. Loan Processing – Take application, Run DU, Lock loan4. Everyday stuff – Check emails, make lunch, plan day, put out


Understand Your Categories

Money Making Tasks Daily and Personal Reactive/Non-Money making

Money Making Tasks

• These are marked as GREEN on your calendar• All activities that help you generate referrals and leads to get

More Loans!!!

Money Making Tasks

1. Prospecting time2. One on one meetings with Referral Partners3. Meetings with New Clients4. Return Phone call time5. Teaching classes time6. Marketing strategy time

Daily and Personal

• These are marked as BLUE on your calendar• Items that you do daily, or not related to doing mortgage loans 1. Check Email 2. Lunch (unless with a referral partner) 3. Plan Day

Reactive/ Non-Money Making

• These are marked RED on your calendar• Important enough to make it to your calendar,, but red as they

are not money generating tasks 1. Run DU 2. Lock Loans 3. Put out fires

Start making your scheduleWake up and focus on YOU first. Never….Never….check your email first thing….Never7-8 Jogging – coffee –shower8-8:30 Kids to school, Me to work (listen to positive message)8:30-9 Email, socialize9-11 Call time – 9-9:30 all with loans in progress, 9:30 – 10 new leads, 10-11 current referral partners11-12 Marketing stuff – make video, post on social media about my class, write as many hand written notes as I can in an hour, Get my “commitment letter” for Thursdays meeting ready12-1 Lunch with a Partner 1-2 education, training2-4:30 Read and React4:30-5 Check Email5-5:30 Plan tomorrow5:30 Go Home!

5 Simple Rules

• If it’s on the calendar you HAVE to do it! You can re-schedule but not cancel

• You must have 2 hours minimum of a $$$$ time• Start with more flex time and then slowly decrease• Tomorrow’s calendar is set before you go home today• You have to have a quitting time

Set Up Your First Day

Key to Success

• Don’t jump in both feet• Start slow, 2 days• Stick to your 2 days for 2 weeks then add a day• Stick to your 3 days for 2 weeks then add a day• Stick to your 4 days for 2 weeks then add a day

The question isn’t “Can You”…The question is “WILL YOU?”
