There and Back 2016.pdfThere...


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There and Back Again A Nurse’s Tale by

Annie Mullen

July 2016

All the Traveling! I have been here for almost 6 months and my

language is improving steadily, but not as quickly as I wish it would! I am sorry it has been so long since I’ve written. I have had computer trouble but hope to get it sorted this month.

Things have been good here since Becca, one of the nurses I work with, went on home assignment but Kirsty and I are anxious to see her again when she returns in July. I will be in Kenya for training with my organization when Becca returns, but we will see each other in Kenya as she passes through. I will be in Kenya for about 4 weeks and then return to my island. Kirsty, the other nurse I work with, will be going on home assignment in September and then Becca and I will be the only nurses at the clinic.

Pr@y • That I will

continue to learn and improve my language skills

• For safe travel

• For a good relationship with the new midwife at the clinic

• That I continue to build good relationships with teammates and people in my village

Kirsty took a fall off the clinic porch at the beginning of May and twisted her ankle quite badly. She is better now but her injury did hasten my

learning to drive on the island. Which is always an adventure!

The Highlights! In May we enjoyed celebrating Turtle Day with the community. It was a

whole week of events leading up to the day when people came from all over the country to celebrate. I participated in a tug of war with a few other women from my village and also in the woman’s football (soccer) game on Turtle Day. It was a good time to participate in things with the community.

The government has assigned a new midwife to our village clinic. We are very excited to, hopefully soon, be able to deliver babies in our village and not have to rush to the hospital an hour away! The midwife just started work here the end of May. We are looking forward to getting to know her and to building a good relationship with her.

The Month of Fasting for the majority Faith here was this last month. There is no eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset, which is about 6pm, for a whole month. We were able to share meals with several friends of ours this month as they broke the fast in the evenings and had good conversations with them.

The picture on the left is the beach at the lodge where our team stayed for our team retreat in May. The scenery is beautiful here! I am in the picture on the right with

my “wee friend,” as Kirsty calls her.

If you want more information about anything feel free to contact me through the email address below in the green. Internet access is limited, so I will be slow in replying. However, I will respond! If you want to partner with me please go to Thank you again for all your pr@yers and support! It is a big encouragement to me! Thanks again!

