The Valley Vanguard (Vol. 44 No. 28)



The Valley Vanguard Newspaper

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Saginaw Valley State University’s student newspaper since 1966

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Vol. 44 No. 28Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Biology of Humans: BIOL 104B 01Author: GOODENOUGHEdition: 4TH 12Publisher: PEARSONISBN: 9780321707024

Rent NewUsed











For junior pitcher Mike Saunders, waiting was the hardest part.

After dominating the GLIAC with a school-record 1.23 ERA, the lowest in the conference and the second lowest in the country, the Mount Morris native waited

to hear from the major league scouts who had been attending his games to watch him pitch all season.

“I had almost three weeks after the time our season ended,” Saunders said. “I was playing catch, throwing full bullpen

sessions to simulate games and keep my arm in shape so that I could go down to these camps and show teams what I could do.”

Saunders received invitations to work out for the Cincinnati Reds and Detroit Tigers on June 1 and 2, less than a week before the Major League Baseball Draft.

“I had a pretty good idea that I would be drafted, but I didn’t know when, and to whom,” Saunders said. “It was tough to just sit there listening to the draft and wait until I finally heard my name called.”

Saunders waited until the 24th round, when the Cincinnati Reds selected him with pick No. 742 overall. He is only the fourth SVSU player to be drafted, and the first since another pitcher, Brian Paluk, was taken in the 50th round by the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1996.

“Absolutely everyone is ecstatic,” Saunders said. “It was kind of a shocker,

the amount of people that have actually contacted me and congratulated me and wished me luck. I’ve had people that I hadn’t talked to since I was in first grade calling me and congratulating me.

“It’s all pretty jaw-dropping and eye-opening, this whole journey I’m about to be on.”

In 10 starts this season, Saunders finished 7-2, striking out 72 batters in 73.1 innings pitched. Without him on the mound, the Cardinals had a record of 19-24.

“He’s the best pitcher in the league,” said head baseball coach Walt Head. “I know he wasn’t pitcher of the year, but he should have been. Mike probably should have been 9-0, but we just couldn’t score runs.”

Saunders’ performance this season

The start of classes can be nerve-wracking, but perhaps the biggest headache of all is shelling out cash for textbooks.

Terry Blake, business management junior, said the bookstore’s prices always overwhelm him.

“The books are so expensive,” Blake said. “Sometimes financial aid doesn’t cover everything.”

Eligible students can get a $600 loan for books, which Blake said is not always enough.

Blake’s money-saving tip is to wait until the semester starts to ensure each professor actually uses the books required for his or her class.

Jeremy Frye, assistant store manager at the campus Barnes and Noble, said book costs are out of the store’s control. Instead, publishers set them.

Frye said popular textbook websites charge less because they need fewer employees in comparison to a bookstore.

“There’s more overhead to running a store than a warehouse,” Frye said.

Employees must be on hand to stock shelves correctly and help customers find what they’re looking for.

Another frustration students have is the inability to get what they paid for their

Students will be reaching a bit deeper into their pockets to pay for tuition this fall.

The SVSU Board of Control approved a budget that included a 3.9 percent increase in tuition for the 2012-2013 school year, bringing the cost per credit hour to $270.65, a $14 increase from last year. Undergraduate students taking 30 credits will now pay $8,120 for a year’s tuition compared to last year’s cost of $7,815.

With the increase, SVSU is still expected to remain the least expensive public university in Michigan.

The university received an 8.2 percent increase in funding this year, adding an extra $1.9 million to the budget, and because SVSU met Gov. Rick Snyder’s incentive to keep tuition hikes below 4 percent, it may also be eligible to receive an estimated extra $600,000 if other Michigan universities follow suit.

Jim Muladore, executive vice president for administration and business affairs, said tuition will still rise because the university is treating the extra funding as a one-time increase.

“We believe that increase will not be added to our base,” he said. “In other words, when we roll forward into our next fiscal year, it’s possible that that funding won’t be there.”

Because the university anticipates funding cuts to resume next year, it is limited in the ways it can distribute this year’s extra funding.

“When we developed our budget, we, in effect, did not match that revenue up with ongoing commitments like compensations for faculty and staff and utilities and so forth,” Muladore said. “We really were looking at our budget revenue flow based purely upon what we expected our student enrollment to be, and the rate of tuition.

“I can understand how some people can see the advertised increase, but the reality is that although we’re very appreciative of the increase, at this point in time it seems to us that in order to be prudent, our revenue stream needs to be adjusted, and the only area in which the university has flexibility is tuition.”

The money from the state will go instead toward the university’s capital operating budget, where it will be used to fund projects such as roadway resurfacing, parking lot resurfacing, infrastructure and electrical work and campus renovations such as the new student financial services center

Mini-mall could lead to new tiesbetween campus,community.

The number of residential housing units may stay the same this year, but list of things to do for campus residents is growing.

After three years of negotiation between SVSU, Kochville Township and a group of investors, plans to construct a building district on Pierce Road between the Cardinal Townhomes and 7-Eleven are officially under way.

While the space will serve both SVSU and the community, John Leuenberger, an investor in the project, said the development will be especially beneficial for students living on campus.

“All of the businesses will be within walking distance, alleviating road traffic and giving people the option to ride a bike or walk instead of having to drive,” Leuenberger said.

The buildings will be constructed in a model that could attract national tenants such as Starbucks or Panera Bread over time. For now, they will accommodate

Within walking distance

Scoping out the best deal on books With tuition on rise, university seeks waysto stay affordable

Cardinals ace drafted by Cincinnati Reds in 24th round

Courtesty Photo | Designhaus Architecture

Plans to construct a mini-mall near 7-Eleven on Pierce Road are underway. Flip to A8 to view more artistic renderings of the building district. See Mini-MAll, A2

By lauren Wietchyvanguard staff Writer

Vanguard Graphic | Evan Poirier

Vanguard Graphic | Josh Hartley

See TuiTion, A2

See SAunDERS, A7

See BookS, A2

By Andrea McBridevanguard campus editor

By Justin Brouckaert vanguard editor-in-chief

By Justin Brouckaertvanguard editor-in-chief

Mike Saunders

The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall campus editors brandy abraham and andrea mcbride e-mails and office (989) 964-4482

News coverage continued from page 1

Page A2| Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | | The Valley Vanguard

Police briefs are written according to reports from University Police. These indicate preliminary descriptions of events and not necessarily actual incidents.

Minor in possession•At12:20a.m.Sunday,April





Aggravated assault•At1:39p.m.anofficermaking


Suspicious person•At5:25p.m.Wednesday,May9,






Property damage•At11:40a.m.Friday,May11,a




Driving with suspended license•At11:50p.m.Saturday,April28,


about ussince 1966, The valley vanguard has provided coverage of campus and communiTy happenings To sTudenTs, faculTy, sTaff and communiTy residenTs. an online ediTion of The paper is available aT and is updaTed weekly during The fall and winTer.

publishingThe vanguard is published by The sTudenTs of saginaw valley sTaTe universiTy weekly in The fall and winTer semesTers, wiTh one issue published in The summer. our office is locaTed in curTiss 125 on The campus of svsu, aT 7400 bay road, universiTy cenTer, mi 48710.

advertisingall adverTising inquiries should be direcTed To shannon davis aT or (989) 964-4248.


(989) 964-4248

Katie ZlotecKi, business manager

shannon davis, adverTising manager

The Valley Vanguard


(989) 964-4482

Justin broucKaert, ediTor-in-chief

Josh hartley, design ediTor

brandy abraham, campus ediTor

andrea mcbride, campus ediTor

noah essenmacher, copy ediTor

chris oliver, sporTs ediTor

tyler bradley, a&e ediTor

sean dudley, phoTo ediTor

chris oliver, web ediTor

policebriefs businesses including

restaurants, hair salons and other local offices and services. Kevin Shultz, director of alumni relations and former chairman of the Kochville Township Downtown Development Authority, said that the construction of this district is only one part of a bigger plan for the community.

“This development is part of the Kochville Downtown Development Authority’s ‘10 Smart Growth initiatives,’” Shultz said. “The township also

has its own master plan, so the goal is to eventually incorporate the two together as a way to provide revenue for Kochville Township and benefit SVSU.

“The vision for the future is that students would eventually be able to walk across Pierce Road into a district that would take them all the way to Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart.”

Construction will occur in phases for two buildings. Work on the first building is slated to begin in August and be completed by the end of 2012. The first building will be 15,000 square feet and the second will be 23,000 square feet.

Jim Muladore, executive vice president for

administration and business affairs, said the university is supportive of the development of the Pierce Road corridor.

“The university has been deeply involved in the Pierce Road construction project that is currently under way,” Muladore said. “The development of a business district around Pierce Road will increase services for both the university and community. “

Steve King, director of the Kochville Township Downtown Development Authority, said that the area surrounding SVSU is important.

“It was important that this property would meet the needs of the both township and the

developers for years to come,” King said. “For the longest time there was nothing near SVSU, but now the township is looking to become more of a university district and SVSU is looking to become more of a dynamic university model as opposed to being known as a commuter school only.

“The corridor also will serve as a transitional area between the 55 mph speed limit on Bay Road and the new development for walking and slower forms of transportation.”

King said that this is the first phase in a series of changes that will occur during the next 10 years, at minimum.

Mini-MALLcontinued from A1

currently being built in Wickes Hall.This year’s tuition increase is

almost half of last year’s 6.9 percent increase, when state funding for higher education was cut by nearly 15 percent.

During the past three years, credit hours at SVSU have risen from $243.60 in 2010-2011 to $270.65 for 2012-2013, causing an increase in nearly $1,000 for undergraduate students enrolled in 30 credits.

The amount of money awarded through university-funded scholarships and financial aid will rise from $10.5 million to $11.2 million this year.

At this time, only two other Michigan schools have set tuition rates for the 2012-2013 year. Central Michigan approved a 1.96 percent increase in tuition to bring its cost per credit hour to $365, and Lake Superior State approved a 2.98 increase to bring its cost per credit hour to $397.50.

Director of Media & Community Relations J. J. Boehm said that the university is constantly trying to balance low cost with high value.

“SVSU has maintained the lowest tuition among Michigan’s public universities for many years,” he said. “At the same time, our students demand – rightly – a quality education, and that requires resources.”

Unfortunately for SVSU students, the price for that education will continue to rise.

“Regarding patterns in state funding, during my nine years at SVSU, the pattern has been relatively consistent: less,” Boehm said. “In 2003, SVSU received $3,986 per student. For the 2012 fiscal year, we received $2,665 per student. These are in actual dollars, not adjusted for inflation.”

As tuition increases, SVSU will continue to look for ways to keep education affordable for its students.

“We’ve been very actively engaged in cost saving-measures and cost-mitigation measures over the past several years in areas such as utilities, for example, where SVSU is, at least on a square-foot basis, the most efficient campus of the 15 public universities,” Muladore said. “That’s pretty significant in terms of our budget and budget savings.”

Additionally, SVSU is involved in collaborative purchasing programs with other universities to buy some supplies more economically, and has been re-engineering many of its administrative processes over recent years.

“For example, we just moved to the email communication policy this past winter, which is resulting in pretty significant savings in terms of postage cost,” Muladore said. “The student financial services center we’re constructing is an example of how we’re mitigating cost increases rather than adding additional staff, which is a budget issue.

“We’re not relaxing. We realize that, moving forward into the future, we have to continue our efforts even more diligently than we have.”

tuitioncontinued from A1

books when returning them at the end of the semester.

Frye said the most cash a student can get back is 50 percent of what they originally paid.

“It’s based on whether we need the book still for next semester,” Frye said.

He said buy-back prices aren’t unique to this campus. They remain constant at all universities.

Caitlin Mazurek, exercise science junior, stopped using the bookstore partly because of the low buy-back prices.

She said she usually finds all required textbooks through

“You can rent through them, and even their rental prices are usually lower than the bookstore prices,” Mazurek said. plants a tree each time a customer rents books, which Mazurek thought was a major perk to using the website.

Social work sophomore Marissa

Stec also uses said she was impressed by

how simple it was to exchange a book.“It was so easy to just ship my

book back, and they sent me the new one right away,” she said.

Stec said she saved more than $200 on books for winter semester by choosing to shop online rather than at the bookstore.

“I saved a lot of money, so I’m definitely using it again this year,” Stec said.

Other popular textbook websites include Amazon, Ebay, and

Facebook groups recently became a location for students to sell books, as well.

If students do choose to buy textbooks through Barnes and Noble, there are methods to save money.

Although rentals are becoming the trend, Frye said buying used textbooks is the cheapest route.

He said students have first access to used books if they purchase through the bookstore’s website in advance.

The website also gives them a better chance of getting everything they need before the bookstore sells out and must place another order.

BookScontinued from A1

Courtesy Photo | Designhaus Architecture

Work on the first of building, which will span 15,000 feet, will begin in August and be completed by the end of 2012.

News and events from on and around campus

The Valley Vanguard | | Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | Page A3


The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall campus editors brandy abraham and andrea mcbride e-mails and office (989) 964-4482

The social work department was forced to say goodbye to a one-of-a-kind professor.

Stephen Yanca, who taught at the university for more than 19 years, recently lost his battle with cancer.

Lucy Mercier, associate professor of social work said Yanca was always willing to help out.

“If we needed something done, he would be the one to step up and do it,” Mercier said.

Yanca was active in the faculty association and also took over co-authorship of some commonly used social work textbooks.

He was chair of the social work department when he died.

Donald Bachand, provost and vice president for academic affairs and one of Yanca’s close friends, said the position suited him well, although it didn’t particularly strike his fancy.

“He didn’t relish administrative work, but he did it because he thought it was his turn,” Bachand said.

Yanca was all about fair treatment, especially when it came to students.

Bachand said Yanca referred to his students as colleagues because in the near future they would be practicing in his same area of expertise.

He wanted students to have the best professional experience possible so they would be prepared for the future.

“He was probably one of the most fierce student advocates I’ve ever met,” Bachand said.

Gina Papandrea, a recent social work graduate and one of Yanca’s former students, said Yanca was a popular and well-liked professor.

“Everyone in the program knew who he was, whether you were a new student or a graduating senior,” she said.

Papandrea graduated in May and is enrolled in graduate school at Wayne State University.

She said she always keeps Yanca’s famous line in mind: “It depends.”

Yanca believed the slogan was useful for predicaments social workers may find themselves in with clients.

Mercier said the professor’s straightforwardness caused some to be intimidated by him.

However, she said once people got to know him there was nothing to be afraid of.

“He was really a marshmallow,” Mercier said.

Bachand said Yanca was a “feisty guy,” but described him as a considerate man with a soft heart.

“In all the years I knew this guy I never had a cross word with him,” Bachand said.

Yanca left behind his wife, Beverly, and three children.

He was a dedicated Michigan State fan, as he graduated from there with his doctorate.

Although his MSU pride shined through, Bachand said above all he was SVSU’s number one fan.

“This is his place. He liked it and he supported it,” Bachand said. “I think he really made a big contribution here.“

The university plans to create a scholarship in Yanca’s name.

A memorial service is also scheduled to take place in the fall, giving students, faculty and staff an opportunity to share memories and celebrate Yanca’s life.

Dow Gardens Cart Tours Students looking to take the scenic

route have a chance to see the Dow Gardens on a guided cart tour this summer.

Tours are offered at 12:45 p.m., Monday-Friday, and each tour can take up to five passengers.

Located in Midland, it is close to Saginaw and Bay City, and costs $2 per person.

Besides relaxing and enjoying nature, visitors on Wednesday, June 20, can take part in the annual Summer Solstice Stroll from 6-10 p.m. Celebrating the longest day of the year, visitors can stroll though the gardens listening to music, meet some of the artists and end the night with a lighted walk.

6-8 p.m. Haley Ann Dorion will perform easy listening music

7-9 p.m. The Sunshine String Band will be playing Bluegrass Music

7-9 p.m. Meet the Artists. The artists will be throughout the gardens near their art.

9-10 p.m. Luminary Walk in the Dow Gardens

For more information visit, or to make a tour reservation, call 989-631-2677

Dixie Motor Speedway 2012 Races

Community members looking to get excited about a fast-paced sport could find themselves at the Dixie Motor Speedway in Birch Run. The speedway opens at 7:30 p.m. and regular races run all summer long. Local and professional racers also compete at premier short-

track racing at 7:30 p.m. every Friday night.

For more information, check the Dixie Motor Speedway website at to see a complete racing schedule.

At Dixie Motor Speedway:June 22: Main Event Racing Series: Great Lakes helicopter Port city Race Cars, “Dixie Cup Series” and Sportsman, Factory Stocks, Bombers and Figure 8’sJuly 3: Eve of Destruction and Michigan Legends and fireworks displayJuly 13: Miller night at the Races: Dixie Cup Series “47th Annual Dixie Classic 100” and Factory Stocks, Bombers and Figure 8’sJuly 20: Christmas in July and Pro Late Models, Modifieds, Sportsman, Bombers and Figure 8’sJuly 27: Autograph night and Pro Late Models, Modifieds, Sportsman, Factory Stocks, Bombers and Figure 8’sJuly 29: ServPro night, Eve of Destruction, and Michigan LegendsAugust 3: tHE BiG onE “X” Auto Value Super Sprint Series, ARCA CRA Super Series, and 125 Factory Stocks, Bombers and Autograph SessionAugust 24: Pro Late Model Championship and Modifieds, Factory Stocks, Bomers and Figure 8’s

Yoga on the BeachVisiting the beach may be relaxing,

but yoga on the beach can be a healthy alternative. Stephanie Wirtz is offering yoga classes, located at the Haithco Recreation Area in Saginaw. The class is $5 per person, per class. The classes will run from 7-8a.m. from June 5-26.

For more information, visit the Saginaw Country Parks website or call Wirtz at 989-790-5280. Midland Farmers’ Market

Every town has a farmers market, and Midland is no exception. The Farmers’ Market, located in downtown Midland is open from 7 a.m. until noon, Wednesdays and Saturdays, from May

through October. The market offers a selection of

fresh produce, plants and flowers, honey and maple products, baked goods, and homemade jewelry from the local community.

For more information about the market, contact Kristy LeVasseur, at the Midland Area Chamber of Commerce office at 989-839-9901, or visit

Tunes by the TridgeFrom 7 p.m.-9 p.m. on June 7

through August 2, a popular concert series, Tunes by the Tridge, will continue with 10 weeks of music and fun for the whole family. Next to the local Farmer’s Market in Midland, in the grassy area, local musicians will be playing everything from Christian Rock to Southern Bluegrass music.

For information or a full schedule, visit

tunes by the tridge:thursday, June 7 - Rusty Wright Band, Bluesthursday, June 14 - Scott Hozzle Band, Classic Rock/Funk/Ska/Jazzthursday, June 21 - Jodi Sasse and Southern Cross, Country/Blues/Southern Rockthursday, June 28 - Dave kellan, Alternativethursday, July 5 - Livingstones, Christianthursday, July 12 - the Blues Creators Band, Motownthursday, July 19 - Bull Honkey Delux, Country Rockthursday, July 26 - the Resonators, Percussionthursday, August 2 - Battle of the Bands, Christian/Rock

Japanese Tea Ceremony and Gardens

As a collaborative effort between the City of Saginaw and its sister city Tokushima, Japan, the Japanese Cultural Center and Gardens of Saginaw was created. As one of the most authentic tea houses in North America, it is a welcoming sight to the person looking to experience a different culture without leaving Michigan.

The Japanese Cultural Center says that the tea ceremony fulfills its mission “to promote intercultural understanding and peace through a bowl of tea.”

Tea ceremonies are presented on the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. throughout the year. They are a part of the Tea House tour which includes a cup of green tea and costs $3 per person.

For a private ceremony for a group of at least 10 people on a day of your choice, the cost will be $8 per person. The private ceremony includes an oral

presentation about the Japanese Tea Ceremony, Maccha (green) tea, and a Japanese sweet.

The gardens and tours are available through Oct. 30. The gardens are free of charge to visit.

To make a reservation, call 989-759-1648 or visit for more information.

Summer FestivalThe annual Summer Music Fest

starts in Frankenmuth at 1 p.m. (gates open at 12:30 p.m.) at Heritage Park from August 7 through August 11. From Tuesday-Thursday, admission price is $16 per person and on Friday and Saturday admission price is $18 per person.

The Frankenmuth Music Fest and

Drury Hotels invites everyone out to hear the music of SqueezeBox, The Del Sinchank Band, The Knewz Peter Wendinger & The Wendinger Band, Dynatones Downntown Sound, Polka Family, Pan Franek, New Brass Express, Lenny Gomulka, Fred Ziwich, the Marv Herzog Tribute Band, and the Fabulous Hubcaps.

With dancing at 8:30 p.m., visitors have plenty of options.

For a full schedule of events, more information, and discounted admission prices visit

As green cardinal initiative leaders, SVSU Greenhouse volunteers work to give back to the campus and community and be “green” in the process.

Students and staff at the greenhouses are working to provide for the future.

According to Gretchen Roekle, biology senior and four-year greenhouse volunteer, the SVSU Greenhouse takes university waste and actually does something with it.

Instead of throwing Starbucks coffee grounds and overripe foods from Dining Services and the Marketplace in the nearest trashcan, the greenhouse reuses it.

According to the University Fun Facts, 4.5 tons of food waste from Dining Services is diverted to the SVSU Greenhouse each semester where worms recycle it into soil and fertilizer.

This process is called vermicomposting.

“The red worms, in about three to five weeks, turn that (food waste) into top soil,” Roekle said.

This process helps return food waste to the ecosystem through natural composting.

“It stops that stuff from getting to the dumps,” she said.

The two greenhouse buildings also serve as a source of education.

“The greenhouse is also a agri-science educational

resource, where K-12 students tour the building to learn how to grow new things,” Roekle said.

Last year the greenhouse helped a Saginaw high school redevelop its school greenhouse while teaching

students how to grow and take care of the plants.

Besides K-12 schools, other community members such as master gardener clubs and individuals looking for soil and growing information often visit. Roekle said that it

isn’t just university students who buy greenhouse products, but local farmers are always looking for better ways to grow their plants.

Students and farmers from the community can purchase anything from flowering and vegetable plants to vermicompost, “worm tea,” rain barrels and pounds of red worms.

The greenhouses are open during every season, but hours vary. Tours can be made through appointment.

Roekle said that the greenhouse looks to ultimately serve and support the campus community.

There are plans to build a smaller greenhouse closer to the university, attached to Science West, so more students can volunteer and the facility can more easily receive new food waste for vermicomposting.

“It will be right there for the students, so they can get involved,” Roekle said.

The greenhouse also donates plants to the university. Some of these plants are taken care of by department secretaries.

Kenyanna Campbell, communications senior, has helped greenhouse director and lecturer of chemistry Edward Meisel prepare posters and take care of plants as a work-study student.

She said that in visiting the greenhouse last year, there were so many things to see and that it was a good learning experience.

“It was great because you can view the process and ask questions,” Campbell said.

Roekle said that knowledge learned at the greenhouse is transferable and can be applied to a volunteer’s daily life.

Campbell’s work with Meisel and other staff has influenced her to use recyclable or reusable drinking cups and to find out what paper products she handles daily can or cannot be recycled.

“I think (SVSU Greenhouses) are instrumental in the green campaign,” Campbell said.

She said that she didn’t know if the greenhouse started the “go green” initiative, but that they do show their advocation for it.

She believes that Meisel has done great things to transform the greenhouse into a working part of the community.

Roekle said that they are always looking for volunteers, especially with the extension of the greenhouse to the University campus during the next academic year.

She said that volunteers don’t have to have background knowledge, but just need to be willing.

Roekle said that volunteers without farming experience are, “the best kind of people because they see things they have never seen before, and that is all a part of the their educational experience.”

Vanguard Photo | Sean Dudley

Located only one mile away from SVSU, on Michigan, the SVSU Greenhouse offers products for the local farmer.

Photo Courtesy |

Photo Courtesy |

Photo Courtesy |

Photo Courtesy | visitgreatlakesbay.orgPhoto Courtesy |

By Andrea McBride vanguard campus ediTor

By Brandy Abrahamvanguard campus ediTor

Summer activities & hotspots: exploring mid-Michigan By Brandy Abraham vanguard campus ediTor

Social work prof will be missed

Growing an eco-friendly community

The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall editor-in-chiefJustin Brouckaert office (989) 964-4482 e-mail

Page A4| Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | | The Valley Vanguard


PoliciesLetters may Be edited for content, grammar and Length. Letters containing aBusive content wiLL not Be puBLished. Letters shouLd Be sent to the vaLLey vanguard and no other puBLication.

Letters for puBLication must Be no Longer than 350 words. students writing Letters must incLude their maJor and cLass standing. aLL others must provide a titLe or JoB description.

we do not puBLish open Letters, news reLeases, puBLic postings or notices of any kind.

As a cool and gentle breeze sweeps by on a beautiful sunny morning, I

am reminded that once more the time of the year is upon us when most Saginaw Valley students have fled all concerns of term papers and final exams and are comfortably at home, enjoying their summer vacation. Days and nights pass by like a blur as we enjoy barbecues, reconnecting with old friends who attend distant universities, and the beautiful lakeside beaches that offer us a refreshing dip on a hot day. It is strange how these days are so easily ignored. In fact,

up until last week, I was already treading on that old familiar path so many of us go down: the fall semester countdown.

In due time, we all begin to miss the old comforts of Saginaw Valley and the friends we’ve come to make there. Summer jobs and internships that started off incredibly fun begin

to become a drab reminder of the life of a college student. Incoming freshman may already be counting down the days until they arrive and finally begin their college experience and leave their old hometown lives behind them.

As time goes by, these summer days get shorter every day as our entire focus shifts to the upcoming year and what we plan to make of it. Some may spend every summer vacation doing this right up until they graduate, but in reality, it is something we all need to move past as quickly as possible, and if you are an incoming freshmen, it is a habit you should never start. Until tragedy struck me and opened my eyes, the boring days of summer seemed to truly be the longest days I had faced in my life.

Despite the fun I was having and the relaxing break it offered from the non-stop pace of the school year, summer vacation just seemed to delay the constant activity that campus life offers. I would lie to myself about the ease of next year’s courses and the amount of free time I would have upon my return. Despite the homework and studying that can weigh upon a college life, I simply could not wait for the new academic year to start and my life to begin all over again. It took a death in my family for me to realize how terrible this habit truly is and how it can come to harm all of us in the long run.

After a long battle with pancreatic cancer, my grandmother passed away

June 4 and, just like that, I found myself looking backwards instead of looking ahead. Every day of my life was laid in front of me, and it became suddenly apparent how much time I had wasted waiting for those slow and dragging days of summer to end, not just in college but in high school as well. Every day we attempt to rush through to get to the next is wasted, lost to time itself as we run blindly forward.

For a while, I had no idea how to repair my error and avoid making this same mistake again. It was not until after the funeral that I came to realize the answer wasn’t to avoid or repair anything, but to move forward at the pace of time itself and appreciate what I was given each day, actively striving to make the most of it. No one can turn back the clock to grasp the time they’ve lost, but they can make the most of every bit they are given. This is the simple lesson I learned from my grandma’s passing and hope to pass on as these summer days carry onward.

Once college is finished, summer vacations are a thing of the past. Some may reach that milestone before realizing this simple truth and will have spent those few vacations they had waiting for them to end. Do not let this become your fate as well. Live your life to the fullest. Feel free to be excited for the coming school year as it grows closer but do not forget to enjoy the time you have between now and then.

Summer more than just a countdown to fall

tylerBradley, a&e editor

BrandyaBraham, campus editor

Joshuahartley, graphic designer

JustinBrouckaert, editor-in-chief

Brianhlavaty, adviser

editoriaL Board, June 2012



editoriaL Board meetings take pLace at 6:30 p.m. every sunday during the faLL and winter semesters.

university students, facuLty and staff are encouraged to share their views with the vanguard.


thevanguardvisionthe vision is Based on a coLLaBorative effort from the participants at our editoriaL Board meeting.

columnsandcommentariescoLumns and commentaries do not represent the views of the vanguard staff. opinions are soLeLy those of the individuaL.



letterssend Letters to or visit our suBmission form at

oP-edwe accept op-eds from facuLty and staff on any topic. interested parties shouLd e-maiL editor-in-chief Justin Brouckaert at to arrange an op-ed.

Columnist | Gerhardt Schuette

Gerhardt Schuetteis the Vanguard’s weekly columnist. Reach him at

Editorial Cartoon

Rashad Baiyasi is a physics and chemistry junior and the Vanguard’s cartoonist. Reach him at

For years, the common complaint among underclassmen residents has been the statement that there is “nothing to do” on campus.

Of course, this isn’t completely true. SVSU puts a great deal of work into keeping residents engaged with speakers, events and activities throughout the year in addition to providing them with plenty of opportunities to get involved. There are more than 100 registered student organizations on campus and an intramural recreation program that grows every year. As a campus newspaper, the Vanguard prides itself not only on covering these activities and organizations, but in raising awareness of them, as well.

Still, the complaint does exist, and you don’t have to look much further than the freshman parking lot on any given weekend to see the proof.

It is also true that many of the things to do on weekends at SVSU involve trekking significantly off campus, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, assuming you have a car to get you there. Part of what makes Saginaw Valley unique is that it is less than 30 minutes away from Bay City and Midland, both cities with active art and entertainment communities.

While many students who choose SVSU come to enjoy it, either quickly or gradually, for its close-knit, community atmosphere, the adjustment period many freshmen go through can sometimes be influenced by the craving for the “big-school” or “college-city” setting that many of their friends experience at larger state universities.

This, too, is justified. SVSU is not, by any means, a large campus. While it has made impressive progress in recent years with improvements such as campus renovations, new buildings and nighttime (and nationally televised) football games, the campus can sometimes feel contained within itself, separated from the cities that often play a role in shaping college-town atmospheres.

Director of Alumni Relations Kevin Schultz said Kochville Township’s vision is for campus residents to be able to walk into a district from Pierce Road that will eventually lead them to Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club off Bay Road. It’s hard to imagine, but that kind of development would bring Kochville Township and SVSU together at a whole new level.

While we hope that the businesses are not copies of what is already offered at SVSU, such as Starbucks, we believe that the mini-mall will be an invaluable investment for recruiting freshmen and keeping them at SVSU. For now, the district is estimated to include restaurants and hair salons, among other businesses – no amusement park, but The Vanguard

considers it a great first step.The mini-mall could also provide

more job opportunities for students who are new to Saginaw, or who have a hard time making it off campus to work due to a lack of transportation.

While we’re mainly looking at the mini-mall from the university’s point of view, it’s true that both sides will reap rewards – while Kochville board members have opposed a project like this for some time, our guess is that the township will be rewarded for its investment with a steady flow of customers, many of whom will be grateful just to find “something to do.” It is more than just an embrace of commerce; it is an embrace of the university, and a collaboration that should benefit all parties involved.

The Vanguard Vision |

The issue - SVSU, Kochville Township and a group of investors have collaborated to start plans for a building district to be constructed on Pierce Road between the Campus Townhomes and 7-Eleven.

Our position - A mini-mall well within walking range for campus residents helps the university expand while adding a “college-town” atmosphere .

New building district good for expansion,beneficial for both campus and township

This is the area where we

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The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall editor-in-chiefJustin Brouckaert office (989) 964-4482 e-mail

The Valley Vanguard | | Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | Page A5


Our two cents: Vanguard desk editorsshare summer reads, travels, habits

Tyler Bradley is a graphic design sophomore and the Vanguard A&E editor. Reach him at

Jusitn Brouckaert is a creative writing and English literature senior and the Vanguard editor-in-chief. Reach him at

Brandy Abraham is an English literature and PTW senior and the Vanguard campus editor Reach her at

What is the best book you’ve read this summer?

What’s the most interesting place you’ve been/plan to go this summer?

What is one summer news story you wish you could have covered?

Name one good habit and one bad habit you’ve picked up during the summer months.

Probably Sherman Alexie’s War Dances. My favorite author’s latest book, a collection of short stories and poems, was also the winner of the 2010 PEN Faulkner Award for Fiction. Great stuff. Trailing close behind in second and third are books by two authors I’ve had the good fortune of meeting, Jennifer Egan and Matt Bell. Egan’s A Visit from the Goon Squad and Bell’s How They Were Found are like nothing else I’ve read this year.

I traveled down to Columbus, Ohio a few weeks ago with some Saginaw poets to compete in a regional poetry slam, and that was pretty awesome. We didn’t get to see much of the city, but it was still a great experience and a fun trip. I’ll be travelling with that same team to North Carolina for the National Poetry Slam, so I’m looking forward to that, as well as making a couple of visits up north to Cadillac and Harbor Springs before then.

This is an easy one: Terrell Owens getting cut by the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League. I would have loved to be the reporter that put the cap on the decade-long soap opera that was TO’s career. Of course, I’d give my left arm to cover the ongoing NBA Finals, or any of the playoff games this year for that matter – specifically Game 4 of the Eastern Conference Semifinals, where LeBron James and Dwayne Wade combined for 70 points to come back and beat the Pacers. Whether you’re a LeBron fan or a LeBron hater, you’ve got to recognize how legendary this was: At one point, he and Wade scored 38 straight.

As frustrated as I’ve been with my inability to wake up early this summer, I’ve been pretty good about keeping a fairly consistent writing schedule, usually averaging an hour or two every day. However, I’ve also gotten in the bad habit of doing these strange new activities called “exercise” and “going outside.” Sometimes I even combine the two! It’s awful.

I haven’t made it through many books yet this summer, but I’d say Blue Noon by Scott Westerfeld. The book is the third in the Midnight-ers trilogy. It debuted in 2006, but being a fan of Westerfeld’s books, I felt the need to finish the series. The premise is that certain people born at exactly midnight are forced to have 25 hours in a day. When midnight strikes, they live in this blue world where everything is frozen, but ancient terrifying crea-tures exist only during this time. It sounds cheesy, but his books are entertaining and always a fun read during the summer months.

During most summers, I would answer this question with “my home,” but this year, I got the opportunity to study abroad for three weeks in London. I had never been out of the continent before. I had never even been on an airplane before. It’s been a trip full of a lot of firsts. I can honestly say anchovies on a pizza aren’t that bad after all. It’s been one of the most remarkable places I’ve ever been. I miss the sandwich shops, all the play productions, the architecture, art, and even the London Underground. It’s a very welcoming place. I’m already making a list of where I would go if I had the chance to go back.

I would have liked to have cov-ered the auction that sold Edvard Munch’s “The Scream.” I didn’t understanding why it was being sold to begin with. All the news I read offered was how much it sold for and to whom, which set a world record. But nothing really explained why someone would sell such an iconic piece of art. There are four versions of the piece, the other three being in museums in Oslo, Norway. I’m not sure who even owned it previously. It sold for nearly $120 million. And odds are we won’t be hearing what this version of the painting will be used for as it was privately bought.

Let’s start with the bad first. I’ve been taking naps pretty much ev-ery single day. I think at this point I can’t blame jet lag anymore. I’m missing out on a lot of productiv-ity. But once fall comes around, I know I won’t be getting so much sleep, so I might as well enjoy it while I can. On a brighter note, I’m working on getting organized. To save me from a busy schedule in the fall, I’ve made out little itin-eraries so I have a broad idea of everything I’ll be doing each year.

I, like most writers, am a reader, so I try to create a summer read-ing list. The problem with that is the book you find in the “new releases” section of Barnes & Noble seems so much better than Moby Dick or Jane Eyre (which is on your reading list). That hap-pened to me. For anyone looking to get away from the classics but still read something sophisti-cated, I would recommend The Dove Keepers by Alice Hoffman.

The price of gas is $3.78 on average, you know. Either way, each summer I try to make it “Up North,” to the wilderness, to visit a small town called Luzerne, Michigan. In Mio (the next town over) there is a local flea market where I often scratch around and I have the opportu-nity to camp, fly fish, and tube down the AuSable River. It is interesting because if you are from the “big city,” you have the chance to see the stars and get bitten by a whole lot of wildlife. Yet seriously, if you like to be outside and want to get away for a while, “Up North” is only about three hours away.

I like to eat. I especially like to be around food, particularly in the summer. I really wish I could have covered an “All-You-Can-Eat” contest. We still have those, right? Hot-dog eating contest. Pie-eating contest. Chug-glug contest. I wish I could have been there to see the winner, take pictures, and grab a bite.

My habit is both good and bad. Did you know that if you eat mint, like mint-flavored ice cream (not the green kind, because that’s not real mint), that can help lower you internal body temperature by one de-gree? I didn’t know that either. So, I eat a lot of ice cream and York candies. This is a great way to beat the heat, but is terrible when it comes to fitting into my swimsuit.

Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo is a great read. I breezed through it in no time because it’s a hard one to put down. It has the power to restore any doubter’s faith. I’ve been inspired to ap-preciate life’s gifts and believe in miracles, and not many books have such a powerful effect.

I’ll soon be heading off to Lex-ington, Michigan, to volunteer at a weeklong camp for chil-dren with muscular dystrophy. As a camper attendant, I will be paired with a child and be there to help them do whatever their heart desires. The week is packed full of activities such as horseback riding, tree climb-ing and a special dance. This will be my third year as a camp volunteer, and I am looking forward to making unforget-table memories. This camp gives the children one week to forget about their disease and just be kids. It’s a rewarding experience and unquestionably my favorite week of the year.

I saw several stories about Justin Bieber selling out his entire North American tour in one hour, and writing one of them would’ve been an honor. He has two shows scheduled at Madi-son Square Garden in New York, which sold out in merely 30 seconds each. His success con-tinues to grow, which means I have plenty of time to figure out a way to sit down with the Biebs himself for an interview. Hey, a girl can dream, right?

Between working and babysit-ting, my days of sleeping in are few and far between. However, when I do snag a day I take full advantage of it and often lounge around until mid-afternoon. I would love to motivate myself to get up early and use my free mornings for something valu-able, but no such luck so far. On the bright side, since summer I’ve learned the importance of opening up more to family, friends and co-workers. Life is too short to keep your guard up all the time.

Andrea McBride is a PTW junior and the Vanguard campus editor. Reach her at

Chris Oliver is a history and PTW junior and the Vanguard sports editor. Reach him at

One book that I have picked up since the end of winter semester has been Moneyball by Michael Lewis. Last year, Brad Pitt starred in the movie based on the book, and while the movie is great for your baseball non-fanatics, the book is extremely satisfying to those of us who follow baseball closely. If you’re interested in boring numbers, pointless statistics and finding out how poor teams beat rich teams, check it out.

The most interesting place I went this summer was, sadly, Bay City. I got lost driving around north of campus and discovered all sorts of nifty places while trying to find my way back to Saginaw. I did enjoy the water and the architecture, however.

Being a sucker for anything political, I wish I could cover the race for the Republican presidential nomination. With a diverse field of candidates and no love lost between any of them, I would have enjoyed in-terviewing those involved in the campaigns and advertising.

One good habit I have picked up is actually the dropping of a bad habit. I completely cut soda and energy drinks out of my diet. At the end of the winter semester, I was drinking up to three Mon-ster energy drinks a day. That needed to stop. The bad habit I have picked up has been the desire to stay up far too late at night and sleep in. The combi-nation of free time and no class makes getting up early a chore for me in the summer.


The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall vanguard@svsu.eduA&E Editor Tyler Bradley officE (989) 964-4482 E-mAil

Page A6| Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | | The Valley Vanguard

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Children are taking summer classes at the university without a high school diploma.

Although they won’t be receiving college credits, the theatre department’s youth summer program offers workshops to develop them physically, mentally and artistically.

Entering its 16th year, the program will welcome students going into 3rd through 9th grade by offering courses such as musical theater, make up, improvisations and mask and movement.

Students participate in a creative drama session in which they write plays that are shown in a Friday night performance. It’s designed to show the culmination of their knowledge from throughout the week.

“We found out a lot of parents like the fact that instead of kids saying ‘Hey, we did this today,’ they can just show them everything they’ve learned,” said theater professor Ric Roberts.

The final performance usually draws in a crowd of 600 people and fills the theatre.

Although they aren’t Cardinals during the camp, some students from the camp become students at the University after graduation.

By making connections with other University students and faculty, they become comfortable on campus.

“We didn’t set out for it to turn into a recreation tool, but it definitely has turned out to be one,” Roberts said.

About 75 students will participate in a weeklong camp that get children away from home.

“It’s interesting because attendance seems to depend on how high gas prices are,” Roberts said.

He said when prices come close to $4 per gallon, attendance drops.

The annual return rate remains at about 80 percent, with many returning five or

more years.“We do not advertise at

all,” Roberts said. “It’s on the SVSU theatre website, but we don’t push it.”

Roberts said the time the courses are held works well for parents.

It’s operated during the times of a normal university business day, when parents would typically take their children to daycare while they’re at work.

According to Roberts, the camp provides a more beneficial experience for the children.

He believes its success is a result of the quality of programming.

“I have students that get things out of this that they don’t get in their high school theater,” he said.

While most students come from the immediate five-county area, some travel as far as Maine for the program.

Other students are home schooled and might not otherwise have access to the arts.

Many university theatre students who are interested in gaining experience working with young children volunteer at the event.

The department used to feature a high school theatre camp, but was canceled due to lack of interest.

“Fifteen years ago, they would find it more interesting. Now they work, so we let that one go,” Roberts said.

The cost for the camp is $225, which includes the courses, lunches at Marketplace at Doan, a T-shirt and afternoon snacks.

The camp offers a $50 discount for university faculty and staff. Around 40 percent of campers are children of faculty and staff.

“All of them are colleagues so we know each other,” Roberts said. “So it certainly helps in recruiting.”

The camp is June 25 through June 29.

The theater department put on an ex-quisite performance of Stephen Metcalf’s “Strange Snow” on Tuesday, June 12, through Friday, June 15.

The play, performed in the Black Box Theatre, takes place in Lowell, Mass., in the mid-70s, centered around Megs, David and his sister, Martha.

Megs, played by David Ryan, served in the Vietnam war with David and is an overly enthusiastic yet nervous “friend” of his.

He shows up seemingly unannounced one early morning to go fishing with David, who had since completely forgotten about the trip and was suffering from too much drink-ing the previous night.

Things do not go as planned for Megs, who first encounters Martha, a timid school teacher played by the beautiful Cassidy Mo-rey, who is completely unaware of Megs’

identity and relationship to David. The two men eventually do go fishing,

much to the chagrin of David, and Martha tags along as well.

As the day goes on, the backstory behind Megs is unfolded as well as the surprising chemistry between Megs and the conserva-tive Martha.

“Strange Snow” is assuredly an unchar-acteristic work for the theater department, which generally favors large productions during the school year. This may put off many who do not want to see a three-person play in a small dark theater with a mostly older audi-ence. However, the play more than surpassed any preconceived notions or expectations.

The scene is perfectly set up, mimicking a suburban house from the seventies such as the furniture that looks straight out of the Salvation Army and the record player with music by the likes of The Rolling Stones and Credence Clearwater Revival that played be-tween each scene.

The theater may be small and dark, but it works to the advantage of the performance as it creates the intimate atmosphere needed.

The only misstep here was the music, which, despite set the seventies scene, was out of place at times simply because no music was played during the start or end of most of the scenes.

The performance is led by Rustin Myers’ excellent portrayal of David. Myers is able to truly capture all the hurt anger, sadness and love that David has bottled up inside him.

David, who served in Vietnam with Megs, has since bottled up all his emotions concerning what happened in the war, mostly concerning the death of his and Megs’ friend Bobby.

Myers is wonderful in showing his anger toward his often overbearing sister, which culminates into more than one shouting argu-ment and threats to hit her.

Myers is able to really let David’s anger out here, yet later on David finally lets out his emotions, which culminate into tears.

While Myers is clearly better at perform-

ing the louder and more negative scenes, this outpouring of long-held-in feelings is the emotional climax of the performance.

Both Megs and Morey are able to slowly let their relationship open itself up as Megs is able to fulfill a romantic need that Martha the school teacher has never had satisfied before.

While Ryan may have the personality to play Megs, it seems as though he struggled a bit to find exactly how to portray the odd character. He tries a bit too hard and thus at times lays it on too thick, which detracts from the play as a whole.

He sometimes reaches the point of be-ing so friendly and quirky that it takes away from the emotion of his performance, as well as causing his movements to be slower than necessary.

Both Ryan and Morey are able to portray the desires of their characters; however, it is Morey who stands out more.

Morey is more than convincing in her role as the insecure school teacher who never realizes her gifts and has never had the seri-ous relationship she craves.

Morey is both conservative and timid as Martha would be, and is able to revert back to this as needed throughout the play, yet also is able to open up about what she wishes she had in life.

The only real problem here is that she does open up a bit too quickly. This seems less of an issue as she falls more and more for Megs and is able to actually be who she wants to be.

Morey is lovely as she eventually falls for Megs as the night goes on, and the two reenact a scenario in which they go to prom together.

The performance ends wonderfully with Morey shedding all of Martha’s self-doubts as the two slow dance to Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.”

You too may wish that you were Megs at that moment, as this reviewer did.

Summer SolsticeAt 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 2, at the Annual Ring, in celebration of the annual Summer Solstice Day, poetry will be read and music will be performed.

River RoarFriday, June 22, and Saturday, June 23, Bay City will host the Dow Bay City River Roar. Watch boats race at high speeds during its 25th anniversary celebration. Concert performances both nights featuring artists such as Cinderella, Skid Row, Pop Evil, The Product, and Finding Clyde.

Student ArtThe University Art Gallery is displaying pieces for its 7th An-nual Student Art Show. It features works from all mediums of art from students. Visit for hours.




Courtesy Photo |

“Strange Snow”was adapted into a film called “Jackknife,” starring, from right, Robert DeNiro, Kathy Baker and Ed Harris.

ByTyler Bradleyvanguard a&e ediTor

Children call on fine arts day camp to construct creative capabilities

“Snow” does not fall short

Glenn Schroeder is a Spanish senior and Vanguard staff writer. Reach him at

Remembered more often as a sculptor, Marshall M. Fredericks did serve his art, but also his country.

The Marshall M. Fredericks sculpture museum will feature an upcoming exhibition that shows the influence the war had on him and his art.

Fredericks was a veteran who served in the Pacific theater in India and China during World War II.

“Bringing in these connections with Marshall Fredericks will give us new context,” said archivist Melissa Ford. “We usually see him as a sculptor, but we’ll see how the war shaped him.”

The exhibition deals with memories of World War II using 126 black and white photographic reproductions from The Associated Press’s archives.

The museum tries to put on

three exhibitions each year with some curated by the museum, some by Michigan artists, or some driven by humanities.

Ford said the museum tries to have all exhibitions to have some connections with the “Spirit of Detroit” sculptor.

“We wanted to highlight his role and service and bring an engaging topic to the community.”

About 200 reporters and photographers around the world covered World War II for The Associated Press, of which five lost their lives.

Seven won Pulitzer Prizes, including the photographer who snapped the famous Iwo Jima flag-raising photo, which will be on display.

Some images come from soldiers in the midst of battles.

“You can get more information on shots you have seen,” Ford said.

Guests can learn the photographer behind the photo and background information

on the iconic and lesser known images from the war.

Ford believes iconic images such as this will draw in more members of the community.

“We’re hoping it’ll bring in a lot of veterans, but not just from World War II, but ones from our current conflict, too,” she said.

During its display, the museum will feature two guest speakers.

One will discuss the Great Lakes Bay Region and its war efforts on the home fronts. The lecture will feature industries such as ship building in Saginaw and Bay City.

The other speaker will discuss the Monuments Men, soldiers given the task of returning stolen artworks from the war.

The museum received a $12,500 grant from the Michigan Humanities Council to provide for traveling and shipping costs of the photographs.

This grant is one of 30 received by Michigan nonprofits.

The council awarded $350,850 amongst the groups.

Friends of Theodore Roethke became another recipient of the grant for a program entitled “A Saginaw Celebration: The Life and Work of Theodore Roethke.”

The council works to foster a better understanding of each other and the state through local cultural, historical and literary experiences for all.

The museum received grants from the council in the past for exhibitions such as one on Detroit art and architecture from the 1920s and 1930s.

The WWII images, available through Smith Kramer Traveling Exhibitions, will arrive at the University by Friday, Oct. 5 after they finish showing at Texas Tech University.

The World War II exhibition will run until Saturday, Jan. 19, while the museum prepares for another on American World’s Fairs.

By Tyler Bradleyvanguard a&e ediTor

Exhibition to bring bang

The Valley Vanguard 125 Curtiss Hall

The Valley Vanguard | | Tuesday, June 19, 2012 | Page A7

sports Editor Chris oliver officE (989) 964-4482 E-mAil


was a significant improvement from his sophomore year, when he went 5-4 with a 4.81 ERA, and his freshman season, when he saw limited time and finished with an 5.87 ERA.

“He’s worked hard,” Head said. “He’s one of those kids who came in throwing 82-84 miles per hour, and he just worked extremely hard. He’s an 89-91 guy now, but he’s capable of hitting 94.

“He’s a special kid because of his work ethic.”

Even though his work was rewarded, Saunders still has more waiting to do. He and his family are expecting a call from the Reds to see the terms of the contract that the team will offer him. From there, the nursing junior will have to decide whether to accept their offer or finish his degree at SVSU.

Saunders has two years of school left, but only one year of baseball eligibility.

“It’s a tough decision, so I have to weigh my options,” Saunders said. “It’s been my dream to become a professional athlete, and now I have my foot in the door.”

“I’m just going to have to consult with my family. Ultimately, it will be my decision, but right now it’s still just waiting a little bit for (the Reds) to contact me again.”

Head said that Saunders will have opportunities regardless of what decision he makes.

“A lot of it depends on how much money he gets,” said Head, who worked as a major league scout for the Baltimore Orioles and Toronto Blue Jays in the 1970s and 1980s. “If he gets enough money, I’ve told him he should sign and he should go. But if he doesn’t get enough money and he comes back to school, he’s going to be one of the best kids in the state this year.

“Some people will tell you that he might not get drafted again, but he’ll get drafted again.”

If Saunders does return for his senior season, he will be the ace in a Cardinal rotation that includes two other MLB hopefuls in Carson Beauchaine (2.41 ERA) and Mike Schaaf

(1.85 ERA).“Mike is a good student.

If he comes back for his senior year, we’re going to be one of the best teams in the country,” Head said. “He doesn’t have to jump at the pro decision because he’s got his senior season coming up in front of him, he’s got his baseball scholarship, he’s got a lot of things going here.

“But whatever he does, we’re going to wish him the best.”

Head, who has been at the helm for the Cardinals for 30 years, has seen his players get drafted by MLB teams and heard of players getting signed as free agents from SVSU teams before his tenure as skipper began. The most successful of those players was Roger Mason, a 1980 graduate who was signed by the Detroit Tigers, made his major league debut in 1984 and played 14 seasons for six different teams, pitching in the playoffs with the Pittsburgh Pirates and the 1993 World Series with the Philadelphia Phillies.

“I think it’s going to happen more,” Head said. “We should have a couple of guys next year in Mike and Carson. I wouldn’t be surprised if both of them got drafted next year.”

If Saunders signs, he will likely begin his career in the Reds’ minor league farm system. Cincinnati has affiliates at four levels: There are three rookie teams in located in Montana, Arizona and the Dominican Republic, two single-A teams in Dayton, Ohio and Bakersfield, Calif., a double-A team in Penascola, Fla. and a triple-A team in Louisville, Ky.

“I’m excited to not have that Division 2 title hung over my head anymore,” Saunders said. “Now that I’m in, everyone is at the same level.

Saunders said that the opportunity to represent SVSU in the big leagues is a dream of his.

“It’s great the be given that opportunity to go out and show that there are people from small schools that have the talent and ability to go out and be successful in the major leagues,” he said. “I’m just ready to go show that Saginaw Valley can represent.”

Taking his first head-coaching job, SVSU’s new head basketball coach is looking to bring consistency, success and a winning culture to campus.

Randy Baruth was hired May 17 after the resignation of former SVSU head basketball coach Frankie Smith. Smith had led the Cardinals for five years before resigning due to personal reasons.

Looking to continue his success, Baruth said the primary focus in the off-season is going to be building a winning culture and groundwork from which to recruit and work from.

“We need to find out who we’re going to be and who we’re not going to be,” Baruth said.

In laying the foundation for the program, Baruth said that focusing on consistent success is critical to the team and school.

“A lot of teams are hot and cold,” Baruth said. “We really want to maintain a steady amount of success.”

Beyond building the culture, Baruth said recruiting was the primary focus of his coaching staff. Between 40 and 50 potential student athletes have visited the school since Baruth’s hiring in May.

“The campus, the facilities, they really help us in recruiting,” he said.

Baruth said the number one focus in recruiting was to take care of the Great Lakes Bay Region, which includes Saginaw, Bay City and Midland. From there, he’s looking to branch out to Flint and other areas within the state.

Of course, Baruth further described the rich

recruiting potential of Ohio, Chicago and Detroit, as well.

“The first priority is taking care of our own backyard here in the area, but we want to expand as much as we can,” Baruth said. “We’ve been spending most of our time getting some of these guys signed and filling out spots in our roster.”

Due to not knowing the overall quality of SVSU’s past teams, Baruth said that he wasn’t looking to come in and make changes immediately. Evaluation and finding out what the roster had to offer were key in helping with recruiting and going ahead.

SVSU is the first head-coaching job for Baruth, who in his ten-year career in coaching has held two positions in Division-II basketball, one with Northern State University and North Dakota State University. Baruth spent 2011 as the University of Utah’s Director of Player Development.

Baruth enjoyed success during his tenures at Northern State University and North Dakota State University. While serving as top assistant at Northern State, Baruth’s team made four NCAA Division 2 tournament appearances in five years.

While recruiting for North Dakota State University, Baruth brought in many of the players that later helped the team make their first NCAA Division 1 tournament.

Despite his success, the call to be the head-coach of a team brought him to Michigan and SVSU.

“I really wanted to be a head coach,” said Baruth. “I made some phone calls and did some research into different places before I was lucky enough to receive a phone call and get the job.”

Baruth credits the campus itself as being a huge recruiting tool not only for potential players, but for him as well.

“You come here and see the campus and facilities and it’s incredible,” said Baruth. “It’s really a campus that needs to be shown off.”

Baruth also credits the individuals who helped him and his staff adjust and feel welcome.

“I really just want to thank everyone who went above and beyond to help us feel welcome, help us figure things out and really get things going here,” said Baruth. “I really hope that we can pay the school and everyone who helped us out back with what we’re doing here with the program.”Randy Baruth


SoftballTodd Buckingham named SVSU softball coach. Buckingham spent the last six seasons at Indiana University Southeast.

Men’s BasketballChineda Nwachukwu named assistant coach under Randy Baruth. Nwachukwu is a Michigan native who has spent the last two seasons as an assistant at Findlay


Men’s GolfRedshirt freshman Micah Skidmore selected for the PING Division 2 All-Region team. Skidmore was the top finisher for the Cardinals in nine of ten events last season.

VolleyballFormer Cardinal Annie Buxton named Essexville Garber varsity volleyball coach.

Men’s Track and FieldFriday @ USATF Jr/Sr National Championships

Women’s Track and Field Friday @ USATF Jr/Sr National Championships

Men’s baseball

Baruth named head basketball coach By Chris Olivervanguard sporTs ediTor

Vanguard File Photos

Saunders won seven out of his ten starts, posting a school-record 1.23 ERA while striking out 72 batters in 73.1 innings pitched. Both the Cincinnati Reds and the Detroit Tigers showed interest in the Cardinal pitcher before and during the draft.

Men’s basketball

SAundeRScontinued from A1

“The first priority is taking care of our own backyard here in the area, but we want to expand as much as we can’”

Randy BaRuth Men’s head BasketBall CoaCh

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Courtesy Photos | Designhaus Architecture

flip to A1 to read the full story of a mini-mall set to be built on Pierce Road between the cardinal Townhomes and 7-eleven.
