This battle was fought in Hardin County, Tennessee on April 6 th and 7 th, 1862


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This battle was fought in Hardin County, Tennessee on April 6th and 7th, 1862.

Battle of Shiloh

This battle was fought in Adam County, Pennsylvania on July 1st-3rd, 1863.

Battle of Gettysburg

This battle was fought in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, on April 12-14, 1861.

Fort Sumter

This battle was fought in Warren County, Mississippi from May 18 until July 4, 1863.

Siege of Vicksburg

These battles were fought in Fairfax County and Prince William County, Virginia on July 21,


Bull Run

This battle was fought in Fredericksburg, Virginia from December 11-15, 1862.

Battle of Fredericksburg

This battle was fought in Spotsylvania, Virginia, from April 30-May 6, 1863.

Battle of Chancellorsville

This battle was fought in Washington County, Maryland from September 16th – 18th, 1862.

Battle of Antietam

George G. Meade & Robert E. Lee were the main generals in this battle.

Battle of Gettysburg

Ambrose Burnside and Robert E. Lee were the main generals for this battle.

Battle of Fredericksburg

Irvin McDowell was the Union general, and Joseph E. Johnston and P.G.T. Beauregard were the Confederate generals during this battle.

Battle of Bull Run

Joseph Hooker and Robert E. Lee were the leaders for their troops during this battle.

Battle of Chancellorsville

Don Carlos Buell & Ulysses S. Grant lead the Union forces, while Albert Sidney Johnston &

P.G.T. Beauregard lead the Confederate forces during this battle.

Battle of Shiloh

George B. McClellan and Robert E. Lee lead their troops during this battle.

Battle of Antietam

Ulysses S. Grant & John C. Pemberton lead their forces during this battle.

Siege of Vicksburg

Robert Anderson and P.G.T. Beauregard lead their troops during this battle.

Battle of Fort Sumter

Although the Confederates won this battle, the Confederate troops accidentally shot Stonewall

Jackson, who died a few days after being wounded.

Battle of Chancellorsville

This battle was fought by the Confederates because they thought a Confederate victory on

Northern ground would lower the northern morale. Yet, this battle was inconclusive due to

the fact that Lee sent his troops back to Virginia. Because of this, some say the Union won, which caused the morale to increase.

Battle of Antietam

This battle was the first of the Civil War. It was fought so the Confederates could take control of a fort. The Union troops surrendered, giving the Confederates the first win of the Civil War.

Battle of Fort Sumter

General Lee wanted to weaken the North’s appetite for war and win a major battle on Northern soil. Yet, unfortunately it was the greatest loss for the Confederate army.

Battle of Gettysburg

The Confederates won this battle and this battle proved the war was going to be long and


Battle of Bull Run

The Confederates won this battle, which was the first major opposed river crossing battle in

American history.

Battle of Fredericksburg

The Union won this battle, which allowed them to gain complete control of the Mississippi


Siege of Vicksburg

The bloodiest battle of the Civil War was a win for the Union. It was fought to help gain control

of the Mississippi River.

Battle of Shiloh