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(A Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Grade Students

of SMP Negeri 4 Ungaran in The Academic Year 2016/2017)


Submitted to the Board Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan(S.Pd)

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education


State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga












“The future belongs to those who believe of the beauty of their dreams”

~Eleanor Rosevelt~



I hereby dedicate this graduating paper for :

Allah SWT, My Lord My God Almighty thanks for guiding me to face

everything in this extraordinary world.

My beloved Grandparents, Late Sunardi Hadi Sunarto and Sri Rahayu.

Thanks for love, and for caring me in my whole life.

My beloved parents , Retno Kusuma Wati and Istarom. Thank for all

learning you gave.

My beloved sister and brother, Nova Indah Wahyu Ardiyanti and Yoga

Mahendra Sasmita. You have been my spirit to change my life.

All my family (Pak Gus, Mbak Fat, Nana, Putri, Citra, Bude Hid, Late

Pakde Wid, Mas Lilik, Mas Bagus). Thank for your kindness.

The big Family of Seni Musik Club (SMC) IAIN Salatiga. Dedicato,

Elano, Awareness, Willpower, Zeaolus, Cambioso, Extender, Fidelio,

Cakrawangsa, Gamananta, Ovedio.Thanks for being my home, thanks

for all the great songs and music.

My beloved Power Rangers, Mbak Siwi, Kikik, Uyung, Nafi' who

colored my life.

My Friends of sharing in the same struggle. TBI D 2012. Thanks for the




Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The Lord of

Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating paper as one of

the requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) in English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has

guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success would not be

achieved without support, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from

individual and institution. The researcher somehow realizes that an appropriate

moment for her to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd. as the Rector of State Institute of Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga

2. Suwardi, M.Pd. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

3. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education Department all at once as

a counselor who has educated, supported, directed, and given the researcher

advice, suggestions, and recommendations for this graduating paper from the

beginning until the end

4. All of the lecturers in English Education Department. Thank for your education

which you gave to me




Dewi, Kumala, Indah Ratna. 2017.THE USE OF STORY FRAMES TO ENHANCE


Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 4 Ungaran

in The Academic Year of 2016/2017). Counselor: Noor Malihah, Ph.D.

The researcher answered three problem questions of research (1) How is the

implementation of teaching narrative texts through Story Frames of the eighth grade

students of SMP N 4 Ungaran? (2) To what extent is the enhancement of teaching

narrative texts through story frames of the eighth grade students of SMP N 4

Ungaran?(3) How is the improvement of students' reading comprehension on narrative

texts of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran?. The design of the research

was classroom action research. It was conducted in two cycles. The teachers analyzed

the students' reading comprehension in each cycle. The results showed that (1) The use

of Story Frames can enhance students reading comprehension step by step from cycle

1, and 2. It was informed when the researcher conducted the cycle 2, (2) The result of

the t-test of cycle 2 was 4.72. Before the effect has not seen by the researcher in the

cycle 1, the result of t-test of cycle 1 was 4,11. The passing grade was 71 and the

target of the passing grade was 85%. The outcome of the post-test of cycle 2 was

88.23% from the students. The students passed the passing grade. The target of cycle 2

was achieved, so the researcher stopped the research. (3) The result of the research

showed that the story frames strategy successfully enhance the students' reading

comprehension on narrative texts.

Keywords: Story Frames Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text, Classroom

Action Research



COVER ............................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ................................................................................................ ii

ATTENTIVE CONSELORE'S NOTE ............................................................. iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................. iv

MOTTO .............................................................................................................. v

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. vii

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... x

LIST OF FIGURE AND TABLE ..................................................................... xii

CHAPTER I INTODUCTION........................................................................... 1

A. Background of Research ........................................................................... 1

B. Problem Questions of Research ................................................................ 4

C. Objectives of Research ............................................................................. 5

D. Limitation of Research .............................................................................. 6

E. Benefits of Research .................................................................................. 6

F. Definition of The Key Term ...................................................................... 7

G. Graduating Paper Outline .......................................................................... 8

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ........................................... 10

A. Nature of Reading and Reading Comprehension ...................................... 10

1. Definition of Reading ............................................................................ 10

2. Definition of Reading Comprehension ................................................. 12

B. Narrative Texts .......................................................................................... 13

1. Definition of Narrative Texts ................................................................ 13

2. Reading Narrative Texts for The Eighth Grade Students ..................... 15


C. Story Frames Strategy .............................................................................. 16

1. Definition of Story Frames Strategy ..................................................... 17

2. Strength and Weakness of using Story Frames in Learning Reading ... 21

2.1. The Strengths of Using Story Frames........................................... 21

2.2. The Weaknesses of Using Story Frames ...................................... 23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 25

A. Method of Research .................................................................................. 25

1. Types of Action Research ..................................................................... 26

2. Characteristics of Action Research ....................................................... 28

3. Steps in Doing Action Research ............................................................ 29

B. Subject of Research ................................................................................... 30

C. Method of Data Collection ........................................................................ 32

D. Method of Data Analysis ......................................................................... 35

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................ 40

A. The Use of Story Frames in Teaching Narrative Texts ............................ 40

B. The Enhancement of Teaching Narrative Texts Through Story Frames... 52

C. The Improvement of Students' Reading Comprehension on

Narrative Texts Through Story Frames ..................................................... 70

CHAPTER V CLOSURE .................................................................................. 73

A. Conclusions .............................................................................................. 73

B. Suggestions ................................................................................................ 76





Figure 4.1 Story Frames Chart ............................................................................. 42


Table 3.1 Scoring Rubric ....................................................................................... 33

Table 3.2 Observation Checklist ............................................................................ 34

Table 4.1 Observation Checklist of Cycle 1 .......................................................... 45

Table 4.2 Observation Checklist of Cycle 2 .......................................................... 50

Table 4.3 Name of Subject of Research ................................................................. 52

Table 4.4 Result of Pre-Test in Cycle 1 ................................................................. 53

Table 4.5 Calculation of Passing Grade of Pre-test Cycle 1 .................................. 55

Table 4.6 Result of Post-Test in Cycle 1................................................................ 55

Table 4.7 Calculation of Passing Grade of Post-test in Cycle 1 ............................ 57

Table 4.8 Students' Score of Cycle 1 ..................................................................... 58

Table 4.9 Result of pre-test in Cycle 2 ................................................................... 61

Table 4.10 Calculation of the Passing Grade of Pre-test in Cycle 2 ...................... 63

Table 4.11 Result of Post-test in Cycle 2 ............................................................... 64

Table 4.12 Calculation of the Passing grade of Post-test in Cycle II ..................... 65

Table 4.13 The Students' Score of Cycle 2 ............................................................ 66

Table 4.14 The Calculation Result ......................................................................... 70




A. Background of Research

Human beings as a one of several Gods' creature use language to

communicate with others. Language is a system of arbitrary

conventionalized vocal, written, and gestural symbols that enables members

of a given community to communicate intelligibly with one another (Brown,

2000:17). In addition, language is the one that human being use to

communicate. Gardner in Sukardi (2005: 67) adds that language is people

intelligent that very needed by them. Therefore, without language, it is

difficult for people to communicate with others.

There are many languages in the world. The researcher said that

English become the most important language in this world, because English

is an International Language. English is used and learned by every nation.

English in Indonesia is taught as a subject material that should be learned in

elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and university

students. By learning English, students are expected to understand

themselves, their culture and other. In addition, learning English helps

students to express their ideas, feelings and participate in society



Learning English means learning language components and language

skills. Baker (2011: 13) says that grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and

spelling are included in language components. Meanwhile, language skills

cover reading, listening, writing, and speaking. Among those language

skills, reading is one of the important skills in learning English. According

to Risdianto (2012: 174), reading involves similar cognitive processes.

Reading is the construction of meaning through relationships of parts from

the text and prior knowledge. When the students read, they make

predictions about text, they are not simply reading for meaning but is

focused on the events based their interpretation. In other words, the readers

make predictions, construct meaning and struggle to understand the texts .

It means that reading is an important part that needs to be developed. By

reading, the students get much information and knowledge. Moreover, they

can improve their ability in English.

As mention previously, in junior high school, reading should be

learned in the classroom activities. There are many kinds of reading texts

that should be learned. According to Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan

(KTSP), junior high school students have to learn about descriptive,

narrative, recount, report, and procedure text. Furthermore, based on KTSP,

the second semester of eighth grade junior high school students have to


master the standard competence in reading activity. The standard

competence in reading activity is to understand the meaning of a short

simple essay form recount and narrative text to interact in environment

around. It means that, narrative text is one of reading text that should be

learned by the students. Based on the standard competence above, the

students should read the text, understand the meaning and answer the

questions depending on the text given. Many students of VIII A in SMPN 4

Ungaran, get a lot of difficulties in order to answer the questions, find the

main idea of the text, and also get the information of text because they do

not understand what the text tells about. Because of the problems that

students face in learning narrative texts, the teachers should have an

appropriate strategy in teaching narrative texts. By using an appropriate

strategy, students are expected to comprehend the narrative texts better.

According to Oja (1996:2) repeated readings, story retellings,

dramatics reenactments, and story frames are the strategies that allow

students to become more aware of stories and more familiar about the

structure, especially narrative texts. Dealing with the cases of the eighth

grade students above, the researcher assumes and predicts the story frames

strategy may become an appropriate strategy that the teachers can use to

overcome those problems.


Fowler (1982: 176) states that, students' ability to monitor their

comprehension may be enhanced by using story frames. Story frames

enable students to have an opportunity to review the mind idea of the story,

clarify parts they may not have understood, and decide on the authors'

purpose for writing the story. Moreover, Cudd and Robert (1987: 74) add

that story frames is a focus on the story structure, it is thought that using

story frames to develop reading comprehension will give students an

independent guide to organizing and remembering information from

narrative selections.

Based on the background above, the researcher would conduct the

Classroom Action Research (CAR) by applying story frames as an

alternative strategy to enhance students' ability to comprehend narrative

texts. The researcher is interested in carrying the research entitled "THE



B. Problem Questions of Research

In this research, the researcher wants to answer two questions dealing

about the use of story frames to enhance students' reading comprehension

on narrative texts. The questions are as follows:


1. How is the use of teaching narrative texts in reading comprehension

through story frames of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran?

2. To what extent is the enhancement of teaching narrative texts through

story frames of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran?

3. How is the improvement of students' reading comprehension on narrative

texts through story frames of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4


C. Objectives of Research

Responding with the problem questions, the objectives of the research

are stated as follows:

1. To describe the use of teaching narrative texts in reading comprehension

through story frames of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran.

2. To measure how far is the enhancement of teaching narrative texts

through story frames strategy of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4


3. To measure the improvement of students' reading comprehension on

narrative texts through story frames of the eighth grade students of

SMPN 4 Ungaran.


D. Limitation of Research

In this research, the researcher gives some limitations. It will be

explained bellow:

1. The subjects of this research are the eighth grade students of

SMPN 4 Ungaran in the academic year of 2016/2017.

2. This research investigates the use of story frames to enhance

students' reading comprehension on narrative reading texts.

E. Benefits of Research

This research has several benefits for the researcher, the readers, the

students and the teachers. The results of this research can be keep

connected in English teaching-learning process, especially in teaching

narrative reading texts. In this research, the researcher hopes that the results

of this research are useful for:

1. The researcher

The researcher finds out whether the story frames strategy can enhance

students' reading comprehension on narrative texts or not .

2. The reader

The results of this research can be used as reference for other reader

that interested in working on teaching strategies, especially for narrative


reading texts.

3. The students

Students can improve their reading comprehension on narrative texts by

using this alternative strategy, it is story frames strategy.

4. The teachers

The results of this research is may become an alternative strategy for

teachers to teach narrative texts to their strategy intensely.

F. Definitions of The Key Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding of the concepts used in this

research, some definitions are provided as the following:

1. Reading

Reading is the construction of meaning through relationships of

parts from the text and prior knowledge (Risdianto, 2012:174)

2. Narrative

A narrative text is the imaginative story to entertain people

(Wardiman, 2008:93). Narrative is to amuse, entertain, and to deal

with an actual or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative

deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning of some

kinds which in turn finds a resolution.


3. Story Frames

Cudd and Roberts (1987: 74) state that Story Frame is a focus

on the story structures, it is thought that using story frames to develop

reading comprehension will give children an independent guide to

organizing and remembering information from narrative selections.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

This research is organized into five chapters as follows:

Chapter I present the Introduction which consists of the explanation

of background of research, problem questions, objectives of research,

limitation of research, benefits of research, definition of key term, and

graduating paper outline.

Chapter II describes the theoretical framework. It consists of

discussion about the definitions of reading, narrative texts, and the theory

of story frames

Chapter III describes Research methodology of this research which

includes methods of research, subject of the research, method of data

collection, method of data analysis.

Chapter IV are findings and discussions which contains descriptive

analysis of implementation of story frames strategy presentation, and data


analysis of the enhancement of student reading comprehension using story

frames strategy.

Chapter V is the closure which contains the conclusions and the

suggestions, for the attachment there are appendixes and reference.




In this chapter, the researcher attempts to explain the theoretical

foundations which consist of the definitions of reading, narrative text, and the

theory of story frames.

A. Nature of Reading and Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading

According to Graesser (2007) in McNamara (2007: 3), reading

is an extraordinary achievement when one considers the number of

levels and components that must be mastered. Therefore, reading is one

of the most important skills besides speaking, listening, and writing.

Different from Graesser (2007) in McNamara (2007: 3) ,Dorn (2005:6)

states that reading is a complex process involving network of cognitive

actions that work together to construct meaning. Following Dorn

(2005:6), Risdianto (2012: 174) also considers reading involve similar

cognitive processes. Reading is the construction of meaning through

relationships of parts from the text and prior knowledge. When the

students read, they make predictions about text, they are not simply

reading for meaning but is focused on the events based their


interpretation. In other words, the readers make predictions, construct

meaning and struggle to understand the texts. It means that reading is an

important part that needs to be developed. By reading, the students get

much information and knowledge. Moreover, they can improve their

ability in English.

Brassell and Rasinsky (2008:15) state that reading is a

multidimensional process that involves the eyes, the ears, the mouth,

and most importantly the brain. Lems (2010: 33) adds that Reading is

an interactive process that take place between the text and the readers'

processing strategies and background knowledge. It means that reading

is an important process to construct meaning that involve readers'

sensory organ, strategy, and background knowledge.

In the other discussion about reading, Alderson (2005:25) states

that reading involve social context. Social context according to him is

socially practiced. Snow (2002:17) explains more detail about social

contexts, it is including economics resources, class membership,

ethnicity, neighborhood, and school culture. Social contexts as snow

has stated, it related to the background knowledge that are involved

during reading process.

There are several kinds of reading texts that should be learned


by the students. As mention in the previous chapter, the kinds of reading

texts that should be learned in junior high school students based on

KTSP are descriptive, narrative, report, recount, and procedure. In this

research, the researcher would observe more about narrative text that

will be explain in the next section.

2. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading and comprehension are linked to each other, because

the result of reading activity is to comprehend what has been read.

According to Snow (2002:11), reading comprehension is a process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction

and involvement with written language. Similar to Snow (2002:11),

Wolley (2011:15) also states that reading comprehension is the process

of making meaning from text. The different of both theories to be found

at the goal of reading comprehension.

The goal of reading comprehension according to Snow

(2002:11) are informed by a vision of proficient readers who are

capable of acquiring new knowledge and understanding new concepts,

are capable to applying textual information appropriately, and are

capable of being engaged in the reading process and reflecting on what


is being read. While, Wolley (2011:15) states that the goal of reading

comprehension is to gain an overall understanding of what is described

in the text rather than to obtain meaning from isolated words or

sentences, reading comprehension may be appear to be both simple and


To comprehend, Snow (2002:11-12) and Dorn (2005:14) state

the similar statement that reader must have a wide range of capacities

and abilities. There are as follows :

1. Cognitive Capacity (e.g. attention, memory, critical,

analytical ability, inference, and visualization ability).

2. Motivation (a purpose for reading in interest in the content

begin read and self-efficacy as the reader).

3. Various types of knowledge (vocabulary and topic

knowledge, linguistic and discourse knowledge of

comprehension strategies).

4. Experiences

B. Narrative Texts

1. Definition of Narrative Texts

Voos and Santarpia (2003:1) state that narrative text is a story


containing elements such us setting, characters, events, problems,

moral, and resolution. According to Wardiman (2008: 93), a narrative

texts is the imaginative story to entertain people. Difficulties in

narrative texts' comprehension involve lack of prior knowledge or

schema, unfamiliarity, with story grammar elements.

Browder and Spooner (2011:142) and Isa (2013:23) state that

the purpose of learning narrative text is to entertain the reader and

listener. Isa (2013:23) adds two other purposes, they are to explain the

phenomenon (myth and legend) or to teach a lesson (fables).

There are three generic structures of narrative text based on that

should be learned in junior high school, there are as follows :

1. Orientation : which set the scene and introduces the

characters, it answer the questions (who,

when, what, and where).

2. Complication : tell the problem of the story, which usually

involves the main characters.

3. Resolution : the crisis is revolved, a solution for the

problem for better or for worse. Here, the

main characters find the ways to solve the



2. Reading Narrative Texts for The Eighth Grade Students.

As mention previously, the eighth grade students should get the

English lesson about narrative reading texts. In the school which

observed by the researcher, KTSP is used as the curriculum. According

to the KTSP curriculum, there are several students competencies that

should be mastered by the students in learning narrative reading text.

The list of students competencies are as follows :

1. Essay texts in form narrative /recount.

2. Grammar features of essay texts in form narrative/recount.

3. Communicative purposes of essay texts in form narrative/recount.

4. Rhetoric steps of narrative/recount text.

5. Spelling, stress, intonation.

According to the list of students competencies that should be

mastered by the students above, after learning about Narrative text

students are expected to have those competencies indicated by :

1. High-pitched reading and meaningful essay texts in form


2. Identify any kinds of meaning of narrative/recount text.

3. Identify communicative goals of narrative/recount text.

4. Identify the rhetoric steps and grammar features of


narrative/recount text.

Remember about a lot of competencies that should be mastered

by the students, the researcher wants the students have those

competencies with implementing an appropriate strategy. As mention in

chapter I, in this research the researcher would implement Story Frames

Strategy to enhance students ability in the comprehending narrative

texts. An overview of Story Frames will be explained the next section.

C. Story Frames Strategy

There are many strategies that can be applied by the teachers in

teaching reading. For example, repeated reading, story retellings,

dramatics reenactment, and story frames.

1. Definition of Story Frames Strategy

Fowler (1982:176-177) adds that story frames is a sequence of

space hooked together by key language elements. Language

elements are transition words and they often reflect specific line of

thought or argument. Therefore, the term story frames can be

connected to a number of methods for looking at story structure.

Story frames are one type of strategy that can be implemented to

help students become more aware of stories and more familiar with

the structure of stories (Oja, 1996). It means that story frames is an


appropriate strategy in teaching reading, especially narrative reading

texts. According to Kuldanek (1998: 18), Story Frames provides

opportunities for students to become more engaged in literature and

directs attention to actual structure of story

Kuldanek (1998:7) state that the story frames is a cloze

procedure whereby students write in missing bits of key information

to complete a story summary. However, instead of only one word

being left out of a sentence, key phrases or clauses are left out of

paragraph that summarizes the story or highlights some important

aspects of it.

In the implementing of Story Frames Strategy, it needs current

procedures. According to Wiesendanger (2001:125), the procedures

that should be done in the implementing story frames strategy can be

seen as follows :

1. Ask the following question while reading a story: is there an

identifiable problem? If so, why is it a problem? Are there

important events that contribute to the solution of the problem?

If so, what is the sequence? How is the problem solved?

2. After reading and answering the questions, determine if the basic

frame will work. If it is does not fit the story, add or delete


appropriate parts.

3. Begin by drawing attention to the main elements in the story

(characters, setting, themes, etc) and print the feature on a word

card to help draw attention to these elements.

4. Have students complete a short story frames. Make sure to use

stories that have identifiable sequence in order to helps the

students understand sequence frames. Begin with half-pages

frames and work up to full-page frames.

5. Establish a purpose for story frames, remind students that the

purpose of story frames is to help them understand the story.

6. As the students become more familiar with using story frames,

use more complex stories.

Balajathy and Wade (2003:116-119) also explain a procedure

in implementing story frames strategy. Balajthy and Wade propose

more detailed procedure. The procedures are as follows :

1. Read the story an identify the aspects on which you want to

focus (e.g. plot, facts)

2. Sketch out a paragraph that addresses the type of information on

which you want to focus.

3. Take the complete paragraph and delete all words, phrases, and


sentences, except those needed to maintain the purpose of the

paragraph. Do not remove too much information, especially

when introducing the concept of story frames.

4. For later lesson, try to frame with other stories that are similar to

the one for which the frame was intended. Modify the frame, so

that it can be used flexibly in different situation.

5. The teacher presents the story frames.

6. The teacher and the students discuss the possible responses to

the sentence of the story frames, then consider subsequent lines

and discuss possible responses. The teacher directs the students

to determine if the information being added to the story frames

is related to the previous information and if it makes sense.

Discussion continues as teacher and students move back and

forth in the story frames to make as many connections as


7. The teacher rereads the complete sections of the story frames to

the students at each stage, so that they can hear and use prior


8. After direct teaching and modeling has been conducted, students

can begin to fill out story frames independently.


According to the both procedures that explain above, the

researcher decides to combines the both procedures in this research

in order to make the procedures in doing story frames more clearly.

The procedures in doing story frames are as follows :

1. Read the story and identify the aspects on which you want to

focus (e.g. plot, facts)

2. Ask the following question while reading a story: is there an

identifiable problem? If so, why is it a problem? Are there

important events that contribute to the solution of the problem?

If so, what is the sequence? How is the problem solved?

3. Take the complete paragraph and delete all words, phrases, and

sentences, except those needed to maintain the purpose of the

paragraph. Do not remove too much information, especially

when introducing the concept of story frames.

4. For later lesson, try to frame with other stories that are similar to

the one for which the frame was intended. Modify the frame, so

that it can be used flexibly in different situation.

5. As the students become more familiar with using story frames,

use more complex stories.

6. The teacher presents story frames


7. The teacher and the students discuss the possible responses to

the sentence of the story frames, then consider subsequent lines

and discuss possible responses. The teacher directs the students

to determine if the information being added to the story frames

is related to the previous information and if it makes sense.

Discussion continues as teacher and students move back and

forth in the story frames to make as many connections as


8. The teacher rereads the complete sections of the story frames to

the students at each stage, so that they can hear and use prior


9. After direct teaching and modeling has been conducted, students

can begin to fill out story frames independently.

2. Strength and weakness of using story frame in learning reading.

Story frames have several strengths and weaknesses. The

strengths and weaknesses of story frames will be explained in turns.

2.1. Strength of using story frames

Story frames is an appropriate strategy for students who

have difficulties in reading comprehension, especially narrative


reading texts. According to Fowler (1982: 176), students' ability

to monitor their comprehension may be enhance by using story

frames. Story frames enable students to have an opportunity to

review the mind idea of the story, clarify parts they may not

have understood, and decide on the authors' purpose for writing

the story. Furthermore, Cudd and Robert (1987: 74) adds that

Story Frames is a focus on the story structure, it is thought that

using story frames to develop reading comprehension will give

students an independent guide to organizing and remembering

information from narrative selections.

According to Wiesendanger (2001: 124-126), this

strategy increases students' ability to apply context to improve

comprehension, identification, and retelling skill. The strategy

focuses on the story structure to aid in comprehension. Story

frames gives students an independent guide for organizing and

remembering information about story.

Isa (2013: 18) adds that, there are the strengths of using

story frames strategy. The strengths are as follows :

1. Focuses attention on key sequencing word clues

embedded in the text.


2. Students are able to use their knowledge of story

structure to help predicts, sample, process, giving

increased recall.

3. Readers read more like writers.

4. Focus in on structure, sequence, meaning, and use of


2.2. Weaknesses of using story frames

Beside the strengths of story frames, the researcher

analyzes some weaknesses which may appear within the

teaching learning process. According to Cudd and Robert

(1987:74), the use of Story Frames Strategy in teaching

narrative reading texts does not improve the students vocabulary

mastery maximumly. This is because the students should

summarize the story by frames, so they avoid understanding the

whole words in the story. Furthermore, Kuldanek (1998:13)

states that story frames is an unfamiliar strategy. Therefore, the

teachers should give more guidance for students while the

teacher apply story frames as a strategy to enhance their reading



Although the story frames have some weaknesses, when

the researcher looks at the condition of the eighth grade students

of SMP N 4 Ungaran in the second semester, the researcher

assumes that the strengths of story frames are stronger than the

weaknesses. So, by avoiding the weaknesses of story frames, the

researcher still wants to use the story frames as an alternative

strategy to enhance students' ability in comprehending narrative





In this chapter, the researcher is going to describe the methods of the

research, subject of the research, method of data collection, and method of data


A. Method of Research

According to Hadi (1981: 221), research methodology is a

scientific method to collect data with a goal and certain application. In the

other word, research methodology is the way the researcher used to collect

data, analyze data, and make a conclusion from the data which has


This research is conducted through Classroom Action Research

(CAR). According to Arikunto (2006: 2-3), CAR consists of three words,

so there are three key terms, which can be explained:

a. Research indicates an activity to observe the object by using of ways

and methodologies to get the useful data or information to improve

the quality of thing and that is necessary for researcher.

b. Action is a movement activity, which is done deliberately with a

certain purpose.


c. Classroom in this case is not bound by the term of the classroom, but

it has a more specific meaning. The word of class means groups of

students who are in the same time receive the same lesson

from the same teacher.

Based on the three of main words; research, action, and class,

Classroom Action Research (CAR) means an observation toward learning

process that is organized as an action, which is appeared deliberately and

happened simultaneously in the classroom.

For further discussion of action research, Burns (2010: 2) adds that

the central idea of action parts of action research is to intervene in a

deliberate way in the problematic situation in order to bring about changes

and even improvements in practice. The improvement is not based on

researchers' assumptions but based on the data or information collected by

the researcher.

1. Types of Action Research

According to Ferrance (2000: 9-10), there are three types of

Action Research. There are as follows :

a. Collaborative Action Research

Collaborative Action Research may include as few as two


teachers or a group of several teachers and other interested in

addressing a classroom or department issue. This issue may

involve one classroom or a common problem shared by many


b. School-wide Research

School-wide research focuses on issues common to all.

For example, a school may have concern about the lack of

parental involvement in activities, and is looking for a way to

reach more parents to involve them in meaningful ways. Or, the

school may be looking to address its organizational and decision-

making structures.

c. District-wide Research

District-wide research is far more complex and utilizes

more resources, but the rewards can be great. The issues can be

organizational, community-based, performance-based, or process

of decision-making. A district may choose to address a problem

common to several schools or one of organizational management.

In this research, the researcher uses Collaborative Action

Research in implementing the Story Frames Strategy to enhance

students reading comprehension on narrative texts.


2. Characteristics of Action Research

Action research has several characteristics that could help the

researcher more understand about action research before doing and

action research. According to Isaac and Michael (1981: 55), the

characteristics of Action Research are as follow:

1. Practical and directly relevant to an actual situation in the working

world. The subjects are the classroom students, the staff, or others

with whom you are primarily involve.

2. Provide an orderly framework for problem-solving and new

developments that is superior to the impressionistic, fragmentary

approach that otherwise typifies developments in education. It also

is empirical in the sense that it relies on actual observations and

behavioral data, and does not fall back on subjective committee

studies or opinions of people based on their past experience.

3. Flexible and adaptive, allowing changes during the trial period and

sacrificing control in favor or responsiveness and on the spot

experimentation and innovation.

4. While attempting to be systematic, action research lacks scientific

rigor because its internal and external validity is weak. Its

Objective is situational, its sample restricted and unrepresentative,


and it has little control over independent variables. Hence, its

findings, while useful within the practical dimensions of the

situation, do not directly contribute to the general body of

education knowledge.

3. Steps in Doing Action Research

Arikunto (2006: 20) states that there are four steps in doing

action research. There are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In

this research, the researcher would conducts two cycles. A cycle consist

of those four steps. The explanations of them are as follows :

a) Planning

In this stage researcher do some action like observed

the learning process technique used by the previous teacher,

identify the hindrance and the easiness factors in the previous

learning process, formulate the alternative action were done, and

the last arrange the lesson plan.

From the explanation above, the researcher made a

schedule. First, observing the school condition, the class and

students' condition, the schools' facilities, and the method of

learning used in that class. Then, setting the purpose of learning


based on the observation as part of the lesson plan.

b) Acting

Arikunto (2006:18) states that acting is implementation

of the planning in the class. In this stage, the researcher must

follow the program in the planning. This stage is done by

carrying out lesson plan on teaching reading. The cycle is

started by giving a pre-test to the students. The result of the pre-

test will then be compared to the result of post-test. The

researcher presents the acting of the research are as follows:

1) Giving pre-test

2) Teaching reading by using Story Frames Strategy

3) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or


4) Giving post-test

c) Observing

Arikunto (2006:19) said that, when the researcher takes

the class for observation, she/he needs a colleague to observe

and analyze the condition of the class and the students. In this

stage, the observer provides a lot of observation checklist also to

see whether implementation of Story Frames is correct or not.


The observation checklist can be seen in the table in the next


d) Reflecting

Arikunto (2006: 19-20) states that in this part the

researcher and the collaborator review back what they have

done. Researcher and collaborator discuss the result of learning

process. It consists of analyzing the action and doing

intervention, clarification how the researcher implements the

Story Frames in the class as the teacher, also the condition of the

class and the students.

B. Subject of Research

There are 8 classes of the eighth grade in SMP Negeri 4 Ungaran.

The researcher takes one class. It is 8A that will be treated using story

frames strategy. There are 34 students of 8A (less than one hundred).

According to Arikunto (1998: 120), if the population is less than one

hundred, the subjects should be taken entirely. Therefore, the researcher

takes the entire students as the subjects of the research.


C. Method of Data Collection

The researcher in this Classroom Action Research uses tests, class

observation, and documentation to collect the data. Each of them is

discussed in turn as follow,

1) Tests

According to Arikunto (2010: 226) test used to measure the

basic competence and achievement. The researcher uses two tests,

there are pre-tests and post-test as the instrument of the research. The

pre-test is given in the beginning of the learning process in each

cycle to find out how the students comprehension in narrative

reading text are. The post-test is given after the teacher implements

the strategy to analyze the enhancement of students reading

comprehension in narrative reading using Story Frames Strategy.

The result of the test is used to answer question number 1 (see

chapter 1).

The instruments of post-test and pre-test consist of two kinds

of exercises. There are exercise 1 in essay form, and exercise 2 is

"true" or "false". For each exercises there are five questions and

statements that should be answered and analyzed by the students.

This test will provide the quantitative data for this research. As a


guidance, the researcher provides the scoring rubric. The scoring

rubric will present on the table bellow,

Table 3.1 (Scoring rubrics for exercise 1)

No Competency Description Scores


Identifies themes

or message

Explains theme or message in own

words, acknowledging different

interpretations 4

Restates understanding of theme or

message 3

Identifies theme or message

inconsistently 2

Identifies theme or message with

guidance 1



supporting details

Offering supportive evidence 4

Restates supporting details 3

Identify supporting details

inconsistently 2

Identify supporting details with

guidance 1

The Passing Grade of English in the Eighth grade of

SMP N 4 Ungaran is 71, and the target of passing grade is 85%

of the numbers of research subjects.

2) Class Observation

The researcher also collects the data by observing the class

situation and condition in the teaching learning process. The

researcher measures as the observer and the teacher all at once. The

researcher and the collaborator work together to do the research. The


researcher does the preliminary observation to observe the class

conditions, syllabus, teachers' teaching strategy, sets the observation

schedule with the teacher. While, the collaborator all at once as the

observer, observes the teachers and the students during the teaching

learning process based on the observational checklist.

In this Classroom Action Research, the researcher acts as the

teacher. The researcher collaborates with Nurul Fajri, one of the

English Departments' students of IAIN Salatiga and she acts as the

observer. In this class observation, the researcher prepares the

observation checklist during learning process that should be

completed by the observer.

Table 3.2 (Observation checklist)


1 Teacher prepared the material well

2 Teacher conducted the classroom well

3 Teacher used the time effectively

4 Teacher gave evaluation after the

lesson plan

5 Teacher asked the student’s difficulties

6 Students felt enthusiastic doing reading

test by using story frames strategy


7 Students gave attention to teacher’s


8 Students were active during learning


9 Students understood the teacher’s


10 Students did the evaluation well

11 The teacher applied story frames

strategy as the technique in teaching

narrative text

3) Documentation

In this research, the researcher provides the documentations

to collect the data. The documentation consist of the photographs

during the research, the notes taken by researcher while teaching and

learning process. Documentation will support class observation data


D. Method of Data Analysis

The purpose of the data analysis is to know the enhancement

of students reading comprehension in narrative text using story

frames strategy of the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 4

Ungaran in 2016/2017 academic year.


In analyzing the data, the researcher uses the combination of

quantitative and qualitative data. According to Arikunto (2006:131),

quantitative data is a numeric data that could be analyzed

descriptively. For example, to analyze the average, the percentage of

learning success, etc. While, qualitative data is data that contain

information inform sentences that express to what extent the students

comprehend the material (cognitive), their behavior toward the

newest strategy (affective), students' activity while learning process,

attention, learning enthusiasm, confidence, learning motivation, etc.

This research would be successful when there is enhancement

of students’ reading comprehension. One of the indication is the

students can explore their ideas or thinks in English well. Before

applying the action, the students would be given pre -test and post-

test in the end of the action to know the progress of students.

To measure the improvement of pre-test and the post-test the

researcher conducts the quantitative data. The researcher calculates

the mean, the standard deviation, and the t-test of the quantitative

data. According to Sudijono (2010: 86), to calculate the mean of pre-

test and post test, the researcher used the following formula:


a. Mean of Pre-test and Post-test

1. Mean of Pre-test

𝑀 = ∑𝑋



M = Mean of the students' score

∑X = Sum of the students pre-test score

N = Total number of the students

2. Mean of Post-test

𝑀 = ∑𝑌



M = Mean of the students' score

∑Y = Sum of the students post-test score

N = Total number of the students

3. Calculation Mean of Difference

𝑀𝐷 =∑D




MD : Mean of difference

∑D : Sum of different score between two

variables (X and Y)

N : Number of Cases

b. SD (Standard Deviation)

The function of the formula is to solve standard

deviation calculation from the data that arranged into

distribution table.

SD =√∑𝐷2

𝑁− (





SD : Deviation Standard

D : Difference between pre-test post-test

N : Number of observation in sample

c. T-Test

To be able to know whether there is a significant

improvement or not between pre-test and post-test,

researcher using t-test after calculate the SD. Before


calculate the t-test, the researcher calculated the Standard

Error. The formula is:




SEMD : Standard error of Mean of Different

SDD : The different of Standard Deviation

N : The number of cases

To calculated the T-test, the researcher uses this

formula in turn :

𝑡ₒ =MD



tₒ : t-test

MD : Mean of Different

SEMD : Standard error of Mean of Different




In this chapter, the researcher demonstrates the findings of the research by

discussing the implementation of Story Frames Strategy in teaching Narrative

Reading and results of the research.

A. The use of Story Frames in Teaching Narrative Texts of The Eighth

Grade Students of SMP Negeri 4 Ungaran.

To use the Story Frames in teaching Narrative Texts to the Eighth

Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Ungaran, the researcher followed the

procedures of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The procedures

including the planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The researcher

conducted two cycles in this research which will be discussed in turn:

1. Cycle I

The cycle 1 conducted at 13 February 2017. By focused on the

English Syllabus of Junior High School, Narrative Reading text

should be taught among 4x40 minutes. It means that the researcher

should conduct the cycle I for 2x40 minutes. The procedures of

Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the cycle I were:


a. Planning

The activities in the planning were:

1) Prepared the syllabus

2) Prepared lesson plan

3) Prepared rubric

4) Prepared material (Narrative text)

5) Prepared media (Story Frames chart, and Narrative story)

6) Prepared students attendance list, and students scoring list

7) Prepared observation checklist for cycle 1

8) Prepared the Instruments (pre-test and post-test: Cinderella)

and the action (Rapunzel)

9) Prepared the camera to take the pictures

In the first grade, the student have learned about

narrative text, so the teacher prepare more complex material

about "Narrative Text". This material was used to gave them

more knowledge and recall students comprehension about

narrative text in their previous learning. As mention in the

previous chapter, Story Frames was the unfamiliar strategy in

teaching reading, so the teacher used story frames chart to help

student to master the story frames strategy. Story frames chart


provided the key sentences of the story elements, and the

students should fill in the blank with the possible responses of

those key sentences. The story frames chart can be seen as


Figure 4.1. Story Frames Chart

(Adapted from Cudd and Robbert, 1987)

The story takes place in.............................................................. a character in the story

who another character in the

story who..............................................................A problem

occurs when................................................................................

After that,....................................................................................

The problem is solved when.......................................................

The story ends with.....................................................................

The teacher used two kinds of exercises to assess the

students’ comprehension. From the exercise 1, the teacher would

assess the students from two aspects. There were grammatical

accuracy, and vocabulary. The range of the score was from 1 to

5 for each aspect. While, exercise 2 the teacher used True or

False, by providing the statements based on the text given It is

used to know to what extent the students understand the text.

The Passing Grade of English in the Eighth grade of

SMPN 4 Ungaran was 71. In this cycle, the researcher targeted

85% of the numbers of research subjects. If it less than 85%, the


researcher would conducted the cycle 2.

b. Acting

The cycle 1 started at 13 February 2017. This cycle

divided into three parts. The first part, the researcher conducted

pre-test. The story was "Cinderella". The teacher gave the

instruments which included the reading text and the exercises.

The second part, the researcher conducted treatment by

using "Rapunzel" story. The teacher read the text first, then

followed by the students. Then the teacher asked about the

unfamiliar vocabulary. After that, the teacher started to

implement the Story Frames Strategy. The steps in implemented

the Story Frames strategy were:

1. The teacher asked the students to read the story and

identified the aspects which they want to focus (e.g. plot,


2. The teacher asked the following question while the

students read a story: is there an identifiable problem? If

so, why is it a problem? Are there important events that

contribute to the solution of the problem? If so, what is the

sequence? How is the problem solved?


3. The teacher presented the Story Frames Strategy.

4. The teacher provided the Story Frames chart.

5. The teacher guided the students to complete the story

frames chart by discussing the possible responses of each

key sentences in the story frames chart.

6. The teacher asked several students to present their result in

front of the class.

The third part was post-test. The teacher gave them back

the same story and the exercises as same as the pre-test. It was

"Cinderella" story. The teacher decided to use the same

instrument because, she assumed that by using the same story it

became easier for her to measured the students' enhancement.

c. Observing

In the cycle 1, the teacher and observer observed the

teaching and learning process. The teacher prepared the

observational checklist to observer the teacher and the students

during the learning process. The result of the observational

checklist demonstrated in the table 4.1.


Table 4.1 Observation Checklist Cycle 1


1 Teacher prepared the material well √

2 Teacher conducted the classroom well √

3 Teacher used the time effectively √

4 Teacher gave evaluation after the lesson


5 Teacher asked the student’s difficulties √

6 Students felt enthusiastic doing reading test

by using story frames strategy

7 Students gave attention to teacher’s


8 Students were active during learning


9 Students understood the teacher’s


10 Students did the evaluation well √

11 The teacher applied story frames strategy

as the technique in teaching narrative text

The teacher forgot to give the evaluation after the lesson

plan because of the limitation of the time. The teacher was

highly focused on the pre-test, post-test, and the implementation

of the action. The teacher just asked the students difficulties


during teaching and learning process.

d. Reflecting

From the cycle 1, the researcher could reflect that the

students were still confused with the rules of did the story

frames. They could not fill the story frames chart well. As

researcher mentioned previously, Story Frames strategy was

unfamiliar strategy. So, teacher gave the guidance during they

fill the story frames chart. Moreover, the teacher in teaching

process used English to communicate minimumly, the

researcher wanted to decrease students' miss understanding

about the rules. In this cycle, the researcher used the longer

story. The students were still difficult to understand the text

because of their limitation of vocabulary mastery. It cause, the

result of the test was not achieve the target of the passing grade.

After finishing the cycle I, the researcher found that there were just

24 of 34 students (55.89 %) who passed the passing grade. It was less than

85%. Therefore, the researcher decided to conducts the cycle 2.

2. Cycle 2

The cycle 2 conducted at 23 February 2017. The cycle 2

conducted for 2x40 minutes. The procedures of Classroom Action


Research (CAR) in the cycle 2 were:

a. Planning

The activities in the planning were:

1) Prepared the syllabus

2) Prepared lesson plan

3) Prepared rubric

4) Prepared material (Narrative text)

5) Prepared media (Story Frames chart, Story Frames Booklet,

and Narrative story)

6) Prepared students attendance list, and students scoring list

7) Prepared observation checklist for cycle 2

8) Prepared the Instruments (pre-test and post-test: Malin

Kundang) and the action (Snow White)

9) Prepared the camera to take the pictures

In the cycle 2, the teacher gave the explanation about

narrative text and reviewed back the previous material. After that,

the teacher gave pre-test to the student. The story was " Malin

Kundang". After did the pre-test, the teacher asked student to made a

group. The teacher assumed by work in a group, the students became

more active doing discussion. Moreover they would increase their


comprehension in reading and comprehend the rules of story frames

better. In the cycle 2, the teacher gave the student story frames

booklet. It consists if the story about "Snow White and The Seven

Dwarfs" and the blank page provided them to write down their story

frames about those story. The story frames booklet can be seen at the

next section.

After giving the treatment, the teacher provided the post-

test to measure the enhancement of the students reading

comprehension. For both pre-test and post-test, the teacher used

two kinds of exercises to assess the students comprehension. The

rubric for each exercise was the same with the cycle 1.

b. Acting

This cycle divided into three parts. The first part, the

researcher conducted pre-test. The story was "Malin Kundang".

The teacher gave the instruments which included the reading

text and the exercises.

The second part, the researcher conducted treatment by

using "Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs" story. The teacher

read the text first, then followed by the students. Then the

teacher asked about the unfamiliar vocabulary. After that, the


teacher started to implement the Story Frames Strategy. The

steps in implementing the Story Frames strategy were :

1. The teacher asked the students to read the story and identified

the aspects which they want to focus (e.g. plot, characters)

2. The teacher asked the following question while the students

read a story: is there an identifiable problem? If so, why is it

a problem? Are there important events that contribute to the

solution of the problem? If so, what is the sequence? How is

the problem solved?

3. The teacher presented the Story Frames Strategy.

4. The researcher asked the students to make a group, each

group consist of 5 students.

5. The teacher provided the Story Frames booklet.

6. The teacher asked students to focus on the key sentences

which appear in the story of story frames booklet.

7. The teacher asked all groups to discuss the possible responses

of the key sentences they have found.

8. The teacher asked students to present their result in front of

the class.

The third part was post-test. The teacher gave them back


the same story and the exercises as the pre-test. It was "Malin

Kundang". It was the familiar folk story, so the students could

understand the text well.

c. Observing

In the cycle 2, the teacher and observer observed the

teaching and learning process. The teacher prepared the

observational checklist too. The result of the observational

checklist in cycle 2 demonstrated in table 4.2.

Table 4.2 Observation Checklist Cycle 2


1 Teacher prepared the material well √

2 Teacher conducted the classroom well √

3 Teacher used the time effectively √

4 Teacher gave evaluation after the lesson


5 Teacher asked the student’s difficulties √

6 Students felt enthusiastic doing reading

test by using story frames strategy

7 Students gave attention to teacher’s


8 Students were active during learning



9 Students understood the teacher’s


10 Students did the evaluation well √

11 The teacher applied story frames strategy

as the technique in teaching narrative text

The teacher forgot to give the evaluation after the lesson

plan again. By observing the condition of the class, the teacher

assumed that student did not find a lot of difficulties.

d. Reflecting

From the cycle 2, the researcher reflected that the

students were more understand about the rules of doing story

frames. By worked in a group, the teacher saw that the students

became more active in discussing the material, and comprehend

the strategy better. But, when the researcher decided to conduct

the students to worked in a group, it made a class became noisy.

In cycle 2, the students did the exercises better. They have

gotten the material before, so they understood more.

Moreover, in this cycle, the researcher used the shorter

texts to help them easier in order to comprehend the texts and

the strategy given by the teacher. By using the shorter texts, the

researcher found that there were 30 students (88,55%) who


passed the passing grade, it more 85%. The researcher that, the

result of the both cycle successfully improved. So, the

researcher stopped the research.

B. The Enhancement of Teaching Narrative Texts Through Story Frames

Strategy of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Negeri 4 Ungaran.

The researcher collected the data of cycle 1, and cycle 2 from the

students. They consist of 34 students of VIII A students in SMPN 4

Ungaran. The teacher calculated the score according the scoring rubric that

have mentioned in the previous chapter.

Table 4.3 The Name of Subjects in the Research






1 5906 A Z P 18 6016 F N K

2 6003 A I Y 19 5882 H C K

3 5807 A R H 20 6049 H W

4 5873 A F R 21 5884 I A

5 5840 A E 22 5828 I F H

6 5940 A S 23 6018 J C S

7 5941 A S 24 5928 J O

8 5540 A P K 25 5855 M S S

9 5976 A F R 26 5994 M S H

10 5814 B A P 27 5890 M A R

11 5847 C D S 28 6059 N I S

12 6011 D C S 29 5964 P D P

13 5917 D A 30 5901 R A S

14 5947 D K 31 5865 S W A


15 5609 D R 32 5835 S M P

16 5821 D P A S 33 6002 Y W D

17 6951 E S 34 5872 Z A W

1. Cycle 1

In the cycle 1, the researcher calculated the pre-test, post-test,

mean, standard deviation, and t-test to measure the enhancement of

this cycle.

a. Pre-test

The result of pre-test in cycle 1 can be seen in table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Result of Pre-test in Cycle 1







1 A Z P 55 100 155 77,5

2 A I Y 55 100 155 77,5

3 A R H 50 100 150 75

4 A F R 60 100 160 80

5 A E 55 100 155 77,5

6 A S 45 60 105 52,5

7 A S 35 100 135 67,5

8 A P K 0 40 40 20

9 A F R 45 100 145 72,5

10 B A P 15 80 95 47,5

11 C D S 45 100 145 72,5

12 D C S 60 100 160 80

13 D A 50 100 150 75

14 D K 45 100 145 72,5

15 D R 25 60 85 42,5

16 D P A S 55 100 155 77,5

17 E S 25 100 125 62,5


18 F N K 35 100 135 67,5

19 H C K 35 100 135 67,5

20 H W 40 100 140 70

21 I A 45 100 145 72,5

22 I F H 40 100 140 70

23 J C S 40 100 140 70

24 J O 60 100 160 80

25 M S S 55 100 155 77,5

26 M S H 25 80 105 52,5

27 M A R 55 100 155 77,5

28 N I S 45 100 145 72,5

29 P D P 45 100 145 72,5

30 R A S 25 100 125 62,5

31 S W A 40 100 140 70

32 S M P 55 0 55 27,5

33 Y W D 40 100 140 70

34 Z A W 45 100 145 72,5

TOTAL 2282,5

From the table above, the researcher found the number of

students and the percentages who passed the passing grade. The

result explained in the table in 4.5

Table 4.5

Calculation of Passing Grade of Pre-test in Cycle 1



Criteria Grade Percentage

>71 19 55.89%

71 0 0%

<71 15 44.11%

Total 100%


From the data of passing grade in the above table, the

researcher found that there were less than 85% students who

passed the passing grade. So, the researcher decided to conduct

the research by implementing the story frames strategy in

teaching narrative reading text.

b. Post-test

The result of post-test in cycle 1 can be seen in the table


Table 4.6 Result of Post-test of Cycle 1







1 A Z P 70 100 170 85

2 A I Y 65 100 165 82,5

3 A R H 60 100 160 80

4 A F R 70 100 170 85

5 A E 70 100 170 85

6 A S 65 60 125 62,5

7 A S 40 100 140 70

8 A P K 25 60 85 42,5

9 A F R 45 100 145 72,5

10 B A P 15 80 95 47,5

11 C D S 55 100 155 77,5

12 D C S 70 100 170 85

13 D A 70 100 170 85

14 D K 50 100 150 75

15 D R 35 100 135 67,5

16 D P A S 60 100 160 80

17 E S 35 100 135 67,5

18 F N K 55 100 155 77,5


19 H C K 55 100 155 77,5

20 H W 45 100 145 72,5

21 I A 60 100 160 80

22 I F H 45 100 145 72,5

23 J C S 55 100 155 77,5

24 J O 50 100 150 75

25 M S S 40 100 140 70

26 M S H 40 80 120 60

27 M A R 50 100 150 75

28 N I S 55 100 155 77,5

29 P D P 45 100 145 72,5

30 R A S 45 100 145 72,5

31 S W A 50 100 150 75

32 S M P 40 100 140 70

33 Y W D 40 100 140 70

34 Z A W 45 100 145 72,5

TOTAL 2497,5

From the total score of the students, the researcher

calculated the number of the students who passed the passing

grade. The result is demonstrated in the table 4.7.

Table 4.7

The Calculation of Passing Grade of post-test in cycle 1

Criteria Grade Percentage

>71 24 70.58%

71 0 0%

<71 10 29.42%

Total 100%


From the data, the researcher found that there were 24

students who passed the passing grade with the percentages'

number was 70.58%. It means that the number of students who

passed the passing grade were less than 85%. So, the researcher

decided to conduct cycle 2.

c. Calculation of Mean

The result of pre-test and post-test in cycle 1 were

presented to calculate the mean data of the research. The result

can be seen in the table 4.8:

Table 4.8 The Students' Score of Cycle 1





(Y1) D D2

1 A Z P 77,5 85 -7,5 56,25

2 A I Y 77,5 82,5 -5 25

3 A R H 75 80 -5 25

4 A F R 80 85 -5 25

5 A E 77,5 85 -7,5 56,25

6 A S 52,5 62,5 -10 100

7 A S 67,5 70 -2,5 6,25

8 A P K 20 42,5 -22,5 506,25

9 A F R 72,5 72,5 0 0

10 B A P 47,5 47,5 0 0

11 C D S 72,5 77,5 -5 25

12 D C S 80 85 -5 25

13 D A 75 85 -10 100

14 D K 72,5 75 -2,5 6,25

15 D R 42,5 67,5 -25 625


16 D P A S 77,5 80 -2,5 6,25

17 E S 62,5 67,5 -5 25

18 F N K 67,5 77,5 -10 100

19 H C K 67,5 77,5 -10 100

20 H W 70 72,5 -2,5 6,25

21 I A 72,5 80 -7,5 56,25

22 I F H 70 72,5 -2,5 6,25

23 J C S 70 77,5 -7,5 56,25

24 J O 80 75 5 25

25 M S S 77,5 70 7,5 56,25

26 M S H 52,5 60 -7,5 56,25

27 M A R 77,5 75 2,5 6,25

28 N I S 72,5 77,5 -5 25

29 P D P 72,5 72,5 0 0

30 R A S 62,5 72,5 -10 100

31 S W A 70 75 -5 25

32 S M P 27,5 70 -42,5 1806,25

33 Y W D 70 70 0 0

34 Z A W 72,5 72,5 0 0

TOTAL ∑X1 = 2282,5

∑Y1 =

2497,5 ∑D1 = -215 ∑(D1)2=4037,5

From the table above, the researcher calculated the mean

of pre-test, the mean of post-test, and the calculation mean of


1. Mean of Pre-test

𝑀 = ∑𝑋₁


𝑀 = 2282.5


= 67.13


2. Mean of Post-Test

𝑀 = ∑𝑌₁


𝑀 = 2497.5


= 73.45

Mean of pre-test for cycle 1 was 67.13, while mean of

post-test was 73.45 (Mean of pre-test > than post-test). It can be

concluded that there was significant enhancement of students

reading comprehension on narrative texts by using story frames


3. Calculation Mean of Difference

𝑀𝐷 =∑D




= 6.32

d. Standard Deviation

SDD = √∑D2

𝑁− (




= √4037.5

34− (



= √118.75 − 39.94

= √78.81

= 8.87


e. Calculation of t-test









= 1.54

𝑡ₒ =MD




= 4.11

T-test was 4.11. It used the significance level of 5% and there

was no t-table with (N-1) = 33. Then, the researcher decided to uses

the nearest number, it was (N-1) = 35, the t-table was 2.03. From

the data, the researcher concluded that the score of t-test was higher

than t-table. Therefore, there was a significant enhancement of the



2. Cycle 2

In the cycle 2, the researcher calculated the pre-test, post-test,

mean, standard deviation, and t-test to measure the enhancement of

this cycle.

a. Pre-test

The result of pre-test in cycle 2 can be seen in the table in


Table 4.9 Result of Pre-test in Cycle 2







1 A Z P 60 100 160 80

2 A I Y 50 100 150 75

3 A R H 45 100 145 72,5

4 A F R 25 100 125 62,5

5 A E 50 100 150 75

6 A S 35 100 135 67,5

7 A S 40 100 140 70

8 A P K 20 100 120 60

9 A F R 40 100 140 70

10 B A P 40 70 110 55

11 C D S 45 100 145 72,5

12 D C S 60 100 160 80

13 D A 40 100 140 70

14 D K 45 100 145 72,5

15 D R 30 60 90 45

16 D P A S 45 100 145 72,5

17 E S 45 100 145 72,5

18 F N K 45 100 145 72,5

19 H C K 60 100 160 80

20 H W 50 100 150 75

21 I A 55 100 155 77,5


22 I F H 45 100 145 72,5

23 J C S 45 100 145 72,5

24 J O 60 100 160 80

25 M S S 45 100 145 72,5

26 M S H 45 100 145 72,5

27 M A R 60 100 160 80

28 N I S 55 100 155 77,5

29 P D P 60 100 160 80

30 R A S 50 100 150 75

31 S W A 55 100 155 77,5

32 S M P 50 0 50 25

33 Y W D 40 100 140 70

34 Z A W 50 100 150 75

TOTAL 2407,5

From the table above, the researcher analyzed the number of

students who passed the passing grade in the pre-test of cycle 2.

The result can be seen on the table 4.10

Table 4.10

The Calculation of Passing Grade of Pre-test in Cycle 2


From the table above, the researcher found that there were 24

students who passed the passing grade with 70.58% numbers of

Criteria Grade Percentage

>71 24 70.58%

71 0 0%

<71 10 29.42%

Total 100%


percentages. The result of pre-test in cycle 1 were55.89%, and the

result of pre-test in cycle 2 were 70.58%. It means that, the result

of pre-test in cycle 1 > cycle 2. The researcher calculated the

enhancement of pre-test in both cycle were 14.69%. The researcher

concluded that there was an enhancement of pre-test between cycle

1 and cycle 2.

b. Post-test

The result of the post-test in the cycle 2 can be seen in the

table 4.11.

Table 4.11 Result of Post-test in Cycle 2







1 A Z P 65 100 165 82,5

2 A I Y 60 100 160 80

3 A R H 65 100 165 82,5

4 A F R 60 100 160 80

5 A E 70 100 170 85

6 A S 70 60 130 65

7 A S 60 100 160 80

8 A P K 50 100 150 75

9 A F R 40 100 140 70

10 B A P 30 100 130 65

11 C D S 60 100 160 80

12 D C S 70 100 170 85

13 D A 70 100 170 85

14 D K 55 100 155 77,5

15 D R 35 100 135 67,5

16 D P A S 50 100 150 75


17 E S 50 100 150 75

18 F N K 60 100 160 80

19 H C K 65 100 165 82,5

20 H W 75 100 175 87,5

21 I A 70 100 170 85

22 I F H 65 100 165 82,5

23 J C S 55 100 155 77,5

24 J O 60 100 160 80

25 M S S 50 100 150 75

26 M S H 65 80 145 72,5

27 M A R 80 100 180 90

28 N I S 65 100 165 82,5

29 P D P 60 100 160 80

30 R A S 75 100 175 87,5

31 S W A 60 100 160 80

32 S M P 70 100 170 85

33 Y W D 55 100 155 77,5

34 Z A W 70 100 170 85

TOTAL 2700

From the table above, the researcher analyzed the number of

students who passed the passing grade in the pre-test of cycle 2.

The result can be seen on the table 4.12.

Table 4.12

Calculation of Passing Grade of Post-test in Cycle 2

Criteria Grade Percentage

>71 30 88.23%

71 0 0%

<71 4 11.77%

Total 100%


From the table above, the researcher found that there were

30of 34 students who passed the passing grade in the post-test of

cycle 2 with 88.23% numbers of percentages. The result of post-

test in cycle 1 were 70.58%and the result of post-test in cycle 2

were 88.23%. It means that, the result of post-test in cycle 1>cycle

2. The researcher calculated the enhancement of both post-test in

both cycle were 17.65%. The researcher concluded that, there was

enhancement of post-test between cycle 1and cycle 2.

c. Calculation of Mean

Table 4.13 The Students' Score of Cycle 2





(Y1) D D2

1 A Z P 80 82,5 -2,5 6,25

2 A I Y 75 80 -5 25

3 A R H 72,5 82,5 -10 100

4 A F R 62,5 80 -17,5 306,25

5 A E 75 85 -10 100

6 A S 67,5 65 2,5 6,25

7 A S 70 80 -10 100

8 A P K 60 75 -15 225

9 A F R 70 70 0 0

10 B A P 55 65 -10 100

11 C D S 72,5 80 -7,5 56,25

12 D C S 80 85 -5 25

13 D A 70 85 -15 225

14 D K 72,5 77,5 -5 25

15 D R 45 67,5 -22,5 506,25

16 D P A S 72,5 75 -2,5 6,25

17 E S 72,5 75 -2,5 6,25


18 F N K 72,5 80 -7,5 56,25

19 H C K 80 82,5 -2,5 6,25

20 H W 75 87,5 -12,5 156,25

21 I A 77,5 85 -7,5 56,25

22 I F H 72,5 82,5 -10 100

23 J C S 72,5 77,5 -5 25

24 J O 80 80 0 0

25 M S S 72,5 75 -2,5 6,25

26 M S H 72,5 72,5 0 0

27 M A R 80 90 -10 100

28 N I S 77,5 82,5 -5 25

29 P D P 80 80 0 0

30 R A S 75 87,5 -12,5 156,25

31 S W A 77,5 80 -2,5 6,25

32 S M P 25 85 -60 3600

33 Y W D 70 77,5 -7,5 56,25

34 Z A W 75 85 -10 100

TOTAL ∑X2 = 2407,5 ∑Y2 = 2700 ∑D2 = -292,5

∑(D2)² =


From the table above, the researcher calculated the mean of

pre-test, the mean of post-test, and the calculation mean of


1. Mean of Pre-test

𝑀 =∑𝑋₂


= 2407.5


= 70. 80


2. Mean of Post-Test

𝑀 =∑𝑌₂


= 2700


= 79. 41

Mean of pre-test for cycle 2 was 70.80 while mean of

post-test was 79.41 (Mean of pre-test > mean of post-test). It can

be concluded that there was significant enhancement of students'

reading comprehension on narrative texts trough story frames


3. Calculation Mean of Difference

MD = ∑D




= 8.6

d. Standard Deviation

SDD = √∑D2

𝑁− (




= √6268.75

34− (



= √184.37 − 73.96


= √110.415

= 10.5

e. Calculation of t-test









= 1.82

𝑡ₒ =MD




= 4.72

T-test was 4.72. The researcher used the significance level

of 5%. There is no t-table with (N-1) = 33. Then, the researcher

decided to used the nearest number, it was (N-1) = 35, the t-table


was 2.03. From the data, the researcher concluded that the score of

t-test was higher than t-table. Therefore, there was a significant

enhancement of the research.

C. The Improvement of Students Reading Comprehension on Narrative

Texts through Story Frames to The Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 4


After conducted the research, the researcher found that there was

significant improvements of students' reading comprehension on narrative

texts through story frames to the eighth grade students of SMPN 4

Ungaran. The researcher got the data from the results of the tests of cycle

1, and cycle 2. Moreover, from the data, the researcher calculated the t-test

to measure the improvements of the research. The result of the calculation

demonstrated in the table 4.14,

Table 4.14. The calculations' result

Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Pre-test Post-Test T-test Pre-Test Post-Test T-test

55.89% 70.58% 4.11 70.58% 88.23% 4.72

From the table above, the researcher found that the result of pre-

test in cycle 1 was 55.89%. While, the result of pre-test in cycle 2 was


70,58%. It means that, there was an improvement of the result of pre-test

in the both cycles. The improvement of pre-test was 14.69%. Meanwhile,

the result of post-test in cycle 1 was 70.58%. While, the result of post-test

in cycle 2 was 88.23%. From the data, it proved that there was an

improvement of the result of post-test in the both cycles. The improvement

was 17.65%.

Therefore, from the table above, it showed the result of the

calculation of t-test of the both cycles. The calculation of t-test calculated

to prove the improvement of students reading comprehension on narrative

texts to the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran. The researcher

compared the t-test and the t-table to measure the improvement. The t-

table with significance level 5% and N-1 = 35 was 2.03. The result of t-test

in cycle 1 was 4.11. T-test of cycle 1 > t-table. Meanwhile, t-test of cycle 2

was 4, 72. T-test of cycle 2 > t-table. The result of t-test in the both cycle

showed that, there was significant improvement of students reading

comprehension on narrative texts through story frames to the eighth grade

students of SMPN 4 Ungaran in the academic year of 2016/2017.

As mention in the previous chapter, although the Story Frames strategy

have several weaknesses, the strength of this strategy is more beneficial for both


students and the teachers. The data analysis shows that the story frames became

an appropriate strategy for teachers to teach narrative reading texts. Therefore,

story frames strategy helps students to comprehend their reading comprehension

especially narrative texts. From the data, the researcher find that the use of story

frames successfully enhances students' reading comprehension on narrative texts

of the eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran in the academic year of





After conducting the research, doing the analysis, and presenting the

result, the researcher is going to describe the conclusion of the research, and

the suggestions of this research


1. The Use of Story Frames Strategy in Teaching Narrative Texts of the

Eighth Grade students of SMP N 4 Ungaran in the Academic Year of


From this research, the researcher concludes that the use of story

frames strategy in teaching narrative texts to the Eighth Grade Students

of SMP N 4 Ungaran was successful. The researcher got the information

from cycle 1, and cycle 2.

From the research, the researcher finds that the students are still

get difficulties in comprehending the story frames individually. The

researcher needs to find the solution after the research. The students also

have the limited vocabularies, and error grammatical are still produced

by the students. The researcher analyses the reading comprehension of

the students. The use of Story Frames Strategy can enhance the students'


reading comprehension by practicing Story Frame in the class.

2. The Enhancement of Teaching Narrative Texts Through Story

Frames of The Eight Grade Students of SMPN 4 Ungaran.

From the data, the researcher concludes that there is significant

enhancement of teaching narrative texts through Story Frames to the

eighth grade students of SMPN 4 Ungaran. The researcher proves it from

the data in cycle 1, and cycle 2. The passing grade of the research is 71.

The target is 85% from 34 students who join the research.

In the cycle 1, mean of pre-test is 70.08. On the other hand,

mean of post test is 77.14. Mean of post-test is higher than pre-test.

Therefore, there is significance enhancement.

The students' percentages number who passed the passing grade

of pre-test is 64.7%, and in the post-test it is enhanced. The presentation

of post-test is 70.58%. However, the target is not achieved yet by the

students. Therefore, the researcher decides to conduct the cycle 2.

In the cycle 2, mean of pre-test is 74.5. On the other hand, mean

of post test is 79.02. Mean of post-test is higher than pre-test. Therefore,

there is a significant enhancement.

The students' percentages number who passed the passing grade


of pre-test is 76.47% and in the post-test it is enhanced. The percentages

number of post-test is 94.11%. However, the target is achieved by the

students. Therefore, the researcher decides to stop the cycle. It means

that, from the two cycles, the implementation of Story Frames Strategy

successfully enhance the students' narrative reading comprehension.

3. The Improvement of Students' Reading Comprehension on

Narrative Texts Through Story Frames of The Eighth Grade

Students of SMPN 4 Ungaran.

Concerning with the result of the research, the story frames

strategy successfully improved the students' reading comprehension on

narrative texts. The researcher got the information from the calculation of

the t-test. In cycle 1, the t-test is 4.11. It uses the significance level of 5%

and there is no t-table with (N-1) = 33. Then, the researcher decides to

use the nearest number, it is (N-1) = 35, the t-table is 2.03. From the data,

the researcher concludes that the score of t-test is higher than t-table.

Therefore, there is a significant enhancement of the research in the cycle


Furthermore, in the cycle 2, the t-test is 4.72. It uses the

significance level of 5% and there is no t-table with (N-1) = 33. Then, the


researcher decides to use the nearest number, it is (N-1) = 35, the t-table

is 2.03. From the data, the researcher concludes that the score of t-test is

higher than t-table. Therefore, there is a significant enhancement of the



From the explanation above, the researcher would like to suggest:

1. The researcher

The researcher can develop her knowledge in English teaching

especially in teaching reading. The story frames strategy is not the only

one strategy to enhance students reading comprehension. There are

other strategies to enhance students' reading comprehension.

2. The reader

The results of this research can be used as reference for other

readers that are interested in working on teaching strategies, especially

for narrative reading texts.

3. The students

The result of this result can be an alternative way for students to

find the story elements easily. It also can be an alternative way to help

students in summarizing skill and retelling skill.

4. The teachers


The results of this research can be an alternative strategy for

teachers to teach narrative texts to their teaching strategy intensely. The

teachers can use the strategy for teaching reading, not only in teaching

narrative text, but only to teach any kind of texts. The story frames

chart, and the story frames booklet which have introduced by the

researcher can be an alternative media to make the teaching and

learning process become more interesting.


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Lesson Plan

Research Documentation

Surat Keterangan Telah Melaksanakan Penelitian di SMP N 4


Surat Izin Penelitian

Surat Tugas Pembimbing Skripsi dan Asisten Pembimbing Skripsi

Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

Daftar SKK (Satuan Kredit Kegiatan)



Name : Indah Ratna Kumala Dewi

Place and Date of Birth : Kabupaten Semarang, 22 June 1993

Address : Jalan Penanggalan Rt 001 Rw.002, Krajan Gebugan,

Kecamatan Bergas, Kabupaten Semarang

Email/Phone Number :

Educational Background :

1. TK Pamardi Siwi graduated in 1999

2. SDN Gebugan 01 graduated in 2005

3. SMPN 4 Ungaran, graduated in 2008

4. SMAN 2 Ungaran, Graduated in 2011

Organisation Experience :

1. Choir Division in Seni Musik Club (SMC) IAIN Salatiga

2. Conductor all at once voice of PSM SMC IAIN Salatiga which achieved

Silver Medals of Folklore Category in Third Karangturi Choir Games


3. Voice of PSM SMC IAIN Salatiga which achieved Silver Medals of

PERTI/UMUM category in USM Choir Festival 2016



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP NEGERI 4 Ungaran

Kelas / Semester : VIII/ 2

Ketrampilan : Reading

Pertemuan Ke : I

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1x pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi


11. Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount,

dan narrative untukberinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan

dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan


11.2 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


C. Indikator

1. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative /


2. Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative / recount

3. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount

4. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks

narrative / recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Mengembangkan kosakata berdasarkan gambar / cerita popular

Menggali informasi dalam cerita berdasarkan gambar

Mendengarkan teks narrative / recount yang dibaca guru

Membaca nyaring teks narrative / recount dengan ucapan dan

intonasi yang benar

Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang informasi dalam teks yang

di baca

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount yang di


Menentukan langkah retorika dari teks narrative / recount yang di


Menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative / recount yang di baca

Membaca teks narrative / recount lainnya

E. Materi Standar

o Narrative text is a kind of text that tells an imaginative story to

entertain the readers or listener.


o The social function of narrative text is to amuse, to entertain, and

to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.

o The generic structure of Narrative Text :

Orientation : Set the scene and introduces participants

Complication : A crisis arise

Resolution : The crisis is resolved, for better or for


o Grammar Features of Narrative Text

Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.

Use of material process (and in this text, behavioral and

verbal processes).

Use of relation processes and mental processes

Use temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances

Use of simple past tense form

o Simple Past Tense pattern :

Jenis Kalimat Rumus Contoh Simple Past Tense

Positif (+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object

Subject + be (was/were) +


Yudha went to Jakarta last


Mr.Yudha was a teacher

since 2005

Negatif (-) S + did not + V1

S + be (was/were) + not

Yudha did not go to Jakarta

last night

Mr.Yudha was not a teacher

since 2005

Introgative (?) Did + S + V1 ?

Be (was/were) + S

Did Yudha go to Jakarta

laast night?

Was Mr.Yudha a teacher

since 2005?


F. Metode Pembelajaran

Communnicative Language Teaching

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)

1. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah ketika masuk ruang kelas

2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Apersepsi

4. Memotivasi siswa

5. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

6. Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan

Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)

Eksplorasi (10 menit)

Guru membacakan teks "Rapunzel"

Siswa menirukan teks yang dibaca guru.

Guru menjelaskan kata - kata sulit dalam teks "Rapunzel"

Elaborasi (50 menit)

Siswa mendapatkan 1 teks narrative untuk dibaca dan dipahami secara


Guru menanyakan pertanyaan berikut ketika siswa membaca teks,

seperti : Apakah ada masalah yang teridentifikasi? Jika ada, itu

menjadi masalah? Apakah ada kejadian penting yang memungkinkan

bisa menjadi solusi dari masalah tersebut? Jika ada, apa urutannya?

Bagaimana masalah dipecahkan?


Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan tentang Story Frames


Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan elemen utama dalam cerita (karakter,

setting, tema, main idea, dll)

Guru meminta kembali siswa untuk membaca teks dan mulai untuk

menghapus seluruh kata, frasa, dan kalimat, kecuali yang dibutuhkan

untuk mengatur tujuan dari paragraf

Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan respon yang mungkin terjadi untuk

kalimat dalam Story Frames, kemudian pertimbangkan kalimat

berikutnya dan diskusikan respon yang mungkin terjadi

Guru membaca kembali keseluruhan bagian dari Story Frames kepada

siswa pada tahap tersebut, sehingga mereka bisa mendengar dan

menggunakan pengetahuan sebelumnya.

Siswa diminta mengisi story frame chart yang diberikan guru untuk

melatih kemandirian..

Siswa diminta menjawab soal-soal tentang text yang dibahas.

Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Guru memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan terhadap

keberhasilan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas

Guru menjadi narasumber dan fasilitator menjawab pertanyaan peserta

didik dalam memahami teks dan penggunaan struktur text narrative

serta menggunakan Simple Past tense dalam text narrative.

Guru memberi motivasi siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran



Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

1. Membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari hari itu.

2. Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran yang akan datang.

H. Sumber Belajar

1. Buku ajar kelas VIII SMP

2. Lembar Kerja

3. Internet

I. Media Pembelajaran

1. Handout

2. Story frames chart

J. Penilaian

1. Penugasan / proyek : penilaian ketika siswa menganalisa makna dan topik

dari teks yang diberikan.

2. Tes tulis : penilaian saat siswa secara individual mengerjakan soal dari

textbook atau lembar kerja yang diberikan guru.

3. Instrumen :


A long time ago, there lived a young couple, a man and his

wife. His wife was expecting their baby. She wanted a plant that only grew

in her neighbours' garden. She wanted it so much. She even intended to

steal it herself, but later on, she sent her husband to steal it. Unfortunately,


Mother Gothel, the owner of the garden, caught him doing it. She was a

witch. Then the mother Gothel forced the couple to give their first baby to


A few months later, the baby was born. It was a girl named

Rapunzel. Soon, this baby was taken away to live with Mother Gothel.

Rapunzel grew to be a beautiful young girl with her long goldy hair. She,

at first, was cared in normal way. Whenshe reached puberty, she was

locked in atower so that she would never leave Mother Gothel. The tower

stood in the forest. It could only be entered by climbing on Rapunzels'

long hair. To cheer herself up, she loved to sing.

One day, a young prince was out hunting. He stumbled upon a

tower. He heard Rapunzels' beautiful voice. He decided that he must meet

her. He spied and, by watching Mother Gothel, learned the words he had to

say to have Rapunzel drop her hair. The prince visited her often and the

two fell in love.

Then, Rapunzel made a plan to escape from the tower. She

wanted to be with the prince. She asked the prince to bring her a skein of

silk each time he visited. she might weave a ladder for her escape.

unfortunately, Mother Gothel caught on. then, she banished Rapunzel to

the desert. She threw the prince from the tower into a thorny bush. The

thorns made the prince blind and he roamed the earth searching for his


Eventually, they found each other, and the princes' eyes were

healed by Rapunzels' tears of happiness.


Read the text bellow, and answer the question !


Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She

lived with her step mother and two step sisters. The step mother and sisters

were concealed and bad tempered. Theytreated Cinderella very badly. Her

step mother made Cinderella do the hardest works in the house; such as

scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing the food for the

family. The two step sisters. on the other hand, did not work about the

house. Their mother gave them many handsome dresses to wear.

One day, the two step sister received an invitation to the ball that

the kings' son was going to give at the palace, They were excited about this

and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. At last, the

day of the ball came, and away went the sisters to it. Cinderella could not

help crying after they had left.

”Why are you crying, Cinderella?” a voice asked. She looked up and

saw her fairy godmother standing beside her, ”because I want so much to go

to the ball” Said Cinderella. ”Well” said the godmother, ”you've been such a

cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I am going to see that you do

go to the ball”.

Magically, the fairy godmother changed a pumpkin into a fine coach

and mice into a coachman and two footmen. Her godmother tapped

Cinderellas' raged dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.

Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass slippers. ”Now, Cinderella”, she said;

”You must leave before midnight”. Then away she drove in her beautiful



Cinderella was having a wonderfully good time. She danced again

and again with the kings' son. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she

ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass

zipper was left behind.

A few days later, the kings' son proclaimed that he would marry the

girl whose feet fitted the glass slipper. Her step sisters tried on the slipper but

it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it.

In the end, the kings' page let Cinderella try on the slipper. She stuck out her

foot and the pages slipped the slipper on. It fitted perfectly.

Finally, she was driven to the palace. The kings' son was overjoyed to

see her again. They were married and live happily ever after.

Exercise 1

Answer the questions bellow based on the text above !

1. What does the text tell us about?

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

3. Who are the characters of the story?

4. Analyze the generic structure :

Orientation =

Complication =

Resolution =

5. What kind of moral value of the text?


Exercise 2

Decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or

FALSE (F) based on the text.

NO Statements (T) or (F)






Cinderella lived with her step mother and

two step sisters .

Her step mother and step sisters were


Cinderella wants so much to go to the


Cinderellas' feet did not fit with the glass


Finally, Cinderella married with the

kings' son.






4. Rubrik Penilaian :

No Kompetensi Deskripsi Nilai



tema atau pesan

dalam cerita (Soal

nomor 1 dan 5)

Menjelaskan tema atau pesan

menggunakan bahasa sendiri, dan

memahami pemahaman ynag

beragam. 4

Menyatakan kembali tema atau

pesan tersurat. 3

Mengidentifikasi tema atau pesan

secara tidak konsisten. 2

Mengidentifikasi tema atau pesan

dengan petunjuk dari guru. 1

2. Mengidenfitikasi

Unsur - unsur

pendukung cerita

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

dengan tepat dan menggunakan

bahasa sendiri 4


(Soal nomor 2,3,

dan 4)

Menyatakan kembali unsur cerita

yang tersurat. 3

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

secara tidak konsisten. 2

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

dengan petunjuk guru 1

5. Pedoman Penilaian:

Perhitungan nilai akhir dalam skala 0 – 100 sebagai berikut :

A. Exercise 1

Total nilai benar (20) X 5 = 100

B. Exercise 2

Total nilai benar (50) X 2 = 100

Skor Exercise 1 + Skor Exercise 2

Nilai Akhir = = 100




Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP NEGERI 4 Ungaran

Kelas / Semester : VIII/ 2

Ketrampilan : Reading

Pertemuan Ke : II

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1x pertemuan)

A. Standar Kompetensi


11. Memahami makna dalam esai pendek sederhana berbentuk recount,

dan narrative untukberinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

11.3 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan essai pendek

sederhana berbentuk recount dan narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan

dan intonasi yang berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan


11.4 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana

secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan

lingkungan sekitar.


C. Indikator

5. Membaca nyaring dan bermakna teks essai berbentuk narrative /


6. Mengidentifikasi berbagai makna teks narrative / recount

7. Mengidentifikasi tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount

8. Mengidentifikasi langkah retorika dan ciri kebahasaan teks

narrative / recount

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Mengembangkan kosakata berdasarkan gambar / cerita popular

Menggali informasi dalam cerita berdasarkan gambar

Mendengarkan teks narrative / recount yang dibaca guru

Membaca nyaring teks narrative / recount dengan ucapan dan

intonasi yang benar

Menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang informasi dalam teks yang

di baca

Menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks narrative / recount yang di


Menentukan langkah retorika dari teks narrative / recount yang di


Menentukan ciri kebahasaan teks narrative / recount yang di baca

Membaca teks narrative / recount lainnya

E. Materi Standar

o Narrative text is a kind of text that tells an imaginative story to

entertain the readers or listener.


o The social function of narrative text is to amuse, to entertain, and

to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways.

o The generic structure of Narrative Text :

Orientation : Set the scene and introduces participants

Complication : A crisis arise

Resolution : The crisis is resolved, for better or for


o Grammar Features of Narrative Text

Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.

Use of material process (and in this text, behavioral and

verbal processes).

Use of relation processes and mental processes

Use temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances

Use of simple past tense form

o Simple Past Tense pattern :

Jenis Kalimat Rumus Contoh Simple Past Tense

Positif (+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object

Subject + be (was/were) +


Yudha went to Jakarta last


Mr.Yudha was a teacher

since 2005

Negatif (-) S + did not + V1

S + be (was/were) + not

Yudha did not go to Jakarta

last night

Mr.Yudha was not a teacher

since 2005

Introgative (?) Did + S + V1 ?

Be (was/were) + S

Did Yudha go to Jakarta

laast night?


Was Mr.Yudha a teacher

since 2005?

F. Metode Pembelajaran

Communnicative Language Teaching

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Pendahuluan (5 menit)

7. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah ketika masuk ruang kelas

8. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

9. Apersepsi

10. Memotivasi siswa

11. Menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran

12. Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan uraian kegiatan

Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)

Eksplorasi (10 menit)

Guru membacakan teks "Snow White and Seven Dwarfts"

Siswa menirukan teks yang dibaca guru.

Guru menjelaskan kata - kata sulit dalam teks "Snow White and Seven


Elaborasi (50 menit)

Guru meminta siswa untuk membentuk kelompok diskusi yang

beranggotakan 5 atau 4 siswa dalam setiap kelompok.


Guru menyediakan story frames booklet yang berisi teks naratif

"Snow White and Seven Dwarfts”

Guru meminta siswa untuk membaca teks yang terdapat dalam story

frames booklet.

Guru menanyakan pertanyaan berikut ketika siswa membaca teks,

seperti : Apakah ada masalah yang teridentifikasi? Jika ada, itu

menjadi masalah? Apakah ada kejadian penting yang memungkinkan

bisa menjadi solusi dari masalah tersebut? Jika ada, apa urutannya?

Bagaimana masalah dipecahkan?

Guru mempresentasikan dan menjelaskan tentang Story Frames


Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan elemen utama dalam cerita (karakter,

setting, tema, main idea, dll).

Guru meminta siswa untuk menuliskan hasil diskusi mereka dalam

bentuk story frames.

Guru membaca kembali keseluruhan bagian dari Story Frames kepada

siswa pada tahap tersebut, sehingga mereka bisa mendengar dan

menggunakan pengetahuan sebelumnya.

Siswa diminta mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kelompok.

Siswa diminta menjawab soal-soal tentang text yang dibahas.

Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Guru memberikan umpan balik positif dan penguatan terhadap

keberhasilan siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas

Guru menjadi narasumber dan fasilitator menjawab pertanyaan peserta

didik dalam memahami teks dan penggunaan struktur text narrative

serta menggunakan Simple Past tense dalam text narrative.


Guru memberi motivasi siswa untuk lebih aktif dalam pembelajaran


Kegiatan Penutup (5 menit)

1. Membuat kesimpulan tentang materi yang sudah dipelajari hari itu.

2. Melakukan refleksi terhadap jalannya proses pembelajaran pada hari itu.

3. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran yang akan datang.

H. Sumber Belajar

4. Buku ajar kelas VIII SMP

5. Lembar Kerja

6. Internet

I. Media Pembelajaran

1. Handout

2. Story frames booklet

J. Penilaian

4. Penugasan / proyek : penilaian ketika siswa menganalisa makna dan topik

dari teks yang diberikan.

5. Tes tulis : penilaian saat siswa secara individual mengerjakan soal dari

textbook atau lembar kerja yang diberikan guru.

6. Instrumen :



Long time ago, a child was born to a queen and king and she was

called Snow White. When the queen died, the king married again. This

new queen was wicked and hated snow white. The queen gave orders that

Snow White was to be a servant.

Snow White grew very beautiful and one day a Prince riding by, saw

her at work and fell in love with her. The Queen was beautiful too, and

every day she asked her magic mirror., "Who is the fairest in the land?"

and the mirror always answered, you are the fairest one of all". But one

day, the mirror answered that Snow White was the fairest in the land. In a

rage, the queen gave orders to one of her huntsman to take Snow White

into the woods and kill her.

The huntsman had a kind heart and could not do the deed. He told

Snow White to run away. She fled into the woods where the seven little

dwarfs lived. Their house was small strange. Snow White entered the little

house and finding it very untidy, started to clean up. Upstairs, she found

seven little beds. She was very tired and stretching out on one of the beds,

was soon a sleep. When the dwarfs came home, they were surprised to find

Snow White and after some argument, decided to let her stay. She promise

to cook and look after them.

Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising

herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the dwarfs cottage.

She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and soon as she bit the

apple. She sank into unconsciousness.

Thinking she was dead, the dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in

it. For days, she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the prince

was riding to through the forest looking for Snow White and found her. He

leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile.

Everyone was happy. The prince took Snow White to his palace where

they were married and live happily ever after.


Read the text bellow, and answer the question !


Long time ago, an old woman and her son lived in a small village. Her

son was called Malin Kundang. They were very poor but they loved each

other very much.

One day Malin Kundang told his mother that he would go to town and

work there. At first his mother did not allow him but finally she let him go

with tears.

Malin Kundang worked hard in a big town and in a short time he

became a rich man. However he completely forgot his poor old mother.

Some years later he sailed to a harbour near his village. When his

mother heard about this news she came to meet him. Malin Kundang

pretended not to know her. He said, “You‟re not my mother. Go away !”

His mother became very sad and before she went she said, “Oh, Malin

Kundang, you are a wicked son. You‟ll never be safe now. You and your

money will turn to stone.”

Some days later his ship left the harbour. The sea was calm but when

he reached the open sea there was a great storm. The ship was drowned.

Malin Kundang and his money changed into a stone.

Now people call it Batu Si Malin Kundang. We can see the stone from

Air Manis, a village on the coast of West Sumatra near Padang.


Answer the questions according to the text above !

1. What is the text tells about ?

Answer : ........................................................................................

2. Identify the generic structure of the text (Orientation, complication,


Answer : .............................................................................................


3. Mention the past verbs that appear in the third paragraph !

Answer : .............................................................................................

4. Who are the characters of the text ?

Answer : ............................................................................................

5. What is the moral value of the text ?

Answer : ...........................................................................................


Decide whether the following statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE

(F) based on the text.

NO Statements (T) or (F)






Malin Kundang and his mother were very poor but

loved each other.

Malin Kundang became a rich man in a big town.

Malin Kundang remembered his mother.

Malin Kundang was an kind person.

Malin Kundang and his money cursed into a stone .







4. Rubrik Penilaian :

No Kompetensi Deskripsi Nilai



tema atau pesan

dalam cerita (Soal

nomor 1 dan 5)

Menjelaskan tema atau pesan

menggunakan bahasa sendiri, dan

memahami pemahaman ynag

beragam. 4

Menyatakan kembali tema atau

pesan tersurat. 3

Mengidentifikasi tema atau pesan

secara tidak konsisten. 2

Mengidentifikasi tema atau pesan

dengan petunjuk dari guru. 1



Unsur - unsur

pendukung cerita

(Soal nomor 2,3,

dan 4)

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

dengan tepat dan menggunakan

bahasa sendiri 4

Menyatakan kembali unsur cerita

yang tersurat. 3

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

secara tidak konsisten. 2

Mengidentifikasi unsur cerita

dengan petunjuk guru 1

5. Pedoman Penilaian:

Perhitungan nilai akhir dalam skala 0 – 100 sebagai berikut :

A. Exercise 1

Total nilai benar (20) X 5 = 100

B. Exercise 2

Total nilai benar (50) X 2 = 10


Skor Exercise 1 + Skor Exercise 2

Nilai Akhir = = 100




The students did the test

The students worked in a group


The teacher gave the guidance and explanation


The students paid attention to the teacher

VIII A students








Nama : Indah Ratna Kumala Dewi

NIM : 113-12-127

Fakultas : Fakultas Pendidikan dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK)

Progdi : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI)

NO Jenis Kegiatan Tanggal Jabatan Nilai

1. OPAK STAIN Salatiga 2012

( Progresifitas Kaum Muda,

Kunci Perubahan Indonesia)

05- 07 September


Peserta 3

2. OPAK Jurusan Tarbiyah

STAIN Salatiga

(Mewujudkan Gerakan

Mahasiswa Tarbiyah Sebagai

Tonggak Kebangkitan

Pendidikan Indonesia )

09 September


Peserta 3

3. Orientasi Dasar Keislaman


(Membangun Karakter

Keislaman Bertaraf

International Di Era Globalisasi


10 September


Peserta 2

4. Seminar Entrepreneurship dan

Perkoprasian 2012

(Explore Your Entrepreneursip


11 September


Peserta 2

5. Achievement Motivation


(Dengan AMT, Bangun

Karakter Raih Prestasi )

12 September


Peserta 2

6. Library User Education

(Pendidikan Pemakai

Perpustakaan) oleh UPT

Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga

13 September


Peserta 2

7. English Friendship Camp and

Social Work In Merbabu

Foothill 2012 (CEC)

19 Oktober 2012

Peserta 2

8. MAPABA PMII Joko Tingkir

Salatiga 2012

(Membentuk Militansi Kader

Menuju Mahasiswa Yang Ideal)

05 - 07 Oktober


Peserta 2


9. Dialog Publik dan Silaturahmi


(Kemanakah Arah Kebijakan

BBM ? Mendorong Subsidi

BBM Untuk Rakyat)

10 November


Peserta 8

10. Piagam Penghargaan SMC

"Grand Launching and Band


13 Februari 2013 Panitia &



11. Seminar Nasional

(Ahlusunnah Waljamaah dalam

Perspektif Islam Indonesia)

25 Maret 2013

Peserta 8

12. Piagam Penghargaan Music In

Campus SMC bertema

"Togetherness With Music"

06 Juli 2013 Panitia 3

13. Pekan Ilmiah Olah Raga Seni



19-24 Agustus


Peserta 8

14. Piagam Penghargaan SMC

dalam Konser Produksi Paduan

Suara Mahasiswa "Senandung

Warna Dalam Nada"

19 Oktober 2013 Panitia 3

15. Piagam Penghargaan SMC

"Pendidikan Dasar Musik XIV

dan Workshop Paduan Suara

Mahasiswa VIII"

23-29 Desember


Panitia 3

16. Surat Keputusan UPK STAIN

SALATIGA "Pengangkatan

Pengurus STAIN Music Club

(SMC) Masa Bakti 2014"

31 Januari 2014 Pengurus





17. Sharia Economics Intelectual

Moeslem Of STAIN


(Analisa Sosial Dengan

Memaksimalkan Potensi

Ekonomi Nasional Untuk

Kesejahteraan Masyarakat


13-14 Oktober





18 Piagam Penghargaan SMC

Konser Produksi Paduan Suara

Mahasiswa "Soulmisasi


05 September





19. Seminar Nasional

(Berkontribusi Untuk Negeri

Melalui Televisi/TV)

05 November


Peserta 8


Konser Paduan Suara

Mahasiswa Indonesian

20 Februari 2015

Peserta 4


Moeslem Choir (IMC) oleh

UKM Seni Musik El-Fata

STAIN Pekalongan bersama 28

PTAI Se-Jateng/DIY

21. Surat Keputusan Rektor IAIN

Salatiga "Tentang

Pengangkatan Pengurus Seni

Musik Club (SMC) IAIN

Salatiga Masa Bakti 2015"

17 Maret 2015 Pengurus





22. Sertifikat "Learning Strategies

in Using Authentic Materials

for SMP and SMA students" di

IALF Bali Language Centre.

27 Mei 2015 Peserta 2

23. Ngabuburit dan Dialog Lintas

Agama Salatiga Bhineka

Tunggal Ika

30 Juni 2015

Panitia 3

24. Edukasi Literasi Keuangan

Bersama OJK

(Literasi Keuangan Syariah dan

Kebijakan Mikroprudensial

dalam Stabilitas Ekonomi)

12 Oktober 2015

Petugas 3

25. Seminar Nasional

(Perbankan Syariah di

Indonesia: Antara Teori &


04 November


Peserta 8

26. 3rd Karangturi Choir Games

(Silver Medals)

05-07 November


Conductor 8

27. Surat Keputusan Rektor IAIN

Salatiga "Tentang

Pengangkatan Pengurus Seni

Musik Club (SMC) IAIN

Salatiga Masa Bakti 2016"

14 Maret 2016 Pengurus





28. Kuliah Umum

(Peran Partai Politik Islam

dalam Pentas Politik Nasional

Untuk Mewujudkan Indonesia


19 September


Peserta 2

29. Seminar Nasional Problematika

Hakim dan Peradilan

(Rekontruksi Ideal Sistem

Peradilan Di Indonesia)

22 September


Peserta 8