The Three Little Cows



5th grade project

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The first and second

cow are messing around

and playing. Meanwhile

the third cow is building

his house out of hay and

glue. “You guys are

done building”? said

third cow. “Ummmm

noo, thought you were

building our houses

“said first and second

cow. So the first and

second cow decided to

stop playing tag and

build a house. The first

cow made a house of

bricks and the second

cow’s is made of sticks

and duck tape. The third

cow’s house was made

of straw and glue.

Once upon a time

there were three lit-

tle cows. They are

coming from

Candy land, now

they are in Farm-

land. They heard

that a big bad

farmer was on the

loose. “That big

bad farmer doesn’t

look that bad” said

the first cow. “He

looks really scary”

said the second

cow. “He doesn’t

look that big and

bad” said the third


Meanwhile the first cow spotted the big bad farmer.

He was in a bulldozer coming towards his house .Then

it happened the farmer bulldozed the brick house

down .Then the first cow ran to the second cows house

made of sticks and duck tape .There they met there old

rat pal Joanne. “Hi guys “said Joanne. “Hi Joanne”

said first and second cow’s. ”AHHHHH the farmer is

coming” Joanne yelled .The farmer bulldozed the

second cow’s house made of sticks. First, second cow,

“Help me!” said first, second cow, and Joanne.”

Peek-a-boo I know you’re in there.” said the big

bad farmer. ”He knows were in here”, said

Joanne. Then he tried to bulldoze the house

down, but it ran out of gas!’’ “What happened’’

said the farmer. “It stopped,’’ said first, second,

third cow, and Joanne. “Where’s Joanne”, said

the three cows. ”Owwwww said the farmer

“What happened” said the three cows “I bit him”

said Joanne. Then the farmer was running and

screaming like a girl. The three cows lived hap-

pily ever after.

The End
