The Whole House Fan: A Comparison with Traditional Cooling Systems



This article takes a look at the benefits offered by whole house fans versus traditional home cooling technology.

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This article takes a look at the benefits offered by whole house fans versus traditional home

cooling technology. Ah! We all love summer, but too much of a good thing can turn out to be bad. While the beach, the pool and the barbeques are definitely a plus, the heat of summer can really suck the ambition out of you! And no one enjoys feeling hot during the week, when the daily demands of work and household responsibilities prevent you from heading to the beach to cool down. Most houses in hot climates are fitted with ceiling fans and/or air conditioning, but the former is useless in the hottest months and the latter is expensive to run. Is there another solution to the merciless summer heat that is more effective than traditional cooling fans and doesn’t run at dollars per hour? Yes! Enter the whole house fan… About the Whole House Fan Because of the high cost of operating an air conditioner, many homeowners try to reduce the temperature inside the home by using room fans, but these really only serve to reduce skin temperature by a small margin. A whole house fan is installed in the roof or attic of the home and works by setting up a powerful – as the name suggests – whole house circulation of air that:

1. Sucks in a great volume of fresh, cool and clean air from the outside,

2. Expels all that old, hot and stale air from vents in the attic, and

3. Promotes a lovely cool breeze that blows through every room in the home.

Not only does the whole house fan remove that blistering inferno of heat (in the attic) responsible for those insufferable indoor conditions, but it is capable of reducing the temperature inside by a staggering 20°F with an additional 10°F reduction in skin temperature promoted by a cool breeze. The Whole House Fan: Further Benefits

Being an efficient cooling system is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits afforded by the whole house fan over traditional cooling fans. It runs at pennies per hour, enabling home owners to save up to 90% on their annual cooling bills. In fact, the whole house fan makes savings as much as $1,860 per year possible. There is also the environmental impact to consider. By using a fraction of the electricity required by traditional air conditioning, these cooling fans contribute to a much lesser carbon footprint; and this is essential to the health of our environment. The whole house fan also contributes immensely to the health of our home. By drawing in

great quantities of fresh air from outside, these cooling fans minimize the concentration of pollution, allergens, bad odors and humidity in the home. This not only prevents molds and mildews from forming, some of which are highly toxic, but it also reduces the contagiousness of illnesses between one family member and another. The Whole House Fan: 21st Century Cooling Technology For all these reasons and more, the whole house fan is a cooling technology that really keeps up with the demands of 21st century living. It’s inexpensive to run, energy efficient, whisper quiet, promotes great indoor air quality and keeps you and your home’s occupants crisp and cool during even the hottest of the summer months!
