Thursday 25 th February 6-7.30pm: Oxford Brookes University, MUSIC ROOM



Sunny Jacobs and Peter Pringle Introduction by Francesca Gubbay. Thursday 25 th February 6-7.30pm: Oxford Brookes University, MUSIC ROOM. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You are invited to attend .an evening talk with .

Two Death Row Exonorees speak about their experience of a justice system that failed them. Introduction by Francesca Gubbay, UK lawyer who recently

returned from working on death row cases in California with the charity Amicus.

Thursday 25th February 6-7.30pm: Oxford Brookes University, MUSIC ROOM

Francesca GubbayFrancesca Gubbay. Francesca was called to the Bar in 1999 later Admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in 2002. Since 2002 Francesca has been a full time mother to her 2 children. Inspired by Fourteen Days in May Francesca recently embarked on an ambition she held for 20 years to go the US and

assist death penalty lawyers.

Sunny Jacobs:Sunny was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death for the shooting of 2 police officers in

Florida. In spite of evidence of his innocence her partner, JesseTafero was executed by electric chair and it took 17 years for Sunny to be released

Peter Pringle:Peter was wrongfully convicted of killing a police officer in Ireland and sentenced to death. He was

exoneration in 1995. Since his case it has been written into the Irish Constitution that the Death Penalty may never be reinstated.

Amicus:The charity’s objectives are to assist in the provision of legal representation for those awaiting capital trial and punishment, and to raise awareness of potential abuses of defendants’ rights.

Along with various casework projects undertaken from the UK, and running Death Penalty Training courses, Amicus coordinates a programme that places UK lawyers and graduate law students to

provide much needed assistance to death penalty defence lawyers in offices across the US.

Sunny Jacobs and Peter Pringle

Introduction by Francesca Gubbay


The Music Room, Headington Hill Hall, London Road,