The Top Crypto Coins for 2018 · PDF fileThe Top Crypto Coins for 2018 How You Can Ride The...


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The Top Crypto Coins for 2018

How You Can Ride The Crypto Wave & Turn Spare Change Into A Potential Fortune



“Fortunes are made by insiders who know the secrets of a market.

Today, there are many posing as experts and insiders who are

anything but. That’s why we started Crypto.IQ, to bring the true

innerworkings of the cryptocurrency market to the American people.”


The Top Crypto Coins for 2018

How You Can Ride The Crypto Wave & Turn Spare Change Into A Potential Fortune



In this exclusive report, founding member of the Bitcoin Foundation Charlie Shrem and Wall Street

insider Randall Oser give you a look at their ‘Insider Playbook’ for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—

and reveal which crypto currencies are ready to skyrocket!

“There’s no doubt in my mind that the next generation of the Apples, the Facebooks and the Googles will be born from this breakthrough…” – Bitcoin Pioneer and founder of the

Bitcoin Foundation, Charlie Shrem.

In this report Charlie Shrem reveals:• The next step in the evolution of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies – and why it could

be a game changer for investors around the world

• The cryptocurrencies he’s most excited about right now – which have the potential to explode in value over the coming months

• Why a small number of cryptocurrencies are trading at ridiculously low prices, even though they have potential billion-dollar produces – and how you can find them

• The easiest way to get involved in Bitcoin and other crypto currencies – today – and why you only need small investment to potentially make a phenomenal return by the end of next year

• And much, much more…


I’m Randall Oser, a co-founder of Crypto.IQ. In this report, we are going to explain in the clearest possible terms why cryptocurrencies are one of the greatest investment opportunities the world has ever seen—and how you can STILL get in on it.

To help me do it, I have one of the biggest names in Bitcoin by my side—Charlie Shrem. As I mentioned earlier, Charlie pioneered the cryptocurrency market starting with Bitcoin. In fact, Charlie was there at the birth. He was a Founding Director of the Bitcoin Foundation back in 2011. And he co-founded BitInstant, an exchange that at one time was responsible for 30% of all Bitcoin trades worldwide.

If you’re familiar with the hugely popular Netflix documentary, Banking on Bitcoin, you have already seen Charlie in action and know why he is are the “ultimate crypto insider.”

In a moment you will read my exclusive interview with my partner and Bitcoin confidant. And don’t worry if you’re not familiar with cryptocurrencies. The concept may seem complicated but we will cut through the confusion. In fact, the reason Charlie and I started Crypto.IQ was to bring the revolutionary world of crypto to the American people—and then to the world. Our goal is twofold: to make the real insider secrets available to you; and to save you from being misled by people who claim to have expertise they do not have. Today there is a sea of ads for expensive newsletters and courses created by people who just cannot deliver.

I want to assure you that you don’t need technical knowledge of any kind to take advantage of the information you’ll get for free today in this special report. We break everything down for you in plain English. As you’ll soon discover, Crypto is truly the greatest investment opportunity the world has ever seen.


Before we begin, let me say “THANK YOU” for taking the time to download our free report. If you’re like most people, you’re probably in a rush. So let me save you some time. You really only need to know one thing:


If you’re response that is, “No sh*t Sherlock! I already know Crypto like the back of my hand”, then by all means go ahead and skip to the next Section. On page 58, we recommend one of the coins we own today and analyze the potential of a couple of others.

But if you’re curious and have a few minutes, keep reading. I think you’ll be surprised by some of the information we present… and you’ll most definitely learn a thing or two.

Today, I am going to show you why the tech bull market followed by the bubble of the late 1990s—the one that made thousands of millionaires and gave rise to great companies like Ebay, Amazon, and Facebook—pales in comparison to the current opportunity in Crypto.

And it’s not just me and a few isolated other hedge fund pros that recognize this. Over the past year some of the “smartest money” has been quietly moving into this explosive new market.

Marc Andreesen, the founder of Netscape and one of the best known Venture Capitalists on the planet, has been steadily buying cryptocurrencies and investing in crypto companies.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of Paypal, has personally invested $2M in crypto payment companies.

Howard Morgan, founder of Renaissance Technologies, the most successful quant fund on the planet, has invested over $1.5M in the cryptocurrency Numerai.


And then there’s a guy by the name of Bill Gates who has called Bitcoin and the cryptos, “better than currency” and “the future of money”. Bill has also called the crypto revolution “unstoppable”. Why? Because the advances brought about by the crypto paradigm have the potential to fundamentally restructure and improve nearly every aspect of our society.

That’s great for society and for the venture capitalists and companies blazing this trail. But why do they matter to you and me?? Because cryptocurrencies are minting new millionaires by the thousand at a pace we’ve never seen before.

Here are just a few of the outrageous gains that have been made by cryptocurrency investors in the past calendar year alone.

Bitcoin: 1309.53%


Ethereum: 5,884.97%

DASH: 8,725.09%


Ripple: 3,606.28%

Monero: 2,396.65%


The list goes on and on. Just $1,000 invested in any one of these cryptocurrencies would now be worth over 10x to 50X.

There’s nowhere else on the planet can you get a return like that. And don’t think you’ve missed the ship. These prices are going to continue to skyrocket.

Today I’m going to show you how to start making serious money from cryptocurrencies for yourself.

But first, let me tell you about my “journey” into the world of crypto assets.

I knew that a few of these companies would go on to change the world. But I also recognized that most of these other companies were destined for bankruptcy.

For every Amazon there was a or a Webvan. Remember them? The online grocery business that went belly-up after just 3 years? They were just one case of many.

Then in 2010, on the back of the financial crisis, we saw a new breed of tech companies take charge. Known as the Four Horseman, or FANG, these tech standouts showed mind-blowing returns. I’m sure you’ve heard of Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google.

While former standouts like Coca-Cola and Proctor Gamble were lucky to get 7% growth, this new breed of companies were putting up eye-popping gains of 300%, 700% and beyond.

What if I told you the gains of FANG don’t hold a candle to the type of gains my team and I have seen over the past two years? Keep reading. Because Charlie and I are going to talk about how you can get in on it, too.

To understand the perspective, it can help to look at the beast of the old ways. Perhaps no stock or product in recent years has been more celebrated or beloved than Apple. This is THE benchmark company today for virtually every business and industry. It’s the one stock that both hedge funders and grandmothers agreed you had to own and it made up a huge


part of every model portfolio. Apple is almost universally acknowledged as not only the greatest company—but also the greatest stock of the 20th century.

Here’s a chart of Apple since 2014.

Pretty impressive, right? Now here’s a chart of Bitcoin since 2014.

Hard to believe? Bitcoin makes Nasdaq darling Apple look like a Ford next to a Ferrari.


How about Tesla? Another tech darling and bull market baby. It’s the electric car company started by Elon Musk, one of the greatest entrepreneurs of all time. Let’s look at the chart of Tesla, one of the best performing stocks of the last year.

Now here’s the chart of Ethereum.


Which one would you rather own?

These are public stocks, meaning anyone can buy them. But if you’re a Real Insider, you know there are better investments out there. Much better, in fact.

There is, in fact, another side to investing in tech that’s only available to a select few. Remember when Uber and AirBnb were looking for capital through venture rounds with heavy-hitters on Wall Street and Silicon Valley? These insiders were allowed to buy in at pennies on the dollar. You, however, weren’t allowed to buy Uber and never even got the chance to invest in any of those other home runs.

The only way you could have invested is if you were an accredited investor and knew someone—and you knew what stocks to pick! Only the “smart money” crowd was allowed into this exclusive opportunity. And you know what they made? These stocks are currently up 5000-6000%. Not so shabby to be an angel or VC in Silicon Valley these days.

The difference between those companies and this cryptocurrency opportunity that we’re going to be talking about is that Crypto is the most democratic means of building wealth and raising money that the world has ever seen. It’s the most powerful, open and available method I’ve ever come across for everyday people trying to build wealth or secure their retirement.

It’s open to ANYONE who wants to get in. And because it is open to people like you and I, the powers that be— the regulators whose job it is to protect the elites, the Silicon Valley insiders and traditional Wall Streeters who are being made obsolete by this very same technology— are frustrated and pissed off. How dare companies use technology and democratic means to raise money from other individuals without our approval (and exorbitant fees)!

To navigate this brave new crypto world and make sense of it, you need an “insider” to diagram it for you every step of the way. Today, my partner and good friend, Charlie Shrem, one of the original superstars of Bitcoin, is going to do just that.


I’m sure you’ve seen the ads and claims of the so-called “crypto gurus” and millionaires and experts and….the list goes on. What you should remember is that none of these guys are Charlie Shrem. None of them can even remotely hold a candle to the experience, the knowledge and the connections that Charlie has.

What he’s going to share is on the same level as Michael Jordan offering to teach you how to play basketball. Or Nolan Ryan showing you how to throw a fastball. Or Eric Clapton teaching you how to shred on the guitar.

The problem with those other guys—the Jordans and the Claptons—is that they would never do it. And if they did, it would cost you a small fortune for the privilege.

Today, with Charlie, you’re going to get that level of insight, that unprecedented access. And unlike a fastball, jump shot or blues riff, learning from Charlie will have real world, significant impact on your financial well-being and retirement.


Charlie has no need for new clients. Michael Novogratz and Peter Thiel, among other billionaires, consult with him on a regular basis. But even while billionaires seek his advice, Charlie’s priority is helping people like you. “I am committed,” Charlie says, “to the men and women across this nation who would not otherwise be able to access the expertise and true inside information necessary to profit from the crypto revolution.”

Never before has a guy like Charlie made himself available to non-insiders like this.

What else makes this opportunity so different? Well, if you’re like most people, you listened to the government, big banks and media and got clobbered in the Financial Crisis of 2008. Even if you didn’t get clobbered and stayed fully invested, don’t pat yourself on the back too hard. Listen closely to what I’m going to tell you because you’re not going to hear it anywhere else. Even with the market sitting at all-time highs, don’t let them fool you into thinking that investing in the stock market is your golden goose.

the market, not the Dow. That said, in 2000 the S&P index was at 1500. Today, 17 years later, it’s at 2400. That’s a 60% return in 17 years. But taking into account the high fees the banks and funds charge and you’re lucky to be up 40%. That ends up being a little over 2% a year.

Yes, you heard it right: 2% a year. And with real inflation running much higher than that—and the dollar having lost 40% of its purchasing power since 2000— you’ve literally broken even at best, or more likely lost money by having money in the stock market for the last 17 years.

Hard to believe, right? Even if you came out ahead in gross dollars, you most likely LOST money in the last 17 years. Given this example, I think you can see what’s going on.

No wonder one in four people are one missed paycheck or accident away from being broke. No wonder 69% of the US population has less than $1,000 in savings. The Fed and our government have systematically destroyed the value of the dollar. As I mentioned, the dollar is down 40% since 2000. Down 90% since 1950. And don’t even get me started on


crony capitalism, quantitative easing and NIRP, because I’m just going to get angry, and like Dr. Banner in The Incredible Hulk, you won’t like me when I’m angry.

And just remember, we are talking about the safest, richest, most powerful nation on the face of the earth. Let that sink in for a minute. Now, imagine what’s going on in the rest of the world—it’s nowhere near as ‘pretty’! We’re talking about a global clown car and manure show.

Is it any wonder that people in other parts of the world discovered and started using Bitcoin before most people over here had even heard of it?

Today Charlie and I are going to talk about three things:• First, we’ll explain what Bitcoin is and make it understandable. If you want to know

more, you’ll have the chance to do that later.

• Second, we’ll discuss why Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are the greatest investment opportunity you’ve ever seen. This could be the difference between retiring with the life you want, or continuing to buy overvalued financial instruments the banks and media have an interest in peddling to you. I’m not saying there’s no place for some of these products. But you should hear the real facts from an insider before investing in stocks, bonds or other alternative assets.

• Third, we’ll discuss the next steps you need to take to understand and take advantage of this opportunity.

As you read and review the rest of this report, remember that everything you hear can and should independently cross-checked. Every statistic, every statement, that we make is verifiable and true. Check it out.

If you’re a skeptic like me, your gut reaction is going to be, “C’mon, you gotta be kidding me?” I’m here to tell you— in the strongest possible terms— that what we’re about to tell you is the bona-fide truth.


Once you’ve heard this truth for yourself, the only question you’ll ask is, “Am I too late?” And I’m going to answer that right now: No! Absolutely not! This is the perfect time to get in on this opportunity! It won’t be a long window, but the window is now.

Is it too late? In 2014, when I first sat down with Charlie over coffee, I had the same fears.At that time Charlie had been pounding the table on Bitcoin for well over three years—and Bitcoin was just $6.

When the Winkelvoss twins of Facebook fame saw the incredible power of Bitcoin to disrupt finance, technology and money, they wanted to buy a chunk. Who did they go to? Charlie.

When I talked to Charlie, Bitcoin had already spiked to $1000 before falling back to $76. As we chatted, Bitcoin was sitting at $250. As a “value” guy, I didn’t want to be the last one in and pay the top.

But I don’t mind buying highs. One of the things a Wall Street insider like me knows is that buying high has made just as many millionaires as buying lows has, if not more.

Everyone knows Warren Buffet. Buffet made billions, but he hasn’t made any real money in the stock market in 30 years. In fact, he might be the most overrated stock market investor I’ve ever seen.

That’s something else you’ll never hear the financial media tell you. You’re not going to see any headline that says, “Buffet Hasn’t Made Any REAL Money in the Market in 30 Years!”. Headlines like that aren’t good for Wall Street and “the way we’ve always done things.”


Traders like John Henry, Bruce Kovner and others have printed money buying high and selling low. I’m a “use the whole toolbox” guy and I know that buying at a discount is certainly one way to get rich. But you need to know the difference between a discount and a terminal situation. Go back and read the financial media or turn on CNBC and see how many people thought Kodak, Dell or The Washington Post were ‘dirt cheap’ when they were trading off their highs.

You would’ve been better off buying Dell and others as they were making new highs on a bull run years before guys like Buffett were saying they were, ‘too expensive’. Meanwhile, Buffet kept buying Coke and Proctor and Gamble as two of his biggest public positions—two stocks that haven’t had an uptick in 25 years.

Listen closely now, because I’m going to tell you in two sentences why Bitcoin is a revolutionary currency and why it inevitably has to go higher.

Back in 2014, Charlie and I spoke for hours about crypto. We touched on a lot, but there was really only one thing he explained in detail. While the Fed and other central banks can literally print all the dollars or other currencies they want, anytime they want, Bitcoin has a cap—a finite set number of supply in its float.

After 2021, there will be 21 million bitcoins in existence. That number is capped and will never go up. By contrast, since 2008, the Fed has printed trillions of dollars. Given the Fed’s penchant for printing money, is it any wonder that since 2000 the dollar has lost 40% of its purchasing power? Or that a slice of pizza is now $3.75? Or a year of college now costs $70,000?

Unlike the dollar, with Bitcoin there is no Federal Reserve wizard behind the curtain making decisions in secret about how many trillions of Bitcoins to print without oversight. The Bitcoin ledger—which is the digital record of every transaction ever done—is open for anyone to check and confirm the transaction chain.

That’s why Bitcoin is protection against the funny money a.k.a. “fiat” currencies that our


banks and government are devaluing every day. By keeping the supply finite, by pinning it to 21 million coins and taking it out of the hands of bureaucrats and politicians, I knew the price of Bitcoin would have to go up significantly once people started discovering it. It’s simply supply and demand.

After he finished breaking it down for me, I said to him, “Holy cow (and I didn’t say “cow” but you get the point) this thing has to go to $10,000!”

I’ll never forget his response. Charlie just smiled, nodded his head and said, “At least.”

We both knew it was inevitable. And here we are, two short years later, and Bitcoin just surpassed my initial prediction of $10,000. And that’s with less than 1% of the US population ever having bought a cryptocurrency or opened up an account. Once the general public picks up on cryptocurrencies and goes mainstream, $50,000 or even $100,000 for a bitcoin is not out of the question.

But remember, Bitcoin is just one of dozens of cryptocurrencies that are disrupting the world and changing how we do business, pay for goods and services, and invest.

Before we go any further, let’s talk about what is a Bitcoin and what are cryptocurrencies. And then we will talk about this once in a lifetime paradigm shift—this whole new concept in digital money and tokens.

What Is Bitcoin?You’ve probably heard it called ‘internet money’ or ‘digital cash’ or even ‘nerd money’ as if it were something that would only have value to a tech geek but of no value in the real world.

But, as you’ve already figured out, it’s much more than that.


In the simplest terms, Bitcoin is a medium of exchange. A form of digital money. Electronic transactions can be made between individuals or through merchants and exchanges. It is a worldwide, borderless digital currency. You will hear a variety of terms like “coin,” “token,” “cryptocurrency,” and “crypto assets” that refer to Bitcoin and hundreds of other such digital currencies.

Bitcoin was the first, and it is currently the biggest and best known, with the greatest utility of all cryptocurrencies or “cryptos.” Just about everything is priced in Bitcoin and it is the de facto gateway to other cryptos. But Bitcoin is just one example of a revolutionary technological innovation of blockchain-based units of exchange.

Blockchain? This is a term you are going to hear a lot once you get involved in this space. The blockchain is at the heart of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. It is the technological innovation people are referring to when they call Bitcoin the “internet of money.” What they’re really referring to is blockchain technology, itself, rather than specifically to Bitcoin.

Blockchain is essentially a database. This chain consists of blocks of information that encode every single transaction. The blocks fit together like pieces of a puzzle, timestamped and secured using cryptography.

Bitcoin is the first digital currency based on the blockchain and is currently the dominant one. Each Bitcoin (and every fraction of each one) is represented on the blockchain, but there are hundreds of others, and one day another could take its place as the dominant cryptocurrency. But the blockchain is at the heart of it all.

The Bitcoin blockchain is a database, as mentioned, but it’s also a decentralized, distributed ledger—another term you will hear regularly. It is decentralized because it forms a peer-to-peer network on individual computers throughout the world so that no one individual, government agency, or corporation can control it. Every transaction is confirmed by multiple copies of the blockchain, which keeps growing as new transactions occur and new blocks are added. And it is replicated on every computer that carries it.


Anyone can observe any transaction on the blockchain or view any wallet. It is public and freely accessible to anyone. It is permanent, resistant to modification, and verifiable.

Another term you will hear is that blockchain is a “trustless system.” That means there is no need for a trusted third party to oversee the system. The blockchain functions on its own because it was designed to be secure, open, free, and reliable.

Thus, it is truly a disruptive technology, designed to upend the old financial system and inspire new models of business. Innovations can be built on top of the original blockchain design, encoding additional data along with individual coins, tokens, or pieces of tokens. Personal information, identification, voting data, time-based factors, ownership, titles, copyrights, smart contracts and other types of data can all be added.

This will forever change how records are stored, maintained, accessed, or shared. It potentially revolutionizes property rights, ownership, contracts, voting and other social, government, and business processes. The potential uses of this technological innovation are staggering.

The blockchain will change how we live. That is why this is considered as big an invention as the internet. And that is why this is the ‘internet of money.’

Yes, you can make incredible profits in this space. But understanding, even at a basic level, what the blockchain is and how it works is key to preparing yourself for the next wave of technological innovation that is coming.


How to Get Your Dollars into CryptoIt should be as simple as just going to a website and buying some of the coin you want. But it’s just not that easy. Interactions between users, merchants, exchanges, and platforms can be a little clunky or technical at times. The crypto ecosystem is not really user friendly yet. It’s not designed for the mainstream. That shouldn’t turn you off though, that should get you excited. As you see the amount of money going into the space right now, and you realize that it still isn’t mainstream, then you understand how much potential there is. It’s like getting your first email address in 1994, when the user experience wasn’t quite worked out yet. But how’s that internet thing doing? Pretty good, right? Similar process happening here.

We’re going to show you the easiest way to get started buying and using cryptos.

First, we’ll show you how to install a desktop wallet that you can use to store several different coins. You also need to know how to back up that wallet to secure it. Then we’ll walk you through opening a Coinbase account so you can buy some Bitcoin. A basic skill to learn in cryptos is being able to transfer coins from one account to another. The process is similar when transferring between exchanges, people, wallets, and even when buying something. This is something new for a lot of people. It can be a little scary as it seems more technical than it is. But once you’ve done it a few times, it’s not hard at all. And, to get you started, we’ll show you how to transfer coins from your new Coinbase account to your wallet.

WalletsIn this section, we’re going to talk about the different kinds of digital wallets where you can keep your coins once you get them. Later, we’ll walk you through installing a wallet on your computer and show you how to use it. This is just a general overview of the kinds of crypto wallets that are out there. Get familiar with these types so you can assess your own situation


and decide what wallets work best for you.

When you initially get some Bitcoin, or any other coin, asset, or token, you will need to keep it in a digital wallet. As a rule of thumb, wallets are designed for specific coins. For example, you keep Bitcoin in a Bitcoin wallet. You keep Ethereum in an Ethereum wallet. Essentially, there is at least one wallet for each and every coin. But there are increasingly more options for the more popular coins and there are also multi-coin and multi-asset wallets.

To help keep things as simple as possible for you, we are recommending a multi-asset wallet that can hold several of the most popular coins and assets. I’ll walk you through setting up that wallet in just a bit.

It’s going to seem like there a lot of different kinds of wallets and at first, you might find this section a little confusing. Don’t worry. I’m going to break down the different kinds of wallets into simple categories. It’s important to know these distinctions, so don’t let this section overwhelm you.

Keep in mind that different kinds of wallets provide different levels of security and that each wallet can serve a different purpose. It’s actually common for someone to have several different wallets, even if you only had one coin such as Bitcoin.

Hot and Cold Wallets

One basic distinction is the difference between a “hot wallet” and a “cold wallet.” A hot wallet is one that you expect to access often, using it to send money or buy things. It is used on a device that has easy internet access. Hot wallets are more vulnerable because they are more accessible, and because you tend to use them more often and in different environments.

Think of your hot wallet like the cash you might keep in your pocket. For security reasons, it is best not to keep a lot of money in this kind of wallet.


A cold wallet is generally kept offline. Cold wallets are therefore more secure. It follows that it is best to keep most of your coins in a cold wallet rather than a hot wallet. When you know you will need to access those coins, you can move them to a hot wallet or make the transaction directly. But generally, cold wallets are less accessible by design.

In sum, if the hot wallet is used to store the cash in your pocket, then, by analogy, a cold wallet is akin to storing large amounts of cash in a safe in your house. You can still get at it relatively quickly, but you don’t take it shopping with you.

Desktop, Online or Web, Mobile, Hardware


This is simply a wallet installed on a computer. You will need access to the internet, but you can also manage your coins offline. Generally speaking, a desktop wallet is the best compromise between security and practical use. The Exodus wallet that we will be using is a desktop wallet.


An online or web wallet keeps your coins stored in the cloud with a third party provider. It is convenient, as you can access them from any device. But, of course, it is less secure depending on how you access it and the fact that you must rely on a third party to secure your money.



A mobile wallet is one that you keep on your smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device. They often use QR codes to make transactions. Mobile wallets are convenient but not recommended for long-term storage. It is less secure to keep coins on a mobile device.


This is the most secure option. You will have to pay for your hardware wallet while most other wallets are free, but as far as security goes, this is about as good as you can get. They’re great for storage and easy to take with you, similar to an external hard-drive. You can connect this wallet to a computer and transact online, then disconnect it again to keep it secure. The Trezor is the hardware wallet that we are recommending.

I mentioned earlier that people commonly use several different wallets depending on their needs. We recommend a desktop wallet, an online hot wallet, and a hardware wallet as a basic suite of wallets that can cover all your needs. If you do not intend to keep a large amount of money in coins, a hardware wallet like the Trezor may be unnecessary. You will have to determine how much you will be investing in cryptocurrencies and how you will keep them.

To give you a better idea of how it all works, let’s walk through the setup and security of Exodus, our desktop wallet recommendation.


Exodus Installation WalkthroughThe Exodus desktop wallet is free, easy to install, secure, fast, and it looks pretty sharp. It is a multi-asset wallet that supports the most popular coins such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, as well as a number of other crypto assets such as OmiseGo and Civic. It also has a built-in exchange which you can use to swap coins and diversify your portfolio without having to use an exchange. It’s not really for trading, however, as the fees are not as competitive as actual exchanges, but it is an excellent feature for the sake of convenience.

I’m going to walk you through installing Exodus on your computer.

Go to the Exodus wallet main page.


Click on the Download button on the top right. You will then see the choices for the type of operating system you have. Choose your operating system.

You will see a pop-up at the bottom. You can Save the installation application on your computer and then double-click it to begin installation, or you can just click on Run and it will begin installing.


You should see this pop-up as it installs.

The wallet application should run as soon as it completes installation. If not, you should see an Exodus icon on your desktop. Double-click that to run it for the first time. If you need help or have any questions, the Exodus website has a great help section with lots of videos showing you how to install or use the wallet.

Congratulations! You now have your first crypto wallet!

Before we begin putting coins into that wallet, let’s talk first about an important security point.


A big question people always ask is - “what if my computer hard drive crashes? Are my Bitcoins gone?”

Well, yes and no. All wallets have a backup feature, and actually different kinds of backups. You should use them all. If you back up your wallet, you can recover any lost coins.


Look at it this way. Your wallet is your access to your Bitcoins on the blockchain. If your computer crashes, your Bitcoins are still there on the blockchain. As long as the blockchain still exists on some other computer somewhere in the world, (and it always will), your Bitcoins are still there.

What you’ve lost is your key to those Bitcoins. If you’ve backed up your wallet and copied and written down your passwords, passphrases, or private key, you can reconstruct your wallet and regain access to your coins.

“What if I didn’t back up my wallet? What what happens to those coins?”

Well, you wouldn’t be the first.

It’s estimated that as many as 10% of all Bitcoins created may have been ‘lost’ in this way. They still exist, sitting there on the blockchain, but nobody knows the key to retrieve them.

And because they are secured cryptographically, it will be a long time before they could be accessed. If ever.

If you have a desktop wallet, anything that jeopardizes your computer (theft, malware, mechanical problem, hard drive failure) could restrict your access to your own wallet. Always backup your wallet, in multiple ways if possible. Your wallet isn’t your coins, your wallet is what gives you easy and secure access to them. Lose your wallet and you lose your


access. Your coins are still on the blockchain.

If you lose a wallet with cash in it, your money is gone. But you can back-up your crypto wallet and reconstruct it if you are prepared.

You will read the horror stories of people losing computers, leaving them in the cafeteria at a Bitcoin convention, having hard drive failures without backing up, or reformatting a hard drive and erasing the key to $25,000 in Bitcoin.

Learn from their mistakes.

Backing Up Your Exodus Wallet

You can see that the Exodus wallet developers take wallet backup seriously — they’ve made it one of the main tabs on the screen. In the example below you can see there are already a few coins in the wallet. And there is a red warning sign on that Backup tab. We need to backup this wallet now so we don’t lose access to our coins in case something happens to this computer. You haven’t put any coins into your wallet yet, but go ahead and back up your wallet as we go through this walkthrough.

Click on the Backup tab on the left side. This will start a simple 4-step process to back up your wallet. The first step is to create a password.

Step 2 simply asks you to check your password again. The Exodus developers take your security very seriously. They won’t even let you make a mistake on your own password!


Now, step 3 is kind of interesting. Here, it’s giving you your Recovery Passphrase. This is common with crypto applications. Print this out or write it down somewhere, it’s very important. This will allow you to reconstruct your wallet and restore your assets should something happen.


The last step is to provide an email address for a backup link.

That’s it! A simple 4-step process that provides several ways to secure your coins. You can now start funding your wallet with some confidence.


ExchangesIf you ever want to buy any other cryptocurrencies besides Bitcoin, you will most likely have to start to venture into the exchanges.

Exchanges are where you can trade coins for other crypto coins or traditional currencies like Dollars and Euros.

They function somewhat like the New York Stock Exchange or the NASDAQ.

Some exchanges only transact in cryptocurrencies, and these exchanges generally have lower registration requirements than exchanges that also handle fiat currencies. In the past, it was possible to open an account at a crypto-only exchange while providing no more personal information than an email address. Those days are largely over as regulation looms on the horizon.

Now exchanges are applying KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) standards to be more responsible and to prepare for coming government regulations.

Exchanges that do transact in fiat currencies as well as cryptos generally have greater documentation requirements. Because they also transact in Dollars and Euros, for example, they must also follow the local laws as a traditional money-exchanging business. So, it might take a little longer and be a little more involved setting up an account than with some crypto-only exchanges.

Since there is greater government and industry scrutiny these days, it is an acceptable inconvenience.

Coinbase is the exchange that we are recommending as our first point of contact with Bitcoin.


Coinbase acts less like an exchange and more like a traditional bank. It has a separate dedicated exchange called GDAX. Because Coinbase transacts in traditional fiat currencies like Dollars and Euros, they have more comprehensive sign-up requirements. And like traditional banks, purchases and withdrawals usually take a few days to process.

Coinbase enjoys extensive backing from well-known venture capitalists and is based in the US which has better consumer protection laws than many other countries. Coinbase is vetted and serves as a solid point of entry to the crypto markets.

For several years, you could only trade Bitcoin in Coinbase, but recently they have added support for Ethereum and Litecoin. If you want access to all those other coins out there, however, you will have to venture beyond Coinbase and open an account at an exchange that lists more coins. Bittrex is our first choice, but there are dozens of others around the world.


Coinbase Registration WalkthroughNow you are going to open a Coinbase account. Go to the Coinbase home page. Click on the Sign Up button which you can see on the top right.

You’ll need to input the information they ask for, complete the Captcha, and click Create Account.


The first page you see is the dashboard with the prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

If you scroll down that page a bit, you will see a progress bar on the left side with your account creation information. They’re asking you to add your phone number for 2-Factor Authorization, an extra level of security. After you have done this, when you sign in, they will send you a text with a code number. You will need to have your phone with you to receive that code and get into your account. 2-Factor Authorization, or 2FA, is a security feature that is quite common today for websites or accounts that deal with personal assets.

Once you have your account established, you will have the option to use a third-party security application such as Google Authenticator or Authy. These applications are more secure than a text message so it’s recommended that you change your 2FA settings to this method.


Coinbase will then require additional information to link your bank account or credit card. Once you do that, you’ll be able to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin directly from your bank account or credit card and your purchases will appear right here in your Coinbase account.

Click on the Buy/Sell tab and you’ll see a page like this.


You can see the “Buy” tab is highlighted by default and the Bitcoin icon is checked. Scroll down just a bit and you’ll see that your payment method is already set. You can fill in a Dollar amount or an amount of Bitcoin that you want to buy and click on the buy button to initiate the purchase.

And that’s it — a one-click purchase of Bitcoin!

If you wanted to buy Litecoin instead, just click on the tab at the top and you will see Litecoin with a green check and the button at the bottom would read Buy Litecoin.

After making a purchase, click on the Accounts tab on the top line. You will see your Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin wallets on the left, and your transactions on the right with their status and amounts.

On the above screen, on the left you can see My Vault. That is an extra security feature of Coinbase. You can move some or all of the coins from your wallet into your vault. Consider your wallet more of a hot wallet and the coins in your vault as more of a cold wallet. If you want to withdraw those coins there is a delay of a few days before they are moved into that hot wallet. It gives you time to react if you or Coinbase has some kind of security breach. It’s an extra feature that most exchanges and wallets don’t have.


Some people are comfortable with trusting Coinbase and prefer to leave their coins there for convenience. Others prefer the freedom of having control of their own wallet. Of course, you can do both – leave some in Coinbase and keep some in other wallets.

It is always recommended to diversify – both the types of your assets and where you keep your funds.

Funding Your Wallet Now we are going to look at a critical process for trading crypto — moving assets between exchanges, wallets, and merchants. Pay close attention because this is a very different process from what most people are familiar with.

We will start by moving some Bitcoin from our Coinbase account to our Exodus wallet.

Open your Exodus wallet and click on the Wallet tab on the left. Make sure you have Bitcoin selected. You can see it is a different color than the other coins and the Bitcoin icon is at the top center of the screen. This way you know for sure that you are sending or receiving Bitcoins.

This screen shows you how much Bitcoin is currently in your wallet and gives you a list of your most recent transactions.


Click on the Receive button and you will see a pop-up. What’s happening in this picture is some of the basic features of cryptocurrencies that you need to get familiar with.

There is a QR code, that’s the box with the random jumble of squares in it. You’ve likely already seen these around. You can scan that code as the receiving address for Bitcoins in your wallet with a variety of applications, but we won’t be using that right now.

For now, pay attention to what’s happening just below that. Your Bitcoin address for your Exodus wallet is displayed— it’s that long, seemingly random jumble of letters and numbers. That’s what crypto addresses look like.

Look at the icons beneath your address. The one on the left is to copy and paste the address to your clipboard. If you hover your cursor over each symbol for a second, it will tell you what each icon is for.


Click on that and your address is now copied to your clipboard. That’s the address that you will be sending Bitcoins to from Coinbase.

Now, go ahead and sign in to your Coinbase account.

Once you are in, click on the accounts tab.

In this example account, we can see the Bitcoin wallet on the left with 0.0600 Bitcoin, and the current Dollar value. On the right, we can see the only transaction for this account. It received that 0.0600 BTC on August 25, 2016.

We are going to send that balance of 0.0600 Bitcoins to our Exodus wallet.

You can see two buttons underneath the Bitcoin wallet: Send and Receive. Since we want to send these Bitcoins, click on the Send button and you will see a pop-up.


In this pop-up, you can see that ‘Wallet Address’ is already highlighted. The other option is Email Address, but this time we are sending directly to a wallet.

Remember that we already copied our wallet address to our clipboard. This way, we won’t have to try to type out all of those upper-case and lower-case letters and numbers. Click inside the recipient box to enter your Exodus wallet address. With your cursor in that box, right click and you will see the Paste option as in the picture. Select that and you should see your Exodus wallet address populate that box like in the picture below.


I always double-check the address. I make sure to look at the first and last few letters just to make sure something wasn’t cut off or lost in the copy-paste. You may want to go back and look at the open window on your Exodus wallet to confirm the address. Some addresses are even longer than this one and you may have to scroll in the window to the beginning of the box and to the end to see it all.

I have not yet had a problem with copy-paste not properly filling an address in a field, but we’re talking about something with real value here. It’s best to be careful until you’re totally comfortable.

And just to ease some of your fears with this process – if some of the address does get cut off, or entered incorrectly, it will most likely just cause the transaction to fail with no coins being moved. It’s technically not impossible to make a mistake and send your coins to an unintended recipient, but it’s pretty difficult. Just be cautious and you’ll be ok.

Further down in the pop-up you can see that you need to input the amount your sending. You can set it in Dollars or Bitcoins. In this case, we’re sending the maximum amount.


You can see that the maximum amount we’re sending is actually a bit less than 0.06 BTC. That’s because of the transaction fee (or network fee as it’s called here), which you can see on the bottom. That’s the fee in Bitcoins that goes to the computers who are running the Bitcoin blockchain network.

When you are satisfied that everything is in order, the only thing left to do is to click the ‘Continue’ button and send those Bitcoins from your Coinbase account to your Exodus wallet.

This moment can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. Will it actually work? Will those Bitcoins appear in my wallet or did I just send my money out into cyberspace?

If there is a problem, you will most likely immediately see an error saying the transaction failed, incorrect address, or something to that effect. You can then fix it and resend.

But it should go through just fine, and you will see the transaction recorded with the amount and status as in the picture below.


Keep in mind that most likely the transaction won’t go through immediately. Blockchain-based transactions require confirmations from the network which takes time. It could process very quickly or it may take several minutes. Don’t panic. If you really want to watch it happen, keep your Coinbase account open and your wallet open and check them for status updates.

When complete, you will see your portfolio in your Exodus wallet updated with the new funds.

Making an Exchange in Exodus

Now that you have some funds in your wallet, let’s look at something a little different.

The Exodus wallet has a special feature that lets you exchange between the coins that the wallet supports. That means that your wallet can act like its very own crypto exchange. Compared to a full exchange you’ll pay higher fees and have less functionality, but having this feature within your own personal wallet can be really helpful with lesser amounts.


Let’s take a look at how an exchange in Exodus works in case you like some of the coins it supports and like the convenience of just exchanging a little in your wallet.

Keep an eye on the total value of the portfolio below. Not only will you see it updated regularly as coin values change, you’ll see what happens to it during this coin exchange.

In your own wallet, click on the Exchange tab just under the Portfolio tab so you can see what this looks like.


You see that there is a drop down for each of the two coins shown. You can set which coins you want to exchange between and what amounts you want.

Let’s get some Ethereum into this wallet.

I set the amount to exchange as 0.01 Bitcoin and it automatically determines a few things. You can see that it uses the current exchange rate between BTC and ETH and calculates exactly how much Ethereum I would get for 0.01 BTC.

You’ll also notice that there is a slight discrepancy between the two dollar amounts. That’s the fee for this transaction.

All I need to do is to click ‘Exchange’ and it initiates the transaction.

In just a few seconds the screen moves to Step 2 and you can see a few interesting things happened.


So, I’ve sent 0.01 BTC and I’m waiting on receiving some ETH. But actually, the amount of ETH I am now expecting has gone up a little bit. It was 0.2372494 and now it’s 0.23725511.

In just those few seconds, the exchange rate changed and it recalculated the new amount. And it worked out in my favor — I’ll be getting a little more than I expected!

Notice something else here. There is a ‘Watch Progress’ button. If we click on that, it opens a window in your internet browser and shows the engine behind this process.


Shapeshift is the third-party service that manages the actual exchange of coins for Exodus. Here you can see the transaction ID, the address the Bitcoin was sent to, and you can monitor the status of the transaction.

But let’s go back and look at something else. Go back to the ‘Portfolio’ tab and look at the total amount of the portfolio. It’s gone down by the amount of Bitcoin sent out in the transaction.

Just to be sure, open the Wallet tab and look at the Bitcoin balance.


It tells you exactly what’s going on. Basically, I’ve sent out some Bitcoin and I’m waiting for the equivalent value to come back in a different form.

That might feel a little scary as you just sent out some money and you don’t know if or exactly when it’s coming back. This is a normal procedure in crypto. It is a little different from our traditional financial experiences. It just takes some getting used to.

A little while later and I notice that the total value of the portfolio has gone back up by about the same amount it went down after the exchange was initiated. There is a new section of white on the ring representing Ethereum and there is an amount of Ethereum shown on the bottom where before it was zero.


If I open the Wallet tab and click on the Ethereum wallet, I see that I now have 0.23725511 ETH. Transaction complete!

This is a great feature that Exodus has, but it’s only a small taste of all the possibilities out there.

SecuritySecurity of your investments is something we will stress, not only throughout this report, but in everything that we do at Crypto.IQ.

To a certain extent, cryptos are about autonomy and personal responsibility. We want to maintain control of our financial lives, personal information, money, and wealth.

But with greater autonomy comes greater responsibility.

This is where security comes in.

When it comes to your cryptos, you must be responsible for them yourself. At the core of cryptocurrencies is the idea that we as a society and as individuals are ready for a “trustless” financial system. That means that we don’t have to rely on (or trust) third-party providers for everything we do in our financial lives.


Banks, government agencies, insurance companies, credit card companies, and just about every website or app we use needs some kind of personal or financial information from us in order for us to use their services.

Cryptos give us an opportunity to alleviate that problem by eliminating some of those third parties, or at least for now, reducing our reliance on them.

Keeping Watch on Our Coins

I talked earlier about keeping your coins secure, but I will reiterate that here:

• Always keep your passwords, passphrases, private keys private - don’t share them with anyone

• Keep your devices secure - use firewalls, anti-virus and anti-malware wherever appropriate

• Keep your devices offline or turned off whenever you’re not using them

• Always backup everything - passwords, wallets, devices

Remember the distinctions I made between hot and cold, and different types of wallets? Think hard about what your goals are with your coins and how you intend to use them. When you have identified your particular needs, find the right tools that help you achieve your goals.

All that will have an impact on how secure your coins are.

Now, a basic rule when it comes to cryptos is that you don’t have control of your coins unless you have the private key.

Any coins you leave on an exchange is essentially controlled by the exchange. They are your trusted third party. If anything happens to the exchange, you may lose your coins.


As a rule of thumb, don’t want leave your coins on an exchange if they’re not going to be actively traded. It’s best to withdraw them into a secure wallet that you control.

Legality and RegulationsOne of the most common questions for those new to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is whether or not they are legal. There are lots of negative stories in the media about Silk Road, ransom-ware, and other nefarious activities. Many people and the media often assume that Bitcoin is all part of some illegal enterprise.

Of course, that isn’t true. Bitcoin is a medium that criminals use because it is more easily transferable than a suitcase full of cash and less traceable than a bank transfer. But, as you know, criminals can also use cash and bank transfers.

Bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies and crypto assets are not illegal, except in a few outlying countries. Currently Kyrgyzstan, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Bangladesh have declared Bitcoin to be illegal. In most places in the world, however, cryptocurrencies exist in some sort of regulatory limbo where they are classed as assets, commodities, or property.

As of right now, in almost all jurisdictions, cryptos are legal to own, use, sell, or trade, but they are not technically legal as a currency.

Countries and central banks see cryptos as an innovation and don’t want to squash it. But they also don’t want a crypto currency competing with their own national fiat currencies, which would weaken those currencies and reduce the government’s ability to control their economies. So, we should not expect governments to make Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency a legal currency (although it is possible).

And to keep you at ease, the trend is not toward illegalization, either, as some suggest and the media likes to hype. “China Bans Bitcoin!” is a popular joke on the various crypto forums.


Outright bans of crypto coins are not likely and get less likely every day. The trend, in fact, is toward regulation. In the US, for example, the IRS has issued guidance on paying taxes on gains made from trading cryptos, just like any other asset. Consider this: after the FBI seized Bitcoins from illegal operations such as Silk Road, they publicly auctioned them off. The FBI would not have sold cryptos to the public if they were illegal. In fact, the FBI selling Bitcoins is a pretty good governmental indication of the legality (and future) of those assets.

Japan has just recently begun regulating and licensing crypto exchanges. The interesting reaction from the market was that demand and trading volumes immediately began to rise – apparently regulation is not necessarily a bad thing. China and Korea, two countries where interest in cryptos is high, have also begun to issue regulations on the cryptocurrency industry. Other countries such as the UAE, Bahrain, Singapore, The Philippines, Russia, and others are actively pursuing regulation of crypto markets.

For now, we are free to own and transact in these crypto assets without much regulation.

But regulation in one form or another is coming. However, there is no need to fear that. It’s just a sign that the market is maturing. Once regulations come, we will adjust.

A current problem to be aware of, however, is that ICO’s (Initial Coin Offerings) are essentially being viewed just like the IPO’s (Initial Public Offerings) of stocks. Therefore, the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) is likely to weigh in on ICO’s very soon.


How We Evaluate CryptocurrenciesWe have developed a comprehensive method for evaluating cryptocurrency opportunities.

Here are six rules that we follow at Crypto.IQ. These rules are based on Charlie’s years of experience in the crypto markets and require inside knowledge of the world of crypto assets.

Crypto Investing Rule #1: Does It Solve a Real Problem?

Cryptocurrencies exist because they solve problems that existing fiat currencies, such as dollars and euros, do not.

For example, Bitcoin solves the problem of being able to transfer money between individuals quickly and easily outside the control of banks.

At the same time, Bitcoin has a few built-in structural problems due to the way it was designed. Because of the way Bitcoin verifies each transaction with all of the computers in its network, it can take a few minutes to process a Bitcoin transaction.

As a result, new coins have appeared – Litecoin, for example – that have solved the problem of slow processing time.

So, when evaluating a new crypto I always want to know:

• What specific problem is the cryptocurrency trying to solve?

• What is the case for it being adopted?

• How big is the problem that the solution is trying to address?

• Have others tried to solve the problem before?


And that brings me to our second rule.

Crypto Investing Rule #2: Top Management Team

We take a very hard look at the management team behind any new currency.

They have to know really what they’re doing. This is where my seven years in the industry and thousands of personal contacts really come in handy.

I have to know that the management behind a currency truly believes in what they’re doing – and that they have created built-in incentives to accelerate growth and value.

We’ve seen a lot of abuse in this regard, so this is critical.

It’s no good if all the benefits accrue to management and none to the token holders.

Nothing is more important than vetting and making sure it’s a “real deal” team behind the token. Because the industry is so new, and the regulatory and technological framework so fluid, in crypto more than any other sector it’s critical to bet on the jockey rather than the horse.

The good news is nobody knows more about the players in the industry than me, Charlie and our team of analysts. It’s why we advised our clients to invest in STEEM earlier in the year. While the idea of a decentralized, censorship resistant social media app has legs (Hello 2017!), the most attractive aspect was knowing that my good friend Ned Scott— who was at my wedding— was running the show. He was also backed by a full team of top-notch advisers I personally knew.

We advised clients to accumulate in early March 2017 in the $0.15 range. By that summer STEEM had spiked eventually hitting $2.52.


A 2000+% move in 3 months!

And then there’s...

Crypto Investing Rule #3: Distribution Mechanics

My team and I take a hard look at the float, that is, the number of coins being issued both now and in the future.

We also look at the distribution mechanics: how is the coin distributed? Is it done fairly? Are the developers hoarding the coins for themselves or are they “seeding the ecosystem” in a way that makes owning the coin critical for utilizing its benefits?

These factors are crucial…yet very few investors think about them.

As I mentioned earlier, one of the reasons why Bitcoin could (and should) rise in value to $100,000, even $500,000 per coin at the minimum is because there is a built-in limit to the number of Bitcoins that can be issued. Only 21 million Bitcoins will ever exist.

Not all crypto currencies have limits. However, we always evaluate how the number of coins will impact price appreciation.

Here’s where our team of former hedge fund analysts, led by Charlie and I, kick the tires and make sure the mechanics of the company/token give it the maximum chance of success.

You can have a great team and a great product, but if the company sold 2 billion tokens and the float is unlimited, the tokens chance of appreciating is not good. So, we ask, “What are the terms of the token?” “What are the legal implications?”

It’s the old late 90’s tech IPO playbook: good management, good product, good marketing


and scarcity or tight supply is like rocket fuel.

Crypto Investing Rule #4: Increasing Demand

Fourth, we take a hard look at the growth in the demand for a specific coin.

It doesn’t matter if a cryptocurrency solves a current problem or looks good on paper if it’s not being used in increasing amounts.

I look to make sure that demand for a currency is rapidly accelerating.

For example, the daily volume for Zcash has increased from around $762K in January 2017 to $77 million today – an increase of 10,004% increase.

This is clear evidence that demand for Zcash is skyrocketing.

It comes down to hardcore analysis of the token’s network effects and whether the incentives align to simultaneously accelerate growth and the token’s value.

But it needs to make sense all-around. Even if the company has a real business model and product, it’s not going to work and produce long-term gains if all the benefits accrue only to management and not to the token holders. Again, we’ve seen a lot of abuse on this front, so this is absolutely critical.

You’d hate to see an iPhone type success from a company and down the line, you as a token holder, realize you only participate in Apple TV.


Crypto Investing Rule #5: Potential for Institutional Use

This is crucial.

As we saw, the big money in cryptocurrencies is going to be made when the big institutional investors, such as Fidelity and the big pension funds, begin buying cryptocurrencies to hedge their positions.

So, another factor I look at when evaluating a cryptocurrency is whether a specific currency can handle the volume such investments will require. Not all coins are scalable in this way. Some are designed to be small and to stay small. Others could easily see billions of dollars flow into them, driving the prices through the roof.

We want the latter. Every time.

Crypto Investing Rule #6: Solid Metrics

Sixth, my team and I always dig deep into the metrics of the currency. We subject every cryptocurrency to our 100-point analytical checklist.

We take a hard look at the market cap, circulating and max supply, demand acceleration, and other proprietary ratios and indicators that I’ve spent 7 years in the crypto sector perfecting—and which I use in tandem with the analytical tools of the financial wizards on my team.

This lets us know precisely how much a crypto currency is potentially worth, its future transactional value, and what its price is likely to be in 60, 90 and 120 days.

This is crucial information available solely to insiders within the trading industry.

In fact, unless you are an insider, finding accurate information about the smaller coins


where the biggest profits will come from in the future is almost impossible.

Using the metrics is how we were able to get our private clients to invest in some of the biggest winners of the past two years including:

• Monero... which has turned every $500 into $244,9071 over the past 24 months.

• Dash... which has turned every $1,000 into $290,8882 in the same period, and

• Ethereum... which has grown a $5,000 flyer into a staggering $2.7 million3...

1 On November 30, 2015, Monero was selling for $0.3662 per coin. As of November 29, 2017, it’s selling for $179.37. So, $500 divided by .3662 per coin = 1,365 coins x $179.37 = $244,907.

2 On November 30, 2015, Dash was selling for $2.34 per coin. As of November 29, 2017, it’s selling for $680.68. So, $1,000 divided by 2.34 per coin = 427 coins x $680.68 = $290,888.

3 On November 30, 2015, Dash was selling for $2.34 per coin. As of November 29, 2017, it’s selling for $680.68. So, $1,000 divided by 2.34 per coin = 427 coins x $680.68 = $290,888.


RecommendationsWe now have a recap of a recommendation that we put clients in over the summer: a cryptocurrency you’ve likely never heard of called Counterparty (symbol: XCP).4

Counterparty was created in 2014 by three crypto insiders, Robby Demody, Adam Krellenstein and Evan Wagner.

It was not launched in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO).

Rather, XCP coins are created whenever Bitcoins are sent to an “unspendable” address, through a process known as “proof of burn.”

A total of 2,130 Bitcoins were “burned” in this way, creating 2.65 million XCP tokens.

And because of the limited number of XCP available...

The volume of trading in Counterparty has been increasing rapidly – from $26,000 in January 2017 to $1.1 million today, an increase of 4,130%.

And unlike many cryptocurrencies, Counterparty has doubled in value in just the past few weeks as other funds we’ve talked to have realized its potential.

Overall, Counterparty has gone from $1.89 in January 2017 to $24 today – an increase of 1,169.8%.


That’s enough to turn $1,000 invested into $12,690.5

In less than a year.

But hold on a second. Before you run out to open an account and buy XCP today, as you can see above, it’s had a very good run in a very short period of time. We’d wait to see if it comes down into the $15 range before putting new money to work in the name.

And XCP is just ONE of our current top picks you’ll discover in our brand-new dossier being made available today.

Now that we’ve covered a range of topics concerning Bitcoins, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain, it’s time for the interview we promised with Charlie, my partner and the Bitcoin pioneer who knows this industry better than almost anyone.

1 $1,000 x 11.69X = $11,690 + original $1,000 = $12,690.


At this time, we have a special treat for you—an interview Randall Oser recently conducted with Charlie Shrem. This interview, conducted last month, is currently not

available anywhere else and provides a front row seat to “The Ultimate Insiders” talking shop. Pull up a chair and enjoy.

RO: Welcome Charlie. From the fallout of the financial crisis there has sprung a new way of thinking. In 2008 and 2009, we were days away from the whole system failing. Banks being wiped out, and people’s savings being lost. People thought, “Why should I depend on a bank, or a government to do the right thing to make sure my money is safe? Especially when those banks and governments have repeatedly acted in favor of the 1% and themselves rather than you and me.

CS: With bank scandals, money laundering, opening fake accounts, overdraft fees and crooked stock trading algorithms, is it any wonder people are weary of the way some financial institutions operate? $75 overdraft fees? $10 a month checking fees? For you to hold my money, collect interest and pay me 0.2% in return??? If you don’t think you’ve been scammed, you either have your head in the sand or you’ve just given up because they’ve got a monopoly.

In the very beginning of Bitcoin, we asked ourselves, “Why should a 3rd party have control of your money? Why should you depend on a bank, or the government or the Fed to do the right thing and not confiscate your money, either through force or through inflation”? I


Bonus: An Exclusive Interview


think that was the beginning foundation of Bitcoin.

RO: So Charlie, the creator and early adopters of Bitcoin like yourself, saw the incredible power that Bitcoin and the blockchain had, and as you looked all around you, it made perfect sense at the time?

CS: Yes. You had a housing bubble bust that forced millions of people from their homes and a financial crisis that devastated the jobs, housing prices, and retirement accounts of most Americans—and it was ALL due to bad government policies and inadequate regulation of financial institutions.

And that was just here in the US.

In countries all over the rest of the world –in Greece, in Cyprus, in Argentina, Cuba, India – you’ve seen governments refusing to do the right thing by their citizens and respect private property. You saw those states devaluing their currency or outright seizing private accounts to bail those politicians and governments out from bad economic policy decisions that they themselves had implemented!

RO: And no doubt, people took notice. Bitcoin has been ramping higher for the last three years. What keeps driving Bitcoin higher?

CS: It’s that people are waking up to the amazingly simple and logical idea that people can have control over their own money – control over how, why and when they use it. Why should we pay exorbitant, outrageous fees to access or use our own money, or wait for inconvenient hours or places to exchange it or transfer it.

We don’t have to rely on 3rd parties to do the right thing. I mean, why would you rely on a 3rd party and pay high fees to make sure you have the right to use your money, the money you’ve worked hard for and earned?

Right now, there’s a global currency war. Countries are debasing the buying power of


their currencies to try to steal growth from one another. Based on the last decade, there’s no reason why I should have to depend on the government or the big banks to make sure my money is safe. There’s no way to know that it’s not being devalued or improperly confiscated through inflation or outright seizure. It’s truly insane.

RO: Earlier I mentioned that since 2000 alone— in the last 17 years— the dollar has lost 40% of its purchasing power. It’s absolutely mind-boggling. That means something that we bought not long ago for $100 costs us $140 today. And you don’t hear that reported anywhere. Is it any wonder that most people feel anxious about their financial condition? Or are worried about their retirement and making ends meet?

CS: Exactly. And if the government wants to devalue the dollar by another 40% or even 80% in the next 10 years, there’s nothing you can do about it.

On top of it all, that same government has been doing everything it can to move us to a cashless society so it can track and inspect every single dollar we earn and spend. If you believe that as free people, we are entitled to ZERO privacy, and that the government should be able to watch and approve every time we make a purchase, then you might not understand the philosophical underpinnings of Bitcoin and other cryptos. But if you’re like me, you, and many others, there’s no reason for them to know your spending habits as long as you’re not breaking the law.

RO: Agreed. It’s the Fed and other central banks. It’s getting harder and harder to have private ownership of your money. Central banks do not respect private ownership of your cash. Look what just happened in India.

CS: In India we saw the current Prime Minister ban cash…and India is a democracy! This isn’t some back world communist government. Cash bans and confiscation are common in Latin America and that’s why countries like Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba were early adopters of Bitcoin.

RO: While a cash ban may not happen here, the real problem is that the Fed has declared


war on people saving for retirement. They’ve declared war on retirees. The central banks are using tools like negative interest rates to punish savers in the hope that they’ll rush out and spend their cash to avoid being penalized with a negative rate for saving it. For the last half-century or more, if you were retired and trying to save money, there were a whole host of dividend-yielding products you could invest in that would provide a nice retirement or get you where you needed to be to retire at a reasonable age. Not the case anymore.

CS: : The Fed has singlehandedly destroyed that through ZIRP, or “zero interest rate policy” it means savers and retirees are getting crushed. What used to be called “being responsible” and saving” is now being punished. It’s totally backwards.

RO: And there’s definitely been backlash to all that. People are saying, “Hey, this is my money! I want to be in complete control of my own capital. Why should I be penalized for saving it? Why should an unaccountable government be able to cut the dollar in half?” But until recently, they had no other options.

CS: Bitcoin gives you that control. Unlike any other asset or currency, Bitcoin does that.

RO: Recently, we’ve seen China and Venezuela crack down on cryptocurrency exchanges. What do you say to people who think this isn’t going to last? That governments are going to crack down on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, and they’re going to lose a lot of value as a result?

CS: Look, it’s still early days for cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, went live in 2009. We’ll certainly have those fears coming to the market. And we’ll certainly have big price swings when a government official says something and, all of a sudden, people freak out. But let’s talk about China.

This year, the Chinese government started imposing all these different controls on Bitcoin exchanges. They said, “You can’t pull your funds out. You have to start paying commissions. You have to start paying all these taxes.” And initially, we did see a gigantic drop in the price of Bitcoin as a result. It went from about $1,100 down to about $700. But guess what


happened? We saw this almost immediately rally back up to new highs.

The beauty of Bitcoin is that, unless you shut down the entire internet, you can’t kill crypto. They’re censorship-resistant.

They’re impossible to kill because, by definition, the underlying records of the transactions – what’s known as the “blockchain” – are copied all over the internet. That makes it incredibly difficult to manipulate. Governments can try, but they’ll always fail. And, of course, that terrifies regulators. Their inability to control these networks scares the heck out of them. But this is ideal for investors and adopters of Bitcoin because they have control over their money. And they know that governments can’t meddle with it.

RO: So what’s going to happen now?

CS: At some point, they’ll just say, “Look, we can’t stop people from owning Bitcoin. We can’t stop people from owning other cryptocurrencies, either. Let’s put in a regulatory framework that we can work with.” I predicted that would happen in 2014 and that’s what we’re seeing today. Britain, Switzerland, and Australia, for instance, are taking more of that type of approach when it comes to dealing with cryptocurrencies. Even the US, Russia and China, the big players in the space, have accepted that Bitcoin and the other crypto currencies are here to stay.

RO: You’ve been flying around the world and speaking at different conferences. Just in the few hours we spent this morning at breakfast you had six calls from China, and three from other countries— not to mention a half dozen from companies doing an ICO or a hedge fund in the space. You’ve got your finger on the pulse of this Crypto-Economy like no one I’ve ever met. What are the big trends and topics you’re hearing and seeing in the crypto world these days?

CS: People are, of course, very receptive to Bitcoin. They’re very excited about cryptocurrencies and are waking up to the incredible, revolutionary technology that underlies the cryptos – the blockchains. I’ve been focusing on companies that are using


blockchains – these decentralized online ledgers at the heart of all cryptocurrency networks – to solve massive problems.

You see, there’s a type of cryptocurrency out there that’s actually not really a currency at all. It’s called a “crypto-token.” It uses the same underlying technology as Bitcoin. But instead of functioning as a currency, it’s more like a proxy for participating in a company’s ecosystem.

This is the next exciting step in the evolution of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. These tokens are allowing companies on the cutting edge of technology to raise some startup capital and get off the ground and/or expand operations. And they’ve been doing incredibly well. I think we’re going to continue to see more and more of that.

RO: Right, not only are they creating an vibrant and robust startup culture, they’re bypassing all the old intermediaries and guardians. It’s one reason you haven’t heard of most of these opportunities. The dinosaurs on Wall Street are so used to charging companies massive fees to go public, or do secondary offerings.

The really amazing thing is that these startups are entering this huge market by totally bypassing the stock market. They’re going out and solving this huge global problem. And they’re issuing tokens instead of stocks or bonds to fund itself. So instead of a business owner floating his company on the stock market, as we’re used to, he just issues crypto-tokens. It’s the crowd-funding model and it’s democratizing start up investing in a really revolutionary way.

CS: Yes, there’s no doubt in my mind that the next generation of Apples, the Facebooks and the Googles will be born from the “token-economy”.

RO: Just as “garage startups” played a big role in Silicon Valley lore, the success stories for this generation of startups will all arise from the Crypto-World.

CS: Without a doubt.


RO: Can you give us some examples of the types of problems these new companies are helping to solve?

CS: Banks, records, home sales, voting, title insurance, identity theft are just a few of the challenges. Using blockchain technology, you can create an immutable chain of records that will immediately tell when something’s been tampered with. Within minutes of somebody tampering with a file, a compliance guy will get an alert saying, “Hey, someone’s just changed something when they shouldn’t have.” Instead of relying on 3rd party verification, which is subject to fraud, incompetence, etc., you have an open source record that is verifiable by anyone.

RO: Where do these crypto-tokens trade?

CS: They trade on cryptocurrency exchanges. Some of the biggest are Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, and Bittrex. These are non-traditional exchanges. They’re not like the New York Stock Exchange. These are the new stock markets, if you will, that are springing up to service crypto investors.

RO: Charlie, I’m sure many of our viewers are probably asking, “Are we too late to get in on this?” Is this the 8th or 9th inning in your opinion?

CS: Not even close. When Bitcoin first hit $1,000 in 2013, that was the 1st inning. The 2nd inning just ended when it hit $10,000. We’re in the 3rd, and when we’re close to the 7th, 8th inning, it will be years from now and finance—money— will look very different from the way it looks today. There will be clear winners and losers, as in any great disruption or revolution.

RO: You make a very good point Charlie. This crypto boom cycle will likely bear some resemblance to all the other great investment paradigm shifts. If you’re a student of history and of the markets, you’ve seen it before and can fashion a coherent playbook… even though technically we are in unchartered waters.


Based on my decades of experience and in-depth knowledge of markets past and present, here’s what I call the five stages of migration (FSM):

Stage 1 – The creators. No one takes them or their idea seriously. They’re deemed a fringe entity and mocked. All great start-ups: Apple, Microsoft, heck, even the Wright Brothers went through this.

Stage 2 – This is where early adopters buy in. The bugs are worked out, people start seeing the idea as applicable—and viable— and serves a gaping need.

Stage 3 – Here is where the insiders and smart money come in. Here’s where the smart money comes in and circulates quietly. People like us build positions, and see real gains.

Stage 4 – Mainstream Adoption. This is where the majority of the money gets made. You come in at any time here, but especially at the beginning. You can ride big gains for a long time period as the existing supply is overwhelmed by the retail demand.

Stage 5– This is the panic stage. “FOMO”. Fear of Missing Out. At this point the end is not too far away but the biggest and most massive gains can be made. In boom/bubbles, gains of 50% or more have been made in just a few months in mature trillion dollar markets like the NASDAQ in 2000 or Japanese stock market in the 1980s in a very short time frame.

The gains can be monumental and can set you and your family up for a lifetime if played right. It’s also the most dangerous time and a bit of like walking a tightrope or walking on hot coals. You need to get out and hit the eject button because when the last buying gasp comes in, and there are no more buyers left, you get that exhaustion spike, and then it’s an air pocket down.

CS: And that eventual air pocket will be wicked. I expect many of the crypto coins in circulation today to disappear. The ones that remain will be the backbone of a new Internet of Money and Services and they will revolutionize every single part of our lives. But the rest of them will be taken out back and shot—just like the Webvans, the Etoys and in the late 90s.


RO: I don’t want to go into the entire playbook today. There will be plenty of time for that once our readers are members, but the late 90s and the tech boom/bust is really the textbook to study. The difference is, back then the tech was understandable and basic, and you had the whole Wall Street ecosystem set up to pump it and sweet-talk retail clients to buying in. But the crypto world isn’t like that, is it Charlie?

CS: No, the crypto world is the exact opposite. It’s a threat to the bloated banks, and bloated governments. It’s also a threat to the financial advisers that have been charging high fees just to keep your money and “invest it” in underperforming stocks and bonds.

That’s why you haven’t read anything about it until recently. That’s why you don’t see it being covered on CNBC on television. From 2015 to 2017, Bitcoin was up 350%, Ethereum 825,%, smaller coins like Monero were up over 3560%.

How many times did CNBC mention them? How many times did you hear about it on the Nightly News, or from your financial advisor? Not much, if at all.

RO: I’ll be honest Charlie and play the foil. In my decades of trading experience, there are a few “golden” or “ironclad” rules that tend to hold true over time. One of those is you don’t get high reward, without high risk.

From my position, I see dozens of deals every week. Before the Cannabis sector (which is itself another paradigm shift) or whenever someone would bring a real estate or investment deal my way promising 40% plus returns, my radar went up—along with a big red flag.

In traditional finance, you don’t get 40%, much less 15% returns without big-time risk. And, as Danny Glover said in Lethal Weapon, “I’m too old for this sh*t.” Let me ask you point blank, Do I have to take huge risks to get in on this opportunity?

CS: No! And that’s the truly amazing thing. Because we are so early, and because there is so much pent up demand and some of these companies with multi-billion dollar opportunities are trading at insanely low market caps, you don’t need to take excessive risk to participate in this boom.


While the easy money has been made in some of the bigger ones, there are still big upside gains ahead IF you know where to put your money. And because the gains have the potential to be explosive, you don’t even have to invest that much capital to show big time returns. So your risk is further capped.

RO: You’re talking about companies we’ve bought over the past year like OMG, NEO and Monero.


CS: Exactly. The average returns on some of these stocks the last 12 months is well over 1000%. That’s a 10 bagger.

RO: And like you said, because the gains are so big, you don’t have to put a ton of coin in, correct?

CS: That’s the key point and the beauty of this whole thing! The risk is asymmetric to the potential gains.

If you put a few hundred or a few thousand in several different names, a high quality portfolio that our team of insiders will vet and follow, the returns can be tremendous.

If you put just $500 into Bitcoin last year, it became $6,633. Only $500 in Monero turned into $10,682 and the same $500 in Ethereum would’ve been worth $26,338! This is in just the last 12 months.

I’m not even talking about 2011 when I started investing and dedicating my life to the sector. That $2K back then would be worth $46 million right now. You’ve never seen—nor will you EVER see—returns like that in the stock market…no matter how good the economy is.

RO: We’ve never been closer to such a big opportunity. But again, we’re past the “just throw a dart” stage and you’ll be a millionaire. Sorry. But that doesn’t mean the upside is



From both a trading and investing perspective, I can comfortably say, there is no other asset class out there, and literally no other asset class in history that gives the average investor the chance to earn monstrous upside gains of this sort.

CS: Right, but now you need someone to handicap the sector and the names. An insider to let you know how and when to wade in, and when to get out.

RO: Right, like if I picked a portfolio of FANG vs. 4 crappy names a few years ago, you’d be sitting pretty. If you had the insider’s edge back then, you could’ve put up these numbers. Without it, you might have gone broke. It’s the same thing now, only fewer people have the playbook. And, right time, right place: we’re two of them.

Final question for you Charlie: What’s the simplest way for listeners to participate in the cryptocurrency boom?

CS: Well, that’s easy, and it’s exactly why we’ve launched the Crypto.IQ Newsletter service.

Crypto.IQ is a comprehensive, multimedia informational bundle that covers everything you need to know to get started. It will allow anyone, regardless of investment or technological experience, to take full advantage of this incredible opportunity.

If you want to make money investing and learn more about in cryptocurrencies, become a member of Crypto.IQ. It’s the closest thing to a ‘no-brainer’ you’ll find out there.

After that, buy Bitcoin. Today, more than 100,000 merchants accept Bitcoin as payment, including, Cisco, Walmart, Starbucks, and Microsoft.

Think of Bitcoin as the reserve currency of all cryptocurrencies. Just as the values of other fiat currencies are measured against the reserve currency of the dollar, the values of other cryptocurrencies are measured against Bitcoin.

Also, you can’t just swap your dollars, euro, or yen directly to buy other cryptocurrencies.


Often, you need to first swap your dollars for Bitcoins. You can then exchange your Bitcoins for other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin’s “reserve” status means it deserves a home in your portfolio.

And buying Bitcoin and other cryptos is easy. As soon as you join Crypto.IQ, you’ll get several free reports, jam-packed with critical information including, The Crypto.IQ Quick-Start Bible.

If you’re at all confused about how to make your first investment in bitcoin, this essential report will allay all your fears.

It’s written by our team of experts, who walk you through the entire buying process. We break each step down into simple, laymen’s terms. This is not a tech heavy manual, it’s written so anyone can understand and start investing.

RO: Last question, what are you going to do if Bitcoin hits $100,000?

CS: That’s easy, I’ll buy the dip.


Genesis Vision:A New Vision for an Old Industry

Blockchain is a disruptive technology. A good blockchain-based project not only needs to have a solid business plan and solve a problem, but a truly exciting project should have something else. Ideally, it disrupts an entire industry. Not for the sake of chaos, but for the novel approaches and solutions that revolutionary innovation like the blockchain can bring.

One industry that could use some disruption is the traditional trust management industry. Genesis Vision seeks to do exactly that. This is a recent ICO looking to redefine how brokers, fund managers, and investors interact using a blockchain-based platform to bring transparency and trust to a market that has problems with both.

The traditional trust management system has some flaws ripe for solutions. It incentivizes attracting lots of capital for investment and trading, which has no benefit for the investor, and could even negatively affect an individual investor’s returns. It is further incentivized with hidden fees, churning for buying and selling commissions, and whatever else


generates profits for the broker or manager over the needs of the investor. Historically, fraud or mismanagement has led to more regulations which hamper the ability of reliable and trustworthy businesses to operate effectively. Ultimately costs are passed along to the investors through fees and more burdens through rules and regulations.

All of this could be overlooked if investors were getting a good return on their money. Sadly, it’s just not the case. Historically speaking, the vast majority of wealth managers perform lower than the average market indexes. That’s just abysmal. If you’re investing your money specifically with a broker or fund manager, they should at least beat the market. That’s what you pay them for. The traditional model rewards an outdated opaque method of taking investor’s profits away from them. Time for some disruption.

Genesis Vision has designed a platform that will change all of that.

At the core of the platform is a novel idea. Each individual fund manager will have their own cryptocurrency, to be traded on an entirely internal exchange within Genesis Vision’s platform. Investors can choose managers based on their trading history or investing philosophy and invest their funds with their chosen manager by buying that manager’s token. Both the manager and investors will share the profits from the manager’s trading and investing activity. All of this will be recorded on the blockchain and transparent to all stakeholders.

Currently there is no universal, secure, provable way for investors to know what their fund managers are doing. With this system, every trade is timestamped and recorded, although to be publicly viewable only at the end of the payment period to protect the manager’s personal investment system. This is a much fairer system for everyone involved. Investors can see what the managers are doing, managers are rewarded for performance rather than simply how much investor money they can attract, and brokers get a standardized, streamlined system with access to more managers and more investors, potentially around the world.

To be clear, the GVT token that is available on the open market is a utility token that


facilitates investor access to the Genesis Vision platform, and transactions between brokers, managers, and exchanges. If you want to get in on those manager tokens, which is the really hot item here, you must first have access to the platform.

Manager’s tokens would be issued at a fixed quantity upon creation of a manager’s account and initially would sell for a fixed price. Once managers have an established trade history and have achieved certain levels of profitability and investor interest, things change in an exciting way. They will be available for investors to trade in an open market on the internal exchange. That means that manager tokens can actually be profitable to buy or sell over time as an asset in themselves. Also, investors can mix and match different manager styles or investment philosophies. Furthermore, Genesis Vision itself will invest in different manager tokens in support of the system. There are numerous interesting possibilities here.

Now, all this would seem like a very tall order to build from scratch. But, there already is a working model for their platform, although not based on the blockchain. One of the founders of Genesis Vision is Alexey Kutsenko. He is the CEO of Tools For Brokers, a fintech company with 300 clients. This company, which partners with Genesis Vision, has a similar software product in place with their clients that already turns over $100 Billion dollars in funds. With this product as a model for their blockchain system, and the existing contacts and experience they have, Genesis Vision anticipates 100 brokerages, 10,000 financial managers, and 100,000 investors within 2 years.

Those are big numbers. But if Genesis Vision is even partially successful, GVT will soar. It can’t be overstated how big the potential market is here. The trust management market handled $70 trillion worldwide in 2016. That is expected to grow to $100 trillion in the next few years. Now, that number is all assets combined. Cryptocurrencies are just a tiny fraction relative to all that. Integrating their platform with cryptocurrencies will be relatively easy, but they will also be integrating with that traditional market as well. The potential is massive.

And, that’s actually a key point here. This team is experienced in that traditional market. They didn’t come from the crypto side initially. These guys had to learn their way into


blockchain technology. Of course, adding an advisor like Crypto.IQ partner Charlie Shrem was a smart move too. But, they already know how that traditional market works and exactly how to disrupt it and improve it. They have some competition in this space, but they are extraordinarily well positioned to succeed.

Of course, it’s not all free sailing from here on out. There are significant challenges. One of those is their choice of blockchain itself. They are building on the Ethereum blockchain. As they point out in the whitepaper, “Ethereum has a number of serious and well-known flaws, the most critical being its lack of scalability and its high transaction cost.” This is one of the most important items in the whitepaper. It is highly unusual for a project to specifically point out flaws in the blockchain they plan to work with. But it demonstrates the strength that they are approaching their project with. They have already factored in those problems and have contingency plans for them. It’s great to see a development team have a clear understanding of the challenges that lie ahead of them. It’s what makes a project standout from the pack.

Also, it will take several quarters to build out their platform. It appears well planned out in the roadmap. The first iteration of their platform is scheduled for release in the first quarter of 2018, and they will add features over the next few years. Will they hit all their targets? We can’t know until it all plays out, but they’ve given themselves a fair amount of time to work out of trouble spots. Crypto time moves fast, but this project needs to mature. So, the bottom line is we shouldn’t expect GVT to take off immediately. Hold this for the intermediate to longer term for the big-time profits.

Let’s take a look at Genesis Vision’s competition.


Iconomi (ICN) is the biggest name in this space. It has an advantage over Genesis Vision and their other competitors in that they’ve been in business and developing their platform for over a year now and have had the highest visibility of the group.

Aside from Iconomi, even though they are a recent ICO, Genesis has had more visibility than their other competitors which include Melonport (MLN),


Enigma Catalyst (ENG),

and Hedge (HDG) which, like Genesis, is also a very recent ICO.

There are potentially other competitors such as NapoleonX.


Given the problems outlined above, it’s no surprise that this industry would be attracting a variety of creative blockchain solutions. This competition is not problematic for Genesis Vision for two key reasons. One is that the crypto space is a brand new asset class. There is plenty of room for several players, big and small, to be involved in wealth management. The space is growing so fast there will be room for everyone to grow. Each of these projects brings something different to the table and that’s good for investors.

We’ll get to the second reason in just a moment, but first let’s take a look at the current market capitalizations of these projects -

• Enigma Catalyst (ENG) 50M

• Melonport (MLN) 50M

• Iconomi (ICN) 150M

• Hedge (HDG) 3M

• Genesis Vision (GVT) 20M

All of these projects are working on and building their platforms, with Iconomi having a year advantage over everyone, which is perhaps reflected in their market cap. This comparison is relevant because it pretty fairly demonstrates the relative strengths and scopes of these projects and also shows how far along they are. But there is something better here for the GVT investor. It shows where GVT’s market cap could be very quickly. There is great upside potential. In any case, hold on to your hats. Because with the potentially explosive growth of the cryptocurrency space in general, we could see all of these projects market caps expand dramatically at almost any time.

Hedge and Iconomi in particular have a model that is of interest to GVT investors. Their platforms can allow for the creation of index funds for investors. These indices may well provide benchmarks for GVT’s managers to compare to. There are very few market indicators or indexes in cryptos, and none that are universal. It would not be a surprise if out of one or more of these projects, some kind of universally acknowledged indexes would arise. This would help spur competition and help establish some standards in the Genesis


platform. It would be a nice synergistic effect of the competition in the crypto ecosystem.

Now for the second reason why the competition isn’t an issue for Genesis. All of these competitors are working purely in the crypto market. But, Genesis is also specifically targeting the traditional asset markets. This is a game changer.

The massive potential of tapping into even a fraction of that $70 trillion dollar market, takes Genesis Vision well above its competition. They already have a working relationship with traditional market brokers. This gives them an enormous headstart over potential competition in that direction. It is ultimately their target market. The crypto space is just the first step.

Genesis Vision promises to bring in a new regime of transparency in wealth management. In an industry long fraught with trust issues, Genesis Vision will remove trust as an obstacle altogether by making it all transparent. This solid management and development team will shine a light into the dark attic corners of a rickety old system.

Genesis will streamline and to a certain extent even gamify the investing experience. With the potential gains that traders and money managers can make in cryptos, this platform could make for exciting stuff. It will have great appeal for those who want to get involved in crypto but can’t commit the time or expertise to do it themselves.

The low coin supply of GVT will provide some upward price pressure, and the small market cap leaves lots of room for upward movement in the near term. The big upside in a massive market that is expected to continue growing gives us huge potential in the longer term. Like Charlie says, “strong hands will be rewarded.”


Sneak Preview of Token #1 in our Upcoming Monthly Newsletter: The Next Ethereum??

This coin is the first to be developed from a purely scientific and research philosophy. Not just in terms of computation, cryptography, and coding, but research and analysis of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem. They have a large, talented, and unceasing development team quietly developing the most advanced cryptocurrency. It’s designed to be the most secure, fastest, most adaptable, and usable in every way conceivable today, and comes complete with its own unique scripting languages and ecosystem. The team went through historical analysis of all cryptocurrencies to identify useful and unique features to learn from and adopt, from scientific to social factors. Think this all is so much rhetoric? They’ve also quietly become one of the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. That wasn’t an accident. Not only could this coin unseat Ethereum as the dominant platform to develop on, it’s actually designed to. And, oh yeah, the founder is coming to stay on Charlie’s couch next week. We’ll get some more information for you then. If you thought Ethereum’s rise was spectacular, we may already be seeing the beginning of truly explosive growth from this next blue-chip cryptocurrency.

An New, Global Powerhouse

We all know that most coins won’t survive long when cryptos go mainstream. Which means we need to uncover the next generation coins, those that not only survive, but thrive. This next coin is versatile and superbly connected with a high-powered advisory team. Some call this a next generation Bitcoin. It has transaction metrics better than Bitcoin and Ethereum, but is more secure and practical than Ethereum as a foundation for an ICO. The development team’s non-profit foundation is backed by some of the biggest and most important technology companies today. Those tech stalwarts aren’t doing that for charity, their thinking about their own futures. They have built an international payment process that integrates with all traditional fiat currencies and crypto currencies that is fully functional across borders in one global region, but expanding rapidly in 2018 towards full global capability. And the foundation is not resting one moment, constantly working with new projects to perfect and


expand their platform, including a collaboration with a true technology giant, and partnership projects including a long-time pillar in the financial industry. This cryptocurrency is currently underrated and undervalued. But its growth trajectory is seriously picking up steam and is likely to be a powerhouse in the very near future.


A Closing Word

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all

the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.


The time has come for the wise to make money. Perhaps lots of money. Perhaps generational wealth.

Don’t miss out. The opportunity is real. And the time is now. Few people know more about markets than I do. Few people know more about Bitcoin and Cryptos than Charlie. Together we bring together two kinds of expertise in a field that lacks both—crypto expertise combined with market expertise.


The crypto world is full of people posing as experts but are not. The crypto world is also full of out and out scam artists. This is the moment to get in on this incredible investment opportunity, learn the in’s and out’s from “The Ultimate Insiders,” discover the secrets of crypto assets—and make your fortune!

This is the PERFECT time to get in. Just click below.

As part of our initial rollout, we are giving new subscribers the ability to become a Charter Member of Crypto.IQ at an incredibly discounted price of just $49 a month. Come January 1st, the price will permanently adjust to the retail subscriber price of $149 a month. So CLICK NOW to learn more and become a Charter Member of our Crypto.IQ team.

Do it now. There are profits to be made.

Charlie, Randall & the team


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Now that we’ve made our legal team very happy and gotten the above out of the way (and paid a hefty price for it), let us put this in the plainest possible terms. Cryptos are extremely volatile. You can lose all of your investment. Do

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our, or anybody else’s control. Regulatory risk, tax risk, technological risk, act of God risk – you get the point.

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