The UK Education System - System in...


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The UK Education System

by S


h V



Types of Schools

State Schools: Free to all children

Private/Public Schools: Necessary to pay

Grammar Schools: Normally single sex

schools where children must pass an exam

aged 11 to attend. (new)

School Grades/years

Nursery (0-4)

Primary School (4-11: Reception – Year 6)

Secondary School (11-16: Year 7 – 11)

Sixth Form/College (16-18: Years 12 and 13)

Education is compulsory from the age of 4 to

18. they must be in some type of work related


The School YearThe school year runs from September to July

and is 39 weeks long.

The school holidays are:

October – 1 week

Christmas – 2 weeks

February – 1 week

Easter – 2 weeks

May – 1 week

Summer – 6 weeks


Year 2: Key Stage 1 exams

Year 6: Key Stage 2 exams

Year 11: GCSE’s

Year 12: AS Levels

Year 13: A Levels

School Day

School lasts from 8:45 (form time)

with lessons beginning at 9am until


Lessons are 1 hour or 55 minutes


There is a break in the morning at

11.10am which lasts 15 minutes.

At break time, students usually eat

a snack.


Lunch is at usually at 1:20 until

2:10pm, However in our school

we have two lunches. Students

stay in school and they either

bring their own lunch in a lunch


OR they can buy lunch from the

school canteen.

Number of Pupils

In LSA high school

there are 1100 pupils.

In local primary

schools there are

about 300 students.

There are on average

30 students in every


The Classroom

Teachers have their own

classrooms and it is the students

that change rooms after every


Depending on your level in a

subject you will be put in different

sets. For example, if you are

good at Spanish you will be in set

one, but if you are bad at English

you will be in set 5.

School Uniform

The school uniform varies from school

to school but most schools have one.

On certain days you can wear what you

want. For example, to raise money for


It stops children worrying about what to

wear, and teachers believe that it

makes students more disciplined.

Primary School

Secondary School

Shirt Tie Blazer

Skirt Trousers
