Themes of digital literacies arising from DeFT case studies



an outline of the themes that came out of the DeFT case studies.

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Cathy Burnett &

Julia Davies

Digital Participation, Apprenticeshi

p & Learning


(cross cutting and overlapping)


Production and


Participation, Sharing & Collaboratio


Blended & Distributed Learning Spaces


Awareness of the digital technology; the allure of shiny and new; the problem of accessing new hardware; getting to grips with the software

‘old wine in new bottles’ ? ( Lankshear and Bigum, 1999)

‘polished performances of old practices’ ( Davies and Merchant, 2009)

Knights Move

new artefacts have drawn us into digital text creation and experimenting with the mediation of messages across multiple modes

Investment of time to acquire (and update) new skills; management of resources;

Classroom management issues; shifts in student agency and control over learning/teaching

+Examples Digitality

Digital Bloom – iPads and ‘Brushes” (beyond angry birds)

Moodle – understanding the software

+Production and Multimodality

Moving from the position of consumer to producer

Moving from Reader to Writer

Improvisation, creating new texts

Multiple Modes easier with digital technologies – texts with images, voice, video, considerations of font, layout and colour

Text as dynamic

As words fly onto the computer screen, revolve, and dissolve, image, sound and movement enter school classrooms in new and significant ways, ways that reconfigure the relationship of image and word

(Jewitt, 2005)

+Participation, Sharing & Collaboration

Learning as less individuated

Contribution to bigger projects

Opening out the space of the classroom

Working as apprentices in ‘other’ spaces with the community

+Participation, Sharing & Collaboration - examples

Alternative forms of recording

Digital Storytelling

OERs and Sharing Good Practice

+Blended & Distributed Learning Spaces Funds of Knowledge

Third Space


QR codes to engage boys with reading

+Blended & Distributed Learning Spaces: Examples

Camp cardboard

Collecting Info at Magna for QR code project

+Final Comments

Digital Technologies provide opportunities to enhance, record and share traditional practices

Digital technologies provide additional opportunities to engage learners in new ways

Digital technologies are recognisable and familiar to even the youngest of learners

Digital technologies allow learners to gain more control over their learning and to gain in confidence

+Next Session

A. Getting to Grips with Software

B. Using Social Networking

C. Mobile technologies & Taking the Class Outside

D. Professional Development Issues