There Is Not Only Manhattan There are more places to enjoy yourself than Manhattan By Xavier Veloz


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There Is Not Only Manhattan There are more places to enjoy yourself than Manhattan

By Xavier Veloz

Manhattan is a tourist attraction with many amazing sites, yet, the other boroughs in New York get no attention at all. But there still is more places then

Manhattan to enjoy yourself and there are many fun place elsewhere.


• Is a great place to go to on July 4th to see the wonderful fireworks and how that their beauty shows during those times. You can see them better than anywhere else in NYC. You can also go to one of the many parks in Brooklyn to relax and enjoy yourself in there is also many races you can attend to really enjoy.

Randalls Island• Even as part of Manhattan, it doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

Many people don’t even care what its name is or even what it is, and they refer it to the place across the blue bridge. But it is something really amazing. It has many large parks covered in grass. You can also play games like football and soccer with children leagues.

Staten Island

People say it has nothing interesting in it, but I disagree, during winter, there is snow everywhere to have fun like snow ball fights, it also has the statue of liberty not too far away.

Even with all the places to go to, my story wasn’t about stopping you from going to Manhattan, just about stopping people from thinking Manhattan is the only option.
