Tiff 2014 - Daily program



Tiff 2014 - Daily program

Citation preview


Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.

Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.

Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.

Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.

Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.

Day I / 3.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 2: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

18.00 Opening Ceremony

19:00 Special Screening: RETROSPECTIFFTOMKA AND HIS FRIENDS by Xhanfise Keko Albania | 1977 | Feature | 72'World premiere of the restored copy in the USA Library of Congress in the USA

21.00 Reception

Day II / 4.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:00 Workshop 3: EAVE ON DEMAND by Katriel SchoryQendra Multimediale TEN, Addr: Rr. “Myslym Shyri”, ish-kinema “Dajti”

11:00 Short Competition 11. CHILD K by Roberto De Feo & Vito Palumbo | Fiction | Italy | 22’2. WORKING DAY by Vangelis Karamarigos & Mavroeidis Zacharias | Fiction | Greece | 10’3. FLAPPER by Nicolas Sarkissian | Fiction | France | 29’4. AMONG THE INNOCENT by Louis Mans�eld | Experimental | USA | 5. THE ANGEL OF THOUSANDS STONES by Keivan Majidi | Documentary | Iran | 21’6. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by Ben Brand | Animation | Netherlands | 8’37’’7. THE DINNER by Suela Bako | Fiction | Albania | 15’

13:30 Special Program: MOBILE FILMSMobile Film Festival present the best �lms of the �ve editions, as an International festival for �lms shot with mobile devices.

17:00 Short Competition 21. SCARS OF CAMBODIA by Alexandre Liebert | Documentary | France | 30’2. LOVE AND VEHICLES by Drasko Ivezic | Animation | Croatia | 14’3. FROM ANGER by Margo Fruitier | Fiction | Belgium | 22’4. HAPPY THOUGHTS by Layke Anderson | Experimental | UK | 14’ 5. OUR SKIN IS GOING TO GRAY by Ivan Bakrač | Experimental | Serbia | 12’32’’6. THE OUTLAW by Aldi Karaj | Fiction | Albania | 20’

19:30 Feature Competition 1GONE BACK by Ernest Meholli | Fiction | Holland & Kosova | 75’

21:30 Feature Competition 2INDIAN SUMMER by Gejza Dezorz | Fiction | Slovakia | 90’

Day III / 5.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema


by Kenneth Weissman & Regina LongoSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Short Competition 31. GROUNDED by Alexis Michalik | Fiction | France | 19’2. FRAME by Evgenia Gostrer | Animation | Germany | 5’3. THE OTHER PENALTY by Sfaxi Djamila | Documentary | France | 13’4. Y2O {distilled} by Dominique T Skoltz | Experimental | Canada | 11’5. DEAD HEARTS by Stephen Martin | Fiction | Canada | 16’6. TOM IN AMERICA by Flavio Alves | Fiction | USA | 16’7. THE SWING by Damien Dunne | Fiction | Ireland | 12’8. AMEL by More Raça | Fiction | Kosova | 23’

17:00 Short Competition 41. KARAGANDA by Max Weissberg | Fiction | USA | 25’2. R1138 by Sebastian Natto | Experimental | Germany | 8’3. SWAN by Oleksandr Danylenko | Animation | Ucraine | 4’4. THE VISITOR by Christian Johannes Koch | Fiction | Germany | 30’5. HOME & KEY by Shwan Attoof | Fiction | Iraq | 14’6. CLOCKWORK HEART by Manuel Sumberac | Animation | Croatia | 9’

7. GUYS GIRLS by Liam Engle | Fiction | France | 13’8. SILENT CHAMPIONS by Lulzim Sula | Documentary | Albania | 17’

19:30 Feature Competition 3ROCK IN MY POCKET by Signe Baumane | Animation | USA & Latvia | 93’

21:30 Special Screening 9 x 10 Novant’anni di Istituto LUCEby Marco Bonfanti, Claudio Giovannesi, Alina Marazzi, Pietro Marcello, Sara Fgaier, Giovanni Piperno, Costanza Quatriglio, Paola Randi, Alice Rohrwacher and Roland Sejko | Documentary | Italy | 94’

Day IV / 6.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

10:30 Short Competition 51. DUB PLAY by Nemanja Lazic | Fiction | Serbia | 20’2. PHOTO by Mashaallah Mohammadi | Animation | Iran | 3’3. TWO BOYS AND A SHEEP by Lee Hyung-suk | Fiction | South Korea | 18’4. FIRST FISH by Veronika Göttlichová | Animation | Czech Republic | 13’25’’5. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER by Shiry Price | Fiction | Israel | 17’6. CRACKS by Alex Pachón | Experimental | Spain | 4’7. LESSON by Mehdi Boostani | Experimental | Iran | 15’8. HOLIDAY AT THE SEASIDE by Cristina Grosan | Fiction | Bosnia- Herzegovina | 16’9. INGREDIENTS by Norika Sefa | Experimental | Kosova | 8’


by Regina Longo & Kenneth WeissmanSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

13:00 Special Program MAGMA FILM FESTIVALBest short �lms selected by our festival partner from Acireale-Sicily, ITALY

16:00 Short Competition 61. TRYOUTS by Susana Casares | Fiction | USA | 14’2. FOSSIL MEMORY by Diego Scarponi | Documentary | Italy | 15’3. MR. PLASTIMIME by Daniel Greaves | Animation | UK | 9’42’’4. NIGHT LIGHT by Choukrallah Noha | Experimental | Belgium | 13’5. WHAT REMAINS by Liv Scharbatke | Animation | Germany | 5’12’’6. FLASH by Alberto Ruiz Rojo | Fiction | Spain | 7’7. ROOM 606 by Peter Volkart | Fiction | Switzerland | 15’8. NEVERMIND. by Jean-Marc E. Roy | Fiction | Canada | 5’9. ONE OF THEM by Ilirjan Himaj | Fiction | Kosova | 30’

18:30 Special ScreeningQUANDO C’ERA BERLINGUER by Walter Veltroni | Documentary | Italy | 117’

21:00 Feature Competition 4VIKTORIA by Maya Vitkova | Fiction | Bulgaria | 115’

Day V / 7.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 1 SUFFERROSA

by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive movie and live cinema performanceSalla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

11:00 Feature Competition 5TERMITARIA by Joseph Israel Laban | Fiction | Philippines | 91’

13:00 Special Program BALKAN CINEMABest shorts from online AltCine.com �lm festival, our festival partner from Athens, GREECE

16:30 Short Competition 71. BUTTERFLIES - 10 OBSERVATIONS by Paul Druce | Documentary | Germany | 17’2. DOG EAT DOG by Patrice Deboosère | Fiction | France | 12’3. CROSSINGS by Amos Ezra Katz | Fiction | Singapore | 18’4. THE DAY OF THE BLEEDING GUMS by Dimitar Dimitrov | Animation | Bulgaria | 4’50’’5. A SMALL TIME by Space Discontiniuum by Goce Cvetanovski | Fiction | Macedonia | 14’6. PILLOW GIRL by Ronnie Cramer | Experimenta | USA | 6’

7. ROSEMARY JANE by Carolina Petro | Fiction | UK | 17’8. RED HULK by Assimina Proedrou | Fiction | Greece | 28’

19:00 Feature Competition 6FALLING STAR by Luis Minarro | Fiction | Spain | 105’

21:30 Feature Competition 7LOVE ME by Philipp Eichholtz | Fiction | Germany | 80’

Day VI / 8.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

11:00 Workshop 2

CINEMATIC LABYRINTHS by the Kissinger TwinsInteractive and transmedia storytelling 2002 - 2013Salla Nënë Tereza, Pallati i Kulturës

12:00 Albanian Competition 11. BOY WITH THE GUITAR by Kolec Traboini | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE DIARY OF DREAMS by Xhulio Joka | Fiction | Albania | 21’3. NO MORE CLASS WAR by Sokol Peçi | Experimental | Italy | 2’4. FIVE MINUTES MORE by Valon Jakupaj | Fiction | Albania | 6’5. TRACE by Zhani Terpini | Documentary | Albania | 3’6. SOLDIER WITH APPLE by Lulzim Sula | Fiction | Albania | 19’

15:00 Albanian Competition 21. GOOD TIME TO DIE by Senad Abduli | Fiction | Macedonia | 17’2. DEAR NITA by Alban Zogjani | Fiction | Kosova | 8’3. THE PIANO by Xhelal Haliti | Fiction | Kosova | 25’4. UMBRELLA by Eduart Fisheku | Fiction | Albania | 12’5. THE HEAD by Bertrand Shijaku | Animation | Albania | 4’6. SONATA by Anxhela Dervishi | Fiction | Albania | 22’7. OF DOGS AND LIONS by Kristine Nrecaj | Fiction | Germany | 23’

17:30 Albanian Competition 31. MARGARITA by Kujtim Gjonaj | Documentary | Albania | 30’2. THE KILLERS by Ergys Meta | Fiction | Albania | 20’3. KADENCA BLU by Michael Philipp | Fiction | Kosova | 14’4. INSECURITY by Lediona Kasapi | Experimental | Albania | 11’5 THE LAST BREATH by Leart Rama | Fiction | Kosova | 9’6. IF WE CAN DO IT WE’LL DO IT by Genc Berisha | Fiction | Kosova | 26’

20:00 Feature Competition 8THE MEDICINE SELLER by Antonio Morabitto | Fiction | Italy | 110’

Day VII / 9.11.2014 / Millennium Cinema

12:00 Special ScreeningTHE HERO by Luan Kryeziu | Feature | Kosova | 105’

18:00 Closing Ceremony of Awards

19:30 Special ScreeningIN GRAZIA DI DIO by Edoardo Winspeare | Fiction | Italy | 2013 | 127’Balkan Premiere in Tirana after the World Premiere in 64th Int’l Film Festival Berlin - Berlinale 2014

22:30 Reception


The entry costs will be 100 lek for morning screenings (11-17:00) and special programs, and 200 lek for evening screenings (19:00 to 23:00) and special programs.Those who purchase a prepaid ticket at the cost of 500 lek will be equipped with a FESTIVAL badge that is valid for entry into all �lm screenings.A�liates of the cinema industry as well as students of all �lm, media, and arts programs will also be equipped with a free, all access pass to the �lm screenings.Workshop entries are free.Those carrying an INDUSTRY, GUEST, or JURY Badge can access all the festival venues, �lm screenings, workshops, and related event receptions.The INDUSTRY badge costs �fteen Euros.


Bileta e hyrjes do të jetë 100 lek për programet e paradites (11-17:00) dhe special program dhe 200 lek për programet e mbrëmjes (19:00 - 23:00) dhe special screenings.Ata që paguajnë 500 lek parapagim pajisen me një badge FESTIVAL për të ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës.Kolegët e kinemasë, studentët e �lmit dhe arteve dhe media do të pajisen me badge për t'i ndjekur të gjitha shfaqjet e javës gratis.Workshop-et janë me hyrje të lirë.Badge INDUSTRY, GUEST dhe JURY mund të frekuentojnë të gjitha ambientet e festivalit, shfaqjet e �lmave, workshops dhe te gjitha reception që do shtrohen me raste të ndryshme.Badge Industry kushton vetëm 15 EUR.




Concept & Design by Kavalo Studio
