Threat Hunting Guide - Broadcom Inc


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Threat Hunting Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction3Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) 3

Finding threats 6Finding threats6

Event Summary Type IDs10Event Summary Type IDs10

Quick Filter Description 12Quick filter descriptions 12Search Database Entities quick filters 15Search Endpoint quick filters16

Creating and using text-based filters 17Using text search 17Lucene expression examples 19Query and filter operators by data type22

Copyright statement 24



Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response(EDR)EDR is designed to help you quickly detect threats to your network Threat hunting proceeds in three main steps

bull EDR collects data from your endpointsbull You filter the endpoint data to find indicators of compromise (IOCs) IOCs are the events and actions that are signs of

attack system breaches and the propagation of malicious filesbull You take the necessary actions to remediate the threat(s)

Data collection

EDR collects data using endpoint activity recorders and with on-demand process and file dumps You configure datacollection policies that you apply to the endpoints during set up See the in-product help system for details about the datacollection setup and configuration

Filtering endpoint data

There are three ways to filter endpoint data

bull Using predefined quick filtersbull Creating a custom filterbull Manually constructing a filter using text that conforms to the Lucene query language

Quick Filters

Quick Filters are organized into categories based on specific areas of interest for instance file activity memory analysisand MITRE tactic


You can chain quick filters together to narrow the results using the AND and OR operators The filtered results update asyou add or remove filters To remove a quick filter hover over the filter and click the trash-can icon Click Clear to removeall filters

Custom filters

Custom filters use the syntax Field Operator Value The UI has a drop-down menu for Field selection Upon selecting afield the Operator drop-down menu provides the available operators you can select You then manually enter a value forthe selected field The filtered results are displayed as soon as you complete the query and click Apply

Text search


To construct a text-based filter click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

You can type directly into the query editor or paste an existing filter In either case the filter is constructed using theLucene Query Parser Syntax Some limitations apply See the topics listed below for details

Using text search

Lucene expression example

Query and filter operators by data type


Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Table of Contents

Introduction3Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) 3

Finding threats 6Finding threats6

Event Summary Type IDs10Event Summary Type IDs10

Quick Filter Description 12Quick filter descriptions 12Search Database Entities quick filters 15Search Endpoint quick filters16

Creating and using text-based filters 17Using text search 17Lucene expression examples 19Query and filter operators by data type22

Copyright statement 24



Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response(EDR)EDR is designed to help you quickly detect threats to your network Threat hunting proceeds in three main steps

bull EDR collects data from your endpointsbull You filter the endpoint data to find indicators of compromise (IOCs) IOCs are the events and actions that are signs of

attack system breaches and the propagation of malicious filesbull You take the necessary actions to remediate the threat(s)

Data collection

EDR collects data using endpoint activity recorders and with on-demand process and file dumps You configure datacollection policies that you apply to the endpoints during set up See the in-product help system for details about the datacollection setup and configuration

Filtering endpoint data

There are three ways to filter endpoint data

bull Using predefined quick filtersbull Creating a custom filterbull Manually constructing a filter using text that conforms to the Lucene query language

Quick Filters

Quick Filters are organized into categories based on specific areas of interest for instance file activity memory analysisand MITRE tactic


You can chain quick filters together to narrow the results using the AND and OR operators The filtered results update asyou add or remove filters To remove a quick filter hover over the filter and click the trash-can icon Click Clear to removeall filters

Custom filters

Custom filters use the syntax Field Operator Value The UI has a drop-down menu for Field selection Upon selecting afield the Operator drop-down menu provides the available operators you can select You then manually enter a value forthe selected field The filtered results are displayed as soon as you complete the query and click Apply

Text search


To construct a text-based filter click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

You can type directly into the query editor or paste an existing filter In either case the filter is constructed using theLucene Query Parser Syntax Some limitations apply See the topics listed below for details

Using text search

Lucene expression example

Query and filter operators by data type


Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement


Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response(EDR)EDR is designed to help you quickly detect threats to your network Threat hunting proceeds in three main steps

bull EDR collects data from your endpointsbull You filter the endpoint data to find indicators of compromise (IOCs) IOCs are the events and actions that are signs of

attack system breaches and the propagation of malicious filesbull You take the necessary actions to remediate the threat(s)

Data collection

EDR collects data using endpoint activity recorders and with on-demand process and file dumps You configure datacollection policies that you apply to the endpoints during set up See the in-product help system for details about the datacollection setup and configuration

Filtering endpoint data

There are three ways to filter endpoint data

bull Using predefined quick filtersbull Creating a custom filterbull Manually constructing a filter using text that conforms to the Lucene query language

Quick Filters

Quick Filters are organized into categories based on specific areas of interest for instance file activity memory analysisand MITRE tactic


You can chain quick filters together to narrow the results using the AND and OR operators The filtered results update asyou add or remove filters To remove a quick filter hover over the filter and click the trash-can icon Click Clear to removeall filters

Custom filters

Custom filters use the syntax Field Operator Value The UI has a drop-down menu for Field selection Upon selecting afield the Operator drop-down menu provides the available operators you can select You then manually enter a value forthe selected field The filtered results are displayed as soon as you complete the query and click Apply

Text search


To construct a text-based filter click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

You can type directly into the query editor or paste an existing filter In either case the filter is constructed using theLucene Query Parser Syntax Some limitations apply See the topics listed below for details

Using text search

Lucene expression example

Query and filter operators by data type


Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

You can chain quick filters together to narrow the results using the AND and OR operators The filtered results update asyou add or remove filters To remove a quick filter hover over the filter and click the trash-can icon Click Clear to removeall filters

Custom filters

Custom filters use the syntax Field Operator Value The UI has a drop-down menu for Field selection Upon selecting afield the Operator drop-down menu provides the available operators you can select You then manually enter a value forthe selected field The filtered results are displayed as soon as you complete the query and click Apply

Text search


To construct a text-based filter click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

You can type directly into the query editor or paste an existing filter In either case the filter is constructed using theLucene Query Parser Syntax Some limitations apply See the topics listed below for details

Using text search

Lucene expression example

Query and filter operators by data type


Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

To construct a text-based filter click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

You can type directly into the query editor or paste an existing filter In either case the filter is constructed using theLucene Query Parser Syntax Some limitations apply See the topics listed below for details

Using text search

Lucene expression example

Query and filter operators by data type


Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Finding threats

Finding threatsThe tables in this section provide filters for common threat activities and vulnerabilities

Table 1 Finding suspicious behaviors

Filter for Text-based filter

Command line arguments matching Regex Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Command_Line[REGEX]


example 1 Queryemail_addresssome

example 2 Queryemail_addresssome(one|place)

example 3 Query-command_name

The minus sign preceding the value inverts the query from include toexclude This query thus returns all documents that do not match the regexcommand_name

Unusual user logins or lateral movement Event_Type_Id8000 AND Device_Name[hostname]

Table 2 Finding suspicious processes

Filter for Text-based filter

Any instances of discovery tools on an endpoint Event_Type_Id8001 AND Process_Name( atexe Hostnameexe

tasklistexe netstatexe pingexe quserexe whoamiexe

ipconfigexe netexe )

Any powershellexe downloads Actor_File_Namepowershellexe AND ( Event_Type_Id8007 OR


Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 ) )

Any encoded PowerShell commands Process_Namepowershellexe AND Disposition1 AND

Process_Command_Line( -enc encoded )

Any Window Background Intelligent Transfer Service(BITS) transfers

Process_Namebitsadminexe AND

(Process_Command_Linetransfer OR


The processes that run from unusual locations Process_Nameexe AND Process_Folder-windows AND

Process_Folder-program AND Disposition1

The processes that run from the Recycle bin Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND



Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Filter for Text-based filter

The processes that run from User Profile file paths Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 AND



Any running service binaries that are not in the System32directory

( Event_Type_Id8001 AND

Disposition1 ) AND


servicesexe AND



Any instances of Svchost where the parent process is notservicesexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1



A specified service name Process_Name


AND Event_Type_Id8001

AND Disposition1

Any CreateService events Rule_Name

( eModifyExistingService eNewService )

Any non-System32 binaries running as a hosted service ( Registry_Value_Path




AND Registry_Value_NameServiceDll )

AND Registry_Value_Data-SYSTEM32

Attachments launched from Outlook that areassociated with one of the following document readerswinwordexe excelexe or POWERPNTexe

Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 AND

Actor_Command_Linecontentoutlook AND

Actor_File_Name(winwordexe powerpntexe excelexe)

Links opened from Outlook within a specific time frame Actor_File_Nameoutlookexe AND Process_Name( chromeexe

iexplorerexe firefoxexe )

Table 3 Finding suspicious network connections

Filter for Text-based filter

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connections on a specifiedendpoint

Event_Type_Id8007 AND ( Source_Port3389 OR

Destination_Port3389 ) AND Device_NameltHOSTNAMEgt

For enriched eventsRule_NameeRemoteDesktopProtocol AND



Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Table 4 Finding suspicious registry changes

Filter for Text-based filter

Display persistence (Run Key) AddsThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND Disposition1

ChangesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


DeletesThreat_Category_NameLoad Point Modification AND


Table 5 Finding attempts to discover vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 6 Finding compliance and configuration vulnerabilities

Filter for Text-based filter

Attempts to list users or groups usingnetexe commandsDisplay persistence (RunKey)

(Event_Type_Id8001 AND Disposition1 ) AND

Process_Namenetexe AND (Process_Command_Lineuser OR

Process_Command_Linegroup) AND


Table 7 Finding Java malware trojans and exploits

Filter for Text-based filter

JAR files written to AppData Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Namejar AND


Javaexe process thats writing executablefiles

Event_Type_Id8003 AND Disposition1 AND File_Family3 AND


Find the child process of whoamispawning under the Javaexe process

Actor_File_Namejavaexe AND Process_Namewhoamiexe

Table 8 Finding attempts to deliver malicious code

Filter for Text-based filter

A Word document attachment containing aclicked link followed by a browser download

Actor_File_Namewinwordexe AND Process_Namechromeexe


Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Table 9 Finding threat campaign activity

Filter for Text-based filter

The last 30 days of network connections toknown Dofoil

Event_Type_Id8007 AND Destination_IP( 13959208246

1302557390 313135232 )


Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Event Summary Type IDs

Event Summary Type IDsEvent Summary data is organized by type_id description For example if you are analyzing Vantage events this isrepresented in as 4113 Vantage Detection To learn more about Event Summary field descriptions see the Search FieldsReference Guide

Table 10 Type_ids

Event type and ID number Description1 Application Activity Reports status information about an application activity an end

user performed For example an administrator runs a databasesearch or endpoint search Or the administrator runs a commandline interface command (eg expand_storage)

20 User Session Audit Reports user logon and logoff activity at a management console ora managed client

21 Entity Audit Reports activity by a managed client a micro service or a userat a management console The activity can be a create updateand delete operation on a managed entity For example the Policyservice records policy change events the SEP client reports localpolicy changes and the policy administrator updates policies atthe console

238 Device Control Reports a device control disabled device239 Device Control Reports a buffer overflow event240 Device Control Reports software protection has thrown an exception502 Application Control Reports agent behavior events1000 System Health Reports any change to a components health which impacts

overall health of the appliance software or hardware Forexample DB Connection failuresuccess Low Disk or HighCPU

8000 Session Event Reports when a user attempts a log on or log off successfully orotherwise

8001 Process Event Reports when a process launches terminates or opens anotherprocess successful or otherwise

8002 Module Event Reports when a process loads or unloads amodule8003 File Event Reports operations on file system objects8004 Directory Event Reports operations on directories8005 Registry Key Event Reports actions on Windows registry keys8006 Registry Value Event Reports actions on Windows registry values8007 Network Event Reports attempted network connections successful or otherwise8009 Kernel Event Reports when an actor process creates reads or deletes a kernel

object8080 Session Query Result Reports information on existing user sessions8081 Process Query Result Reports information on a running process


8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

8082 Module Query Result Reports information on loaded modules8083 File Query Result Reports information on file system objects8084 Directory Query Result Reports directory information8085 Registry Key Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry keys8086 Registry Value Query Result Reports information on Windows Registry values8089 Kernel Object Query Result Reports information on kernel objects8090 Service Query Result Reports information service queries8099 Query Command Errors Reports information on EOC (Evidence of Compromise Query

command errors8103 File Remediation Reports information on file system objects8119 File Remediation Errors Reports information on errors that result from an EOC (Evidence

of Compromise) file remediation action


Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Quick Filter Description

Quick filter descriptionsQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Events quick filter groupsare the event types such as Security Technology Detections Malicious Activity and File Activity

Search Database Events quick filters

The following table lists the quick filters that are available in the Add Filter pop-up dialog on the Database Events searchpage

Table 11 Database Events quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionSecurity Technology Detections The filters in this group display the events the chosen detection

technology detectsSONAR detection Lists the events that SONAR (Symantec Online Network for

Advanced Response) detects SONAR is a real-time protectionthat detects potentially malicious applications when they run onyour computers SONAR provides zero-day protection becauseit detects threats before traditional virus and spyware detectiondefinitions have been created to address the threats

Sandbox Detection Lists the events that sandboxing-detection technology such asCynic and Malware Analysis detects Sandboxing refers to runningpotentially dangerous files and in a functionally isolated computingenvironment to analyze them for malicious behavior

Insight Detection Lists the events that Insight detects Insight is the Symantecreputation database with reputation intelligence on over 8 billionfiles This service gathers information about Windows executablefiles

Vantage Detection Lists the events that Vantage detects Vantage is the Symantecdetection engine that finds threats in the network stream Vantagedetects malicious activity on an endpoint or Vantage signature-based threats that are found in the network environment

Antivirus Detection Lists the events that antivirus software detectsEmail - Not Blocked Lists the malicious emails that are delivered to a users InboxMalicious Event Lists the events exhibiting malicious behaviorCommercial Blacklist The filters in this group display the blacklisted items from a user-

generated or commercial blacklistBlacklist Detection Lists the items that your own blacklist (user blacklist) blocksDeepSight Enriched Events Lists the events that are blocked based on DeepSight Enriched

Events DeepSight is a Symantec technology that uses a globalwarning threat detection system to aggregate threat informationinto a central database Enriched Events refers to events forwhich DeepSight provides additional forensic information

DAI Detections Lists the events that Dynamic Adversary Intelligence (DAI)detects DAI is a Symantec feed that provides detailed informationabout the attackers that conduct targeted attacks


Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Machine Learning The filters in this group display files that the selected machine-learning technology identifies

Criterion Lists the items that the Criterion machine-learning engine detectsCriterion detects files in the gray region between known good andknown bad In this range Criterion detects the files that are morelikely to be malicious

Sapient Lists the items that the Sapient machine-learning engine detectsSapient (Advanced Machine Learning) can detect malwarebased on static attributes This technology enables SymantecEndpoint Protection to detect malware in the pre-execution phasethereby stopping large classes of malware both known andunknown

File Activity Quick filters in this group display the files that are associated withthe selected file activity

Signed File Lists the signed and trusted files within the environmentFile Create Lists the file creation events within the environmentFile Delete Lists the file deletion events within the environmentSuspicious Activity Quick filters in this group display suspicious activity by the chosen

activity typeUnsigned File Lists the files that are unsigned or signed but not trustedSONAR Behaviors Lists the SONAR-based information regarding changes or

behaviors on the endpoints in your environment that you shouldmonitor

PE launched from CLI Lists Portable Executable (PE) files that are launched from acommand line interface

Endpoint Recording Behaviors Lists the instances where endpoint recording has taken place onone or more endpoints

Process Injection Lists the instances of process injection Process injection is acollection of techniques that runs code within the address space ofanother process and are generally considered malicious detectsthree types of file injectionbull Remote Shell code executionbull Reflective DLL injectionbull Interception of Windows messages

Estate Statistics Quick Filters in this group display files that typically should not bein the C Windows directories

Unsigned PE in system Lists unsigned or signed but untrusted Portable Executable (PE)files in Windows system folders

PE in temp Lists Portable Executable (PE) processes run from the WindowsTemp folders

Non-system files in system Lists the non-system files in Windows system foldersPersistence Quick filters in this group display persistent load point activity on

computers in the environmentLoad Point Lists the persistent behavior at computer load points For instance

fileless persistence techniques using JScript or VBS in theWindows Registry


Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Dual-use Tools Detections Dual-use tools refer to tools that can be used legitimately but areoften used maliciously These include the followingbull Microsoft PowerShellbull Mimikatzbull PsExec

PowerShell Launch Lists the instances of PowerShell launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

Suspicious Process Launch Lists the instances of suspicious processes that are launched onone or more computers in the environment

Memory Analysis Filters in this group display the results from the technologies thatdetect malicious use of computer memory to exploit vulnerabilities

Proactive Exploit Prevention Lists the instances where Proactive Exploit Prevention preventsexploits from several malicious behaviors that are commontrademarks of zero-day attacks For instancebull Blocking any attempt to disable the Java Security Managerbull Heap spray preventionbull Protection against overwriting of the Structured Exception


Office Applications Filters in this group display the events that are often associatedwith the attacks that leverage Microsoft Office applications

Process Launch Lists the instances of processes that are launched on one or morecomputers in the environment

PE Creation Lists the instances where a Portable Executable (PE) is createdPE Injection Lists the instances where a PE is injected into the address space

of another processMITRE Tactic Filters in this group display the events that are often associated

with the attack methods defined in the MITRE ATTampCK Matrix Formore information see httpsattackmitreorg

Initial Access Initial Access techniques include targeted spearphishing andexploiting weaknesses on public-facing web servers For moreinformation see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0001

Execution Execution techniques result in malicious code running on alocal or remote system For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0002

Persistence Persistence techniques allow an attacker to keep access tosystems after an interruption such as a reboot or accountchanges For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0003

Privilege Escalation Privilege Escalation techniques are used to gain high-levelpermissions on a system or network For more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0004

Defense Evasion Defense Evasion techniques are used to avoid detection during anattack For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0005

Credential Access Credential Access techniques are used to steal accountcredentials For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0006

Discovery Discovery techniques are used to obtain information about thesystem and internal network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0007


Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Lateral Movement Lateral Movement techniques are used to enter and controlremote systems on a network An attacker uses these techniquesto explore the network For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0008

Collection Collection techniques gather information relevant to completingthe attackers goals For more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0009

Exfiltration Exfiltration techniques are used to steal data from your networkFor more information see httpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0010

Command and Control Command and Control techniques are used to communicate withsystems under an attackers controlFor more information seehttpsattackmitreorgtacticsTA0011

Search Database Entities quick filtersQuick filters let you rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to search results Database Entities quick filters groupsare the entity status types such as Disposition Entity and Endpoint State The following table lists the Quick filters thatare available on the Database Entities search page

Table 12 Database Entities quick filters

Quick filter escriptionDisposition This group of filters displays results based on the chosen file

dispositionGood Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = GoodBad Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = BadSuspicious Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = SuspiciousUnknown Lists the files that are flagged with disposition = UnknownEntity This group of filters displays results based on the chosen entity

typeEndpoint Lists the endpoint entitiesFile Lists the file entitiesDomain Lists the domain entitiesEnrollment This group of filters displays results based on EDR statusEnrolled The client is enrolled with EDR 20In Progress s in the process of provisioning the device for enrollmentAuthentication Pending inished provisioning the client for enrollment and sent the logon

credentials to waits for the client authentication process tocomplete so the enrollment process can finish

Unenrolled The client had been enrolled with EDR but it has subsequentlybeen unenrolled

Unsupported This status can appear in any one of the following situationsbull The client is running an older version of which does not meet

the minimum version requirement For EDR enrollment theminimum supported version is SEP140 RU1

bull This status can also mean that the endpoint entity is createdfrom EDRN traffic So it doesnt have associated endpointdetails

bull The client operating system is not Windows (eg Mac)


Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Endpoint State This group of filters displays results based on the activity state ofthe Symantec Endpoint Protection client

Not isolated Lists the endpoint clients that are activeIsolated Lists the endpoint clients that are not active

Search Endpoint quick filtersQuick filters allow you to rapidly select and apply commonly used filters to the search results Endpoint quick filters aregrouped by Status and Type The following table lists lists the quick Filters that are available on the Endpoint searchpage

Table 13 Endpoint quick filters

Quick filter DescriptionStatus This group displays search results based on search statusIn Progress Lists the live and recorder searches that are in progressCompleted Lists the live and recorder searches that are completedError Lists the live and recorder searches that returned one or more

errorsType This group displays items based on search typeEndpoint Search Lists the endpoint searchesFull Dump Lists full dump searchesProcess Dump Lists process dump searches


Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Creating and using text-based filters

Using text searchYou can manually create a search query using the industry-standard httpsluceneapacheorgcore2_9_4queryparsersyntaxhtml Some limits apply

Lucene expression examples

To open the query editor click on the ltgt icon to the right of the Time Range label

To help you save time when you start typing a field name into the query builder the search engine looks ahead and startslisting fields according to the characters you enter

List of search fields


Each search field has a specific data type such as boolean text integer etc The operators you can use varyby the field data type

Query and filter operators by data type

For text type search fields you can use tokens

In the query builder if you enter the text type field followed by a then the option token is listed


Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Select the token and enter the token value to complete the search

Syntax Fieldtokenvalue

For example Actor_App_Nametokentest_app

Here the token value used is test_app

For more information on search fields refer to the article httpssupportsymanteccomusenarticleDOC11605html

You can also search for events by just entering the values youre looking for (without event types field names etc) Forexample a search for chromeexe events from device abc-client is chromeexe AND abc-client

Be aware of the following

bull Term types There are two kinds of terms single terms and phrases Use double quotes () around phrases and wordsthat contain special characters

bull Wildcards The single character wildcard is used within a term to replace a single letter For instance tet returnstest and text The multiple character wildcard is used to replace 0 or more characters For instance test returns testtests and tester


You cant use a or symbol as the first character in a query


The following characters must be escaped [ ] ( ) ldquo ~

File name search examples

What to search for Text Filter

Files names File_PathCwindowssystem32cmdexeFile name search using wildcards File_PathCwindowssystem32File name with any drive letter File_Pathwindowssystem32File names containing space File_Pathcprogram filessymantec


What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

What to search for Text Filter

File name search using regex Specify_regex_within_forward_slashes

Note You can specify the entire Windows file path within the regex query

Filtering events

Filtering incidents

Lucene expression examplesThe following examples are organized by operator gt field data type


Data type

bull Boolean- Boolean_Fieldtrue Boolean_Fieldfalsebull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- free_form_text_to_search

Not equals

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldint_valuebull IP- IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6bull Long- Long_Fieldlong_valbull String- text- String_Fieldstring_valuebull Enum- Enum_Fieldenum_valuebull MD5- MD5_Fieldmd5_valuebull SHA2- SHA2_Fieldsha2_valuebull SHA1- SHA1_Fieldsha1_valuebull Free-form search- Not supported

Is one of

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Field(int_value_1 int_value_2 )bull IP- IP_Field(ipv4_or_ipv6_1 ipv4_or_ipv6_2 )bull Long- Long_Field(long_val_1 long_val_2 )bull String text- String_Field(string_value_1 string_value_2 )bull Enum- Enum_Field(enum_value_1 enum_value_2 )bull MD5- MD5_Field(md5_value_1 md5_value_2 )bull SHA2- SHA2_Field(sha2_value_1 sha2_value_2 )bull SHA1- SHA1_Field(sha1_value_1 sha1_value_2 )bull Free-form search- Not supported

Is between

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Field [epoc_millis_from TO epoc_millis_to]bull Integer- Integer_Field[int_value_from TO int_value_to]bull IP- IP_Field[ipv4_or_ipv6_from TO IP_Fieldipv4_or_ipv6_to]bull Long- Long_Field[long_val_from TO long_val_to]bull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgtepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgtint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgtlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than

Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldltepoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldltint_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldltlong_valbull String text- NAbull Enum-NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Greater than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- Date_Fieldgt=epoc_millisbull Integer- Integer_Fieldgt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldgt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not supported

Less than or equal to

Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- Integer_Fieldlt=int_valuebull IP- NAbull Long- Long_Fieldlt=long_valbull String text- NAbull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search- Not Supported


Data type


bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text

ndash String_Fieldprefix

ndash String_Fieldsuffix

ndash String_Fieldcontains_characters

ndash String_FieldOne_Characer

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search

ndash prefix

ndash suffix

ndash contains_characters

ndash One_Characer


Data type

bull Boolean- NAbull Date- NAbull Integer- NAbull IP- NAbull Long- NAbull String text- String_FieldRegex


Regex is supported as per this httpswwwelasticcoguideenelasticsearchreference64query-dsl-regexp-queryhtml Regex that searches for word digit using w d etc is not supported The anchor characters ^ and$ are not supported

bull Enum- NAbull MD5- NAbull SHA2- NAbull SHA1- NAbull Free-form search-Not supported

Query and filter operators by data type

Using text search

List of search fields

Query and filter operators by data typeEach field that you can search or filter by has a specific data type such as boolean date text etc The operators youcan use when creating queries and filters vary by the data type The following table lists the data types and the availableoperators for each type


List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

List of search fields

Table 14 Available operators by data type

Data Type EqualsNot

equals Is one ofIs

between Less thanGreater

thanLess thanor equals

Greaterthan orequals Wildcard Matches

Boolean YDate Y Y Y Y Y

Integer Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YIP Y Y Y Y

Long Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YString Y Y Y Y Y

Text Y Y Y Y YEnum Y Y Y


NOTEIn the Text filter the Equals operator does not show results if you specify a value with double quotes You canuse the Regex or wildcard to search in the text filter view to narrow down the search results

Using text search

Filtering events

Filtering incidents


Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement

Copyright statement

Broadcom the pulse logo Connecting everything and Symantec are among the trademarks of Broadcom

The term ldquoBroadcomrdquo refers to Broadcom Inc andor its subsidiaries For more information please visitwwwbroadcomcom

Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliabilityfunction or design Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable However Broadcom doesnot assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information nor the application or use of any product orcircuit described herein neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others


  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement
  • Threat Hunting Guide
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
    • Hunting threats with Symantec Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
      • Finding threats
        • Finding threats
          • Event Summary Type IDs
            • Event Summary Type IDs
              • Quick Filter Description
                • Quick filter descriptions
                • Search Database Entities quick filters
                • Search Endpoint quick filters
                  • Creating and using text-based filters
                    • Using text search
                    • Lucene expression examples
                    • Query and filter operators by data type
                      • Copyright statement
