Theme Natural Risk Zones



Theme Natural Risk Zones. Facilitator: Matt Harrison, UK Editor: Florian Thomas, France JRC Contact Point: Robert Tomas. Team. Presentation of the theme. D2.3 Definition : - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1INSPIRE Conference, Edinburgh 1

Theme Natural Risk Zones


Matt Harrison, UKEditor: Florian Thomas, France

JRC Contact Point: Robert Tomas


Surname Name Landslides Floods Forest Fires

Volcanic activity Earthquakes Droughts Storms IT

Bojilov Venco xCerba Otakar x x x x

Canet Castella Raquel x x xExadaktylos George x x x

Barredo José xHarrison Matthew x x x xPfeiffer Manuela x

Thomas Florian x xTomas Robert x x



Presentation of the theme

• D2.3 Definition: «Vulnerable areas characterised according to natural hazards (all atmospheric, hydrologic,

seismic, volcanic and wildfire phenomena that, because of their location, severity, and frequency, have the potential to seriously affect society), e.g. floods, landslides and subsidence, avalanches, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions.» 


Input documents

• 32 reference documents – The Floods Directive– Work carried out by « Plan4All »

• Annex I : Hydrography TWG has defined an « InundatedLand » feature class



• Analysis of input documents• Production of use cases

– « Flood » (Cross Thematic)– « Landslide »– « Forest fire»– « Earthquake »

• Codelist of 6 high level natural hazard categories– 82 hazards (so far)

• Meeting with Floods Directive working group


Presentation of the theme

• Risk is defined as:

Risk = hazard x exposure x vulnerability.

• Natural risk:– Not technological risk


Presentation of the theme

• Overall philosophy: « A risk zone is the spatial intersection of a hazard area with Exposed

elements some of which may have increased or lowered vulnerability to

this hazard  »



Risk zoneHazard area

Vulnerability A


Model v2.0

• 3 packages : – 1 core package– 1 coverage package– 1 package dedicated to flood risk

• Objective : – Design a generic core model to all natural risks– Apply it to all types of data (vector and coverage)– As an example, apply this core model to flood risk


class 1_Core Mo...


+ geometry: RiskHazardGeometry+ inspireId: Identifier+ typeOfHazard: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ levelOfHazard: LevelOfHazard+ likel ihoodOfOccurence: LikelihoodOfOccurence

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = falsexsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions


+ geometry: RiskHazardGeometry+ inspireId: Identifier+ typeOfRisk: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue+ legalBasis: LegislationReference [0..*]+ legallyBindingZone: bool+ levelOfRisk: LevelOfRisk

constraints{A riskzone must be linked to 1 (or more) exposed elements}{legallyBindingZone - legalBasis}

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCol lection = falsenoPropertyType = falsexsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions


+ geometry: GM_Object+ inspi reId: Identifier+ typeOfElement: TypeOfExposedElementValue

«voidable, li feCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLi fespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = falsexsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions


«voidable»+ qual itativeVulnerabili ty: CharacterString+ qual itativeVulnerabili tyAssessmentMethod: DocumentReference+ quantitativeVulnerabil ity: Number+ quantitativeVulnerabil ityAssessmentMethod: DocumentReference

constraints{either the quanti tative vulnerabi li ty or the quantitative vulnerabili ty must be fil led.}{If the qual itative vulnerabil ity iscompleted, then the qual itative vulnerabil ity assessment method must be fi lled.}{If the quantitative vulnerability is completed, then the quantitative vulnerabili ty assessment method must be fi lled.}


«voidable»+ nameOfEvent: CharacterString

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

constraints{The likelihood of occurence is mandatory}

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = falsexsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions


«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

tagsbyValuePropertyType = falseisCollection = falsenoPropertyType = falsexsdEncodingRule = iso19136_2007_INSPIRE_Extensions

Legal basis is to be harmonised with AM TWG

NOTE : An exposed element is typically any spatial object representing a real-world object or administrative/statistical unit, management are.

Therefore, i t is impossible to explicitly define which INSPIRE spatial objects should be encoded as a Exposed Element.

This feature class therefore aims at including any spatial data which is considered as an exposed element, and for which a l ink to a risk zone is made, and vulnerabil ity is calculated.











0..* 0..*

Model v2.0: Core package

Hazard area

Risk zone

Exposed element



Model v2.0: Core package class 2_Enumerations and codelists


modelling indirectDetermination


+ riskOrHazardCategory: HazardCategoryValue

«voidable»+ specificRiskOrHazardType: SpecificRiskOrHazardTypeValue


This code list is empty in the INSPIRE context and must be extended by each data provider in their own codeList register. In this register also mapping to the centralized list genericRiskOrHazardType must be provided


+ 1_biological+ 1_1_Epidemic+ 1_2_InsectInfestation+ 1_3_AnimalStampede+ 2_geophysical+ 2_1_Earthquake+ 2_2_Volcano+ 2_3_DryMassMovement+ 3_hydrological+ 3_1_Flood+ 3_2_WetMassMovement+ 4_meteorological+ 4_1_Storm+ 5_climatological+ 5_1_ExtremeTemperature+ 5_2_Drought+ 5_3_Wildfire+ 6_extraterrestrial+ 6_1_Meteorite_Asteroid

This codelist is empty, and is to be extended by any data data provider



+ existingLandUse+ openAirPublicArea+ publicAssemblyBuilding+ publicInterestEquipment+ transportInfrastructure+ numberOfInhabitants+ employment+ plannedLandUse

This codelist is provided as an example only. It is assumed that it is incomplete.

This codelist comes from the MünichRe - CRED. [Disaster Category Classification and peri l. Terminology for for Operational Purposes. ].

We believe that this l ist has gaps. If data providers have a more specific classification, this should be completed inspecificRiskOrHazardTypeValue


Model v2.0: Coverage package class 3_Generic_coverag...


+ typeOfHazard: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, l i feCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime

«voidable»+ likel ihoodOfOccurence: LikelihoodOfOccurence+ levelOfHazard: LevelOfHazard


+ typeOfRisk: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, li feCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime

«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue+ legalBasis: LegislationReference [0..*]+ legallyBindingZone: Boolean+ levelOfRisk: LevelOfRisk

«Invariant»{//the record must be a qual itativeValue (from LevelOfHazard) or quantitativeValue type (from LevelOfHazard), or riskOrHazardCategory (from NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification).}

«invariant»{////the record must be a qualitativeValue (from LevelOfRisk)or quantitativeValue type (from LevelOfRisk), or riskOrHazardCategory (from NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification).}

«featureType»ExposedElementsCov erage

+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ val idFrom: DateTime+ val idTo: DateTime [0..1]

The Record must express the type of exposed element. For a land-cover coverage, the record must be the land cover value according to a specific classification

«featureType»Coverage (Base)::Coverage

+ metadata: Any [0..*]+ rangeType: RecordType

«featureType»ModelledHazardCov erage

«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue

«voidable, l i feCycleInfo»+ val idFrom: DateTime+ val idTo: DateTime [0..1]

«featureType»Observ edHazardCov erage

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ nameOfEvent: CharacterString

NOTE : An exposed element is typically any spatial object representing a real-world object or administrative/statistical unit, management are.

Therefore, i t is impossible to explicitly define which INSPIRE spatial objects should be encoded as a Exposed Element. T

his feature class therefore aims at including any spatial data which is considered as an exposed element, and for which a link to a risk zone is made, and vulnerabil ity is calculated.


«voidable»+ qual itativeVulnerability: CharacterString+ qual itativeVulnerabilityAssessmentMethod: DocumentReference+ quanti tativeVulnerability: Number+ quanti tativeVulnerabilityAssessmentMethod: DocumentReference






+exposedElement 1..*

+riskZone 1..*

0..* 0..*


Exposed Element modellingHazard modelling

Model v2.0 Links

Natural risk zones

Land use


Geology Elevation

Stat. Units / Pop. distribution


Administrative boundaries

Utilities / public services

Environmental monitoring facilities


Consequences on land use planning

Land useArea management


Model v2.0: Core package class 4_xTWG_links


+ geometry: RiskHazardGeometry+ inspireId: Identifier+ typeOfRisk: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue+ legalBasis: LegislationReference [0..*]+ legallyBindingZone: bool+ levelOfRisk: LevelOfRisk

«featureType»EF_Model_V2.0RC::Env ironmentalMonitoringFacility

+ inspireId: Identifier+ geometry: GM_Object [0..1]+ representativePoint: GM_Point [0..1]+ name: CharacterString [0..*]+ additionalDescription: CharacterString [0..1]+ mediaMonitored: Media [0..*]+ typeOfMonitoring: MonitoringType [0..*]+ measurementRegime: MeasurementRegime+ gemetReference: ThemeValue [1..*]+ responsibleParty: CI_ResponsibleParty [0..*]+ responsiblePartyRole: RoleListType [0..*]+ legalBackground: LegislationReference [0..*]+ mobile: MobileValue+ resultAcquisitionSource: ResultAcquisitionSourceValue [0..1]

«voidable»+ beginLifespan: DateTime+ endLifespan: DateTime [0..1]+ beginOperationalActivityPeriod: DateTime+ endOperationalActivityPeriod: DateTime [0..1]


«featureType»2_Generic_cov erages::RiskCov erage

+ typeOfRisk: NaturalRiskOrHazardClassification+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLi fespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]+ validFrom: DateTime+ validTo: DateTime

«voidable»+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethodValue+ legalBasis: LegislationReference [0..*]+ legal lyBindingZone: Boolean+ levelOfRisk: LevelOfRisk

Recommandation : If a risk zone or a risk coverage is legally binding, then it should be linked to a feature of Land-Use "CoreLandUseObject" or to a Area Management Restriction Regulation Zoes and Reporting Units "ManagementRestrictionOrRegulationZone"

«featureType»Area Management Restriction and Regulation Zones::


+ inspireID: Identi fier+ thematicID: AlternateIdentifier [0..*]+ name: GeographicalName [0..*]+ geometry: GM_Object

«voidable»+ zoneType: ZoneTypeCode+ specialisedZoneType: SpecialisedZoneTypeCode [0..1]+ validTime: TM_Period+ competentAuthori ty: CI_ResponsibleParty+ legalBasis: LegislationReference [0..1]

«voidable, lifecycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

constraints{legalBasis mandatory if not provided on SpatialDataSet level}{Geometry shall be surface or multi-surface}{Either managementInformation or controlledActivity is mandatory}

«featureType»Land Use Core Model::



+monitors 0..*



+zoningElement 0..*

anyThematicLink+broader0..* hierarchy


+supersede0..* genealogy

+supersedeby 0..*

+zoningElement 0..*




+areaManagement 0..*


Added a new slide to complete description of the core model
added this one also


Model v2.0 : Flood Package

• « Why floods and no other hazard? »– Flood Directive 2007/60/CE

• Overall idea: – Take the core model, eventually specialize it, to

make it meet Flood Directive’s requirements– Use the navigability of the links to avoid

redundances, and the constraints to ensure the coherence of the model


class Floods


+ control led+ natural



+ dateOfObservation: DateTime+ geometry: GM_Surface+ inspireId: Identi fier

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLi fespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ inundationReturnPeriod: Number+ inundationType: InundationValue

constraints{Inundated land is observed}


+ geometry: GM_MultiSurface+ inspireId: Identifier+ typeOfHazard: HazardType

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ classificationMethod: URI+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethod+ levelAssessmentMethod: URI+ levelOfHazard: LevelOfHazard+ momentOfHazard: MomentOfHazard

constraints{Only observed hazards can be linked to vulnerable features and vulnerable zones}


+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ reference: CL_citation

constraints{Vulnerable feature that are l inked must be the ones linked to the Inundated Lands}


+ geometry: GM_Surface+ inspireId: Identi fier

«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ classifi cationMethod: URI+ determinationMethod: DeterminationMethod+ levelAssessmentMethod: URI+ levelOfRisk: LevelOfRisk

constraints{A risk cannot be observed}{A riskzone must be linked to 1 (or more) vulnerable feature or to 1 vulnerable zone}


+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, li feCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ Reference: CL_citation

constraints{A flood hazard map must contain one high probabili ty prospective flooded area, one medium probabi li ty and one low probabil ity prospective flooded area. For groundwater or seawater floods, then it is possible to fill in only one low probabil i ty potential}{For groundwater or seawater floods, then it is possible for a FloodHazardMap to fi ll i n only one low probabil i ty potential flooded area}


+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ reference: CL_Citation

constraints{The risk zones composing the Flood Risk Map are those derived from the potential flooded areas that are in the Flood Hazard Map which i s l inked to the Flood Risk Map}{The vulnerable features that are on the flood ri sk Map are those linked to the risk zones that are on the same flood risk Map}


+ floodProbabili ty: Probabi li tyOfFlood+ geometry: GM_MultiSurface+ inspireId: Identifier

«voidable, l i feCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

constraints{Potential flooded areas are modelled.}


low medium high


«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ floodFlow: int+ velocityOfFlow: int+ waterHeight: int+ waterlevel: int

constraints{Either water heights or water levels must be fi lled}{Either velocity of flow or flood flow must be filled}


+ geometry: Any+ inspi reId: Identifier

«voidable, l ifeCycleInfo»+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime+ endLi fespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]

«voidable»+ classificationMethod: URI+ exposure: float+ exposureMethod: URI+ levelAssessmentMethod: URI+ levelOfVulnerabi l i ty: LevelOfVulnerabili ty

+involvedFeature 0..*

+observedHazard 0..*





+sourcehazards0..* results





+contains 0..*

+result 1..*

+origin 0..*




+involvedFeature 0..*

+riskZone 0..*



+contains 1










Model v2.0 : Flood Package

Risk zone

Exposed element

Flood hazard map

Flood risk map

Preliminary flood risk assessment

Potential flooded area

Hazard area

Inundated Land(Annex I Hydrography)


Model v2.0 : Flood Package

• New classes compared to the generic package : • « Potential flooded area » : specialized from

« hazard area »• Flood hazard map• Flood risk map• Preliminary flood risk assessment• « inundated land » : specialized from « hazard

area »• Some concepts :

• The « potential adverse consequences » are « exposed elements »

• The « flood hazard maps » must contain 3 flood scenarios they contain 3 features from the « Potential flooded area » feat. class


Open Questions

• Generic Core model- useful/ useable?• More specific hazardTypes codelist?• exposedElements codelist?• Floods Schema

– Doesn’t address detailed requirements?– Can you identify how you could extend it further?– Does it demonstrate harmony between FD and INSPIRE?

• More application schemas as examples?• Example implementation e.g. in major GIS software?• Geometry of risk zones / coverages Currently model vector

data model and coverage separately• Portrayal rules/ guidelines• DQ & MD Chapters still require work
