The Super Animals


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The Super Animals

By: Camren Tripp


Once upon a time there was a spider monkey and a snake.

The spider monkey’s name was Zack. Zack was really strong

and he could break anything. The snake’s name was Shypth.

Shypth could fly. They were best friends and together they were

the super animals.


They lived in the rainforest in a bunker/headquarters that had all the

supplies they needed to survive. Like beds and food and some weapons in

case of emergency it also had motorcycles. They both loved climbing and

flying up trees. Zack loved to eat fruit but Shypth loved to eat rabbit or hare.


So they went out to explore and they found a treehouse. in the treehouse

there was a mandrill “what's your name” said Zack “my name is baboon

monkey” “cool they all said “my name is Zack this is shypth “You want to be

friends with us”. Sure said baboon monkey. “Do you have a power. '' said



“I sure do said baboon monkey”. “What is it?'' said Zack “bamboo sticks

come out of my hands so I can fight with them”. “Cool,” said Zack. “yeah it’s

pretty cool” said bamboo sticks.


So they went back to the bunker to get some rest. The next

morning. “Should we go exploring again”? Said Zack, “sure” said

bamboo sticks, so they did go exploring and they found a really

cool tree and hiding in the tree was a bird so they said “hi” “hi”

he said back. “What's your name” “Darrel” well hi Darrel '' said

Zack “yeah cool name said Shypth. “Do you want to be friends

with us” they all said, sure said Darrel. So they went to the

bunker/headquarters and made more weapons and gadgets to

fight crime.


So they all made some watches that had a thing that would

let you talk to the rest of the group without being right next to

them. They also made ninja stars that have poison in them. They

also made t spheres that track the people then knocks them out

so that we can bring them to jail then Zack said “I heard that

there's a party that anyone can go to and I got vip tickets for all of

us and there's diamonds so there will probably be a robbery so

we can stop them with our new gadgets”.


So they went to the party. The party had a ton of diamonds. So they kept watch and sure enough somebody tried to steal the diamonds but obviously they stopped them with there new gadgets.

The end

