The Ultimate Best Seller Program “How To Launch Your Book To Bestseller Status In Record Time”...


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The Ultimate Best Seller Program

“How To Launch Your Book To Bestseller

Status In Record Time”CLASS #3 2

Class Dates & Times 3

Getting Your Questions Answered 4

Your Private Class Notes Page 5

Copywriting – Copy That Converts

What is “Copy”


The email you create that your partners send to their list is designed to create immediate interest in your special book promotion offer

The email your partners send (which you create) has the LINK leading the prospective buyer to a special offer web page

A special offer web page outlining your special time-limited offer is designed to get prospects to make an immediate buying decision ✔

Helpful Suggestion Look at other great copy and follow the flow/style

Make sure your offer page is visually appealing

eMail needs a Great SUBJECT line and Use Great Headings on your sales page

Include all of the components of great copy

Have “flow” throughout (like a chain link can’t be broken)

Include a “call to action”

Have testimonials/social proof

Make sure your copy is truly benefit oriented 7

Steps of the Sales “Copy” STEP #1: An email is sent from your partner(s) and

lands in a prospects inbox. This email contains a link to a special offer page (sample to follow). YOU sent that email to your partners one week in advance of your campaign.

STEP #2: The prospective/interested person clicks on

the link that is in the email and the link clicks over to the sales page and the prospect “scans it”, reads it, and they make a decision = LEAVE of BUY 8

The Subject Line in the email


Most important line in all of your copy

Designed to create curiosity

Garner interest

Get people to open the email

One purpose and one purpose only

Let’s Look at Some email Samples


The email content is spread out over the next few slides …

Subject Line Options:


Suggested Subject Lines for your Email

OPTION 1: I have something remarkable to share with you

OPTION 2: I have something special to share with you

OPTION 3: Is it possible to hear God's voice in our everyday lives?

OPTION 4: Have you ever heard God's Voice?

When God Spoke (email) 12

Hi There,

Every now and then a book comes along that profoundly impacts readers to such an extent that it serves as a tipping point in the evolution of human consciousness.

It brings me great joy and excitement to share such a book with you today. Never before has a book been written that shares the true-life stories of ordinary men and women from around the world who have experienced hearing God's Voice.

"This book is delightful because it confirms that all of us can speak with the Divine. In these stories we hear regular people and how their lives shift because of their connection to God. It is very inspiring!" Mariel Hemingway, Actress, Author of Mariel's Kitchen

When God Spoke to Me: The Inspiring Stories Of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance and Wisdom will not only move you to see life from a new perspective, it's filled with such raw and captivating authenticity and emotion that it's causing a tremendous stir amongst ministers, professors, and readers across the gamut of religious and spiritual boundaries. 13

I loved this book! I told all the ministers who graduated from seminary with me to read it! These heartwarming stories brought me to tears, not tears of sadness, but tears of joy knowing that the tangible love and presence of God is with us always." Rev. Brad Langdon, Unity Church of Anderson, Indiana”

This inspiring book is a rich storehouse of stories of people who—in the midst of addiction, grief, anger, rebellion, loneliness, and many other situations that afflict us all—have heard the voice of a God who can restore and renew.

These testimonies are the best evidence we can hope for that the Ancient of Days is still transforming lives in the 21st century!" 

Richard Mouw, President & Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary When God Spoke to Me marks the beginning of a new era—an era that openly acknowledges that God speaks to all of us, in countless different ways, regardless of our personal struggles, our backgrounds, or our faith.

I strongly encourage you to click one of the links on this page to learn more about this fascinating book.

It promises to be one of the most inspiring, life-changing books you'll ever read.Sincerely,{Your Signature}{Your Title} 14

P.S. Be sure to forward this e-mail to your family and friends. Free Brand New Apple iPads and many other valuable gifts are being given away as part of the book's initial worldwide release. and Experience It Now 16

Other Pieces of “Copy”

Short ads (can be used for newsletters)

Facebook PostsTag lines (bottom of

articles)Tweets 17

David Paul Doyle sent to his partners …

Personalized to the partners

Reminded everyone of his date (March 17th)

Reviewed the instructions

Offered additional “copy”

18 19


Use 1





Use 1



Focus on your partners!!!http://



Tweets for: When God Spoke 27

New book about ordinary people hearing God's Voice!

Agnostics, Christians, and New Agers all praise new book about God!

I just bought a copy of When God Spoke. Check it out!

If you want to hear God's Voice, check this out:

New Spiritual bestseller causing quite a stir!

New Amazon bestseller about ordinary people hearing God!

New best-selling book about God crosses religious divide.

15 New York Times best-selling authors rally around new book about God:

Christian, spiritual, New Age?  New best-selling book seems to be all.

Download lots of free gifts with new Amazon bestseller:

Struggling emotionally or financially? This book will bring you hope: 28

Hi everyone! Check out this new book: When God Spoke to Me: The Inspiring Stories Of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance and Wisdom. It promises to be the most soul-stirring collection of true stories ever assembled describing the actual experience of hearing God's Voice.

Every now and then a book comes along that profoundly impacts readers to such an extent that it serves as a tipping point in the evolution of human consciousness. It brings me great joy and excitement to share such a book with you today.

Hi everyone! I'm a partner in today's Amazon campaign for When God Spoke to Me: The Inspiring Stories Of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance and Wisdom.  This book is getting huge endorsements from ministers, professors, and readers from all walks of life. Mariel Hemingway says: "This book is delightful because it confirms that all of us can speak with the Divine. In these stories we hear regular people and how their lives shift because of their connection to God. It is very inspiring!"  I encourage you to check it out!


Use Emotional Words

Discover, does the trick

Acclaimed, amazingly simple, announcing, appetizing, astonishing, automatically

Cash in, criticalEasy to follow,

enhanced electrifying

Improved, incredible, initial, limited offer

Mouthwatering, satisfying

Secrets, shocking, special super

Tactic, time-sensitive, ultimate

Legendary Fantastic, fascinating,

first, freeBooming,


Questions to Help With Your Copy

What’s this all about?Is this urgent?Do I need to do something today?And, if so, how am I rewarded when I do?What’s the problem?Why hasn’t the problem been solved?What’s possible?What’s different now?Who else has benefited? What else should I do right now?What’s in it for me? 31

Single Message

Don’t confuse the buyer Have a flow Linear Path

32 33

Tell them what they get

I am giving away some of my most precious resources- yours FREE - if you do just one thing today. First, here are the gifts that I am waiting (like a child on herbirthday) to give to you:

The Offer They CAN’T Refuse

WITHIN the heart of your copy Present the offer asap Tell them the “deal” Be clear and concise Offer must be irresistible

34 36

Have Social Proof

"Viral Explosions is brilliantly simple and simply brilliant! Peggy McColl, whose marketing genius I've admired for years, gives away all of her online marketing secrets in this book. I encourage you to read it and apply the wisdom contained within these pages--you'll be happy you did!"--Marci Shimoff, NY Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason

"If you would like to tap into a worldwide opportunity to generate revenue from the comfort of your home or office, I highly encourage you to make Peggy's Viral Explosions your marketing guide. It's simple, it's practical, and it works!"--John Assaraf, New York Times Best-selling author, The Answer and Having It All

"This incredible book shows you how to supercharge your sales of any product or service by using special Internet techniques that almost no one knows about. It could make you rich!"--Brian Tracy, best-selling author of The Way to Wealth


Have Simple & Clear Instructions

Your Checklist

Does the offer have a sense of urgency or a reason to buy immediately?

Is the copy compelling?Will the prospect be captivated by this offer?Does it make people want to read on?Would it cause prospects to keep reading?Would you buy if you received this? Is it easy to understand and follow?Do you have unique bonuses or gifts and does it show

extra value?



Can the buyer see that they get huge value?

Can they clearly see what they need to do to get this deal?

Do you have social proof or endorsements that are credible?

Have you clearly outlined the benefits?Have you checked the email content

through the spam filters?Have you tested this offer with other

people to see if they find it captivating?Is the heading truly catchy?

Your Checklist continued

Write Your Copy or Hire a Copywriter?

When you invest time to learn how to write copy it will come back to you a hundredfold


You can hire a copywriter, but be very careful….they can be VERY expensive (ask for referrals)!

2 Copywriters: Al Henderson Guy Lyman 42 43


Special Offer Page (Sales Letter/Promotional piece) needs to be done a few weeks in advance – you must give your webmaster enough time to prepare or give yourself enough time to prepare

Have email announcement, short ads, tag line ready at least 2 weeks prior and send to your partners one week in advance

Get confirmation (of receipt of copy) in advance of your promotion from ALL partners

On the day of your campaign ask for confirmation (that the partners have sent out the email) 44


Send out the announcement email to your partners ONE WEEK in advance of your campaign!

Ask ALL partners to confirm receipt (check off to make sure they have ALL responded).


Important Note:

If your goal is to be an or best seller, then you need to make your offer available for 24 hours (or less). This is part of our formula for success and must be complied as part of the guarantee.

PLUS, PLUS, PLUS, ONLY use OR as your choice for purchase

Your Private Class Notes Page – Documents


Presentations for you to download

Copy from Boni Lonnsburry’s campaign for The Map


Sales Letter Templates .pdf

Sales Letter Autopsy

DavidPaul Doyle email March 17th