This is ‘ME’ in December…



This is ‘ME’ in December…. Materials: Black Wax Crayons (or oil pastel) Cartridge Paper (various sizes) Block Tempera Paint Water Containers Paint Brushes Newspapers to protect desks. This is ‘ME’ in December… SELF-EXPRESSION. Start with an idea… “I want to make a picture of __________.” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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This is ‘ME’ in December…

Materials:Black Wax Crayons (or oil pastel)Cartridge Paper (various sizes)Block Tempera PaintWater ContainersPaint BrushesNewspapers to protect desks

This is ‘ME’ in December…SELF-EXPRESSION

1. Start with an idea…“I want to make a picture of __________.”

2. Think of the lines (ground or horizon line?) and shapes you will need.

3. Draw your picture with black crayon.4. Paint your picture with block tempera paint.

Block Tempera PaintBRUSH SKILLS…Review how to hold a paint brush“Just like my pencil in my printing hand.”

Demonstrate:• “Soak & Swirl”• “Rinse and Re-load”

“I Can” Skills…

Create a picture about me Use & identify lines, shapes & colours Hold and handle a paint brush Rinse and re-load my brush Tell about my work

Block Tempera Paint

Artists’ Clean-Up

1 2 3

Brush in water Painting to dry Wash hands

A Label for My Art…
