There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job Book Ⅱ Unit 8 Section A Unit 8


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There’s a Lot More to Life than a Job

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Section ASection A UnitUnit 8 8

Pre-class Tasks Checking

Text Comprehension

Difficult Sentences


Words and Phrases

Post-class Tasks


Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Idea Sharing

Pre-class Tasks Checking

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Ⅰ.Watch the video and discuss the follwing topic:

How do you understand the meaning of life?


getting a lucrative job,

earning more money,

living a comfortable life,

render service to the society

and the people around us …

Ⅱ.Globle Understanding

1.What is the conclusion drawn from the survey based on the responses from over 188,000 students?

consumeristic; idealistic

2. What do students think about the importance of developing a meaningful philosophy of life?

well off; successful



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3. What do most people between 30 and 50 finally become aware of ?

work; live for; do more

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4. According to the text, what is the duty of educational institution?

aware of; meaning; life



Text Comprehension

Structure of the Text

Main idea of the Text

Structure Analysis

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8


I. Structure of the Text

There’s a lot More to Life than a Job

Part Ⅰ(Para. 1-8)

Part Ⅱ (Paras. 9-18)

Part Ⅲ (Paras. 19)

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8


Ⅱ.Main idea of the text

According to a survey based on responses from newcomeAccording to a survey based on responses from newcomers to college, today’s college students are more consumeristrs to college, today’s college students are more consumeristic but less idealistic than ever in history. But what the elderic but less idealistic than ever in history. But what the elders have learned from their life experience proves that one is s have learned from their life experience proves that one is meant not only to be financially well off, but also to see beymeant not only to be financially well off, but also to see beyond one’s immediate needs, have a perspective on the worlond one’s immediate needs, have a perspective on the world around, and render service to society. This is where broad around, and render service to society. This is where broad education should enter. d education should enter.

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Ⅲ. Structure Analysis

Text A is an argumentation for the point that there’s a lot more to life than a job. It is of a problem-solution pattern which can be roughly divided into three parts.

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Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

A Problem-Solution Pattern

A Problem-Solution PatternPart One: Presenting the Problem (Paras. 1~8)

Part Two: Solving the Problem (Paras. 9~18)

Part Three: Conclusion (Para. 19)

Part One: Presenting the Problem

What is the problem?

The youth today are becoming more and more inclined to care more about material things rather than anything else like social responsibility.

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Part Two: Solving the Problem

How to deal with the problem?

It is the duty of educational institutions to help students to understand the meaning of life.

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① Education should be able to teach the young ...② Education teaches us to see the connections between ...

③ A broad education can ...

Part Three: Conclusion

What conclusion can we arrive at?

Our educators should both answer students’ cries for career education and ensure that students are prepared for the day when they realize their short-sightedness.

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Difficult Sentences



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1. …“If only I knew then what I know now.” (L.6)

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If only 后用虚拟语气。谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在没有实现的愿望,用过去完成时表示过去没有实现的愿望,常译为“要是……就好了”。 译文:要是当初我就懂得了现在我领悟到的东西该有多好。



If only I could speak several foreign languages!

If only I had gone there the other day.

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2. … If it (whatever it may be) won’t compute and you can’t drink it… ( L.11 )

及物动词 compute 的主动形式表示被动意义。类似的及物动词还有: wash, write, sell, read, open, cut, peel, play, strike, record, eat, draw, act, lock, photograph 等。

译文:如果某种东西(不管它是何物)没有实际意义 , 不能把它当酒喝, ……

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He does not photograph well. Nylon dries quickly. The novel sells well.

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3.Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life. (L.23)

否定词 less 放在句首,句子需要部分倒装。


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倒装( Inversion ) : 句子中谓语的动词部分或全部放在主语前。

● 谓语的动词的全部放在主语前为完全倒装;(如: There goes the bell. )

● 谓语的动词的助动词或情态动词放在主语前为部分倒装。部分倒装除常见的疑问句外还用于:

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① 表示否定的词或词组放在句首作状语时: 如 : not only, never, scarcely, hardly, rarely, little, no

sooner…than.., in no case, at no time 等。 ② only 引出的状语放句首:

Only after class was he allowed to raise the question.

③ 句首为 so, nor, neither 等副词 , 表明前句说明的情况也适用于本句时:

Jim didn’t say anything. Nor (neither) did Tom.

④ 虚拟语气中,非真实条件从句中的连词省略时: Had I left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.

= If I had left a little earlier, …

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New Words and Phrases

Chinese to English

Matching Game

Word Using

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8


1. 主要目标 2. 大学教师

3. 得出结论

4. 生活质量

5. 教育机构

6. 道德感

7. 航运公司

1.major objective instructor

3.arrive at a conclusion

4.quality of life

5.educational institutions

6.moral sense

7.a shipping company

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Chines to English Chines to English

Macthing Game

__ preferable a. a survey of public opinion

__ confine b. recognize the difference

__ distinguish between people or things

__ accumulate c. keep sb. or sth.within certain

__ poll limits

d. better or more suitable

e. get more and more of sth.

over a period of time

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8



Word Using

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1. accordingly ad. ① as a result of something

They asked him to leave the company, and accordingly he stopped working there.



I was told to hurry; accordingly, I came by plane.


Book Ⅱ

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

1. accordingly ad. (L.26)

② in a way that is suitable for a particular situation

She is an expert in her field, and is paid accordingly.


Please inform us of your decision and we will act accordingly.




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2. enrollment n. (L.32) ① [C] the number of people enrolled ② [U] the process of enrolling or being enrolled


• School enrollments are currently falling.

• Enrollment is the first week of September.

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2. enroll v. (L.32)

to arrange for yourself or for sb. else to officially join a course, school, etc.

e.e.g.g.She decided to enroll in the history course at the local evening school.

Use Use ititDid you enroll in any clubs or associations this semester?

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3. confines n. (L.72) limits or borders

• It is beyond the confines of human knowledge.

• The narrow confines of a

life in the church proved

too difficult for him.


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3. confine v. (L.72) keep sb. or sth. within certain limits

confine … to… 把…限制于…里面

You are asked to confine your use of the telephone to business calls only.



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At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine his remarks to the subject.



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4. render v.(L.73)



help / aid / assistance (to)

services (to)

thanks (to)

He is always ready to render help to others, so he is the most respectable person in the neighborhood.



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5. contribution n. (L.91)

① [C] sth. one does that helps to achieve sth. or to make it successful

e.e.g.g.• Shakespeare’s contribution

to English literature is immeasurable.

• These measures would make valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents.

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② [C] an amount of money or sth. else that helps to achieve sth. or to make it successful

5. contribution n. (L.91)


• All contributions, no matter how small, will be appreciated.

• Ten kids from the poverty-stricken mountainous regions accepted a ¥ 40,000 contribution from a Charitable Foundation.

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6. diverse a. (L.93)

• New York is a very culturally diverse city.

• This candidate has an impressively diverse range of interests and experience.


different; showing variety

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7. accumulate v. (L.106)

get more and more of sth. over a period of time

• By investing wisely, she accumulated a fortune.


• If you don’t sort out the papers on your desk on a regular basis, they just keep on accumulating.

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8. distinguish v. (L.113)

recognize the difference between people or things

• He’s color-blind and can’t distinguish between red and green easily.• It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other.


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phraphrasesedistinguish… from… 把…和…区分开



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Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8


I have always felt that youth is _____ on the young. Well, ______ I have felt that way since I passed ______ age! If only I could go ____ to college now! I _____ work _____ to learn a foreign language. I would take _____ things more seriously. I would ____ more energy to develop my _____ sense. I would even study harder in the field I _________ in. Of course I can’t go back, ____ I hope you can ______ from my experience.

Your generation enjoys an incredible amount of knowledge in _____ fields. Stand _______ on the contributions made by others! As you study ____ wisdom of others, learn ____ to think. Then use your strength to build a ______ world for the next generation. In the _____ run you will find that this way of _______ can help you become well off

_________ happy.

wastedat last middle

back would harderartistic

spend moralspecialized

but learn

many proudly

the howbetter


as well as

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Idea Sharing

DiscussionWhat is the most important thing in your life?Give reasons.

Use only one word (a noun) to tell your group members the most important thing in your lifeand then take a relative test.

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Your possible answers may be:

money, family, time, love, health, work , …

If the most important thing equals to 100, which of the above answer can equal that amount?Please take the following test to find out.

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

If A to Z is equal to 1 to 26 respectively, you will find that money is not the most important thing in your life because M+O+N+E+Y=13+15+ 14+5+25=72, which is not 100. What about love? Let’s do the test once again: L+O+V+E=12+15+ 22+5=54, which is not 100, either. Can you find out the word to suggest the most important thing in life according to the test?

A test

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Attitude is exactly the most important thing in life because A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E=1+20+20+ 9+20+ 21+4+5=100, which is just 100.

Attitude is everything.

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Structure analysis


Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8

Structure writing


Structure Analysis

an argument supported by facts

One writing technique for argumentation is tosupport an argument with facts, statistics, examples, reasons, etc. In Section A, we can find that facts are used to support an argument. The point of view argued might be one sentence, a few sentences, or even a whole paragraph.

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Analyze paragraphs 14 and 15 to find out what fact has been used to support theargument.

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The argument: Education should teach us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs. (Para. 14)

The fact to support the argument:

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Para. 15)

A strike for higher wages resulted in employers

driven out of work. No company, no job. How short-sighted in the long run.

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Structure Writing

A Paragraph

An Argument + Facts/Reasons

Book ⅡUnit 8Book ⅡUnit 8


Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our education fails its purpose. People are shocked to find that most of the criminals today are 14- to 24-year-olds. They lack moral sense and a sense of responsibility to their society and to people in general. They value everything in terms of money and will do whatever they can to lay their hands on easy money.

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An Argument: Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our educationfails its purpose.

Fact 1:

People are shocked to find that most of the criminals today are 14- to 24-year-olds.

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Fact 2:

An Argument: Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our educationfails its purpose.

They lack moral sense and a sense of responsibility to their society and to people in general.

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They value everything in terms of money and will do whatever they can to lay their hands on easy money.

An Argument: Youngsters are likely to become destructive forces of resistance if our educationfails its purpose.

Fact 3:

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