The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


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  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    The Top 10 natural buildings on Natural Homes during 2013

    This is Natural Homes' Top 10 posts for 2013

    as chosen by your Facebook LIK s

    !lick this abo"e each picture to fin# out

    more about each house in the top 10 $ithplenty of natural buil#in% #etails& pictures&

    "i#eos an# links

    No.1 Charlie's House

    (ith o"er )*&000 LIK s& !harlie's house +abo"e, out %uns its nearest ri"al by o"er **&000 LIK s -ore than anyother house it $as !harlie's $ork that capture# your ima%ination an# support It $as the t$o month #eathsentence issue# by a plannin% inspector that outra%e# you all $hen he sai#& .the benefits of the #e"elopment #i#not out$ei%h the harm to the character an# appearance of the countrysi#e. /ou #isa%ree# an# supporte#!harlie's petition to save his house $ith o"er *1&000 "otes Happily !harlie an# family are still li"in% in their%lobally lo"e# home an# he is hopeful the council can be persua#e# to let them li"e there More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.2 Cob... 10 of the Best

    (ith o"er 20&000 LIK s the .Natural Homes!ob House !ollection 10 of the est. came in2n# place presentin% cob homes from all o"erthe $orl# from n%lan# +left, to the krainean# outh frica to the

    The collection inclu#e# the beautiful 4oatlin%s

    home that took the No 5 spot in its o$n article $ith 16&0007 LIK s

    T$o of the homes en#e# up on T8 after Kanal9 :omanian T8 Ne$s an# the pro#ucers of

    K !hannel ;'s .4eor%e !larke's ma

  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.3 Cob House Interiors

    /ou took the .!ob House Interiors= i> beautiful an# uni?ue homes aroun# the $orl# . article to thir# place $ith 1)&0007LIK s& the #arlin% of the collection bein% theli"in% room at Korobo" farm in the

    kraine More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.4 Inspired by un!ay "elly

    t No ; $ith @ust o"er 1)&000 Likes but some200 LIK s behin# the No 3 spot $as un:ay's

    "i#eo $here he talks about his $ork an# sho$ssome of the $on#erful homes he buil#ssayin%&

    "All building was natural building a hundredyears ago. So it's not that far back. In order

    to go forward we have to go backward... Wewant to return to a cooperation with nature"

  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.# Cob in o$erset% &n land

    This beautiful tiny home $ith sculpte# cob $alls looks out o"er the banks of a small stream in omerset&n%lan# 16&0007 LIK s took it to No 5 It $as built by Lisa an# :ich $ho are kno$n at festi"als in the K as

    the 4oatlin%s

    (ith all the terrible $eather all o"er the %lobe this little cotta%e $as nearly lost $hen the ri"er that runs past it burst its banks Luckily the stone stem $all $as @ust hi%h enou%h to protect the cob an# stra$ bale $alls More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.( Buildin a !oundhouse.

    This step by step !eltic roun#house in (ales at the natural li"in% centre Felin chaf brou%ht in your "otes tothe tune of 1*&0007 LIK s

    (ales is a bit of a -eca for natural buil#in%& particularly roun#houses $here there are the remains of o"er1&000 Iron %e hillforts each $ith many similar homes More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.) Cord*ood by +ony ,ren-h

    %ain in (ales Tony (rench's cor#$oo# roun#house came in at No 6 $ith 13&0007 LIK s Tony makes $on#erful "i#eos to inspire others to buil# simple homes from natural materials !ob$oo#& as he calls it& an#the reciprocal %reen roof are his specialities More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No. /allet /avilion% er$any

    !ompletely out of the blue the surprise at No ) $as the Aallet Aa"ilion in 4ermany that $as built as atemporary meetin% place for me#ia an# athletes after the (orl# ki !hampionships in Bberst#orf /ou'll fin# a%ui#eline for selectin% pallets an# a collection of "i#eos of some less ambitious pro@ects you can try athome More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No. Heidi's -otta e% inland.

    (ith 11&0007 LIK s Hei#i 8ilkman's cotta%e in Finlan# took place No C Hei#i is an artist $ho use# her homelike a can"as to e>press her lo"e of nature The house has a be$il#erin% collection of natural buil#in%techni?ues from earthba% to cor#$oo# an# e"erythin% in bet$een& e"en a birch bark #amp proofcourse More...
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013


    No.10 !ussia's a-ha ardeners

    Finally at No 10 @ust pushin% the ,in- ler in to 11th place are the :ussian 9acha 4ar#eners $ho set such a $on#erfully inspirin% e>ample by %ro$in% ;0D of the :ussia's foo# More...

    2014 on its *ay...

    Natural Homes looks for$ar# to 201; bein% as much fun as 2013 (e hope you en@oye# the year $ith us an#that you $ill be inspire# to buil# usin% natural materials an# take more an# more steps to$ar#s a natural li"in%lifestyle

    :e%ar#s& +he Natural Ho$es +ea$
  • 8/13/2019 The Top 10 Natural Buildings on Natural Homes During 2013

