There is going to be the fire of Holy Spirit that hits New Zealand I am going to raise up an army...


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• There is going to be the fire of Holy Spirit that hits New Zealand

• I am going to raise up an army that will touch the nations of the earth

• A mighty revival will sweep New Zealand


• People will come from all over the earth just to see what God is doing

• New Zealand is a sword in my hand. I have called you to be a cutting edge people

• God showed me a vision of the anointing of God radiating from New Zealand. The intensity of the anointing was getting stronger and stronger to the point where


• There will be a day when people will come from all over the earth to receive God’s glory

• I saw people planting their feet on the ground and falling under the power of God at the airport

• The convicting power, the fire of God, will come from New Zealand

• You are going to see God rise up in this land

• There’s going to be such an anointing of justice and mercy and people will come here from the nations of the earth to find out about mercy

• Thousands and thousands of people will come in from all over the world and just watch the praises of God


• There is an anointing on the leaders of this nation to write books, books on revival, teaching books and books for children’s ministries

• I saw printing presses sending literature across the nations in language after language

• There is an anointing of creativity and innovation upon the business leaders of this nation, there is even going to be inventions that people will use that is going to impact Asians

• God is able to bring a revival to this nation that will shake the nations of the earth .. You have to believe it .. You have to rise up and take it


• 5, 6, 7 year olds with a prophetic gift on their lives will stand up and prophecy to their teachers; they are going to speak the Word of the Lord. God is raising up a Samuel generation unlike any other

• Angelic visitations will come to the children of New Zealand

• New Zealand has a gift of prophetic teaching, you are small but mighty, dynamite comes in little sticks

• There is an indigenous sound that is going to come. The new wave sound is going to rise up from this nation for revival

• There is a message here to be sent to the nations

• You’re a David nation. You’re a nation with kingly authority for the nations of the earth

• Prophets will go from New Zealand to the nations of the earth


• Prophetically a marriage of a religious spirit and a political spirit have combined together to stop the move of God. God is going to deal with the spirit of control. There will come a day when there will be one sound in New Zealand

• You know how Israel is … small but mighty. That’s what New Zealand is going to be like

• God is going to use New Zealand in a great way to protect Israel. Even in the United Nations, there’s going to be a fight and you’ll be standing up for Israel


• You are a David nation, a prophetic nation and a nation of seers

• Deborah’s will arise in the land

• The Lord says to you New Zealand, wherever you put your feet I will give it to you, unlike any other generation that is known


• I see a storm coming into this nation that will sweep away a religious spirit but this storm will also cause you to be swept along in a whole new time of power and anointing unprecedented in this country’s history

• The storm will blow away that religious spirit, will blow away legalistic power and will see a new body emerge in this country with a unity unprecedented in this country’s history

• Many will come to this nation to see what God is doing

• There shall not be a dissenting voice in this country, there will be a unity and power that beggars belief


• The Spirit will walk abroad in this nation, unfettered by religion

• There will be testimonies of people having angelic encounters and experience of heaven. And that which you read in the Scriptures will be seen and read in your newspapers, and television will broadcast testimonies. On national TV people will be reading out and interviewing people and there will be testimonies of the presence of God, unusual signs and wonders, creative miracles, medical profession testifying


• Your government will talk about it, people in places of power, mayors will be talking about it all over this country. God is rebuilding something that the enemy tried so hard to tear down.

• It is My will that heaven comes to earth in this country

• You will become a nation of worshippers, nation of warriors, game-changers


• New Zealand is a land of Awakening and Revival that will awaken the dawn and awaken the Church in the earth

• This nation will produce a generation of revivalists that turn the world upside down

• God is decreeing a release of a new mantle for a new day in New Zealand .. A nation mobilised to bring the miracle power and glory of the Kingdom of God to earth

• This nation will release a true representation of the Voice of God in the earth

• God’s voice will be heard from the Land of the Long White Cloud and it will shake nations!

• New Zealand is to be an Apostolic nation of sending to and reaping from other nations and bringing the last days harvest for the Glory of God


• Out of the ground of New Zealand I am releasing favour and wisdom to bring restoration to the land

• To the Maori people, arise and follow what the Lord has imparted in your hearts, for your Lord is upon you

• The Lord has entrusted you to move like no other

• As you begin your warfare I will release heaven to begin a new flow in the spirit all over the earth

• The only voice that can release this new flow is the Maori people’s

• There is great authority within you that will release heaven and cast down the enemy


• Saw the perimeters of Australia and New Zealand burning with fire

• New Zealand was completely engulfed and WAS the fire. The whole nation was consumed by the fire

• Heard the Lord say, My heart beats within me, my heart beats passionately for the nation of New Zealand. New Zealand will not HAVE fire, New Zealand will BE the fire

• The world will come to New Zealand and people will not be able to come in or go out within being burned by the fire of Holy Spirit

• Your nation will no longer be in the back of the line. I have picked you up and put you in the front. No longer will you trail behind. Your nation has become a habitation for the Holy Spirit

• The Holy Spirit isn’t tired or weary but He has found a resting place and it is called New Zealand