Therapies. Therapy involves: Identifying the problem Identifying the cause Deciding a form of...


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Therapy involves:

• Identifying the problem• Identifying the cause • Deciding a form of treatment

Types of therapists:

• Counseling psychologists• Clinical psychologists• Psychiatrists• Psychiatric nurse practitioners• Psychoanalysts• Clinical social workers• Pastoral counselors

The History of Psychological Disorders Is Indeed Varied.

Phillip Pineal in France and Dorethea Dix in America.

Treatment Used on Is Based on the Therapists Background.

Behavioral therapies


• Some believe they are biologically rooted • Some believe they are a response to social


Therapies Are Classified Into Two Main Categories:

structured verbal intervention.

directly impact the nervous system.

The Psychotherapies

Psychotherapy is a Planned, Emotionally Charged Confiding

Interaction Between a Trained Socially Sanctioned Healer and a


There are two categories of psychotherapies:

1. Insight or talk therapies

The second type of psychotherapy are the behavior therapies


Psychoanalysis Comes From Freudian Psychoanalytic



• free association


• resistance


• results from anxiety and repression.

Dreams latent content.

Patient begins to trust the analyst.

psychoanalysts insist that they are helpful.


• Few psychoanalysts today

Humanist Therapies

People are motivated by healthy needs and self-fulfillment .

The Best Known Is Carl Roger’s client centered therapy

Problems occur when positive self-image is threatened.

Uses a Technique Called Reflective Listening

• Constantly seeking clarification

Behavior Therapies

Interested the elimination of the problem.

They Use Counter Conditioning.

Systematic Desensitization.

• introduced by psychiatrist Joseph Wolpe in 1958.


• Mary Cover Jones’s rabbit experiment showed how to eliminate a child’s fear.

Progressive laxation Also Eliminates Unwanted Behaviors

Exposure treatment

• A more aggressive type of systematic desensitization

Behavioral Therapists Also Use Observational Learning.


Aversive Stimuli


The person’s ability to discriminate real from fiction impacts the effectiveness of this treatment.

Behaviorists Also Use Operant Conditioning

Dialectic behavior therapy

• Focuses on getting people to accept themselves

Cognitive Therapies

Thinking Affects Feelings.

• Depressed people misinterpret things.

Rational Emotive Therapy

• Created by Albert Ellis• problems arise from irrational thinking.

you can reach your goals by positive self talk.

Many cognitive therapists feel depressed people do not possess

a self serving bias.

Children can be taught skills that will buffer them against


Donald Meehanbaum Uses Something Called Stress

Inoculation Training.

Cognitive therapy actually changes the brain.

Interpersonal therapy

Concentrates on improving social relationships by building social skills

Group and Family Therapies

All of these therapies except for traditional psychoanalysis can

occur in small groups.

The social context shows others have similar problems.

Family Therapy..

Evaluating Psychotherapy

The National Institute of Mental health estimates that 15% of

Americans seek mental health help each year.

Is Psychotherapy Effective?

• 75% clients report satisfaction, 50% report to be very satisfied.

What Are the Clinical Perceptions?

Most therapists testify to the therapy’s success.

Outcomes Research

Mary Lee Smith and her colleagues in 1980 combined the results of 475 investigations in a

statistical study.

• Findings overwhelmingly supported the efficacy of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy will not transform your life permanently.

In General, Therapy Is Most Effective When the Problem Is

Clear Cut. For Example:

• Phobias• Depression• Unassertiveness• Frustrated sexual performance

What is the most effective form of psychotherapy?

No one therapy that is better

Are There Commonalities Among Therapies?

• Three benefits:• Hope • New perspectives of world• The development of an empathic, trusting,

caring relationship.

Consensus on effective therapy

Behavioral therapies are best for:

• General phobias• Enuresis• Autism• Alcoholism

Cognitive behavior therapy for:

• Chronic pain• Eating disorders• Agoraphobia• Depression

Insight therapies

• Couple relationship problems

Bio-medical Therapies

Alters the brain's chemistry with drugs

• Overloading its’ circuits with electro-convulsive shock

• Disconnecting its’ circuits with psychosurgery

Drug Therapies

– Began in 1953 with an antipsychotic drug called chlorpromazine

This is the most common biomedical treatment .

• Psychopharmacology, is the study of drug effects on the mind and behavior.

Anti-psychotic Drugs

They treat psychosis

The newest generation of anti-psychotic drugs are called

atypical antipsychotics(risperadone,

olanzapine, paliperidone) reduce the symptoms of psychosis

Anti-anxiety Drugs

The most heavily prescribed are Benzodiazepine (Xanex, Ativan,

Valium and Librium

These drugs have side effects

Anti-Depressant drugs

• Turn up the volume on messages transmitted over certain brain pathways.

• Iprioniazids (nardil, parnate)• Inhibit the monoamine oxidase enzyme(MAO)

Produces dangerous side effects

Tricylics (Tofranil and Elavil)

• Increase the supply of Serotonin and Norepinephrine by decreasing reuptake at the receptor sites

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

• Increase the available supply of Serotonin by preventing reuptake

Suicide is related to use of these drugs

The full effect of anti-depressant drugs really take 4 to 5 weeks and

usually the effect is aided by cognitive therapy.

For those suffering from bi-polar disorder. Lithium is a stabilizer.

Stimulants (caffeine, nicotine, , ritilin, amphetamines

• Produce excitement or hyperactivity• Effective in treating narcolepsy and ADHD

Current drug therapies reduce or increases activity at all receptors

for a given transmitter.

Electro-convulsive therapy

Manipulation of the brain through shock treatment.

• Called ECT.

Today, patients receive anesthetics

75 to 100 volts of electricity are applied to the right temple for about

1/10 of a second.

It is ineffective in treating other psychological disorders.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Under experimentation• High-powered magnetic stimulation is

applied to specific parts of the brain• Can cause seizures and convulsions


Removes or destroys brain tissue to change behavior.

• Developed by a Portuguese physician named Egas Moniz


Nerves are cut between the frontal lobes and the thalamus

and hypothalamus

Some types of psychosurgery are used in extreme cases of brain

disorder .

Other alternatives

Therapeutic communities

• Introduced by Maxwell Jones in 1953. Patients control their own lives, including treatment plans.

Deinstitutionalization and community mental health

Known as the community mental health movement
