The transformation of Local Government Finance · Ten potential savings work streams for...


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The transformation of Local Government Finance

Cliff Dalton

Head of Local Government Faculty CIPFA

September 2016

Story for today

Financial landscape

Understanding challenges and opportunities

A key driver of change?

Delivering services differently

Devolution, Transformation

Staff - training needs analysis

Copyright © CIPFA 2016 protected under UK and international law

Financial context: Total spending and receipts

Political background

No expectation of a change in funding for Local Government

New chancellor budget needs to deal with Brexit

Highlights Broken Britain and the divide within the country

Balancing the budget CIPFA 2016

Efficiency Returns – deadline 14th October

Anything that gives greater funding certainty welcome

What is your approach (deadline looming)

Top Tips – guidance from CIPFA/ LGA

Rob Whiteman CIPFA C.E.O: ‘A real risk of a s.114 notice being issued over the next couple of years’.

The Challenge of a Balanced Budget - a key issue and driver of change

Financial orientation and projection, how good are you?

Local Government Finance - changes under localism

Reduction of Revenue Support Grant

Move towards 100% Business Rate Retention

£28 Billion

Currently 50%

Scheme to be established

Movement in Council Tax approach with 2% precept

Move towards greater commercial activity and an expectation that LG will balance books

Business Rates (still taking shape)

Stimulating local growth

Links with devolution agenda

Connectivity of transport

Skills and training

Planning and housing

Distorted by a complicated system

Redistribution and equalisation challenges

Business rates on it’s own is only part of the self sufficiency package need by Local authorities

Other taxes

11 Copyright © CIPFA 2016 protected under UK and international law.

The commercial council?

85 pages regulatory powers and income suggestions/ opportunities

Financial resilience, all this and more

Strong financial management

Effective use of reserves

Asset & B-Sheet management

Investment decisions

Treasury management

Monitoring arrangements

Effective forecasting


Maximising opportunities and minimising threats

Efficiency Plans supporting financial planning

Ten potential savings work streams for local authorities (for information)

1. Management Structures: Scrutinise your management structures on a pan-organisational basis. Reduce the number of management tiers, increase the spans of control and apply this universally across the organisation.

2. Demand Management: Identify key service areas and determine how demand can be reduced. Look to the development of preventive measures in social care and channel shift in customer services. Encourage people to take responsibility for their own outcomes.

3. Transport: Critically scrutinise all provision the local authority is making for transport. Map it out , reconsider the eligibility criteria, reduce waiting times and bring in proper route planning.

4. Property: Critically consider the authority’s fixed assets, in particular ensure that all buildings and installations add value in term of service to the community. Sell off redundant assets to provide capital receipts and reduce the burden of revenue running costs.

5. Administrative resources: Centralise and rationalise administrative and other support services. Adopt a generic business partner approach to deliver genuinely flexible and responsive support services.

6. Procurement and contract management: Ensure that all new procurement and existing contracts provide value for money and focus on what the authority really needs.

7. Information Technology: Unleash the power of the digital age to help empowerment of communities and service users. Use generic applications to take costs out of the business, look at how to save on licencing costs. Automise business processes and realise staff savings.

8. Shared services: Consolidate back office functions across the authority and collaborate with other organisations to create genuine shared service solutions to the delivery of back office functions.

9. Fees and charges: Actively review all the fees and charges that the local authority collects with a view to increasing (where legislation allows) to a rate that maximises profitability. Look for trading opportunities – but only where it will deliver a cashable profit.

10. Organisation and culture: Genuine paradigm shift can only be achieved with a vision of how the workforce can be developed to achieve top level performance in the post transformational era.

Ten potential savings work streams for local authorities (for information)

Devolution Service


Financial Resilience


What is devolution ?

Devolution is the transfer of political power from the central to subnational or regional government.

Three strands of devolution

1. Administrative Devolution - where limited powers are transferred. This means the devolved administration controls allocation of public funds and the nature of administration.

2. Legislative devolution - the transfer of power to make legislation

3. Fiscal devolution - the ability for the devolved administration to raise its own taxes. Most funds available come from central government in the form of grants

NAO Devolution Deals

April 2016

Investment funds have been agreed

Paid over 30 years

Gateway reviews every five years

Nine areas have adult education budgets

Often linked with conditions and reviews

Consolidated funding for transport

Highways maintenance

Bus franchising

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Learn by share - But how common are devo deals?

Understanding the numbers.

Service Transformation

Service transformation increasing - form should always follow function

Decide on objectives and


Decide on the model

Decide on the vehicle


Alternative service delivery vehicles - do you know enough?

Different challenges, same baselines

Service Transformation

Investing in staff

Technical Skills

Changes in accounting standards

Changes in regulations

Changes in governance

Changes in legislation

Changes in policy

Leadership Skills

From control to collaboration

Leading organisation to leading systems

Provision of time to reflect and make space for creativity

Service provider to co creator

Ability to deliver on vision and outcome

Commercial Skills

Service costing

Options analysis and business case preparation

Financial evaluation and understanding capital structures


Contract negotiation and exit costs

Contract management, contract testing, variations and renegotiation

Finance Business Partnering

Training Need Analysis

Introduction to guidance and training

CIPFA qualification

Leadership and commercial

Round Table and working groups



Resource Directors Network

Efficiency returns

CIPFA supporting the staff



September 2016
