The Weak Tie Between Natural Gas and Oil Prices



The Weak Tie Between Natural Gas and Oil Prices. 30 th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference October 12, 2011 David Ramberg, MIT Engineering Systems Division (Co-author and Committee Member: John E. Parsons Committee Chair: Mort D. Webster). - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Weak Tie Between Natural Gas and Oil Prices

30th USAEE/IAEE North American ConferenceOctober 12, 2011David Ramberg, MIT Engineering Systems Division(Co-author and Committee Member: John E. ParsonsCommittee Chair: Mort D. Webster)

2Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

The Relationship Between Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices

Historically, observers have noted price relationship between crude oil and natural gas. Rules of Thumb

10-to-1 Energy Content Equivalence (≈ 6-to-1) Distillate Fuel Oil Burner-Tip Parity Residual Fuel Oil Burner-Tip Parity

Cointegration (Villar and Joutz, 2006, Brown and Yücel, 2008, Hartley, Medlock, and Rosthal, 2008)

Recent discussion about “decoupling”: Temporary break from usual relationship (return later) Permanent break from old relationship and move to new one No longer any relationship at all

Which is it?

3Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Natural Gas and Crude Oil Spot Prices, 1991-2010 (real 2010 dollars)

4Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Is the Relationship Stable over Time, or has it Shifted?

5Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Is the Relationship Stable over Time, or has it Shifted?

6Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Methods to Test De-coupling Possibilities

Revisit Cointegrating Relationship:PHH,t = γ + βPWTI,t + μt (-0.0333 + 0.468 logPWTI,t + μt)

P-Value of cointegrating relationship: 0.001, R2 of full model: 0.1479 Conduct Gregory and Hansen (1996) tests using above functional

form and iteratively test for breakpoints at each observation. Apply VECM/Conditional ECM methodology from June 1997 to

identified breakpoint March 2006:logPHH,t = -1.2007 + 0.7261 logPWTI,t + μt

P-Value of cointegrating relationship: 0.0000, R2 of full model: 0.2094 Apply VECM/Conditional ECM methodology from March 2006 to

identified breakpoint February 2009:logPHH,t = 0.1969 + 0.4621 logPWTI,t + μt

P-Value of cointegrating relationship: 0.0000, R2 of full model: 0.2603 No cointegrating relationship identified between February 2009 and

December 2010

7Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Graphing Two Cointegrated Periods Against Actual Henry Hub Prices

$0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140$0










CR 6/13/97-3/10/06CR 3/17/06-2/6/09Data (6/13/97-3/10/06)Data (3/17/06-2/6/09)

WTI Price 2010$/bbl


y Hu

b Pr






8Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.


Crude oil and natural gas prices in the U.S. tend to be cointegrated in the long-run, but: Volatility in natural gas prices much higher than crude oil prices.

Frequent deviations from long-run relationship Relationships gradually shifting as new technologies and policies that

govern interaction between fuels, demographic, and other demand-side factors develop

Models themselves only generally accurate at relating natural gas price levels vis-à-vis crude oil prices.

Post-February 2009 period likely indicative of relationship in flux rather than permanent severance of crude oil-natural gas pricing relationship. Due to shortage of data points to uncover a subtle relationship/lack of

much price variation, and Likely because of advent of economic methods for shale gas extraction

coming online. New equilibrium will likely develop over time.

The End


Additional Slides

11Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

The Mathematics Behind VECM and Conditional ECM Cointegration Models

Vector Error Correction Model (VECM):

Conditional Error Correction Model (conditional ECM):

12Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Methods to Test De-coupling Possibilities

Test for a co-integrating relationship: Search for a combination of the two variables of a specified functional

form that is stationary over time. After accounting for short-run divergence from this long-term relationship

and subsequent readjustment back to the long-term relationship, the remaining errors are stationary.

Persistent result is that US natural gas & oil prices have been cointegrated.

Data on seasonal, weather, and supply-related variables unavailable before June 1997

Basic cointegrating relationship from June 1997 – December 2010: logPHH,t = γ + β logPWTI,t + μt = -0.0333 + 0.468 logPWTI,t + μt

Cointegrating relationship has smaller in-sample errors than any of the rules of thumb

13Presentation to 30th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, October 12, 2011.  Do not reproduce.

Graphing Two Cointegrated Periods Against Actual Henry Hub Prices

$0 $20 $40 $60 $80 $100 $120 $140$0








CR 6/13/97-3/10/06CR 3/17/06-2/6/09

WTI Price 2010$/bbl


y Hu

b Pr





