the visionary - Forsyth Missouri UMC United Methodist...


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the visionary Our partner church is Chibo UMC in Mozambique

September/October 2017


Where Faith Connects With Life

Wednesday Night Connections Sept. 13- Nov. 15, 2017

Meal 5:45 pm Small Groups 6:30-8 pm (suggested donation $5)

Alpha—Are you seeking a relationship with God that really changes lives? Come and explore the meaning of life in a relaxed, friendly setting to help answer the ques-tions: “Is there a God?” “What am I doing here?” “Is there more to life?” “Is this it?” (10 wks)

Exodus—Exodus study on God by Ashley McNary. The Bible isn’t about the characters. The Bible tells the story of a God bringing His creation back to Himself. When we begin to see all that God was doing in this book, we see Him with new eyes, we read the New Testament with new eyes, we see Jesus with new eyes. (8 wks)

Financial Peace University—A money-management course taught by America's trusted financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Walk through the basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future & much more. (9 wks)

Technology—It’s easy to get lost in today’s world of high tech. Our own in-house geek specialist will start with computers, cell phones and the world of internet & apps. Bring your questions. (TBD wks)

Youth & Children will have their own activities. We also need help in these areas:

8 am, Sat., Sept. 9 & Oct. 14

Breakfast & Bible Study.

Pastor Larry

Sept. 5 Having a Mary Heart in a Martha

World starts 10am Sept. 9 Men’s Ministry Breakfast/Bible Study

8 am Sept. 13 Wednesday Night Connections starts Meal 5:45 pm Small Group 6:30 pm Oct. 14 Men’s Ministry Breakfast/Bible Study

The Old Testament talks about all these feasts and festivals that God’s people celebrated. The New Testament says, “The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sin-ners.'“ (Matthew 11:19). We’re told to “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come be-

fore Him with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:1-2) And King David says, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the LORD.’” (Psalm 122:1)

Let me ask you, do you get excited to come to church? Are we missing out on the joy in celebrat-ing what God has done and is doing and will do in each of our lives?

In our new sermon series we will learn that God calls us to be Party Peo-ple! Come as we learn the key to keeping our lives filled with joy so that we will be excited when someone says, Let us go to

Sign up in foyer or call for

Finding Intimacy with

God in the busyness of life

By: Joanna Weaver



10 am—noon We are starting a care ministry for our congregation in order to demonstrate God’s love and presence in a powerful way in people’s lives when they are going through a crisis. David Womark in his book, The Pyramid Principle of Church Growth, says “A church cannot grow beyond its ability to care for its people.” Everyone needs to know others care especially in a time of crisis or need. We want to make sure people don’t fall through the crack when they stop coming to church due to a crisis in their lives. We want to reach out through sending cards to providing meals & help-ing in other ways until they get back on their feet again. Please call the office if you are interested in


REMEMBER OUR MINISTRY: Making disciples of Jesus Christ by connecting to God, connecting to each other, connecting to ministry and connecting to the lost. REMEMBER IN PRAYER:

Norman Wilkerson; Mike Niner; Jim Fry; Bryan Brown; Ramona Peak; Colleen Yokum; Dawn, daughter of Elliott and PeggyLynn; Lyla Girth; John Gerdel; Donna Kuehn; Ed Cox; Nancy Moore; Geneva Cook; Bill Vetter; Dorothy Jen-

kins; Rick Witt; guidance for our President and other leaders, including Israel. For our partner church, Chibo UMC in Mozambique. In addition, please, don’t forget to pray for our Pastor, leaders and the workings of the church. Pray for the families and victims of hurricane Harvey, also for all the rescuers.. Pray for Mandy and Phil Schwarzentraub in their ministry with Kurds in

Washinton. Amy Catanzare and her team in Iraq…DON’T let us forget to give thanks for all God has done. LET US PRAY for protection and

moral support for our soldiers over seas, be with our soldiers back on our shores. Don’t forget our vets as they re-orient their lives. Don’t forget the wounded in body, in mind and, yes, in spirit. Don’t forget those that gave their lives, and their families.


DID YOU KNOW? Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now, He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints ac-cording to the will of God. BLOOD DRIVE: Thanks to all—whether it was giv-ing blood or volunteering your help in any capacity. 25 came to give blood, 23 had blood accepted.

There is more than one way to check out what’s coming up, Yep, we are on FaceBook too.

Happy Birthday SEPTEMBER 9-01—Terrie Haloupek 9-06—Barry Markham 9-07—Patrick Sterling, Shannon Zieser 9-10—Dolores Nine 9-11—Jeanette Karschnik 9-12—Dustin Tucker 9-13—Natasha Zieser 9-14—Howard Antinori 9-16—Tena George 9-17—Vernon Long 9-23—Peyton Youngblood, Doc George 9-27—Kathleen Richards

OCTOBER 10-02—Debra Long 10-05—Deanna Blackerby 10-06—Chris Zieser 10-10—Kristy McConnell 10-17—Don Blackerby, Ginger Rogers, Ben Smith, Jr 10-20—Betty Baker, Gerre Tweedy 10-22—Lydia Brazeau 10-24—Barbara Cox, Matthew Taul 10-25—Jim Fry 10-31—Brenda Hale

Happy Anniversary SEPTEMBER 9-24—Debbie & Mike White 9-25—Lucille & Jim Fry 9-27—Tena & Doc George

OCTOBER 10-05—Jayne & Shayne Denney 10-11—Carol & Dewey Yoder If your name/s are omitted on the Birthday or Anniversary lists, please notify the office.

As of July/2/2017, joining our church family were:




HAPPENINGS AT RIVER ADVENTURE VBS Thanks to everyone who helped make River Adventure VBS a great time! Forty-five adults, youth and kids came together for three nights, August 1st-3rd and the 6th to learn about BLTS: Believe, Love, Trust and Share. We sang songs & did fun actions during Seafaring Songs. The Pondside Puppets taught us about walking by faith, God's love for us and learning to listen for God's voice! We learned great object lessons about trusting God, trust vs worry, forgiveness and shine your light in Lakeside Lessons. The kids made neat crosses, fish and sailboat.

Pondside Puppets skit entitled "The Lost Sheep", Abigail is the shepherdess who needs help from the kids to find her lost

sheep. Thankfully, her lost sheep was found!

Jordan is trying to walk with gear on!

Jasper pops his water balloon! Travis looks on.

Everyone enjoyed songs and actions in Seafaring Songs during River Adventure VBS!

Haley, Jordan and Julian were all smiles as they enjoyed River Adventure VBS!

Some of the group who enjoyed Gulfside Games during River Adventure VBS! Crosses, Fish & sailboats were made in Creek-side Crafts. They ate popcorn, popsicles and Rice Krispie bars, mmm, in Seaside Snacks. They were challenged to try & walk wearing flippers, life jackets & goggles, pass the water balloons, and run an obstacle course during Gulfside Games. On Sunday, we all gathered to learn about The Secret Mission through pup-pets. It's not a secret - Share Jesus! We then enjoyed a picnic

lunch and fun music!


CONNECT TO THE LOST— AND EACH OTHER: C. T. L.—Next meeting is September 13 at 12:30, we brown bag. This meeting we will working on a Bon-fire gathering, Community Thanks-giving Dinner, and Cookie Sale. Won’t you join us? CONNECT TO MINISTRY PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY meets Wednesdays, 10 am-Noon in the Library.

Welcome mat is out for any-one to join or visit our group. Don’t back off because you aren’t an expert in crocheting, we are a helping hands group after all.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry got “outta” the office August 23rd!!!! We traveled to Springfield in the church van, with our brave driver, Robert Hale, who really dressed for the part—silver cuff links!!!! A big thanks to him for carting around 8 laughing chicks: Barbara, Brenda, Kathy R., Kathy M., Bev, Grace, Sandra and Sioux!!!! We did shopping, ate at HuHot, then leav-ing Springfield we stopped at Andy’s and got Concretes (that’s ice cream for people not in the know). We appreciate the church for allowing us to use the van!!! Sioux


Sandra, Brenda, Barbara, Kathy R.,

Kathy M., Bev, Grace, and Sioux!

CONNECT TO GOD—OPEN TO ALL!KIDNECTION—Snacks served in dining room on Sunday at 10:15, At 10:30 all kids meet upstairs for a Children’s Worship Service along with a small group time. Music, Bible lessons, puppets, games, crafts & lots more. DETOUR YOUTH GROUP: (7th-12th grades) meet in sanctuary at 10:30 am, Sunday, for Praise & Wor-ship and meet on Wednesdays 6-8 pm for snacks, fun & making a detour toward God.

MENS MINISTRY: (Next meeting Aug. 12th) 2nd Saturday of each month at 8 am. Breakfast, Bible Study & Service.

A WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY back on September 5 at 10 am; study is on Having a Mary Heart in a Mar-tha World All women/young ladies are invited. Lead by Sandra Witt.

WEDNESDAY SMALL GROUPS September 13-November 15—start with a meal at 5:45 pm & sing-ing: groups are 6:30-8 pm, details on Pastor’s Page.

Noah’s Nursery is available during both services for children up to 2 years old. ALSO, they could use some additional help for both the 9 AM and 10:30 AM ser-vices. DON’T FORGET SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES: AS IT SAYS IN HEBREWS 10:24 & 25: And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works...not forsaking the assembling of ourselves to-gether, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the DAY ap-proaching. TRADITIONAL SERVICE AT 9:00 AM CONTEMPORARY SERVICE AT 10:30 AM

NEW FEATURE: The Bible isn’t just to skim through, it is to

re-read and study to avoid the misleading road-sign’s of the devil.

Matthew chapters 6 & 7 Proverbs 2: 11& 12 1 Timothy 1: 3-8 Gals you aren’t excluded, when it says son’s just

include yourself.


Our church web site: We are also on Facebook: Connections - Forsyth UMC (like us)

Mozambique Initiative—REMINDING!!! Our church is part of the Mo-zambique Initia-tive which trains and supports leaders and pas-

tors ministering to churches in Mozam-bique, Africa. By helping support this min-istry, through prayer and/or giving we are not only reflecting our faith though works, we are participating in the spread of the gospel!

Consider how you can be a part of this ministry. Please pray for our sister church in Chibo, Mozambique, as well as the commu-nity they serve. Pray for the leaders, pastors and Initiative as a whole. Reach into your pocket and contribute to the ministry by adding your gift to the bowl in the back of the sanctuary labeled “Mozambique.” Let’s get that arrow moving!

If you have questions about this mission ministry please see the bulletin board in the gymnasium for updates or just ask.



One thing I’ve noticed since reading

books from our library is that Christian writers are among the top writers in any genre. I have found several books I have read turned into movies, especially by Hallmark and even a few on big screen.



OUR FOOD COLLECTION is used to support three food pantries; CAM, Relational Ministries and our own small food pantry.

Range of Motion/Martial Arts Exercise & Self Defense Adults Class meet Fridays at 7 PM, in gym. Ben Smith in-structor. Wear comfortable clothes. Questions, call Ben at 251-1482.

A former piano teacher, Doc George would like to share his love of music, thus, is offering piano lessons for $12 per ses-sion (if you cannot afford that,

please call him to work something out). 230-6552

CHURCH OFFICE: PLEASE call the church office if you need a ride to service or other church events.

Containers for Box Tops for Education, Best Choice and Campbell soup bar codes, & Lay’s potato chip bags are available… Old printer cartridges recycled by

church, place in basket below the TV. (Our church receives $2 a cartridge).


STILL A “BEST SELLER” (Tops for Life Coaching)

There is a Life Coach that has a book of instruction still on top of the Best Selling list---longer than any other book written. The book? The Bible. It may be surprising, at least to many, that according to Guinness World Records (2017), There is little doubt that the Bible is the world’s best selling and most widely distributed book. Although the Bible is put together by “books”written by different writers, the Author is God. It says in 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17: All Scrip-ture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be com-plete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Get it! In spite of laws and non-believers---God is still in control, He is still available for our Life Coaching and His gift of instruction, the Bible, is still strong.

My heart sings with those statistics---but are the Bibles being read? I’m not talking about looking up an interesting verse now and then. Not as required reading of particular verses in Confirmation. I’m not talking about reading along during Sunday sermon. I’m talking about daily reading that you absorb! Have you read John 3 where Jesus was talking with Nicodemus clarifying things? Well I’ll remind you using wording of today aka Good News Bible today’s English Version. These are verses 3-7: Jesus answered, I am telling you the truth no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again. How can a grown man be born again? Nicodemus asked, He certainly cannot enter his mother’s womb and be born a second time? I am telling you the truth, replied Jesus, that no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of the water (baptism) and the Spirit. A person is born physically of human parents, but he is born spiritually of the Spirit. Do not be surprised because I tell you that you must all be born again. Where does this come in for life coaching our life?---because it is the main purpose for our life---or should be. Oh, the Bible covers any and all aspects of living, including toward each other---just read it! Well actually, study, absorb the teachings in the Bible.

Just because families believe in God, call themselves Christians doesn’t mean that there is a lot of home Bible reading being done. Speaking from experience past (not reading) and present (reading); it does make a BIG difference in your life. Trouble getting started? A Bible based minister and church, Bible studies will help to push you. The Bible is where ALL the answers are and that includes clarifications of things you may have heard. The devotion for 8/10 in Jesus Calling words it so well, As you walk close to me (Jesus) saturating your mind with Scripture, I will show you how to spend your time and energy. Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Peak your interest! Just a little!

You can’t absorb everything in day, but you can start today---just open the Bible, and start reading, best Life-Coaching book around!
