The Williams Group 2015 Transit Quals1


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Old Greenwich, CTOld Greenwich, CT

Amherst, MAAmherst, MA

Real Estate Development Programming Real Estate Development Programming for the for the

Public and Private SectorsPublic and Private Sectors

HOK Architects, NYC

Wendel-Duchscherer, Architects

Firm Profile &Firm Profile & Real Estate Advisory ServicesReal Estate Advisory Services

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919 Offices:

Old Greenwich, CT Amherst, MA

The Williams Group offers our clients strategic development advice backed by ob‐jective  research and analysis.   We assess market  conditions, define and evaluate development concepts, analyze  the  financial  feasibility, and assist clients  in struc‐turing realistic project implementation strategies.  We offer advice for retail, com‐mercial, hotel and residential projects with services in the following areas:  x� Highest and Best Use Analysis  x� Development Feasibility, Market and Financial Analysis  x� Asset Repositioning  x� Transit Center Real Estate Programming  x� Downtown Revitalization and Economic Development Analysis  x� Mixed‐Use Residential and Retail Programming  Our services assist our clients to create competitive advantages and add value.  Our market and financial analysis provides clear definition of potential uses and imple‐mentation strategies.  We partner with engineers, architects and land planning con‐sultants to manage complex engagements, and bring a seamless integrated service to our clients. 

Offices: Old Greenwich, CT Amherst, MA

Transit Oriented Develop-ment Programming (TOD) Market & Economic Analysis Business Retention & Attraction Highest & Best Use Analysis Mixed-Use Programming

Transit Oriented DevelopmentTransit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

New  Haven‐Hartford‐Springfield 13 Station Rail Study for TOD 

Worcester, MA New Bus Facility and Transit Center 

South Norwalk Transit Oriented Development and Transit Center 

Haverhill , MA Intermodal Transit Center and Parking Garage (with STV) 

Stamford Ferry Terminal (with Urbitran) 

St. George Intermodal Transit Center, Staten Island, NY (with HOK) 

Grand Rapids Transit Village, Grand Rapids, MI (with Wendell‐Duchscherer) 

Racine Intermodal Transit Center, Racine, WI (with Wendell‐Duchscherer) 

Binghamton Intermodal Transit Center, NY (with Wendell‐Duchscherer) 

Merrick Transit Center, Merrick, NY (with Urbitran) 

Poughkeepsie Intermodal Transit Center, Poughkeepsie, NY (with Clough Harbour) 

Schenectady Intermodal Transit Center, Schenectady, NY (with Edwards & Kelcey) 

Petersburg Intermodal Transit Center, Petersburg, VA (with Wendell‐Duchscherer) 

Tuxedo Transit Center, Tuxedo, NY 

Homeport Naval Station Revitalization, Staten Island, NY (with HOK) 

Albany Convention Center and Hotel, Albany, NY (with HNTB) 

Princeton Center Garage, Princeton, NJ (with Desmond) 

Blackstone Canal Revitalization, Worcester, MA (with Rizzo and ICON) 

Connecticut Statewide Rest Area and Service Plaza Study (with Earth Tech) 

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

MixedMixed--Use & DowntownUse & Downtown Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Transit Oriented Develop-ment Programming (TOD) Market & Economic Analysis Business Retention & Attraction Highest & Best Use Analysis Mixed-Use Programming

St. George Landing, NYEDC, Staten Island, NY (with HOK) 

Homeport, NYEDC, Staten Island, NY (with HOK) 

Albany Convention Center, Columbia Development Cos., Albany, NY (with HNTB) 

Grand Rapids Transit Village, IT Partnership, Grand Rapids, MI (with Progressive) 

Tweed Courthouse Redevelopment, NYCEDC, New York City (with HOK) 

News Walk, Greendel Development Corp., Brooklyn, NY  

Desales Center, St. Francis Hospital, Hartford, CT  

Western Gateway, City of Schenectady, Schenectady, NY (with Edwards & Kelcey) 

Schenectady Waterfront Redevelopment, Schenectady, NY (with Synthesis) 

Princeton MXD, The Princeton Future Partnership, Princeton, NJ  

Stone Village, Petry Partnership, Champaign, IL 

Breezy Point Landings, City of Pleasantville, NJ (with EDAW) 

Blackstone Landings, City of Worcester, Worcester, MA (with Rizzo and ICON) 

Manchester Landings, Drew Development Corp., 

Manchester, NH  

Offices: Old Greenwich, CT Amherst, MA

Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Programming The Williams Group Real Estate Advisors LLC (TWG) is the economic real estate sub-consultant as part of the Bergmann team responsible for the real estate market analysis component of the Rochester Intermodal Transit Center. TWG’s the market analysis s. The objective of the analysis is to understand the current economics, demographic and real estate market with the overreaching goal of looking into the future to development findings that could assist the client with defining a site selection program and joint development opportunities for TOD Rochester)Intermodal)Transit)Center)TOD)Programming777Rochester,)NY)(2013))Contact:(






Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Programming The Williams Group Real Estate Advisors LLC (TWG) is the economic real estate sub-consultant as part of the BETA team responsible for the real estate market analysis component of the Warwick Station Development District (WSDD). TWG’s goal is to prepare a market analysis for the WSDD including the adjacent TF Green Airport and Amtrak Acela station and the regional market in which the District operates. The objective of the analysis is to understand the current economics, demographic and real estate market with the overreaching goal of looking into the future to development findings that could assist the client with defining a program that will work with the Goody Clancy WSDD Master Plan, and bring new business and resident populations to the WSDD. TWG assess the areas of growth opportunity as well as issues that need to be mitigated in order to attract businesses and new associated services to the WSDD. The goal is to develop a TOD (transit oriented development) plan with a mix of uses including hospitality, residential, office, retail and other commercial businesses including R&D and industrial is necessary within 0.5 miles to up to approximately a 3 mile radius of the intermodal site. !Warwick!Sta+on!Development!District!Intermodal!Transit!Center!TOD!Programming<<<Rhode!Island!Innova+on!Gateway!(2013)!Contact:(Frank!Romeo,!Partner!BETA(Group(Planners((&(Engineers(6(Blackstone(Valley(Place(Lincoln,(RI(02865((401)(333I2382((((

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Programming The$Williams$Group$Real$Estate$Advisors$(“TWG”)$market$and$economic$analysis$combined$with$RPA’s$planning$services$recommended$specific$economic$and$development$programs,$and$placements$of$specific$use$categories$that$will$best$serve$the$needs$and$wants$of$the$most$proximate$market$segments.$$We$worked$to$develop$programs$that$are$oriented$toward$creaHng$visibility,$appropriate$uses,$and$a$mix$of$commercial,$retail,$residenHal$and$service$uses,$which$are$principally,$oriented$toward$the$transit$hubs,$the$town$centers,$neighborhoods,$visitors$and$commuters$and$all$with$ridership$and$real$estate$market$support$for$the$RT$202$Corridor$connecHng$Somerville$and$Raritan,$NJ$.$$$New$Jersey$Transit$Rt.$202$Corridor$Study$(2013)$Contact:$Robert$Freudenberg,$Director$Regional$Plan$AssociaHon95$John$Muir$Drive,$Suite$100$179$Nassau$Street,$3rd$flr.$Princeton,$NJ$08542$$609.228.7080

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Transit Center Mix-Use & Real Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The$Williams$Group$in$associa2on$with$Wendel$Architects$&$Planners,$was$retained$by$the$Worcester$Regional$Transit$Authority,$to$prepare$a$development$plan$for$the$new$mul2@modal$transit$center$located$at$the$exis2ng$Union$Sta2on.$$The$Williams$Group$iden2fied$air$rights$TOD$opportuni2es$for$economic$revitaliza2on$through$the$development$of$the$transit$hub$and$new$residen2al,$commercial$and$retail$space.$$In$addi2on$to$rider@ship$projec2ons,$the$team’s$analysis$covered$demographics$and$poten2al$spending$capture$of$area$popula2ons$to$determine$the$amount$of$overall$development$supportable$could$be$programmed.$$$The$amount$of$new$development$above$the$new$transit$hub$was$then$planned$and$programmed$to$maximize$synergy$and$revenue.$!Worcester Intermodal Transit Center Mixed�Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (2007�09) Contact: Stephen O’Neil, Director Worcester Regional Transit Authority 287 Grove Street Worcester, MA 01605 (508) 791�2389

Transit Center & Parking Facility Real Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Working( with( STV( and( Lozano3Baskin( Planners,( The( Williams( Group( was(engaged( to(assess( the(poten>al( for(Transit(Oriented(Development(uses( to(a(downtown(parking(garage(that(have(a(three3fold(effect:((1)(program(uses(that(would(enhance(the(downtown(environment(and(conceal(the(parking(garage;((2)(market( supportable( uses( that(would( compliment( and( enhance( the( retail(and(commercial(viability(of(downtown;(and((3)(a(program(of(uses(that(would(foster(TOD(at(the(rail(facility.((((TWG(was(able(to(create(a(residen>al(and(retail(program(that(brought(a(mixed(income(residen>al(approach(to(downtown(development(and(added(essen>al(retail(services.( (In(addi>on,(through(the(net(present(value(analysis,(TWG(was(able(to(analyze,(from(a(financial(return(perspec>ve,(which(of(three(altera>ve(schemes(had(the(most(financial(impact(to(the(City(of(Haverhill,(MA.(((((Haverhill,*MA*Transit*and*Garage**Facility**Real*Estate*Programming*(2006@08)*Contact:(Anthony'Timperio,'Project'Manager'STV**321(Summer(Street(Boston,(MA(02210

Downtown Transit Oriented Downtown Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Development Real Estate ProgrammingProgramming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

As part of the Wilbur Smith Associates Team for the New Haven – Hartford – Springfield  Commuter  Rail  Environmental  Assessment  for  ConnDOT,  The Williams Group  prepared  TOD  analysis  for  13  town  station  sites  stretching from New Haven, CT to Springfield, MA.  TWG  identified  TOD  opportunities  for  economic  revitalization  through  the development of new commercial/retail and residential space around the ex‐isting and proposed terminals.  In addition to rider‐ship projections, the team’s analysis covered demograph‐ics  and  potential  spending  capture  of  area  populations  to  determine  the amount of overall development could be absorbed on adjacent parcels.    New Haven – Hartford – Springfield Commuter Rail Environmental Assess‐ment Mixed‐Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (2009) 


Ralph Trepal, Project Manager Wilbur Smith Associates 55 Public Square, Suite 600 Cleveland, Ohio  44113‐1901 (203) 865‐2191 

Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Programming The$Williams$Group$in$conjunc3on$with$Wendel7Duchscherer$was$engaged$to$program$ the$ retail$ development$ of$ the$ terminal$ and$ joint$ development$ on$adjacent$ proper3es.$ $ We$ u3lized$ rider7ship$ projec3ons$ and$ passenger$demographics$to$determine$the$range$and$mix$of$retail$supportable$by$mul37modal$passenger,$tourists$and$visitors,$and$day$popula3ons$to$the$Petersburg$and$the$Civil$War$BaEleground$monuments.$ $The$development$program$was$established$ along$ with$ layouts$ and$ design$ criteria$ to$ maximize$ sales$ and$revenue$to$the$City$of$Petersburg.$$$Petersburg)Intermodal)Transit)Center)TOD)Programming)(2003:05))Contact:$Mark)Molnar,)Partner)Wendel7Duchscherer$Architects$and$Engineers$95$John$Muir$Drive,$Suite$100$Amherst,$New$York$$14228$$(716)$68870766$

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Downtown Transit Oriented Downtown Transit Oriented Development Real Estate Development Real Estate ProgrammingProgramming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group was retained by the City of Norwalk, CT, to prepare TOD analysis  for  the  new multi‐modal  transit  center  located  at  the  edge  of  the CBD.    TWG  identified  TOD  opportunities  for  economic  revitalization  through  the development of new commercial/retail and residential space around the ex‐isting redeveloped terminal.  In addition to rider‐ship projections, the team’s analysis covered demograph‐ics  and  potential  spending  capture  of  area  populations  to  determine  the amount of overall development could be absorbed on adjacent parcels.   The amount of new development in a 2‐bock radius of the new terminal was then planned and programmed to maximize synergy and revenue.  Public financing and  incentives were determined  to  attract private  sector  financing  and  the development community.   South Norwalk Intermodal Transit Center Mixed‐Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (2008‐09) 


Don Gray, Project Manager Wendel Duchscherer 140 John James Audubon Parkway Amherst, New York 14228 (716) 688‐0766 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

In association with Earth Tech, Inc. The Williams Group was retained by Con‐necticut Department  of  Transportation  to  prepare  a  long  range  redevelop‐ment study and master plan for the redevelopment of all rest areas and ser‐vice plazas in state highway system.  TWG conducted a benchmarking analysis  for best practices, tourism analysis and a demand and programming analysis.  The team identified opportunities for economic revitalization through the development of new and redevelop‐ment of existing facilities, and new commercial/retail to  increase revenue to the state and fund tourism services.    ConnDOT Statewide Rest Areas and Service Plazas Redevelopment Study Benchmarking,  Tourism  Analysis, Demand  Analysis  and  Programming  and Retail Analysis (2005‐08) 

 Contact: Jim Ford, Project Manager Earth Tech, Inc. 655 Winding Brook Drive, Suite 402 Glastonbury, CT  06033‐4337 (860) 657‐1200 

Parking Garage & MixedParking Garage & Mixed--UseUse Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Working with Desman Associates and Princeton Futures The Williams Group was engaged to assess the potential for additional uses to a downtown park‐ing garage that was have a three‐fold effect: (1) program uses that would en‐hance the downtown environment and conceal the parking garage; (2) market supportable uses that would compliment and enhance the retail and commer‐cial viability of downtown; and (3) a program of uses that would bring a return to Princeton that was greater than the income and economic benefits that the Borough currently achieves.    TWG was able to create a residential and retail program that brought a mixed income residential approach to downtown development and added essential retail services.  In addition, through the net present value analysis, TWG was able to analyze, from a financial return perspective, which of three alterative schemes had the most financial impact to the Borough.    During the Garage engagement, TWG also worked with the non‐profit group,  Princeton Futures,  to adapt  the garage development  to smart growth and a downtown master plan being developed.  Madison Square Mixed‐Use and Garage  Real Estate Programming (2001‐04) 

Contact: Robert W. Bruschi, Borough Administrator  BOROUGH OF PRINCETON Office of the Administrator P.O. Box 390 Monument Drive 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Groups was engaged by the Town of Hempstead and Long Island Rail Road, through Urbitran planners and engineers,  to program the retail/commercial development for downtown Merrick.    The revitalization of downtown became an issue with the increasing demand for LIRR service from the town.  With the added passenger usage became the  dual asset and liability of more  commuters descending upon the town but also the po‐tential to capture their retail spending potential and thus assist in the revitalization of the main downtown street.    From ridership demographics and an analysis of area demographics, an area retail competition study, and  residential and merchant surveys, TWG was able to deter‐mine the program and amount of retail supportable by the main street, to plan a downtown retail re‐work that could be successful and yet insulate the residents from uncontrolled commuter activity and to determine the causes for the current lack of town retail activity.   Transit Center Planning &Downtown Revitalization Study, Merrick, Long Island, NY (1998‐2000)  Contact:             Nick LaRocco, Vice President         Long Island Rail Road         Jamaica Station         Jamaica, New York  11435         (718) 558‐3730 

(212) 619‐5000 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group was retained by the Interurban Development Partnership of Grand Rapids, MI, to prepare a development plan for the new multi‐modal transit center located at the edge of the CBD.    TWG  identified  TOD  opportunities  for  economic  revitalization  through  the development of the new terminal and new commercial/retail and residential space around the new terminal.  In addition to rider‐ship projections, the team’s analysis covered demograph‐ics  and  potential  spending  capture  of  area  populations  to  determine  the amount of overall development could be absorbed on adjacent parcels.   The amount of new development in a 2‐bock radius of the new terminal was then planned and programmed to maximize synergy and revenue.  Public financing and  incentives were determined  to  attract private  sector  financing  and  the development community.   Grand Rapids Intermodal Transit Center Mixed‐Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (2001‐02) 


Peter Varga, Executive Director/CEO The Interurban Partnership 333 Wealthy Street, SW Grand Rapids, MI 49503‐4018 (616) 456‐7514 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Edwards and Kelcey retained The Williams Group to prepare a development plan for the new multi‐modal transit center.  The primary goal of the plan was to induce downtown economic revitalization through the development of the new terminal and new commercial/retail space.  TWG  utilized  rider‐ship  projections,  demographics  and  potential  spending capture of area populations to determine the amount of retail supportable by the new terminal.   The amount of retail was then planned and programmed to maximize synergy and  revenue.   Public  financing and  incentives were de‐termined to attract private sector financing and the development community.   Schenectady Multi‐Modal Transit Center Mixed‐Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (1998‐2000) 


Milton G. Mitchell, Commissioner of Public Works City of Schenectady 105 Jay Street, Room 205 Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 382‐5082 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group  in  association with Wendel Duchscherer Engineers  and Planners, was  retained by  the City of Racine, WI  to prepare a development plan  for  the  new multi‐modal  transit  center  located  at  the  existing  former AMTRAK station.  TWG  identified  TOD  opportunities  for  economic  revitalization  through  the development  of  the  new  terminal  and  new  commercial/retail  space  in  the redevelopment area around the new terminal.  In addition to rider‐ship projections, the team’s analysis covered demograph‐ics  and  potential  spending  capture  of  area  populations  to  determine  the amount  of  overall  development  supportable  could  be  programmed  at  the new  terminal.   The amount of new development  in a 2 block  radius of  the new  terminal was  then planned and programmed  to maximize  synergy and revenue.   Racine Intermodal Transit Center Mixed‐Use Development Programming and Retail Analysis (2002)  Contact: 

Michael Glasheen, Project Manager Department of Transportation City of Racine, MI 730 Washington Avenue, Room 304 Racine, WI 53403 (262) 636‐9166 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group was engaged by  the New York City Economic Develop‐ment  Corporation  to program  the  retail  development  of  the  terminal.   We utilized rider‐ship projections and passenger demographics to determine the range and mix of retail supportable by multi‐modal passengers,  tourists and visitors, and day populations to Staten Island.  The retail program was estab‐lished along with layouts and design criteria to maximize sales and revenue to NYCDOT.   St. George Ferry Terminal Concessions  Programming (1998‐2003) 

Contact: Eve Michel, Senior Vice President New York City Economic Devel‐opment Corp. 110 William Street New York, NY 10038 

Transit Oriented Development Transit Oriented Development Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group  in conjunction with Clough, Harbour and Associates was engaged to program the retail development of the terminal and joint develop‐ment on adjacent properties.   We utilized rider‐ship projections and passen‐ger demographics  to determine  the  range  and mix of  retail  supportable by multi‐modal  passenger,  tourists  and  visitors,  and  day  populations  to  the Dutchess County Region.   The development program was established  along with layouts and design criteria to maximize sales and revenue to the City of Poughkeepsie.   Poughkeepsie, NY Intermodal Transit Center TOD Programming (2003‐Current) 

Contact: Gary Robinson, Partner Clough, Harbour and Associates 2001 Route 46, Suite 107 Parsippany, New Jersey  07054‐1315 (973) 299‐1100 

Waterfront Waterfront Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

The Williams  Group,  in  conjunction  with  HOK  Architects,  was  re‐tained  by  the New  York City  Economic Development  Corp.  to  pro‐gram the retail development for both the terminal and the develop‐ment site nestled between the terminal and the new Yankee minor league  stadium.   We  utilized  rider‐ship  projections  and  passenger demographics  to  determine  the  supportable  retail  for  passengers, tourists and day populations.  We determined that the development of the site was critical to the revitalization of the area, the enhanced success of the stadium and the enhancement of the ferry rider‐ship.    In  addition,  the  new  site  provided  ample  opportunity  for  positive economic  impact  to  Staten  Island,  and  a means  to  capture  retail spending dollars that was leaving the Island in the magnitude of $1.7 Billion each year.   The plan was  subsequently given  the  support of the Mayor of New York and the Staten Island Borough President.  St. George Ferry Terminal Real Estate Programming, Staten Island, NY  (1998‐2003) 


Eve Michel, Senior Vice President New York City Economic Development Corp. 110 William Street New York, NY 10038 

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Downtown Waterfront & Tourism Downtown Waterfront & Tourism Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group with Rizzo Associates and  ICON Planners and Architects were designated as the advisors to assist the City of Worcester, MA, with the creation of a Smart Growth Development Plan.   We were primarily responsi‐ble for the economic and demographic analysis as it related to the attraction of new residential and mixed‐use development.    In addition, we utilized demographic and retail sales research to  identify op‐portunities  for retail and new business  in the Green  Island community.   The project  approach was driven by  the Canal Development Corporation  repre‐sented by  key  stakeholders and utilized a  substantial amount of public and corporate participation  to support  the plan’s success and acceptance by  the community at large.   Blackstone Canal  Smart Growth Development Plan, Worcester, MA  (2002‐03)  Contact: 

Barry Pell, Project Manager Rizzo Associates One Grant Avenue Framingham, MA 01701‐9005  

Downtown Waterfront & Tour-Downtown Waterfront & Tour-ism Real Estate Programmingism Real Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group was  retained by  the New York City Economic Develop‐ment Corporation to develop a comprehensive strategic land‐use and disposi‐tion plan  for  the 36 acre  former Naval  facility.   The overall objective was  to determine the optimum reuse for the site, and potential development strate‐gies to provide short‐and long‐term benefits to the Borough of Staten Island.     Homeport Naval Station Real Estate Programming, Staten Island, NY  (2000‐2001) Contact: 

Jeannette Rausch, Senior Vice President New York City Economic Development Corp. 110 William Street New York, NY 10038 (212) 619‐5000 


Downtown Waterfront & Tour-Downtown Waterfront & Tour-ism Real Estate Programmingism Real Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group with Kuhn‐Riddle Architects were designated as the advi‐sors  to assist  the City of Springfield, MA, with  the  creation of a Waterfront Development Plan.     The Team prepared an economic development strategy to attract new  residential and mixed‐use development on  the waterfront  in order to encourage tourism with the new Riverfront Park.     Indian Orchard Riverfront Development  on the Chicopee River Springfield, MA  (2005‐06)  Contact: 

Fred Andrews, Director Indian Orchard Partnership 145 Main Street Springfield, MA 01151  

  (413) 543‐6999  


Urban Park Urban Park Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

The Williams Group,  in conjunction with Field Operations and Diller, Scofidio & Renfro Architects, was retained by The Friends of the High Line to program the retail development, concessions and other revenue generating opportunities to cross subsidize ongoing park maintenance and operations.  The High Line Urban Park  Real Estate Programming, New York, NY  (2005) 


Tom Jost, Project Manager Field Operations Landscape Architects and Planners 575 Eighth Avenue, 12 flr New York, NY  10018 (212) 433‐1450 

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Downtown Waterfront & Tour-Downtown Waterfront & Tour-ism Real Estate Programmingism Real Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group with Synthesis Architects were designated as the advisors to assist the City of Schenectady and Village of Scotia, NY, with the creation of a Waterfront Development Plan.  We were primarily responsible for the eco‐nomic and demographic analysis as it related to the attraction of new residen‐tial and mixed‐use development on the waterfront to encourage tourism and support the cruise boat traffic on the Erie Canal.    In addition, we utilized demographic and retail sales research to  identify op‐portunities for retail and residential in both communities.     Schenectady Waterfront Development  on the Erie Canal  Schenectady, NY  (2004‐06)  Contact: 

Richard Eats, Project Manager Synthesis Architects 162 Jay Street Schenectady, New York   

  (518) 370‐1576  

Downtown MixedDowntown Mixed--Use Use Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group, in conjunction with Parson Brinckerhoff, was retained by the New York City Economic Development Corp. to program the retail devel‐opment for a community market that would benefit the Hunts Point Distribu‐tion Center, and serve the Hunts Point community.   The resident and daytime populations of Hunt’s Point were assessed  from a market demand and support perspective  to determine  the  financial support existing for a market concept.  The study included: •A needs assessment for community market in Hunts Point, including market and demographic support and community support, •A demand and supply analysis, •An analysis of the market concept, •Recommendation of a program, and its uses and activities, •A location analysis for the market •Investigation of the market’s financial feasibility—from the standpoint of its investor/developer attraction potential, and •Recommendation of steps and strategies for implementation.   The primary objective of the community market was to serve  local residents and workers  in  the Hunts Point  community.    The potential  for broader de‐mand was considered ancillary to the primary focus of serving the local com‐munity.     Hunts Point Market &  Real Estate Programming (2002‐03) Contact: 

Sean Demsky, Senior Vice President New  York  City  Economic  Develop‐ment Corp. 110 William Street 

Downtown MixedDowntown Mixed--Use Use Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

The Williams Group assisted St. Francis to develop a highest and best use strategy to enable the hospital to market the DeSales property, occupying the better part of a Hartford downtown city block, at the highest disposition value given the market, risk and civic constraints. 

 The team conducted market, demographic and economic analysis of the mi‐cro and macro real estate market to establish the optimum re‐use strategy for the property.  Physical property use and zoning use constraints were con‐sidered in the process of developing reuse scenarios.  Scenarios were tested based on financial, timing and risk basis to determine the highest and best use.   

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Contact: Robert Falaguerra, Vice President Saint Francis Medical Center 114 Woodland Street Hartford, CT 06105 (860) 714-5400

Tourism Development & Smart Growth

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group with Earth Tech,  Inc. and  ICON Planners and Architects assisted the Town of Portland, CT with the creation of a Tourism Development Plan  targeting  the National Historic Brownstone Quarries as a  catalyst  for a new major recreation resource for the Connecticut River and Downtown Port‐land.   We  were  primarily  responsible  for  the  economic  and  demographic analysis as  it  related  to  the attraction of Tourism  that would spur new  resi‐dential and mixed‐use development.    In addition, we utilized demographic and retail sales research to  identify op‐portunities for retail and new business in Portland.    Brownstone Quarry Park  Smart Growth Development Plan, Portland, CT  (2003‐04)  Contact: 

Nancy Mueller Town Planner 33 East Main St. Mailing: PO Box 71 Portland,CT   06480‐0071 

  (860) 342‐6719 

Downtown Revitalization and Downtown Revitalization and Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group with Clough Harbour & Associates and Hutton Associates was designated as the advisors to assist the Town with the creation of a Stra‐tegic  Economic Development  Plan.    TWG was  primarily  responsible  for  the economic,  and  demographic  analysis  as  it  related  to  the  attraction  of  new business and industry.  In addition, TWG utilized demographic and retail sales research  to  identify opportunities  for  retail  and new business  in  the down‐town  core.    The  project  approach  was  driven  by  a  steering  committee represented by key stakeholders and utilized a substantial amount of public and corporate participation to support the plan’s success and acceptance. 

  East Hartford, CT Strategic Economic Development Plan  (1999‐2000) 

��Contact:     Craig Stevenson, Director Economic Development Commission Town of East Hartford East Hartford, CT  (860) 291‐7300 

Industrial ReuseIndustrial Reuse Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Group was retained by Greendel Development and Capstone Realty Group to program the development for 150,000 SF of new entertain‐ment retail concepts for the former News Tribune Building in Brooklyn, New York.   As  the site  is  located at  the crossroads of Downtown Brooklyn and Park Slope,  it was critical  to provide  the optimum  retail programming mix that would supply the  local consumer needs while maintaining a niche not filled by the near‐by Atlantic Center.  By exploiting Brooklyn history and the  long courtship with Baseball, a new entertainment themed collection of specialty retail, restaurants, sports club and cinemas were programmed.  The combined program for three levels of retail provide enough  interest, excitement and  long  leisure  time  spending will make the development successful, while providing 24 hour security and activity to the upper level new loft apartments.   •News Walk  Real Estate Programming (1999) 

Contact: Mitch Adelstein, President, Capstone Realty Group  5 Leslie Place, Suite 100 Tenafly, New Jersey 07670 (201) 302‐9669 


Industrial ReuseIndustrial Reuse Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Groups, working with  Schoor DePalma  Planners  and  Engineers was engaged by Union County, NJ to analyze the prospects for economic devel‐opment for ten industrial sites within the 1/9 Corridor parallel to the NJ Turn‐pike in Elizabeth, Linden and Rahway, NJ.    The Team worked to determine the most suitable sites for development from a physical perspective,  and  then developed a plan  for  the  sites with  the most economic potential with prime highway access and visibility.   The goal was to recommend alternatives  that  increased  the  local  tax base, provided employ‐ment  and  skilled  jobs,  provided  a  town  resident  amenity  and  arrest  uncon‐trolled industrial development throughout the Corridor.     Based on an analysis of the economics and demographics of each community and region and growing  industry clusters at the Newark Airport and Elizabeth Port recommendations were made for the reuse of the specific properties.    Various sources of public financing and incentives were recommended, includ‐ing a focus on state funds for industry groups as well as a preliminary plan for the reuse of the closed GM plant in Linden, NJ.  Transit Development District Corridor Study, Union County, NJ  Real Estate Programming (20004‐06) Contact: David Maski, Planner Schoor DePalma Engineers & Planners 1465 Route 31 Clinton, NJ 08809‐0192 

Industrial Reuse & Brownfield Industrial Reuse & Brownfield Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Groups, working with Elan Planning and Design and HRP Associates Environmental Engineers was engaged by the City of Troy, NY to analyze 54 industrial sites within South Troy parallel to the Hud-son River for a BOA nomination and implementation study. The Team worked to determine the most suitable sites for develop-ment from a physical perspective, and then developed a plan for the sites with the most economic potential with prime access and visibil-ity. The goal was to recommend alternatives that increased the local tax base, provided employment and skilled jobs, provided a and arrest uncontrolled industrial development throughout the waterfront area. Based on an analysis of the economics and demographics of each community and region and growing industry clusters, recommenda-tions were made for the reuse of the specific properties. Various sources of public financing and incentives were recommended, including a focus on state funds for industry groups and potential mixed-use development

Brownfield Opportunities Area BOA Study, Troy, NY Real Estate Programming (2008) Contact: Lisa Nagle, Planner Elan Planning and Design 18 Division Street Saratoga Springs, NY


Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The!Williams!Groups,!working!with!Elan!Planning!and!Design!for!the!Town!of!Fort!Edward,!NY!to!analyze!over!900!acres!of! industrial! sites!within!the!EDA!Clean!Up!Project! for!a!BOA!nomina;on!and!implementa;on!study.!!!!The! Team! worked! to! determine! the! most! suitable! sites! for! development! from! a! physical!perspec;ve,!and!then!developed!a!plan!for!the!sites!with!the!most!economic!poten;al!with!prime!access!and!visibility.! !The!goal!was!to!recommend!alterna;ves!that! increased!the! local! tax!base,!provided!employment!and!skilled!jobs,!provided!a!and!arrest!uncontrolled!industrial!development!throughout!and!along!the!canal!area.!!!!!Based! on! an! analysis! of! the! economics! and! demographics! of! each! community! and! region! and!growing!industry!clusters!in!the!region,!recommenda;ons!were!made!for!the!reuse!of!the!specific!proper;es.!!!!The!major!part!of! the!study!was!the! Industry!Targe;ng!analysis! to!best!take!advantage!of!major!tech!development!and!expansion!in!the!region.!!



Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The!Williams!Groups,!working!with!The!BETA!Group!for!the!EDC!of!Putnam,!CT!analyzed!the!region!to!iden;fy!the!demand,!compe;;ve!supply!of!tech!parks!implementa;on!for!the!new!Quinebaug!Regional!Tech!Park.!!!!The!Team!worked!to!determine!the!right!sizing!for!development!from!a!physical!perspec;ve,!and!then! developed! a! plan! for! the! sites! with! the! most! economic! poten;al! with! prime! access! and!visibility.! ! The! goal! was! to! recommend! alterna;ves! that! increased! the! local! tax! base,! provided!employment! and! skilled! jobs! and!most! importantly! set! up! a! regional! program! that!would! enlist!surrounding!towns!into!a!coordinated!program.!!!!!The!major! part! of! the! study!was! the! Industry! Targe;ng! analysis! to! best! take! advantage! of! the!region.!!

Tech%Park%Development%Analysis,%Putnam,%CT%Real%Estate%Programming%(2011)%Contact:!James%Ford,%Senior%Manager%BETA Group 1010 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford CT 06114


Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The!Williams!Groups,!working!with!Elan!Planning!and!Design! for! the!Town!of! Lyons! Falls,!NY! to!analyze!the!Village!to!iden;fy!new!uses!and!re[use!of!the!former!paper!mill!for!a!BOA!nomina;on!and!implementa;on!study.!!!!The! Team! worked! to! determine! the! most! suitable! sites! for! development! from! a! physical!perspec;ve,!and!then!developed!a!plan!for!the!sites!with!the!most!economic!poten;al!with!prime!access!and!visibility.! !The!goal!was!to!recommend!alterna;ves!that! increased!the! local! tax!base,!provided!employment!and!skilled!jobs,!provided!a!and!arrest!uncontrolled!industrial!development!throughout!and!along!the!riverfront!area.!!!!!Based! on! an! analysis! of! the! economics! and! demographics! of! each! community! and! region! and!growing!industry!clusters!in!the!region,!recommenda;ons!were!made!for!the!reuse!of!the!specific!proper;es.!!!!The!major! part! of! the! study!was! the! Industry! Targe;ng! analysis! to! best! take! advantage! of! the!region!and!at!the!same!;me!preserve!the!culture!and!village!quali;es!of!the!area.!!


Industrial Reuse & Brownfield Industrial Reuse & Brownfield Real Estate ProgrammingReal Estate Programming

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

The Williams Groups, working with Elan Planning and Design and HRP Associates Environmental Engineers was engaged by Broome County, NY to analyze 134 acres of industrial sites within the Brandywine dis-trict for a BOA nomination and implementation study. The Team worked to determine the most suitable sites for develop-ment from a physical perspective, and then developed a plan for the sites with the most economic potential with prime access and visibil-ity. The goal was to recommend alternatives that increased the local tax base, provided employment and skilled jobs, provided a and arrest uncontrolled industrial development throughout the waterfront area. Based on an analysis of the economics and demographics of each community and region and growing industry clusters, recommenda-tions were made for the reuse of the specific properties. Various sources of public financing and incentives were recommended, including a focus on state funds for industry groups and potential mixed-use development

Brownfield Opportunities Area BOA Study, Binghamton, NY Real Estate Programming (2008) Contact: Lisa Nagle, Planner Elan Planning and Design 18 Division Street Saratoga Springs, NY

Representative ClientsRepresentative Clients

Contact: Dave Williams (413) 256-3919

Transportation Real Estate Analysis  

Connecticut Department of Transportation New York City Economic Development Corp., NYC City of Schenectady, NY City of Norwalk, CT City of Racine, WI City of Poughkeepsie, NY Grand Rapids Transit Authority, MI New York City DOT City of Troy, NY City of Binghamton, NY Long Island Rail Road New Jersey Transit Metro‐North Rail Road Merrimack Regional Transit Authority Worcester Regional Transit Authority 


Development Analysis  

St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, CT Prudential Real Estate Advisors, Metro Park, NJ INTRAWEST Development Corp., Montreal, CN New York City Economic Development Corp., NYC City of Bridgeport, CT Borough of Princeton, NJ Burnham Redevelopment Group, Champaign, IL 


Downtown Revitalization  

City of Springfield, MA Town of East Hartford, CT Long Island Rail Road, NYC Town of Griswold, CT City of Schenectady, NY New York City Economic Development Corp., NYC City of Albany, NY Princeton Futures, Princeton, NJ City of Worcester, MA 
