The Workings of a Strange Little Conspiracy


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  • 8/14/2019 The Workings of a Strange Little Conspiracy



    The Workings of a Strange Little Conspiracy.

    Imagine this situation; we all have the idea that governments and variousorganisations are controlling us as best they can. What are their aims?

    Keep us all subservient to their control. These are Illumed people; or possibly

    Illuminati people. The symbol on top of the de Rothschild Bank pyramid says all

    it needs to; the All-Seeing Eye is secretly gazing out (like the Eye of Sauron)

    across the global dominions of the Lower Kingdom.

    As Crowley wrote in his book: Let my followers be few and secret, that they

    may rule over the many and the known.

    Methods of control including; education (partially to determine aptitude; and

    partially to indoctrinate secular dogmas) Maths classes. Mathematics,

    geometry, etc. are a form of pure working. A Universal Language; like Musical

    Notation; the Artist/Designers Line; or the Scientific Eye of Study and Analysis;

    or even the Periodic Table Elements and Molecular Bondings (and free-flows)

    at Atomic and Quantum Levels.

    So mathematics classes; in order to teach, will endlessly hand out sums which

    have the aims of divide, subtract, add, multiply, factorize, in order to teach us

    times tables and various concepts; which are designed to keep us away from

    the so-called Pure Mathematics (such things as Venn or Euclidian, where the

    divisions arent clear-cut like they are in normal fractalisation schemes; the

    shades of grey that provide new theorems and meanings behind such strange

    esoteric sayings as All numbers are Infinite, there is no difference.) Concepts

    of Pi (circular working determining circumference) and Phi (base numbers

    expressing pyramidial concepts, as they grow in a simple, numerically-assigned

    exponential power arc that seems beyond our abilities to properly fathom)

    seem to get closer to what we think MAY be Truth, than the Fractalised

    Concepts would suggest.

    History classes are good; but teach cynicism and the ability to easily becomejaded. They ask; What, Where, When, Who and Why? The five Ws of the

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    analytical Historian. These are things that attempt to show us both Stereotypes

    and Archetypes of those who live, and the ways they think and behave. Cause

    and Effect, Action and Reaction (Adolf Hitler set forth a negative spiral turning

    on its own point to bring about the Holocaust the Burnt Hole to attempt to

    eradicate the Semitic Peoples, and anyone who was different from his vision of

    a traditional Aryan (which looks strangely Norwegian or Swedish to me; and

    attempts to deny the natural progression of Humans out of Africa, to the

    Deserts near Mesopotamia and Egypt, where they were ALL Semites, leading

    to a curve running out across Arabia, and then to China in one direction,

    anyway leading to the Mongols, the Indo-Chine Races, [both Chinese and

    Oriental and Indian; along the Kushan Empire branch of the family] the

    Russians as the Mongols rode past the Steppes the Atlai Mountains, andsince the native Germanic races originally had dark hair, and the olive colour

    left their skins due to the evolution in colder climates; which means were all

    Jewish anywayalthough I wouldnt advocate Circumcision, since God said

    What I have united, let no-one put asunder. I keep my foreskin and keep it

    clean and I am pure. That force left it there, no-ones stealing it from me.

    But, as I said; in trying to eradicate the Jewish people, Hitler had to try denying

    the Truth, that we all came from that accursed group *IM talking about

    Sanhedrin and Pharisees, not Jews as an entire people; Im only talking of

    those who still cling to the Illuminati teachings to propagate their own selfish

    ends and desires, the Decewivers, not the Deceived. The Qlippoths of

    Distortion]) and the result of his actions against the planet brought the wrath

    of the whole of the rest of it that was outside Europe upon him, to normalise

    the anti-clockwise spiral of destruction he wrought.

    Even Ghandi, although he was the pawn of the British Empire; because they

    left India after using slave labour to build the railroads, but Ghandi told people

    to passively resist; which is of no consequence to those who have guns and

    demonstrate a deplorable lack of personal conscience although his aims were

    a clockwise spiral of growth of understanding (or maybe Innerstanding!) to

    make the Brits look bad as the oppressors, so that if the Indians lay down and

    submitted; the sympathies of others would come to their aid a parallel of the

    CIA recruiting Bin Laden, to teach him terrorist activities when the Russians

    controlled Afghanistan, so that he would keep their attention so the CovertGovernmental cells could sneak into Russia to see if the Iron Curtain had really

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    been pulled down, and the KGB had really disbanded or not. But the Bear is

    still powerful; and still sits at a rightful place at the table, as one of the

    physically largest areas of dominion, whereas the Chinese represent renewed

    prosperity through the diligence to their work they had; and also the largest

    possible contingent. But Ghandis positive outward spiral made the Empire

    eventually turn and go home. These are lifes lessons, if someone commits

    wrong to another; dont commit wrong to right it, make them see that if they

    were in the position of the oppressed they wouldnt like it; and that their

    actions hurt others and disrespect themselves too, by diminishing their status

    in the eyes of those who witness what theyre doing. Thats why Jesus said to

    love those who act against us. To show them the error in their ways; that the

    good of the many outweighs the good of the few, and only in giving are wemade fit to be adequate receivers as well. An artist would have to look at every

    idea going, before their own skills will let them make up new ways of seeing,

    perceiving, understanding, innerstanding things. To be first the Lord of Hosts in

    absorbing and lending credence to new ideas; and then the Lord of Forms in

    reinterpreting them in the artists own way. To be the whole balance between

    the Mysteries and the Revelations or between Matter and Spirit, Yang and

    Yin, Dark and Light, activity and passivity, and the oldest possibly variance; coal

    and diamond. The dark serpent of condensed matter, concealing the reaction

    that turns CO2 into lattices of hardened diamond; the opaque concealing the

    Alchemy that transmutes the gas a tree consumed to grow before it died into a

    solid state which can refract light through its spectrum extremes when cut and

    polished properly. The light waves are the high vibratory function; whereas

    sound is a low vibratory function. Positive and negative; sound-waves

    fragmenting coalescent matter, so that the light can reorganise it into new

    forms, endlessly breaking apart and remaking; like the Universe Itself. Turninglife into death into life into death along the endless curve of time.

    But now, we should look at the smallest inkling of the conspiracy.

    Governments control us through how we are taught, and through the media;

    bombarding us with all the images they want show us, of the concepts they

    want to chain us to; and endless tests in school, and the relentless drudgery of

    the Rat-Race, breaking us down a piece at a time, so we cant come together

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    and rise up to determine new orders for a new form of symbiotic co-existence.

    Imagine all the money from taxes of various forms. Now imagine this; imagine

    we are living in a time when War is taking many forms and many of them we

    arent even sure how to recognise just yet. Now imagine that companies who

    make video games glorifying War, which are sold to large amounts of people

    across the world, are a control mechanism. Huge online communities gaming.

    Governments take taxes from employees at game companies; and they take a

    value-added tax from each unit sold over the counter, or from War films;

    whereby actors and production companies also pay taxes to governments and

    then taxation leeches into ticket pricing, blah-blah-blah. But with the Gaming

    Communities; the stimulus exists there for Governments to analyse and assess

    people like they do in schools to gauge the kind of people they are, whenfaced with a situation that provokes huge adrenal production. Like war, for

    example! Future generations of kids become more militant; because they are

    being taught that this is a norm, and the X Files Mantras of The Truth is Out

    There! and Trust No-One! take on a more insidious dimension as the

    invisible workings of normal reality have aligned the realities of peoples lives

    to better resemble the realities created within their virtual lives at war with

    one another; and competing like starving dogs in pits, fighting to maul the

    babies that are thrown in carelessly as the scraps of meat to sustain them. So

    the social rules of Thou Shalt Not Kill; Steal; Lie; be Adulterous etc. become

    irrelevant, because the Powers That Be At This Point In Time have brought the

    ideas of the jungle (which is what the civilised world was built from tearing

    down vast parts of anyway) into the suburbs. And the living, in this way; are

    even redefining the laws of Heaven and Hell, in that way; within the living

    world. If there truly are places that pertain to be Heaven and Hell; the

    inhabitants of said places must be REALLY, REALLY confused about whattheyre witnessing going on now, and completely unsure of how to

    comprehend it; from what they themselves wouldve expected.

    And so, Beauty is Vandalised! Because the Scientific Eye, and the Musical Ear,

    and the Artistic Eye, and the Careful Hand and everything else which can gauge

    and analyse and marvel at the enormous and wondrous complexity of what

    Nature instilled here already without us; have been divided and cut off from

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