The Truth About Al Qa`eda



The Truth About Series Books, are about False Flag Terrorism carried out by corrupt Governments getting their Police, Military and Intelligence Agencies to carry out Terrorist Attacks against their own citizens, We Expose these Attacks and point the fingers right back at these people.

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    The OzBoy File

    The Truth About Al Qa`eda



    Lloyd T Vance & Steve Johnson

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    The Truth About Al Qa`eda

    Al Qa`eda Boogeyman

    The Freedom Collective Is a group of like minded people dedicated to seeking peace and truth in a world of lies and deceit. In association with Truth Media Inc.

    Freedom Collective The OZBOY FILE and associated logos and certain images listed are copyright Trademarks and are not to be copied or reproduced without express permission.

    The images contained within this publication are shown and used for illustrative purposes, have been found on public domain and have used for educational use only and no ownership is implied or intended unless stated specifically.

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    The Truth About Al Qa`eda

    Introduction Chapter 1 - Creating The Enemy Al Qa`eda Chapter 2 - Fake Al Qa`eda videos put out Chapter 3 - Bin Ladden Denied Carrying out

    11th Sept Attacks Chapter 4 - Audio Tapes Chapter 5 - Tape Betrays 'Phony Hijacker' Contradiction Chapter 6 - The Jewish Al Qa`eda Terrorist Conclusion

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    Introduction Welcomed to The OzBoy File The Truth About Al Qa`eda in this presentation we look at Bin Ladden and finally put to rest, all these Fake False videos audio clips Bin Ladden is suppose to put out, and prove Al Qa`eda to be a myth created by the Americans. And we prove Bin Ladden is dead, which everybody in the Intelligence Community knows he is dead, and these Fake False videos audio clips released are nothing more then American & Israeli propaganda to fuel the War On Terror along and force all those in the Coalition Of the Stupid who signed up with America & Israel keep fighting a Al Qa`eda bogeyman Terrorist which dont exist and never have existed. Mean while Project For The New American Century rolls along with America and their crooked partners full steam ahead. Before we get onto Bin Ladden and Al Qa`eda its worth giving people a insight into the whole fake War On Terrorism. War On Terrorism = Project For The New American Century In 1997 a small group of people wrote a plan of direction called Project For The New American Century in which United States of America to take and partners countries who would sign onto supporting the plan. The plan was called Project For The New American Century and the following is some of the supporters of this plan and helped write it.

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    in the G.W. BUSH Administration!

    Dick Cheney Vice President

    Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense

    Paul Wolfowitz Deputy Sec. of Defense

    Richard Perle Member, Defense Policy Advisory Board

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    John Bolton Under Sec. for Arms Conrol & Intl Security

    Richard Armitage Deputy Sec. of State

    Elliot Abrams Special Asst. to the President

    Zalmay Kahlilzad Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Iraq

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    Lewis Libby Chief of Staff to VP Cheney

    Douglas Feith Under Sec. of Defense for Policy

    James Woolsey Member, Pentagon Defense Policy Board

    Now most of these people have 1 thing in common, they are Talmud believing Ashkenazi Zionist Jews, all with their loyalty to

    the State of Israel with Israeli American dual citizenship. Here are a few other members!

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    Signatories to PNAC Mission Statement, 1997 Elliott Abrams Gary Bauer William J. Bennett Jeb Bush

    Dick Cheney Eliot A. Cohen Midge Decter Paula Dobriansky Steve Forbes Aaron Friedberg Francis Fukuyama Frank Gaffney

    Fred C. Ikle Donald Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad I. Lewis Libby Norman Podhoretz Dan Quayle Peter W. Rodman Stephen P. Rosen

    Henry S. Rowen Donald Rumsfeld Vin Weber George Weigel Paul Wolfowitz

    Project For The New American Century The plan has three parts to it: -

    1) War On Terrorism 2) Cut The Worlds Population by 90% 3) Force Upon the World Countries to join one of 8 Unions of

    Countries America would declare War On Terrorism where by under the disguise of suppose to be fighting Islamic Fundamental Radicals who are trying to take over the world. America would invade 60 Countries on the world scene plundering them, stealing, murdering those countries citizens as they roll along taking control of OIL & Gas Resources and other precious Resources.

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    Opium Trade in Afghanistan Virtually America would do what its done for the last 60 years since WW11 ended, invade, over throw other countries Governments, murder, steal, plunder for the benefit of Multi National Corporations feeding the spoils of the thief into the American Economy. Now I realize there will be those who wont be able to handle the truth what is told here in this presentation. But the figures, stats, history and research dont lie! If your not willing to look at the evidence and just want to live in fairy land believing United States of America is some fantastic Democracy which stands up for human rights, free speech and all the other American based rapped in a USA Flag propaganda hide your head in the sand. But for those with an open mind look at the following link: -

    So America would invade these 60 Countries based upon the following pretext to invasion: -

    Declaring Countries to be Building Nuclear Weapons Declaring Countries to be Building Biological Weapons Declaring Countries to be Building Chemical Weapons Declaring Countries to be Supporting Al Qa`eda Terrorist

    You may have noticed some of the propaganda about different countries surface in the media which are paid advertisements paid by a number of sources White House, CIA, Pentagon, Israeli Government, British Government to many to list. Remember Afghanistan?

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    And the lies told about Al Qa`eda Terrorist at training schools there? As it turned out, they were all shut down when we invaded and most of them were proven to be run with American CIA money Remember Iraq? And all the lies told about Iraqi producing the above items from the list, As it turns out there was never any Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Weapons Programs. And as have been proven now, it was all a lie directed at the bequest of George Bush Dick Cheney, John Howard and Tony Blair directing their countries Military & Intelligence agencies to change Intelligence Reports, Invent made up cooked up Intelligence which all these people knew never existed. But would be used as a pretext to their evil plans of invading Iraq, to steal, plunder, rob, murder, kill all in the name of securing Iraqi Oil & Gas for the benefit of American & British Multi National Corporations taking control of and getting a large slice of the pie in profits. America would declare these countries out of control countries presenting Fake False Intelligence Reports about these countries above Programs and ram through the UN Security Council a strong grounds to invade, over throw that countries Government based upon the above listed pretext lies And ride on their big White Horse to save the world from these nasty people producing these Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons and planned to stop the use of them on the world. When in true fact none of the 60 countries on the list to invade have any such programs in place.

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    Chapter 1 Creating The Enemy Al Qa`eda Now as we know from our basic research listening to programs like POWER OF Night Mares Part 1, 2, 3 Al Qa`eda was a fully funded American CIA creation using Afghanistan Mujuarrdeen fighters to fight against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. The American CIA created these Terror Training Camps in Afghanistan and recruited Muslims from far and wide to be used to fight the Russians. But also in latter years who would be used in the above plan, so while America is sprouting Al Qa`eda Terrorist, fight, fight, track them down, we must fight and track down these Islamic Fundamental Terrorist. We have the American CIA, recruiting and training these Muslims in American fully funded and paid CIA Training Camps who would be feed into the system of fighting the great Satan USA. Thank goodness to all Private Investigators, Researchers, Bloogers and Independent Media Outlets we have exposed the plans, and the whole Al Qa`eda Terrorist wheels have come off the cart. The Muslim world seems to have woken up they are being used to be put into a wide covert pysops plan and refuse to join these CIA Training Camps Next Choice?

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    Chapter 2 Fake Al Qa`eda videos put out by Fake made up Terrorist and a Dead Bin Ladden Bin Ladden is Dead, and from best reports he died in early Dec 2001 from a number of Kidney related illnesses Please read the following death notice placed in a newspaper.

    Bin Laden December 27, 2001 video December, of course, that tape that was aired then, he's barely

    moving the left side of his body. So he's clearly got diabetes. He has low blood pressure.

    He's got a wound in his foot. He's apparently got dialysis ... for kidney problems. [CNN]

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    The camera doesnt lie, you can clearly see this man is very sick Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Paper:

    al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633 News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago

    A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that binLaden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. [Welfare State] Other Sources Israeli intelligence: Bin Laden is dead, heir has been chosen Israeli sources said Israel and the United States assess that Bin Laden probably died in the U.S. military campaign in Afghanistan in December.

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    They said the emergence of new messages by Bin Laden are probably fabrications, Middle East Newsline reported. [World Tribune] Magazine runs what it calls bin Laden's will The editor-in-chief of a London-based Arab news magazine said a purported will it published Saturday was written late last year [2001] by Osama bin Laden, and shows "he's dying or he's going to die soon." [CNN] FBI: Bin Laden 'probably' dead The US Federal Bureau of Investigation's counter-terrorism chief, Dale Watson, says he thinks Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead. [BBC] Karzai: bin Laden 'probably' dead Osama bin Laden is "probably" dead, but former Taliban leader Mullah Omar is alive, Afghan President Hamid Karzai has said. [CNN] Pakistan's Musharraf: Bin Laden probably dead Pakistan's president says he thinks Osama bin Laden is most likely dead because the suspected terrorist has been unable to get treatment for his kidney disease. When you hear a threat which is "probably" made by bin

    Laden, just remember that he's "probably" dead.

    Also think about who benefits from your believing he's alive, fueling the WAR ON

    Terrorism to continue?

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    The Bush Cheney Administration and The American Military Industrial Complex, Pentagon, Intelligence Agencies as they apply for bigger budgets to fight a bogeyman created Terrorist? Al Qa`eda Now Before we take a look at the Fake / False Video Its well worth looking at news which wasnt reported by Politicans in USA, England, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the media in these countries. Chapter 3 Bin Ladden Denied Carrying out 11th Sept Attacks

    September 12, 2001 - Al Qaeda deny responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. "Members Of Bin Laden's Al Quaida have denied any involvement in yesterday's terrorist attacks. Bin Laden has topped a US suspect list." - TCM Breaking News (09/12/01) September 14, 2001 - The Taliban said a country that could train pilots was responsible for the attacks. "...the Taliban regime in Afghanistan said prime suspect Osama bin Laden was innocent because the country had no facility to train pilots. The regime claimed a country that could train pilots was responsible." - TCM Breaking News (09/13/01) September 10, 2001 - U.S. OKd plan to topple the Taliban and expel Osama bin Laden from Afghanistan September 14, 2001 - Unocal issues a press statement declaring they are not supporting the Taliban in any way September 16, 2001 - Osama bin Laden releases a press statement denying he had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks.

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    Bin Laden denies being behind attacks "Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect, issued a statement Sunday denying that he was behind last week's terror attacks on the United States. "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation," said the statement, broadcast by Qatar's Al-Jazeera satellite channel. September 16, 2001 "Osama bin Laden denies any involvement in the 9/11 attacks In a statement to Al Jazeera television, saying, "I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons." - PBS September 28, 2001 - Osama bin Laden denies involvement with 9/11 in the Pakistani newspaper interview, Ummat, suggests that Jews or U.S. secret services were behind the attacks, and says he's not hostile to the United States, but to the U.S. government. Bin-Ladin Denies Involvement in the 9/11 Attacks "The Al-Qaidah group had nothing to do with the 11 September attacks on the USA, according to Usama bin Ladin in an interview with the Pakistani newspaper Ummat. Usama bin Ladin went on to suggest that Jews or US secret services were behind the attacks, and to express gratitude and support for Pakistan.

    November 7, 2001 - OBL denies 9/11 involvement in 'Dawn' interview Pointing your finger at somebody and declaring them guilty is not proof. 9 years after 11th Sept 2001 Attacks in USA, not one piece of evidence (NOT 1 PIECE Of Evidence) has been presented proving Bin Ladden involvement in the 911 attacks. Even on the United States Government FBI own web site states Bin Ladden is (NOT wanted) in connection with 911 and they have No Proof he was involved.

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    Bin Ladden is dead, which everybody in the Intelligence Community knows he is dead And these Fake False videos audio clips released are nothing more then American & Israeli propaganda to fuel the War On Terror along and force all those in the Coalition Of the Stupid who signed up with America & Israel keep fighting a Al Qa`eda bogeyman Terrorist which dont exist and never have existed. It is worth re-capping what has been learnt to date starting with reminding people Bin Ladden is (DEAD) yes stone cold dead and has been since early Dec 2001, here is the funeral notice proving that. Bin Laden's voice was detected regularly until [14 December 2001] by intelligence operatives monitoring radio transmissions in Tora Bora, according to the Pentagon [details]. Since then, nothing has been heard from the al-Qa'eda leader and President Bush has hinted in private that bin Laden's silence could mean he has been killed. [Telegraph, 12/28/2001]

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    Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government, which every Intelligence Agency in the world worth their salt and pay checks know Bin Ladden to be


    Bin Ladden close to his death, notice how sick this man looks

    Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Paper: al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633

    News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago

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    A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da

    organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death.

    [Welfare State] And a reminder again Bin Ladden denied not once, or twice but 4 times he had nothing to do with 11th Sept Attacks The Fake bin

    Laden Video Tapes

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    Chapter 4

    Audio Tapes

    A videotape purportedly showing Osama bin Laden confessing to the 9/11 attacks was made public on December 13, 2001The tape bore a label indicating it was made on November 9. Administration officials wouldn't reveal exactly how or when they got it, except to say it was found in a house in Jalalabad after anti-Taliban forces moved in. [Online NewsHour] The videotape was supposedly physically located. The size of a standard VHS videotape is 7.5 inches wide by 4.2 inches deep by 1 inch high - if you look in a video cabinet you'll see they're not very big. The satellite photograph shows Jalalabad - it is very big and it contains a lot of buildings (not all single storey).

    Satellite photo of Jalalabad. Population ~150,000

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    Don't you find it somewhat fortuitous that a very small video tape of Osama confessing to the 9/11 attacks was found in this very

    big city? Were squads of video watchers sent in to view every tape found

    just in case one showed Osama confessing? What A Lucky Find by the US Military?

    Amazing The video was very effective in diverting media attention away from the deportation of five Israelis who danced as the twin

    towers burned - "Osama" certainly picks his moments to appear. Five Israeli Mossad Agents were reported and caught by the

    Police filming and celebrating, high fives, clapping and cheer as 11th Sept 2001 Attacks here taking place, while the rest of the

    world was crying and in shock. The Five Israeli Mossad Agents were sent to record the event, which proves prior knowledge of the pending attacks to take


    Here is whats called The Fat Bin Ladden video which the White House and CIA, Pentagon released as proof Bin Ladden is guilty of carrying out the 11th Sept Attacks, as we will compare shortly this little Fat Bin Ladden looks nothing like the real Bin Ladden

    and was a close enough stand by actor playing the part A German TV show found that the White House's translation of

    the video was inaccurate and "manipulative".

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    Bin Laden even praised two live 'hijackers' - Wail M. Alshehri and Salem Alhazmi.

    Why didn't he know the names of hijackers he personally chose? The quality of the video was very poor and the authenticity of the

    tape was questioned. This annoyed President Bush, because people were not falling for the United State Of America scam of

    putting out this obvious Fake False tape.

    As you can see with your own eyes

    Video 1 = Real Bin Ladden Video 2 = Real Bin Ladden Video 4 = Real Bin Ladden

    Video 3 = FAKE BIN LADDEN The "bin Laden" in video #3 has the wrong beard color, and his views and health are inconsistent with those of the real bin Laden. Also, if video #3 was a true bin Laden confession then why didn't he attribute 9/11 to avenging the suffering of Muslims, especially since America was attacking the country in which he was living? The poor image quality of video #3 stands out when compared to the genuine bin Laden videos.

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    There is also excessive noise on the video's audio track, making it impossible to really hear what is being said. Given that the tape was recorded in an area supposedly devoid of audio urban signature there should have been little ambient noise, yet the speech is masked with a great deal of noise. The above demonstrates the bin Laden "confession video" was a propaganda exercise created to justify the pursuit of a preplanned war. And once again remember why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden's Most Wanted web page, [Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI] said, "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." [Muckraker Report]

    The Fake 2004 Bin Laden Video Tape October 30, 2004: Bin Laden video threatens America

    Close (closer than the last phony) but no cigar.

    Note the shape of the cheeks and the width of the nose. His arms and hands are in view and appear uninjured, whereas it was reported that the real Osama's left arm was severely injured

    at Tora Bora.

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    The genuine bin Laden's last video appearance was late in 2001 "The big difference is that he's aged enormously between '97 and October of last year [2001]. ... So he's clearly got diabetes. He has low blood pressure. He's got a wound in his foot. He's apparently got dialysis ... for kidney problems." [CNN 2/1/2002] Bin Laden's beard was much whiter than on Nov 3, the last time al-Jazeera broadcast a video of him, and he appeared much older than his 44 years. Lack of sunlight and a poor diet seemed to have taken a toll on him. [Telegraph 12/28/2001] Bin Laden "aged enormously" between 1997 & 2001 due to kidney problems, lack of sunlight and a poor diet, but between 2001 & 2004 he "unaged". Truly amazing Consider this: if this was the real Osama, didn't his appearance prove that Bush has wasted two hundred billion dollars and thousands American lives (plus 100,00,000 Iraqi lives) without making us any safer from Osama?

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    If the 2004 tape were genuine, wouldn't it prove that Bush is a total failure in his own "War On Terror"? Every single Bin Ladden, video tape or audio tape has been debunked, proven crap, rubbish, lies ever since they first started going to air Again we asked the question who benefits from these Fake False Video Tapes being released? America, so as to fuel this WAR along, and keep the Coalition of the Stupid involved, cant quit or else the Fictional bogeymen Terrorist created will win. Chapter 5 Bin Laden Tape Betrays 'Phony Hijacker' Contradiction Target is "U.S. home audience," as with fake Al-Zarqawi propaganda campaign, to reinforce 9/11 myth as 5th anniversary nears A new tape showing Osama Bin Laden meeting with September 11 hijackers days before the attack has served to boost the Bush administration's war on terror agenda as the fifth anniversary of 9/11 nears, yet one of the hijackers who appears in the tape is reported elsewhere as still alive and completely unconnected to the terror plot. The tape purports to show Bin Laden meeting with alleged 9/11 hijackers Wail Alshehri and Hamza Alghamdi days before the attack in Afghanistan. A close look and comparison of the picture with the hijackers pictures released by the FBI on 911, shows the suspose hijackers in the picture look nothing like the pictures released by the FBI

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    After reports emerged that some of the named hijackers were still alive the FBI quickly changed its story to claim that some of the hijackers had stolen the identities of other individuals. Change Their story? Innocent people who saw their photograph amongst the 19 terrorists complained to their embassies yet the same mug shots are still used to this day and the FBI has made no effort to revise the list. Telling therefore it is that Wail Alshehri was one of the accused hijackers reported by the L.A. Times to still be alive and protesting his innocence in Saudi Arabia after 9/11. So how can Alshehri appear in a tape meeting with Bin Laden when he had no involvement with the plot whatsoever and is presumably still alive today? Does the Alshehri in the videotape look similar to the innocent Alshehri who was framed for the attacks? No! Why does the mainstream media refuse to even ask these questions, instead just blithely relaying the propaganda?

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    The above guy looks nothing like Bin Ladden, this is plain absolute media propaganda

    Furthermore, the other alleged hijacker in the tape, Hamza Alghamdi's original mug shot as it appeared on the splash of 19 hijackers bore, "no resemblance" to the real Hamza Alghamdi - according to his own father after being informed of his son's involvement in the attack. The Hamza Alghamdi in the new video does appear to be the same individual in the FBI's mug shot parade. As with at least seven of the hijackers, it seems that there are two of each one, and the ones that appear in the tapes are patsies or dupes. This is by no means a stretch when we recall that many of the hijackers were trained at secure U.S. government air bases and that the FBI had its own informants living with them. The credibility of the tape is not helped by the fact that a companion tape allegedly showing Abu Hamza al-Muhajir - who is being sold as the new Al-Qaeda frontman in Iraq - urging Iraqis to join with insurgents - contradicts reports that were picked up by Al-Jazeera itself, that al-Muhajir has been incarcerated in an Egyptian jail cell for the past seven years. As was the case with Musab Al-Zarqawi - the patsies and the fall guys are interchangeable and they can be killed, captured and

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    recycled numerous times over without stirring the attention of a sleeping public Recall that the Pentagon's stated intention to artificially magnify Musab Al-Zarqawi's role in Iraq was followed by the release of a video tape of Al-Zarqawi threatening the infidels. The target of this leaked propaganda campaign to boost Al-Qaeda's profile was said to be the "U.S. home audience," and included planting fake stories in newspapers - one of which was later splashed on the front page of the New York Times. The formula is simple. The U.S. government needs to dangle the boogeyman in front of the public at regular intervals to prop up its flailing agenda. A course of propaganda is agreed upon, the target is identified as the "U.S. home audience," and Al-Jazeera releases a new tape. The hijackers were patsies, Osama bin Laden was a patsy - it doesn't really matter if they met or not. The other patsy in the video, Hamza Alghamdi, was trained at the behest of the U.S. government at the Pensacola Naval Air Station. But the video - as with most war propaganda - is aimed at the lowest common denominator and for most Joe Six Pack and Sally Soccer Moms it's enough to reinforce the official version of 9/11 and the legitimacy of the war on terror. The target is again the "U.S. home audience," and allied with the White House's recent announcement that it would target conspiracy theorists as terrorist recruiters, this is another lurid effort to beat back the rampaging wildfire of enlightenment created by the burgeoning 9/11 truth movement.

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    Bin Laden's on screen appearances routinely intersect with politically opportune moments for the Bush administration. September 11 and its fifth anniversary is still the broken record of justification for everything the Neo-Fascists are getting away with - it's the only remaining PR ploy that Americans in large enough numbers are willing to swallow. The fact that confidence in the government version of 9/11 is hanging by a thread has provoked an unprecedented backlash from the establishment and this re-hashed tape is part of that riposte. Regular readers won't need to be reminded of the 2001 'Osama confession tape' - rated R for ridiculous, a fat bin Laden

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    conveniently owns up to 9/11, completely contradicting his earlier statements, on a video tape magically 'discovered' during a random house search in Jalalabad. The April 2006 Al-Zarqawi tape followed hot on the heels of a previous Bin Laden tape that again astoundingly gave the pretext for the Bush administration to pursue its goals in Sudan, Iraq and Iran with increased worldwide support at a time when Bush's poll numbers sank to a record low of 32 per cent. Osama just seems to employ perfect timing on every occasion to pop up right when it is most rewarding for the Neo-Cons. The October surprise in 2004, a Bush bashing Bin Laden bonanza tape, enabled George W. to secure the extra couple of points he needed to ensure re-election. Even role-playing Skull and Bones puppet John Kerry went off-script and blamed the Bin Laden video for his defeat. Veteran newsman Walter Cronkite told Larry King that the whole thing was a Karl Rove orchestrated set-up. Expect more coincidental image boosts - gracefully supplied by Al-Qaeda - over the next few days as Karl Rove and the architects of apocalypse milk the teat of 9/11 until the cows come home. Chapter 6 The Jewish Al Qa`eda Terrorist American militant urges strikes on Bush - Terrorism-

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    American al-Qaida militant Adam Gadahn urged Islamist militants to welcome President Bush with bombs when he visits the Middle East this week. Adam Gadahn's real name is Adam Pearlman. He was born in Orange County, California and is the grandson of a member of the board of directors for the ADL. In other words, he is a FAKE, posing as "Al Qaeda" to create the enemy Americans are supposed to hate and surrender their money, freedom, and blood out to destroy. Al-Qaida announces upcoming video from American-born spokesman Al-Qaida says it will release a new video from an American member. California-born Adam Gadahn is charged with treason and the FBI is offering a $1 million reward for information leading to his arrest or conviction. BULL BISCUITS! Adam Gadahn is really Adam Pearlman, and he is the grandson of a board member of ADL. His "Al Qaeda" role is pure media hoax to keep Americans scared into supporting wars for Israel.

    American militant urges strikes on Bush - Terrorism-

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    American al-Qaida militant Adam Gadahn urged Islamist militants to welcome President Bush with bombs when he visits the Middle East this week. Adam Gadahn's real name is Adam Pearlman. He was born in Orange County, California and is the grandson of a member of the board of directors for the ADL. In other words, he is a FAKE, posing as "Al Qaeda" to create the enemy Americans are supposed to hate and surrender their money, freedom, and blood out to destroy.

    The purpose of Pearlman Here's the real world - Pearlman exists because there is no Al Qaeda. Or more specifically Muslims aren't as docile or as stupid as the funny old media would have us all believe. They can be tricked into playing paintball and other penny-ante incriminating things but when it comes to the crunch nobody, dimwits like Richard Reid aside, will be in it. So hard up are the creators of Al Qaeda that they need a Jew to play the part of the Mad Muslim. Azzam al-Amriki, aka Azzam the American, aka Adam Gadahn, aka Adam Pearlman has made a new video. Mr Pearlman is the weirdest Muslim extremist on the planet. He started out Jewish. Indeed his grandfather was on the board of the intensely Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

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    Adam didn't care for his hippy Christian-convert parents. He preferred to live with his Grandfather. Whilst doing so he took himself off to the nearby mosque and remarkably became a mad, bad, dangerous to know Muslim and joined Al Qaeda. You'd think it was remarkable. But it's not. No one remarks upon it. Not on the TV, not in the press, not even in Al Qaeda, if you can believe that. Al Qaeda has given him their full endorsement. No less than Al Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri told us we should all listen to him. In spite of being evil geniuses of the internet it never occurred to anyone in Al Qaeda to put Adam Gadahn into google. So unconcerned and trusting is this secretive criminal uber-gang that they made Mr Pearlman their chief spokesman. Meanwhile back in America, no one seems interested in interviewing his parents, friends, or school teachers. Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Oprah, all too busy. Mr Pearlman, it seems, is completely and utterly, 100%, D-notices-ain't-in-it, unremarkable. Unless he's expounding Al Qaeda propaganda, that is.

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    When this happens the media is transfixed and quivers with excitement to relay his important message. It's a funny old media isn't it? And what is it he's said today that the media wants us to know? Does he urge Death to Zionists? As a Muslim and well aware that Zionists occupy Jerusalem (now beyond holy to him) you'd think he'd have an opinion. Apparently not. He seems to have no opinion on Zionists or Israel. It's a funny old Al Qaeda isn't it? Okay I'll quit taking the piss. Here's the real world - Pearlman exists because there is no Al Qaeda. Or more specifically Muslims aren't as docile or as stupid as the funny old media would have us all believe. They can be tricked into playing paintball and other penny-ante incriminating things but when it comes to the crunch nobody, dimwits like Richard Reid aside, will be in it. So hard up are the creators of Al Qaeda that they need a Jew to play the part of the Mad Muslim. He's not in it for a lark. That Pearlman gave up his life and put himself on top of the FBI list is the equivalent of martyrdom. His place in the secret pantheon of Zionist saints is assured.

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    With this in mind, know that he doesn't get wheeled out to jibber-jabber madly on a whim. Everything he says is considered and scripted. It's all to a purpose. Which is what? They love it that we don't know. But here's my guess. Pearlman is setting the stage for Bush's assassination. Since these motherfuckers are the kings of the two-fer, three-fer, four-fer, the assassination could, all things going to plan, serve several purposes - Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt Jewish Zionist who once called Muslims "bloodthirsty terrorists" helps Giuliani's flagging numbers before New Hampshire primary

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    Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as "bloodthirsty terrorists", has once again popped up as an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" to boost the Neo-Con's imperial agenda by threatening George Bush on the eve of his trip to the middle east. In a new videotape, Pearlman, now calling himself Adam Gadahn, states, "The occupied territories are awaiting their first visit by the crusader Bush and the mujahideen are also waiting for him," reports ABC News. According to the tape, Gadahn promises to welcome Bush "with bombs and traps." Gadahn's appearance is also perfectly timed to boost the flagging poll numbers of Rudy Giuliani and other establishment Republican candidates who have invoked the imaginary threat of terror for political points scoring before the New Hampshire primary tomorrow. But who is the mysterious Adam Yehiye Gadahn? The FBI lists Gadahn's aliases as Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki, Abu Suhayb, Yihya Majadin Adams, Adam Pearlman, and Yayah. Adam Pearlman is his real name and his grandfather is none other than the late Carl K. Pearlman; a prominent Jewish urologist in Orange County. Carl was also a member of the board of directors of the Anti-Defamation League, which was caught spying on Americans for Israel in 1993. Mike Rivero has the scoop at Israel's Mossad intelligence agency was caught in 2002 creating a phony Al-Qaeda group to justify attacks on Palestinians.

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    Pearlman has a knack of releasing his tapes at the most politically opportune time for Bush, having first burst onto the scene shortly before the 2004 presidential election and then again right after Katrina when the President's approval rating was tanking fast. Even more mainstream publications, like the Los Angeles City Beat, have dismissed Pearlman before as nothing more than "cartoonish propaganda." Pearlman had a hippy upbringing, a brief but intense flirtation with death metal and before a sudden transformation, once referred to Muslims as bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists. Pearlman was a hardcore Jewish Zionist and wrote essays and screeds bashing the Muslim faith. He even got into fights at mosques and beat up Muslim worshippers.

    Pearlman, the hardcore Jewish Zionist who trashed Muslims and beat them up, grows a beard and suddenly becomes an "Al-Qaeda spokesman" - nothing suspicious here, move along!

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    Pearlman's personal history and the highly suspicious nature in which he suddenly professed his conversion to Islam in a single Internet posting and later appeared on the scene as a spokesman for "Al-Qaeda" are all the ingredients needed to draw the conclusion that Pearlman is working as a double agent and most likely for Mossad. The new tape is once again the work of As Sahab, Al-Qaeda's alleged media arm and was released by the U.S. government affiliated IntelCenter organization. The previous Pearlman tape, released at the end of May last year, was also obtained by the IntelCenter group, a U.S. government contractor, and its head Ben Venzke gave the tape credence in media interviews concerning the story, as he has done again on this occasion. It also emerged that Gadahn was the scriptwriter for the September 11, 2007 Bin Laden tape in which segments of Bin Laden's previous statements were hastily slapped together and the contrast altered to make his dubious beard appear darker, an attempt to hoodwink viewers into thinking the tape was new material. In our previous groundbreaking expose, we unveiled the ties between Intelcenter, a group that regularly 'obtains' Al-Qaeda tapes and the Pentagon. Intelcenter is an offshoot of IDEFENSE, which was staffed by a senior military psy-op intelligence officer Jim Melnick, who has worked directly for Donald Rumsfeld Intelcenter were behind the October 2006 release of the "laughing hijackers" tape that showed Mohammad Atta and Ziad Jarrah allegedly attending a 2000 Al-Qaeda meeting and reading their last will and testament.

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    Segments of the video that were interspersed with footage of the "laughing hijackers," Jarrah and Atta, showing Bin Laden giving a speech to an audience in Afghanistan on January 8 2000, were culled from what terror experts described as surveillance footage taken by a "security agency." News reports at the time contained the admission that the U.S. government had been in possession of the footage since 2002, while others said it was found when the United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001, and yet it was still bizarrely reported that the tape, bearing all the hallmarks of having been filmed and edited by undercover US intelligence and having admittedly been in US possession for five years, was released over the weekend of September 31/October 1 by Al-Qaeda. The video also contained segments that were first broadcast in a British documentary called The Road to Guantanamo, which was originally aired in March 2006. The context of the corresponding scene in the dramatized documentary featured U.S. interrogators attempting to coerce Gitmo detainees into confessing Al-Qaeda membership by showing them fake videos where their likeness had been computer generated to appear as if they were in attendance during Bin Laden's January 8 2000 speech. The new Pearlman/Gadahn propaganda tape will no doubt be seized upon by bellicose Neo-Cons who desperately yearn for another terror attack like junkies yearn for their next hit. Unfortunately for them, crass videotapes presented by discredited intelligence double agents don't have nearly the same impact they did before masses of people started waking up to the fact that the entire war on terror is a complete fraud propped up by crude smoke and mirror stunts which manage to fool only the dumbest of Americans.

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    The Media Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish Father calls him Adam Pearlman How much longer will it take Western citizens to wake up to the fact that all those scary terror organisations such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are actually creations of their own governments, or to be more precise, Mossad, CIA, MI5 and alike. Their sole purpose is to scare ordinary citizens into blind support of their criminal governments, enabling them to dismantle civil rights and social services in the name of combatting terror and create excuses for brutal oppression of whoever is in the way of profit maximisation for their neo-fascist corporations. Sure, there might be many naive, true believers amongst ordinary members of those phony terror organisations, but the people in power, the likes of Saudi billionaire Osama Bin Laden, are actually part of the Orwellian elite.] The CNN article is entitled American al Qaeda: U.S. should convert to Islam, and if that wasnt scary enough the article then quotes one of the speakers on the alleged Al Qaeda tape, a [socalled] Jew named Adam Pearlman, We invite all Americans and believers to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush and Blair's world orderDecide today, because today could be your last day. The article then quotes an alleged expert, on Al Qaeda and terrorism, a woman named Laura Mansfield, who says, the time reference could indicate an attack is near. Muslims believe that non-believers should be given a chance to convert before they are attacked.

    Booga booga! What the CNN article never mentions is that Adam Gadhn, or Azzam the American, as the media likes to refer to him, is in reality a Jew from California named Adam Pearlman.

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    Im not kidding reader, Im as serious as a heart attack, Azzam the American is a Jew. CNN isnt the only negligent news agency, not a single one of the television networks have mentioned Gadahns/Pearlmans pedigree, not one. The only news source I am aware of that has mentioned the fact that Azzam the American is Jewish, was the LA Times and the Washington Post, and then only in the most cryptic manner. According to Xymphora, a very credible Internet blog that cited/sourced the Times and Post articles, the Times noted in a characteristically coy manner In 1995, at 17, Adam Gadahn moved out of the family's Winchester home, his father said, because he wanted out of the country and wanted to be in the city, where he lived with relatives in Garden Grove. Xymphora then presents what is referred to as the details of the case, provided by the Washington Post, which the LA Times conveniently neglected to mention and that was exactly who these relatives were. While living with his grandparents in suburban Santa Ana, he made his first trip to the nearby mosque in 1995. He introduced himself as Yahya - the Arabic name for John the Baptist, revered as a great prophet in Islam. Thats right reader, Gadahn/Pearlmans relatives, were actually his grandparents. Now heres the interesting part, Pearlmans grandfather was a sitting board member on the Anti-Defamation League

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    A notoriously anti-Gentile organization that has historically attacked anything and everything that could in any way be considered Christian, wholesome, virtuous, honorable, etc The ADL is the primary force behind the assault on Mel Gibson, anytime anyone utters what could in any way be perceived as anything less than pro-Jewish, Abraham Foxman, the Director of the ADL, immediately begins a well orchestrated smear campaign, designed to do one thing, force an apology, which can then be spun by the ADL into an admission That whatever errant individual they have targeted was wrong and probably anti-Semitic for saying whatever it was that offended, the ADL. In a past essay I noted: In reality, the ADL is nothing more than a political arm of organized world Zionism. It is essentially an organization that is designed to smear the reputation of those that dare question the motives of Zionism and often, individual Zionists acting out of sheer selfishness or on behalf of their co-ethnics. The ADL has the ear of government, the judiciary and law enforcement, it has managed to insert itself in these venues by claiming to represent the underdog, which is generally understood to mean minorities in our present day and age The ADL engages in defamation, in fact it has mastered the art of defamation it can and does defame anyone that attempts to bring attention to issues that organized Zionism wants kept under wraps. Interestingly, Foxman and the ADL arent in the least bit hesitant to engage in this type of disingenuous behavior, in fact they do so in the open, relying on the media, which is disproportionately owned, operated and managed by Jewish Zionists to convey to

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    the world the ADLs goal while at the same time suppressing the Leagues defamatory techniques. Nothing has changed of course, the media continues its subterfuge, that is why Adam Gadahns true background remains unknown to the vast majority of Americans, the media refuses to tell viewers that Adam Gadahn, Azzam the American, is in reality a Californian Jew with a penchant for death metal, music that just happened to convert, to Islam, and become an important player in Al Qaeda, so important in fact, that Al Qaedas number Two, Ayman al-Zawahiri himself, introduces Azzam the American, in the latest Al Qaeda taped threat. Conclusion Thank you for reading The OzBoy File Truth About Al Qa`eda I think we have made the case the man is dead, all these audio and video tapes released by the Americans, via Jewish Media companies are nothing but properganda to fuel the War On Terror along.

    The End

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