THE UNIVER G DEPARTMEN TATISTICS Spring STATISTICS … · ed to resume teac College of Busine...


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Dear alum As the oldis hard – efuture!” Itold me a writing thDepartmenewsletterYet, here I’m writinDepartmenewsletter The last aa bit of a bof former Arizona Sthe UniveLily WanTemporaralso decidthe Terry With chalnew oppojob of Intewith Paul Dan Hall are all gramany yeathe depart To help fiwere fortuPark, a foa faculty mCharlestoschool yeus and carT.N. Srirareceived hprogram, instructorvery happLutz as a the departher PhD iGeorgia Thas an MSVirginia TApplied SInstitute o

LETTNicole |

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his Letter from the ent Head for our r, I would have lauit is, March 2015,

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academic year endebang, with the dep

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llenges, though, coortunities. I took oerim Department H Schliekelman repas Associate Head

ateful to Dan for hars of dedicated sertment.

ill our teaching neunate to have Jin-H

ormer student who member at the Coln, as a visitor for tar. He taught clasrried out research am. Steve Morris,his MS degree fromcame on as a temp

r. In addition, we apy to welcome Menew full-time Lectment. Megan recn Psychology from

Tech in 2014. SheS in Statistics fromTech and an MS inStatistics from Rocof Technology.

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News • Spring



us on statistical momate.

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tinued on page 2)

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Page 2 • Statistics News • Spring 2015

GRADUATE PROGRAM UPDATE Lynne Seymour | Graduate Coordinator

In Fall 2014, there were 75 full-time students in our graduate programs, not counting the MS students who are primarily in other programs on campus. Though our numbers of unsupported students have grown in the last year, our numbers of supported students have also grown to the point that we no longer have enough room in the graduate offices for everyone who is supported.

Job placement opportunities continue to strengthen for our graduates, thanks in part to the efforts of our Statistics Department alumni, Hicham El Hassani (MS, 01) and Yijie Xue (PhD, 09) at LexisNexis in Atlanta, and UGA alumna Misty Ritchie (PhD, 99 in Sociology) of Wells-Fargo in Charlotte, NC. All have been in the department in the past year to recruit, interview, and provide feedback to our students.

We will soon begin a new web page to list job placement information for each year for both our MS and PhD students. Fall 2014 marked the first semester of State Farm's MAGNet program, which trains our MS students in the data analytics skills which State Farm needs. Three students were hired as interns for the first year, and more are expected to join in the coming year.

as well as taking roles in organizing invited and other sessions at major statistics conferences around the world.

Kim Love-Myers has been a participant this academic year in the Writing Fellows program through UGA’s Center for Teaching and Learning. The goal of the program is to enhance faculty efforts to incorporate writing more fully into the curriculum. Fellows meet about once a month, and each Fellow receives a small stipend. Kim plans to use her experience to enhance the writing aspect of students training in the Statistical Consulting Center. Pengsheng Ji, meanwhile, has been participating this year in the Teaching Academy’s Fellows program. This program pairs junior faculty members interested in improving their teaching with experienced instructors from the campus community.

A particularly proud moment for the department came in October, when we learned that a team of students from the Statistical Consulting Center, led by SCC Director Jaxk Reeves, had won first place in the SAS Data Analytics Shootout. More than 60 teams from around the United States participated in the competition, so this was a great accomplishment. Team members, led by Wenbo Wu and Jaxk Reeves, flew to Las Vegas,

where they had the opportunity to interact with other competitors, as well as representatives from SAS and many leading companies. Our alumni also continue to succeed. Two former PhD students – Susmita Datta of the University of Louisville and Sanjay Shete of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center – were elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Congratulations to them both! And to everyone – let us know of your accomplishments and achievements, so that we can highlight them on our website. Together with Abhyuday Mandal and colleagues from Georgia Tech and Emory, I have been working to plan the first annual Georgia Statistics Day, to take place in October 2015. The idea of this new initiative is to bring together faculty and students from the three institutions, in order to foster interactions and a more prominent statistics community in the north Georgia region. The first event will be held here at UGA, and will rotate among the three universities from year to year. If you are in the area, keep your eyes open for more news of this one-day workshop – we’d love to see you.

While we have many reasons to

LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT HEAD (continued) Nicole Lazar | Interim Department Head

be proud, there are also many ways in which we can become better. A good strategic plan can help with this, and we are working on improving and fine tuning our current plan. Attracting the best faculty and graduate students will also help, but competition is stiff. Endowed professorships and graduate fellowships can help, and if you are in a position to consider helping us with this, I encourage you to explore this possibility with the Office of Development & Alumni Relations in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences. Donations, large or small, have increasingly become critical to maintain programs of high quality, and we are very appreciative for your continued support.

Finally, we had a great event for alumni at the JSM in Boston. Many current and former students and faculty gathered for light refreshments, drinks, and conversation. It was good to see many of you again, and to meet others for the first time. We hope to repeat this success in Seattle.

I hope that you enjoy the articles in this Newsletter, and look forward to meeting many of you during the next year, either here in Athens or anywhere else on the planet.

Nicole Lazar

Kim Love-Myers 2014-2015 Center for Teaching and Learning Writing Fellow

The CTL Writing Fellows program was established in 2007 by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction; up to twelve faculty selected as CTL Writing Fellows meet regularly to discuss the most effective ways to teach and respond to student writing.

Christine Franklin Center for Teaching and Learning Teacher of the Week

CTL recognizes Teacher of the Week recipients as individuals who are making a difference in their students’ lives as learners and citizens of the University community. This significant honor is meant to highlight the superb teachers who inspire students as well as colleagues at UGA.

ASA Founders Award The Founders Award is among the highest honors that the ASA bestows upon its members who have rendered distinguished and long-term service to the association.

Nicole Lazar

Selected as a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) Each year, the ASA names select individuals as Fellows. According to ASA, "the designation of Fellow has been a superlative honor … for nearly 100 years."

Pengsheng Ji 2014-2015 Teaching Academy Fellow

The Teaching Academy Fellows Program is an early career mentoring program at the University of Georgia. Only twenty faculty members are selected for the Fellows Program which is coordinated by UGA’s Teaching Academy with funding support from the Office of the Provost and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

Since the last newsletter where we listed our graduates from 2013, we proudly graduated the following students with a BS degree in Statistics: Spring 2014 – Obiamaka Achukwu, Matthew Alexander, Dean Baraso, Audrey Brasuell, Doretha Canion, Reina Chau, Mary Martha Clark, Tyna Dao, Christopher Helms, Lewis Jones, Nathain Karner, Pia Kolmers, Hyejin Park, Melissa Pitt, and Benjamin Washington; Summer 2014 – Joe Fang. Matt, Chris, Lewis, and Ben are now all enrolled in our graduate program. Lewis is part of a collaborative program with State Farm Insurance.

Our students continue to be inducted into honor societies such as the National Statistical Honor Society Mu Sigma Rho, Phi Kappa Phi, and Phi Beta Kappa. Some students have continued with graduate school and others have joined the work force using

UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM UPDATE Christine Franklin | Undergraduate Coordinator

the skill-set they gained as Statistics majors. Our students are sought out as future employees in this data-centric world. Congratulations to all our graduates! If you haven’t already, browse our undergraduate website. Here is the link: Our undergraduate program continues to thrive, with UGA students recognizing the importance of a background in Statistics – this is seen in the increasing number of both majors (approximately 120 students) and minors (approximately 100). We continue to find ways to improve our undergraduate program, which for the first time in the history of the department, is larger than our graduate program. This past year, a committee worked diligently to examine the desired program goals and

learning outcomes for both our undergraduate and graduate students. This committee discussed whether our current courses are meeting the goals and learning outcomes, as well as how to assess these learning outcomes. Our year-long Capstone course (STAT 5010-5020) continues to provide our undergraduates the opportunity to apply the knowledge they've gained to real-life research problems. This current academic year we have our largest class ever with 32 students. In May 2014, we awarded the second Kermit Hutcheson Best Capstone Student Award to Nathain Karner. Congratulations to Nathain! We continue to have several students taking advantage of internship opportunities. We welcome any leads on summer and academic year internship possibilities for our students.


The UGAfeatured in 2014-seminar hosted focandidatin the Spinvited sof Georgthey integraduateabout ouand the A

A total oheld duriFour of twith the The talkstopics antheoreticapplicatieducationColloquiorganizeseries. Thof a scheinviting travel, itireimbursdepartmeWeatherarranging(Chul MupcominDepartmbroader a

The 2015recently outstandright). Thtalks andDepartm

UPDGauri DAbhyud


A Department of Sa great series of c15. On top of the rseries, the departmour Department Hetes and the Bradleypring of 2015. Mospeakers were from

gia; beyond preseneracted with our fae students, and learur department, univAthens community

of twenty one talksing the 2014 Fall sthem were hosted jBiostatistics depars covered a wide rnd expertise, from cal foundations to ions and statistics n. As members of ium Committee, wed the regular collohis involves coord

edule of weekly spspeakers; arrangininerary, meals, andsements with the ent staff (Megan ford/Ashten Goeckg the refreshments

Moon); and advertisng colloquia to the

ment, Universit,y anacademic commun

5 Spring colloquiuconcluded, featuri

ding speakers (listehe twelve regular d four presentation

ment Head candidat

DATE: CollDatta, Professday Mandal, A



Statistics olloquia regular ment ead y Lecture st of the

m outside nting, culty and rned versity, y.

s were semester. jointly rtment.

range of the

f the we oquium dination peakers; ng their d

kel); s with TA sing Statistics

nd nity.

um series ing some

ed at seminar

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covfromU.SIn lathe spoLecProdistDr. MicreseintegradalsohosfollBrapicnbacconBraJun

lloquiumor | Pengshengssociate Profes

s enjoying a Mama’s Boy

m Series Website vents/colloquia/up

Page 3

radley Event speaker, Dr

vered a wide varietm Bayesian modelS. stock marker to cate April, the depagraduate student Snsored the annual

cture in honor of thfessor Ralph A. Brtinguished speakerSusan Murphy, U

chigan. Dr. Murphearch and after-dineracted with our faduate students. Tho continued our trating a picnic on thowing the Bradley

adley Lecture and dnic are great eventk to Athens. We h

nsider attending neadley Lecture to be

Liu on April 22, 2

m Series g Ji, Assistant Pssor | Mark We

y luncheon with William


3 • Statistics

r. Susan Murphy, with st

ty of topics, ling to the cancer cells. artment and Stat Club co-Bradley

he late radley. Our r this year was

University of hy gave nner talks and aculty and he Stat Club adition of he Saturday y Lecture. The departmental ts to draw you hope you will xt year’s

e given by Dr. 2016.

Professor Werner, Lecturer

m Brenneman from Proct


s News • Spr

tudents and faculty after

To keep up with Series, we encouour website wherfull details for allincluding their scabstracts, and linwebpages at theirinstitutions.

Our Colloquium enhance the educof our students, popportunities forenrich the academof the departmenlike to support thGeorgia Departmplease take a momsupport at the lin


tor & Gamble Company

port the

ring 2015

r her Colloquium talk

our Colloquium urage you to visit re you will find l talks in the seriescheduling, titles,

nks to the speakersir home

Series events cational experienceprovide research r our faculty, and mic environment nt. If you would he University of ment of Statistics, ment to show your

nk below.


ent ing
















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The SCCthe past yReeves aLove-MyAcademiconsultingraduate of StatistHsieh, LiXijue TaThese stuvolunteercontributand beyocontinuesCollege oof the Vithe UGAthe incomprojects. The SCCacross thSCC has client basArts and AgricultuSciences



This acadseveral soactivitiesevent waDinner atdowntowundergradiscussedupcomingreat oppstudents a social shave somenjoyed mVictoria Statisticsprograms

This Novstudents to voluntConnectinon-profhelp thosand supporganizatorganizatupdate thComfortsat the CeService.

Graduate aWelcome B

C has continued to year under Directoand Associate Direyers. During the 20ic Year, the SCC hng assistantships fo

students from the tics: Fangzhi Guo,ina Liao, Fei Liu,

an, Zhen Yan, and udents, along withrs, have made strotions to research efond. Support for ths to be provided byof Arts and Sciencice President for R

A Graduate School,me earned through

C’s collaborative rehe University rema

continued to mainse from the FranklSciences, the Coll

ural and Environm, the Warnell Scho

SULTING ve-Myers | Ass

T CLUB UPYohannes | STA

demic year, Stat Cocial and academis. In September, oas the Welcome Bat the Transmetropo

wn Athens. Graduaaduate students med the excitement fog academic year. Iportunity for the neto get to know eac

setting. “Hopefullyme more programs meeting everyone,Chang, an undergr

s student, excited fs to come after the

vember, our Stat Cwere given the opteer with the Commion of Northeast Gfit organization thase in need to seek aport through varioutions in Athens. Thtion held several eheir data at Creaturs, downtown, and

enter for Leadershi

and undergraduate studeBack Dinner at Transmet

prosper over or Dr. Jaxk ector Dr. Kim 014-2015 has provided or eight Department Hsien-Lin Wenhao Pan, Yuan Zhuang. about 20

ong fforts at UGA

he SCC y the Franklin

ces, the Office Research, and

, in addition to h SCC

elationships ain strong. The ntain a strong lin College of lege of

mental ool of Forestry

aoCVthhdnpfue TscpMthCpSpCSGwatw

CENTER sociate Directo

PDATE AT Club Presid

Club hosted c

our first ack Pizza olitan in

ate and et and or the It was a ew ch other in y, we can like this. I

,” stated raduate for the e dinner.

Club portunity munity

Georgia, a at seeks to assistance us types of he

events to re on campus ip and

Inpoin AmcaThcetalintcuthe

ThheanApof opDrMlea

It Clop

ents met for the t in September.

Page 4

and Natural Resourof Ecology, the CoConsumer SciencesVeterinary Medicinhe SCC held its fir

hour workshop focdata analysis in Exnew to quantitativeplans to offer morefuture at a variety oexcited to have tak

This year, the Assoome of the SCC’s

conferences, first inpresentation at the Meetings in Bostonhe Success of an A

Center”, and later tpresentation at the Statistical Practice past February entitCollaborators: ChaStudent ConsultingGeorgia”. Both prewith interest by theaudiences. The Dirwo projects involv



stead of the traditiotluck, the food at

January was an asmerican dishes. Fa

ame and mingled fohe potluck allowedlebrate the end of lk about current evteresting to discus

ultures and religionere.

he Bradley Lectureeld jointly by the Snd Stat Club every pril, was at the Staf Georgia. Studentspportunity to interar. Susan Murphy oichigan, in an infoarn from the lectur

has been an engaglub. We look forwpportunities awaitin

Graduate students enjoyevents at the STAT Club

4 • Statistics

rces, the Odum Scllege of Family ans, and the College ne. This past summrst short course, a used on exploratorcel for those who

e research. The SCe short courses in tof levels; we are en this first step.

ociate Director sha success at two n August at an invJoint Statistical n entitled “MeasurAcademic Consultithrough a poster Conference on in New Orleans thled “Technicians t

anging the Paradigmg at the University esentations were meir respective rector was involveving the media – an

ional international this year’s potluckssortment of typicaaculty and studentsor quite some timed everyone to the semester and t

vents. It was s the different

ns of the students

e, the main event Statistics Departme

year at the end of ate Botanical Gards were eager for thact with the speakeof the University oormal setting and tore.

ging year for the Stard to the ng us next Fall!

y pizza and discuss curreb’s annual Potluck.

s News • Spr

chool nd

of mer, two-ry are

CC the



ring ing

his to m of of


ed in n

explanatioto examinstandardizpresentatiNational IReportingDirector acontinue tbasis withstatistical centers at institutionbeen invaThe SCC student traoften playmentoringconsultingconsultinglong-timetaken a leSCC’s curConsultan

k al s e.


ent fden he er, f o



Brett isGeorgiUniverDepart2013. Igardenalso accharitabhis MaTechno“Doubland a gRecentGeneraProgramsoftwarent

MSIT.N. SUsing thInnovatdesignesynchro(Busineduring tSince ostudentthe chocourse destabliswith stumy webtextboolearningsoftwarpreparenotes," videos dcompenmeeting

ring 2015

on of statistical anne potential cheatinzed tests in Mobileion at the annual mInstitute of Compug in Atlanta. Additand Associate Direto meet on-line onh the administratorlaboratories and c

t other US land-grans. This input and aluable to the SCC

has continued to eaining, with seniorying an important rg students who areg center and the prg. Senior PhD stude SCC consultant Lead role in this procurrent Administratint.


s a graduate of theia and has been worsity since 2012. Htment of Statistics In his free time, he

ning, movies, videoctive in local politiable work. Brett wiaster’s degree in Inology in May, becole Dawg” with an

graduate degree frotly, he accepted a jal Electric in their m where he will bre and technical in

T3000E: A Sriram | Profesthe competitive Sutive Instructional Ged and taught a nononous, fully-onlineess Statistics) courthe summers of 20

online education is t-centered and notice of a versatile pdelivery becomes shing effective comudents. I used MySb portal, which offok along with a weg aids and a compure, StatCrunch. I hed so-called “talkinby embedding madescribing the connsate for the lack ogs, I provide short

nalysis done ng on e, AL, and a

meeting of the uter-Assisted tionally, the ector n a regular rs of consulting ant feedback has . emphasize r students role in

e new to the ractice of dent and Lina Liao has cess as the ive



FILE: Brett

e University of orking at the

He joined the in the Fall of

e enjoys o games and is ics and ill be finishing

nternet oming a undergraduate

om UGA. job with IT Leadership

be working on nfrastructure

Fully Onlinssor ummer 2012 Grant, I n-e MSIT 3000 rse at UGA 013 and 2014. primarily face-to-face,

platform for critical in

mmunication StatLab as fers an e-ealth of self-utational

have also ng lecture any 5-minute ncepts. To of face-to-face t video-





ne special effort threation of a voluntaroup, which meetseeks to discuss the

s it applies to consuatistical research. Tded by Dr. Love-Marticipant in the Cend Learning’s Writrogram, and co-facaeger, a senior PhD

Writing Intensive Prssistant.

he SCC is lookingoming year and conays to meet the thr

mission, including mupport available to ncreasing the qualitsearch at the Univ

aluable educationaaining to graduate epartment of Stati


projects around thjoining the departhas learned a lot apersonally and prhe is sad to be leain July, he valueshas gained with Scertainly be usinggained in the futu

ne Businessanswers to questiostudents and dissewhole class. Overaprovide an experieclose as possible tclass. The online creceived by the stufollowing excerptsoverall sentimentsstudent evaluationdid a wonderful joresponsive, fast feand questions. Furvideos he used to wproblems were extaddition to traditioboards, I am now ways to increase vinteractions and stinteractions. I willsuccessful experieMSIT 3000E oncesummer of 2015.

his year is the ary Writing Focuss once every two e practice of writinulting and to generThis has been greaMyers’ selection asenter for Teachingting Fellows cilitation by AdamD student and formrogram teaching

forward to the ntinuing to develoree areas of its making statistical UGA researchers

ty of quantitative versity, and providal experience and

students in the stics.

he world. Since tment, Brett says hand grown both rofessionally. Thouaving the departmes the experience heStatistics and will g the knowledge hure.

s Stat Coursons raised by eminate these to thall, I have tried to ence which is as to a face-to-face courses were well udents. The s summarize the s expressed in the ns: “The professorob of giving eedback with emailrthermore, the onlwalk us through tremely helpful." Ional discussion looking for new

virtual peer-tudent-teacher l be building on thences by teaching e again during the

ng ral atly s a

m mer





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AbhyuUS Geolodevelopm

The mainfoster ecothe Ocmulocated breservoirproject w

WenxuNIH, "NoTranscrip

DNA metdiscoveretranscriptimethylationumber odevelopmsyndromesyndromediseases (heart diseautoimmuincreasingindicates key playeZhong wistatistical understanmethylatio

UGAGauri D

The jointby the UDepartmUniversiDepartmthree yeaseries, deSolomonUniversiwere twoand one iyears the

For the Sseries, CJames OProfessostatisticiaProfessoUniversiaccomplicareer, Pof the prewell as GFellowshas the PrMathemaPresidenfor Bayeeditor of the foundhis profoProfessoUSA Natand as a Real Aca


uday Mandal, ogical Survey, “W

ment along the Ma

n goal of the projeonomic developmeulgee River Basin,

below the Lake Jacr in middle Georgiwe will analyze how

uan Zhong, Asovel Statistical Toption" thylation has been ed as a key controllion. Aberrant DNAon changes can caf human diseases s

mental diseases (ICe, Prader-Willi andes etc), ageing rela(i.e. Alzheimer’s dease, diabetes, and une diseases. Moreg large amount of that DNA methyla

er in cancer develoill develop a suite omodels to broaden

nding of how differon patterns are est

A/Clemson JDatta | Profess

t colloquium serieniversity of Georg

ment and the Clemsty Mathematical S

ment has been runniars. The first colloqelivered by Profesn, was organized bty in 1973. For a

o colloquia per yeain Spring, althoug

eir frequency has d

Spring 2015 editionlemson featured P. Berger from Dukr Berger, a world-an, is the Arts and

or of Statistics at Dty. Among the maishments in his dis

Professor Berger isestigious COPSS a

Guggenheim and Ships. He has previoresident of the Instatical Statistics an

nt of the Internationesian Analysis. He f The Annals of Stading director of SAound scientific conr Berger was electtional Academy offoreign member oademia de Ciencia


Associate ProWater supply and itacon-Hawkinsville ct is to ent around , which is ckson a. In this w reservoir

ophyora sOc

ssociate Profesols for Cell-Line S

newly ler in gene A ause a such as F

d Angelman ated disease),

eover, an evidence ation is a pment. Dr. of n our rent tablished

anenis adantecgemprhudilarpra kTotecclo

Joint Seminsor

s sponsored gia Statistics son Sciences ing for forty-quium in the sor Herbert y Clemson while, there ar, one in Fall h in recent


n of the Professor ke University. renowned

d Sciences Duke any stinguished a recipient award, as

Sloan ously served itute of d the nal Society was a co-

atistics and AMSI. For ntributions, ted to the f Sciences f the Spanish




Page 5


ofessor, Co-PI s potential impact reach of the Ocm

peration can influeydrology and fish crder to gain necesssustainable ecosyscmulgee River.

ssor, PI Specific Epigeneti

nd maintained durinvironmental conddesigned to bring

dvances in DNA mnalysis, help develochnology for rapidene regulation relaethylation sites an

rototype an epigenuman intervention seases. Accordingrge amount of evidrocess known as Dkey player in cancoday's next-generachniques give us those the gap in this

nar 2015

rofessor Berger haundamental papers

Bayesian RobustneObjective Priors, Mnd Multiple Testinresentation in this

Clemson colloquiumub-group analysis”n April 2, was atteifty faculty and grarom the University

Clemson Universityaculty and fifteen grom UGA.

Dr. James Berger from Dyear’s feature

5 • Statistics


on economic mulgee River”

nce local communities in ary information fo

stem along the

c Analysis of Gen

ing normal ditions. Her project

about fundamentamethylation

op and refine d identification of ted to DNA

nd could help etic chip for in certain

g to Zhong, there's dence that a

DNA methylation iscer development. ation sequencing he data we need toarea of research.

as published manys on the topics of ss, Selection of

Model Selection, ng. The title of his year’s joint UGA-

m was “Bayesian ”. The event, held ended by more thanaduate students y of Georgia and y, including four graduate students

Duke University was thised Professor

News • Spri

T.N. SrNSF, “Coregression



A typicacontemprelativelyThis has sciencesrelationsregressioassociatidimensioreduce thvariablesanalysis.outliers iadverselyexisting methodothat are n


t al








WenbStudeThe Depto annougraduatinjoining oAdam Jaa very buprofessoShootoutdefendinnow trangraduateassistingmemberssyllabi.

After sixJaeger placquiredand persreading athe fall, hdoctoral Computaat SAMSDuke DeSciencesHe also phim Mr. either Slmiss AdaStatisticsavailabilthinking courses. free timewas no l

ing 2015

riram, Professollaborative researn, time series, and


al characteristic of porary datasets is thy high-dimensiona

s prompted a shift i toward a divergen

ship-study genre aron, time series andion, popularly knoon reduction, whohe dimensionality s as a first phase in. However, the prein high-dimensiony affects the perfodimension reducti

ologies, resulting innot completely rel

bo Wu and ent to Facu

partment of Statistiunce that two of oung Ph.D. students our faculty for thisaeger and Wenbo Wusy year, between

ors, winning the SAut (page 6), and sucng their dissertationnsition from two oe students, sharing g our instructors tos with their own o

x years with the delans to use his kno

d over those years severance at the APand as a temporaryhe will begin his tfellowship in the

ational NeuroscienSI, which will inclepartment of Statiss in Durham, Northplans to adopt a caPepe as well as a

lagathor or Hrothgam’s dedication tos and his enthusiaslity to his students about how to impJaeger frequently

e to help students,onger a TA for a c

sor, PI rch: Renyi diverged association studie


f many hat they are al in nature. in the applied nt rising in

d multivariate own as se goal is to of the

n the data esence of nal datasets ormance of ion n conclusions liable. Given


Adam Jaeglty for Sumics is excited ur 2015 will be

s summer. Wu have had assisting

AS Analytics ccessfully ns. They will f ninety-one offices and

o faculty offices and

epartment, owledge of hard work P Statistics y lecturer. In two-year post-

nce Program lude a year at stical h Carolina. at and name dog named

gar. We will o the field of stic s, constantly prove the

sacrificed his even after he



ence-based robust ies”


hat outliers are comn high-dimensionaheir presence is ha

an urgent need to ireduction methods degree of automatisensitivity, to outliproject provides roreduction methodsnew research path reduction and contro the analysis of h

arising in fields sucsciences, machine economics, environmorphometrics andamong others.

ger to Gradummer 2015

Wu is also excited prospects, having aAssistant ProfessorUniversity of Oreghis August. Over t

Wenbo has been wdeveloping new medimension reductiosufficient variable especially for robudata, and more recesmall n problems. have even appearedComputational andStatistics. ThroughStatistical Consultiworked with a broaand areas, ranging o finances to the endustry. Best of lu


Adam Jaeger with Dr. LComm

inference in


mmonly encounteral datasets and thaard to detect, theredentify dimensionthat possess some

ic robustness, or noers. The proposed

obust dimension , which would pavin dimension ribute significantly

high-dimensional dch as the social learning, sports, nmental studies, d cancer studies,

uate from

for his future already accepted ar position with the

gon, which will stathe past few years,

working on ethods in sufficienon (SDR) and selection (SVS),

ustness, correlated ently for large p, His research topic

d in the Journal ofd Graphical h his work in the ing Center, he has ad variety of peoplfrom agro-science

entertainment uck to both of thes

Lazar and Dr. Seymour encement

red t is

n e on-

ve a

y data


rt ,


cs f

le e



In her spthe manwill brinDepartmthanked making far. Thenew MAwas the executivspace. IexecutivDan HalCheolwo

This is tbegin inone in thhas a preIllinois(hnts/mastsuccessfprogramAthens hMaster’sof StatisJones, antime, tha “We seegood opdevelop

State F

SAS DJaxk Re Seven PhConsultin$5,000 prShootout,by the SA The team(Captain)Liao, Fei Wang, wiThis is thUGA hasnational cMarch-Mcomplex ddata fromperiod fro In Augustthat it wa(from aminvited tothe annuaConferenOctober 2that the Uwinners. 2015 depmembers analyses achampion The SCC will have these studsoon gradHu, Liao,


peech, Laurette Stiny benefits the MAng for both State Fment of Statistics. UGA faculty and this joint venture a

e grand opening wAGNet facility in Afirst time faculty,

ves were able to seIt was attended by ves, Nicole Lazar (ll, Lynne Seymouroo Park.

the second MAGNn the United Stateshe Southeast. Statesence at the Univhttp://www.stat.illters.shtml) which hful, that they have

m. The MAGNet prhas started small ws Students from thstics (Bradley Hollnd Sandra Park). Wat the program wil

e the MAGNet propportunity to invesment of some of th

Farm MAG

Data Analyteeves | Director

hD students from thng Center won firsrize) in the 2014 D, a contest sponsor

AS Institute.

m members are: We), HeJiao Hu, LinWLiu, XiJue Tan, an

ith faculty advisore first time that a t ever won an awar

contest. The team wMay 2014 on analyz

data-set containingm five large US citiom 2005-2012.

t 2014, the team ws one of the top th

mong 69 team entrieo make a final presal SAS Data Analynce held in Las Veg2014. There, it wasUGA team were the

More recently, in artmental colloquigave a presentatio

and their arduous pnship.

and the departmena very hard time r

dents, as six have nduate, with four (H, and Tan) finding


iles discussed AGNet program Farm and the

She also staff for

a success thus was held in the Athens. This students and

ee the new top State Farm

(Interim Head), r, and

Net program to and the only

te Farm also versity of been so expanded the rogram in with only three he Department loway, Lewis We hope with ll flourish.

ogram as a t in the he brightest

G-Net Grand

tics Contest r

he Statistical t place (and a

Data Analytics red annually

enbo Wu Wei Hu, LiNa nd GuanNan

r Jaxk Reeves. team from rd in this worked from zing a g crime-rate ies for the

was notified hree finalists es), and was entation at

ytics gas in s announced e grand prize a March

ium, the team on about their path to the

nt in general replacing now or will

HJ Hu, LW high-paying



Page 6

d Opening

students in the fieand statistics, andas full-time emplograduate," Stiles sexpand the prograsome time, and wform a partnershisuch as the Unive

For more informaMAGNet programarticle on page 7.

Visit the MAGNeWebsite here: http



Laurette Stiles speaki


obs in industry andaving accepted Asffers. Liu, who woonsultant Award, p

ater this year. A neas entered this yeaontest, but they’ll b

match the levels of 014 team.

6 • Statistics

eld of advanced and hopefully engageoyees once they said. "We’ve wantam to the Southeas

we are pleased to bp with a quality inersity of Georgia."

ation on the State Fm, see Jonathan Sa

et page on the Statps://

Analytics 2014 Conferen

ing to university faculty a

d two (Wang and Wsistant Professor j

on the 2015 Best Splans to finish his

ew team of five stuar’s SAS Data Anabe hard pressed tosuccess achieved b

News • Spri

nalytics e them

ted to st for e able to


Farm aul’s

tistics MAGNet

ce in Las Vegas, Nevada

at the grand opening

Wu) ob tudent Ph.D.

udents alytics by the

ing 2015

a The Anal

Our Shoot

SummeMellon Abhyuday

In Summer 2Abhyuday MSriram direcMr. Brian Lfinishing hisdegree in EcStatistics atUniversity. Man ongoing with Dr. SurDepartment The focus odevelop an ito dyeing fananocellulosfrom wood pinto a gel afLee’s researwhether theadhesive proeliminating reducing cos

lytics 2014 Conference iseri

tout Team Receiving Firs

er 2014 Rese University y Mandal | Ass

2014, Drs. Mandal and T.N. cted the research o

Lee, who is currents undergraduate conomics and Carnegie Mellon Mr. Lee was part ocollaborative projeraj Sharma of the of Textiles at UGf the project is to innovative approac

abrics using se polymer extractpulp, which turns fter processing. Mrrch investigated e gel can enhance toperty of color dywater usage and st of production.

is a two-day, educationaious about analytics.

rst Place at the Conferen

earch at Car

sociate Profess

of tly

of ect





the ye,

The study shof the gel imfastness levmade recomto dye ratio retention. Aunder prepapublication.received twin the FederMinneapolithe MS progat the UniveUK. He hasFederal Resreal life exppursuing a hEconomics.

al event for anyone who




howed that presenmproves the color el of dyed fabric a

mmendations for geto improve color

A research article isaration for . Recently, Mr. Leo offers– a positioral Reserve Bank os, and admission tgram in Economicersity of Cambridg chosen to join the

serve Bank to gainperience before higher degree in



and el


e n

of o cs ge, e



SeverStatisthe 15SympCenteand 3CUROshowscholacadethe SyeverySympdate, researconsitheir ppublicSymppresenrepresfrom who cwith 2from Samamadetheir rAbhyNew DesigAliaspropostratecomp

State Adva


State uniqugraduUniveModeNetwlive inState progrIllinotheir panalybusin




ral of our undergrastics majors partici5th annual CURO posium held at the er in Athens on Ma1, 2015.The purpoO Symposium is tcase research and arship in all discip

emia. Since its inceymposium has gro

y year, and this yeaposium was the larwith 386 undergrarchers presenting tderable accomplispeers, mentors, anc at large. The 201posium featured ntations from studsenting 79 differen13 schools and coconducted their res258 UGA faculty m72 departments.

antha Cao and Ande a poster presentatresearch supervise

yuday Mandal, titleAnalysis Strategy

gns with Complex ing.” In their proj

osed a new data anegy for designs witplex aliasing.

Farm Insuanced Analyhan Sauls | Loc

Farm has developue internship opporuate students at theersity of Georgia -eling and Analytic

work (MAGNet), wn September 2014Farm’s successful

ram at the Universois, MAGNet internpredictive modelin

ysis skills to a varieness problems acro

State Farm Vice Presidendresses State Farm leade

ceremonies at t



aduate ipated in

Classic arch 30 ose of the o

plines of eption, own larger ar’s rgest to aduate their shments to nd the 15

dents nt majors

olleges search members

drew Kane tion of ed by Dr. ed “A for

ect, they nalysis th

fpImiapH(sscc ZpsM“RNeeicmp Aed Fphil

urance Proviytics Opportcal State Farm

ped a rtunity for

e - the s Graduate

which went . Mirroring l flagship ity of ns apply ng and data ety of

oss many

diffas MappThearo

nt Laurette Stiles (foregrers, university faculty, athe new MAGNet office n




“In many non-regfactorial effects arpartially aliased wIdentifying the cormodel from the expis a challenge. Botand Bayesian soluproblem are subjeHere [they] propo(least absolute shrselection operator)selection method tcorrect model in thcomplex aliasing.”

Zachary Stokes alsposter presentationsupervised by DrsMandal and T. N. “Design and AnalyRed Dye 120 AbsoNanocellulose Gelexamined how theelimination of watindustrial-scale dycould lead scientismore environmentprocess.

All of our studentsexcellent job repredepartment at CUR

For more informatpresentations you https://curo.uga.edites/default/files/2l.pdf

ides Data Sctunities Manager

ferent lines of busiMarketing, Insuranplications, and Bane work is focused pund:

Advanced predimodeling and dStatistical analyStatistical reseaevaluating new methods and toopotential use byFarm analytic c

round right with back tond others as part of grannear the UGA campus.

7 • Statistics

E STUDENgular designs, re often with each other. rrect underlying perimental data th frequentist

utions to this ective in nature. ose the Lasso rinkage and r) variable to identify the he presence of ”

so made a n of his research . Abhyuday Sriram, titled ysis of Reactive orption by l.” Stokes e reduction or ter usage in yeing of fabrics sts to create a tally-friendly

s did an esenting our RO 2015.

tion on these can visit:


cience and

iness such nce, IT nking. primarily

ictive data science ysis arch -

statistical ols for

y the State community

camera) nd opening

s News • Spr


President Jere Samantha C

MAGNet internshours per week dacademic year aweek during thegaining valuableworking with reapplied challengclosely collaborabusiness partnerexperienced anaprofessionals. Inreceive coachingnecessary to be sbusiness setting developing effecpresentations, coand project man While participatMAGNet prograreceive tuition acompetitive payevaluated and giconsideration foemployment at Soffices in centraAtlanta, Georgiagraduation. Hist

ring 2015


Morehead stopped by toCao, President Jere W. M

s work 20 during the

and 40 hours per e summer, e experience al data on real

ges as they rate with rs and alytics nterns also g on key skills successful in a such as

ctive ommunication,


ting in the am students assistance and y, and are iven

or full-time State Farm al Illinois or a upon torically,

o learn about our studenMorehead, Zachary Stok

MAGNet gradrunning on daypossessing neareal working e

For more inforthis exciting ncontact Dr. Pa(cpark@stat.Athens MAGNmanager, Jona(

nts’ work. (from left to rikes, Dr. Abhyuday Mand

duates hit ground y 1, due already arly two-years of experience.

rmation about new opportunity, ark or the Net program athan Sauls uls.dpzc@statefa

ight) Joshua Lukemire, dal, Dr. T. N. Sriram


The Deparcomposedmembers, somethingrenown ofThis year,chosen as contributipassion foadventureaway. In Mreceived aScholar Gwith faculAuckland in assessinstandards 12 statisticU.S. This honor besyear.

Senior LectuLothar TChristine

The H



rtment of Statisticd of many talented all of whom contrg special to the colf the University of, Christine Franklinthe Spotlight Facuons to the departm

or teaching, and hee in country over 8March of 2014, Fra 2014-2015 Fulbr

Grant to New Zealalty at the Universitfrom February to

ng the country's naand compare praccs education with is not, however, thtowed on Franklin

urer, Undergraduate CoTresp Honoratus Honorse Franklin wears many h

Hobbit theme is very popgetting

al of the Department of S


s is faculty

ribute llective f Georgia. n has been ulty for her

ment, her er exciting ,000 miles anklin

right U.S. and to work ty of June 2015

ational ctices in K-those in the he only n in the past



oordinator, and s Professor: hats in Stat!

ular in Wellington, the cg her picture with Gollum

Statistics faculty took Frabefore her five-and-a

Page 8

In September 2014Statistical AssociaFounders Award toThe honor is presemembers who havdistinguished and lthe association. Asrecipients of the Fo2014, Franklin waleadership in curricand teaching statisher professional sethe field of statisticis an active membelongtime leader of statistics educationarea of implementieducation. FranklinZealand will be a cthese awards. “Newyears ahead of us astatistics at the K-1from efforts begun2000s," Franklin sdelight and surprisfrom ASA, the oppwith the leaders inthrough the Fulbriga professional dreahonored and exciteopportunity.”

Currently 18 hoursEastern time, Franher new adventureamount of support and after accepting

capital of New Zealand. m in the airport terminal

anklin out to dinner in Jaa-half month trip.

8 • Statistics

4, The American ation presented its o Christine Frankl

ented annually to Ae rendered long-term service s one of three ounders Award in s recognized for hculum developmen

stics, her research, ervice in helping gcs education. Franer of ASA and a

f national efforts inn, particularly in thing statistics in K-n’s time in New culmination of botw Zealand is a fewat implementing 12 levels, stemminn there in the early aid, "Much like m

se about this awardportunity to work statistics educatioght program is reaam come true. I amed about the

s ahead of U.S. klin can now reve

e and the massive she received befo

g the Fulbright

Franklin couldn’t resistl!

January to bid her farewe

s News • Spr

in. ASA


er nt and

grow nklin

n he -12

th w


my d

on ally m

l in


scholarshichaotic exemergenchusband son Januartaken full explore AIslands, anmuseums,language white coff Franklin sFebruary culture anZealand bstarted in race to cirCricket WEaster eggherself in nation whOn her bloadventure




Franklin witawardees at

At the summit

ring 2015

ip. After what begxercise in obtainincy passport, Franklsafely arrived in Nry 29th. Since then,

opportunity to waAuckland, Wellingt

nd other local citie, learning about thand culture, and o


spent most of her tfamiliarizing hers

nd educational systbefore the regular fMarch. Between a

rcumnavigate the gWorld Cup, and giags, Franklin has suthe culture of this

hose seasons mirroog, it looks like qu


n receiving the ASA FouSeptember

ith some of the other Fultheir orientation in Wel

with her husband in Au

gan as a ng a new lin and her

New Zealand , she has alk and ton, Bay of es, visiting he Maori ordering flat

time in elf with the tem of New fall semester a sailboat globe, the ant painted ubmerged s colorful or our own. uite the

unders Award in

lbright llington


We look forwardChristine Franklidepartment this Jmany stories andsuccesses from hNew Zealand.

Franklin’s picture froAuckland, the larges

area in

An evening with OtagBayfield High Sc

Kiwi Bubble Socceway from Aotearoa

New Z

Franklin FeatureM

d to welcoming in back to the June, eager to heard celebrate her her time working in

om the plane as she arrivst and most populous ur

n New Zealand.

go Math Association at chool in Dunedin

er – a new sport all the a (the Maori name for Zealand)

ed in September’s GeorgMagazine

r her


ved in rban


2015 BJoshuaJaxk Re

For the firCapstone in a tie, wTheresa DLukemireaward (ancash prizeStudent Afunded byKermit Huannually tstudent wgoals of thseeing thethe imporexplainingto the projleadershiphighly moenrolled in(STAT 50was not eastudent, aco-winnerthere werewere seriotwo winneoutstandindiscussed

Theresa DBS/MS StLilburn, Gbeen interfield and into the fisome worshe perforwhile worUniversityCenter. ThStatistics Statistics has held s

UnderJoshua L

The 201workshoGhosh aApplied Institute fascinatiinterestinbioinformwere ablwork in and their


Best Capstona Lukemireeeves | Director

rst time, the Best Student Award en

with two winners, Devasia and Joshuae, sharing the 2015nd splitting the $50e). The Capstone B

Award, founded any Professor Emeritutcheson, is givento the undergradua

who best exemplifiehe Capstone Course big picture, embrrtance of writing ing statistics, commiject, research skillp. With 32 (mostlyotivated) students n this year’s Capst010-5020) Course,asy to select a best

and even selecting rs was quite difficue quite a number wously considered. Ters are certainly ng students, as

d below.

Devasia is a 3rd-yeatatistics major fromGA. She has alwayrested in the medicsomewhat stumbleield of Statistics frrk in Biostatistics trmed in high schoorking at Emory y’s Winship Cancehis led her to take and to become a major at UGA. Th

summer internship

rgraduate WLukemire | Sta

4 undergraduate op organized by Drat the Statistical an

Mathematical Sci(SAMSI) was a

ing survey of someng areas of researcmatics. The speakle to communicateexciting and clear r passion for their

Attendees of the UndergrAbhyuday Ma

ne Student & Theresa r


a 5 00 Best

nd tus n ate es the se: racing n itment ls, and y

tone , it t two ult, as who The

ar m ys cal ed rom that ol

er AP

heresa ps at

the Summin BiostaWisconsAgricultuWashingconducterecently ColumnsHandel oand Epidthe distritime of sAfter sheBS/MS dplans to eBiostatis Joshua Lstudent fGA. Joshcareer asMacon Syears, hewhere hePsycholovolunteeand, throin UGA’

Workshop Hatistics Underg

r. Sujit d iences

e of the ch in ers

e their ways,

researcpresentpresentof topicevolutigreat jomethodresearcpresentpanel dthe curr

raduate Workshop with Dandal, and Lecturer Kim

Theresa De


Award Win Devasia

mer Institute for Tatistics at Universitin and at the Natioural Statistics Serv

gton, DC. She has aed research, whichfeatured in UGA’s

s, with Prof. Andreof UGA’s Biostatisdemiology Departmibution of the lengtomach norovirusee completes her joidegrees in 2016, Tearn a Ph.D. in tics.

Lukemire is a 4th-yefrom Warner Robbh started his academs a Psychology majState University. Ae transferred to UGe became a dual-deogy/Statistics majors in two labs on c

ough that, has partis Center for

Helps Prepargraduate Studen

h was evident in thtations. The hour-ltations focused on cs from regressiononary genetics and

ob of explaining bods and the purpose h. In addition to thtations, there was adiscussion with somrent graduate stude

Dr. Sujit Ghosh, Dr. m Gilbert.

vasia and Joshua Lukem

9 • Statistic


UnderOpporHe waSummworkinPsychremovadults diseasrecentConfeenamohas maprograquite ugroupInformSpringPh.D.EmoryFall, wfMRI

Training ty of

onal vice in also

h was s eas stics ment, on th of es. int heresa

ear BS bins, mic jor at

After two GA, egree or. Josh campus icipated

re Students nt

post-dopreparewas exworkshtalks toand it wmore ainvolveareas. Ichanceagain wUniverafter thworkshinformwould any uninterest

heir long a range

n to d did a oth the of the

he also a me of ents and

mire shared this year’s B

s News • Spr

rgraduate Researchrtunity (CURO) pras a participant in t

mer 2014 CURO prng with Prof. Larryology on techniqu

ve fMRI variabilitywith cardiovascule, and presented h

tly in CURO’s Sprerence. Josh is partored with fMRI woade him very profiamming. This provuseful for his Caps’s project on Canc

matics. Upon gradug, Josh plans to entprogram in Biosta

y University beginwith particular empresearch.

for Grad Sc

ocs at SAMSI on he for graduate scho

xtremely helpful. Thop also left time ao get to know the swas great to get to about how they goted in their respectiIt was also nice to e to meet with Dr. Gwhen he gave a talkrsity of Georgia shhe workshop. Overhop was a fun and

mative experience, ahighly recommenddergraduate studented in statistical re

Best Capstone Student Aw

ring 2015

h rogram. the rogram, ry Sweet of ues to y in older lar

his results ring 2015 ticularly ork, which ficient at R ved to be stone cer uation this

nter the atistics at nning this phasis on


how to ool that

The after the speakers, hear t ive get a Ghosh

lk at the hortly rall, the

and I d it to nts



Chao (BeatriceBest Master’s S

Xin Xing Best Beginning

Guannan WanBest Senior Stu

Fei Liu Best Student Co

Sha Cao, XianAllison MooreSong, YuanweShiyu Ye 2014 Graduate

Daniel Bailey, Allison GriffinJoseph Powell2014 Undergra

Yaotong Cai, QPadmanand MYu Wang, Xin2015 Graduate

Cody Baetz, TAndrew Kane,Stephen Terry2015 Undergra

Nathain Karne2014 Best Caps

Joshua Lukem2015 Best Caps

Best StudeKim Love-My


Congratulations tDepartment of StStudent ConsultaUnclaimed Propeto a student who Consulting Centewho has demonstunderstanding of communication, mprogramming abicontributions to twith the SCC forexceptional profealways approachehis clients’ researparticipant in numhas become an ex

Alex Lyford (TA)(Instructor), N

e) Zhang Student

g PhD Student

ng udent


nyan Chen, Chue, Anna Sheremen Wang, Hui X

e Mu Sigma Rho

Dean Baraso, An, Samuel Hemp, Benjamin Wa

aduate Mu Sigma

Qian Kuang, YuMadhavan Nambn Xing e Mu Sigma Rho

Theresa Devasia, Zhuoxi Li, Jos

y, Brogan Williaaduate Mu Sigma

er stone Student Aw

mire & Theresa stone Student Aw

ent Consultaers | Associate


to Fei Liu, Ph.D. statistics, for receivant award. This awerty Consulting anhas worked in the

er for the entire acatrated skills in the f consulting projecmotivation, theoreility, organization,the SCC. Fei in par three years, and hessionalism; he is ces problems from rch questions. He hmerous SCC effortxcellent mentor fo

), Nathain Karner (AwarNicole Lazar (Instructor),

un Li, Xinyi Li, menko, MinrongXian, Yiwen Yan


Audrey Brasuelpel, Lewis Jone

ashington a Rho Inductees

upeng Li, biar, Chul Moo


a, Zinxuan Jiangshua Lukemire,ams a Rho Inductees


Devasia ward

ant: Fei Liue Director


student in the ving this year’s Beward, sponsored bynd Reporting, is giv Statistical ademic year, and areas of general ts, verbal and writ

etical ability, , and general

articular has workehas demonstrated client-oriented andthe perspective of has been a leadingts over the years ar junior consultant

rd Winner), Lily Wang , and Chris Franklin.


ll, s,


g, ,





d fg nd ts.


AngelB.S. |


MarloM.S. |

I have nVirginiacomplet


Andrewof Math

Mike M.S. |

I becam

RoderB.S. |

Currentthru 5th.

Lee BM.S. |

After moHealth S

ReneeB.S. |

I am cu


This yas theLectuin Psy2014.StatisM.S. RocheMegacurrencenturin JulfundrLympspendwatchPotter



la Fife Malone2009

tly with Deloitte anve in Identity and Ay Verification (PIV)

ow Lemons 2003

now completed thea Tech. Thank youte this degree.

ew Brown | 2013

w Brown is currenthematical Sciences

McGill 2003

me a statistician at

rick M. Lowe 1985

tly teaching Behav.

Bennett 1999

ore than two yearsSolutions in Resea

e Lodge 1986

rrently working in


year, we welcomede department’s newurer. Megan receivychology from Ge. She also has an Mstics from Virginiain Applied Statistiester Institute of T

an enjoys cycling antly training for a ry ride, the Seattlely, with Team in Traising for The Leuphoma Society. Shding time with her hing The Muppets r (among other sil




nd Touche providiAccess Manageme

V) authentication a

e Ph.D. in Educatiou for instilling the s

ly a tenure-track As at Clemson Unive

Advanc-Ed Home

vior Disorder Elem

s as statistical instarch Triangle Park

n healthcare.


d Megan Lutz w full-time ved her Ph.D. orgia Tech in M.S. in a Tech and an ics from

Technology. and is double-

e-to-Portland Training and ukemia and he also loves

two dogs and or Harry ly things.)

Page 1

ing support for fednt (IAM) as it reland logistics.

onal Research & Esound and strong s

Assistant Professorersity


mentary Students...

tructor at SAS, I rek, NC as Director,



Ashten GoecA

This year, wstaff membeMelissa PettAshten madestudent to Uthe English Dher graduatioAshten was Ballroom Pethe Universilearning andUGA WesleEnglish-majShakespeare

10 • Statistic

deral agency ates to Personal

Evaluation from statistics needed to

r in the Departmen

.10 boys grades 3r

eturned to RTI Biostatistics.

ckel, Administrative Associate

we welcomed threeers: Ashten Goecktigrew, and Molliee the transition fro

UGA staff, coming Department a yearon from the Univea member of the U

erformance Group ity and still enjoys d growing as part oey Foundation. A tyor, Ashten enjoys

e, reading, and Eng

cs News • Sp




John HPh.D.

I have gostatisticsadvisoryreappoinEvaluatiwith undsamplinganalysisInforma(Law Sc

Nan ZPh.D.

I have bMy job f

Steve VM.S. |

I am nowpredictivall over regionalrelated t On the pthree bemusiciancover so

MelissaUniversspecialidevelopservicescoordinaway frContinuInstructUGA, agraduatMelissaas exploher hom

new kel, e Hicks. om UGA from

r after ersity. UGA

while at

of the ypical

glish tea.

pring 2015

H. (Jack) Schu| 1975

gotten involved in as which is challengy committee to the nted to the Am Petion. I am also on derfunded schools g! My most recent

s of shale oil data. tion Administratio

chool, 1976) and I

Zhang | 2014

been working with function is risk an


VanWieren 1995

w in my 4th year ave analytics in the the country at varl and national SHRto statistics (Predi

personal side, my weautiful daughters n, and my band, Th

ongs from pretty m

a has worked for thsity for over 20 yeizing in distance lepment, starting wits and progressing

nation. She is two crom completing heuing Education wittional Technology and plans to pursuete education. In hea likes music, movoring and hiking, e

me area of North C

Melissa Pettigrew, Affairs Professi


a consulting projecging and interestinEnergy Informati

troleum Geologistsour K-12 school band excessive test

t major project hasI was also in DC p

on on benchmarkingot to view the Ch

Chase Card Servialytics/modeling.

updates contin

at Ultimate Softwae Human Capital Mrious conferences, RM, PIHRA, HR Rictive Analytics Wo

wife and I just celeare my pride and j

Thunderfuzz, is stillmuch every decade.

he ears, earning th student to project courses er Masters in th an

y focus at e further

er spare time, vies, as well especially in


Student ional

ct using hierarchicng. I am still servion Administration

ts Assoc. Committeboard struggling, ating. Hasn't anyons been a hierarchiproviding advice t

ng models. While herry Blossom fest

ices full time since

nued on page 1

re, helping to pionManagement doma

some specific to HReinvention) but al

World, SAS Users G

ebrated our 20th ajoy. I am also still going strong. We. 

Mollie Hicks is thManager II and cothe College of FamConsumer Sciencyears of accountinthe University of her spare time, shtime with her husbtwo Chihuahuas, Roxie. She is an her church and lovfall, she spends heon the Dawgs.

Mollie Hicks, Bu

cal Bayesian spatiing on the ASA

n and have been ee on Resource as many of us are, ne heard of ical Bayesian spatito the Energy there my wife Judy


e December 2013.


neer the usage of ain. I am speakingHR, (such as lso conferences


anniversary, and oll a professional

We play hard rock

he new Business omes to us from mily and es. She has 8 ng experience withGeorgia. During

he enjoys spendingband, Kevin, and Tito and avid member of ves to sing. In the er time cheering

siness Manager II







EmilyM.S. |

I work a(Data &

CarolB.S. |

I am woteam.

KellieM.S. |

I was refundingAugust!

NathaM.S. |

I currenheld an Washing

Two DDr. Su

The AmeScience (Ascientific of the advscientificabeen a coleading upof such mby the Co It is a remAAAS Feorganizatgroups wiis then forvotes on tStatistics with suchDr. Sanja


y Fancher 2013

and live in Atlanta& Analytics).

lanne Lott 2011

orking at Acuity Br

e Sappington 2015

ecruited for and acg for 4 years. I was!

an Lekahal 2009

ntly work for Priceadjunct professorgton, DC.

Departmentusmita Datt

rican Association AAAS) is the worsociety. A membe

vancement of scienally or socially disntinuous member p to the year of no

meritorious contribuouncil.

markable accompliellow. To be admition, nominees are ithin their particulrwarded to the AAthe aggregate list. is proud to see tw

h a prestigious honay Shete.


a, Georgia for Assu

rands as a Busines

ccepted to a PhD ps the only America

ewaterhouseCooper position at The G

t of Statisticta & Dr. San

for the Advancemrld’s largest generaer whose efforts onnce or its applicatistinguished and whfor the four year p

omination, may, byution, be elected a

shment to be chostted into the 140-yreviewed by steerar sections, and a

AAS Council, who The Department o

wo of our alumni benor: Dr. Susmita D

ATES (conti

Page 1

urant Solutions as

ss Systems Analyst

program in MIS atn accepted and I'l

ers in the AnalyticsGeorge Washington

cs Alumni Nnjay Shete

Now DeparDatta contricompFellowan eleInstituCaucuher Mof Sta

SheteDeparand thstatistCancenumbCentebiostaprogrScienStatis

Datta certificolorsengin2015


ment of al n behalf ons are ho has period y virtue a Fellow

en as an year-old ring final list then of estowed atta and


11 • Statistic

a Senior Analyst

t on the website

t UGA with full l be starting in

s practice. I also n University in

Named as AA

a professor at the Urtment of Bioinforwas elected as an

ibutions to researcputational biology, w of the Americanected member of thute. She currently us for Women in S

MS '90 and her PhDatistics.

e, who received hisrtment of Statistiche section chief oftics at the Universer Center. He is th

ber of research projer as well as the unatistics, bioinformaram at the Graduatnces. He is also a Fstical Association.

and Shete were prficate and a gold ans representing the

neering — on SaturAAAS Annual M

ratulations to Dr. Se for your continue

cs News • Sp

TonyaA.B. |

I have be1986. IngraduatiBiostatisMentorinfor CDCManagemknows w

AAS Fellow



University of Lourmatics and Biosta AAAS Fellow for

ch in bioinformaticand biostatistics.

n Statistical Associhe International Stserves as presiden

Statistics. Datta recD '95 from UGA D

s PhD '98 from thes, is a genetic epid

f behavioral and soity of Texas, MD A

he principal investijects at MD Ander

niversity’s directoratics, and systems e School of Biome

Fellow of the Amer

resented with an ond blue rosette pindisciplines of scierday, February 14,eeting in San Jose

Susmita Datta anded success and adv

Philip B.S. | 1

I am wor

pring 2015

a "Henderson"1986

een working at thenitially as a summion in December 1stics/Epidemiologyng Program, and c

C University. I plaement School. I wiwhat I will do next!


We invite alet us know ho

alumni up


uisville in the atistics, r her

cs, She is also a iation and tatistical nt of the ceived both


e UGA demiologist ocial Anderson igator for a rson Cancer r of the biology

edical rican

official n — the ence and , during the

e, California.

d Dr. Sanjay vancement.

Alan Evans 1986

rking for a global

" Freeman

e Centers for Diseaer work-study stud

1986 for a full-timey; Statistician; Cocurrently I work a

an the curriculum fill be eligible for r!

ll of our alumow you are dpdate form o

We would tuned for fu


w Georgia S

Friday, OAthens, G


FALL 20Begins TuAthens, G

BRADLEFriday, ApAthens, G





With speChristine FraMyers, AbhyuSriram, Lyd

l company based in

ase Control and Pdent, then coming e position. I havemputer Specialist;

as an Education Prfor the Information

retirement in Novem

mni to keep idoing by subon our websi


love to see yfuture event isiting our wewww.stat.uga

Statistics Day COctober 30, 2015Georgia

TMENT OF S014 COLLOQUuesday, August 2


EY LECTUREpril 22, 2016




brought to you

erim DepartmenNicole Laza

artment AssociaPaul SchliekelmNewsletter Ed

Ashten Goeck

ecial thanks to our anklin, Joshua Lukuday Mandal, Lynia Yohannes, JaxkPettigrew, Megan

n the United Kingd

Prevention since back after

e had careers in ; Lead for CDC's rogram Specialist n Resources mber 2020. Who

in touch! bmitting an ite at:


you soon! Stainformation ebsite:

Conference 5


E 2015


SPRING 2015by

nt Head ar ate Head man

ditor kel

contributors: kemire, Kim Love-nne Seymour, T.Nk Reeves, Melissa



ay by




SUPIn addination

Gifts m

EmploFind o

If you “ASAS

Mail yThe UnGift A394 SoAthens

For mo

The Uni

THAWe wito the fDepart

Dr. YongThomasStephenWang, THoh YooReportin

The Univ





PPORT Tition to greatly’s great academ

may be made o

oyer Matching ut if your comp

prefer to makeS14MWCYAF

your gift to: niversity of Geccounting

outh Milledge As, Georgia 306

ore information a

iversity of Georgia

ANK YOish to acknowlefollowing indivtment of Statist

g Zeng, Ms. Zhu P. Ryan, Mr. Ch W. Looney and

The SAS Instituteo Baek, Professong LLC, and Mr

versity of Geo

ment of Stat Cedar Street

s, Georgia 306


THE DEy enhancing stumic centers for

nline through t

Gifts double orpany matches b

e a gift by checFASSTAT14” o


Avenue 02

about giving to th

a Foundation is reg

OU! edge gifts fromviduals and orgtics over the la

uoxi Li, Dr. GeorCharles C. Phelps

Ms. Teresa McVe, Inc., Mr. Weslor Kee H. Kang, r. Reshaun M. Fi


tistics t 602

32 1


EPARTMudents’ educati

statistics. Mak

the University’

r triple your suby going to: ht

ck, please makeon the memo li

he Department o

gistered to solicit i

m and extend a ganizations thaast year:

rgia K. Gilbert, s III, The DeloittVeigh, Dr. Larryley D. Love, Mr. Unclaimed Prop


MENT onal experienc

ke your annual

’s secure webs

upport! ttps://www.ext

e it payable to ine of your che

of Statistics, plea

in every state and

very special that made a gift to

Dr. Yongcheng te Foundation, Dy C. Brouillette,

Andrew J. Vespperty Consultin

ce, your supporgift today!

ite: www.stat.

UGA Foundateck.

ase contact the F

provides state spe

hank you o the

Qi, Dr. Dr. Dr. Ye M.

per, Mr. ng &

rt helps UGA’s

tion and includ

Franklin College

ecific registration

s Department o



de the source co

Office of Devel

information at ww

of Statistics rem


lopment at (706)


main one of the

) 542-4658.


