Thoughts to live & love by b


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Thoughts to Live & Love By- part 2.

Quotes taken from the popular Mottos for Success perpetual desktop calendar.

Copyright 2008 Tommy's Window. All Rights Reserved Turn on your speakers & Simply enjoy; Slides shall move on their own

THOUGHTSTo Live And Love By

Give to those in need. One day, you may benefit from the kindness of someone who does likewise.

Faith is a gift from God that He makes available to anyone who wants it. All you have to do to get it is ask Him.

Love cannot be measured, bought or sold. For it to be valued at all, it must be given freely.

Happiness is a state of mind.

There is Someonewho knows and understands your every thought and feelingthe pleasure and the pain, the joy and the sorrowand who perceives the deepest needs and longings of your heart.

Dont knock the benefits of relaxation. A refreshed soul can be a truly creative soul, and a truly creative soul is a productive soul.

Dont just look at the circumstances; look above and beyond them!

Life is a combination of success and failureboth are needed.

To bring out the best in those around you, give them encouragement and show them loving appreciation.

Kind words are like the seats in an airplane. Youll still get to your destination without them, but the journey is a whole lot more comfortable with them.

Sit outside today for five or ten minutes. Breathe deeply and count your blessings.Your day will improve.

Sometimes the world can tire and age us faster than wed like. Thoughts to Love & Live byMottos For SuccessLook at the world through a childs eyes and see if that wont bring a little zest for living back into your life.