The Struggle for Equality: 1865- 1965 How did the events following Reconstruction shape race...


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The Struggle for Equality: 1865-1965

How did the events following Reconstruction shape race relations?

Voices of Protest: Douglass, Washington, DuBois & Others

Frederick Douglass: Agitate, Agitate, Agitate

Kansas Exodus and Exhortation to stay put

No illusions but path via the Constitution

Tied to GOP and demand rights

Booker T. Washington & Up From Slavery

Tuskegee Movement emphasis on A/M

Alliance with Biz USA Atlanta Compromise &

‘cast down your bucket’ Opposed to agitation?

DuBois: The Niagara Movement

Harvard Intellectual Souls of Black Folks The Talented Tenth Niagara Movement NAACP: A Battle for All

True Americans Militancy and Struggle http://www.huarchivesnet.ho Dudley Randall

Philanthropy The Church Education The Courts Citizenship The Press Monroe Trotter and Boston

Guardian Ida B. Welles and The Red


The Plessy Decision, 1896

Test Case in Public Transportation Homer Plessy was 1/8 black Banned despite possessing ticket Supreme Court Decision:

Jim Crow Segregation sanctioned No distinction for race: Justice Harlan’s dissent

The Great Migration

U.S. Neutrality and booming economy Fleeing the South by cover of darkness St. Louis, Chicago, NY, Boston, etc America’s Diaspora and Reaction to it. Conditions Up North: More Crow Brownsville Incident, 1906 & Judge Lynch

A World Safe for Democracy?

Historical Record of Black Service to U.S.A. Segregated Units and Trouble: Spartanburg 369th fights for France: Hell Fighters most

distinguished and longest in trenches. Journey home, you are still negroes French Liberation versus more discrimination

1919: A Long Hot Summer

Racial Tensions and Explosive Milieu Chicago Riots: 13 days of calamity Blacks now beginning to fight back Images from Birth of a Nation Resurgence of the Klan Lynching and Burnings The New Negro Movement

Marcus A. Garvey

Black Self Determination & Meaning Back to Africa Movement Harlem: Black Man’s Jerusalem Black Star Shipping Line Black Pride Movement Renaissance in the making

NAACP: Using The Constitution

Voting, busing, housing and education Howard University and Jurisprudence Herndon and Voting, 1927 Murray versus Pearson, 1935 Lloyd Gaines University Missouri, 36 1940’s cases: housing and covenants

The Harlem Renaissance

Explosion of Talent Jazz: Quintessential Musical Expression Langston Hughes and Literature Josephine Baker and Theatre The Cotton Club Other Venues of Expression
