The Three Billy Goats Gruff Play Baseball! Words & Music by Bobbee Pennington Imagination by...


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The Three Billy Goats Gruff Play Baseball!

Words & Music by Bobbee PenningtonImagination by YOU!

In fairytale land…

There lived 3 Billy Goats Gruff…

Say what?



Sometimes they looked like this.




Big Billy Goat

Balancing Billy Goat

Hungry Billy Goat

They loved to cross bridges! Some tall, some small….

Most of all, they loved baseball!

Billy Goats dance and the Billy Goats prance And Billy Goats do a silly billy goat dance!Jump and prance, turn around, dance! (2x)

Trip trap, (trip trap) trip trap (trip trap) Trippety trap, (trippety trap) trip trap (trip trap)We’re gruff and we’re tough (loud)

We’re gruff and we’re tough (medium)We’re gruff and we’re tough (soft)

We’re the Billy Goats Gruff! (all together)

One day, they wanted to cross the bridge to get to the other side. There was nice green grass to eat over there!

“No more to eat over here!” they cried, “Let’s cross the bridge to the other

side.There’s nice green grass on the

mountain ridge.So let’s all go across the bridge.”

However, underneath the bridge lived a very mean TROLL!!!

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The troll was much scarier than his photo in the Billy Goat News!

He didn’t look like this!

His feet were much smellier!

His breath was worse!

The troll wasn’t part of this Billy Goat Police Station line-up.

He was taller than this house!

He didn’t look like this, but he was always losing his temper!

YOU must picture what the troll looked like in your own mind!!!

If you dare!

Back to the bridge– Baby Billy Goat went first. She started to

cross the bridge:

As she crossed, she sang the Billy Goats Gruff song: Billy Goats dance and the Billy Goats prance And Billy Goats do a silly billy goat dance!Jump and prance, turn around, dance! (2x)Trip trap, (trip trap) trip trap (trip trap) Trippety trap, (trippety trap) trip trap (trip trap)

We’re gruff and we’re tough (loud)We’re gruff and we’re tough (medium)We’re gruff and we’re tough (soft)We’re the Billy Goats Gruff! (all together)

When little billy goat started to crossOut jumped a troll who thought he was boss!"Dancing over MY bridge, how dare you!Now I'm coming to GET YOU!"

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Wait! Let’s settle this with a baseball game!!!

Now the troll thought that was a good idea! He was a great pitcher! SO he went back under the bridge, got his favorite trick baseball and… The Troll pitched as fast as he couldLittle billy goat hit the ball and cracked that woodAnd she ran to first base like she knew she should!

• Then she did a victory dance:

Billy Goats dance and Billy Goats prance And Billy Goats do a silly billy goat dance!Jump and prance, turn around, dance! (2x)Trip trap, (trip trap) trip trap (trip trap) Trippety trap, (trippety trap) trip trap (trip trap)We’re gruff and we’re tough (loud)We’re gruff and we’re tough (medium)We’re gruff and we’re tough (soft)We’re the Billy Goats Gruff!(all together)

Then middle billy goat started to crossOut jumped that troll who thought he was boss!"Dancing over MY bridge, how dare you!Now I'm coming to GET YOU!"

Wait! Let’s settle this with a baseball game!!! The troll pitched the ball as fast as he couldMiddle billy goat hit the ball and cracked that wood And he ran to first base like he knew he should!(and little billy goat ran to second base!)

• Then they did a victory dance:

Billy Goats dance and Billy Goats prance And Billy Goats do a silly billy goat dance!Jump and prance, turn around, dance! (2x)Trip trap, (trip trap) trip trap (trip trap) Trippety trap, (trippety trap) trip trap (trip trap)We’re gruff and we’re tough (loud)We’re gruff and we’re tough (medium)We’re gruff and we’re tough (soft)We’re the Billy Goats Gruff!(all together)

Then BIG billy goat started to crossOut jumped that troll who thought he was boss!"Dancing over MY bridge, how dare you!Now I'm coming to GET YOU!"

WAIT! LET’S SETTLE THIS WITH A BASEBALL GAME!!! The troll pitched the ball as slo-o-o-w as he couldBIG billy goat hit the ball and cracked that wood (WAY HIGH UP UP UP!!!)And he ran to first base like he knew he should!And middle billy goat ran to second, and little billy goat ran to third base …and then home! Then middle billy goat got to third and then…the TROLL picked up the ball and ran to middle billy and tried to tag him



Then Big Billy Goat ran circles around troll and danced to second base, third base and on the way towards home he said to the Troll:"You don't own this bridge and you're not the boss,

So leave us alone! Now! Get Lost!”

The troll tried to tag him and throw him down,But BIG Billy Goat danced and turned aroundTrip trap went his hooves and he made it to Home.And the troll ran and jumped into the swimming hole.

Then they did a victory dance as they slowly walked across the bridge Billy Goats dance and Billy Goats prance And Billy Goats do a silly billy goat dance!Jump and prance, turn around, dance! (2x)Trip trap, (trip trap) trip trap (trip trap) Trippety trap, (trippety trap) trip trap (trip trap)We’re gruff and we’re tough (loud)We’re gruff and we’re tough (medium)We’re gruff and we’re tough (soft)We’re the Billy Goats Gruff! (all together)

Now they all got across and they had a nice snack,And that mean old troll never came back!

Words & Music by Bobbee Pennington, 2008Graphics used courtesy of Microsoft, 2009.
