Three Principles of the Program of Action … · mlliuncr and c:owr2~~~:e: of work la not done....


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~Tho Idea becomes


1 tratos the muses."



Thla "supP.I mcnt wfll appear every Saturday In The O.all7


SEPTEMBER 13, 192:4,

Three Principles of the Program of Action ' wh~lher theac In ,;lt·cn ln t tances be and eduutln~e ll aelf and the muau. a bl,; committee to · build up the meet ·

By WILLIAM Z. FOSTER. the m tt.l ntenanc:e of aome 8truulln,; It wiU bfocln to mako r eal stride. to- ln.:. Thl• committee. beaded by J . W.

TilE deYelo pment o f th e Workers pot.pcr. t he o n:anlzlnc of l:abor putiCs. wortb Ita coal of :a. mau Communl•t J oh natone. hired th e CoHaeum, th e Partr la to a ma.a.J Commun!J~ t or tbe u rrrlna on of trade un ion Party. hl,;,;ea t ha lt In Cblc:~o. ,;ot :a 1peaker

Party t.s a t re me ndoua tuk, one that work, acd to dlnt-~~:ard e Ye rrthln.:; The Nccc:uary M.acl'ltnery. of na tional reput e'. and ad1'e:rtlud the iaUa for the e:zerclae or tbtt utma.t e:t.e:. Coo.a~u e:nur. Tlt.2ll7 u~e:a.ury h Ia not enou~h : ho we TC"r, th.2t the me:etl n~t wlde: lr. Ruult. %0,000 peo­lute lllcec ce-. mlliuncr and c:owr2~~~:e: of wor k la not do ne. Tht' ftn a l e tf«t \1 membership be ~uut&d to the uecH · pie In att.-ndanc.e :a.od one oC the the whole mcrnbt-nhl p. Tbe work that :u a whole t h~ p.artr hu Dt-l:le-ct · "117 for a ctl• lt r In .211 the lelds aboT e a:re:ttf!" htbor m~tlnn lo the blatory ot p2tty bulldln~t muat be ca rr ied on il!'d many of IU mnst unr eal t::askll. In · lndk~~oted and th,.o equipped with the o r Chlu ~~: o. Or.:anlutfon KOl rMulta.

:'o~ch d;::;~,:!':~:ullt~anco1~tl:~:u•11:~ ~:~ln:n~h~b:r~~~~':alttl~: 0:r "1~~ : : : : 3 .,.~:-.,:.aZrJ:::~~·;o P'!::~h~:t~~~~:~ !tla n r uamplea aucb ·u th e foreso-eue. Tbt:' ro ha fAr too mu ch nluiludnh- lM!~hlp a t lar~:c . The t~nd t nc r to Into e tftct. Thl • tho Pro~tr3m of Ac- Ink cou ld be c ited to show tbe nlue nen. 100 ma.ny lackrulah&lc:a l rv elhfHb, nc~~:lec::t tlr " ln•lu• trhal work 111 also tlon Jlrnpoll•' a t Q. nccompll8h tbru a o f commltt,.e (} r~~::anluUoo. nut the y In e.:llateocc :.t preaenl. The aoontt r •auHc marke •l, o nl y A .- ~rr amnii pe r- 1e r le• of r ommlttt"Ctt for Ill y:ulous nre n~dle11 . neco~~: nlzln« the prln ·

• o ur party ,::e ll rl•t- of thos~ ••hte ncc!l c:ent a,;e o f th.~ 1n~ rn b~r11 takln8: an y pollclf· a c lplo ln•ol.-cd. the Proa:ram o r Action of ynuthrulncu th e aoo n,.r It will l::~ y lnter,.ll l or p;. rt In 11 what f' • "' r. Sa- J-'n r ~ n or~:\ n: uallon , wh~ther it Ia provlt.l u or~;31nltatlon foT each of Ita the b.t la for .,_ r •a l orxanlutlon tu rally. the ~rtr a•t tTe ra rrnm th la th~ \\' , P .. :a trad ;• unio n. or whatnot . pnlld~a. Ia the C. E. C. aome one

Jy ':d!:~edp~:r:~ ~~n~;~:o~;;~ ;;:~,:~ :~0f~~~c:~n '~r::.:~; ',.:;~;·:~~ ::;:,=. ~~~~:~';':: :«-=~~;0,10 c;:;:~n!u~l~ ':~ :;~~~e0~o~0;~~~~~:r;~~e': t~'!a~~ Committee mnd tb,.n laid bf>for*' t llf' tunitr to d e: • ••ln p IUf'l f Into :1 we ll· cbloru 1.1 fu til;· Xotb lnr; Ia ucom· policy. The aame principle ab UI apply memb#lnblp a.. a whole, thrre I• o f- rou nd e-t"l mus ur~~:anbatlon . p llsh~l J.: y,.ryono en~;a,;ed Ia any In th e C". C. ·:a. D. E. C.'•· and loca l f,.r f!'d the 10 ,fe•elop nu r p:r.rt r A l,.:adl:\11: prlnctp!f' of th,. p ro~:ran: k ind uf ou :anl10>tl ac ll•ltr knows th i.J hr~chf'•. All sha ll ba•e tbel r C'Om· :lio n~~: t h-e wa r It mu at .:;o tr ll ld tft lo t :acli4:1n .:lima :o corr«: t thl• e.-!1 b)' w~ll T o ~~~: .. t r ,.au lts an lndh ldua l mlttr~• o n t he d~tlon t".2mp:a.IE"n. In · take on th e ldeolniH. at ru ctur••. and edueatl n~~: th ~> pa rt)' lo thf' nl"('(•ss lty o r a co mn•l ll rr- muAt...bc. c ha~ed wit '. ol ulttrta l worlr. m e mbenhlp. DAil.Y fun ct ions o r ::a r ('a l c"mmunlllt rna8 f t, r C3rf')'l h.K on wnrk IIJ"l le-m:alku. ll y thf' ruoonsihllhy. T he mau c:annot WORl\F:rt , Mlu catl on, a nd unemploy-p:lrt y, Tb.~ par1y unlh , hh:h And m~nt . In th e small~ r bnanche. o f low, ahou ld s tutly tlll tt pro~~:rrun C:H~'·I I WHEN YOU ARE CALlED UPON TO CELEBRATE ~s nr lt'!u. e•e ry me mber ahouhl be

~~:~ en;~~~ut lt ~t !Jrovta lnnll d ll ~ s••n tly "DEFENSE DAY"- ~~~:c~~~~::~~: ;:e~~~u:. llc~~!~!: Thr~e prindpl r-• or th•) pro~ram o r wllh th e Pari)- pollc.lel. The Work ers

action desuve CII JH!dl\ lly to 1~ c:.all,.d 1'1arty mu at not r erD&Jn .2n amorphous to the atle nHon o f \.he m,.mhNahlp rnu.a ; It mwrt become an o rcanh:ed These are. t a l th ,. con .-.'- pt uf .a ba l- body which actually brlor;t lbe mem-a.oc~ pro~r:~m of wo rlr . th• th,. cu·.a - ~nhlp dlr,.c: tly Into the Part1 work . tlon of th e m.achiDf"r y n rc .. s~ :ur to T he Procram of Action pro•ldea ' th e r;e t thb worli: acrornplllh,.d . tct lh~ I w:t. y. Ry now eTe ry unlt or the Party ml!:uuo to mat~ thla ru~ach l n~ry :.c tua l- should ha•e tb e oe~es.s.2 ry committe-e-a ly work. Th~ rlrst dula with th ~ ld•• orcanh:,.d to appl.r the seYe.ral polldu olo~:r. th e tu•coa tl with lh .. • truc t ur('. of thtt Pro~:ram of Action. and the th ird with tbe run.-tltl nln ~; nf 1 th f" p:srty. l.t' t Ull t·nn•l•lt·r th••ll \! )lr ln l e~ nne at a tim'" : I

A Billaneed Program of Work . j J~ellu!fe of lh f' complt•.tltlo·!ll u f mnd-,

~:tn~"';l';' ;~~~~:~"::.~.:·, ~:~Jrr(/~~~~ ~ :~ ; t hlll~ slmultaneou. ly In many aphe rca. Th l.a nf!o(': f"U ity Ia •""'" b"S I f"IP~Ut'd , Of ('OUf"U', wh ,. rf' trv• Po'rtr Ia In powt r. Th~D It ha• 10 "UP."' r Yf~ a nti <tlr~t """rY !Ivin s:: ln • ll ru tlon . lnclutlln,;: th,. cou,rnmenl, I h .. In · d u11tl t> l , llr;riculture , the :.rm y. th t­tradf' unions, lh•• ~ool 11 , t h,. cG-4>(lf!r­ati•'"~- e tc., e tc. Thfl part y mu tlt h" " "' t11 e hrf'adth o f vl8lo n no t nnl y to th·· • fl iOJ) pro~r pollc lc11 fnr all th rn*' in · tH it tlllona, !Jut tt l14o 10 !Hit Ha•• m ln tu c rfN~t s lmuURR f'OII MlY a n•l ('Onllnun u ~ -1}', r. reat Inj ury, It 001 1\(' lua l •ll • nll -1f" r , r esull& If uny o f thf'll ~' un :,.nt t .a.Pi kl"' :are n f•g l~ttd

)-: .- to n und,.. r npll:all•m t ht- n*'~l for • h lr;hlf dlve rs tned al"t iYit y " l l t~~ol ll . :.1 th o naturally upon a mi no r a(':ale than In :a proleurl:an atKiety, Our p:1rt r I• c:onf ronted with a multitud e nf tuh. all lmperaliYt"ly df!roandln~t atl••ntlo n It rnu~t. of course, W:.t~ ll a mlllt2on1 a tru~~:Kie 1 a.~~: ·aln at rapltAIIIIm at J\ll poln t.ll, lnc:lud lnst tho ca rry ln~~: o n of yf,;orotu f"l~cllnn f' :tmpnht nll, f' t~' ntlon

of unle ed tron111 aronn•l lmrr,hu:: po ii ­Ucnt lseue~t . ltt r"tlnJt o f !l l rlk r", w:ar· rl n,; n,;alna t lho r eartlonnr y uni on bu~aucracy, on:anlllnr lh e unorr;a.n ­bed. ~•t:abU1hl n~~: s hOp tommltt c:H. defend lo.:: claat war prlaonera. t'ltc: , etc. nut while th •• p!S r ty I• wa~l nJ: th t. atrusxl .... wh ich Ia llJI ,,.aao n tor Min~. It mun not fortr: ,. l lh• ,. ll.a l

~~~~~! ~.:~Hn~~b~~m0=~~~;~ 1~: to ' .attrtr.d aymp,thotlc wo rkln" c:lau e l t- m~nts Into t h~ p.trt )', " ' ro-n r~;an ­hln llt it !l"lf npnn thn h:to ll l!ll nf Ahnr nu cl,.l. o f hull•ll n ~~: th •• Drt rt y ptf'I'IJI, ••tc .. r•h'. In ~h ort. we mu !ll l n•J l on ly U!'f• t hf' fl ll rt )' t•o ntl nu.,tudy In th*' rb. s" • •a t . hill ,_.,-. ITIIIJil 11111.-. 1'1\r r r on rnntln uoul'I IY tlw Jlr()('fl!ft of at r~n ~; t h ..,nf n ~ 11 nunwrlt-all r Rnd hi ~ olnr;ic:~ll y •

l ' n! t'l r1Umtt .. l) nur oa rt y m,.m~r­

ah lp ha.... not ) "1 r••a rh••d lh•• pt'l lnr whf"rr• It r l' :~. l h""'l th•· n .-ro•'l'l(tv fo r a·t c:h ron tln u•ul" • •·rk un :. 11 th,. f root.a o f fl:trty .trt \YIIy ,\ m•l•l t!t_• r- ld ed t,.. ::ult-nt'• I• r .. r th•• m•• m h••r !l , ,, r o nccntrah· upon

Mak ino the Machinery Work. n ut th,. "ett ln ~; up o f the ~•entiat

nlmrult tf'f'lll 111 nn t enough In lta cU. S uc h mu r hln er y mu !l t be made to wo rk . Thl" Ia 1t ve ry Importa nt con· Jlltl*' r~ti CJn provided for In the P ro-r;r:lm o f ;\ ctlon.

..:., .. r ,. o ne with t>s per lence In or­~~:a nlta tlon work kno ws th:t.t o fte n c:ommlttf'f's a re c rea ted whl~h do noth· In&'. Surh c:omml tt~s lna t"'.2d of be­I n~;: a h*'IP, h ind e r ,. .,~n tbe •IIJ> ht de­tr:r"'*' of 2-c tlon that would ptac:e without t.h~m . T hey sre a delusio n und ~ ln:l rf', ll f> nce, th e unit• of our rarl y mu~~o t not o n ly es tahll 11 h th e n Ct•UlU)' rotnmlttN~JII, hut th e.r mu.fl t •''*' lo It th nt th ey lldua.IIY funcllon and art• thr tnf!.lln.• o r drnw lng thu m u1111 ln lo th,. wotk . • )-'nr lt":u-t pnr f)()tV• the Pro~ram of

Ac- ti on propolf'lt t hat all C'Ommltl~!l anti lnd iYkt u:ala wbo are IMtruct ed to dlr,.t" t tb,. work of :applrl n-t th e poll­clu shall be r,.qu lred to report recu­l::arly tn th e un it• c.ommlulonln lt t hf'UI. In thf! C. )-~. C .• tbe n rloua com m itt ee• riiu!lt r"!port f rom time to tim•• rc l;~tl ve to the pro r;resa that '" ~In~: mad e In wo rlclo,; out th e poll· wblc:h they are s pec lallaln~~:: ln. The ntatrlc:t Or~~:anhera a hall aut.. mit r r-,r:u lar rcporl• lo th e C. )-!. C. at to what Ia betn~~: do ne In the ir dl•·

Remember the Results of the Last War! tr lc ta to . e l\(orce the_ PTot.:~m of Ac:·

- ----------------- ------- lion. )-'ollowlns: out th l p rlncl pl,., th e D. F:. C.'A. C. C. C.'! ad toc:a l

a nd ('00 tlnU I')U81yln 1t. lllb,. ftPirl a open j'"'art ltae lt apontAneoua1 y. It mast be ! bra~e:a mu st llke wlse Insist upo n to h. a nd th*'n to pro• llfc the n«u- Ofl:anl.ted A c:a•e In polal: Se•eral 1 ~rlod ca l r"'port.s from the commit · u r-y pnlld··• !vr auc h wo-rlr The ae • - )'ean. ~o thf" Cbka~~:o )-·cder:Ltlon ot 1 teH t "Y ha•e :a ppolnt M Oft tbe hr-ly ~tD pollch·• o f th•• procram of a ctio La bor Yo tf"d to hold a mass meetin,r: pollcle.. To lm plr .2ppolnt commit· Ol:dudln£ th e •· l,..ctl on cam~ls:n . Ia fo r T om Mooney. t:d S oc.keb •t-n t I t ,.,.~ and the n to let them • et:et.2te t.s o~sll\catlnn of thot.• tr :a•l<> un ion wurt , at th e job In tbr us ual unorJjj~Wlll:ed I rutile. Th,. IIUC:Cf'U o f tbe l•ro m t~ · ~~m~uhlp drl.-f', Ch OAil.Y W llf that preu iiN In th e fedlratlo n. o f Action de nd• 11 n a c:nn~n \\ Rl\)-. lt tlrh·e , lh•• rPotU;anlutlon !lo m er,, l)' l! .. nt out a le tt e r to tbe :r.f· h k b 1 r po I . t of lh l' par ty lll)o"1U th~ l.a -th1 of lhe n llatr-d lu.·a l unhm ~t lnvltlnf; tbelr ~o~cmltl:«!:~ t'! Dt upon tJI 8e rlet' nt !thop n•r•· l,-.1, l h,. •lrK:tnlutlo n or tb fl mem bt> ra 1u a thmd th e meetlo~; . un•·mvl ny<'oJ. a n•l lh•· c xh.•nHIHn n r the Thetc lt: ltera lll*' t th,. cuntomary f ::t t f' In a.ddltlo n lo l..elnt: a d~~:htln,; Mlucauon"l wvrk. c''" " l ltn iP l' bal· of 11 uc h cordmun lcatlo na, wlodlnr; up mo,..e me nt . th e Communist P:rty mul l a DC('tl protr:r:un o f wntk ('orrc-spond - rcos lly In thtJ un ions' w:u, lc huket.a. b(, a worlr l n~t m o Yt nlC! DL J-:., e rr mf"m· Ia ,:: to th•• mo•t ut•t l'! sa ry tuk:ii no"'' Coos,-q-uf! nJiy the mN-Un~t was a oom- ber mu1 t be a militant. 3.P ea~~:o r toller·

:~;r::~n~ou~~;:~ ~•t 1r1 ~~; :Pf"P7,.%~ ~~:~~0f:.llu r~~;1~tn:: ~r :a~h~5orlr:,.~l:~; 1 !:~h:.~~~·~- a~e;; ~~~: :~~nn~=~ th,.!l~ poll• \ .. .1 •l~~:orous t r lh .. n lhr failure. thf' re~ l d,.l,.,;:ates Ia Uie Ced-I to ou r J•arty. Tb t- llr:::te will Cf'lm~ . po• ·l!r and ln ft U*'D C"" n t tb f! Wnr li: ,.n ~" r :ulon detftnn laM to rea lly ur.:a nlz e •lth ou r r;rowln~~: pow~r and presU.:,., i' a.: t ~· will b-e ••normou!t ly lncrt!a.ed " Moon~r m*'~ t i DJt . The y h3d th e fed-i whe n they will b1 weedf'd oat u ua<e­.\ •hllnrlnc on :.11 f rnnh almu l,.nu31• .. ration adopt :an~hcr motlo.l for a leu 1umber. Th l'~m.mua.Lat mo.-e­ly . n.:h tl nK lhf' t"aplta ll ~~o l s on the poll- m,..· t inJt . OY(' r Ut " nrott-l't o f Soc:ket. me nt Ia a poor restbs pia«' tor ,,,._.1 an.t huh111trla l n .. t•h . orK:t n l dn~~: ;~nd )-,IIZPf' trlr k. The n thf'T cr~at ed (Conttn ut'<l 00 pa;:;e 5.)

The .New Culture - - By a Teacher:

Ita usefu l stene rtt.ll:ll\tlon. then )'OU ,;· lht' JJtrlvlns: fo r D r fectlon. f( 11 1M o wn poignant confession t hlll

TJU: INDUST RIAL TtF.VOJ.UTION touch nt once upon r.o-c:.llcd " tt.ppllc-tl"' ~thould llk1.1 to n•hl t hnt tho ~nl DCf'il h•• cou ld not endure the ..,e ry_.lfl:11t"Uf" h u..5 turned ll(o t opay.turvy, •tii'Dtt•, I. c . lntlustrlullzcd 11c lenca. o r DD)' culture Is n. IJ lrlvlnK fo r por· tlnr nor p."!.lnt nor enjoy I1S'C p~tutnc

llnu,;hty cultu ru lla" perfo rmed IICY· (Huxl~y ohjec tcd l' h:oromJiy to th~ :1r· f~cllon In He c: hr•tc~ of lnt ellhtlble hour bcc:auwo nf the dholf(>!'lll of hta f!r al lntcrcatlng ~frntlnns. fl'~hl~r liOclal llt'p:tratlon nf thewo aspects or term~t l. "Pcrfccllon" Is flO lrn!'f'dt'd !Jr ut5e11 (Pllow8 Is thn humane c::oun· nod reebl~r lUI ltfl " t rcngth wus h clnJ; aclencu llCCRIIIIO " " he c learly pointed a • rmhol ot cnch mnu'~t conc"'ll th a t te r)lnrt of the soclologlr~l culture; n upped by numc.rou• colllslona nntl out, tho law" fJ r l'lclcnce Arc prcrequ_l· .,..i't KN no"-'bure hy cms,loylu~t it. To c ulture 'Mhlc::h worr ies 1111 he;ad over lntmdrum ne-el.l ~t. E.xperlmc.nt:tl Ncl· • ltc ror any lnt clllrent lmprovcm('nt tllrivo ror "Swcrtneu o r Ll,;tll" h1 Jh·lnJt pro let:lri:tnl'l and lncldcnta.lly c nco hu KAinC'I'I ap:tcc. The mn r.,c l• In thu t'troc"<'ura o f m nnur:u:t urc. Th~>· not objccUon:~lJie tr. "t~cduccd IJy t hnt ~Quantlcu :l lt' lxurc hour "'' llh paean• or tho unl1'ertc fno lon,;u hi I)' Ad· nry nml ~ractl ('! not oppo! cd htH ld•..,allut lon, )Ott tln nnt IJiundt' r Into to by,;;:ono :l.f:'t':'{, dead rhl!oaophna a nd ort'tl o• holy mrstc:: ry) :uo b rln J; IIIU ('Iph•mentary) . Whe n yo u h:tTo :aslo: lru: c tH•rgct lc hutn:ton be lnu like t h rlr •le:adc r phlloaophlt>s. Hutkln'll u t lllud Cor common drud~:e's af\,)(r. touch"'tl upon "clt nco In lnduatrr. rou Tol!'ltol. :-\letzllchc. \'olt~lr~ 3nd H~>ln,.. l<'ctur··• to t hc ~.-ork lnr;mcn on the ir A .oclo-poll11c:~.l m et:tmorphosl" 1~ h:.,·c opcn··d the n rst l:~t r tha t lc:ads to l.lo'K d•ncn to the prejulllcca o f lhl'ir o•n homo.ty <bre3d and butll•r J prob­trrrry• here fcrmentlr!.g. SOC'I:tlt!im to J>OCI.:&I M:h•DC't". Tho lnterde pet:d· C'OUI :nponrl(•l ror lho J&akc o r l•· m,. ma r'\i:N tbc turnlns:: point In cui· h:a, lea~ to the froct. T h,.ae r:tt· •' R ('•' o f tht• Phflllc:al, • ln!lt.utrl:. l :nul " Pe ~t', 1.roth~"r. ~~cc::." Su. •lr. T in• ture·a CTolutlon. Soulutacu of tllnr; chant; 8 h:ne n«eulta ted ::1 M"H::I11. I arir nc,,. I• :.bunda ntlr el a r. wo r ld !.1 d€'• po•t:tt\'1)' In neNl of llt; · antccN~nt cultur~~ IJrokc f!u 11kln'• ncwf'r culture: Tho 50C1G-&elentl!!c or Our hh:h sclutoOI a~nd collrr;:c curlcul:t J;Te3SITe ratllcls. murkr:atcr11, Cr-:tr · ho1rt with the bitter knowlf!d.:c of aoc-loloJtlc c:ulture. J:Jr a aer ies o f te r· :nu• t tnk,. t h«<r c lue from llr,..·a n d~ l••sJI G.;ht.,l'll, lt:onodut•. Swcctn ,.• • Lh{'fr wilrul lrTPI"'l'·. th,..f r con· r lblr w:utdul coonctA, the d~·ntn,; nnd ~st:tbllsh n u m,.rous c::oun~e5 In ~1:.d ll'ht mu"t wall rd awhile. bfo. t rmptuous un('onc;"·ro fo r the unc::ul· r it lturo hu emer~ed partly trl tit,.._, u"cful knowl"dJ:~>I Soclolnt:lcal I01'••d Qult•llat:t ! W ha t mort• nnhle. tur t"•l. 'rb~ luYID& :ulmlr:u loo b<tJtow·

umphant. • hiolnK too o fte n by ttw r~ :~~~11";~" ~~~:~.~~~T~o tep~~:,'!~~ ~~ c:~~ ~:~~ ~~~;;c.:!~:~ ~,.e:~· ,:h~~~ .. k~r~:!:!;~ ~~ ~10l!:~~q~!u~~:;tl .. :m:~~b!;o~~ :~7ttu·~es l~~; h.t .o f. lhe oilier r eslatant aOC'I:t l llfu wh ich tho crfllc:t.lJ..l· :..ctl•~ and tho • ·lll u f God prt~nll." H u n't ~.·~, 1t~ ~hueltu•.,c:c. •<.1 •.C lb. e5~·.•.•10d•em01• r-lllun UIU"'l Utlll"'n~l'lnd In o).Jc r t o thu bunglln~t world ot man b nd "" .. .. .. " -

T houJth Profeuor J ame" Haney "''r \',. th ... co iiPc t lvlt y, nacCull}'. In· t.•nma:h hltte•r fun out o f tho "por t o r H:&1':tnl.:t ~nd Aruc lioratlon, I recall Roblneon 11mar tlr den ne-5 theqlo~tr u tlu"trf:t l "Cittnc·,.. cou rns ' tl r.stt rTr ciiY tryln,; to dl"cl ph~r the will anti cOtllc ll with d e light ~!on"leur tb('lot'a nn lm:t~tln nry subject: many lnte llh:•mt c::omt> n t..•xt :HI vrovlclln,; an lnlelllxt!n.t o f God~ n tiH) tchrl"wcll!•t RUOr· ,;real vie w or du ty. In "Sdm~ Sew rerwon" .!\ti ll ding Jovln~ly to h • cou :•I)Jlr elation o f the co·r~l:atlon he· n··ys at lo.• ' h:.H'e tountl ClUJ will h o pe- Conceptions o f Sclccce," Carl Snyl!c r ~olln~t my~ttcrlc&. :\tystt:ry wo rs hl11 '"'~en &l"!r ncc :uul Dr~urth·o lndu!'l· (1!851}' co nfUIIi.-d . l .l't 'tl no t ho thur our £1\'CS U l a llcc pcn-portraiL of one o f mnkc th l,::nor.anco at home In a hO.i· Lry. Thlnlly come" the Dhntcal 11ct- little b~ad,. ~thout the • ·Ill o f o04t. · our mos t ~;cnulnc b uruanlt:ulans: t llu • ·o r lt.J! Mclaphy ales l~t 11tlll th t• " He 11ns wers to m o nne coneopUo n

~~~~u:~:u s~f!:;~c~ 0~/r::: 8:r~~~r P~:,: SO fAR IT'S DONE! ::~,e~1.1 ~.:d~a!:i\\~,n ~~=0·t:r8 ~c~a~tl~~ l~'tntl of • ·orkada)' life tb:u the-y nel"dll tlw Sorlionn~. It is not, he uld, •fo'or tiiUIIt rot.op and frisk ID the ~;rceu l th(l cc;oll3th:al &;~. t i.ef:tctlon o..f our prl· ne ld• o f F.t Dorado. Tbey " corruJI\ " Dy 0 :1cu Kanehl. \'at" \':tniU~ th:n tho wor ld todn)' youth by ahun tln r;: IU limited U 1'3hlli \\'ho cont~nl ~· •llll . tht- tl:ne • ·lit com~;~~ rt'Dd~'r-4 homat;c to the- uunt. No ! lin fru:n lmme-dl:lte iot.eiH~Ible thillf;JII So fa r ll'A Uon• . It I• lx'c.auS<" I be !hol ""aDt wor thy of the

:~r:a:t::~· S~i~~~~ .. ::c:;':~~~~~~,.~~ Th•· whit~> mu:ib~ •IIIia,; to altO<.t. ~:f7~en;~::t:.!~~: !b!~~er:;:;:,~lr~ 1\:ul habit" do no~ dl,, tn :t d.J.;t' . T h,.. •hil" ll;, . .,n .. t~ a r • IIIIo,; to 5[lit f•nll• · !:lc:to tt:,.. .lmelion.tioo-too tlow,

Tbc ancl,.nt lin~lstic c:ulturt! h :a• The •hl!r- horrnr cnu !or l.!ood. :ti::U:. to our vlc7:--oC tbe lot of a ll,

ao dcmn~IUl'd Lb~ ~uc.:nft! • nob!!. J'ro lf•l, ~u;~rd up ~ ~r;~~hl~~~,;~c~~da.ct!cs:::~~-~0~~~ 1hl")' :lclulll\)' .,.,f!cTt! scirnre to 1"'' \\'ho rr:~n.,ol l' "till: tbe time:: w ill t •lr.l• ' wa01 wh .. t w:iJt Jmpfif'd b )' tl1~ pl blie

~rta~:~ll~~.-,·~~e~~~~;:a~=~\'•::·rrl~: 8o t:ar lt'a d ono. nine y.:oan :11:0 In t.hb •:lme b:tll, In

lum. Sehop•••nhauer made the hra· Th,. f':"nerals :t.r c comet:t.Odln ~t. ~~~:~~lng:Ch:pta~u~a;s ~t t!-~'dea~::~ ~~ terlc:at rrophcq th:t.t tho worltl o f ... ul ~:: ~:~~;~~.:.~km;:::n:~'";e;~~:. nl .. ~ln.: upr"'"-' on the beautiful plaque wb lc:b turo wu rornmlttlol(llulclrll~ - ~t per I P rr•l"t , anol •. ooo·. thtl Pro:Jid ,.nt o r lhf' Re public'" •bout tnltt lnJt the superACA!!I o n ° l-oot n 1\n• "' tit o rrc r me. I dCJ cot k:a ow If 1 hDYO Gr ee k b}' " modern" l3ngua,;e". lie \\'tlo ('Onaol~ s till : ! lit• t im ....... Ill Lom•· cornplel~ly tilled lhoAOble lde.l which ro r,;ot that beforu Grt'e k and l..:ul n ~0 Cn 11.,. •lon.... thl• artl11t hali her\1 d~Uae-a.c.ed, but 1

ba•l l)'l' l'ORI'"' nt I' Uitlur··ltj 1' h .. tnl lll' r " tllcJfltn!'l "" pulld tip!!. h:tl'f! trlr·d , a t le;uil, to tnake IIIII tho ~~; rc01.t dvlll tatloulll h:1d l1ourl ,.h•;c un• ~ IJhJcct :ulll eu.d. the d fr cctln,; purpo10 v1111 t8 hNI , !i.e•· the .\Hnoau In l'r~'tf' . ' f!J,. hunr.v r ,-;rln.'i thrmu.; b )·our n~lo; l'l•l r lt... 1,( tn)' ~sl5tcnce." • tlu• H ittite. 1-:~ ypti.ln,, '' 7 If )'!HI du('k. u ·,., !on lat~ SupNlo r brl'ID, had actunlly be-\t'(', c t. a l. \\'hat cx:up"r!l.liu~; non H111t . DtrtiN! ··n m(• a !'oh.1m•:d or Jt.1 quontJ:uu fnf"rre-c:· sen AA! it 15 10 clnhu that ther e Ill ••nly 111:.1 lntellcctuo.llty. It us:t}'etl t he o ne ruy;~l ro:~li to Sal f'Mi u n b)' ('nl· \ \ ' htJ ronsoll" ,tm t.h•· u tut• ""' II t u:uo ' &: r eat e.s.~rlment o f the Al;et : To dll· tut'"". 1\ 11cholftr m:ty 1M!' chnrk full uf ,!V, far ll"ll •lonr. C'O\' C:: r wh:at .l:ltt ot po•·en .. lnrt r k>r" llnKulstlc.s •nd r e t be :t P:lthN k •hll · Tta.-. .aplul 1um1,. n to t•\'of"n men poueAscd. w hat deYrlopment lard In analyl.!lll: his o .. ·n ,.mntl""" T h ,. • Hrkln" boo•('fl o :J fh .. flll \' .. mL·n: h·~ drl'"" thl'f wor e capable of luaururat lDK. llnd p~pou~Jutiona. W ba..t :t halobllnt l l,.h ln•l r o u I• ban• .. ! th• w.:~y wh:at t"t'SPDDJte tbcy couhl to l r~c::om~tent s uch l\ scht~l:ar r•·a ll) I• " hl&h r-r" appeal•. Tbl.s e::rperimenl II Moro pottry, more drarna. mor r \ 'l1.:1t do you d<>J:t~· '" h Q W !n proces•.

kaowkd~ nture revert.:~ce and wit \\'ho conAol,. "'till · th• lim .. \\' Ill con"· .. Tho•'!! who sympatblz.e wltb tbe dcm are to be c ulled rrom Lb9 •tud)' So far It'll d nn('. m~l!ea are unuitnO'UJ tn their d e--of e.mbryolo !!: Y or r;eoloa or :tny nth· l)oo.W o r :!il:t""'~ \ \'JI":. t Ilk,. rou r:1th~! air e to e.x~rlm*-llt :acme more ; DOt u of the mar niGtzsly stlmulalllll: olo to cr:t.s.e, uatll eTe.rr :n·afla ble e lec· clet than m'"'t lr~ c::orrl!:,'i blc lin· Cl :t. r •tan•1 m .. 3tr·r :~n• l ~fr1'ant :u:::,fnllt ••ach r,th•·r trnn ot 1u~rlor tal~nt hu be('D riT· q tl!Jt ('QUkl e .-... r ~~rot'r t ro:n h is • ·u r Fnr ' ""' :u:o:wlt To 0:-L· l'•l nn ~ •·n ott to polarize the mind a o r com· •hlpfu l, memoriter tl tudl,.s. l...:u~~;uu: :-;u f:t. r 11 ·., dun•· T ran .. br,.,l hy Paul .\ n I. nwn mt'n . Tbe ae es~rtmeat.a In roll. abouh.l n ot nnl)' cot be •tulllo!'d " .. 1•1nnrn: r011 llc c nlture :tre the hope a.1ul ll,.• lder .. La " por se." but JIOielr u a id ' ln" plr:atll)n or our a&:e ; the &eaeroul'l to undu·standlot;: tho srleotllh t:ndeaYor. or a rkhlr aclenllac 4! poch achi,.Yemcnls or rnll.lli Th•· whul•• e nr•• .-r .. utl ..... llh 11 11 'ltll•l> of th•· l:lt~"'l ll c h:J..''I nmpl,. fim l" r .. r that a m ur ,.. TliO rc:adc r tn b ' · cYoluU01l nC life l:t our ~~~r witn('tt~ l!lA. .. UDlJlfl~tn, :u 1•l fruitful h) poth•"'ll'l lll•·n~ ll l r~l'l ••lt W h )' m ar 1111 Pl"ll· lllu~t lr..ttlun In ar31~=~~~n:: •• ~~~. ,;~~~ to prove th :t.t I:J.Oil:"U~c l!lumhk•l In IJC !Co' io n• ,. A~ T) " ' ' ·' II lin hi~J hi!Hor surf' . \\ '' rn uo; t no t ho• too aovt<rc Jom :In• I f)estlny" of what mn to the W"Orltl M f an aid to r• ·c·ortlln~ lc· ltt•II:IMt A•lrlret>"' 11:.iol : "Sd<>nc:e d,.._ with th•• unit!.· Arnultl ll•• w:,, I! nell ·!Pd tht; te lcAcoplc and lnlcroll:op~ nnd !acllltntlng u~eru l lm···n tlnn ll ~~:::: 11~:f h l '\~·::\c'~1;'11 ;. ~)~~tt :~~;!~·., c::~~~ ;~~~ "r., :~';, ;~~·J'\.~~:;~ .. ~~~ ;;:e;,~!;;~~~: '' I«~·~~ o C lit••. .T wo mea were s troll·!;U 11"clt Is 3 :5cr~! lnn·ntlon h;,o tc,.rln«: •1f ma n ' 11 •·111:1 \ P , If th•· t im ': w:a s 80methln r.: s:tcn.>d to hlru, lie r••al· lr;.: r;:rlputetlcallr a lone t()ldl!n fte ltls f!Jccuhe l~lzu rc. • c n~ 011 tl a no • · d f'l'otr• l to lnn~tlH'IJ;~"5 \CIIJW!'ela11y lied tha t "lh•• 11W1wtn~u and ll~ht o r 0 ~·d • ·h,.n In lbe dleCance 11' "'Y

~~:t~of .,.~~:.IIJ'~r~et~:~~ r:;,:ol~~;· o.~nl'l•·utJ :~n tl tiiAtl ... maUc" nn tl otlJf•r ~:. fa•'.•,·1 '.",",:l'n.'l'l~ •l'"n' ', ... ,',' "',' o'r'"•'ullao',,h0t: ~~~~ ~·"w:~:l:~~.~~r~:· ,o;:l; r::~:: ahlp by IL1 too esclu ~l.,.e "-'OT'llhlp ''' ·rulturul'' •Khh :&n•l c a tht ..-·· ·r o: tnDl'l· ' .. .. ~tlfJna o r bodh!l, the burnt &old~p ealture for culture'A ute, 1. f' f f)r f•·rr• •I In th .. l'lat·lu lo,;kal aci"'D«. ::1o11 ltr ".~e tnurhf'tl with ,..,.C!C'I Dt'st a nd b:tJr or tho workf'nl Ahlnin~: brflll!lnt· tlae of p~tl~r-. .,u1:u,n~ t r:.n r- f• trmlltlon • oultl ~01U·· ~ IIt:h t tr In tho fiUD- wbat JlOfllry ln tha t

Ou r tmmedJate lofcrt:noce Is th .. t t b~ .,. ill• l•rfl nl to ~~u·l ,.nt a.nd to ~r 'll')o H•• hclf,.y nl'h.-!y tonotu:: h that labor or lo'.:e . TbiJI thQ Joo,;-d lll4nee lu~tlc:: or cu lt UTe's t-YoluUon untnl~tak • ta l • ll lu·n~ldt· A n• 1~mma11on d•- th .. ~ f'"quh..lttun nf rultur ... " th•! pa11. ~ YIC"": But ob. wbat ladnt- 1 nf ably P.llnt.JJ to tbe ucrndrncy o f " \'uUII) ' '' ~,. . .. t rH·,.n fur T" undt.·=-·,~~·m to tn .J.k•, tht· ,,. .• t that b:u. IK-t·n ltnl•n. •hat lr:l~~ ilnora.oce flf •octo 11,.Pntifl;c c::ult ur"', 1 r ro te .-.w r 'l. t:an•l un• s n""'n p.;:ucsloeat•• :rt:". L"' 1 t lluu~:ht :t.ed k nt.• ? In thfl world~r 1 IIJ'C'Cdl. ~•ha l;noble beat bull•. u Robin &an C:::tlk-<1 It :tnlhrop,olo:lc::!ll) , •~ 1, ;, .. ~ • o• u(h !tor th .. t""<~l t•rnln• "hy I rr-nt ('Vf"r) wh~r,., ·~·ulr! do aw y l lh,. spa,. .. • :a.t fo:-e•bo~DI'd a:Jd t he tho bfo'lt ::a.d:tp(~ to"" u!ldf" ::t o~un,.. J•·ur.!l,. th•· ,·nun~· t Cf"n .. r-:a!lnn wllh I ~it!~ cl;u;,,.~ · He ne ve ,. pondc 1 s lc<ort dlst.a a ce yfew cluln~ the Tl· ot th,. •c-r in ,,.bkh ..,. .. lin•. ~hortl' lh·· lr r .. t .. ,.:t.nt rul:nn· nt ,. - ·l:t.rk"l the ir on h is toric truth t hat no- .. ,u. •lon. Th•: mlcTosco~ fJII more d~pend· ... shilll .,ltn~>:o>-!1 In hh;h •ch'* an•l !,:, ,.. • Th" f'bHI..IfiT fltorn rd :ihs..- .i pe rlor- cl:tu has ever voluntarlty l ,hll• tire telf'~coP- : If probf..­c::ollr-~e fb. trr In un lv~r-slty 3 1 r le- • boa"' • ntoht~'Cr:lJIIINt th,. rollo•· ln r; · " l j yie lded .any o r Its ~erog.atlvu to I m13terle-a uwre l!!f:an:.hlc~tb. m ore a c· m (!nt:lry "C'hfYII t It : ilillcnl C'h:tn ,. In •lf•a l wllh n il 1-rJN!" hu1 I " "T•"t

1 other Ita~ fortunatt.Cy-clrcumstanced ru r:st~!y, .\nd yet our l)o::!n ersc h u·

rtuTirulum Th"'r~ w!ll tit' .. lthtc>r n. 1 !ltL.tth au; fl""tiOol lml thr ~1"""·:5(!1:!1. ;~~roups. f.nou~h of b•u«hl)' cultur~ · rnan ca lnd• :Uot: ICt fD the. Yery o p.

11 ~f'l lutcly r·•rJnlrc.! lfuhjr-c•L,. I'll ::Ill o r •hl·- f; I h:t \ •• n•lt >"' rnaM••rf'tl :and I tt hll'l bef" o :a f~llurl'" : ,\n•• to ~lite be-nL \\' e loYe to prattle :about mt•r<.· Drol•.tbi) 'IO<'I;al IIC I .. nc{'~ • •til "" n••Y•· r .... , .. 11 " h th•:r" hil :a,.nt· 1tht: prn&r" SS o f th., dl•lnh~rlted. th•• moon tonK lK!fore we h llY& an y ._ lll•l ly ac1 Pfllcd In l t.~u ot lln :.;u h.llr:4 :.hi·· 111' k nf llurnor " c·nmmon ,'!l:!''" l' s p:~ulon ro r huau:~ n '"'"'lr" k nowlt'dl:" " OOut ~I othe r f:!2rth, w •. !ih:tll nil l••:.rn :lll o r Cf'Ct'J" Ity t •1 In lhf' mire: ·~" n~ thn'i~ ho.~ut:t.l )' .. cultur· tu.:"It.lly dl~ecrnf:d tbo lu::ul""ill:tCY of:. ~; r;uu;o l"ntlt~ 3.r mor,.. f!Uicla tlng ut ll·nr o u"'"' "' ' '" In o u r ne w cul tur,,l httt whu '1' 'l lr• nur c•lueAl•!•l f<1Ul,h bothous~ eulturo In n world lllrl• ou r~. rnr than our own countriea. Th~ ~' Pl&.l·r•· lt. An•l the t; ntr.atJoo~ to comt· to urut rr~t r n nd r:rc,.k !lr.•l Homan CUI· If~> uo•luwtood Jlrvfountlly wll:at Ar· 11r1JPhN I• :tpl)r"clatcd In n il l:tndll, whl "" ettnlpJt('d to b~ critic a ll y nrtl v•· t urrll, 111 hont~ nol•l wro t.o I!UDorncl:ally liDd l'l n tl· hut hit owo. Ols!Rnce tr n rls f1 ncb:ant· dllt+•nN In ll vlt:tl r~oc l :tl clemncraq· .\ll&t lltt• \\' Arnn!tl, In hl f( ..-n timent.:JI ruoo1!11ly : 11\<'nt. The UP!Iho l uf our pe rre-r11, ....

The l'OCiolo,;lc cult uri! con~IA f l'l o r C:Silli)' (Hl rnllur.,, sw~m t.rlumphanll}' " \\'u. IU"U h f'ro IU o n a d.a.rklln~ Jll:lln, n o•s,. Ia that we love · to m(.-ddlc with thr .. ,. luh· rrl'!~t..Q(I branchett:: tho phy·. In a nt-ltulou• rnlty where clock.'~ Swf} ~,tt by cunrusNl tt.lutn• or •t ru~::"tc All 1nan ner or thing,. anti lnl~rt':toh• , u.a l--.clf'nliftc , th" Indus trial, and th'!' "-'No n. Aupernuur. Oaly with Time· Ot:::ttt. proYldOft Cb,.,. Ca.ntalh.e us br rcmot()· "nclaJ•c h: nt ltk. :o;o IOOCt'r b&\' ft you ild .. nl"n M our, CAb we eat.Jor11o WtM,ro -.uo ra.nt &rml.. ~lub b)' nesa, bf 'rl.ove.U.~A II~lhe culturn"'\11'e· I}I'J::lln to tt·aeh "pure acle.ace" with ao \'a£1J tl a..a ldt·:ll u hit. that cultare nh;:ht..- (ConUcued on p:l;:e S)

. I


Nations and· Colonies· - By P. MANUILSKY


Slat'lan cotnradca. Similar mbt:ake:! Lmperla.liam~ You, f'r,.o ch com rotdea prole t:ni:at • ·oul-.1 nu~r IIUCC:et'd In (Coatloaed.. from pr<t•lou.a luutt) are made by our Greek - comradu In have SOO,OOO nath'o workf'rs In 1-'r-:ance. tlt"!l lroylnJ:' t he powerf ul cm plt alla t or·

Tho m&bT mtal&kea made by thf' connection with th e Maudonlan quMo- I a.ek yoo , what hau you rlune to or· ~.:an Ism or tbe llrltl ah Empi re- without

nrtous ~lona of the Comtntt'rn In ~~:~~d ~0:1~7ct ~:;:':1~t~~m'7!C:, ~= ~!:a:;"a0~ 17:,:!',:'•;~: ~~~:P~;:,~~~;. ~~~~JS-=::,rtth:r..:::.~: t':r~l~e• Tl~~= connection wtcb lbl s question :a rc du~ the llal kaftll, th e E.le c.atl•o Committee from among l hCi r rank l'! In )'OU I word~t wcro ullored nur.ny )'~:1\rJI DKO, to tbu fact tbat many o r ou r comrad u o C LA. BC\Jkan y , .. lc ratlon tc.aucd n ::nny tlu~r., :t. rft :!!iO,OOO hlnck Mo ldlt.l ra. whe n · th o Brlthlh F:n1plro •I hi nnt )' ti l

~J:ol::~. ru~~~~~du :u·t~:! ::::~r::: ::~~~~r:;'~,·~~~h ~~:~~ u::u~~~:,"'::, ~ n>:~~c t~ln!c i~Rlr:V~::ut~~~ ~~c ,:~~= ~~P~~~c n"~o:l~. ~ ~\~~4~11:::~~:~~:~t:~ to be of fo ur fuadr~me ty(>ca. a ll ILaruJ up frrr )tQ..C.'Q4oolan lml cpe nd · !!50.000 :Lrto on the otht: r nldo o f the tho earth's t. nrfarc. 0o nur l·:nJ: II I h of wb lch a re of tbo attitude c uee. Thtt Creek Communl• t l'arty buricoWos! Will r o ur workln~; c: l ru~• Cflm t.uJcs thi nk th a t t he ro,·u lu llon:uy o r the Second Jn te roatlun:kl o n the no t dhJ not pabUab th. IM rnuJ., t.,o :1ble to wi n ll JJi n&l" a trlko 1r th e p roc: e~oJ~ ~x>..:luM •• ilh the Eacll• h prb­n• Uoa:a l quuUoo. Tbu am tn>o of h .· .. to. bu t rv~'n Mc nt r1 rcouonetJ pr~ llf•IU"JCMIIIC huvo ::& l Hu' lr tllnpoAa l INarlat Hberut lnJ: ll liwlf. ::~n tl th e n In th~ taNia.kea Ia penonlficd In t he tu.t ar.a.in1t t ho tuuu o f such :1. de..t:U • tbes~ llla.c k :-eac ,-. u t roops wh k h th er tho e:1~clty o r a l t-~ool htll. carry lut.; attitude of wroo Yup-SlliiYI<ln com- meat IJy Ul tt ~xecutiT e t:o m:nltu...,. o r I c-..n !J,dt~ :Lt ;~ny m if:u le ~AID i t yo ur ddin.-raa: to till' tulonl:;r,l pro pl••a1 rltod e•. toaped.:allr Of com rAd e s s'Jma lbc 1:3lk:w ..-odur2.1lon he ro!c ;~ro l llUrlat! II a vo you rar-rled We 1! 0 t:ot think '\0,

M:uko vll c h arnl Mll lo ko vltch who ::t f (' \\'he rr. I uk you. a'ho1.11!1 we n•o~n: b , em anr A2tl- mfllla rh0•~ rr' 'll3J::lD\lJ: In uone or tb e •l ~ •ID1 ('nt.a on th e now In pri~Wo . I ha"e a · .:lve c fo r t he a1o ur IOC"b o\ ;tt:lt to o ! mh:d! : :uoon~t th c.c" bl ac\c lr •"lo011•! •1-'ro m th,. :- t"b.t lo ns uf the IJrltllh Cornmunla t rou '1 uree of tho natlooal t"Otnposl- t; ndoubi..Uiy In thP ~IU'T i nl" o'! the' l-"re.o c.h ~tlo:1 : y ... ,. Y4.·A. Yc•. l Pa rt)· to the colon ies • ·hlcb h .. vebeen tlon o f tbu Yu ;-o-!:Ha:,lan Commuolat 1141W II ,.,.h ;eh a t t h:\l tl~ o e ro t.r.or I S o. No I do no t know o r a 11ln.: le brut to u5 fo r perua:al have we found Partr. And ye t . urordlo~r to t he o p. s;otlca.Uy f' .t:po •o r • ~ od f'7 the .\ u• t r t.:rn l acrto <n docu mentary r roof o r h . l :a alc ~t e t}(.-cb.r:nlo o. In whic h our IJrlt · lniona o f cowradu lilarko•llcb and chool t!o k:Dow t.h at •• mull w;u;a a • lcor- l• h cornn.du h:a1'e clf':arlr a..nd unml• lll llokontch tb& udoa2.1" que~ tloo Jn The K co ad type; o f miata.koJ t. houad o;a tll!l;ht ~nat thla attitude In the t.ak:rbly d e m:aode.l t he ~Jeparatlon o f Serbia Ia a pure lr boUT'I!I;C()b lnnc· up wU.h e~>rlaJn tn cea of socia l lru~r· ~rt r . i will cite a certAin (act wblcb tho colonie. froan the Orttlah t-: rnp! r& tlon ~ A.ccord ll'J~t: to com r:We Marko- l.:t11• m. A• the Auatrtan 8ChO<.JI In o n tbe s urhc:o may aecru to btt quite S how us the docuuu: nta lo whl' h you vltcb tbe quullun :u to "' betbe r tho coune o f tho European "'Ar atooU u.olmpOrtant. but wh ich Ia utrao r•ll IIIU'C defecdN l re l ~nd 'a rlo~tht to lade­Se rba, Cromu. and S loveoua are t h roe tor t be ~co:a l tlo n of th1· lntee r hy of n uU>· IDfllcntl•o o f the p•yc-ho logy of pend ecce. And yet the r o r1ru on· na tlo oa or one, t. un ly a pu re ly tb~ ~o taot upportun tw··s f t.l r •l "cliiiMlion a o f r e lt eal que•tlon which should. not In· th is kind . Since th o ,lllbor ,;ovc rn· ft uenco th o practical poltcr or the menl o f lrae l)onat.l hAll hun In puty. Com rade Mll lko YIIC'h x:oes power you hoe~ no t taken adv:antna;e uYCD rurtb~r than tl:lal. Ht: -=ue riB o f a sln~Je opportunit y tn 1Jrln1t thl11 that In Yu1()-Si av la th ere atu DO b3· I JU ~8l lon hdon• th e tlroletatlat O( Uon1 , but oalr llc&aLitlc dUI'e re at.a· rou r couot ry. L"udl'f' th f' luiKJr ,;o Y· Uona . In bla pamphlet .. Natloulll e rD ment tb•• f\ ppren lve bun.Jeu o f QacaUon lo Lbe J~hl of M.u-xia.m" AriU.h hnpc ria1l11m weh:h" duwn tl1(' and Ia a aamber ol artklu pa.blbb(..(f coloclu u it tlid l~torf'. J...ortl Head · In tbo or'an or tbO' Ya«:O.SLulan Com· Inc. Uu! cf!'lebr at t"d banama n o r" Brit mania' Pa.rt l~• . ··Radn.Jk.- Comn.dP ' Ish Judl:a., the•.; viN! rur und r )tarkoYUC'b brtnsa forward . u :a prac- .. no~ th• famous trlala w('u• C"On· l !C'al a lo1•• for lbe Commaolat P-artJ , daeted ~alnat ~ven •uch modc:nte the ftKb t ~ Ute ~vlaioo o r tho con · ru ,olutloD~la • • Gb<a no..h. tlut Uruth· • tltutJo• . lb a.t b to uy, he pl:lC"!I the crt Ali. others •. C'l'maln• Int ac t In wbole quHt loa. or o.atloaal ~lt-de: ter· hi ' posL llaC'ilnn:lld '" conrnme nt mlnatloa oa. :. coD.IIUtutloaal bulls. t.u oot ta k:..,, the t roulole en tu •eo Very c.ha.rac l ,.r latlc 11 Comrade lh.r k · pl.:u:o t he ! 00,000 lJu n 2.u c:nU• "hn tu n Yilc h'M attltud& to wArds tho Ma~ rnllnJ; onr Lh• """"l~t lou nC nritlllh dftClJ&tl quc•Uon. You that lnoii .._ ,. Wbur•.J I-' )(,u r 0Ahth•X • ~i rn, Mac:eflon la plAr• a.t prot~(l nl , .1Jl"-r tlJI Jo:nJCIIIh <:o mr:Wc•! Whorv '" yuur pArtitio n }H)lw~un Ser b11, Grt...,k:t l\l.HI n.:.:ull nt'B..;• to cnrry n ,J,. r iNh'u lltn:J;~ht Ha.taa.rlan.a, tho 1'(lfJ aamc rohJ In th e [. ,,. Crt:.t.'ftum In to th o mufl l,. fut·llurut Balbm tbo Ualltan.a play In Eu- r um c ra or lndlu! ro~. A Oorc:o l!i ,.ht I• boln~r wll..l:ed T ht· n~. ~~ ian t'omr~tl~" :110 xr Mt'ful n.rountl Macrdonl&, a.nd ~S~)' lD y ou fo r launchlnc rno Ji iOJ; LJI o.rou nd tho qu Cf'l tlon o f an u utlet into •• JJ:tnd :o~ (JU ~o vr ,.t ltutt.!lla.!" ft l th e tho At!oltN.D Sea.. Dud th•· !h:::ht ror th,. ~!. o Au, tri.IU loou n tl., rl• ""· ,.,_, t b~· r:c r lnur p:ut lr• nurln~ I <' I.) on• Co n tunc o! ll.u urm~._ .. t lnt.•rn:ont lon 01 port of SAlon lea ~ween tb.-· s out..l ' ma.n .s«.H'I ll l·lm to• rt:.l •• t lr ~ · buul of II CT .. rh .. t'oUih:ll,.rn .ultlr rn,..l an llP. It >A~- l :<~t t.b e ent ire lat crn :atlon;~ l roltbera In t h ~ Eblkans. At t b•· l! ::J.Uif' ( ' 1'0 ~nd l"'c pdna :u'lt.l l b '· rf' :»' Lu-· • .. l ~.U ru l ht" Frco1 h " '' rk f"t~ :and t h(' wou ld r"jOk~' ('t'e n mora tr JOU we re time. thror(! Is In Macf'rlon!a :. oii trotlt' f~rn U:• ('un, .. ·ptlou o f :1 .... ~: · In !t.nlun h l poop ll·; T h*' «< ltnr• of t hf' :'U'" l tJ l.t..JDr h : a ol h• r no h.'fl• t ou r· n.atlun,al rnuu~m.wt ror the rtl·c.aull "'hlch t h•· l'r•-.!•lo th •· f.,r .. ;t 11 • .I u11: c . r>•r:J I · ·r ~.H~ •· f I ll•· f · :Ul~. ' II Ull4 .IJ:("UU ., r;a ll: · _11 3.Dd.» uri t !w C.:olo 1\abmeat o f an lod~~Dtle ot SIZLt ~" . r.,:-ow n lh ,. ll rult ,. o ( t l .... ruun•~r Thi., r. lt,..'' In llllhll·d •Jo,: lh ,. .. pfof'a l 1!.-flb· n l .. .. \ \ ' bu. Is Com rad e lb.rko v t c.b 's .a ttl cJ.ovl ·'r• J • r o.:~.d•• · .. rhc l "•lUu•' ;A · n· r-.. tc l;- t ut n:.• from th\· '" ' ' t b• l . To ttu~ third tlal' o f m latl6ke be­tuude' to \lt l• 11.3UOD 3.1 movem~ :~ t~ Ill n t. .. \; ut " ! t< ••·b Sn•l.\l ' " 1' HJ •I .. r- , • .,,, , "'u t •f -> .. ,0 11' '' r 4)Jon la l po np'•• ·• 1'" lo ~ · ti:O~"' co nn ·IN with the tht-ury hUt art.Jc:le~ he ~:. pr ._. • tbe opl n lon Ji u i) :J.. .,,,. " ' •.n ... ••C Ulf' : .c. t··~!l;~tln :-. a l ' t J.U.U•Ll·l ! 'lr .t ~"''> ha, la :;: ao at o f HOSil Luxelobanc. llos.:a. l~u:a m· that t.h~ Macl>doRI3Jl <iU ~tLoc L1 nul ,·,. :u;r,. ,." u ( th" ~· ·on I In t. rn . l.l•r•!•J l .!.ot._ l hf· ' '' c.u rr. "It pro poa tJu ,·, ·:. vi,.• point m l,;ht ,,... ch iU'tLcter· by a.nJ moaa• a l].;alk.a.n but. a 1-:urup t•u n.t l r~nu·uur•ntl• • l lh "lf · ·~ch "U .• _.t to:ao•la :HU•, nh t hr• ··n .:t.t h·,."~· -. I h"·lll t :t"d a • th e thtory nf natlo no.l olhlllam. ~un pro bl!lm. wbkh c:l.nOOt tberi'(Ci r• .-. t l>a rH "' t.<•alll !•tr t:": •lbt ,. :u n-.on 1111 ·• ·.s' l tfJa l In th!' lf U•· tlun :ttl • ·;~~ t ito83 J ~ u3.erubu r,; ~~-••··tl h~r th t"' i f bo ft nallr ~, ,,~ before :.. v ic tor )· n r u l•mhl l pul ll >' ll• n•·· v,•r •h oii : ro· ~ '\ l t•;: lb. • I'HI,'• • 11 l',, t v \' ' ' 11111 ' ' ~ u rn t ~"l r1:1 tbo a q umption t hat In thr. lm por­tho £uro pt•a.a prole urla t ov P. r lh· 1 may 1"' 1" ;••l uut 11 " " hn•l t t; .H I th • u.~ . • •! n:~ ... 11 r J .nr .···" \\ to •l ltr •· r ln ll 'i t epoch every na tl on:..l UlUYO• hotUr.oolsle bJu lx'·~ n ncbll..'\'t•tl. ICtlw th l :~ \' lr'fl'ptJint '-' " '' II Uo•l .c r"'tl •·•· Uun i h ! ~o: i· t ruiU Lh \· •l•.I •L l• .uh: r ,,, lh t rnc nt Is lnevltabl>· doomed lo hoJ uAe~ l •luea;lon '- put In tbl!t •~r. wh nt will tllo null •h.a l ,.,."' lll .. t•. ns " ' ~ r! r •alu l F r,.:! c:b ~ "'· · l all · t l 'll rt)' Ill lltllh l h• u r) hy t h\' imperlullgt J)O WN I In I he ir own hft tllo r~auH.! Oalr a p:u.l!.lvc ;;,ttl ludh·lrtu .d t.oU.rl f memlt••r ... \ bout ;. .nd t•rad lce . J.urr•·r. wn." a l•·u ·lll.s t . tnt c rt!st .ll. Thc roto ro f!osa Lu.xc ellbur~;: tud e uf tbe Cocnmu nl•t P:utr to ODQ ut Y"'•r N'U th•· ' ··no ln tCll'n :J • !dret~scd an !.-: :.enn!'lithN 01 11 thto r,r•nlu.b nntJ 11 hellevetl Lbat th u pruh;t :rrlan Jl,[U' Iy

tho ma.t burnlo1 quo.Uou.a •hlch n rt- ~~::a ltn1 0r ~·';·~~~·~:~~::~ .. 511 :\1~;1,c :~~~:::.n ~;~~:-!:~:S 0';' /~ ~~~:·~: r(' '::::~~"~;.~~~t ~buuld er:u.llcate from II" pro1nm : ~~~~~Ia•~ ~=•e"n:~lo~s c~~nlt7~~~o:; L'" \Vh•-n 1l1 b :'ltlrv' l\1 r••ac.~ed Olll' ~~~ ::n,ooP -..h o r f'm(rnhon tlto :t(' . ~~~~n~li~~15:t r~~~~=~~ . to J ~~~~ :It~~~::~ t ho •lluaUbll wUI abow you. th3l Ull' of t.h~ , ;._, mmun l,.l ot ~t lu n s of t..,e r o.ara wt.\Ph llr4.·rr·tl .... l tlw war knowt'r Lb(.'Ory o f i;O\' e r nrut-n t rc p r.: r.eut oc:ltbo ori&: lo or tb l• k i.Dd o( ,. ,., .... Ia to bP .,. r~d· l 'nnunuuiJt t !'arty In , \lr;t~ r,.,. tbl Jaut• :~~: ::J.Iway• "'l"~totl hlm•e b.tes t lo t.hl df'Y~lupme.ul o C ~u&bt tn S econd lot er o.atiooa. l ~ tiU 1\fll Al>f'•. I hat •~Uiln r3.J: ~ed :J e.r-~17 d eri"'IY<•lr a::Ji th" cho- lru pe rlai iAm. 50 Jtoa~ Lu.sto:mbu rc' • Atar lr o • Uc:b bo ld..a tb e Yle• t.bat tt e resata.t.lun r nq.deltl aJifl" J~ uc.h :'I JIP<':t.l <~~ lo~ J ad ventur\:.3 untl,.rlak~n br t ~ t ht"'ry n rrel!ea tetl t hf!l c blklhOOtJ prolet.Lrlat accept tb o bou rfOcols uf Lt • 1 ·"ml at ~rn !1> peoop~"11 ur :an - io'r-u~ch cov,.m ment. Yo u r-em .. mber 5I:L;D of th e labor mo\'em n t wheo tbe • tat e .uc: b u It b:u ~n crest~ by other •uc. e tplolt....J )y ,. r~nC" I, 1m· I whaJ. "' cour-...;~u•; u J au res tiUL'Stio n or tb<' ~bur_, or pu wer

riea of •an :LDd 'l' lolaeio:,... W;o ~•JI.•m condacl.-d at t..b • time o C tho 1-Jor-oc· &ef!~ a tar ott problem to the worlr· ia:' ai,D.a O( LJ::a b \.ll~17 Ill tbe Jot.::- fl1 rll t] ~l t..r atlua thla ll« t lnn @.!· 1 c::Ln :t. d1'J~ta,... ~b~~~r~ltD:JtJ ItO JOt: c1:a,a..

PntatJon o r tb e natloaa.l que.stloll by p('tllll :s cd ~er•· olt • loo over tbe C;ac: I b!tthe al uropo 0 · ,., c l t' It ... ::a.s oniJ lbf! l...en lo l.ll t Uobhevl•t t b I o:t~ moro ta ct fro zn re«n\ ev,. oiJI. 1 the " ramntU" Auatrtaa school o t ot t lj. t ;at t ho \,.1'). mo rnc n t .,•bf" u tbe Kllool wb cb put forward tb o qu~atlon

iOtlo nauu &JUS Henner ). Ia coon~ nulrlt.~ t 'r .. nrl! II.J!I~ n t';wc brin~ru:: ~:~ I~C.C 0"';,0 c::~"'.1 t'e~m~, ~:~ of l"tt e seizure oC pow,.r u a qaeatlo n tloo with the natJon :.l qu l"•liOI'I tbr s o:h111 , • 11un ' " t he coloolt'.l. lb ,. or(an-1 1 ry .o~f 1 o r th o PrMcn l tl:ay, "*Dd which wu A tiSfrtaa ac-booJ of thnt loaltled o n ll'lll I~Uon ot th •t lntNna}!'ln~l worLdn~ r=.::".a.m \\'bJ' t::ae~=~O c:~l~a~e:J;~~ :lble to oonoect thl 11 pro ble m wllh the 111c~rvatloo o( t ho fron~ers ot tb c d :ua Jllo houl• l 31.1P•· ot.r. ~lllnr; o n th e ~ lnter<'lls of tboe:o mllllo.u who re pr e· rnrmtotr Au• Em plre t :.U c:o :~ t. cotoulal po•u ,• lo · tu o~n ~w f"r lbi• ~~e•o· ~-:~'!n\0 t:: ~;~le~;,e!v:[ tc::~~:~~~ :lCUL the l.a. t ermedl::t tt~t atm,;e In t h l' ~O· Th••rdo re. L\e e nti re nat I nal q UOit h .. n l c Oor t .. " ' lh •· t- r .. nd1 .. ·o luul t c r .- ~o; ft • . :., b:vu :o.C••d Ill) ~" nfltot. l In~ cLal t:necba.nbl~t u.nd o n who•o ~· tlnn r .. ,.o l•~l fru1 tr for- th is c hool n l " 'ltb Ll"·1r; ln~:r:'l t l l t t ll •• . O.~ u r;b ttJr. l I h.:n1or 1l epu t1dJi. In t hn hut a~ly 11 l 11,

I hot 111 ll c:,u ntry ,.llh :u roa11y un I :IJl.l.. Ulo f.'n·ueh • " :arul':' \'oh <! t'h., ~::~·i~~~~:~~~~ 1\~tln~:fo~~=; ~to tact the ,. lc t~ry ".r th4' prul,.la r lan rcnoulu· tlonnllllu~ "UI I he !ormc r Au :o1ro li nn tl 1 • ' ~ \: IIV 1lblJ , . ,~ ··· lf •· nt l· ro.ta :hln•·n. li on .. \\ c ha u ; on l)' to C.&Atnln•• some ~~; :u y, lnlu :a na::h t ftJ f l he rt' v l•lun ul hu t -r •· ry ht•l lfJ •'r " nt t'o nl lll UU if' ' • h:.,,. St iU (Tc:lt er repro:u: h I• -111•' to o"r o f the rc.oluUuc:t on t llr ll cs ot ou r thn r nn1tl t utlo n Comr:vh·!!. """ kn n w b"tlll •·Xc lu•lr••l frulll Ill,, po111~ I l:lkt' .. ;u;Jull I:'Dtnr:uh·~t fur their ' ' s l<ril)' l:~ll'fl l.'t':ID oom n\d bl to r t'aii Vl lh :ot • ·e lluot ou r l: u .. •l.•:' ~. hvo•l ur !hut l•tl thl" •be ltllc rty nf ln •au lr h., fur o ( In l.I..M ruath: r ,,f r ulo nlal pror;apnd:l. n.r" aUll not Q~.t l te fr~e from t.h e l n ftu . nto11nn :a l 'I U" at iU n d· ..-:.b rctt ... .,, to 1hf' t ho .. o I OIU·~ .. Ill"' _h .. rcabtJUu o r 11u: llr itiJ ll 4-0rurarl••JC f <' pruen t :1. pro eoce o r n~ J.UX('Utbo r~~;·· YI4.•W!I, r

• lrnlf,. o n th• Auctrla n •r•. uo l nr t bOI o n l hur .. doc uuw nt " ln wh it h t ho: 1-"r~ucb II' rno re lnlt•"d "'·1111 colonia l h:.Ta &Jre:ut r cited l b,. n>aola tlon o f tha t quH tio u And u···n:: rthrl .. .. .. . t:c.1nm~t P.nly lou• IIY prod:Umed r:"'t'JYaic•• . lh•u 11 11 ot ltPU In l hto the NmndM whn Mill uft r r •l ur l••l• m l,., .-lt h Otto ~u. ~ llhv s lo~:'\ a o f tJ,w a('p::J..T~ On o f lhe ~ ~!:l: o ne,. wrnte on t ltt! orrllnate Lb~ ac: lf-determlnallon o f Oin•l .s fter t h .. (' h l n'I ' III I S t l ll t"' rn~u nn:> l L .. llu" !e.t '· eUioz ltlt a :-rw pt ... • Ml b tJJc I tp~ut.Jon or ltiah ladep&Dd•nce tbat pco plc.J to lh n 1' 1c:to r, of the 111018·

~~:a::: ~: .. ~:!~' ;,;";~ rn:: .. :~:·:; : ~~ !~:~~ r~l:rl=~~~·n~·::.::rtf;~b~: ~ir; ~ ~:;t':: hJ;:~~;ra .. :ou::.:"'"e;;a':: ~~ t~~~11~~~:::0~e~b":~ --=:i Aust rl:an s chV(I I .. mnn1; our Y,n i;G l .. ,.. .. n on o f rh .. ~oloc..l ••1 from r·ren c.h nnJ~tood VfJ.f'7 • " II tb 'l.b.e (C'ontlnae-d on Pa,;e C) •





The British Left Wing ByAlexantlerBiuelman wue In the Brlti.Jb trade-a.aloua tand

11u1 l.ts ldcolo~r a.nd crcaa.Ju.tlon. to a.ct.. And u a result or a11 this. ~ ~

I"P ia lf'UO Lb•t what we are wltae .. 11111 1he atH:alltd .. p~ulns ... Tb:u ·a what 1.s bap~alnc Ia the ~«inn!~ of a deftnlte. mllltu...-rAn. Inc at P~ttent In the trade union many o r the m boldl.n~ nry ruponal· Amal5"amated CJothlD&: Worlren. &ad W in,; Ia the nrftlab trade-uafoo•.

mo• ement of Great DrltaJn Ia only ble po~;ltiQtll of leaderablp, mea. or In the Chleaco Federation of t_..abor Symptoms of Awakeftlng. the bq:lnnlnr; of a lA-f( W in&:. the the type ot A- A. Purcell. Witt La•· whleh b;7.3 Lbe .. prop-usl'l'e .. Pltrpat· That we are dulla.k here w ith a Ont mo•e In the r l,bt direction. RtH ther. Robut Williams, Who reran to rick at 11..11 bud. and In many o ther new aplrlt Ia the raolla or BrJUah J..a. beeauac tt b baud on the awatenlac; be dualtled In the UQle eatec-ory •lmllar orc;aalutloaa. The tbtnc bor ca.a be aee.a from the f ad. that rant and tile, aad I• prompted to ac· with tbe rucUonarfea o f the Heade r· fa ber;innl~ to bap~n lri tbe trade nen the ''procnu h'u .. felt Uoa b7 the ueMbar pe.alnr; erltka1 aon tJpe &nd ~o an accepled b1 the unions of Great Dritaln. compelled to auome a some wha t pot,ltlou of British Im perla lltm, and rant &nd ftte u aomethinr: dltl'erent The tuualo"a of MacDo"aldlsm. more auru alYe and Diiii"l&Ct pMI· bocaoM It Ia Ins pired by tbe tdula of and bettu th.ul tbe-.e reactJoaarlea. Another f&etor that undoubttdiF H · lion. '\\'ben •• aaw tbe Brlllab dele-the reYolutlonary daaa atrur;cle , this · Sow, It at.aada tb ruaon.. part.ku· erted a powertu.l de terent taaaence Kallol:l at tbe Vlt'nna Confe~nee of Drllhb LeU Wine Is beaded directly l&rl1 If we add to our reuonlnr; a apon tbb crystalUutlon of a dellalte the lntemUioDa.J (heW. re-

--....._~...,.,,."•·&rd• Ylc;tory all a.Jo DC the line In 11tlle of oo.r actaal u:peric.neo I~ bulld· ~en wine In tbe Brltbb trade anion• ttnliT) demud u uadenta.adlac the Dot 'WefT dlatant~uture. We refer lac left wla&' In the Amerl.~ wu the Ulasloa of MacDon&)dlam. wllh the Red Labor U aloD la.terDa,. "re to the NaUo I Cooferea.ce or trade·a.a.loaa, that the pruenee o! 'What wu It! ( R. I. L. U.). we ka.ew the rea. tho reTolutloa.a.r'J orltlea Ia the 1ucb a CT011P of .. procre..-1.-e .. leaden It wu the ~lief ln the second com· aoa. Jt wu of the reaU~ Brktah trade ualoua rec:eatly he ld Ia would. u a nate, tea.d t.o dete.r a.a.d to tnc or ChrbL It wu tbe ho~ aua ud demaDd for acUon bF the ED& .. Dd. ba.mper tbe c.ryataiUuUon Ulld "Cle,..el· of tbe ma.uee that when the Labor ra..ak and file. Wben we flo~ tba.t

T"- llluslo"' of .. Prot,..ulvl~~n.'" opmeot or a militant Left Wlac. Part1 comes lntd po,.er It wlll do Robert Williams 1peakl Ia. Ha.mkrc. Maay bue been woa.derla.c at thla Ju1t one little tuuatratloD. lt we aomethlac to make life better. euler at the Concreu of tbe Tra.ll.aport

aide of the ocea..a, u to wh1 thla Drlt· ulr: ounf!IYea, where wu lt. Ia ~t a nd ~ore suare. That's what It wu. Worh.ra' laterDatloual, In rl1'or of tah &eft wine wu 10 terribly slow In pa.rtlcular oulou dld It ha ppeu lhl t That's what we call 1 the Hlu1lo~:~; of jol.biDC bandt with the Ruulaa UD· C"rysta.lllalnc. 10 late ta comlac . In we fouod the ~t dHftcultle.a \D cry ... lbeDoaaldlam. Ions. we 11ao w where to locate_ U.e our owa. p&.rtf, m&a.y hue bee11 ask· talllalac and orca..a.WDK" a definite ten Sow, oue hU «Ot to n~a.Jiae wha t cau.e : the Brt tb h raut a..nd ftle. Aad lac the que.aUon : How l1 It Lbat the wtaa:! the aaawer will be: l.a those tbla state o r mind of the British when we see the Brltlab trade Ualoa Brltlah mlllta"-La and C6mmualata do aaloaa that a re belnK" led. b1 a so- m~• meaat fo r the de.-e~loptDent o r Co!IK"re ... In ae. .. lon at lloll, puUnc aot make themaeiYea felt. Ia Uae catlett .. Pf'Op-euhe" leadenblp. Take. a Left Wto,;. It a at.Jate of more power to lt.l General Council. aU· trAd e unions! Why doa 't they or· for eumple, tbe Aipalcam.ated Cloth· compar•tlve toler:.nce and paUence thorh:lnc It to c:::all ll'flneral lltrltes, 11..11ls.e! Why don't they tla:ht. Aren't 1111 \\'orke.ra of America t A. C. W. A.). wHh the e•lls of the omdal trade un· and framtoi all k lnda of de mand• coadltlona ripe for a auc:::ce11ru1 mill· Ita pr,uldeftt 11 Sldne1 lllllma.n, a loa leadership. WhJ! Be-anae. we ll upon the capltall~t• aad the &OYCTD· taat Lett Win~! .. pro~treuiYe." Its ae~retary b J oseph bec:::a.uae wbate•er Ia wron~ with the meat. we II: now tha t the Drltlah Wort·

The answer wu, It Ia hard to tell. Schloaabe rlt. a man of still more pro. t rade union• will surel1 be c:::orrected- In~ clau Ia at lu t be,;lnnlnc to mo.,.e . On the one hand, coadltlona In En,;· : aoonced "pro~treuiYe" tendea.elu. wben we .::eta L:lbor r;o,..erument : be And In order that the re be no mla­land l'eemed to be oYer..,lpe, rottea· This " pro,;reuhe .. leadenhlp. wh2.t· c.aun wbateur we fall to ,et thrv undentandlnr. ·we want to• sa)' r l,;ht ripe fo r auch a le ft .wtn.c to c:::ome Into I uer ItA reat n:uure, dMI oa.e ttl Inc the trade unions will «rtalnlr be ht're that we h:t.Ye Yery little trust Ia existe nce. •·or dlda 't we aee the Dtlt· etrec tsYely, It bruds iiiYslo"• l" the &IYrt:a to us b)' a Labor r;onrnme nt. the :tbl!lty o f the Drltl1h " pror;ru­lsb t rnde unlona actua lly cola& bact · ra"k and ntr, ll make!'! the 'fOrterA and brc&n!le the Labor ~~;o•f'rnment. •l,..n" to :u•ume leadeutalp o r a real warrts. lo• ln.e: membenhlp, . pre1tl~fl ~lle't'e Uor a time. at lc .ut l In IU belll-=- our ~o.,.emment. will J~urely mllllant ftlo .. e m e nt. Enn If they r;o and power! Didn't we .~; a w~ole alncerlly anti ability tQ do thin,;" fo r s tand br the unloDa with all the Ire· al~n,;: fo r a while, It will be only 1\.1

.)lf'rlf'JI or strlku broten a nd the 1 them. to moYe ahe:t.d, &bd to meet ILI.C· mendoua powe rs of the at:tt e In any a r eault ' o f prenure--conlltAnl pres· wor keu drlvrn to thn ahop1'1 In l ceufully tllf) ne w problem" of the contllct between ourselves :tnd the s u re by the raftt and Ole. All tbe lm· de rut bfl('llUJie of laek o f Cf'lntr:allzW d:u:A s t rUJ:-J;: Ie. Wh.o.l bappt:na. under capltall~tl. J uat till the lAbor portant dechll!nns of the Trade Unio n or~t:.nlu.tton a nd m.PJfant lrartenhlp! !IUch ~ondltlons, 111 thl11. th:Lt I.M'fnre o. ,:o"ernment « t tll Into po•·l!r ! And Cont::rrAs ftl llull will not be worth the An ft . lu ll)', 1lld we no t tu~:n of a lr ft win.; can bt-~ln maklnc ru l hu1l· don't do anythlnr; to Apoll ItA c:h:.ncca~ J•3JK!r th~y we re w r itte n on, If there wu·e o f " unomclal" ("''" c-all the m I way In 11n or.:anlaatlon which Is led W ith •uch a 11tate o f mind H should Ia no militant Left Wink. b&a'cd upon outlaw) 11t r lku havln',; t :t.krn plllce In I h1 "pro.::r~""lve•." the rank nnd tile be Yc ry dlmc ult, lndei.'d . to arob11c the rank nnd tile orr;nnha t lon. to compel

~::ta1n0d ~~d re1:en1~ e~onn:~IA 0~n t~:~~~:: i ~:~~~!mt~1:11t1~:~'o:m:~~l'7! ~~eatf'~~~lt· ~~~~t'M 11~~ :~~tn~~,. a1:~',:~r ~~":;:. ~:rd ~~: ~;:~~~~hto1~~~~n~10::':;;~~~rL~e~~ t1re••" will of thn onlcllll ll'll ll erahlp~ 1c ncy oC .. pro~rt'll~ivlsm." Wlll'R the rncnt 1111 ln:re. :'ohc l1on3lf1 h11s been for t he workhu:: d :tlll the world o•cr All o f which woultl Mrem to lndlca t tl i rank nnd file h:t.l' h:ul n C"hnnce to In powPr for quite 11ome tlmt. Ills ~UC'h n r..~rt \\' Inn h:tl§ bC$;Un to cr)'l• to Ull t hat the- l'flnd ltlon!l 'f'Crl' a li i leArn the truP V3lllf! or It t'! "prn~:;rn· ,::oTrrnm#olll hO\!i bt-~m to J>htnv lliiCir tniii!C. The rec,.nt Ccnfe rl"nea o f the t hor" for n h:fl win,; to mnke 1t11 up.l stve" ludc r11hlp, It is tht!'n that thel up f flr all tt ht ~orth. Jlcnc<·. t he be- re -roluthmary mlnorltl(lll In the Drltlab ()('.A ranee and. by ur~nnl&ed e ffo rt, to I rnnk nntl ft le IM:cOmf'!l r ipe for t hP : 'ilnnlns: u f d l:illlusio nmf•nt In Mn.cOou· tr~dc unlo r\11 hall I old the bul• and' . uttempt to hrlnr; buC"k to tift) thr- :lccl"ptancc oC the mllltnnt polkh:l'l o f :a ldbm. Ile ne••. a ~radual ch:tn~e o r h:u cre:~.ted the ma~hlncry for tha Brltlllll trndo union mo veme nt. lht· l+lft win~: . • Anti It 111 thf'n ahm nalntl :~nd I'Pir it uf tlu · rank ami (ale. auccea~ful de velo pment o r s uch a

nut thc n •• ou thf• nthe r hnn.t. thf' r o> th:lt a "·tt - · lng c nn d.cllnlt••ly cr~·sutl a tHmng urn to mo \'C, to o rganize 0n1l I..cfl \\' lnr;.

Political Horse Thief Confesses By T . J . O'FLA HERTY

l>rllllle on the !lodnlll't mlll wlf~>. 1 it brca~Uie It oave them a chance to the House of Morga n "guru. It will To ~all a " l.ftD a hone 1hld I• " Th~ polltl .:.a l honte thir:f, a t lib 1 force £ 1.1ropu n l mperl~liam under the b~ a peace plan w it hout the House of

• e rlou• c.h:H&f!. To a~cu~ " m:\n of wtt'ft ~nd to gr.t out ot a n:-~s.ty m~1111. yoke of American banker'S. Th la was Morg:~n :~"d without W all S t r ret gen· tH-In.: a horae thief without •mmcle nt prepare• :.. caret11l C"onft-1\Ainn. Arter · he only .:avail;,b..!..£.. wa y to preYent the era Ia. . . • Tl'1anka to tl'1e Dawn pia", I'Thle ncf' to Mck up the :accmcatlon t:t beatln~:; 3 rounrl the bu'<h untl int.luh;· ~· Europe.:an im pe rhllht$""from 1tarting 1ccla litm w llt t r iumph, ""t ovrr Eu,... a. foolh•rdy ve nture. But whe n thf! In~: Ia "'' inr1)' thn·:~u :ar:::aln1t th~ f•·r · another war right away... ope then over Amerlca.n caplt:~llsrft:• bor.t~ ' thief :u lmlhl h la ,.ultt , no tu r · oclons l>aY.'tl'. for hl11 ~l!lna at the t!Q- This I !'I "'·llr rf' th~ etiltor lal aroloJ;Il' t Til t.• c·al prlt ~~~311 hy a thnlttlnx: thllt thc r p rnf ll oec:::e u ar)· :and the on I)' clttlltta, th_, l~:tr!cr Ia o "don't btte 1 li:noc·kl' l l:trrr Thaw'" " rahLit" •II"· lh~ AOCI~Ihts · wrr e the tool!l oC \\'all tllln.: le H Ia to pronounc., ientc~ncf'. th•J la:.nd that ft!(••hl )'o u" :tplrt t P··nl! l a•·rta tlon for a h(':t•l full o r os Min"''' St r,·N . The oft-m:~tlc ch:uga ot tha

The Comrnunhtll h:tvu re peatt"dl ' the follo•·ln,; : 1 hrotin~. The upltal ~t t:t Ct>arctl th:l.t ('ornmuniAt• I" h<' r l•Ly :uhnlttetl by the :t.ccu•~tl tbu MOC'IllllriUI or the worl•l " We co~ll t he gener a l's attention anmher \1.-;u 't'.'OIJI•I ~1,.· 11 th••lr doom. thally ortt3n or th,. soclall t~ t p:ufy o f a nd thnllo:l o f .. :urn~ In tlarUcuiO\r o f r tgh t ~t the st;art to the impor t iln! Th•·rdor !! th~r hn :ch~>d th•• O:nu·rt .\ m••r fe21. The IIOCI3IIll l l' nr~ eon­he ln,:: the lli;"lll~ of t>apltnll.!nn. Sin~·· roact. that Hac ccperts' plan would pl:'l tl to pr .. ,·e nt ;;~. \"ar or at th to " 'Ont •l,.m n,..•l nut of thrlr n .. ·n mouth!t, but t hr O:awra piAn wu frllm"d and the never h~Yt been aaoJ;~ ted by ttle gov· Jl(l:ill,..lnr It nnd th·· ~O<'Iall !l tlf, fa•ll· - th•• .11..-nttmce c:snno t be Tf!t t" nderc.'l. lcud~rahl p o r t h•• ca pitalis t Cort:l'lt tha t ernrnenu of Europe. if it had net been ful 1"\!r\';aat.!l of c:at•lt.alla;m ~I• •JJP'""' ' u J• Th~ h••t r:t.)'e•l work•·u of 1-~u ropc will urc•••l ltl' a•loptlon "'!\~ h:tnrll'fl ov~r IO , for lhe soc•alisU." (Uold fac~ ourM .on•! colo! lh•• wvrk•·r .., thai lhf' LJ:nn ·"' oh•lh·•· r It :come •lay lln•l It will no t be tht' ;:oclallxt <"'. th .. ( 'omtnu r.h hl C"lt:n,.;· communi~Jt l' illlrr.nA that w•· thll' pl3n • ·uu ld brlog tht'm p roflpetlty :and lh: hL f'ltt wf'rc 1WPI)jlrtc•l hy OYI·r~elmlnJ; cato:hlni: of ~ yr llo•· J~oclalllll l , polltit· Jlrc,·t'rH wa r. .\l •·anwldl£' \ 'lrtor Uer.::c r 1" ham· •·vlolrncP, Hut )'e t . thf"r..,-(:'"a l' :oom._ .. a ll y llhlrrltou Ia th•· mark .. ! plart• The edJ••m.-' •·or~f'<l. })•·ndlnf; th(• merln( n• ·ay at the flawf's plan In hl!l t hin~ l:acklm:;. Tha t ., .. "' a confc"slon ~h'"" Ul' Jny I !MM'I:allst~ fo rward as a s moke sc:r«n •Ially eolunan o n the fron t pl\r;O or of KUIIt. Wdl, It ha!l COIII1' at Iaiit. T lw •·•tltor prOC'f'f"•l" ..-Uh the ( On In oroh::r tu doutl thdr lntcnt !On!l. th~· ).l ilt' 1111ko>e J.,.nder, blb.afully obll .. oua

In t""'o f'tllturla ls un:o~ u rt•3":>•·d fo r In· ~ .... ,,.ion : (':t.pita. lillt$ ~tuc:cet"olf't l. Uut • ·h:ll un· o f th" editorial pa~:e .;"Je wpolat that roher~nce :anti cruz.y lo.: lt'. lJy a ny "Every European r e.let1o n.ary r.;r:urful wrNciJ(•s lh•" ar ... Whllt' lh l..' tho O;t,wu plan, wi ll brln~ peace aad pfe<'~ of jo urnalhun • PPn hy tho w r ltt"r fo~o~ght the piA" to t he l.lst d1tc t-. . It ~W-clall .. (~ w'"·r• •rrvla~; them so t a.!th • oclallsm " alace the notorlo u 11 lf:~rry K Tha • · would never have become the tlasic !ull)' . hc:rP 1 :~ • h:.t W !lll takinG pl:.c,. ~J.:uro~an IOCialtt ts a rc IUrt'ly a f&YC h ha Caw.onll r.1bblt" lnt,.n·t.·•· law of European eco"om7 walh Po1 n· in J.:u rope accor•lln,; to IJ.!orger·s l...e:t.t!· ulr or :t.c:::compllahed t rnltora Am· to t he ne ••P!lll4'!,... aft~r hiM su~reu cotre, Lloyd George or Ludrndorf In N " e can eoc:lai(AUr, l ike lltukls In the ru t n~:h t to '"?'lxe till' 1Dil3n•• lll'ylum power It was adopted ;~fter Fre"ch .. We know th:.t Hughes. Mellon and c kena oon:•l :~~re abo "'wlllln' .. but Ia \ lctor 0 ~,.r " )t•lwa ukf'e l .c:adt!r In and British democr.acy w ilt-. s oc(rhst O~wcs consp~red with the react•on· add ition they St'em lo be c.:~.adldate. Ita luue or Sf'lpt 3. ndmlt a that r; help had a vertt-.row" the reactlon~IU I .ann In LondOn, Paris ~"d Berti" t o fo r t he m:adbouAe.

· Cor the aodalls t" or F:uro~ th~ o-.. " .and o~tter German soc,a lisU tud forced j surt a g ra"d "ght on Soc1~m after ------------,

!',!;: ~:;'~f ~:7nt ~n:t>. ~::t~~~:m~~~ ~~~.:n:~,:t:.~.nrnment t o d lsoavow t he I ~~:e ~::~e~~r::t~~i=~a:o;u~: ~::: SOCJAUSJ PREMIER'S to jull lfy thlt'! .. rt of trl'oa liiOD to th~ I At thl11 !l t.:ar:;~ uf the f"O Dfeuloo Ills put the Dawes p ia" over • • • ... ' SON PRES[IITEO TO work in!{ cl•.u 1 Jtonor the lofurb.trd ao1l betray~ Tb1s ts a coa rtossiuo wltb & ve o · [II

ON~tf'r h:lt.. hllto•rl)' at:ltdlr-d th·· pJnlH ::ar i:U tu rca down h ll' thu.mb•I'~:I.DCe. ~ Dut e Ter y Cluud bu • s itte r STRI~~'EBREA~~'ER c•• l)awpa pl.a n 1lnt't' It wu ftnt bro.:acb· an•l nautte~ .. To the lions with the linin' a.nd f:Y@C tbo tbc Europe~n ~ 1\ 1\ AL . ... 1. So h:n ·· · m:.ny or 1..-ron .. u.•'" YiiC' ~all Iff'. hnt ttvt Pcopl.,·• Com. d2jl11u mlly ban acted a • the tools o f II Upportf't • n .. nundatinn o f the J)::awes mls~ar of J u:ttlce. stop the 'fl'r::ath o f ! Wall Street.. out of ~Ttl ,;:ood will WASHINGTON. Sept. 12. _Ma J.. pl:.n •n .JI au u:all)' rnllf'f.l • · lth t'Uiol,e• lh•· tnot l'>!l Jun·. l i t' ztlluw• the C'uls~ri t come. bec:lusl! jof"!IW)()UI R:stnJ~:Ay )13C· colm MacDonald. aon of Premier or J :wh·..: H.un ... ) .\I ::H i ) •naltt. t lw to Jlr()(' Pf'•l . :and a:~k.s I! h•• h:a!i ::lftY· Do:lald is a Cbr1.1U.&.a a nd we JI Yersed Mac Donald. or Great Brft.aln, was 1ll:.n·• t. hl..f ru tol•af•· ~uddo•nl) II thins: to u .y In mltl.:::~.llon o r hl!'l crim~. ,ln tbc ••ars o f Lor •. !. Tbe Le:..der prue"ted to Pt'tllde"t Coolidge to. •lawnf'jJ un n~wr ll•· r.:•·r an•l 111.- T h•· C'lllprlt .!3)':!1 : ~ontlnuouJt. Jt II aow In the O~ld of da)' by Src.rctary of State Hughea. l ..a .. ·on .. ttt- • ro" •I l h .al In do nounctn c: "0~~~~ Europun soci:.hsts d id not ac prophtty: · Yo ung Macbo"ald Is In the U"lted Ha we-. fo r ,;:I., an~ bir th to b!~ pl:~on, cept t he Dawes P l~n because they .. Tt-.e Dawes.,loan w ill work out ... •• a lt.atu wtth the Ollford debating l~t•·Y -·· r•· UhuJ • • .., ,, 111 In ~ta .. -. .. r lnz laved •t for itself. They accepted ' peace plan, but not In t.he w·ay that team.

. I


' .

Foreign Policies of British Government that wblt.b tb~ edl1or of the "Eeon· offer r etlat.aace, hue d«ldf!d to take In&: from Eoslsnd a I"U1nlDtte fe r

By KARL RADEK omlt~t", l.ny ton, In th~ ,!bcusalon onr an OI.CLIYe p:trl tn F:uro~an affair• the terrllor')' occupied ~ Fn.nee and 11. the econon1lc ~)Millon of f:nr;land a1aia. T heir role aa •p«tator d:ar- a plec11~ that abe, -to1etber

The Pol ley of the Enall•h L abor CLondon '' S:t.tlon.. lrd ~lay 19:!-t) Inc the time of the Ruhr ad•enture France. adopt• punlth·e euur c11 Government rh:;:htly point• out : Tho.t the a Tcra.«e wu a n enforced one; by wh:u means • «alos t G~nnany In the e•ent or t he

The pollcr of the J.~n,;llah l...'\bor number of the uuemploy~ befOre the could they hold back F rance when llltte r l:lllln~t to Cu ln l ~be obiiE:t.tlona Gonmmen t reKirtl lnc lhe ltl'para- Wllr amount ocl to <400,000. abe had takep tho aolutlon of the r e- ta\ron OYer br her . Ensl~:a.nd Ia e n· Uou Queallon Ia punuln~~: the nme Dut tho En~tll llh bou rll{eolalo a r e parallont que•tlon In he r o"' D h ands7 dea.-orlnc 10 uold the laat o&med e.Ddl u tho.te whteh the J .. lord o.ot comfortln~t t hemeclvf'A with this They were not only unClble 10 ' 'eo ture obll~taUon by de prhln.:. lhe repa.ra· Ceorz:e and the Baldwin cabinet pur· lmpro.-eme?t In tho M"onomlc aitua· on wAr, from tho blow• of which they tiona cornml11lon of tho rlsbt to de.­aned. Theae aJm• are : StabllluUcm Uon. llf'fo rc all they uk what w ill ba.d not yet r eco• e rcd, they could not elde whethe r Germany hat faJied to of European capll.allam Ia order to happen, If the f'COnomlc power of uen. nature to oppose atuarply the faUil her obtl~tatJons. Tbla rla:ht la to restor~ the European marllc ta. redoC· Cermanr Ia re-e • tabllabed. Already polley oC the f•re nch. for lblt would be transferred to the bank• who han Uon of u:peadltare on :nma.m~nll. laat rear IJqrtl Georce aa.ld : "'If we hue mUDt the breakl•& u p of the s-ra.ate-4 tb.e IO&JL By thlt mea.aa . limitation of t he pot.a:lbllHy o r the re• .auume tbat the rtp.aratloa s qautJon E.ateate. U ow could Ea,land dt!clde Eacla.nd 1eeh to trans fe r tbe bl~ toratJoa of Germa.ay u a •tronc- eom· La S-ettled to-morrow Earope bu to br'taJr: wll.b Pra~~ce. wben abe did rar ahowin« clemency to oD petJtor .remonl 0( the d aace.r oC all a real peace: will It br1nc yoa pro. aot ha•e a •Inch!! aliJ Ia Europe. aad to Arnerta. wlth~t who.e help It Ia KOOO~Ic a.nd military hecemoay on l'petiiJ! Tbe momeat when. peaee U when abe d id aot lr:aow woald tmpoutble lOftnaacetbeloaa. • • Ma.c.OcMl· tbc part ot rraaoe. Tbe policy or the rHtored In Europe a nd the l'alatA be the r elatlona 0( the Ualte_d States ald. w~o In Parb w .. drhn to the labor co•enmeat dJtre n nry lillie atabfllse:d, )'Ou will b'!t race to Caee to her to lbe ratare! wall. bu thoucbt out a temporary ha Ita me lboda from the pollcJ of lhe with a real.:ompetiUon." Llo)d Oe-orce The only tbloc jO do wu to hope formula for ~~ r>artlclpaUoa. of a

. precedlnK cabinet• And enn that rderTed to thl• qae.tloa &l&ln I• Lhat Poincare would bre:ak hla a eck r e preaeatatln or America ll' the ... dUI'erea ce In meth~a which I• 10 b~ April lut. when ho ;"role : "Tbe qalosl the Of'!rmaa r u l11taace, or that lutfoa or the quutloa of d,eraall o• the obte" ed 1, not duo to tho ract that monthly au"e)'a ladleate l~ro•e- he would eshau11t hlmlolr. ona Ia the part of Germa.ny, accordiDI wblcll the Ma.cDona.ld 11 now occup)'IDJ the ~ ment and a tl~re .. e In •Demplor· f'•enl ot a Tlc tory o•e r The repre•ent.atll'e ot Ame r ica will appear tiUon or •·crel~~;n Sec~tary ln•tead o C meat. Can •nr reuonable. maa Jtow· la tte r 11 what actually oc~ured. The. u tbe acent of the Eaperta' Couu:ni• Lo!d Carson, but that MacDona.ld e .-er ri1k hll fortuna and e.a.lculale tim• eame when ~n1land lnle."eoed. s loa. He hopet tbat wllh lbe belp cam~ into~ powe r at #a moment when that normal conditions will ~r Ia Jtt; ftnt fom1 wa1 the • .,2ttldpatlon of lbe Amerieaaa he wlll aucceed ID PTall:ce had' become aomewhat weaken· the nut n.-e :rur•." of F.llcltlnd In those mantpala.dooa a.rrh1oc at clear dKIIfona at tbe LoD-ed aad there wu a certain eb&D!e Sn En.:lbh l rad,. hu"malaWaed Ia the wbkb broucht a.bout the fall oC the don Confere nce which wUJ remol'e tbe · the att.ltade o r thf!l UnUed Statu. lut yurw that J,.,.e l to wbk b It .at · Frane. Thla 1~ fnnre to recocalu poulbUity of the F'reacb Nbotaci.Dc

Ia order to Judce f:n.:lh•h ron-fen U.loed aa a rc~~ult of the lacreue oC lhf!l I"..~: peru· The Pre•ent t.uJr: proponla or the e-speru. M re­pollcy It 11 o«eu:.rr 10 bc..r Ia rnlnd ~nomic relatlona b4-tw~e• Eo1la.nd con• bll to compeiUac Fr.nce lO uac- prda the lua,t~~DtM for FnDcll 11e0o

the tal fada of the Koaomlc aad her cotont,. • . Whll•t Import& t"t'om u.:~.te the Ruhr ba1la. Thb 11nrn l.b urtt.T. Endand 11 eadf!la•or1D&: w1tb •ltaatlon or Eocland. Tbll h:u a)ft. Europe •lnce 1913 to a:3 hue fallen t lJo ftrat ptue equal condltloa..~" tor •II her powers lO t.rarutu the rHPQD· •lderablr lmprn.-etf In th,. lut rea; t'fom U .S pf"r.:ent to :U.OI ~rrent, P:a daad and Prance In the a.ttempta to albllltr tor tbl• to the l..e., ot Na· or 80, The outpu t ot coal for laJ! t year the abare ol )-:n~ll~h ('Oionlu l.n the arriTe at a ba.r~~:aln with the German tiona. amounted 10 %?!1 million ton and w~l! lmporta hue ln<:rtoa!!-ecl from J t .OS per · coal· a.nd Iron lllnl"· snd a&ollshes tbe The actiTe policy or Macdoaald ap­only 11 million ton II be hind the output cent In 19!3 to 29.07 pert:ent In 192l. dan1er ot a he creation of 1 Yra.oco- pears In th ll llcbt •• tbe re~ult of a ro r 1913, the output or Iron a nlOuntc•l wultentn.- . In the potltlon of France to i .0 4 million ton,., w.hfte ln · l913 It " :tad o r America'• parUclpatlon tn life a.mouotM to 10 million ton•. The t,.s.- THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL ENSLAVES. ~olutton or tha re paration• question.

I Program of Action I (ConUoued from p.2«e 1)

tile lndu,.try I• 1UII l•borln.: under :l erial•. Thla C#n tM"~tt hr .,.,.n by tht" tact t hat whils t In 1913 F;n~~:land lm· ported 19 mllll~ c:wt• . o r cotton, lr. 19!3 she fmportM nnlr abotal ll mil· lloo .:wta_ Thl' Import or wool, whic h In 1913 amounted to u million ~wu. dronea and •lun:ardt. It wuta doer.. In 19:!3 onlr 'amountl't! to 7,0 1 mlllloo not obaer.-era. cwu. Import" or Jut•• n'u Me. ftoll At pr~nt the d~ree of acthity o r from &00,000 ton1 t o ~•~.000 tons_ En~· our memberthlp Ia • e rr low. OalJ a lls h forel~n tra•l••. n•c:konc•l ac:cordln..: f'O mparntiY'ely fe w members are re&llt to the lnll•·x ,,r 1,r h'•·" ror l ht• yo•:tr adiYe. They C'IUrt oa the life of the 1)13 afford• thll' rn llowln.: plc1urr ; l'art:y, Thl11 l• an ubhtallh7 CODdl·

P rlr.- 11,,1,. 1 In 1 ... r. rnlo .. ::.- lion. The mmaa nmAt be brot lnto' .the miiJJ.,n 1 .. •un1t~ ' '' " " l•:•r .. d Part7 worll. Th,. tate of our Party

.,;;· ' 11:~~1 '"1 'H~~· 1i,~ depend" utHJn tht" . The Pro~ram or Import& 71!..7 6S.t.4 na.r tl ~_, J\ ctlon pro•htf'l the WD)" to do this .

:~~t~~~1· _,._4 lll.l ~.: 14.~ "-' ~h~o :e::.s::~;h~ ':'::r~::« ~:~~it~= E~;0(.' k~:wn, "t:ln ~~:l~~;i h.a~ualw!~·! Cl~lda or 1-'arty • cll•lty : tbf!ly must be

COYetCl! t he df"ncn iu her tr;.de o r,.aniU!Id ' ao C'Arr-r on this work e•~· balaace by the tn te re•t on c:a Ia· th·ely; And ftoally . tbh1 committee ma. TUted with Income from J hlp.. c:hlaery mull be mado to tun.:lloa. rr

~~··.~·~~~ ~~:· ~~:~~:, ~;:::.~~ .. ~~ THE COMMUNIST IN'!'ERNATIONAL LIBERATES! ~~~:.~;::~~~~:hr':.'.~,.~: 0~: ;;;:.

h er upiUll lnv•••trtl abro:ul. Thb ~ ;~~ce~·~:~~~tll~e:•:~~ 1~0;0~~~tellll~ b:al:~nce or ao-callcrt ln,.blhh' e xports .

o.ceordln,; to the ft~turu of the WhiiAt tho• 11h11:r" or J-:uropc tn En,;llsh Gflrman roal anti Iron t r ust; aad l!e· ~~:th:O:;.ebe::~:rttor~:~lr~:::tu~~ of Tr:~de Journ:~.l or J b t Jnnuary 1,:.-. export" ha" ll l"'cr••llMt'•l from JG.O~ rer · con•H1. H reoluc•·"' th" pr('ll:IUr~ or I! made up a" follow A , cent In 1913 to 3a .o: l)<'r ccnt In 19!3. f'raDCfl upou n•·rrnsny In ~:ener:~.l , ~:o:tt- or tbc Communist Re;•olutlon.

In "'~1;11')" ,-;nn~;:l the Rh:tr~ of the rolonh•" hu rl ~t~n lowe r" I h i' Jlrt'l\lh:r or f' ra nce In Po-"1 '"come from cu•t•l h... 110 H!t zrom l i . .2 fW'rCr('nt In 191J to 3,,! per . Jantl. ( ' zf"Cho Slov:.k la. In Jtoumanla Russian Dramatists '";:~:d f:ob;,u,'!,.,PP•"U t4 110 ~i: ePnt In 19:J. T hb 11o'aa due In Lht: and Yu, o ... tavla. In " 'hkh countrte:o~ . t p t F '"come from b•"klf'l ~ - 1!t .tO 40 ftrs t pl:lt'e to thr fact th:at the e x· t: n-:huul h•!t r l•crntly lw-~un ven · s ue- 0 r~en amous Tour of l""h •ble ••e~•rt• .ut us lOO port or f:n.:ll• h wu cbiPOy ce-sd ull7 to f'Ount .. n.c:t F'rtnch In- RevOlutionary Play Su,CI!Ul of on'!porh t !ol 110 ~l dlrf'Ctcd to t he rolonle•. In 1!13 Eng· J1 ue bce. If lh•• loan for c~rm:aor

F".a,or-Jblc t r.ade b• l•"u 111 tSS 91 l~nd ,. , pnrto>d r:.pltal amountln.: to amounlln~ In :oo million dollars I~ llo rou undf'raUod R u.u lan! If )'OU

\\'h,.o It Ia r •·mNn l~r~d lh:.t t he 1110 million pounds. In .,:: Ool)' 15tt carried out_ half o r which 11 10 be do . .ll tt~nd the ~rformanre ~l'"u1 by pounll hu lost e lJ-•rc .. nt or It~ u lu•·. mill ion pounda and In 19:3. 1! 0 mn- coctrlbu le•J bJ Amf'r k a :tnrl th~ othe r th S 1 r T b 1 1 ld So­It Is s~f'C tha t I hi" f:n Or;\blo• bal:tn e lion. ("Sta lh t" uf !.th J anuary 19!f. t half br J-:n.:;ll1h b:\nlu. th••n Dot, only Tl:t rt~a:tt: th~: S:;:d: caSe AI. ~:~b a t J ecr ea M••d by 1: 1 million poun•ls. Theile cApita l au~" n.r,. lr••,.~ted u G·~rman:r. but t ' r.anc•• also wtll be n m- ':' : :lO p. m .• tt t th,. Sn,.r;t S~hool. 1",02 All thue n~turcA ho.,.,.,. ,.,.t olu DOt JI;IYe fulln"'" : In I!J il 1-.n~tl:ln•l ln\'C&ted SS de red dol,lt'flth•nt llllOil An..:lo-P.oaJiOil W. Dlvhdon SL

:lt~~:ar0;n~:'::l'::~:~ . nf 1~:::;. •·;~~:~'~:·:~ :: million pnun•l• In rn n •h:n couotrlc:~ capilli I. T ho cnrrrln~t out of the U· Tlio Hu•lllun nfo.matlc Pla,.c rs at

EDKII~h econumlat , ht nf the uplnlon ::'\!J~:ZO:! ~;11::,\1~1~ 1t1~u:~r ~~~:~~bo~~~~~~~~~~ :;~:~~~~·~~~~~~·:u~:~ r~:~.';~~"~!.1e:11! 11:0~~~ tho h en'! o f which 18 the we ll·kno,.·n

th;t t In 19!3 F:n~t i ~J nll nuly r••ndlt:d S< :w a nol In l 'l!.l ahout :10 milllun poutHii! l11•· •l•·htor or F'r:u1 ••. t'ro.ncl.'·~ place :~5111:~~ ~~~~:· ~:~~~~~. ~·o:a!,'!:~aw!~ perce nt or hc•r I"" war production. len t11 .1tl rnlnnlr1l lnanf', rr Jo~n ~; lantl " ' trl bfl ttlk~'n t;y th4..' lntern.atlonal rour act.a, from t he life of the Xlhll· The "EeelnozniJ!ot " •ll• lml tll th4.'SC tl;:- " ' ' llilrt·!l. now tu Jl:a rt h"I JI:tte In the re~ 8luck esc:han~~: e. f"ra nce "' Ill lh~D:);I ures .anti d tllms that t:n~; h!!.S ao r;tllun o r (;u r"l~'~':tn t>Conomy, ll"h~ ll(' In A po11ltlon to 1m t pr('uu rc !~!~·:.ri .;'~:er~a;t~~~~~~~A:::ch~::~~· r eached 95 Pf'rrenr of hrr tJre-w<~r pro- mu~l r4.'4J UC•· h~r ••l. ptttt or capital 1u ICl'rman)', to d i80rJ:Il l:lh:e h~r- econo )' da t:tlon. Keynea (In the "Sntlon .. o r ttl'• culnnh·M • hll'l1 will ml'a r~ducln~: anll by thb mt•:tns tu lim it tne En~~:llab ,

~!~b ~:n~P~~\1 t~:~e~:e ~~:ul~~~a~:; ~~~ :~~c~~~~:~c,::;;:,~:· .:~, ~~e ~:~ ~~~~:~· -~~~~h~:'~lr:t thin~~:~~ J apa n •nn:::;~IH:x~f~ote O:ly ror tncr~a!lMI by ! mYIIon. T he dl):icu l- lh:tt the ln•lu: Ul;&l prod uc llnn of 1\e r I be stroncly lmpeiiMifr: reduce her Xov, 8th. The r port aayx tY'e ry able t letl In all the~ cale ulatloa a :are b..-lU .. otonlo>!!. b lnt. rra:oln.: a ntJ as .a t P!mlt. l!nnnmenu. T bu1 rf'ckonl F.n, lhlh c:ap. bodied ma n In the Jap:~,nf'Ce- empire 10 b,. &co:n by the b r t that prlc~s of the prno~. p.-,·t of their formlnJ: :a o t'n·r- lt:t.llt m. will e In a war f"'aneu'"e r . raw matcrb .l haYt.' lncrf'u~d by !oO lnr n ·aaln.: market rur •;nC II!!h loodS t'r;~ nc:e d••nuan•t. .:11 rccompco.!e fo r An army of 110.000 will lead. The latut perce nt, I h.., JJrl ro•l'l fo r ortlcles or Ill f:a,lln~e . he r conc:urra ncc In s uch decfalooa. the military d,.vlceA will be *'mployed. nec:eulty by j)t ()('rc••n t. an•l the priu s In ,.J .. w of th••f'C faf"t !l th{· J-;nll:lls h unUndatlon by t:n~~:lan ol of the dl..'bls Japao omc:lu.lly 1I•Ic lnrcd th:u the or e.x~rtf!•l .:oott .. h)' !JO llt•rcent. It II'\ hour,r:ef•t to lo> 111 tlw l:u1t ••l t'ctlon~ r~ .. owlnr: to he r rrurn f'r:1nce. The }:n,;- mn.uto~n• r will be rs~eutC'd to llo'Ork "t'r: dtmrult on 11111 ll;u• l ~t of th"PH' tu'lunccol th•J utOillnn ht,•a:t flf the Cou· ll!!h aove rnntcnt ha.a nul IIJ:rcetl an1l out tt l'robl~m of d{'f con"e "l'houl1l un f:lctorll. which lnt.lh·n t•· a vt•t )' 1lln'e rent o~cn·ath· f>~t to •11- rt•f:llr\l f:urupt• an•l •IMJI not 1\f: rct• to .:"ncel the lo .. r cncl1 h11AI(inary c ne nty CroA~t UcrinR Se:t.. grade of r1~'·t< lnpm •·nl , In t: ln• u. u nl· rd>· In tht· nnot Jllllrt' on the t"olonlal de bt•. ~l:lcl>onAid ha~t refusedutltonow IJtarch thru Slhe rl:t, Korea anti Conn plct ur'-'. Th111 t:n~:lnnol hrt! nn t market !I. T ho t:n.:IIMit bourr.;eol~J,·, to J;lvo a.ny pro tn l e In thlt1 rP!J)CCt a nd cut ott J~p3n from tht• contlneat." yet r eacbell th .. IJr•• " ·'r ' " "4.'1 In In· whu " ' "''" thA ltu hr o~ pellltloo or J-•oin- ('t· rt :~lnl)' "' Ill uot ~o "0 unle!ll Fro~ D · II Ia f'•ld tha t's defense day alu•trb.l prntlur t lnn I• h··• t 1'!10• -n llr , :ttf'" h ;.~ \'l' look• •I f':u ,..h-e l)' on a.t the m:..krfl cert:.ln con f'tJl'lons a,; r ey;;·:tnls h 11ir "'"' e ntire!)· a -:aln!lt Anlf'rica lb<' fact o f th t• •· 'C II' t•·n.-.. o r Otlf' uulliou , \"('II H lo l:uru"'-'· on I) aucmpllog bt'- CtJn•l~en )rtllcy · an1l lhro armament• 1 .. -cau•t- f lbe._ r GC(!.Qt Jap.3nf'~ f! X­unf'm ployi'fJ. .,,.., n It on .. bo .:lN In tnlnd hlnt.l tbo• llf'••nes to f'J J:: C erm111nr on tn fJII"" '"Jn t'r;~nC'c t o~ almln, 'i t obtain· de: \ lon lmml~~:ralloa law.


I •

·-- -·


How To Be a Trade Union Reporter Oy EARu-.R. OROWOER.

As I wrltt' I h11vo before me a te lt)· )Cr:J.rn " uppuaed to bo r c portln,:

;t n lmpt"Jrta nt lAbor convenllon fo r th1• llAII .Y W O JtK Eit. It wa3 ·~nl by n \ t r )' ,;ood comflldf', Q n~htor llnd n r r·al militant, and ho • Pe nt aln10111l n, . ., dollant o r ou r fund" (o uch! II hur~. fo r mone y In ::. wo rkln,; cl:tu pn~r '" n lmo"' '"' "cAret! RA h e n'A tN•th) , hceolUIIC thl l'l WUM IIUch nn lm• J)()rt::.nt con ve ntion. nut w~ couldn't

reality :. • o rlceMI' p;~Pf'r, In lb:.t yon. Wh~t should ·• r~port eor.t.~r 1\'b:t.t wero lbe principal ar1inuoeolA t tl,. rcllders, must wr1\c fo r It u well Wbe o e.,.u oae is reporHn~ aueb a Oil .. cb lid•! Ol• e t.ll.e D&mtl of the lUI read lt. And 10. with that telt-- me.Hin~. ' the foUow ln&: palata abould o ut.taAdiDC I'ICW"N on each aide;>«

~:;r:.',nm~:."~,.~' ~ne~- p':ta::.::r:e~er; ~,,';,~~d:;t,~ b1~ :~1 a:~--,~~.:::~: the Clt~MtW,.. / • • a ltle, wHh con"e"•ll•ee on the oth~!· tbat what the DAILY WORKEft The q ue.Oon or bow to wrtte theM " J[oldon r-ul"a ot wriUnJ[" about trade neNw, obovu all, I• F'ACTS : thta1a up bu alrMdr bMn doaH wttb unio n mAllfln, that may heip ftOme of (il} 1\'ame o f or-,anltatloa belna: re- ury ably, Ia tbe ar\l.ciM by Kiwi our ('Otnr:u1o• lo set onto the DAfLY ported upon. • rtleYt, pobU.hed IIIII trel'ion '""" ot wonK 11Utr. (b) Date and place ot meethi J[, and the DAj LY T bN: does aol

• .1. • whether It Is re~ular nr BPI'Jcl&l tuet~l· (l rolead to tNt yoU how to wnte; II.

• prl'l1 a Jll lo ry :1hout thul t:tlRVI'ntl•)n , In ¥,li te o r H u ll. b')('IUt~;c thlM ,;ood r o m· r:lde kne w ~to llttlo aho ut rt+pnrtlnr. tha t In mnre thMn ~110 wortta hr• tll•ln' t 1••11 UJII anr Lhln,; fro m whlcl• ""' ' coultl

Wt't.:.t Ia Important enough t o re. port1. All conve ntlonl'l. whethe r tll'cy Itt> Int e r national. national. 1tatc , or tl b trlcl . th:at a. re cumpo3ed e ntire!)' of trsult• u n ln nft or In wh ich tr:\dt• unlq n!l ta kr• a n lmporiRnt part. t~hould btl rf!· IKir tr•d fnr lh,. OAi l.Y \\'OHKErt. In nd,ll!lon. :e ll r,.(ula r mc~tl n~a o f I~ t·:t l unloh"'. rll)' c .. n t rnl ho!Jie"', nod 1' :1.1' uti\'•• eOUIIl'll ll, In " "h lch a ctlon ·,b l al.;(:U IIPOU IIIIU•·JI n f t:l'Dl'r lll politif':J I

In,;. whether It Ia " convention. ao(l volnU o ut thtt ma-t Important t hla &:t otherwlsu the Dllltu ro o f tho tather· to wrlle atKtat. v._, thlnaa that It I• In g. n neenary for . u to k now, IC we are

{c ) Whol the Important htauc" ,;ola,;: to p~bll•h "'-DYlhlll.l aboat tbe wc r<!' 1h:u rllrntl up for action. e ve nt In qae ttloD. And If rou aead

"''It" a Jll lory. \\'" have n 't 1:01 no uJ:h r.,,,,rll•rJ&

1"t:e UAII .. \' WOHKt-:ll rnn nnt !tire o•J:· •JoC• rl~accd writtn& to Jtu nrnullll r v·

{d) What action wna tnke n! This to "uch tnronnMio n u tkb, we will rn.c:~as to ~t .. te, n..1 brlc nr ns pos · wrh l'l tb~ atory for )'OU In ahapo for s •ble. wh:~.t ' r~sohulonA wu.-. preaen t · publk:atlon. If you uanot aead It to e ll, wh•l.l•('t t h ey flllSied o r d e· u• In o. nnl• he..! torm. The blc thiDI reat~d . whitt :act ion tllc r called tor, to r"m~znher 1•. TJIAT THE DAILY :~ od Oil whic h lildo o f the ~uoslluu d hl wonKEH \VASTS TO K~OW

rywh ef'f', whr re t hl01u n f lm tJOt tunte lmporlt' nre , on l~MI"lt nf w,:,;,;~il ;;z ud a r e h:.prrnln,;. Our ro•u.dt•n mu11 l,ot l.oun. on l!it r lk•·• o r rtemon1H r:nlo n11

~ Otlt rt'port ~ra Tit., llAII . \' \\'O IU\ E H. :umln•l Kri#•V:HJCPI', Jllhould he y,•rll ten to a &:reat e .a teat , mu11 l)f" mudtt In up.

tb P union :alig n lt.ulf. J·:v .. :nv Ji!1rOnTAN'T 0 c cUR~

l e i What aort ot • trur;gll" tMk lt)o! :"lCP. IS THR LADOn MOV&­:acc onr t he question! Wer~ t he lo1 ENT. Glvt • • th la lofonnaUoa aad and roYo lutlon!••• o n o nfl tho jak II more than half doao.

·Nfi TIONS AND CO.LONIES ___../ \ lem ln a country w-Ith limited economic Mlpe-d u • to •mub DutoY', Se mo aoY, "abtk PTO,.rty or th• popuLation 0(

(Cootlnaed from P&&e l . ) r esource&. Koltcb..ak. ::ad Denlk ln, t be tudera o f t.h• U. S . S . n. Auordlo& to tbe n oaa'a "M•• t. to bt' Co mrade J..entn o n u aald that tba rountU·n'!voluUoo ln. t bo bordf" r ~7 o r bourc ool• aLate law all .lb .. fou Dd to the po~ttlon ot .omf" of our Sov1et nu tla. boeatll~ or lu ,;~ countrfu. Tbe notorio us r•ne110aAe rl~es &ad aatW'a.l rea.o•rces aro the Germa.n. ~ndes. (Ta pht,:al po11Uo• . la a aatural brid~:~ Poaal LeY!, ean ridicule the nubklr totOP*t\1 of tUt aatLoa lbat u.bU oa

t t"tn&&lt' It Ia nect-u :t.r y tn c:.ll Ill· ~tween r.arn~ ud Aala. Tbl11 Ia and KalmUk Commaalam u muc b lll.a lb.b botu wooil lbOOf'}' of law. Nalur· t'tOIJoc to th e fou~ type of mlata\le3. undoubtedly true. Oar r•YohltiOn bad I he pl.-an, but • • know t the :a.lly ttt. QMUUo a el ua route., porte, To ''"' eah~fJor}" o r mlatak~a booloaca a doub~ re .. u lt. Jt reacted oa the jokes o C such r;ent1emeo u r•ul Levi bordera, ull cunoma acquire• eoor· tl1e poaH.Ion o f our Turk lab comradu Euro~an (lf"'ie t:&rlat Ia tbo ae~s~ t llef"Tt to abow t be lr wlon!a&IO?' r.aou. haportaace ud &e tbe aoaree of

~:: :· .. ~td~~~sk" .. -o7t!:O;:,tl:7111~tadt•h~ :!=*~.,~ :~118tuh1~t• be!':,~~:n t : ls .:~ I ch;~u;iauaes aro c buaa e r hitlc: o f =Lr~~ ~~~m!7t~:-:; U~u~~~ rrot•tarlat anti tbe boutK~blu. Tit hi po~r~ ~lmultaaNu:dy. It ruet~l oo o~r coo~t ltutloa, and pro r ... u on ot Uaion adn nted a~· theory o f aLate posttloo repreaont. aotbl~ ne w. •ho Orie ntal na.tloos. K auuky l 10urc~ob• .lit a to l:r;w C&Dno t unrtentand law, wher e tht Q•HUoo of bord1P ,\oyoao wbo· rernem bclra tbe poaltlon prophe•l~•l. :~.tler tbo l~OS- 1!106 re•oJa. , thb. ?-~or u :..mple. !tloaal~ur :1.111)11· bu a •~ondary Importance. J.a oar o f thu Ukraln't~t.n Socl:ai,;.J>:emocmtJII o f tloa. th a t tho R aulaa r eYolutloo koY' r ece ntlr In ~ •·hlte-~:trtl n e wl'l· Ua.Joa • man from ~urman15k hu tbe the r'brmer Auatrlan P.:aJplrf.l !lnd th:at woulll a wake n the 11at1ons o f tbe I pape r OC('U,Ietl hltn~t'"lf with o.n In· rf.ahl to tho Blac k Sea porU. &Ad o r the t•oll•h Soclallata of Au!trl .. Mhldlo 1'..:a~t ::~nd Alll>l to h is torical Tf041t{C::t!o n o r thO) h',;al nature or the th Doa.U nus. ~ a peuant from w ilt ul6dfln'tand tbat tho mlttta.ll:e o f life. Th l• pro &Jiwsy haJt pro'·l'\J to ~ r oos tltu tloa ot our -.·or 'ae ra ' n nd rca...· l"oltava or a m iner Ill the Ooae t.a coal n >tr Turtlsh comrad~" has II• root In t'ftrrec-t . Arte r the October Re¥olu· a.."'l tit,' Uo!on :t.oll he u'-'re.~Sl.""' th'" bs.a4o. A t tbe ume lime t6e populaco the ~HN ~Gelal ~trlotlc Weolol['y of tlo u, 19 17, So"let JtUA111a bcc.a.m e the o " tnlo n I hat It w:ut witho ut any l~tcal ot Otf(HiltA and the Don buln hAve the th" Second lnurn:at lonal. ce ut cr o f ,;ra ,.ltutlon :and nltnct ed t he foundat ion s lDcU It lo.c ketJ thtt 1tlea"nt a.uo• rf8'1JLI to t~ SIIM:ri&D «Old

~ •• tho Slbc!rta.n pea.nru. or a o~ toad t'rolt& Turkea&.an. · You underalaad CCH&l~U: tba t thO quettiOn OC borden !Je'"'_,. ,l.'\tua f0rm.tnc tbe SoTiot Un1e0., C4ft h:\•o oDit aa ad mlah&trat·

.IYO I~;'IQI'U.DC:O In tuch .. at.ate o r &f., • nd cNLnot canH any eonGicta.



A GNat EJtpoenrncnt in Solving the

tator•hlp of th• Proleta riat.

I PASH no tn th~ l:.t" l part o r m)· l>i l.tef>t·h - thc rtll~'"t lon o f t h•• Unlnn

ut ~Uf'l:trlbt gliVIf' t Hl"'l)ti!JIIt-!t th:&t wn'" turm N •lurln~ tlw !nt~ r f'o l ' lw>t•('NI

t hu Fourth :and 1-"1ft h (,'on~: r• • Jfi Jfl(""

Yuu kuO'I", comr:u l t>l'l, that u u ... lll:t , f!l)m \he point o f \le w o f 1111 n:at lnn .. l c mposll lun wou riha"h mor.- tom~JI , ,,,,.,J th.ut t h•• o hl Au 11t r o l ltan,;"lrl.ln

J":m(llrt-. Tbero "'"fl' onl)' c lo•1'"n n:l tlt,~ r. :,ll t lt·• ln Au~ttr l;~ IJ\•fort.· tlw "'at j whalu we moro 11t..1n 11 h•mth <"•l l •l•t!et t·nt l:u·c n::.t lnn11 aaul J' llltll n:. t .o nalith•s ou t lw f'Mnrmuu• l••rdtnr)' u! t h~ li'"'"Jo u• T A.oi.rls t mroln· h 3-"' ,·,·ry ,J IIJ1 r u lt 10 IHh 'f' lh" n,,tlona! t)Uf'-.!l1et:ll Jn a r ountry w ith ~U('h .1

v:arieph ... od nauooa l rom~lllon, :t.n•l t h•• mct hOiiJl :tpp lle d fu r u ... 5'•1ntlnn nu.u ft IM'•t'fO :u a l l!1llon for cumrouJ"" lrocn ntht-r rount r lr-"

Aaothl'.! r d tml'ully W=t.1 t h llt t h•• prP. IPilllrl:at wa• Hunl n In n3t lnn.a.llly wbllc the pea.aantry, for Ibn mo•l pn rl w:u~ of othr r n:..llon3fltlr11, T hl'f•• t~rt• :~ls ty·alne m\ll(nn Hua11la n Dnrl 11l a t y d Ye millio n» of o thf"r natlon3llt l • In tho U. S . S . H. Our Or»t prohlf'DI wu t o t•st .:.!JIIa h z.o lldt~rlty b~t"' ""''n t ht' thrett mlltlou• Cr,.at lluu l:tn :tnd tht"

A French Colonial Negro in t he Service of Frenc h Impe rialism

m llllon1 o r peuantry o r oth~r Dllt fon Orl•~ llt :t l n ::. t\nn~ to !I JIIe lf. T hl'l SUII:t• o f fnr('f", :m •l thf"retorto IUch :t r.ov~rn• Rill let. Tbc re w:u•- l!ltl ll a thlrd d lm c:u lt y tl(m o hll r:<'l!l the Hus:tfnn (."ornmuab.t "'""t with :1. \' :arl:tblo ~ompntlllon th.4l confroot ~•l 111. Th1J1 U\.111)' mll 1'1\fi Y MHI t ill' HU!!'~ Ian l•rol"lt~rl:a to r.-annut .u k,-. u pon llflcl t 11ny hll" rnm.'·

!.';~ .. :~n~::~o~::~o~:~~~:'·~l.~;:~. !' '~t~rl;o ~~;:t~:~~~c~n:t1~~~: 11~: ~~:~ ~~)~~~:, ;~!'t~:a~~~:.~~ - ~~~on;!~~~ ~~~~~~;~: S ltle hy 11lrt~ with hl~h1y t!e ve lnsleel ln· v~ ,.,.,.II that wo w!lul•l nf'n•r h:t Y'~ muu r n •aff) tt f•· :~. rfu l hn11re:&sj&u on •lufl.trlal ('f'tll f' r lf Woj hi\Vf.i l'IHHil te n ~~~ I' (',PII In IJrl'!{••rvlnJ; t he l nll •~pen·l · lit<' '\'e~tcrn J.: rr rnpc:tll huur,r;.-ltts co • ­mlllfoll~ thnt h :tvu nnt yf't •l, vt•ln vr-tl t>tu· · of th<' l-;tn•l,.t ll ••r u hllcl' In Ull r ·· rnmt~nl !l, :\Ull \\' llhiH, Irt thf'ln fro th fro m I1Ci n~; unml\dlt: triiH"'If. Th" pr••l'!f'l\1 ,.ttmll lon of c·a sllt atl ~t l f'n· n•(·n~nlzln' th l' l ' nlnn o r ~ncln il"' t

ft•rmnl tlf"cla r a lln n n f ••q un llt y "'"" In c.l rdt• lnt•n\ hRd wo• nnt fnrm"d :li n unlt('•l So,•lct He rmbllc:t. llo"'" \"t• r , C"'ln· .. u mdent, atul wnuld llliVt• hnd a" Ill rrnnt lwtwt' l'll th•• OIJPr''"!u••! n:ttlon ratl('1;:, the l'•·ry fact t h:\1 thl.r4 r l••tnc nl lin n thi'J n ntl uc hle vccl " "' f••w tlriiC :&lith.•:~ nnll tlul prolctnrlat fro nt the of Cu re(' 1"1 1:!.:-k ln:::: In th•· or::::mlrat t.•n t h-111 rt•llllltA n M tht• !l t •dnr~ t ln~ o f ll:.tltit' :-i<':t to the f:tr t hr"l ,•\ !!lrHk or '' Ur . union ftJr n11 t h<l tl l' IIICIIIIOUI'I e-qua lity In the J[ff'l\l F're ncb Hcvnlu· IJIIllnA. Tha fiUJ'' I:r.n \ ·cntlee JeJIIJ. po wer ot u ur mo r!lll lu!'luenrl' O\' t•r na · t lon . T lw pt\ll~tarlnt o f ou r r u untry cr;lt.-.1)' r hCJII(' tho bnrd erln ntl !l o r thf' l t lnn:tllt!c~ ta l. tn;: IJ;Itt lu Mil' t ' n ton . hR•I ta...;e t ''"elf tho pro hh•m n f (' IIlAh oltl Rmu~l:tn f:m plr•· rnr t heir ofh•n:\• T hl" ''' h "r m·•aus " IH•r .. l')' w~, r ue ll&h ln~ n f\•nl t~conomlc equality, h·,. lll;':l. ln ~~ot t ho Tlcto rlou" prol(' t:..rlat ccNN Ia nnhln~~: t ht' d ta••n•rll ua tlon · whlf'h Is t ht> onl y lle('urlt y to r th,. n f :1.1o'lcow :a nti l."nln~rnd. 1\ud it lalltfca lntn nnf" broUt<'rlr :trm~h::una­nonn:al doYelopment ot n ftt\ons fo rm "w:u only the f:~.ct th!lt w(' h:Ld lwhlnd t lor. W IU the •(\Ciall:r ,:,; t!qn M ~ lw

In~:: PArt of our wnrkeu and ptasa n t• • as t he l!ym p:athr of :nllllons or thf' r khcll sntl n:lttlnl.Jt fi' l"o'\t:rre• o~ lhe r••publk We b&lt tn "olYe thl• prnb popubrtlon In lllf'le borderla.nd!l tha t C'Oilnt ry an d rnnY'I"rt ln~: 1 "'"' Into lh t'

Th,. fo"rm:~;t loa ot our Union mut be • po .. <~&Jf\ll " i.apoc. o r propnca.odn UJ l.b• ba.D4Jt ol our Ji:uropo.:w partlea,

uu it ch.. them Ibn ah4tlty to .:T.II'tU"" .. cl tbo methods of Mlvhrc tile naU.oe:..J QU@ItloD adoptefl hr lbe So­~· IMII and ''~ applied br tbe boar­,;eot-. llAi r:a. ThlJI Ia wby oar e_z. t~rMac .. mu.t bKome Lbe proJI'(trty of All ll'l" F.•ro~ p rgletarl.u. J w._b to 'IIOnelud• l!'IY llf)tlee.b ..-lth,. tblt leD· ~too a.ed J bow tba.t to the Cll'):n':l'll-...ort ~ tllfl' Oilot looa.l '1DWU011 t.n..t W'\JI bfo formed a t tbe Flltb Coa· ~ ... 1baiJ bt_. ftbl• lO 8Dd th<»e ,.,..ct"'"..a.l M'Jotlooa tkat will s U.maLa.te Ule o atloa&l mo• tttn"'GU Ia dUI"erent roctrolr1e a ••• lrnpart to tbe m a rno. la'T dlaran.or . ' Tbe time foe' dedatatlo.:u or a ~:e.aer-:~ 1 cb.a.nder h.u paaC'CJ : , .. bu., now a oerlod of rrea.H" e rf"t'o lutJoaary work Ia Ule coloaJu and Amoac nallonat mloor1· ~u. rr we t\111'1 1 lhue tub we will bav• CTU.tlld h a lt t he f':.b a aeea for tbe 1u cou.s o f tll tt tntv oatlonal re •oluUoo to wbtch we :uc d•Yoted and wblcb ta r;u.:lrdl'd to r the worll:ers o r tbe world by the Commulllat tn\(~raatlooal. (Ap. plau:~e. )

~ Telephont~ ... 'foar04! 22!4

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1238 Madiaon Street N. £ , Cor. Etlubeth S l.

Spaghetti and Ravioli Our Specialty

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.· -·

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~ I





. Cleaning House in the -nternational By 0. Carlson" EXIT HOCLUND.

Ed I LOr' a :-o"o: T ha tollowi D3 Is lhe n fuodrementa l qu tiona. tryln!l; In lfo&lu nd , o r 7Atb-u he Ia c.allffi l • 1 n l ora<~ n lzatlon• o r ~~ a ft nt or a uries o f tht<'e articles by this .-:ay to haY e blm tee the erTo r the Scandlna Tia n countrie5--tont: there ap~artd a J~n,; tby article h om 0 . Cul.on on the lntenae of hla ways &.ad to br lnl' him aod the place at th,. t im~> of tbe na t ional ct'ICI · Germany atat1a c lhat now for the 1lnt aitnaUon In A number of Europu.D whole of the 1)3rtr on the rf,;ht track. "entloo of tho Y. C. L. of S•~leD , tlmo the Ge r ma n workers we!"e re:alty Commu.oll t partl,.s. Tbe wrllu hu T ime and :l&'•ln he b t;:lnn atal~ lto. r. 1!!1. 1 tHad jtut come from Oer- enJorlnA: t be eh; bt·hour d.:~.y. Sever been ~·~ l or the l.ut 11 moatbs m enta or d f'c:laratlona to the ~aect many, where t hll c. P. w:ts Ia lhe a a ed llo rl:a l correct loa o r at:ll f! me Dt La aeUn . party work in the Sc.andl· that fle acce pted th decis ions or th r tbro a of a bitt e r in te ra:a.l atrnr;8'1C on any o f thua ,;larlng :.rtlc l • C\'('t naTlaa count r ica, In C• rraa•Y llDd In lntcrbatlonal and wouhl do a ll within nrhflng ou t o f the oo w fnmoua " ~t:l rch nppea rt.'tl, alt ho Jlog lund 'a lUtenllon Great Drllaln . He w.u alao prct~e nt hi ~ power to put them Into effec t. Th l!4 ;\ ct lon" or tlml )'C!n r . Paul J.e'ff, who wn ,.·c:n ll~d to th e m on more than one at the Fifth Consrua or t he Commun· he did U.'t Into as nl thu F' lfth Worltl up to the n. llatl been thf' 1<"3.det of ocC' nalon. lt1t Iateraallonal. lie hr, theretort", t'onJ;rcu "'hfcb wu held this Aum· th f' ~Nmn n pa rty, hnd den o'unced t he llo,; luml wu and 111111 Ia lln lm· well «<Uippcd for hl1 tuk o r t amUia r· me r. :allho hnmedha tely upon hb rr-- p;1r ty nnd th e ct'ntul rommluce fo r por uin t nKu re In the Nftllonal Jour· Ia.! a« t he rudr ra of the OAJl.. Y tu rn to s.-ede n he ,launched Into ,; lUI p!l r tlclpatlon In t he upr ising. At n:alltta' Auodatlon - an or~~:an l a.a tlon WORKER with wh~t It coln1 o n In most Yltrlollc and d n1 ta tdly attack up- 1\ Umc wh e n la,.,;e 8 ctlon.t or th<" made u p of the editors o r all the upl· the Communlll p.1rt iH of t:urOJoe- T hl' Oil the C. I. aad In particular upon luc • ·orken In ttn tral and &aut hera Ce r t:.ll"t pa pot rl In Swedea. Under h i• Dut artlc:IH wUI appf'u In tb o fol· r u l adher t'nt a In S•cd~n. AU at - m:any ,..,....e r l.a lo~ In arm~ r evolt l"dlto hl p th e •• poJitlken- b:.,s In the lowing bauea o f lhe ma~u l no. · te mp:a a t uo ltr have failed , altho abe and when, more tb:..n e•·e r be/o r,., It l:ut fnr yf'ara become an eK'tre.mely

C. r. wa5 u•c~t~IIDK IJII le nient In the wu nrceuarr for the ~rty to :u:t u " r tsP~:cta blc- pa~r. Of coorae. the too I n lttnt In th e eyH of the :a unll. V •l 'h'•lr:n,.,l from the centn. l other papen attack l n on occ.ulon, WOE unto him who d~8 not foJ · •'Titer. comm ltlt'" , ubotnKtd the p:arty d~ bu t thla II a. lwaya done In a all~~~:htly

~:~·k.,z: ~~~,~~=~~;;:~.;'i,·b.DE. ~:.=:"::~:cr~:·:.::Y:~~=:~~:;:k~ ~~~~ .. ~~:ic:r~~::·"::::7~:?;~2~; ~!.~~~< ~~=~=:~;~~~;:!:'~~~ ~:e~a!::L:do/~~'!:'1~andt• r:\': ~~~ in~ to«t!tltfl r with u ri ~~: l u nd nre 2 t nn In lonn l ~adlnK rdltorl:tl l\ In "Politi· n~;al n llo~:lund retuaed to put able l~ r na. Uonal ma y not a lway,. t.e In a e nd. Jly a fl4'rllat '-•nt con t inuatio n of ke n .. he nt t:u: ll: ed the German puty worlcf'U and CommualsLJJ*on lbo pa.

t.h 1 1 1 hi 1 h 1 1 (· X~cuth•e :.ntl Cltttlaed LeYI to th e akr. Pt:r beca u&e they were no " jou rn al·

~7:::f:· :!::~,~~~·~ ~~: ::..i.:= .:~=~:7"i.:~~:.~7·~;:::E e~;":~:~"":~·~:=~~~:~:.~:.:~: ~~:;:r~:~:~~~b~ ~~:~~~~ !~d~~:r ;~:c~;e;~~W=~b~!:: ~~:~~~d~~~: ~:~ :~~:~ .;~~ ed':~ a,;aiM t the wo re u:v~•ln :usd mltl· I~ probl~ma confroatJnc the wo rt ·

;r!: ~;Te ~del~.: ~_:•;u·~~~c:;!~ ~~: ~u~;~c~ ~.~. -:~~:·:;:lc~o ~~~~~ee:~hr: ~~~a:';::e~•·m::~h',:v~:t!::;; ;:,~~ ;;:tl~rn ~~:~r:::,r~~~ ~~ r:~ :r~:::ld:~ ·::.~~·~-::,-: .. '";;:~:~ : ~~rry~T~:Y' .~;~~:;~! ·~~~ -.~r:. ::~~=!b·~.:::·~~:7!~~:3~2.,£ oai~;:·:· .:.:::·:::.·:::::~::: · ~t'~<;~~::~~~•tn= ,~:e·:~ c;::;e~ Hoglund Ell pel led. Out tbe Y. C. l.. , dHpltc UU! th unde r· ~:;,;~~e~a~~~~~.tb;T:::':1!~~~;a!l: o• ~r nlcht. Th ~ty develo p : ~r .:: ro• . I. 'h"."",, ,,'".,",~ , alh ofoart'-n'"~~.~~ • • ~','e<mr 'n~ ". :~ ~:~ :~~~~t: r~:::lnot'e :.!~ '- l uod took the tit le . '4' 111'rl11 n ho m Jnt:t.fa s tb:a.t llog· It ,,. only In tl1,. pr(l('mull of lh" !llrUI( · '"' uu " .... lund, dea p l t~ hi:~ r:\d lca l ph r~e• ht ut ,;lc that th e ,.. j!'4k arHl at runt: . the Cl nd Jloa lund oml'l ally f"'dt Jd t"d r roUI J 111H r.t thAI t lrol) the re wu a r:r~at h•' /\ rl u I'O<:ftll·democ ra.t . lie Is Jt lru t drrnncOK"U~ nnr1 l h" ~tl n cert' f"eTOlu· thr C. I. 1u ul th .. t ' . 1'. S . A alate· lt)f'u l o f un,.mpln)' m(' n t In Swede n .. 10 •~ lhnl Hog lund h:ts been re r;all\.l tlonlsta a rc 1ep:. ratc:"d tro rn each o tb· m eal l.uucd by the r~ prc "entathe or The pa.rt y nmclo ldom wu no t doln t inR hi• aetlll<-a l\ nd Is not allowing e r. 1-;;tc h • ·orld ~onr: r l!1 .,. of th ~ c. 1. t.b e F.:. c . In Swt-dt~n, d~h.•d AnJ: tat : 3 . uny too ftiU l'b to copo .:l th the situ· blm:wlr 10 be pulled nbout unde r or, bu be:eo 2 a:::.alh~ rl nc of 1h,. :abl('•t lllld d~~ = " IIOJ:Iucd and those: me:n· :ulan, a lt~o tho une~ ploycd were not dP ra from ~fn•cow. Sot only baTe but tore~ whh iD th n whole mo re- bo'- at 11'1 ,. C f.: ('. " ·ho ld «-ntU!. etl only wllllnt bu t :ans lous to be ~: ln~ n many o f tho •oclal~emoc:nu a poke n mf'nt, wbero a ~riUcal t'S&mlnatloa l tbe x:u l'f'u wl tb him are ouUf.dc of l ~ · adl'nr hl p llDd a proa::: n m. The y catnf" word• o f In honor or Che n.lla.n t wu m.aclc ot tb~ at ron~ and weak tb• C. J. ana the C. P. S .. which enn ln thoua.u.d to h~r the Commuolst (:) ftsht which Ho, lo nd b:u bftn poin t!' o r th ~ mn•,. ment . nallonally u Ce>nnerly conUnu,.• t.o remaio a ll~aluon. I "'Wkt' 'W it b Strom, the w:~~~:lnlf acaln.s t the .. ulaUca... bat a nd lntertlallonally, Eaeh worLd con· ~ct!on ot U·e C. I " Tb~ basic r .. a . pvly ... c-re t.:.ry, :about the naec:splny· e:T<"r\ boo rattols pa~n mate blm th e creq b:u be~n thi'J m,. ... ,, ttl llch ten · soDa fo r thfa llct lon are that the pa rt y etl prnbl,. tn . To my "'i: urt~rb:e be tl"hl •:nlor at Swl!dllh "calture and free­Ing up th e movem .. nt. unllln ~t It mo r o llla.!orllr In thf' C. F. ('. oro,;IUnd had m,. !hut th,. C. P. could 'N 15,000 dom." a. nd more In to a WOHI . D r~\ltTY. AI to ur me rnl)oor ,, th(' mlno:lty tbn••· • m•·lllh•·rv •tl rf'r rty from th~> nnh ot •·or f! very p:tt'On t ha t Is sounded by t hl " prOCI!n haJJ ~~; n n " on • . ,. h:ur wit· h:inl osclud l'd U1" ml n~~r lty m,.mber-:1 the unemploy .. •1 nt ::Jny tlmo It I t the IIOC:I all• t• a nd the bourceola lc on nesscd the d rn ppl n J: otr of mllDY I trom the ty , r.ltho th t" mln11 rlt }' :a c- fin ly Ol :'l•l f' nn nttrmpt to ge t th em . ftehtt lf nt lh,.11a "J;ood Mtl · t rue thtt would ·be runlut l o a ~ r y ~adeNJ To tu a ll y re rt r •· tw nt• ·ll t he big 1naJurity I wanlt'tl lo know why the p:~rty • ·a :s ml nlaken tnf' n" we h:a TC 8 · ,;rowln,;: t he de,n:!e th:. t n ur lntooru~tlon ll l hn" 1ot lh t- p.a.r t.r m~ruM:rl!lblp :. t~ t . th e no l draw In ~ lhf'm Into Ita raaks. lie fcelln k o r d ll!kll! t on tho p.:art or th e mado ~ct i ont an•l no t worda th,. crl ·1 Hor. l\.lnd maJor1t) tm tbe C. E. ( · rf' · r~ pllt'tl, ""They can' t p:ay any duc:a, so wld,..awa.k(' llf'C II on!l o f the work er11. terfo n o r mem~nhlp and l~ersblp fw.e..l to allo•· :. r •' f~'r•·ndum to take we won' t le i 11\e ,.. ln ." Tha t II wby f'Yery lar~;e lndu t trla l If"~::· within It, It baa a:::a lned thr conftd"ftC"'" PIKe on tbe qll ra llou of :u::rt•pllru: :hi' 1 h~:~d ~.: s fl('ctcd almos t any oth~r t loo 'Wb,.re th r C. P. b o~:snhcd, hu ot l3n;~r ma.u,.~ of the f''Pio lt,.11 a_n d dccb lona o f th•· {'. I. ~altho a far ;:r :l. t · o. oawc r bu t thl•. l ma.C1c~ . .cot allOW· t l'pu dl:a ff'd Un;;lund aDd Strom. TbeT bu loal the approbaUo.c ot pbra.&d- r a umMr of m•·mbfot11 harl ptot ition~i 101: wurkf'n to joi n the party b« un ur that thei r tin ~ phr.uel are empty moa«en. centrlsta and oppo n unt1 t.s !or suc.h a rdue-t~dam than wu nHd· 1her .. (' tl" un:.hl,. to ~r du('s! Ho w a nd canno t wln t he dar. The y mre ot all dewc rlpUoa • . )l a a y of lb~ well · ed acconUn~ to \he atatut~ ; t.b~ t (':In a r om munl1t par tr btcome :t. not :. fr.ald or beln~:; caUM " )­k:now-a re YoluUo nlat.~~ of ro nner dar• lloc lund c.:a,. c out al llt,.m•·nt.s 10 the ru :au party un•l~ r suc b coJlditlo ns! vUH," fo r .thei r 11Im Is to 11ccompllah ba'f'tt (~len by the way!llld... Tb e lu t boarc~l~ &Dd •.oclallat ~P<:n • hlch IA•t • · lnt*' r when I w ;u; In Sw~ n tha t which th e n u.ula ns alre:ady aue· or tbfae 1!1 Ze th Au,;luDd oe S weden, •e"' direct Ilea tf'I :Ul'f'e to hU o wn thla um•· party a~c retary, u the le:ad· ceerled In dnln~~:-to rule In their own whose actions within tb,. lut f l)" ' place on ,th e party pope r ( the ~r• l .. r o f th f' Communist Kroup In lhf• chtJU& lnterf',.L manlba In partlcu, bue been o f or d lrecto'rJ ot the c::entrn l l)r~;a.a fill Stod:hti'hu e ltf cou ncil . brou,bl In a - -----t~uch 4 charac ter tbat he h .. bf!en ••• · th(' party had d t'chltotl In ~s labllah motion In th~ cti'Cf't tbat th o d ty ot A Cour.o~geou• Judge. eluded rrom th l) c. 1. ' ;.~n t:"'tltorlal bott.rtl o f tlmlt.-KIIbom. Stockholm lnke thf' lnlt i:UIYe In ar · s .. -;w YOHk, S . Y .. SepL J%.-ln

Opportu n ism In tJ\e GwedlaJ\ P.arty. II CJ t:lund u.d thf' realr'"llf!hiii i!Ve o f th" r11 o,; ln K to r :..n lntc,.. Baltle St:atu' Ex· r('f\r J inJ: to r-r:'lnl An an ll·p lc:ketln« In · c . I. to be r~apo o •l bl e for tbe POUJf'r po•ll lo n In 193$. Tbt"J .-.anted to :ul Juncllon t o r. nu lleb :1nd Sldf , 1:11.r· lnttud or H oclund aloae.l: that bt' ,.e rt iA" In t hf' w"orld th .. wh itl"·c uanJ ment m:l n o f:~.cturers at J amole:a on ri! Cu!! ed to cont lquc wo rk.ioc- on tb is s tatts like P ln laod . L:atv lll, F~thoni:a . Au~tul ~1). Suprt:me Coart J u•ll ce ha.!!ls but lalltu.d acc'!Pt N ~ p.o.alt lo!l l ... ltbuaol a. or caun,., tb e motion c:ar· )l:l.c Cn~te h~'ld t h11 l ~mp1oyen aboold un a ay o dl lilt ~poo-r, ~ltln~ OC " ned. llut It tea m• un~ll•nble th:at nnt 111 t t ht~ contts for lnJoncllo n!l In P.:.'e In th e the o :u.u" o r b ls p.;a. rt y :a l'omnu!nltt 1hould 't'Ote ror such :a l:ahor dl•pot(' .. unUI 31! othe'r remedlel lrou O). T be ll....clun\1 .:roup baa be-ta motion . mach leu lntrodcce lt.., X~'Y<"t· h.1ve b~n t r ied.

Tbe fi~;bt within th~ Co mm unis t Party o r Swe<l~n za,;al n llt the o ppor. tunlat de Y"latlon.a o f ll o~ l und a.nd his .:roup b.aYe ~ Enln r; on fo r OTer lhree re..vs. bat had ne ver Wcome a eute IUUII wlthfn. tbe p.:..a t r ea r . Th ,. £. C. or tbe C. I. bu tall~ n Uos land to Wk m.anr tlmes tOT bla attJ t ud ~

:t.U~mpt la r; tu toree a • pll t wlthla th e tbeleu. It wa.s Ho~tlund's r lgbt·h:!.nd

~~r~y w':n.·~~~ :u p!:."r~~~: ~~a~e t~ ~~0 ~~~~~ m~t !~:tc~h~c~:o~:~r 17!: Subsc ribe for "Your Daily, .. wuul •l ,.,._ " ' " r·. I" s. bu l In <bl• oh"" a op.·o.e•l two oantcutorlr , 0. the DAILY WORKER.

POINCARE'S MAN IN HER- 'i t h a.." uot ~en ~turc~fl (ul. S ot ouly mukah\o a rtl tu In the Saturday "up-


Gener.o~l Nollet.

that , but tho lln r;lund out.JU baa lol'l t pl l! tn ~.: nt.u nr " l'oll t lk.t"u," omc:laJ or~;an THE DAWES" MAN IN CER· the central nrv,an of th,. p.uty, " Po liti· o f the c . 1'., and o f whic h Hoglund MANY ken," a" well aa th o followlnJ; dally, wa..& t b~ t-ltltor. Tbo tl.nt waa a t wo­.a:e mi ·W(:f'll ly nnd WMkly pa pel'1'1 : v::a~::o haull:atlo n o f Amt'rlcan prison &, Nornken""mman. Vuhvens'c.a Kurir · but o t Slnr. ~l ntt In partlc:u.l.u. W hy , e n. Kalmar L.anc Ku rl ,.cn. Th"' It •·a 11 enou.-b to :lDYOD f• to r·o romuol•t \\'omt'n'• ma,;:ul ne R c.d.o~ ll ,. 3nt to &;o to 1he t.:nltcd States fo r Ros tu and th" Y ( ' I_ p21 Pf.!t Storm· the •Pf"l' purpos .. of £aiD I-"'=\ adml& tock•n ar,. al~ !Hip()(') r lln,:: t bf!' Coc· .do:. to S in,; Sin.:. I YOnd¥ wbat •ntt!r!l . Hn~;lund h:a'" ?t h i& s ill .. two 1010 ~,~ of ou r Nlm r>l tles who ha Te tn;ld ~ "' .. d:ly pap~rA 11 1• u p b:t.v,. a i.!'IO 1 :~~ ·, rt~Cr Qr lnn~o."r lnYoluot::uT IU..'~"• i'\ :m•·d no'"' .. "' l h::llt th<' In tent! tkt:in·ll ht•re h:u··· tu -'·•Y about It The • ec· nine: th,. puhh• .. unu of a ne "W ce nt ral n nd :trlldt• lt.. ll~ tl l r~c tly from a or ,:; an fur tho'ol r t::rou p IJ I,; liollr~:t •n l , " I:••Ct tn Gre3t Drlt:dn t

Th,.,.,. tar•• llu" l ... r., fa,. t" 111 t he .all•' tl+• r\lt with th• • wun,frrtul work dont• .HI ?<l' t•n In ltu1 m.,, t r••ct•nt do• •• lup- b) Sc-othuul Yun.l In Untal n nnd l hn rn• ·nt~-btu j,.•hln• l thf'M• farL~ ll r a t•i n k•• rton ~t In th (' t.: nltf'd Statefl . 'rJwy mal'!• or l nt f'tl",. l ln~o: m:. t ,.. r l:\1 wh lcp wt'rc ~ld ~' ttrQ o r th e s r e:ttel'lt :.n•l th rows ll~hl 11("•11 thr • truJ:r;lf' :tntJ t be I nneo; t :'l t>hlo• 1'f'm l'n ll'l of Dl:lnkfnd . Xol •pht \\' hnt I wa n t 11, do 18 to deal ;, • ·nf'l l -. :l. 1:\ !ol aht,ut tb elr role In ""lth thl" m:l f,. .. l ~t . '" i'Spl:ll n the why 'lfl)' ln' upon "'or\ .. 01 ' or,:;a. n lt:.tlonJ . and whn .... fo r ,. ut the <" ••• anrl In S:: t- :1 · upon th,.lr tu ka In rr-amlnc-up r (''f'Ohl ~r:&l . ' " ,..~ Yo hal I• r~~toru It m:~r b:n·f" t lonbu, In holm rlln; lhNn :abou t t m fo r u• . I aball bt-cln wl l b u.•L," o f pl:1('e to pl:ac~. In lntlmid:atlnc worli mr ;' ('N OD :w.l " ' P-f'r l.•nc"!'l or Obs(' tT:'I • t'M an d In r;~n t> r:l l aeMin« :13 me-rcen !lues . .u\P1 ot tht- uplt:lllsu. At the time

• heft Cf' nl'ml Von S~kt bAd b«:omr Hogtu"d Suppo,.tc d Le<wl. th•· vlrtulll dlcbtor In Cerrn:an r and

~ Y tlr11 t cont a ct • ·Hh the rui~bty ,..a..,. cru 8h ln,; a ll economic :lnd pa11tl·


Letters F ro:m Moscow. • By Antla Porter

wtlllc blouses nnd J~borl aklrt.l cArrlctl be.rtr bcnutlful loL,8r1on J ramemiK!r the little terro.ced p.atns of tbe PArk (Conlloucd from pre•loua hume' •lckles Ill their hlp., or lartte umy of old. tht JIJTT'Ouoda them. The p.ark-atr1p

nt!~~: ::0" ~~~~u~1 1 0~~;e ~~::c:~ "~~:; :~~n.::'~ :!,;uh~,~~:,r:~·~,:~~~,.: Lea Yin,; the Kremttn 'ate, I u w ••• t\lll of people bat most of them were c,. lebnttlo,; the lOth aoniYerury the ir aboulden: aod all weal to work ~=lel:a:;,~er~~~~ln!u~~~==··· ::~ wero occupied, Ia ~ lelaurelr war. ot the outbreak oC war, with protett with an eoe~etlc rrtbm. Tbo whole portralta of Le.aln ud )hn:, aad tuu Children played abeat aader tbo treu. tnC(ltln~• a.:aloat uie eapll.allat prepar· little eompa:ay the a ''"• a mareblo,; ud IIOC':I.DI, poartD& ID from. aJI dlrec- Tb~lonc (T'LI~ weect. bad bMa allo ns for the out outbrf'ak. W• drill Ia annr fublon. wltb a put lloea and ma.ula& tor a ~reat demon· c ut with tba tradltJoaal tickle, u4 could a o t &et ticket a fo r the tn~tlnk deal or soap. Ftaallr a rJoup or atraUoo marc.h. llr war tar with 1tude.iu~ a.nd roan• tar at whleb Trotskr spoke, but ~rbapa rouo~ ~pie, ,athercd from llt.e Cam· theirs, 10 1 paraleU~ them on the about readlaa: or dlleuaaln& wltb opea thent waa no more lnteresllnk one lne dlatrlcu. from all .orta of allen aide-walk. Cowpanl 1 of sold.iers, boob. II had a restful wltbdraw11 tha.n that • ·e did aueftd; a m t-elln,; r llcet, ,ave son:A In chorua from some eompaales of worker., oC women, or ata1oaphere, nry pleas:a.nt. ln c;ootrut o f women ' tle le&at .s each repreat~nt· or their own mu•lc. Two yo unK boys students, of Youoc PtonMra,-Kbool wtlb tlile conCualoo o f the stn:tela ; Cor Ins • ~eroup or 20. and nccrotlltcd to ataor togethe r ra a transe barbaric a.nd srmauJum (roupa, down to the c Yerywhcre I ,;o,-ln the tlreeLI, the n permanent central body formed for thine. wllh l•lqlnU.-e unfamiliar In- a mallcat tots, who 11l:Uthed a.. Yallant- ahopa. the omcie. and bureaus,-1 feel tho pur pose o r cncourattin,; aoltditr lty l crnla. They w'c r In c h:uK:e o r n ty :u; the ir t~lden throu.:h the. bot aun I hat thln,;a are out of order. and that amODit the wo rkers. Thesu wotn e n very un:auumln~~; leader. who led them and the lont houn. In front of the enryone It work lac enr bard to &e t dUod the ,;ore11t while m:arbl or neu · o ul a nd simply lndlt ated when the y Comlntttn. whre an otnd:d ,roup the m Ia order atafn. ~be atreeta ar• marble-pllbrC'd ball .or tbe ~oaeow ahould btoKID. and then ~traced him- wu &ath.ered on a hlth b:~:koo}·, e a c h kept clean. oothlnc II really dt.or· Central Labor Co~neil. fo rmerlr a aelf. I s hould haYc m~atloned th:.u compa11y Ulted for 11tules And tl~ered, I ftnd plan a.nd ayatem uerr· nobh!iaan'a club. \'lith the e.J:ceptlnn I he children o pened the lt pr01:ram -yells", t o r lllle o'ur owa youtha. eacb whe re. but there it the fe-ellnc you ot o ne man, all the speakt".ra were wo- with an utlstlcally tuDe memorial #l'Onp baa J,l.t. :rel1. 1 dropl)f'd. out for haYt" at home wbe o rup are UD men, amon; th~m a Cblneao dele,;a tc a.on.: tor lA'o ln, who•e huc:e portrait awhile ud ~ lunch a t a small c.nd the furniture moYed Into uteleaa to the ne-d Trade Union h:ate rnaUona1. IUIDII:' behind them, d l'<:orated with and whe n 1 came o ut. th~y the y we r e eomert and you tit oa tbe c.balr.arm•. S he apoke wlth the bardly aupprcut!d ,;rerns. ET~rywhere "' I.A'lnlal•m" Ia atlll pajslna:. On the y went, paat the Rut you kaow It I• ,;etUa~ Jato order. v&oloace of •olce and ~;utunt, of the tht! conapltuout ln1plrat1ou, and In Moecow SoY lot, whore the saluUn« and :rou don' t mind for awblle . Tber e wo man allll In • ubJectlon. whlla ll •p ile or Mu Jo:Utm:\n, thl11 Ia not a a nd y~lllnpe wu re peated, while lhe Ia a aen.e of lrapermaaence and tran· IU~f!me~t to mo that the otherA. how. atntlc eonceptlon : Ita vory e .. once lA tur.ndA playetl cnnlln~ou!'IY the " later· alllon with a c le a r obJect ahead. Mo ... o Yer lmpasalo ned, cxpre.s1u~d a ll4! ftAO rte a.Jblllly. - n:t.tlonat" l ..onK ranka o r mountr.l eow I• IICettlna: toto order,-Ruula J• or ll her:ulon- llbcr:.Uon of the ir cta.u About mlanrsht. the Inte rnational troup~ Pdal\ed. Mocks or the m; each rett1ac Into order,-rou feel tbat rather than o r thei r tn, for thf" o ne ::a ~P:"aln, and wh~o we ume out, lleyttt time I thouch the ~ntS bad come. more overywhere, In s plto of what tetmt lmpllt~:s lbe other. Afte r ncb :ufdr i!AA. up with the latplntlon of It all, we s wun, Into al,;ht Around the ~ad of to ~and lt~onfution. tbe band played a f~w s train• o r the found ourseiYoa f~ed w llh a.n Amer- the atr~t. Finally, I pe:..n up my re- A comp:any ()f ~ soldiers. In dual· Inte rnational. a ll rls lnk :~:nd In th,. leaD movie thrown hlth on the wall of Yiew of the J...abor :~:nd we nt color ed uniforms &Dd peaked a~ cha.ncf" of a ttitude r~l:ulo.:: and t't!.at· the bulldln,;: act\)sa the aquare. A home to n-at. while ther aeemed to co with the armr·atar l.n front. llbd whb Inc fo r the n,.~:t addrHa. lH:autlfut ll:'lrl on horse h:l:c:k In a wUd on endleul:r.- and I hope th lt Is sym- campln,;: bhlaketa tlunc aero their

Suddenly the roll of dr·um• wu country was beln~ r escued from a low bollcal- in lhelr creat demont tr.a.tlon • bou1Cc ra, hue Juat paued by, tiD&:· heard 'Without the door. a Dd way waa bro wed Tlllafn by o. handtoame umeer . -"' t;alnat Capitalist wu. Ink lustily. and to their wake a clear­made for a company o r Young Plo- It ~~oecma to be a permanr.nt rree abo•·. Thia mornlnlt, In an aimless ramble. In,; lhunder-abowf;l:r Ia ••eepiDI:' up the noora, boy a 1\Dd slrls. with the ir ~~~:n r· J a.Dd I)Ol h4TlnK paid fo r II, :rou can J s kirted the wAlla of the Kre mlin to atreet. ltffiUII r ed .:and cold bannc rn ttnd red JtO On when :rou · plea~ without " .-==,..--------=:----------------, noek-kercble!Jt. Down the lalo thnr aeoae of e.s:trav!l,;a.Dt:e. l'ttrhapa the marched to the roll of thei r own workt!rs sit at the w$ndo wa or the ir druma, &ad up to the ata<e, wbe ru no blemen'• club, and YW,w It a t eu.,. they formed In two ton'" liDe" acroa- Th~r are run at a mueh slower tem­lt.. while one or their number atepP't'tl po than our dlm.t. Tbe next nlcht as forwanl a.Dd s poke fo;- tlile m. Great I p.a..axd, the electric army alar sutl eathaalum was abown for tM little blazed a bon the labor temple and the b&Dd, for th~ you.Dc people are the a lc llle a:nd hammer abon Ita dOCM". cove rnme.nt pllhrs o f the fa t ure. Two framed In &c:lJ'kt bunlla.c:. and oo the bundtf!'d thoualllld of tbe m there are, n1m eanYa.tS tb~y wcore throwln~~~: actl­enrollod t.hnaout the country. with a war pro~anda In c.artl)O.b Alld tut.

' larc.t mumbcrablp In .Moscow. Thcolr while the f!;rcat eobble-pn~d square watcbwnrd la ··ae prepa.rcod! " 11Dtl waa Oiled with thou11nda, •tatwUDI' o r ther lmow Vt':T1 latt!.lllt;enUy Ju•t what altlln& cross·lcr;:,;cd o n tho cnblea. In they mu.t he pre par-e for- tn 11Laa•l sile nt lnt~n:at. And It I• no P.'lclftAt fo r the ir c.lau qaJDat u,,. annetl pro patcanda. ttll" :t.nll-w·a.r prol.Nl. fo r thrut of lhe upltalltt world wltho uL tl1e watcbworrl o r the Wnrllera .. GOY· .\.fila tbe lnternatioaiLI. thb time ernmant~ like lh.\1 of th~ YouDk P'l~

• nne bJ the wbole aadtene"' thru a, and like that ot enry ,o,. thre-e &otll l t.ft'&U. I ha .. e aeTer heanl f'lrTUDCDl, but with RIOru aiDCc.'tlly o r k .a cb4...o.er1ully •••c. w1tb no hint. In purPG~~c, Ia ··ne pn•pu~ ... the torH", o( lhe · dl.smal a.nd retw-J. \'etterda~. I hurt rulsaed ~"! lloua Idea corn'Qed by tbe wor!.la . to the Lea ln Ma.u1ulr um In Red rather • .a •utr;estloo of ·hap,):r tuum. Square, with a. ron tln,;eot of correa­tualtt. pondcota. to whom. with aom o nene.

Arte r a M.ori. lntumluloo, the •ta~c I 11hould hnvo :atUlched Utfll~lf had I •·:a8 cleared fo r a el•lldrca'" pot•rfo rm· JcooW"D in lime. Every day At 5 P. M. '"'•~•- A ml•ed ~:rnup of boY• ~o~ml ~lrll'l lonpe linea o f the tlnuut uumhlo :u (roa:a Home~~ aft~ Tr.ute Union Khool~ the doorway opposite, wb••n' pt~rrnlta fiCaYe Ia SODK :~:n-.1 tl:uu:e. a .,ery tw:.u- ::a_re kheD. Ins tead . I wu a hown abnut Uta: o( the Carma;:· th~ Kremlin. ("'hi h b now d im ult note, ntcb hatl to be rtptoa tcd . A lit· o t ace~-.) hy !litO' . Jo"bcher o f the Ue play Ia d:u.ce ud AODE wu put Cblldr ell'a l mproYemeot Committee

100 by the YO\la,; Pioaeers. c-a.IIN "i'h~ who•~ ome6 ls the n • ID a beautiful I 'IODo!~· Dream: · The prellolln:l:.t}' o ld Hitb CctHur1 palace, :uu1 wbo a:ac­~ct.Jnr.: wu apoatanooat, and the dane- rltlced ht!r v.aluable llrnP to kO :shout m e of dowen, hutter1U~. fro~. nah. wltb me Ia the ho t ~un, and t hrou,;h e tc .. p.,.tt}' and a musing , but thiR part the ~ta~ room ol I he P41"ce. Hut 11bs. mh&;bt Jutl u wcoU bnvo bern anr- I coulrt not enter the LltUUJ) of old whe n: in Aa:ierto -X_hcn c:.rnc nu IJf· ctmrchc:J ~· lth thf'lr plcturesquc ly­ft.o.clh c driU; the ba.n!·f~gBMI l(lr ht, In mn:tsf.:d domes und towN•. wht111e !Om-



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u f'dln« tbe protetarla.a- lbo Meta­phJWIUI, the Tht>Oior;tea1. the Un~:ula.­tle--wr:re lonc-dlstaace Y$ew or life. Coneret• aspects were o•~rlooked •• ln•lcnl~ant : eom~on life aatl'cred ncCordln~tl:r. Pro~tarian culture a lono Is potent t o make ua realize thl) lara:tl ll lf: nlncanee o r . commo n thlo,;a. 'fho 11: r t11t lcAIOD of Darwln'a life work : '"The c umuhalhe Importance of In· tlnlt t lr little thin~~·· ill a llltl a tru,. N1la for our U•~Cutture. Jln;Ontl rultu retl d~clarf'd w ith cont t mpt that th to lle r'• lite was an fnl\ nltt•l:r llt\Je th lntt. but tber Jtn~w not the cu rDula· lh'P Importance ot loftnlt~ly llttlf" thlnu! ll ~nc•· th~lr pc~trl<! bun1l· Inc;.

driYen a.s I am tor tbu en}oJment of eultnre and wl~om, ·· Cullure ver­s ta Life ab&lt ona dar • Im ply becom"" a n :tpt pbt:l$e for d~ootln,; the colo! · sal ml•t.:akc• o r ~ut,...rul,., lle nct­rorlh our Jd~.:al ~hall hu A S()Ciat dl!· toocracy I'C"Uided by a "t>e!OLDJ:Ic r ul· lure ,;-cnerou~IICYnh•tJ to the dlacuJ~:­alon, analy11la a.nd Molutlo n o f llfe':t

'!ally proble ms. l .• lll••a rnnat be tu:.l l ... 1:===========~ to bloonJ othe h~r,.a t han o ra dunk I

Th'l :"louuau fi t",; im4! 11 W'!ll o n lla 1 wny. .'lo lons;:er ah:\11 It be lr:~~:Him:.te

tn ~~ ,c -.u ll S up.1r lor Ora lna wllh a for­m e rly Jut~ t coademnaUon : "tho ye buu11 un hunolred wlao onu amoDJ:at :rf". wb:at ahtttl It protlt me, too . h:ucl -

hill•. In lbe hum:a.nh,..l tomorro w. no man

o f k nlut wilt r,.J)('at hut wllb dei"p humtuat.lo n th QSf" callout 1ente nces o r Oacu Wilde"• :

"The poor : re pnor r-rc:.tur~• and muat be he wer. or wood anl1 drawus or wa te r . Thar :.rc really thu nton,; hill out of which mrn of ~~:en1ua nnd n.rUaU J;row like now!•tlf. Their fu nc ­tio n Ill to ~:tv-: birth to ~cn lua and no uriAh it. The :r b&Ye no uthe r r:tl~on d'etre."

llue n't ther~

~~~~~~~~~r ' fORtiGN U.NCUA,CCS •

IN«. rADS. DAT[ftS. IIIUil!lflt nPE..[n:..


A 73 W. VanBuren St. Phn1 W1b11l 6680

CHICAGO ... ll. OftO~IU .. ftO .. ~'f -Att~IOOCO tO-

2838 Wnt Twer.ty-ftfth St.., Cor. W.ade

l ' h on• IJ"<"· l l•o


CARL BRODSKY 1123 Droadway, New York Cliy

• To~l. Wutldns 36~ft (\

I Subocribo lor ••Your Daily."" the DAILY WORKER.

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