Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated · and the National Federation of Republican Women...


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With New Vi s i on

Affiliated with the California Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women

January, February, March EDITION 1 2018 - !st Qtr



Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated

PRESIDENT Beatrice Restifo 805-230-2919

1st V.P. (PROGRAMS) Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839

2nd V.P. (MEMBERSHIP) Ann Shires


3rd V.P. (WAYS & MEANS) Patrice Barlow



Connie Malmuth 805-498-2729






Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839


Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839

Marsha Llanes-Thibodeau

Santa, Natasha Trenev, Larry Elder, Beatrice Restifo at the Lake Sherwood Country Club, Dove Release

Photos by B. Restifo

October, Novemner, December EDITION 4 2018 - 4th Qtr.

October, November, December Edition 4 2018 4th Qtr. A DIAMOND AWARD WINNING CLUB SINCE 1960

You are cordially invited to attend our

Annual Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon “Beacon of Light Awards”

Thursday, December 6, 2018 10:30 A.M. Reception & Boutiques Noon Luncheon & Program Sherwood Country Club 240 West Stafford Road Thousand Oaks, CA.,91361 Information Invitation to follow

With New Vi s i on

Affiliated with the California Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women

January, February, March EDITION 1 2018 - !st Qtr



Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated

PRESIDENT Beatrice Restifo 805-230-2919

1st V.P. (PROGRAMS) Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839

2nd V.P. (MEMBERSHIP) Ann Shires


3rd V.P. (WAYS & MEANS) Patrice Barlow



Connie Malmuth 805-498-2729






Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839


Cav. Rosemary Licata 818-889-4839

Marsha Llanes-Thibodeau

Santa, Natasha Trenev, Larry Elder, Beatrice Restifo at the Lake Sherwood Country Club, Dove Release

Photos by B. Restifo


Disclaimer: All information transmitted through the TORWF newsletter is for information only. Nothing is to be considered a position or endorsement by TORWF or its membership. No information supplied will be used for other than TORWF, CFRW or NFRW business.

President’s Message The year 2017 has been another very special one for TORWF. We have been closely following our President and how he has been true to his campaign promises in many ways, even with the congress’ slow progress. At this writing he has been able to get his Tax Reform and Tax Reduction Bill passed in both houses without one Democrat vote. He has tenacity, endurance, perseverance, patience and overcomes all the negative news. We must do whatever we can to keep telling the “good news” and the many accomplishments he has already made even before a full year in office.

Next year we will have crucial elections for local, Assembly, governor and congressional offices. We will have opportunities to meet the candidates at our meetings and present a candidate forum later in the year. This is the time to educate ourselves on each candidate’s history and views. The election of President Donald J. Trump gives us a clue in California: are there enough people disillusioned with the liberals in Sacramento who increase huge gas taxes with no thought to how it effects the working people, over spend with no accounting for what they do, enrich themselves, with a pension system underfunded, students graduating from high schools with D averages and barely can read. We need to find these people and get them registered to vote Republican. We have 2 candidates for governor and we need to support which ever one is on the ballot against the Democrat. Remember we are up against the system of the top 2 get on the ballot after a primary even if they are from the same party. There is an effort to reverse this system and we will be hearing more about it is subsequent weeks. With a primary in June and election in November, we have our work cut out for us. Please make time to help in voter registration commencing in February.

I want to thank and congratulate our 2016 Executive Officers, Committee Chairs, all members for their contributions of time, ideas, support, attendance and participation in our events. You make it all worthwhile.

This year’s programs included Abe Lincoln Comes To Visit; A.J. Wammack as Lincoln; as well as The titanic Exhibit Presentation with Randle C. W. Swan, Supervisory Curator at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library; From Darkness to Triumph, with Vicki Drummond, the Alabama Republican Committee Women; The Trump Doctrine, with Pepperdine Professor Dr. Robert Kaufman; Secrets of a C.I.A. Agent with retired agent Bob Dougherty; Heroes of World War 11 featuring several World War 11 veterans, Michael Reagan and his team showed their film Heroes of World War 11 filmed in Normandy; Our Constitution with Professor Dr. Gordon Lloyd in partnership with Anthony Pennay of the Walter and Leonore Annenberg Presidential Learning center at the Ronald Regan Library; From the Gulag to Freedom we featured our members Dr. Sigrid Weidenweber and Marilyn Fordney; The Annual Beacon of Light Award Gala Christmas Holiday Luncheon at the Sherwood Country Club honoring Humanitarian Award winner Entrepreneur Natasha Trenev and Freedom award winner radio show host Larry Elder. Se p[age 6 and 7 for full review.

Thank you and congratulations to the 2018 Executive Officers who have retained their positions along with me as President. First Vice President Rosemary Licata, Second Vice President Ann Shires, Third Vice President Patrice Barlow, Recording secretary Connie Malmuth, Corresponding Secretary, Anne Hetu, and Treasurer Isa Kendall. They are all dedicated women and we all appreciate all your time, dedication and efficiency. Let us keep our eye on the future we desire, in the America we cherish, for the family we love, and the faith we profess.

Donald Trump tells us: No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach. Beatrice Restifo, President

TORWF STANDING COMMITTEES Americanism: Susan Morrison International Outreach: Debby Chang Campaign, Precinct, & Voter Registration: Rosemary Licata Legislation: Marilyn Fordney Caring For America: Ann Shires Literacy: Nada Wall Chaplain: Isa Kendall Support The Troops: Christina Ning Community Outreach: Julie Prince Women In Business: Susan Patena Facebook: Carola DeLong Youth & Scholarship: Patrice Barlow

We are passionately supporting our Republican candidates locally, state, and nationally. It is critical to maintain the House of Representatives and the U. S. Senate so the policies and legislation that President Donald Trump has on his agenda can be fulfilled. It seems many that were not on Trump’s side are beginning to embrace his ideas. His like poll numbers are rising We can help by being aware of candidates in other areas that we can help with phone call support, word of mouth and financially. It is so important to be aware of local candidates, for example school boards and city councils as there are factions that do not have the citizen’s interests at heart but are leaning very liberally. Several local conservative news sources are: Internet and delivered The Voice Newspaper; Internet Citizens Journal.US, Internet Craig Huey Report. Nationwide outlets – Heritage,; web sites of the candidates; CFRW and NFRW web pages, talk radio such as Mark Levi, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, John Batchelor, Larry Elder, Laura Ingraham. It is our obligation as you all do to GET OUT THE VOTE. WE CAN WIN THIS IF WE GET REPUBLICANS TO VOTE. Our past meetings shown in this edition were great events. Thank you to all who participated. We are very grateful for all your continued support. Thank you all for your membership. As of October 1st when 2018 membership concluded, we maintained our membership at just over 100% for the year and already have several new members for 2019. Congratulations!! We also thank our Associate members who have given us so much encouragement and support. Thank you also to the many members who have been sponsors for events such as the Constitution Day at the Ronald Reagan Library. We encourage family members to participate in events and campaigning for our Republican candidates. We also are pleased that our student who attended the YAF High School Conference in Santa Barbara this summer found it so exhilarating that she is using all that she learned to convert liberal students in her school. Our member Linda Wright home schools her grandson Logan who attended and helped at the Peggy Grande event. It is never too early to start our children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews on the path of conservative ideas. They are so challenged in their schools with liberal ideas that we must begin early at home and continue through adulthood.

Save the Date of Thursday, December 6th to attend our annual Christmas Holiday Gala “Beacon of Light Award” Luncheon at the Sherwood Country Club when we honor exemplary people. Your Executive Officers have accepted the challenge to remain in office for 2019 and I thank them profusely for their time, dedication, and support. You are welcome to join any committee. Contact me at any time to volunteer: The nest two years will be very busy getting President Trump re-elected. Remember as the NFRW states the 5 W’s: WHEN WOMEN WORK WE WIN!!

Lt-Rst: Logan Karas, Peggy Grande, Linda Wright – Photo by B. Restifo TORWF STANDING COMMITTEES Americanism: Susan Morrison International Outreach: Debby Chang Campaign, Precinct & Voter Registration: Rosemary Licata Literacy: Carole Hunter & Mardi Douglas Caring For America: Ann Shires Women in Business: Susan Patena Chaplain: Isa Kendall Youth & Scholarship: Patrice Barlow Facebook Carola Delong Disclaimer: All information transmitted through the TORWF Newsletter if for information only. Nothing is to be considered a position or endorsement by TORWF or its membership. No information supplied will be used for other than TORWF, CFRW, or NFEW business.

Future Events Thursday, January 18, 2018 help us toast the one year anniversary of the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence at a hosted gathering when we invite members, new and prospective members, to join our group. Details of time and place to follow.

We will be hosting a candidate forum for local and congressional offices. Information to follow. Your program chair, Rosemary Licata is planning a very busy, exiting year. Please inform us at of any changes in postal address or email. Information is also on Facebook. This is a good time to update your information for Facebook email to: in order to get onto our club page. Carola Delong will contact you regarding Facebook.


California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) is planning their Winter Conference Board of directors Meeting Friday-Sunday, February 9-11, 2018 at the Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA. All Republican Women are invited. Speakers and work shops are interesting and educational, a great chance to meet women from our state. Registration will begin in January. View the site for details.

National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Board of Directors will meet at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA., Thursday – Saturday, March 22-24, 2018. The meeting is open to all club members. The spring meeting usually includes Legislation Day, a chance to go to Capitol Hill to meet and hear Republican members of Congress. This year is crucial to get our views across to our representatives. The 2018 NFRW elected Executive Officers are:

President- Jody Rushton Texas 1st Vice President Michelle Buckwalter-Schurman, Illinois 2nd Vice President Eileen Sobjack, Washington 3rd Vice President Julie Harris, Arkansas 4th Vice President Ann Schockett, New York Secretary Frances Taylor, Alabama Treasurer Vanessa La Franco, New Jersey

TORWF received the Diamond Award, a special recognition from NFRW for our efforts during 2016 and 2017, The Diamond Award is awarded for work in numerous categories such as Caring For America, Literacy, Voter Registration Campaign efforts to elect Republicans to office, programs, and all the things we do as a group. The aggregate hours of each member are recorded and a detailed report is submitted before their NFRW biannual convention. Your efforts are so appreciated to help us maintain our Diamond Club status over the years. Please continue to join a committee, let us know what special work you are doing in the community, etc. This all adds up to a very active, compassionate, dedicated group of women and men. Many thanks to all Committee Chairs and committee members who have given their time and expertise in so many ways.

Some of the other awards we received during 2016-2017 are: First Place Voter Registration Category 4 Special Recognition CFRW registering 496 voters 2016 First Place Most New Member Award Category 4-CFRW Southern Division Second Place percent of Increase New Members Ventura County Category 4 Special Recognition for Caring For America projects


Civic Duty

Registering Voters Promoting Republican Candidates TORWF has been registering voters many weeks from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Oaks Mall since before the Primary Election in June. There were many opportunities to speak one on one with voters encouraging them to vote, giving information on our candidates, explaining the registration process and voting. There are many citizens who are not aware of the procedures and their responsibility as a citizen. It is very encouraging to have first time, young voters. This is an opportune time to display and dispense candidate’s literature and speak on their behalf. Many of our members are assisting in campaigns with phone calls, walks, volunteering in headquarters, etc. Every moment counts. You can volunteer even the last few days, attend their forums, donate where you can, speak to friends, relatives and people you meet. Many thanks to long serving members who have volunteered to help at the Mall: Olga Belyanskly, Carola Delong, Connie Malmuth, Beatrice Restifo and new members who have volunteered; Lydia Dubberke, Phyllis Pearson and Kathy Upchurch. Rosemary Licata, Campaign, Precinct, & Voter Registration Chair Adopt-A-Poll Election Day, November 6, 2018 TORWF will be staffing and in charge of the precinct at Lang Ranch Elementary School, Thousand Oaks on Election Day which we have been doing for the past several years. This pivotal, mid-term November 6th election is crucial for the future of our country. Much is held in the balance and we are thankful and most appreciative that we have our faithful members assisting that day: Olga Belyansky Rosemary Licata Beatrice Restifo Debby Chang Connie Malmuth Karen Rusch Carola Delong Lena Pacifici, Inspector Dwight Teske Bill Johnston Bob Puccio Joan Teske Rosemary Licata, Campaign, Precinct, Voter Registration Chair

Caring For America

Our team Sweet Walking Women will again participate in the annual American Cancer Society Strides Against Breast Cancer on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the Civic Arts Center, 1200 thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks. Check in is 8:00 A.M. Program to honor survivors, warm up and then walk 5 K. After the walk there will be a complimentary pancake breakfast sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. Donate and sign in at American Cancer Society/strides against breast cancer, Thousand Oaks, Ca. Click on donate and enter your amount and information. Everyone knows someone who has had breast cancer. There have been great achievements in early detection, treatment and cures. Let us continue to help with even better research and treatment. TORWF continues in other projects in the community such as James Storehouse.

C i v i c E n g a g e m e n t


Civic Engagement Beginning in February we will resume Voter Registration at the Oaks Mall. Let us maintain our First Place Record of highest number of registrations in category 4 with 75-109 members as well as winner of the California Federation Republican Women, Southern Division Voter Registration Award. We were the only club in Ventura County to achieve this distinction. The New Year 2018 will be an extremely important election year. Competition will be fierce for all elected offices around the country. We must be extremely alert and properly informed discounting the “fake news” and false information. Our aim is to maintain a Republican majority in the House and Senate. This is crucial for President Trump to continue to implement his agenda. In our area we will be electing local council members, House of Representatives and Governor. Please make some time to join Voter Registration at the Oaks Mall, Saturdays, Noon to 4:00 P.M. and say yes when I call to schedule. It is a very satisfying effort and fun. Rosemary Licata – Voter Registration Chair 805-377-4510


The American flag, “The star-Spangled Banner, “America the Beautiful,” “Hail to the Chief,” military uniforms, Air Force One, the Supreme Court in robes, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Statue of Liberty, and our majestic national bird, the bald eagle-all are familiar representations of the United States.

Although Benjamin Franklin campaigned for the adoption of the wild turkey instead, the bald eagle has been a symbol of our country since 1782 when the Second Continental Congress adopted it as our national bird. This majestic eagle represents the ideal qualities of strength, determination, boldness, faithfulness, and freedom. It is prominent on the great Seal of the United States of America, the presidential seal, many of our coins, and when adopted, was thought to be unique to North America, thus “our” bird. For our organization, the bald eagle is particularly meaningful as it is central to our motto, “Soaring Like an Eagle with New Vision.” We are inspired by its familiar presence as a representative emblem of the Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated.

Eagles mate for life and each year produce between one and three eggs, with two being most common. They proudly soar to stunning heights as they survey their environment. They are commonly seen soaring or protecting their nests on a cruise through the inside Passage going toward Alaska. Huge in size and wing span, their sharp eyesight. hooked beak, and sharp talons are ideal for catching fish or small animals, their usual foods. We can be proud of this majestic symbol of our country and the ideals for which it stands. Susan Morrison, Americanism Chair Legislation Additional Note: For 2017-2018, the American Tort Reform Foundation labels California as second worst “judicial hellhole”. The states and cities rank as follows: Florida, California, St. Louis, MO., New York City’s Asbestos Litigation Court, Philadelphia, New Jersey, Madison and Cook Counties in Illinois, and Louisiana. The California Citizens Against Law Abuse ties California’s dismal ranking to trial lawyers who the organization says, “routinely write large campaign checks to state legislators.” The money, they said, is intended to ensure that more laws are enacted that will make it easier for attorneys to sue businesses. This information is from Marianne Marino, Director of California Citizens Against Law Abuse. Her group lobbies Sacramento legislators annually regarding improper legislation to hurt businesses and citizens and has meetings in different areas to inform citizens and business owners of their rights and ways to prevent frivolous lawsuits. For more information go to Marilyn Fordney, Legislation Chair

Civic Duty

Registering Voters Promoting Republican Candidates TORWF has been registering voters many weeks from 12:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Oaks Mall since before the Primary Election in June. There were many opportunities to speak one on one with voters encouraging them to vote, giving information on our candidates, explaining the registration process and voting. There are many citizens who are not aware of the procedures and their responsibility as a citizen. It is very encouraging to have first time, young voters. This is an opportune time to display and dispense candidate’s literature and speak on their behalf. Many of our members are assisting in campaigns with phone calls, walks, volunteering in headquarters, etc. Every moment counts. You can volunteer even the last few days, attend their forums, donate where you can, speak to friends, relatives and people you meet. Many thanks to long serving members who have volunteered to help at the Mall: Olga Belyanskly, Carola Delong, Connie Malmuth, Beatrice Restifo and new members who have volunteered; Lydia Dubberke, Phyllis Pearson and Kathy Upchurch. Rosemary Licata, Campaign, Precinct, & Voter Registration Chair Adopt-A-Poll Election Day, November 6, 2018 TORWF will be staffing and in charge of the precinct at Lang Ranch Elementary School, Thousand Oaks on Election Day which we have been doing for the past several years. This pivotal, mid-term November 6th election is crucial for the future of our country. Much is held in the balance and we are thankful and most appreciative that we have our faithful members assisting that day: Olga Belyansky Rosemary Licata Beatrice Restifo Debby Chang Connie Malmuth Karen Rusch Carola Delong Lena Pacifici, Inspector Dwight Teske Bill Johnston Bob Puccio Joan Teske Rosemary Licata, Campaign, Precinct, Voter Registration Chair

Caring For America

Our team Sweet Walking Women will again participate in the annual American Cancer Society Strides Against Breast Cancer on Saturday, October 27, 2018 at the Civic Arts Center, 1200 thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks. Check in is 8:00 A.M. Program to honor survivors, warm up and then walk 5 K. After the walk there will be a complimentary pancake breakfast sponsored by the local Kiwanis Club. Donate and sign in at American Cancer Society/strides against breast cancer, Thousand Oaks, Ca. Click on donate and enter your amount and information. Everyone knows someone who has had breast cancer. There have been great achievements in early detection, treatment and cures. Let us continue to help with even better research and treatment. TORWF continues in other projects in the community such as James Storehouse.


The Importance of Your Vote: One Makes All the Difference Political, peer, or societal pressure is often applied to test one’s convictions, especially how one votes. Your single vote does count and, especially in an election year, the idea of one vote making all the difference is a theme that often appears in the traditional media and on the Internet. Here are some popular historical examples of that theme. It has been said (and often repeated) that in 1795, save for a single vote, Congress almost approved German as our national language. Another example of the importance of one vote states that Texas was admitted to the Union by one vote. A third example is that Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party by one vote. All three of these examples are fallacies…but they persist along with others designed to shock or at least pique your interest. Here are some truthful instances where a single vote did make all the difference: *One vote made Thomas Jefferson president of the Electoral College. *The War of 1812 was brought about by a series of events that were based on a single vote. *Andrew Johnson, President Abraham Lincoln’s vice president and upon Lincoln’s death, his successor, retained the office of U. S. President by one vote. Whereas a vote to make German our official language never took place; Texas was admitted to the union by two votes (and the decision had to be confirmed by the Texas congress); and Hitler became the dictator and leader of the Nazi Party by an overwhelming vote for him with a single vote against, in such a charged political atmosphere as the one we live in today, one vote—your vote—can, and will make all the difference. Thoughtfully exercise that privilege.

Support Our Troops

As the holidays are getting closer. Everyone please show appreciation and respect to our great military. If you see them greet them with a smile, say hello, and even say thank you. Without the military and their hard work we wouldn't have this great freedom. And don't forget to vote November 6th!A military or overseas voter has the right to register for, and to vote by, a vote by mail ballot in any California election, including any general, special, or primary election for any federal or statewide office or state ballot measure, as well as in any local contest held in the California precinct in which the voter was a resident when they last lived within the territorial limits of the U.S. or D. C. or for a citizen born outside of the U. S., in the California precinct in which the citizen's parents or legal guardian resided when the parent or legal guardian last lived within the territorial limits of the U.S. or D.C. Here is the website to register to vote in California This website also gives information to California military and overseas voters If you cannot or do not wish to register online you may complete the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), Civilian overseas voters can obtain an FPCA at any U. S. embassy or consulate. To get more information such as mailing and answers to frequently asked questions go to .Everyone please vote! It is one of the greatest privileges and freedom we have in this great country! Lauren Sanders Sutton

*********************************************** Pete Person, Dean of Pepperdine University School of Publican Policy presented the school’s annual celebration of Constitution Day on September 18, 2018 at the Malibu Campus featuring William E. Simon presenting ‘Making Freedom Last: The Role of Religion in Sustaining Our Republic.’ The founders were concerned as to how we could maintain our Republic. Mr. Simon who has written extensively on this subject spoke of this great experiment and the founders’ belief in democracy. He posits: Liberty needs virtue, morality, to freedom of religion, to faith. As faith goes in America so goes Freedom.


Caring For America

As Chair of Caring For America, Ann Shires has brought us a CFRW commendation for efforts in providing homeless women with purses filled with needed items; organizing with Carola Delong and their Sweet Walking Women team’s participation in the annual American Cancer Society Strides Against Breast Cancer; and at our Beacon of Light Award Luncheon in December members and guests donated hundreds of items and gift cards for the abandoned and abused teen girls at Maryvale Residence and Treatment Center. Member Susan Frazier has volunteered at Maryvale for over 30 years to support these girls with outside trips, gift cards and general help on their road to a better life. We also are participating in the Prayer Shawl project begun by member Gina Conti where women knit or crochet shawls, prayed over and given to people during illness. They also knit hats and scarfs for the military who thankfully use the hats under their helmets and the scarfs around their necks under their heavy uniforms.

International Outreach

Meetings initiated by Debby Chang are being held periodically with the Asian American Community to inform them of the procedure to register to vote, and the importance of remaining informed of current and pending legislation and candidates and to vote. Debby invites special guests to speak to the group including Ventura County Clerk Recorder, Registrar of Voters Mark A. Lunn who was well received by the participants. Debby Chang, Christina Ning, Rosemary Licata, and Beatrice Restifo attended the invitation only elegant reception introducing the new Consul General Zhang Ping from the Peoples Republic of China for Los Angeles. The Consul General has been at this Consulate before and has previously served in Washington D.C. It is important to maintain contact with this office as China is in the forefront of the news regarding trade, cultural exchange and, for their contact with our allies in the Asian region. Debby Chang continues in her unique position as International Outreach Chair.


TORWF has donated a one year Smithsonian Magazine subscription to St. Patrick Day School, Thousand Oaks, plus Nada Walls, Literacy Chair has arranged donation of several books to their library. We were able to arrange J. P. Wammack as President Lincoln’s visit to the school’s 5th grade class in February. President Lincoln is always a hit with the students, especially that he gives away bright Lincoln pennies.

Support The Troops

We continue to send items to For the Troops for We Care boxes to military overseas. Please continue to save items such as small cans of fruit, chicken, tuna, personal items, magazines, beef jerky, crossword puzzle books, toothpaste, tooth brushes, gum, hard candy, etc. Bring items to meetings or call 805-230-2919 to arrange pick up. Support The Troops Chair Christina Ning has created many greeting cards for writing messages of encouragement, thanks, etc. which are included in each box mailed. This is an ongoing endeavor and your continued participation is greatly appreciated by the men and women who receive these items.

Youth & Scholarship Patrice Barlow has for the third year, a winner from our club for the Charlotte Mousel Scholarship Essay on “What the Constitution Means To Me”. This time her winner received a total of $2,000.00 from Ventura County and the entire CFRW Southern Division. Great accomplishment. We also sent students to the YAF High School Conference in Santa Barbara. Please let us know of any junior or senior students who want to go to the YAF Conference.

Member Spotlight

Kim Woods, long-time resident of Agoura Hills and currently a financial advisor with Morgan Stanley is the new Chairman of the New West Symphony, Thousand Oaks. Active in host of community-based organizations throughout the Conejo Valley, Kim has served on the board of directors of the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Conejo Valley, and on the board of Directors of both the Greater Conejo Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Women Business Owners of Ventura County. A Rotarian for more than two decades, Kim has served as a past club president and a past member of the Board of Directors of the Westlake Village Sunrise Rotary. Kim has said, ”music can be a dynamic agent for social change and healing within

our society. I want to help the New West Symphony explore music as a model for cultural collaboration, essential to a strong society. We can help make music and the arts accessible to everyone by stimulating the imagination with new experiences and new connections.” A veteran in the financial, executive sales, and marketing arenas, Kim’s professional experience in both New York and Los Angeles includes working for such internationally known companies as Ogilvy & Mather, Grey Advertising, Saatchi & Saatchi, Turner Broadcasting, Discovery Communications, and AMC Networks. Now she hopes to bring that wealth of experience, passion, and strategic thinking to her leadership role with the New West Symphony. “The New West symphony has experienced substantial momentum in the last few years and is about to enter an exciting new chapter with the upcoming appointment of a new Music Director and our 25th anniversary season on the horizon for 2019-2020,” said Kim. “I am excited about what the future holds as we continue to inspire passion for symphonic music through live performances and education initiatives that engage and enrich our diverse audiences.” Tamara Harper, Esq.

Prior to entering private practice,… early in her career she worked as in house corporate counsel to one of California’s largest labor staffing corporations and civilly prosecuted perpetrators of domestic violence through a Department of Justice grant under the Violence Against Women Act protecting victims of domestic violence. She has argued cases before the United States Hague Court for matters of international child abduction; California Court of Appeals; California Superior Court and before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Trademark Trial and Appeals Board. Ms. Harper has published case law in the area of the admissibility of DNA evidence post mortem for purposes of establishing intestate inheritance rights for purposes of probate as well as published case law in the trademark field. Ms. Harper has represented a diverse group of clients, with over twenty-four years trial and litigation experience in the areas of real estate, , business, corporate, copyright and trademark,

employment law, domestic violence prosecutions, and family law. She is admitted to the U. S. Supreme Court, U. S. District Court, 9th Circuit, California Supreme Court, practices before the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office, Trademark Trial and Appeal Appeals Board. She has argued cases before the Delaware Court of Chancery, admitted Pro Hac Vice. She is a member of the American, Ventura and Los Angeles Bar associations, Business and Intellectual Property Sections of the State Bar of California, now California Lawyers Association. She is the recipient of the 2014 Los Angeles Lakers – Comerica Bank Women’s Business Awards Woman of the Year, Women of Entrepreneurship category. Tamara is a member and Board Member of the Conejo Valley Estate Planning Council; Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity; Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated; Kiwanis International and past Board Member of the Conejo Valley Chapter, National Daughters of the American Revolution. She currently serves as Chair, Board of Trustees to La Reina High School and Middle School the first ever graduate of the school to do so. She is a proud supporter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is a graduate of Ventura College; Marymount College; Regents College, London, England. Tamara is a native


Beacon of Light Awards Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon The December 7, 2017 Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon was an elegant, festive event with many facets. The day began with an overflowing number of guests entering the beautifully decorated Sherwood Country Club foyer. The reception in the Conservatory led to the Christmas Market of beautiful boutiques. The Voices of Christmas Carolers filled the air. The camaraderie of the guests was palpable as they took the opportunity to meet our !Beacon of Light Awardees and other dignitaries.

Reverend Doctor Gary Alan Dickey in his kilts playing his bagpipes, led the guests to the Sherwood Terrace, the site of our annual Dove Release for Peace. Beacon of Light Humanitarian Awardee Natasha Trenev, Entrepreneur, scientist, health activist and Beacon of Light Freedom Awardee Laurence ‘Larry’ Elder, long time radio talk show host, and attorney, each released a white dove handed to them by dove man Santa Claus Tom Bolger in his red suit, followed by 50 white doves, a spectacular sight against the clear blue sky, accompanied by the strains of, “This is My Country”, recording by the Boston Pops Orchestra with the Tanglewood Festival Chorus. We believe in showcasing exemplary people who have accomplished greatly.

As Dr. Dickey’s pipes filled the air, he led the guests into the elegant White House Dining Room for a festive Holiday Sherwood Country Club Luncheon and Program. The devastating Ventura Fire caused the loss of District Attorney Gregory Totten’s mother’s home so at the last moment he was unable to serve as Master of Ceremonies. Dr. Dickey stepped in as Master of Ceremonies beginning with a beautiful, heartfelt Invocation, led the Pledge of allegiance to the Flag, followed by a patriotic medley by accomplished songstress Elaine Dupont Bernard. Dr. Dickey’s champagne toast to President Donald J. Trump, to Vice President Mike Pence, and to our wonderful country and its people made us all feel so honored and proud.

First V.P. Cavaliere Rosemary Licata introduced the awardees who both gave heartwarming, inspirational, uplifting talks of their road in life; both declared learning from their parents the virtue of hard work, diligence, perseverance. Natasha Trenev at eight years old with her parents, not speaking English, arrived in Los Angeles after escaping from a communist country with one suitcase, a few dollars, living in a $10.00 room. Her father and ancestors had supplied the King of Romania from his Yogurt factory, here worked as a dishwasher, eventually opened his own local Yogurt Company. Natasha attended UCLA, studied, researched, refined probiotic products, and with her husband Yordan in 1982 founded Natren, Inc., a world-wide supplier of probiotics and natural health products. Known as the “Mother of Probiotics” Natasha speaks world-wide to medical schools, doctors, has authored many books and publications and is creating a legacy for healthy generations to come, certainly a humanitarian.

Larry Elder grew up in south central Los Angeles, attended Crenshaw High School, earned a political science and law degree, has produced TV shows, films such as “Michael and Me”, has hosted radio talk shows since 1994. “The Larry Elder Show” is syndicated nationally and can be heard locally on Salem Broadcasting Network, KRLA AM 870 from 6:00 – 9:00 P.M. Monday to Friday. His fiscal conservative, social liberal, limited government, thoughtful insight on the days issues make him one of the most in demand radio personalities and cable news pundits in the country. He shines the bright light of reasoned analysis on many myths and hypocrisies apparent in our system of government, our society and the media itself. Known as the Sage of South Central Larry uses facts, logic, common sense and a ready wit. The author of many best selling books, Larry supports many charitable causes. His book Dear Father, Dear Son: Eight Hours is a deeply moving account of his life, relationship with his father, who at age 13 was thrown out of his home, became Marine, raised a family working several jobs at a time, eventually set up his own café which he ran in Los Angeles for over 40 years without bitterness or anger in his life.

The musical interlude during the entre provided by Natalia Staneva, Executive Director at the New West Symphony featured several pieces played by Paul Fried, principal flutist at the New West Symphony, Sasha Gurevich, NWS manager viola,s and 16 year old Alexander Fried on violin. Two New West Symphony subscriptions supplied by Natalia were auctioned. Installation of the 2018 Executive Officers by Dr. Dickey followed. Thank you to our generous sponsors, to all who attended and donated items to our selected charity, Maryvale, a residence for teen age girls. Everyone enjoyed the magnificent day and the Holiday spirit. Cavaliere Rosemary Licata, 1st Vice President

Past Events Our Constitution

Our annual Constitution Day, on Monday, September 17, 2018 was again celebrated at the Ronald Reagan Library and Museum, Simi Valley, CA when the Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federated and Associates were proud to partner with the Walter & Leonore Annenberg Presidential Learning Center. Anthony Pennay, Chief Learning Officer, introduced Professor Gordon Lloyd, Ph.D. who presented the program titled ‘The Supreme Court’ using his website program Dr. Lloyd outlined the founders’ Supreme Court and related it to the present day. Prior to the program TORWF hosted an elegant reception in the Rose Garden. Dr. Lloyd’s website program presented this evening is used by some schools who had students and teachers present at the meeting. The students and teachers love meeting Dr. Lloyd in person. Dr. Lloyd signed and distributed his latest book The Constitutional Convention Core Documents published 2018. Ashbrook Center, Ashland University. This program is a TORWF community effort to inform and teach students, teachers, and the general public about our history to help fill in the teaching history gap missing in some school programs. It is particularly excellent for home school programs.

Photos: B. Restifo ************************************** Pete Person, Dean of Pepperdine University School of Public Policy presented the school’s annual celebration of Constitution Day on September 18, 2018 at the Malibu Campus featuring William E. Simon presenting ‘Making Freedom Last: The Role of Religion in Sustaining Our Republic.’ The founders were concerned as to how we could maintain our Republic. Mr. Simon who has written extensively on this subject, spoke of this great experiment and the founders’ belief in democracy. He posits: Liberty needs virtue, morality, to freedom of religion, to faith. As faith goes in America so goes Freedom.


Rosemary Licata with Santa Tom Bolger

Freedom Awardee Larry Elder

Natasha Trenev receives Award from Rosemary Licata

Natasha Trenev with Doves - Photo Debra Tash

Dr. Gary Dickey piping to Luncheon Photo S. Havasi

Yordan Trenev Commendation and Beatrice Restifo - Photo S. Havasi

November 2017 Luncheon Meeting November 2017 Luncheon Meeting

At Dove Release for Peace -photo-S.Havasi

November 2017 Luncheon Meeting

Summer Sizzler

TORWF spent a summer fun afternoon, August 11th at the Four Seasons Hotel, Malibu Room when Evan Sayet, well known comedian, satirist, writer for Townhall, American Thinker, and Human Events, and the President Trump campaign, entertained our group. All present had a relaxed, fun time while enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres. Evan has been featured speaker at the Heritage Foundation, CPAC events and was policy advisor for Senator Ted Cruz. Evan sold and signed his book, “KinderGarden of Eden, How the modern Liberal thinks and why he is convinced ignorance is bliss.” Also featured was Marianne Bema, author “Nguni, Stand Up! Cure the Bully” a story of how a young boy gathered his strength to face the village bully. Marianne operates an arts and crafts school for children and adults and visits many schools where

she shares her expertise. She exhibits and sells her art work

Photos: B. Restifo

Never Forget Project

The Young America’s Foundation (YAF) members in many schools and universities placed U. S. Flags at cemeteries, school grounds, parks and open spaces to commemorate every person killed during 9/11. These students are patriotic and remember the losses our country endured during that time. We support the YAF and their mission. TORWF continues to send students to the High School Conferences in Santa Barbara where the students hear extraordinary speakers and have the opportunity to visit Rancho del Cielo.

Photo: YAF website

PRESIDENT_________________ Donald J. Trump R Washington Office The White House Washington, D.C., 20500 Phone: (202) 456-1414 Comment Line : (202) 456-1111

VICE PRESIDENT____________ Michael (Mike) R. Pence R Old Executive Office Building Washington, D.C., 20500 Phone: (202) 456-1414 Fax: (202) 456-2461

GOVERNOR_________________ Jerry Brown – D State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA., 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160

U. S. Senate___________________ Kamala Harris - D Phone: 222-224-3553

Diane Feinstein – D Phone: (202) 224-3841

CONGRESS__________________ Julia Brownley – D – 26th CD U.S. House of Representatives Longworth Office Building Washington, D.C., 20512-6601 202-225-5811 P.O. Box 2018 Thousand Oaks CA., 91358

STATE SENATOR_____________ Henry Stern - D State Capital – Room 5108 Sacramento, CA., 95814 Phone: (916) 651-4027 Calabasas Office 805-651-4027


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Your Elected Representatives


Read the NFRW and CFRW articles weekly –, If you have an email you will receive the publications weekly or monthly. Key legislative sites: Currently on the House floor: – House floor.html U. S. Senate Calendar of Business: THOMAS U. S. Capitol switchboard: 202-224-3121


2017 Legislative Victories

AB 411 – Allowing the use of therapy dogs in our courts Authorizes victims, witnesses, and child witnesses, while testifying at a preliminary hearing, trial, or juvenile court proceeding, to be accompanied by a dog trained in providing emotional support. Therapy and facility dogs provide both physical and emotional comfort to vulnerable victims, resulting in more accurate testimony in the judicial system. AB 452 – Cleaning up court responsibilities and procedures Changes the reference of Clerk of the Supreme Court to Clerk/Executive Officer of the Supreme Court, and changes the reference of Clerk/Administrator of the Court of Appeal to the Clerk/Executive Officer of the Court of Appeal. This seemingly technical change will help more accurately reflect the executive responsibilities of these positions within the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. AB 494 – Strengthening California’s “Granny Flat” laws Makes clarifying language changes to last year’s AB 2299 including clarifying owner occupancy, parking, and set back requirements to better reflect the intent of AB 2299 and simplifies implementation for cities and homeowners. AB 544 – Getting more zero emissions vehicles on the road Creates a new clean-air decal program for zero-emission vehicles and partial zero-emission vehicles after the existing program ends, allowing these vehicles to continue accessing the HOV Lane through 2015 to help California meet its greenhouse gas reduction goals. AB 712 – Improving custody hearing for children Creates emergency jurisdiction for child custody and visitation issues when a case has been approved for a change of venue, but the jurisdiction had not been authorized for the new venue. AB 906 – Improving CA plastic recycling provision AB 906 will help reduce contamination in the recycling stream by separating incompatible polymers and will improve the efficacy of the recycling program. AB 1113 – Protecting Public Transit Funding Amends statutes governing the State Transit Assistance program to clarify several ambiguities and ensure that funds are properly allocated. Specifically, the bill clarifies to which local entities transportation planning agencies may directly allocate STA program funds and what revenue may be used to calculate revenue shares. AB 1332 – Protecting children in dependency courts AB 1332 provides a needed legislative solution to give dependency courts the ability to protect the well-being of children. AB 1505 – Restoring local affordable housing policies Restores the long-standing authority of local governments to require the inclusion of affordable rental units as one component of their local inclusionary housing policies, if they choose to adopt such policies. AB 1505 does not give local governments any new authority that they did not have prior to 2009, nor does it constrain or dictate in any way what local inclusionary policies have should look like. Inclusionary policies have been utilized in California for decades, dating back to the late 1970’s and have proven to be effective tools for producing affordable housing to working families and creating strong, diverse neighborhoods with a range of housing options. AB 1540 – Designating the official state dinosaur Establishes the Augustynolophus morissi as the official state dinosaur of California. Augustynolophus morrisi, affectionately dubbed “Auggie”, belongs to a family of dinosaurs known scientifically as Hadrosauridae and colloquially as “Duckbill Dinosaurs”. Its fossils were first unearthed in 1939 in the Moreno Formation of Fresno County and have only been found in California. AB 1521 – Preserving existing affordable housing stock Strengthens the state’s existing Affordable Housing Preservation Law by requiring that rental housing with affordability restrictions be offered for sale first, at market-rate, to qualified preservation purchasers who intend to maintain the property’s affordability restrictions. This will protect families from displacement and preserve units at a time when those units are increasingly scarce. AB 1568 – Financing infrastructure for affordable housing development AB 1568 creates the Neighborhood Infill Finance and Transit Improvement Act of 2017 (NIFTI), and authorizes local communities to use their local share of tax dollars to address the housing and infrastructure needs in their area. Marilyn Fordney, Legislation Chair

Legislat ion CFRW Legislative Advocate Allison Olson is in Sacramento full time and follows legislation. The Legislative Committee and Allison make suggestions on current legislation in Sacramento for voting on November 6th. STATE WIDE General Election Ballot Measures Prop 1: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Existing Specified Housing Assistance Programs – NO Prop 2: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Existing Housing Assistance for Individuals with Mental Illness –NO Prop 3: Authorizes Bonds to Fund Projects for Water Supply and Quality, Watershed, Fish, Wildlife, Water Conveyance and Groundwater. NO Prop 4: Authorizes Bonds Funding Construction at Hospitals Providing Children’s Healthcare – NO Prop 5: Changes Requirements for Certain Property Owners to transfer Their Property Tax Base to Replacement Property- YES Prop 6: Eliminates Certain Road Repair and Transportation Funding, Requires Certain Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees be Approved by the Electorate-YES (Prop 6 is the REPEAL THE GAS TAX BILL) Prop 7: Conforms California Daylight Savings Time to Federal Law, Allows the Legislature to Change Daylight Savings Time Period –NO Prop 8: Regulates Amount Kidney Dialysis Clinics Charge for Dialysis Treatment –NO Prop 9 was removed from the ballot by the California Supreme Court Prop 10: Expands Local Government’s Authority to Enact Rent control on Residential Property –NO Prop 11: Require Private-Sector Emergency Ambulance Employees to Remain on Call During Work Breaks, Eliminates Certain Liability-YES Prop 12: Establishes New Standards for Confinement of Specified Farm Animals, Bans Sale of Non-Complying Product-NO VOTE THE ENTIRE REPUBLCIAN CANDIDATE TICKET Conservative Craig Huey has researched judges for many years and following are his suggestions: California Supreme Court Carol Corrigan Received 3/5 stars from Craig Huey California State Court of Appeal Division 1 Helen Bendix YES Victoria G. Cheney YES Division 2 Victoria Chavez YES Division 3 No on all Division 4 Thomas Willhite YES Division 5 No on all Division 6 No on all Division 7 No on all Division 8 Tricia Bigelow YES For information on judges by county: President Donald J. Trump continues to deliver on promises made during his campaign. He is campaigning vigorously in states where he won votes as well as marginal states where Republicans need help. He is filling stadiums and arenas with people waiting in line for hours and voters standing outside the arenas watching on TV screens. We must get out the vote to keep the Senate and House in Republican control. The economy is flourishing, unemployment is down for the first time in many years for Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Women, and Teens.. For the first time there are more job openings than people to fill them. We are thankful for President Trump!! He pulled us out of the Iran deal and the Climate Accord Deal; has strengthened alliances with North Korea, Japan, NATO; and many other countries and moved the Capitol in Israel to Jerusalem and so much more.



A warm welcome to all new, renewing and associate members for 2018. Welcome to all. We challenge every one to bring one new member. We have wonderful interesting events, great speakers and the opportunity to learn about and discuss current events. Use the form below. For further information contact:

Ann Shires V.P. Membership:

Thank you for your continued support Ann Shires, 2nd V.P. Membership

Michelle Halliwell

HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G, Kaufman, Ph.D., J.D., LLM School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University Professor Michael Shires, Ph.D, MPhil., M.B.A. Assistant Dean, Professor School Public Policy Pepperdine University Frank Visco, Angel supporter



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Please Check One: New Member________Renewal________Associate_______ Please Name if Active Member of other Federated Club(s):____________________________________

ANNUAL DUES $35 dollars Active Member, $20 Associate or Student Members, $45 Active Member and Spouse

Checks payable to T.O.R.W.F. Credit Card Number (MasterCard or Visa)_____________________________________Exp:_______________ Signature:_______________________________________________________________________________________

For more info: Mail application form to: TORWF, 1276 Westwind Circle, Westlake Village, CA 91361

ADVERTISE WITH US Ads start at $45.00 per year CALL TODAY ROSEMARY 818-889-4839 Send high resolution photos



WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Sherri Coker 2019 A warm welcome to all new, renewing and Lydia Dubberke Kay Ho Associate members. We challenge every Rose Falocco Janice L. Maurizi one to bring one new member. We have Asia Fenrnandez Phyllis M. Pearson informative, interesting meetings, wonderful Paula Rinkovsky events, great speakers and the opportunity to Lauren Sanders Sutton learn about and discuss current events with Marilyn Sutton with like-minded men and women. Kathy Upchurrch Thank you for your continued support. Anne Weidenweber For further information please contact: NEW ASSOCIATES 2019 Ann Shires, V. P. Membership Carl F. Maurizi Philip R. Pearson HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Robert G. Kaufman, PhD. Pepperdine University, SPP Professor Michael Shires, PhD. Pepperdine University Ass’t Dean,SPP Frank Visco, Angel Sponsor Balance of page same -10-


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Excerpts from President Trump’s National Security Speech December 18, 2017

We’re here today to discuss matters of vital importance to us all: America’s security, prosperity, and standing in the world. Throughout our history, the American people have always been the true source of American greatness. Our people have promoted our culture and promoted our values. Americans have fought and sacrificed on the battlefields all over the world. We have liberated captive nations, transformed former enemies into the best of friends, and lifted entire regions of the planet from poverty to prosperity. Because of our people, America has been among the greatest forces for peace and justice in the history of the world. Our leaders engaged in nation-building abroad, while they failed to build up and replenish our nation at home. They undercut and shortchanged our men and women in uniform with inadequate resources, unstable funding, and unclear missions. They failed to insist that our often very wealthy allies pay their fair share for defense, putting a massive and unfair burden on the U.S. taxpayer and our great U.S. military. They neglected a nuclear menace in North Korea; made a disastrous, weak, and incomprehensibly bad deal with Iran; and allowed terrorists such as ISIS to gain control of vast parts of territory all across the Middle East. They put American energy under lock and key. They imposed punishing regulations and crippling taxes. They surrendered our sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats in faraway and distant capitals. On top of everything else, our leaders drifted from American principles. They lost sight of America’s destiny. And they lost their belief in American greatness. We are rebuilding our nation, our confidence, and our standing in the world… We have moved swiftly to confront our challenges, and we have confronted them head-on… We are once again investing in our defense — almost $700 billion, a record, this coming year. We are demanding extraordinary strength, which will hopefully lead to long and extraordinary peace. We are giving our courageous military men and women the support they need and so dearly deserve…. we are presenting to the world our new National Security Strategy. It has the endorsement of my entire Cabinet… Our new strategy is based on a principled realism, guided by our vital national interests, and rooted in our timeless value…We also face rival powers, Russia and China, that seek to challenge American influence, values, and wealth. partnership with those and other countries, but in a manner that always protects our national interest. As an example, yesterday I received a call from President Putin of Russia thanking our country for the intelligence that our CIA was able to provide them concerning a major terrorist attack planned in St. Petersburg, where many people, perhaps in the thousands, could have been killed. They were able to apprehend these terrorists before the event, with no loss of life. And that’s a great thing, and the way it’s supposed to work…To succeed, we must integrate every dimension of our national strength, and we must compete with every instrument of our national power. First, we must protect the American people, the homeland, and our great American way of life. This strategy recognizes that we cannot secure our nation if we do not secure our borders… In addition, our strategy calls for us to confront, discredit, and defeat radical Islamic terrorism and ideology and to prevent it from spreading into the United States…develop new ways to counter those who use new domains, such as cyber and social media... The second pillar of our strategy is to promote American prosperity. For the first time, American strategy recognizes that economic security is national security. Economic vitality, growth, and prosperity at home is absolutely necessary for American power and influence abroad…It calls for cutting taxes and rolling back unnecessary regulations… The third pillar of our strategy is to preserve peace through strength. We recognize that weakness is the surest path to conflict…It calls for a total modernization of our military... It calls for streamlining acquisition, eliminating bloated bureaucracy, and massively building up our military, which has the fundamental side benefit of creating millions and millions of jobs…This strategy includes plans to counter modern threats, such as cyber and electromagnetic attacks. It recognizes space as a competitive domain and calls for multi-layered missile defense. This strategy outlines important steps to address new forms of conflict such as economic and political aggression. And our strategy emphasizes strengthening alliances to cope with these threats. It recognizes that our strength is magnified by allies who share principles — and our principles — and shoulder their fair sshare of responsibility for our common security. Fourth and finally our strategy is to advance American influence in the world, but this begins with building up our wealth and power at home.

America will lead again. And we are returning to the wisdom of our founders. In America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign. What we have built here in America is precious and unique. In all of history, never before has freedom reigned, the rule of law prevailed, and the people thrived as we have here for nearly 250 years. We must love and defend it. We must guard it with vigilance and spirit, and, if necessary, like so many before us, with our very lives. And we declare that our will is renewed, our future is regained, and our dreams are restored. Every American has a role to play in this grand national effort. And today, I invite every citizen to take their part in our vital mission. Together, our task is to strengthen our families, to build up our communities, to serve our citizens, and to celebrate American greatness as a shining example to the world. As long as we are proud — and very proud — of who we are, how we got here, and what we are fighting for to preserve, we will not fail. If we do all of this, if we rediscover our resolve and commit ourselves to compete and win again, then together we will leave our children and our grandchildren a nation that is stronger, better, freer, prouder, and, yes, an America that is greater than ever before. God Bless You. Thank you very much. Thank you. The president received great applause during this speech given at the Reagan Building with members of the Cabinet present

Recent Event “The President Will See You Now”

Peggy Grande who was chosen by President Ronald Reagan as his Executive Assistant during his post presidency, worked by his side creating a powerful partnership during ten eventful years in the office in Century City, California. Peggy was the liaison between Ronald Reagan personally and his staff, the public, local dignitaries, and world leaders. She ensured that his events, travels, personal and political relationships and day to day operations were handled efficiently and effectively. She had a front row seat to history and got to know Ronald Reagan the man… Peggy traveled with him regularly and was also his post-presidency photographer as evidenced in her book “The President Will See You Now” 2017, Hachette Books. Peggy had a strong, close relationship with First Lady

Nancy Reagan and their goal was to keep the President protected and happy. It was the honor of a lifetime for Peggy to have known and worked with one of the greatest political figures of our time. Peggy graced us with her remarks with humor, sincerity and admiration for the President at the North Ranch Country Club where we enjoyed a delicious Italian Buffet dinner after which Peggy did a book signing. Photo –Peggy Grande

Photos – B. Restifo ****************************** President Donald J. Trump at the United Nations Excerpts from speech on September 25, 2018 at the United Nations “…We are standing up for the world…We believe that when nations respect the rights of their neighbor and defend the interests of their people, they can better work together to secure the blessings of safety, prosperity, and peace…The United states will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor ours…WE have engages with North Korea to replace the specter of conflict with a bold and new push for peace…I would like to thank Chairman Kim for his courage and for the steps he has taken, though much work remains to be done…But for also their support and the critical support that we will need going forward, a special thanks for President Moon of South Korea, the Prime Minister Abe of Japan, and President Xi of China…In the Middle East our new approach is yielding great strides and very historic change…Iran’s neighbors have paid a heavy toll for the regime’s agenda of aggression and expansion. That is why so many countries in the Middle East strongly supported my decision to withdraw the Unites States from the horrible 2015 Iran nuclear deal and re-impose nuclear sanctions…We are systematically renegotiating broken and bad trade deals…theft of intellectual property…We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will no longer allow our workers to be victimizes, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred. America will never apologize for protecting its citizens…in recognition of every sovereign state to determine ire own capital, I moved the U. S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. The U. S. is committed to a future of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians…Here in the Western Hemisphere we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment or expansionist foreign powers…the formal policy of our country since President Monroe that we reject the interference of foreign nations in this hemisphere…The U. S. is also working with partners in Latin America to confront threats to sovereignty from uncontrolled migration…We recognize the right of every nation …to set its own immigration policy in accordance with its national interest, just as we ask other countries to respect our own right to so the same…..Together let us choose a future o patriotism, prosperity, and pride…peace and freedom over domination and defeat…Let us come here to this place …forever thankful for the grace and the goodness and the glory of God. Thank you, God Bless you and God bless the nations of the world.

Thousand Oaks Republican Women, Federatedý4038 East Skelton Canyon CircleýWestlake Village ýCalifornia 91362ý


With New Vi s i on

CALENDAR OF EVENTS January, February, March 2018

Thursday, January 4 CFRW Southern Division, February 9-11 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Board of Directors Meeting & Conference 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Workshops, speakers, California CFRW members invited Westlake Village Renaissance Hotel, Long Beach, CA.

Thursday, January 18 Thursday, March 1 Celebrating President Donald J. Trump & TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Membership Event 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Invitation to follow Westlake Village

Thursday, February 1 Thursday-Saturday, March 22-24 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting NFRW Spring Board of Directors Meeting & Conference 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Members of entire country are invited Westlake Village Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA

Thursday, December 6 Beacon of Light Award Gala Luncheon Sherwood Country Club, Thousand Oaks

For information 805-230-2919 or 805-377-4510 or contact


Address same Logo same CALENDAR OF EVENTS October, November, December 2018 Thursday, October 4 Friday, November 2 TORWF Board of Directors Meeting Ventura County Federation of Republican 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Harvest Festival Luncheon & Boutique Westlake Village, 91361 Spanish Hills Country Club, Camarillo, 93010 October Saturdays Sunday, November 11, Veterans Day Register Voters Call Rosemary Honor and Celebrate Our Veterans 805-377-4510 Monday, November 12 Saturday, October 6 New Exhibit Thursday, November 22, Thanksgiving Day Ronald Reagan Library Pompeii – The Exhibition Time for Family and community service Open daily to April 2019 We are thankful! Thursday, October 18, 5:30-8:00 P.M. Thursday, December 6 Dinner Meeting North Ranch Country Club Annual Christmas Holiday Gala Luncheon Peggy Grande, ‘The President Will See You Now’ “Beacon of Light Awards” 10:30 A.M. Reception in Conservatory Saturday, October 27 – Join Our Team Dove release on Terrace Strides Against Breast Cancer 5K walk Noon Luncheon & Program Civic Arts Plaza, Thousand Oaks Thursday, December 13 Thursday, November 1 Board of Directors Meeting & President’s Luncheon TORWF Board of Directors Meeting 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant 10:30 A.M. Boccaccios Restaurant Westlake Village, 91361 Westlake Village, 91361 For information or reservations:
