TiiE COLUMBIAN - Montana...


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T iiE COLUMBIAN"Prop*» Publicity CroaoM Pro«p*rtt7 u d Pro*p*rUr Protino*. O.

VOL. xxxin. NO 40


Boy Scout Rescues Fl?e in Party of Children Stating on

Thin Ice/While skating: on the Whitehall

river between Lupfer and O'Brien avenues last hve^ing. Marion Morri eon, aged 19. loot his Ufo and 10 other young people, all students of the Whitehall higdr school, narrowly escaped drowning when broke and iprebnplUtted then* into about 3 5 feet of water.

>Those who /»ere rescued owe their ] live« to Dean Cook. a.Boy Scout an. senior in Bhe' high sohool, Robért Edmonson, R. M. Van Slyke and the cheU of police of Whitefish. Young Cook, who was an onlooker, strip­ped off his coat and plunged into “the icy water and brought four to aafety before he was exhausted and had to give up. Edmonson, assisted by Van

. 81yke and the chief of police, secur­ed a rope which Mr. Edmonson keeps (or emergencies of this kind, and worked until they had rescued all but the Morrison boy. It Is pro') able ho, too, would have Ibeen saved "■d not someone made the statemout he had got but by himself and gone home. A short time after It was discovered «bat h when a boat, was secured and his body recovered qne hour after the. accident. From 9 o'clock until midnight evejy effort wás made to resusciate him. but life was extinct The others wer> ail badly chilled and some were'ouponsclous when they were removed and taken to the Edmonson, Van Sljtke and Holter homes nearby and revived.

Daring ithe aftergoon more than 50 skaters were on the river and it was thought the ice was safe, bui about' 5:00 o'clock in the evening the party of student?

too far.Those in the skating party were:

Ruby and Pearl Harden, Hmrtn and Felicia Holter, Zelma Latcher. Gale Stocking, Dolly Parks, Zelma Huld- er, Lorella Brittel and Marlon Mor­rison.

The unfortunate boy, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Morri­son, was held in the highest eateem by his fellow students and all who knew him, and the greatest sympa­thy Is expressed for the bereaved parents. The father Is a traveling engineer on the KaUspell division.— Daily Inter /¿ske.


THANKSGIVING IN BAD ROCK The annual community Thanks­

giving Day meeting o f the Bad Rock- Deer Park Farmer’s club held at the' Bad Rock school last Thursday was well attended and the program thoroughly enjoyed. s

The program consisted o f recita­tions by the children and a short ad­dress by Rev. H. J. Frame, who spoke on the subject of Thanksgiv­ing.

The annual election ot officers re­sulted os folio we:

President— Earl Hollister Vice President— Dave Leight* Sec.-treas.— Lewis Robinson.Sub committees and an outline for

the year’s work will be presented by new officers in the near future.

A plan was "ormulated to hold a "coyote drlvo ’ on the following Monday, but this li til a later date. ,

S oph m ores Prove H. 8 . Cham pions



TREE •Commercial Club Sponsors Christmas Tree

With Free Gifts For Kiddies and Everybody

The special meeting of the merclal club called for Tue&day evening was not largely attended ■but it pirovod to be an interesting

Ptgsldent Arnett outlined hi# plan for a Christmas community tree aud ̂ i-ogrem, wnlch met with the approval of all present and a motion wns duly

The Sophomore I basket ball team carried off the honors in a local tournament held at tire Columbia Falls high school gymnasium Wednesday afternoon and evening of lu t week.

The first gaiqe of 'the day played between the Sophomores and Freshmen, the former winning 28 to 2.

The next contest was between the Seniors and the* Juniors, the latter winning 23 to 0. Bath these teams played only four men on a side.

In the evening-the ‘ Sophomore« defeated the Junlcrs, 22 to 10 and the Seniors defeated the Freshmen 14 to 2.

O. K. Redmond acted as referee and kept the games exceptionally free from roughness or fouling. Two teams of girls also played one gam* the greens defeating the whites with a score of 12 to .10/' .The different teams were compos-

: 39 o f the'following players:Seniors— J. “ Haines, A. Cleave.

Neal Brayson and F. Everln.Juniors— Art Haines, Kenneth

Reynolds, Fred Holcomb and Kenov Lokensgard.

Sophomores— Chas. Clemens,Tom Smith, Eddie Brewster, Arthur Ilaril, Ed Never» Roger Motlfchka. Ray Charlie, Harold Leighty, Michel.

Freshman— Chas. Baril, L. Cleave. Fred' Heilman, Edwjanl Thomen, Ted Rogers, Raymond Reid, Ralph 0 wings.


expense in furnishing the treat of Candy and apples „will be close $100,,and the finance committee will canvas ithe town to raise this ¡amount.

The Mountain 8tates Power Co. will be naked to Install electric lights on the big tfiee, similar to those which the company placed on

seconded the city's first community tree se­veral years ago. The tree commit­tee has agreed to secure as large a

can be gotten through doors into the gym.

Montana Month E. L. Beard, secretary of

Whitefish Commercial chib, was -pro-

end carried that the club sponger undertaking. The following

committees were then named:Qonoral committee— H. White*

stone, chairman; Rev. H. J. Frame,E. J Marantette. H. D. Aten, C. E Clemens, Dr. A. K. Wearne. .

Finance committee—Mrs. A. CTOD' w“ Pr,J-Smith,-chairman; Mrs Henry La- beut and 011111 ne lhe work lWlllch ouuvu, chairman Mre. Henry lo - h


Bert McGraw, who lives just west of town on the Roosevelt highway, had his right leg broken Friday afternoon between the knee and the ankle, while working In the wort« north o f town near the Westburg mill.

He w&b skidding some logs, when one caught against a stump and suddenly gave way letting one enrt strlck him. John Morris was work­ing with him and brought the injur­ed man to town and thon to Kalls- pell in his car.

Mr. McOralw is staying at home of-h is sister in Kalispell and is gettingly along nicely.

■Jackie Coogan” at Thoatorium tonight, Dec. 4th. We will make the admission to give the kiddles a chance to s*e him; Y0c for all under 13; all over, 30c. At 7:30 sharp.

kensgard, Mrs. W. Bose and L. E. Daniels.

Program committee— Mrs, Geo.Patten, chairman; Mrs. C. E. Clem­ens, Mrs. Geo. Watt, Mrs. C. A. R06- inson, Mrs. H. J. Frame and Miss Dorothy Jordan

-IW , committee— Juke. JNeittllns. a » «chairmen; Hern. S e l.u a , J. C. M c j “ * “ »Carth,. Geo. Adame. Fred Grere. rh® Imterrtanc- of handllnt the.

Decorating, committee— Mrs. J. E .! cnvel°Pe Insert pamphlets purchased Lewis, chairman; Mrs. T. V. Kllduif,” *)y th0 Commercial club for fro3

each community is expected to do during December. The 'm ayor ot oach town is to issue a proclamation setting aside one day in the month far the celebration of "Montana Month.” Schools are to provide programs, theaters will have speak-1

the subject anti several more

distribution, was emphasized by M Beard. These will arrive in a few days and will be distributed to the different memibers of the club, and through them to any other person who will agreo to mall them to some

Mrs. A. K- Wearne. Mrs. O. M. Jui tins, Miss Lena ¡Mengon. .> >An oulUne of the evening’s program

Includes sketches, drills songs, etc..In the auditorium by the school children, to be followed by the light- - o -— — ——ing o f an enormous Christmas tree* llvint-putaldeIn the gynaslum, the arrival of San- Sped*

Clans with a load o f candy for ** In order to flMWt a number o f aveiy child and apples for the Outstanding bills whldh the «Hull

The high school orche.-s- contracted, it was voted 60 levy an tra will play during ithe program in assessment on the membership of the auditorium, and the band will |2.00 each. Members arc urged to be asked to play during the tree ¡remit the amount to Secretary John

[excises. It is estimated that the‘ Smith at the earlieet opportunity.

MONTANA SOLDIERS HOME__ I. Miss Lydia -Lund Is again doml-

■ T ~ .— 1 oiled at the Home. Needless to. say,There will be trouble In this town we are glad she is hack,

tonight. Jackie Coogan is bringing ' Mrs. Ames, Mrs. Swanson, Maxon it in "Trouble'V -to amuse you, not j Lam.[ihear and wife and Comrade to confuse you. It is a shower of Murray have returned, laughs and a sprinkle o f tears. ! Adjutant Swaney and wife spent

Let Jaokle Coogan cure vour trou-; Thanksgiving at Whitefish, and Mr«, bles with a little "Trouble” of his Swaney Is visiting her son at his

ranch near that city.Mrs. Matejka, mother of our

World War veteran. Jack Matejka. who broke his leg recently, visited ni the hospital Sunday. Comrade Mi-

1 tojka is improving and will soon be J sable to use his limb."ij Visitors for the week were Peter

1 ¡Christiansen of Whitefish, Mrs. Jen- inle O'Leary and daughter. Florence I and Frank Cole of Kalispell and Ho-

The regular monthly meeting of ward and wife, the city council .was held Monday! Wm. Burton, civil war vet. and night with Mayor Kilduff and Alder- Wm. Burton. Spanish war vet of men Grist, Werner, Imholt, (Maran- Missoula have been admitted to tette and Jordan present After the membership. They are father and usual routine of allowing bills, hear-! MDing the officers' report«, etc., a dls-j A few necessary improvements ar j cussion of the Great Northern's r e - ; being added. Some old buildings are fusal to pay its taxes was indulged being torn down, a new tool house In at length. 1 and a bumper erected.

The railway company refuses to j Thanksgiving was a pleasant day pay last year’s levy on the grounds' at the Home. A delicious dinner of tnat it exceeds the legal limit. In roast turkey with oyster dressing,

Council Considers Railroad T ax C a s e 1

RESUME DRILLING ON M S NEST WELL“ Bill” Owens returned the first aging and haa resulted In a re-financ-

of the week from a trip with the O. In« of the company to an extent en- M. J-unklns team to the QroWs Nest | ablmc il.-om to carry aw bole down Oil Co. well In the upper North Fork to he next possible production horl- •jountry, where he hauled in supplies zon. Thie well has had a rather and a crew of men, who plan to ] precarious career. It nra* started start drilling within a very short i more than five years ago and on ac- time. At the time Mr. Owens came I count of financial difficulty has oper- out, the cable had not yet arrived, j ated only at interval» when finances but was expected every day. John'could be secured. This, however, Walsh has the contract for hauling \ has been the history of moot wildcat 11 *»• ' tost wells in new fields The equip-

Mr. Owens went In by way of the west side road, which he reports In good condition, and from what be saw at the oil eamp it looks as tho that section is due for a real oil boom within a short itlme.

Last week’s Monitor had tbe fol­lowing atocorunt of the Cram’s Nest Oil Co. operations, which will be of Interest:

The CrowB Nest *0̂ 1 company, drilling a -Wst well on the North Fork Borne twelve miles north of the international boundary, Ib reported to be making all preparations to re- i Bums drilling within a «hort time. :

George Leooo, Jr. P a sse s Suddenly

The message'which arrived Sat­urday afternoon from .the state Urium at Warm Springs stating that George Lenon, Jr., had passed away within a few hours after arriving ai that institution, came as a shock to the family, relatives and a host ot friend« While It was known that his condition was serious. It was not realised that the end was so near and tho whole community was affect­ed by tbe news.

Lenon had not been In gooil health for several months, bis ull-

beiag a peculiar form of par­alysis und braiu trouble. Examina-

by a Spokane specialist and other medical authorities brought the verdict that there was' no hope for complete recovery. In spite of their conclusions, ¡however, he /a l­lowed ills work as auto mechanic un­ta a few days tolar« his last Illness.

Geo. Tbfitle Lesm was born Lawrence, N. Y., on October 20, 188 J He «same here with his .parents. Mr and Mrs. G. W. Lenon, sr., in 1895 and attended the Bad Rock and Co­lumbia Falls schools. On June 1909, he married Miss Georgia Pow­ell and to this union five children were born, three of whom survive. Lottie, aged 14 years, Laura, aged S and Grace, aged 6, the other two, „ son and a daughter, having passed away in infancy. He was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge and a past noble ¿rand of Columbia lodge No. 43, o f this city. Ho was known as honorable and upright In all his dealings, a loving husband, a kinu father and a dutiful son. The sin­cere sympathy of many friends goei out to the sorrowing family.

The funeral will be held toda?, Thursday, at 2:00 p. m.. from the Methodist church. Rev. H. J. Frame conducting the service. Interment will be at Falrvlew and the local lodge of Odd Fellows will charge of the burial.


C o m e d y -D r a m a P r o m is e ] E v e n ­ing o f C lea n a n d A m n s lo g

E n te rta in m e n t


Services for Sunday, Dec. 7 th: 10:00 a. m.— Sunday school.7:16 p. m.— Epworth League.8: OC p. m.— Worship

The service Sunday evening will be In reieognltluu of International Bible Sunday. The sermon theme

ment Is first class and is capable of going 4,000 feet if necessary, i t in­clude« a string of standard tools With enough entra material to start a small sized supply house. All of the malarial had to be hauled In a distance o f about 80 miles, and It is estimated that not less than f 150.- 000 or »200,000 haa been expended on this teat. This, however, ¡will be a small consideration should a new oil field be brought in as a result.To many who havo had experience . will bo "Every Man'Hla Own T011- ln oil fields in Montana and the j ime," • story-cf lhe translation of northwest, that territory lying on | the Scriptures Into foreign language this side of the international line o f -a n d thoir distribution over tin!

The well has reached a depth o f j fere even greater promise than does; world. Since the time of Christ the2,900 feet. Early last summer the j the location of the Crows Nest well ■ bible has been translated into mo-ecable parted and the tools were land it is an even bet that some one-than 700 languages and dialects,caught in the hole. Operations will test the area on the American \ RUV H d f r a m e

suspended for a few months, j side within the coming year. Tho j PastorWhen the tools were recovered, it Crawfs Nest well is located in the! was found that considerable oil had mountains, and ^xperlouce has'! runs«»accumulated on top of the water taught the Montana operator that! CORAM

................... _ __ h» d accumulated in the hole there is little chance for commer* 1 -----------former years, when the levy had ! gravy, sweet potatoes, white pota-1 during the suspension. Samples of cial production in the mountains, as Our sohool Thanksgiving dinner been even higher, ithe company filed _ toes, corn, cranberry sauce, all kind« bbe oil were taken out. and one sam- the mountainous country is usually ’ and program proved a very enjoy- its protest, but eventually paid up.; o f plckleo, white and brown bread. Ple was hrought to Kalispell, which too broken to permit formation of able affair for all who attended. This year It propose« to bring the hot light rolls, pumpkin pie with had »11 the appearance of being a structural conditions that would en- There were lots of good things to issue before, tbe courts and deter- whipped cream, tea, coffee and milk, dark rotative oil of about 40 grav- trap the oil. There have been many eat and everyone had plenty.

The opening number o f a series of entertainments to be given this win­ter by the students of tbe Columbia Falls High school will be next Satur­day night, Dec. 6th, and the play is

1 titled, "A Black Heifer,” a comedy drama in three acts. It is given un­der the auspices o f the Athletic as­sociation and the proceeds will go info a fund for carrying on the bas­ket [ball schedule for the season.

The different actors have been working faithfully the past several weeks, coached by Mr. Tibbs, who

much experience in staging^ school plays. The story Is a happy mixture of esmedy and dramatic situations, that are sure to please the audience.

CAST OF CHARACTERSEph Clncebox............. Edw. BrewsterCarleton DuRuyter.........Tom SmithGeorge Clncebox. .Kenov LokensgardWillie Smith................Francis EverlnDetective Holscombe------Art HainesSquar B ro w n . .R a y m o n d Michel«Rube Miller................. Chas. ClemensMrs. Arabella 8impkinB............. ..

......................Ora Huntsing£tvBetsey Brawn.........Margaret Jordan 1Scraps.............................Leslie Talley

SYNOPSISAct I.— Front yard of Swampseott

Holler. ’Squar Brown’s black heifer is lost. Willie offers his services to help Betsey find her. Carleton wooa Arabella for her money. Arabella makes her will In favor of George- Carleton decides that George m ust^ - be "put out of the way." Scraps, the girl tramp. She recognises Carleton. Scraps Is accused qf stealing the **_"■'* Her. Eph to the rescue. Rube swears vengeance. Eph adopts the wsdf. The murder of 'Squar Brown. Rulbe accuses George. Car­leton,'- the Jtoye witness.”

Il.-^ S ettln ’ room” of Swamp- scott Holler. Eph has a "heart 10 heart” talk with George. ” 1 believe

Scraps and the pie. Willie and his first cigar. Betsy Jealous of Scraps. The Jollification. Dough­nuts and cider./ Willie’« new suit

clothe«.” The robbery. George escapes. The discovery. Car- Jeton accuses George.

Act ill.— “ Beat room" of Swamp- ssott Holler. “ The fatal day has ir- rlved.” Carleton playa his last card. "She's nibbling." "She’s biting;- "She’s caught.” Scraps as a "real lady.” The stranger, "Why, It’s George!’ ’ . “ Who In itbunder 'isRalph Douglas?” Laughter and tears. Betsy and Willie come to an understanding. Scraps in Jeopardy. George on hand. Oarleton at his ■worst. Enter Detective Holscombe. "Cornered at last!" Rube throws up his job. Scraps captures the villain.The “ buskin’ bee.” Reparation and Joy.

Cubs and Students Tn Play BasketballLocal ibasket ball fans will have

their first opportunity to Indulge In ¿heir favorito sport tomorrow n!gh1| Flriday, when the town team and players from the high school meet on tho floor of the high school gym.

Coach Tibbs has not announced his line-up for the contest, trait will no doubt work his entire string of players in order to get a line on bis best men. The school team /t»hls year looks very promising and the boys are working hard to get In good condition tor the season's chednle.

The town team, or as they call themselves, the "’Oolumbia Falls

’ Manley is on the sick list Cubs,” Is made up mostly ofmine tho point once and for alL assorted home-made candy and ap- ity with a heavy lubricant conterl. wells drilled In the mountainsMany incorporated towns in the pies was served. Decorations in tbo No analysis had been made of the this state. Hart none o f them have' this week. i higby school graduates, and shouldstate are in the same position as dining room Were o f grape leaves, ° ll «1 that itlme produced commercial oil. The only! w , nnd . p Wnrt)n Prove *< be a very fast aggregation.Columbia Falls, and Mayor Kilduff white berries and flat cedar. ' A contract has been let. to O. M. mountainous district In the state! W|th the later'« narenta Mr „ ! rhelr line' uP wil1 be M follows:believe« that the cost of b r i n g i n g ------------------ Junkins of Columbia Kalis to bsul a that has approached commercial pro- Mrs R S Johnslon at Deer plrk Forwards. Redmond and 8mith:the question before the courts will R ebem ls for the Christmas can- 5000-ipound cable-in from that point ductlon is In tbe Soap creek field. Friday ' K ; center,.Tom Jordan; guards, “ Bevo”be born equally, this city paying ; jUU to be given at the Methodist as-well as 300 pounds of coke and"! Considerable production was found We lake thin mran. of ertendin« Conn *i>d Charlie Greve.

f Ur; h- UnTdC; th^ ‘ rectlon Cholr r mbe, : , ° r enK: Ke,i bUt lhe 0,1 W“ 01 MCh * congratulation, to Mr. and Mre Admission will be 20 and 35 cents?. TuAiar nUM. m .r . .n- ,V ,„, M .l 1« U>. wlOoh n u l l mdi- - « « M U , .1 „ ,nd th. u H , |, P |„

some discueston was brought up fifteen singers in the group and it «ate the intention to operate-during havo been abandoned, at least tem- around here and w0 all Join in w i s h __________________------- ---------- ----- - « .0 0 « « tor > l » . l n l . r M rW U . H . U » U « * . oil ln, „ „ „ „ c l , , i ,00,1 Mlu Franc!, Fhrl, who t U b—n

W. ‘ “ * ■ « » ■ » « . “ * * « ' S t . i T » . I“ J > « * . T U I t . n ,the development j . q Martin, G. C. Martin and A l- ' the past few weeks, left Satnrday

concerning the water works, but no promises definite action was taken. i the public.

The council ‘ ‘ has been tapped in commercial quail- added inl«re«t I

i ; at the countyseat Friday. Butte drug stör«.
