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This pack contains more than 20K of machine code and converts your BBC micro lnlo a tour voice synlheslser with an eight track dlgHal recorder and a rhythm and drum machine.

• Select any one of the 32 instruments by name. Play them from the keyboard with sliding fader controls for level mixing

• Set keyboard to auto-sustain, mono or polyphonic. with optional split­keyboard operation

• Play the keyboard; alter the tonal effects; see the amplitude pulsate on the sliding faders

• Build up a drum backing on the drum machine

• Build up a rhythm accompaniment on the rhythm machine

• Synchronise the two

• Set the 8 track recorder to record, and watch the digital tape counter

• Record a few bars on the 8 track tape simulator and play it back

• Use the studio mixer to add an accompaniment from a different instrument played in real-time on the synthesiser

• Press 'Rewind'; watch the tape indicator

• Press 'Stop' at any point: then press 'Play' to hear the mix

This is a truly exciting real-lime studio system which will give hours of entertainment. It does not require musical proficiency and will addict you with Its ease of use and amazing results.

Simple instructions are given to add an external speaker and keyboard.

Examples of the music that can be created with STUDIO 8 are included on the disc/tape.


• Envelope definer - 16 envelopes may be defined using a full screen editor; and may be slowed down for analysis

• Instrument definer - define up to 32 instruments with up to 16 envelopes accessed by name

• Music editor - A full screen editor to edit music recorded on the system. Includes printout facility

A Very Special Program In the two years since Its launch Beebugsoft's Toolkit has been chosen by many thousands of BBC users and established a reputation second to none. The launch of our new second-generation Toolkit Is therefore something rather special.

Toolkit Plus is a 16K Rom which has been written from scratch making use of the latest skills and programming techniques. It offers over 40 commands (grouped for ease of use) and some new and very exciting features, all of which may be called directly or from a menu.

OTHER FEATURES INCLUDE • Autosave: save your program

regularly at the press of a key • Psave: partsave any section of

your program • Xref: displays the values of

variables, arrays, functions, procs, etc. and the line numbers on which they occur.

• Format: disc formatter ... one command can format both sides of your disc

• Slomo: control the speed at which your programs run

• Roms: display & enable/disable the Roms in your machine

• Crunch: an amazing Basic program packer. Ot removed 4,500 bytes from the original Masterfile II)

• Search: new and extremely flexible search & replace commands which Integrate with the editor.

• Trace: output to a window with single step options

These are just a few of the massive armoury of commands provided by Toolkit Plus to streamline computing on the BBC micro.

UPGRADE A trade-In discount of 50% of the original Toolkit purchase price Is offered (mall order only) when upgrading.

The natural extension to Wordwise (Plus) or View ... . . . even faster with 2000 words In Rom

SPELLCHECK Ill is a new release of the amazing Spellcheck program, which provides an automatic spelling check for letters and documents produced on Wordwise and View.

It is now supplied on 16K Rom (including about 2000 words stored in Rom) with an accompanying dictionary disc containing an additional 6000 words. This dictionary automatically accepts new words as you use it and will store well in excess of 17,000 words on a lOOK disc.

Spellcheck Ill is extremely fast, the 2000 words stored in Rom making it even faster than the original Spellcheck II. It is a joy to use.

"Invaluable . .. Fast and Reliable" PERSONAL COMPUTER NEWS

'7he obvious choice" A AND B COMPUTING

~ pleasure to use" MICRONET


A trade-in discount of £10.00 for Spellcheck I and £25.00 for Spellcheck II is allowed for existing users wishing to upgrade. (Moil order only). Spellcheck Ill is compatible Spellcheck II dictionary

DESIGN is a screen processor which allows information to be d isplayed in a format suitable for demonstrations, slide projections, handouts or presentations.

Graphs, Pie Charts and Bar Charts are quickly produced on automatically drawn and scaled axes.

Text may be written anywhere on the screen and may be displayed normally, enlarged, underlined or sideways.

Machine code screen dumps are included.

• Create Your Own Silicon Disc

• A Complete Filing System with up to 16K capacity (per bank of Ram)

ROMIT adds a new feature to your BBC Micro - A Ram Rllng System. This proVides over 20 new commands which enable you to:

1 Create a silicon disc with its own filing system commands . • Type *RAM, then you can catalogue the 'disc·, save and load

files to it, storing as many files as memory will allow. *DISC (or *TAPE) takes you back to your normal filing system. You will need sideways Ram to use this facility.

2 Put your own Basic or assembler programs (or any files) into Ram • and then make them into Eproms. Whether it's your favourite

game, your function key definitions or any program that you use frequently, you can now put it into Eprom so that it's always instantly available. Multiple copies can also be produced to enable you to pass on your programs to other people.

Getting your own Basic program into Rom couldn't be simpler. Just load your program into memory and type:


and either connect it to a blower, or send the disc (or tape) to us, together with your Romlt registration number, and we will Rom it for you. (There is a small charge for this service).

3 Use your sideways Ram as a printer buffer so that you can . continue to use your computer for other work at the same time

as printing long documents.


An Eprom Blowing Service is offered with this pack.

To get the most from Romlt you will need sideways Ram fitted to your computer, eg just a single Ram chip plugged into your ATPL (or other) Rom board.

Looking for bugs In your Basic?

Let SLEUTH track them down Single step through your Basic Program wHh Dual Screens!

0- ---.SP.~~~E~----- · :0


The Tab key toggles between the user program screen and

SLEUTH's control screen. The Space Bar single steps through your Basic program Instruction by instruction.

• Single Stepping through Basic - one statement at o time or o block (e.g. procedure) at o time.

• Dual Screen Operation - flip between your program screen and SLEUTH's control screen.

• Breakpoints - pause your program at any preset line number, or on the state of any variable.

• Accelerator - adjust the speed of your program from full speed to freeze frame. • Full Feature Control Screen - monitor and update vital aspects of your

program as it runs. • Trace - o sophisticated line trace facility operating when program runs. • Vorlables - constantly monitor variables as the program runs. • Free memory - constantly monitor free memory.

"Extremely clever and usefur HOME COMPUTING WEEKLY . .

"Unique debugging atcr


This pack automates the creation of an Icon-driven user Interface. It allows you to design a screen containing Icons and then use H In your own pr<>grams, In place of a normal menu.

It Is easy to 1,.1se and may optionally be controlled with the AMX mouse. Icons (sample sets provided) are designed on a special screen editor and are compatible with AMX icons.

You then select the editor and design your final screen by positioning your icons and text wherever you choose. Icon Master then generates the code to append to your Basic program which will reproduce your icon screen and handle user input.

This screen shows how you might create a front end for a database program.

A game write(s utility pack which allows high speed arcade games to be written in Basic.

This is achieved by using the set of supplied machine code sprite routines to move multicoloured characters (sprites), of your own design, around the screen at high speed.

Sprites are generated in mode 2 on a 8 x 16 grid with the easy to use sprite definer utility, and may include any of the available 16 colours.

Combines with Wordwise/View to produce Standard Letters etc.

MASTERFILE is a general purpose file management package allowing large amounts of information to be stored and processed. It is extremely powerful yet flexible and easy to use. Once set up, the information may be retrieved, sorted on any field. displayed, updated, printed etc. as required.

Separate versions of the program are available for cassette and disc users, the disc version using random access files and offering many extra features.


• Extremely fast •tag· sorting on virtually any combination of fields. Any number of tag files may be associated with your data file.

• Flexible print layouts allowing additional text to be combined with the output to produce standard letters etc. . .

• Output from MASTERFILE II may be spooled directly to a file for later use with WORDWISE or VIEW.

• Flexible data entry.

• Fields may be defined as numeric, string, decimal or date and up to 255 characters in length.

• Spreadsheet type facilities allowing global changes to be made on string, numeric and decimal fields.

• Sub-files may be created from selected fields and records, from the master file, according to most criteria.

• Extra utilities to delete a field throughout a file, copy file descriptors and change dates.


The cassette version will allow up to 10 fields per record. Any number of files may be set up and each will typically hold 110 records (based on a 5 field record).

1he disc version will allow up to 17 fields per record and each field may be up to 255 characters long (limited to 1 screen per record). File size Is only limited by the disc capacity - typically using 5 ftelds 2000 records may be held on a lOOK disc.

UPGRADE A trade-in of 50% of the original tape/d isc price is available when upgrading.

EXMON II adds 60 powerful commands to the BBC Micro.

Now If you are debugging a game, or any other program with a visual display, you can single step through It Instruction by Instruction and actually watch the effect on the screen.

You can also revert to the monitor screen at the press of a key to examine registers. edit code, read variables, alter memory etc .. and then switch back to your display screen and continue running (or single stepping), without losing your display.

If you are interested in using the BBC assembler as a beginner or an experienced user, or would just like to have facilities like Disassemble, Move Memory, Verify ... instantly at your fingertips, then EXMON II is about the best you can buy.


EXMON II uses just over 1 K of workspace for screen storage (If you wish to use the dual screen facility). This workspace is relocatable by the user, and may even be located in sideways Ram.

EXMON II is available only on Rom. BBC cassette versions of EXMON I are still available. EXMON II is supplied with a quick reference guide.

EXMON on the Electron

EXMON I is available for the Electron on cassette.


If you have EXMON I on eprom rand now wish to upgrade to EXMON II, please return it to us to receive a discount.


• Dual screen facility allows you to switch between EXMON's control screen and your own screen.

• Full screen memory editor.

• Full debugging with breakpoints AND single-step facility.

• EXMON II is fully interactive -all data and addresses can be entered as hex or decimal values; or as expressions including the use of Basic variable names and Assembler variables and labels.

• RELOCATOR - relocates machine code adjusting it to run at the new address.

"Exceptionally comprehensive" YOUR COMPUTER

"A very worthwhile product" ELECTRONICS COMPUTING MONTHLY


The Help Rom, which provides comprehensive on-screen Information to aid programming, has been supercharged. It Is now supplied on a 16K Rom and contains 28,000 characters of text to help you when you get stuck for a command or Its syntax. Help II will save hours of your time and remove the necessity to wade thrOl-!gh user guides. Just plug It In, and every time you get stuck for a piece of information simply type, for example, *H Print, *H OPT or *H FX.

28,000 characters have been crammed into Help II, which provides comprehensive information on a. vast range of subjects including:

• • • • • • • •

"A Great Little Chip" (HELP I)


An upgrade from HELP to HELP II is available. Telephone for details.

Program Builder brings you over sixty complete routines ready to use when writing your own Basic programs. Why waste time wrHing frequently used code when you can rely on professional routines wrmen for you, that will work first lime.

Program Builder offers over 60 functions and procedures which may be combined with your own Basic program. They are all fully documented and use standard variables to ensure that they will be compatible with your work.

A wide range of topics are covered by Program Builder, which is fully automated. Just select the desired routine from an on-screen menu and the code will be automatically added to your program.

BILLBOARD Is a unique pack which enables you to use your BBC Micro to create scrolling displays Of te» and pictures In mode 2. Ills Ideal for home, education, business or anyone wishing to display Information In an Interesting and eye-catching way.

Your message Is entered using a special screen editor and may be up to 4,000 characters long, In any of the 16 colours (including flashing). It can be displayed using special shadow characters, in any of 18 different sizes.

Any number of routines may be put together In a single program.

There Is not the space to list all the routines In Program Builder but here is a small selection to give you an idea of Its range:

The message will automatically re­display Itself continuously, even If. Break or Ctri/Break Is accidentally pressed.

A special facility allows you to link two BBC's via the RS423 ports and have your message and pictures scrolling across two machines providing a most Impressive display.

The whole program Is menu driven and allows text to be loaded and saved to disc for later use.

QUICKCALC is an easy-to-use, yet powerful spreadsheet supplied on cassette or disc. It will bring sophistication and computing power to a wide range of different number-based activities.

Use it for your personal accounts. school marks. stock control. sates. VAT. and g.eneral financial planning. It allows rapid and automatic calculation of all kinds. and permits forward planning and ·what If analyses to be effortlessly performed.

QUICKCALC offers load, save. print. goto. replicate. histogram and many other features and is supplied with a comprehensive manual and function key strip.

The TELETEXT EDITOR enables colourful mode 7 screens to be quickly ereated, for use within a program (e.g. an attractive title page) or just for display.

Powerful utilities. including a graphics character definer. speed up screen design and creation.

The function keys are used to select all colours or special features and a key strip is provided for ease of use.

Screens may be loaded or saved in the normal way, or specially saved as a Basic routine. which may then be simply inserted into your own program.

"A very neat utility" MICRONET

''Good cheap sheet . .. excellent manual"


• A Comprehensive Manual • 7 Explanatory Articles • 25 Hints and Tips • 5 Function Key Strips • A Quick Reference Guide (BBC only) • Screen Planning Sheets • A Character Planner • A CosseHe or Disc containing: 5 Utility Programs and 7 Gomes Programs.

••• u • • t h • c ur sor k• v lh! Ct a~":r . ....... , :st : :: ~! 1!, : :i :t~e ~.

A host of new fonts from your own program. -

1500 new characters are supplied ready to be used with your own program. Simply choose your characters, specify how you want to use them and this flexible utility spools out a routine for you to append to your own program.

Whole lines of text may then be automatically written at any angle, even with individual characters at different angles and sizes. Text may be any colour in any graphics mode, automatically centred and with fixed or variable spacing. 9 new character fonts

A second facility gives disc users a further set of 9 character fonts to be used direct from the keyboard or called up from a user program. A powerful and easy to use character definer allows any character to be redefined as required.

This is the ideal companion for anyone new to computing or learning

• about the BBC Micro/Electron. The pack has been compiled by BEEBUG (the User Group for the BBC Micro) and draws on their experience with the machines and the feedback from over 25,000 members.

A comprehensive manual introduces you to various aspects of computing and how to program in a series of carefully explained articles. 25 of our most useful hints and tips are also detailed In the manual. which is accor.npanied by a number of handy function key strips and a 6 page quick reference card (BBC only).

"One of the best starter packs I have seen" ACORN USER

Printer Dump A screen dump for Epson printers is

included with this pack.

~n excellent utility" ACORN USER Recommended by Linear Graphics as fully compatible with the Plotmate Plotter. I

COntrolled from Joysticks or Keyboard Palntmaster (formally Paintbox II) Is probably the ultimate drawing program for the BBC Micro. Use It to doodle or to design sophisticated full colour pictures.

As well as featuring an ·elastic band· cursor, PAINTMASTER will draw In full colour with various widths, and will automatically draw (and fill) circles, triangles etc., and create eight types of vertical or horizontal shading.

The keyboard may be used to insert text anywhere on the screen, using any colour and in any of the eight sizes.

PAINTMASTER may be controlled from joysticks or keyboard and offers an amazing number of features.

':4n amazingly versalfle tool" EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING

"a V8IY sophisticated and versatile utility"


Create your own tunes and sound sequences with ease, either with Murom's editor and a musical score or by using the Beeb to simulate a plano keyboard.

Edit yotlr own creations with the full screen music editor. Then switch to the envelope editor to tailor the tonal quality and select instrument type. Alternatively

'Well designed and useful" A & B COMPUTING

select one of the predefined instrument envelopes.

Incorporate your music and sound sequences Into any program of your own, to play back with or without MUROM plugged ln. Playback Is interrupt driven and may continue even while you run other programs.

Predefined instrument envelopes may be set up, e.g. *FLUTE. *SYNTH etc.

Instant sound effects may be called from Basic, e.g . *ZAP. *SIREN, *EXPLODE etc.

MUROM Is accompanied by a full instruction manual and repertoire of music data on cassette.

Eleven powerful utilities to support the disc user, with routines to help with just about everything you'll want to do while using your disc drive.

All programs are called from a main menu and are explained In detail In the comprehensive manual.

~Disc editor/String search A string search routine combined with a full screen editor, simply overtype on the screen (in hex or ascii) to update the disc.

• Recover Recovers programs lost by accidental deletion or disc corruption.

• Movedown The command *RUN will load, move down and run your long programs automatically, If you add this routine to them.

• Disc menu A colourful automatic menu to add to each of your d iscs, which will move down and RUN Basic programs, and *RUN machine code programs.

• Indexer Creates an information Index file for all of your discs, which may then be displayed, updated or printed to help you keep track of your programs.

• Copier Transfer a whole cassette of programs onto disc automatically. (Will not copy

- protected cassettes.)

• Link A utility to automatically call and insert useful routines from your own library Into your development programs.

• Overlay Enables procedures or functions to be loaded from disc and overlaid Into your program as it runs, allowing you to run programs much larger than available memory.

•40to80 Insert your 40 track disc, 3 minutes later remove the disc which is now In 80 track format and still has all of your programs on it.

• Dual catalogue Enables 61 files to be saved per disc surface instead of just 31.

• Format A speedy program to format or verify 40 and 80 track discs.

~ godsend to disc users" EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING

'Some very Interesting faclllltes"


The extremely versatile Dumpmaster program is now available on 16K Rom and supports more printers and offers even more features.

Dumpmaster provides fast machine code dumps using up to 8 shades and will accurately copy your screen in any of the graphics modes and even in the teletext mode. It also includes a specia l 'snapshot' facUlty to produce screen dumps from a game. or any

other program. at the press of a key (unless protected).

The tape and disc versions create tailor-made dumps which may be called as required or even appended to your own Basic program. The Rom version has the added advantage that it uses up no memory and is always available from a sing le command. A number of additional features are available on the Rom version, including printing of windows. text dumps and vertical dumps (printer dependent).

PRINTERS SUPPORTED Anadex DP 9000 series Seikosha GP100 Kaga Taxon

·srother HR5 ·seikosha GP550 Mannesmann Tally MT160 ·canon PJ1080A Stlinwa CTI CP80 Micro-P MP-165 Cosmos 80 Star all Panasonic KX-P series Ensign 1650 ·randy DMP-100 Seikosha GP80 Epson FX, LX Brother M 1009 Seikosha GP250 Gemini Canon A-1210 Seikosha GP700A lntegrex 132 Colour Canon P'N series Star DP-8480 Mannesmann Tally MT80 . Datac 109V ·randy CGP115 NEC PC 8023 Epson all

·olivetti JP101 Facit 4510 ·only available on

·Quen Data DP100 .IDS-480 Rom version

UPGRADE A trade-in discount of 50% of the disc/tape price is offered when upgrading to Rom.

Fulfil the potential of Wordwlse Plus with Wordease.

Wordease will streamline wordprocessing on Wordwise Plus. It p rovides a number of new applications, such as mail merg ing and label printing, and some handy programming utilities such as a program compactor and variable display. It also allows you to easily move a round segment and text areas at the touch of a key.


• Automatic version number save

• Copy seg. to seg. with •overwrite" and "marked section only"

• Info & auto-load of Wordwise files

• Search & replace on edit screen

• Wordwise function key editor

• Auto-renumber of sections, sub-sections etc

• Indent & sort routines

• Auto-generated printer codes for underline, enlarge, condense etc.

• Program utilities ... squasher, variable display

• Multi-format label printer

• Powerful mail merge for standard letters

WORDEASE ON ROM Wordease Is now available on Rom, removing the necessity to load the routines from disc each time you use them. It is now even more like a true extension to Wordwlse Plus.

Keep this extremely useful set of routines plugged into your computer, where it belongs. Supp lied on a pair of 16K Roms.

UPGRADE A trade-in d iscount of 50% of the orig inal disc p rice, is ava ilable (mall order only) when upgrad ing to Rom.

All Beebugsoft products are available from leading dealers throughout the country, including Technomatic Ltd. of London. See dealer list on the back cover for your nearest dealer.

Altematlvely you may call In for a demonstration at our new St. Albans showroom. The address Is Beebugsoft, Dolphin Place, HOiywell Hill, St. Albans, Herts, ALl lEX


§I.WIH £32.00 AOMfi'BBC £34.00 PROGAAM BUILDER BBC £21.00 £16.00 EXMONUBBC £32.00 "£12.00

EXMON B.EClRON £12.00 HELP I B8C £31.00 SPB..l.OfEO< Ill B8C £36.00 DISCMASJER sec £21.00 DUMPMASIER B8C £15.00 £12.00 DUMPMASIER U BBC £31.00 TEL.ETEXr BBC £15.00 £12.00 SPRITES BBC £15.00 £12.00 SPRITES ElEC1RON £12.00

APPliCAl'IONS £22.00 £17.00

£34.00 WORDEASE BBC £29.00 £21.00 MASIERfii..E H BBC £22.00 ""£12.00

MUROMBBC £32.00 QUICKCAI..C BBC £18.00 £15.00 STARTER PACK BBC £18.00 £15.00 STARTm PAO( ElECTRON £15.00 HERSHEY FONT BBC £21.00 £12.00 . BlllBCWl) B8C £21.00 DESIGNBBC £21 .00 £12.00 IWNTMASTER BBC £15.00 £12.00 IWNTMASTER ELECTRON £12.00

£ 1.50 "Cassette version Is Exmon I not Exmon II ··eassette version is Mastertile not Masterfile II

Name............................................................ Sub Total .................................................... .. Acfdress......................................................... Postage ....................................................... . ........................................................................ Total Enclosed ........................................... .

Telephone Orders see aver.

Postage, please add 50p for the first Item and 30p fOf each subsequent Item. OVerseas send the same amount. to Include extra past but not VAT.

To order directly from BEEBUGSOFT complete and send this form to: BEEBUGSOFT, PO BOX 109, HIGH WYCOMBE, BUCKS, HP1 0 8NP

AVON~ Mcros. 40 High st. Thorntl<-v. BRISTOL 0454 418383. lEOS Hobbyte Lid. lkllt 1g. The Amdale Ctr. LUTON 0582 457195. IERICS GoloComputoo Lid. The Old Crown. WlndsorRd. SLOUGH 075334191. ME E1ec1ronk:s. 5Hathel1ey Rd. READING 0734 669480. lUCKS Fidget Lid. 150 Oe$borough Rd. HIGH WYCOMBE 0494 33144. J. K. L Compt.ters. 7 W1ndsor st. UXBRIDGE 0895 51815. Sol1shop Ltd. 55 st Petoo Court. OW.FONT STPETER 0753 889010. CAMIS Combrtdge Micro Computer Or, 153- 154 East Rd 0223 355404. Control Unlllenallld. 137 Dillon Wok 0223 244447. Cro&S and Herbert ltd. Moll<el Hll. Sillies, H\XImNGDON 0480 62109. Electronic MotntenanceSeMces Lid, 1397 Lincoln Rd. Werrlnglon. PETERBOROUGH 0733 75025. GCC (Cambridge) Ltd. 66 High st. SAWSTON 0223 835330. W. Heifers stationers, 19 Sldnevst 0223358241 . J. V. Robinson Lid. 89 High st. HUIITINGDON 0480 5631 1. CHANNEL ISlANDS Mcro Supplies, Oxford House, Faldouel. st Martin, JERSEY 0534 557 43. CHESHIRE Fairhurst Instruments Ltd. Dean Court. Woodford Rd. Woodford. WILMSLOW 0625 527146. Leigh Computer Sys, 75 Cross st. SALE 061 9052144. LSA Sys, 1 06 O'lurch La, MARPLE 061 4499933. Mlaoman Computers. Rainford lnd Est. Mill La. Rainford. ST. HELENS 0744 885242. Pyramid Micros. Cairo Sl, WARRINGTON 1l925 35713. QES Computoo, 60 stocl<porl Rd. CHEADLE 061

. 4286912. CLMlANO Customised Eleclronk:s. 155 Marton Rd, MIDOLESBOROUGH 0642 722064. Wbo-dls. S!Teamtleet, 46 Middle st. lllacl<hall. HARTLEPOOL 0783 872430. CLWYD Micro COmP\ierWOI1d. 23 Charles st. WREXHAM 0978 350418. Wrexham Computer Ctr, 24 Abbot st. WREXHAM 0978 358832. CORNWALL Fal-soll Computers. 8 Sl Georges Arcade, FALMOUTH 0326 314663. So41-ex CompulerSeMces. 18Trelawney Rd. FALMOUTH 0326 319250. CUMIRIA CAVE. 48CoYendlsh st. BARROW IN FURNESS 0229 291 0109. DfRIY Am Byte Computer Sys Lid. 10 Main Ctr, Landon Rd 0332 365280. DEVON Compulerbase, 21 Moll<el Avenue. City Ctr, Pl. YMOUTH 0752 672128. Devon COmpulen, The Wh~e House. 39 T otnes Rd. PAIGNTON 0803 526303. Sewn Counties Compuloo, 7 Paris st. EXETER 0305 66022. Syntax Compuloo Ltd. 76 ComwaU st. Pl. YMOUTH 0752 28705. DORSET Lansdowne Computer Ctr, 1 Lansdowne Crescent, BOURNEMOUTH 0202 297234. Sewn Counties COmputers, 20 High East st. DORCHESTER 0305 66022. DURHAM Dartington Computer Shop, 75 Bondgate, DARLINGTON 0325 487478. DYFED Cardlgbh Electronics. Chancery La. CARDIGAN 0239 614483. E. SUSSEX Gamer. 71 East st. BRIGHTON 0273 698 424. So41centre. 35 Churchlll Sq. BRIGHTON 0273 776576. EIRE DMA COmpulen Lid. 26 Clae Sl, DUBLIN 0001 761660. ESSEX Chelmsford Computer Ctr, 28 Moulsham Sl, CHELMSFORD 0245 359944. COmpulerarno. 88-90 Landon Rd. SO\JTHEIIO ON SEA 0702 335443. EstuO!y l'eBonal COmpuloo, 318 Charlwell Nollh, Vlclorta Cen!Te. SOUTHEND ON SEA 0702 614131 . Focus Computer Sys, 140a Hathaway Rd, GRAYS 0375 79717. Garno Computer Sys, 742 High Rd. Goodmayes.ILFORO 01 5973500. Grtffen COmputers, 8 Rainsford Rd. STANSTED 0279 812295. Mirage Miao-cornputen Ltd. 24 8ank Sl, BRAINTREE 0376 48321. GlAMORGAN Cardiff Microcomputen, 46 Charles st. CARDIFF 0222 373072. GWENT Gwen! COmputers, 92 Chepstaw Rd, NEWPORT 0633 841760. HAMPSHIRE Craig COmmunications ltd. 1 05 Wll'lchesler Rd, 8ASINGSTOKE 0256 55462. Eleclronequlp ComputerSys, 59 West Sl, FAIREHAM 0329230671. Micro Choice, 159 Havanl Rd. DRAYTON 0705327591. HEillS DJ's Toys Ltd. 40 FrelhemeRd. WELWYNGDN CI1Y0707 328444. FaxmlnsterUd. 25Marl<e1Sq, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD0442 55044.Q-Tel<. 119High st. Old Town. STEVENAGE 0438 60011 . Watford Elec!Tonlcs, 250 Lower High st. WATFORD 0923 40588. HUMRRSIO£ Computer Ctr, 26 Anlaby Rd. HULL 0482 24346. Vb<on Computer Sys, 49 Grlmsby Rd. CLEETHORPES 0472 58561 . ICENT Computers Plus, 65 High st. SITTINGBOUlNE 0795 25677. CSCompulerSys, 15 Vlclorta Rd. MARGATE 0843 292660. Data store Microcomputers. 6 Chatterton Rd. BROMlEY 01 4608991. DGH Soflware Ctr, 10 North St, ASHFORD 0233 32597. Gravesend Home Computen Ud. 39 The Terrace. GRAVESEND 047423871. MD MicroCOmputers. "Micro LelsLfe", 4aCraytordWay, CRAYFORD 0322 524123. Mlcraway Computer Ctr. 39 High st. RAINHAM 0634 376702. Modala COmputers Ud, 30 St Johns Rd. TUNBRIDGE WELLS 0892 415555. lANCS 4-Mat Computers. 67 Friargate, PRESTON om 561952. Biackpool Computer stores, 179 Ch<Xch St, BLACKPOOL 0253 20239. Computer Wortd (LIK) ltd, 208 Chorley Old Rd. BOLTON 0204 494304. Grohoms Mcro, 24 Bridge Sl, DARWEN 0254 776673.1MO Computer Ctr. 39/43standlsh St, BURNLEY 0282 54299. Lancashire Micros. 89 Euston Rd. MORECAMBE 0524411435. Micro Nollh, 7 Broad st. BURY 061 7975764. PI/ Micros, 104 />bbey Sl, ACCRINGTON 0254 36521 . Sweetens Boolcshop Ltd. 48 F~gate,PRESTON 0772 52494. LEICESTER Dimension Computers Ud. 27-29 High Sl 0533 57479. May> Computer Ctr, 57 Churchgate 0533 58662. Mcro Express Ud. Silicon Hse, Fawke st. ROTHLEY 0533 375757. Rhyme and Reason Books. 22 Malcolm Arcade 0633 24591 . UNCS Felix COmputoo, 63 Wide Bargate, B05TON 0205 54321 . LONDON Adl!anced Tech Ctr (PercM:lls), 207 High st. ELTHAM 01 8597696. COmpuloo of Wigmore Sl, 104 Wtgmore Sl 01 9352452. G&B CorrpJ!er Eleclronlcs, 230 Taltenham Court Rd 01 6370353. Logic Sales Lid. 19 The Broadway, The Bourne, SOUTHGATE 01 8824942. Off Records. 58 Battersea Rise, CLAPHAM JUNCTION 01 2237730. Pilat Soflware City, 32 Rathbone Place 01 6362666. Romeo, 123 The Broadway, MILL HILL 01 f063363. Sonic Falo & Micro Ctr, 256 T altenham Court Rd 01 5805826. Technomallc Lid. 17 Bumiey Rd 01 5601171 . VIQien, Unil7, Trumpers Way, HANWELL 01 8439903. Woods Radio. 257 Lavender Hill Rd. 8AffiRSEA 01 2281768. MANCHESTER Courtgrant Computers, Amdale Ctr, STRETFORO 061 8642010. Horne and Business Computers Ltd, 54 Yorl<shlre st. OlDHAM 061 6331608. Mighty Micro, Sherwood Ctr, 268 Wlimslaw Rd. WILMSLOW 061 4298080. Mister Micro. 69 Partington La. SWINTON 061 7282282. MEIISEYSIDE Dolo Exchange, 164 New Chesler Rd. BIRI<ENHEAD 051 6479185. Thornguard CorrpJ!ers. 46 Pensby Rd. Heswall WIRRAL 051 3427516. MIDDX Screens Microcomputers, 6 Main Ave. Moor Pari<. NORTHWOOD 0927 420664. TwilstarComputooUd. 17Regina Rd. SOUTHALL 01 5745271 . NORfOLJ(Abacus Micros. 12o Paltergate. NORWICH 0603 614441. Thetford Micros, 21 GuUdhall st. THETFORD0842 61645. N'HANTS Dalaleaflld. 41- 42 High st. WEWNGSOROUGH 0933 228966. N IRELAND Compulerail Ud. 9 Upper Cavehlll Rd, BELFAST 0232 721946. NOmNGHAM Castle COmputers, 131 High Rd, BEESTON 0602 228 444. Computer Markel, 27 Goosegate 0602 586454. G A Computers Ud. 1 Wilford Rd. RUOOINGTON 0602 211225. Mansfield Cornputen and Electronics. 33 Albert st. MANSFIELD 0623 31202. SHROPS Computer Village. Suite 213. Hazeldine Hse, Central Sq. TELFORD 0952 506771. STAFFS Leek COmPlier Ctr, 7 8all Haye st. LEEK 0538 387859. New Hortzon Computer Ctr Ud. 1 Goodhall Sl, WALSALL 0922 24821. S'CLYDE Comscalt Lid. 30 Gordon st. GVSGON 041 2264878. SUfFOLJ( Computer Mogle, 24 Crown st. IPSWICH 0473 50965. ~ N Ud, 21 The Rookery, NEWMARKET 0638 663166. W01190f!lf Office Equipment. 43 SI.Johns Rd.LOWESTOFT 0502 512535. SURREY Computer-solve Ltd. 8 Central Parade, st Marks Hll. SURB!TON 01 3905135. Famham COmputers, 1 Sooth Sl, FARNHAM 0252 723107. P &H Electronics Lid. 22- 24Gulldford Rd. BAGSHOT0276 73078.JSSimnei!Compulers Ud. Unil15, SIGeorgeslnd Est, 380 Richmond Rd, KINGSTON01 5411495.Sia!Ocom Computers ltd. 20 Gro\ie Rd. SUTTON 01 6612266. JAY Cursor Keys. Unil22, KeHler Ctr. DIJNDEE 0382 28729. WAI!WlCICS Leamington Hobby Ctr. 121 Regent st. LEAMINGTON SPA 0926 2921 1. W MIDlANDS Central Computers. 35 Churchill Predncl, DlJDI.EY 0384 238169. Computaccaunt UK ltd. 21 Spllng Hill. Ladywood, 8'HAM 021 2363455. Coventry Micro Ctr, 33 Far Gostord st. COVENTRY 0203 58942. J8C Micro SeMces Ltd 200 E~ Ave North. Eorlsden. COVENTRY 0203 716126. Lee Computers, 160 Highfield Rd. Hall Green. B'HAM 021 7779631. RS COmPlier Sys, 232 Fole$hlll Rd. COVENTRY 0203 2305516. W.sussEX Blls and Bytes. High Sl, BOGNOR REGIS 0243 867143. CJE Microcomputers. 78 Brighton Rd. WORTHING 0903 213900. WILTS Ba!bu<y Computers, 89 Vlctorta Rd. Old Town. SWINDON 0793 611487. YORKS Danum Computer Sys, 17 East Lalth Gate, DONCASTER 0302 20355. fM Compulers. 812 Eccleshall Rd. SHEFFIELD 07 42 661328 . .Just Micro, 22 ear- st. SHEFFIELD 0742 752732. Micro Bridge. 75 Goodramgate, YORK 0904 39449. Mlc:ropower Ud. Northwood Hse. Nollh st. LEEDS 0532 458800. Micro Wortd COmputers, 1006 Manchester Rd, Linthwane, HUDDERSFIELD 0484 846117. Thoughts a)'ld Crosses. Marl<et st. HECKMONDWIKE 0924 402337.
