There is limited competition for a good Press · We are going to give you a template to follow. By...


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There is limited competition for a good Press Release.

There are many Free Press Release services and even the paid services are quite cheap.

And best of all: Google Loves Press Releases and ranks them very high AND very quickly in their search engine results.

First, realize that you don’t have to write a Pulitzer Prize winning Press Release. Showing up is way more important than having the best Press Release ever written.

Second, understand that once you know the standard format for a Press Release most people consider them easier than writing an article.

We are going to give you simple instructions. We are going to give you a template to follow. By

merely filling in the sections of the template you will be halfway done.

We are going to give you some good examples. And… we are going to give you our: ‘Secret Press

Release Formula’ to get those front page rankings to bring you that all important traffic.

First you check the 'Profitability' of a niche by searching in Google with your keyword phrase.

You are looking to see if there are 2, 3 or more pay-per-click ads on the left hand side of the search engine results that are returned for that keyword phrase.

If someone is paying money to run these ads then there must be money to be made.

Our example is a somewhat unusual niche:

Infertility. Here is a screenshot of the actual Google

search results page and you can see there are 7 Pay-Per-Click ads and you’ll also notice NOT ONE SINGLE PRESS RELEASE!

This is wide open right now.

There are two thing places for a Press Release

to rank high and bring you traffic. The search engine Google itself. And which actually is easier

to rank high and bring you traffic. Let’s first look at ranking high on Google


Search in Google for your keyword phrase in quotation marks such as: “Infertility”

Now what you want are results less than 50,000.

Ideally NO 'Direct Domain Name Matches' on the first page of results

No Government or Educational Institution websites

You can see from the previous screenshot that right now we are at ‘34,300,000 results’ which is well above 50,000 so how do we narrow that down?

We could switch to another niche or we could focus or keyword into a longer keyword phrase

Let’s try: "infertility treatments using acupuncture techniques”

Trying to keep this as short as possible I jumped

to a longer keyword phrase but also used one that will easily appear naturally in the writing of the actual Press Release.

You see there are Pay-Per-Click Ads. But what really stands out is the: No results

found for "infertility treatments using acupuncture techniques”

It’s waiting for you

Again you'll want to check the competition on

Google News. So you go to Google news which can be found

here: If you see 20-50 results for that keyword or

keyword phrase then you are going to rank in the news easily.

Let’s go step by step with our keyword “Infertility”

We’ll start with a single, very general keyword: infertility

It’s hard to see with the faint grey text being used but it is showing: 51,600 results

That’s too high so we will start to ‘drill down’ as they say when it comes to working with keywords.

Next we want to start to narrow our niche and we’ll use the keyword phrase: infertility treatment

We now see: 1,940 results That’s still too high so we will continue to ‘drill

down’ in our niche by adding to our keyword phrase.

Here is the result using the keyword phrase: infertility treatment acupuncture

Now we have gotten all the way down to only: 418 results

Close, but no cigar. We are looking for less than 50 results so we just take it another step further

Lets add one more word and use the keyword phrase: infertility treatment acupuncture methods

Bingo! We are seeing: 15 results We now have the keyword phrase will use to

target our Press Release for Google News.

Let’s review the keyword progression we went through to find the keyword phrase with less than 50 results: ◦ 1 – infertility

◦ 2 – infertility treatment

◦ 3 – infertility treatment acupuncture

◦ 4 – infertility treatment acupuncture methods

Let’s briefly review the first part of our Secret Press Release Formula: ◦ 1 – Google Loves Press Releases

◦ 2 – Check 'Profitability' by looking for PPC ads

◦ 3 – Use both Google and Google News

◦ 4 – Google competition check: less than 50,000 results

◦ 5 – Google News competition check: less than 50 results

Before we take an in-depth look at a good

Press Release here are the main points to keep in mind: ◦ 1 – This is NEWS written in a professional tone. ◦ 2 – This is NOT a sales letter or an article. ◦ 3 – ALL facts mentioned MUST have 100% proof. ◦ 4 – Minimum 300 words. ◦ 5 – CHECK for spelling and grammatical errors.

The Header (Not the Headline): ◦ For an online Press Release the header will be this:


◦ Yep! That’s it. (I did mention that by simply filling in the sections of the template, or format, you will be halfway there to writing your Press Release.)

The Headline must balance between the ‘Shock Value‘ and ‘Making An Announcement’ so for the Shock Value: ◦ The headline should reach out and grab them by the hair

and shake their eyes out of their sockets . . . UNDERSTOOD?!?!?!

◦ Think of what are sometimes referred to as ‘Supermarket Tabloids’

◦ Yes, you are thinking correctly as most of you probably thought of “The National Enquirer”

◦ Outrageous headlines that honestly relate to the content of the Press Release are what you are looking for!

Here are a few examples you have seen or heard: ◦ Who Else Want To Look Like A Movie Star?

◦ Secrets That The Credit Card Companies Don’t Want You to Know!

Now for the Headline Making An Announcement here are some actual examples: ◦ Service Delivery Management Software, Clear Computing

Online, Available Now

◦ Do It In Person partners with Village Pourhouse to Launch the Passport Program

◦ Studica Launches - a Unity Educators User Group

This may seem confusing but the idea we want to get across is that you want to get as much attention as possible from your headline without going overboard.

You want people to click on your Press Release to read it, but you also do not want Google to ignore it because it just seems too outrageous.

The last, but very IMPORTANT, point to

remember when it comes to the headline for your Press Release is to always deliver on the ‘Promise’ proclaimed in your headline.

Don’t do what might be called a ‘Bait and Switch’ Example: “6 Foot Man Eating Chicken” and the

Press Release talks about a guy who is 6 feet tall eating a piece of chicken. You get the idea, right?

The Dateline: All your Press Releases must have a dateline. The

dateline is usually placed either under the header and before the headline or at the beginning of the press release body, along with the city and state/country.

Now here's the good news! Most Press Release Services have a place for you to just fill it in and if they don't here is how you would set this up:

The Dateline: This example is when there is a place in the submission form specifically for the dateline: Scottsdale, AZ (PR NAME) May 29, 2012

Some Press Release Services will have a Subtitle.

Your goal here is to create a 'Teaser' by giving only half of a thought or idea, example:

“How Did 29 Year Old Mary Scott Of Boise, Idaho Get Car Insurance For Only $17.99 Per Month?”

Or you can begin to explain a 'Benefit' for them based on ‘What’s In It For Me’ but NOT give away all the information.

Actual Subtitle: “Studica, Inc., the education source for software and technology products has launched, a Unity Educators User Group, designed to help bring game design & development to a classroom near you.”

Do You Feel An Incredible Love For Game Design & Development? Want To Earn Your Living Designing Software For The Gaming Industry? Studica, Inc., has Launched To Bring Game Design Education To A Classroom Near You!

Now . . . Notice the difference?

So here is our Subtitle summary

◦ You want them to HAVE to click on your Press Release to read the whole thing or else they will never even see the link to your website or your squeeze page.

◦ If you give away the whole ball of wax they have no incentive to click and read your Press Release. Bye, bye sale.

◦ Always Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word In Your Subtitle. ◦ Make it short and sweet; two or three sentences at the most. ◦ TEASE THEM!

Now we get to the body, the main part, of the actual Press Release itself.

The first paragraph is extremely important, it should contain the most important elements in your Press Release presented in a concise manner all designed to get them to read your entire Press Release!

Get your keyword phrase in here as well.

After the first paragraph the next few paragraphs will expand on, go into more detail, what was stated in the first paragraph.

You want to give them valuable information or another viewpoint that other people would not know or have thought of.

Give away some quality facts,but be sure you can honestly back them up.

The next to last paragraph is also important. This

is where you will explain the benefit, the ‘What’s In It For Me?’ to set up your ‘Call To Action’ BUT! . . .

You can NOT let it come across as a sales pitch. Google and other places will not pick up stories

that are simply sales pitches, so avoid this or your Press Release will fail to reach your intended audience.

Included at the very end of the Press Release

will be your contact info. Most services will have a separate place in

their submission form so it is easy to fill in. The information you put in here is up to you

and will depend on the type of business you have.

First off, make sure you put YOUR NAME here.

You can put a link to your website but use the URL itself as in: Don’t use any anchor text.

If you are a local business you will probably want your full physical address and telephone number.

You should also include an email address.

How you use your email address will depend again upon the type of business you have and how aggressive you want to be.

You can set up an auto-responder so that each time someone tries to contact you, your email replies automatically directing them to your website.

If you are a local business with a product or service, you might want to personally answer any questions they have to go more into selling them.

Since many of you may be selling products as an

affiliate one of the more aggressive things you can do is to send them to a squeeze page where you can capture the email addresses of these people who are obviously interested in the types of products or services your Press Release informed them about.

Without a squeeze page you will not be building up your own mailing list, but only adding to the list of the owner of the product you are selling as an affiliate.

The reason why this works so effectively is that we redirect them to the main offer page (Your affiliate link) as soon as they enter their email address. This allows you to win in two ways:

1 - You got their email address which you can use to follow up, build the relationship to sell later, or just hit them with another offer.

2 - AND you have showed them the offer that they really want to learn more about. (They have shown an interest by clicking the link inside the Press Release).

You see how the path to draw them in is being set up? Headline grabs their attention. Subtitle increases their interest. First paragraph whets their appetite further. Body gives more details but leave them wanting more. The last paragraph makes them bite. If you can, tease

them a little more by stating one more thing without going into any actual details.

They click on your link or your email address and then you set the hook.

Most Press Release services will have their own forms where you just have to fill in the blanks and everything will be done so don’t stress much about the formatting of your contact details.

You only need to focus on exactly what information you want to put there and where it will lead them to.

Let me restate the important parts of the

Press Release format so you can better understand that balance of what you want as far as NEWS so your Press Release will get published and what you can do to create a SALE once it gets out there.

I’ll also throw in a few extra tips!

Think of yourself as a serious journalist and . . . ALWAYS WRITE IN THE 3RD PERSON!

Make an announcement! An easy way to get started is to do your first press release announcing your new website or your latest post to your blog!

Interview yourself. Seriously. You are both the reporter and the person being interviewed. This is another way to get started and to get used to writing Press Releases.

The most important details should be included in

the opening paragraph of the press release. The remainder of the press release should

contain more information about you and your business

At the end you can include a call to action here, but do NOT let it come across as a sales pitch!

Understand how you want to set up your contact information.

Quotes are great! Facts or statistics are also great as long as you can

reference them and prove they are true. You can throw in a little history of you or your

product or service that relates to the topic of your Press Release.

Images are great as well, but you do not have to have them so don't let the lack of an image keep you from getting started.

Header - Easy Headline – Grab Them Dateline – Easy First Paragraph – The Whole Point Of The Press

Release Should Be Made Here Middle Paragraphs – Expand On First Paragraph Last Paragraph – Soft Sell / Tease Contact Info

Let’s review again the simplicity of our Secret Press Release Formula: ◦ 1 – Google Loves Press Releases

◦ 2 – Check 'Profitability' by looking for PPC ads

◦ 3 – Use both Google and Google News

◦ 4 – Google competition check: less than 50,000 results

◦ 5 – Google News competition check: less than 50 results

Here Are Some Final Thoughts For You To

Consider: Don't Be Intimidated By The Phrase "Press

Release" And Think You Have To Write Something That Would Be Put Out By A Major Corporation Like Microsoft!

Following The Format And The Submission Forms Used By The Press Release Services Will Get Most Of The Work Done

Please Understand Two Very Important Things.

Your Press Release Will Only Show For 2 To 4 Days, but you will be at the top of the first page!

This Is Great for Exposure And Backlinks.

Not All Of Your Press Releases Will Get Picked Up And Make The First Page, But So What?!?

Reload And FIRE AGAIN!

With A Successful Press Release Showing Up

For An Average Of 3 Days Think Volume Over Perfection!

Instead Of One 700 Word Press Release The Same Amount Of Words Can Get You Two 350 Word Press Releases For The Same Amount Of Work!

Some Press Release services have an "About"

section. This is about you or your company NOT about your product or service.

If you do not have a company, don't let this throw you off.

Just briefly, in a low key statement, talk about you and why you have this website or wrote this press release and it can be a as short as a single sentence!

Now let’s look at one more thing and I have left

this for last as we want you to get started churning out Press Releases first and foremost.

To get to the top of Google with Press Releases on a more consistent basis you will need to do just 1 more extra thing – build a few backlinks.

They don’t even have to be do-follow. It is just to show Google that your NEWS is getting noticed and is being read and passed around.

For doing this you need to social bookmark your news article once you get the URL of the Press Release that you posted.

You can do this yourself or you can just go grab a gig at

At for $5 they will bookmark your URL with 2-3 anchor texts to many different sites.

For $5 you can save yourself a lot of time!

Facebook can be of value as well.

Once you social bookmark it, also share it on your Facebook walls and ask friends to like it and share it.

You won’t believe how valuable Google considers this with news articles.

Last Words. In The World Of Internet Marketing, It Is

Better To Do Something Poorly Then Do Nothing At All.

And… You Get Better And Faster At Doing It The More You Do It.

Get Started! Take Action!
