The Wireless Industry: Collaborating for an Accessible Ecosystem...


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The Wireless Industry: Collaborating for an Accessible


m-Enabling Summit 2014

Matthew Gerst

CTIA – The Wireless Association®


•CTIA is an international nonprofit membership organization representing all sectors of wireless communications, including: –Service providers


–Wireless data and internet


• Matthew Gerst, Director, State Regulatory & External Affairs (

• Laurie Ellington, Manager, State Government Affairs (

CTIA- The Wireless Association ®


• There are over 335 million active

wireless subscriptions in the U.S. – an

increase of over 24% over the last five

years. We have more cell phones than


• 40% of households have cut-the-cord;

16% are wireless-mostly.

• Wireless data usage rose 70% between

2011 and 2012.

• As of January 2014, 90% of American

adults have a cell phone and 58% have a


• Average smartphone user checks phone

150 times per day

• There are more than 5 million competing

offerings of applications across dozens of

app stores.

The Wireless Industry:

An Overview

Sources: Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Wireless Matrix (Apr. 2014);

CDC Wireless Substitution: Early Release of Estimates From the National

Health Interview Survey (Dec. 2013);CTIA Wireless Industry Survey (2013);

Pew Research Internet Project, Mobile Technology Fact Sheet, as of January

2014; Mary Meeker (KPCB) 2013 Internet Trends Report; CTIA Research

and app store websites.

Wireless is Breaking Down

Barriers to Accessibility

•People with disabilities share the same cellphone Internet use tendencies as the general population.

–Wireless Internet Use (excluding Wi-Fi): Wireless RERC (70%); Pew (60%)

•More older adults own a cell phone than access the Internet or broadband, including 77% of all seniors ages 65 and older.

–However, smartphone adoption lags the general population.

– Experts suggest that once seniors learn to use wireless devices, digital technology often becomes an integral part of their daily lives.

Source: Wireless RERC, SUNSspot – Adults with Disabilities and Cellphone Internet Use, Vol. 2013, No. 7 (October 2013); Pew Internet &

American Life Project (April 2014).

• Services and Plans:

– Investment and deployment of new technologies, including LTE, support accessibility.

– Service providers offer a variety of plans and products to meet a variety of needs, including plans or products for specific disabilities.

• Adults with disabilities choose service plans based on device options, price, network/service quality, and personal needs that match service offerings (e.g. family plans).

• People with disabilities get information about wireless products and services from personal network of friends, family and healthcare professionals, online resources (e.g. AccessWireless.Org), service providers and manufacturer websites and customer representatives.

• Employment and Advisors:

– Service providers get insight to influence accessibility efforts from employees with disabilities and advisory groups of experts on accessibility issues.

– Service providers train customer service representatives to interact with persons of all abilities.

Wireless Service Providers Enhance


5 Source: Wireless RERC, SUNSspot – Adults with Disabilities and Service Vol. 2013, No. 5 (July 2013); Wireless RERC, SUNSspot –Adults

with Disabilities and Sources of Wireless Accessibility Information Service Vol. 2013, No. 6 (August 2013).

Services/ Spectrum

Devices/ Products


Consumer Demand/

Accessibility Issues

Wireless is a Collaborative Ecosystem


• Flexible Regulatory Framework with Clear Goals

– CVAA (Sec. 716/718) and FCC rules offer flexibility in

compliance while applying accessibility requirements to

responsible part of the ecosytem.

• Spectrum for Data Intense Usage

– Video or other data intense applications will enhance

accessibility, but require more spectrum

• Infrastructure Policies to Enable Deployment

– Coverage and resiliency are linked to available


• Consumer and Community Engagement

Policies to Continue an Innovative

Wireless Ecosystem for Accessibility


FCC Accessibility & Innovation Initiative

– Challenge to Industry: Educate consumers about opportunities wireless devices

and services offer people with disabilities

– Challenge Accepted: CTIA lead the effort to work with consumer advocates, the

FCC and member companies to update and expand the wireless association's

accessibility website, www.AccessWireless.Org.

CTIA Accessibility Outreach Efforts

– Goal: To create a “first stop” for wireless accessibility information and a helpful tool

for consumers

– March 2011: Based on input from an Accessibility Advisory Council, CTIA re-

launched AccessWireless.Org.

– 2011: CTIA receives FCC Chairman’s Award for Advancement in Accessibility for


– 2013: CTIA receives HLAA National Access Award

– 2013 – 2014: CTIA hosts meeting and webinars between accessibility community

experts and members.

– Today: More than 190k visitors.

CTIA Accessibility Engagement

Key Features of AccessWireless.Org

• Search for Accessible Cell Phones

– Mobile Manufacturer Forum’s Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative (“GARI”)

– Compare Phones by Accessibility Features

• Apps

– Major App Storefronts

– Accessible App Suggestions

• HAC Videos

– Learn about the HAC Rating System and HAC Wireless Handsets

– Model In-Store Sales Experience

• Resources for Seniors

– Tips to help Older adults who may not self identify with a disability

• Resources for Industry

– Tips to help Customer Service Representatives helping Customers with Disabilities

CTIA Accessibility Outreach Initiative (AOI)

• Created in 2013 as a resource to assist member companies in

their engagement of the accessibility community.

• Goal: To engage accessibility community stakeholders in an

ongoing discussion about the ways wireless can address the

needs of people with disabilities

• Recent Events

– Industry Resources for Organizations & Conferences (January 2014)

– Understanding Mobile Technology Usage in Older Adults (March 2014)

– Opportunities in Wireless for People with Intellectual and Developmental Cognitive Disabilities (May 2014)
