The Urinary System BY: Shelby Moser Health Class


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The Urinary System

BY: Shelby Moser Health Class

The Way It Works

• It starts in your kidneys, then it goes down your ueter, then from there it goes into your bladder, and you pee it out your urethra.

The Urinary Track

• Kidneys- Organs that produce waste from the body and make urine (pee).

• Ureters- Tubes that take pee from the kidneys too the bladder.

• Bladder- A sack that holds your pee until you have too tinkle.

• Urethra- Tubes that carry urine out of the body (A.K.A.- Where you pee out of.)

Pretty Colors

• When your pee is a light color, that’s good. That means you have a good amount of water in your system.

• When your pee is a dark color, that means you may not have enough water.

• You no this, because water is what lightens the color of your pee.

For the Boys

• The reason it hurts when you get hit in your “area”, is because there are TONS of nerve endings in your testes, so when you get hit, it shots the pain up into your stomach.

It Feels Like Peeing Needles

• A Bladder Infection is caused by abnormal growth of bacteria in the bladder. One-Third of all females have one in their lives. There are 100’s of symptoms such as blood in urine, excruciating pain wile urinating, swelling, itching, and immediate need too pee.


• If you have pain in your low back, groin, and abdomen on a regular basis, you may be stoned. For doctors too run test’s on people with stones, the people actually have too pee into a strainer too catch the kidney stones.

Pop Quiz

1. What do you pee out of? Urethra 2. How many parts make up the Urinary Track? Four3. What color should your pee be? Light Yellow4. They say that a Bladder Infection is like peeing what? Needles5. What 3 things does your Urinary System control? Water, Sodium, and Potassium

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